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02x33 - Madame President

Posted: 04/23/23 17:18
by bunniefuu
(The Electric Company theme music)

- [Narrator] We interrupt

our regularly scheduled

programming for a special

Electric Company Shout Out

from Prankster Planet.

Today's Honorary Electric

Company members are GARRY ,


and ERICJU, the robot clown.


- Thank you!

- [Narrator] And now, back to-

But wait!

We still need you!

Words on Earth are being reversed!

The stop signs are

turning into pots signs!

It's chaos!

It's madness!

- It's my reversi-balls.

No one can stop me!

- We will stop you!

- [Narrator] Can the Electric

Company stop Francine

and her reversi-balls?

Stay tuned!

And now, back to the show!

- Here are your five words.


An election is where you

choose someone by voting.


A poll shows how people

are thinking of voting

in an election.


A campaign is when you

make posters and speeches

to get people to vote for you.


If something is negative, it isn't good.

It's pretty bad.


A debate is when people

with different opinions

talk to each other.

So we have election, poll,

campaign, negative, and debate.

Watch out for them in today's show.

- Hey, Lisa, what are you signing up for?

- Oh! It's time for the

neighborhood Book Club election.

- Oh, so the Book Club is going

to vote for a new president

and whoever gets the most votes wins?

- Yep, and I'm signing up to run.

- That's awesome, Lisa.

You've read more books than anyone I know.

You'd make a great president.

- Oh, thanks.

You know, I've already

thought of some great books

that we can read in the club.

- "Little Women".

Isn't that the book you're

always talking about

about the four sisters?

- Yeah, yeah, exactly.


I love this book.

Ya know, even though it was written

over a hundred years ago,

I feel like I could be

one of the sisters.

(clears throat)

- Hello, Lisa.

- Hello, Francine.

- So, I hear a little rumor

that you want to be president

of a club.

- Yeah, and she's gonna be the

best club president there is.


(electricity sound)

(dramatic music)

- "Vote for Lisa!"

Oh, that is so cute.


That you think that you can win

an election when I'm around.

I win every election.

It's kind of my thing.

I'm going to beat you and then

I am going to be president

of the...

Um, what did I just sign up for?


- The Book Club.

- Whatever.

The point is that I am going to win.

(electricity sound)

(dramatic music)

- Good day.

- "Don't vote for Lisa!"

- [Boy] "She gives away

the endings of books"?

- That is so not true!

I would never do that!

Oh, no.

Do you think Francine's gonna

start spreading lies about me

so that she can win the election?

Hey, you guys!

(dramatic music)

(upbeat hip hop music)

Feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

Yo, and plug it in!

It's Electric, Electric Company!

You connect it, Electric Company!

It's Electric, Electric Company!

You connect it, Electric Company!

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Turn it on and you will see

That you belong in a company

Feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

Yo, and plug it in!

Feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

Yo, and plug it in!

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

The Electric Company!

(robotic sounds)

- I mean, I can't even believe this.

She hasn't been to any of the meetings.

- I know.

- Hey, Hector.

- What's up, guys?

- Where's Jessica?

- Ah, she's in bed.

She's got the flu.

Let's just meet without her, what's up?

- Well, Francine is running

for Book Club president.

- Really?

I didn't even know that

she was in Book Club.

- Oh, she's not.

She just wants to be president

so she can boss people around

and she thinks she can

beat me in the election.

- What's your campaign plan?

What are you gonna do to

get people to vote for you?

- Oh, well, I, uh,

I made this flier.

- "Vote for Lisa".

That's a good start, but we can do more.

We need a campaign slogan.

You know, something that

tells the voters that you

would make a good leader.

I mean, really, Lisa,

you were born to lead.

(electricity sound)

(dramatic music)

- Okay.

Well, um...

(clears throat)

When I am president of the

Book Club, things will change.

I'll invite authors for

weekly talks, and I will read

tons of books, new and old,

so that I can choose the

best books for the club

because I love to read.

(dramatic music)

(phone rings)


Wait, um, I just got

an email from Francine.



- [Francine narrating] Francine

Carruthers knows books.

She has read every book her

teacher has ever assigned

for homework twice.


- Oh, I didn't see you there.

I was reading.

- [Francine narrating]

Francine knows the only problem

with books is that they

smell like boring old paper.

- (coughs) Ew!

- [Francine narrating] When

Francine becomes president,

she will personally spray every

Book Club book with perfume.

- What?

- You're welcome.

Hi, Lisa!

Is that book you're reading scented?

- No, of course not.

(dramatic music)

- [Francine narrating] Lisa

thinks reading should smell bad.

Francine thinks reading should smell good.

Do your nose a favor, vote for Francine.

- I'm Francine Carruthers

and I approve this message.

- Lisa thinks reading should smell bad?

That does not even make any sense.

- I thought this might happen.

Francine is going negative.

She's saying bad things about

Lisa so that she can win

the election.

- Voters aren't really going

to fall for her negative ads,

are they?

- Let's see.

This website keeps track

of the election polls.

- Yeah, they ask people

who they're gonna vote for.

Francine or Lisa.

- Well, according to the polls,

half the people are planning

to vote for you and half the

people are planning to vote

for Francine.

- We're tied?

- For now.

That's just because we haven't

started to campaign yet.

You know, tell the people

why they should vote for you.

- We'll fight her lies with

your true campaign message.

- Mhmm.

We'll go on the web, we'll send emails,

we'll get your message out on the street.

- Once people hear your ideas,

everyone will wanna vote

for you.

- Yeah, and we'll get the truth out there.

(upbeat hip hop music)

- [Narrator] Today's

show brought to you by:


and N Blends.

(agreeable grunting)

(typing sounds)

- My name is Jahresse and

we're gonna find words

that have the letter N in it.

Watch this N, N, N, N, N, N.

N, N, N, N.




We're going to Central Park.

(singing) Look, I found a penny!

Penny. Penny!

(grunts) We're walking

through a narrow crack.

We have a lot of green

grass and green leaves.

Mother Nature's grass.

What's this?

(crackling noises)

Skinny twig.



No riding bikes on the pathway.

I wish I had a ice cream cone.

This is my grandma and this is my grandpa

and I just ran into them on the corner.

Street and Lenox Avenue.


Vanilla tastes like peanut butter.



Ooh, sweet pineapple.

What's happening right now?

I'm standing and spinning.


And turning and turning.

Funnel cake.

Round and round.

I'm spinning even faster and faster!

Woo hoo!

This is a fantastic swing.

- [Host] It's time for Electric Sound Off!

I'm your host, Hector Louise!

(audience cheers)

Let's spin the wheel!

What letters are we playing with today?

N blends!

Let's plug them in and see them in action!

(electricity crackling)

An N blend is when N puts

its sound together with

another consonant, like NT in giant tent,

or NK in honking trunk,

or ND in hand band.

(horns blow)

And now, I need two

volunteers to go head-to-head

with N blends!

- I'll do it!

- I'll do it!

- [Hector] Well, come on up!

(audience cheers)

Let's see some words!

Make a sentence using these words.

The person who uses the most

words with N blends wins!

But be careful, we've

included some words where N

works alone.


- [Both] Ready!

- Work on your sentences

while we hear a word

from our sponsor!

(jingle) Francine

- Have you ever wanted to

write a secret message?

Well, you need my special

blend of invisible ink.

No one can read my ink.

Watch this!

Look at that.

Do you see any ink?

That proves it works.

Only fifteen dollars.

For fifteen dollars more, I will sell you

this invisible pen.

(jingle) Francine

- Time's up!

Let's see what sentences you made.

- My sentence is, "The grunting

king put sand by the stand."

- Look at that!

Grunting, king, sand, and stand.

Four N blend words!

You have your work cut out for you, Annie!

- No problem.

My sentence is, "The king

likes to stand in the sand."

- You've got king, stand, and sand.

That's three points!

But in is not an N blend.

The N in the word "in" is working alone.

That means Marcus wins!

(audience cheers)

- What do I win?

- Sand!


See you next time on Electric Sound Off!

(upbeat hip hop music)

(guitar playing)

Some people try and fool you

so let me try to school you

On what you should

and shouldn't believe

You can't be sure of

what you see and hear

Sometimes things are

not as they appear

You have to be smart,

you have to be clear

'Cause looks, they can deceive

You have to look a little

harder, dig a little deeper

Get the who's, the what's,

the where's, and the why's

You have to answer all the questions,

Question all the answers

To separate the truth from the lies

The truth is often twisted

and liars are assisted

By talking just a little too loud

And here's another thing they do

They repeat a lie 'til it seems true

And at that point it's up to

you to stand up to the crowd

You have to look a little

harder, dig a little deeper

Get the who's, the what's,

the where's, and the why's

You have to answer all the questions

Question all the answers

To separate the truth from the lies


- I'm Lisa Heffenbacher

and I approve this message.

- Your campaign video's a hit.

You've already got tons of

comments on your campaign blog.

- I do?

Oh, that's awesome.

You know, people really

seem to like my ideas

for the Book Club.

- Yeah, no kidding,

check out the new polls.


Whoa, there you go, you just moved ahead.

Looks like the voters are tired

of Francine's negative ads.

I guess they just want

a Book Club president

that knows good books.


- I'm behind in the polls?


Now listen, Carl.

Every good president needs

a good vice president

to help her run things.

- Vice president?

- Yes!

And I'm going to choose you!


You just have to do me

this one little favor.

- When I become president,

I'll do more than just spray

perfume on books.

We're going to have

parties where we dress up

as our favorite characters

from books, and, um,

I'm even gonna ask members to

choose the books that we read.

I think it's about time

that we had a Book Club

of the readers, for the

readers, and by the readers.

- Great.

- If you can't beat them, copy them.

- I think I've emailed

every voter in the universe.

- Yeah and I shook every

hand in the neighborhood.

- Oh, guys, thank you so

much for campaigning for me.

I could never do this alone.

- I'm worried about Francine.

She's been quiet.

Too quiet.

(phone rings)

- Uh oh.

I wouldn't speak too soon.

Guess who just got an email from Francine.

- You want a book club

president who has a plan

for the future.

I am going to ask the

members of the book club

to choose the books.

I believe we should have a

book club of the readers,

for the readers, and by the readers!

- That's my line.

- Francine has a plan for the book club.

What does Lisa have?

I'm Francine Carruthers

and I approve this message.

- That's my campaign plan.

She just copied it.

- That's because the only

thing Francine knows how to do

is be negative.

And that won't work, right Hector?

- Actually, Francine just

pulled ahead in the polls.

- What?

(sad sounds)

You mean she's going to win?

By tricking people?

You know, I am starting

to feel really negative

about this election.

- Hey, come on, she's not

gonna win this election.

Why don't you challenge her

to a debate where both of you

can answer questions about

books and the people voting

in the election can decide who

will make a better president

for the Book Club?

- He's right.

The only way that you're

gonna show voters you'll be

a better president than Francine

is if you have a debate.

- Hmm.

Maybe I will.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Today's show

brought to you by MB.


- Thumb.









- L.

- Imb.

- [Both] Limb.

- L.

- Amb.

- [Both] Lamb.

- Cr.

- Umb.

- [Both] Crumb.

- Cl.

- Imb.

- [Both] Climb.

- Th.

- Umb.

- [Both] Thumb.

- Thumb's up to you!

- Good job!

- Oh, you're great!

- You were really good.

- You're fantastic.

- You're the best.

- You're awesome!

- Thanks.

I know.

- Yeah, I guess you do.

(upbeat music)

- Lisa!

Did you come to drop out of the election?

- Oh, I'm not dropping

out of anything, Francine.

I'm here to challenge you to a debate.

- A debate?

- Mhmm.

- About books?

- Mhmm!


- No problem!

I've read every book ever

assigned to me for homework.


- Oh, that's nice.

The thing is this debate is

going to be about all books,

not just ones you read in school.

- All books?

- Mhmm.

(clears throat)

- I think I have a cold coming on.

- Oh, Francine?

Are you afraid to debate me?


- No.

No! I am not afraid.

It's just that we can't

have a debate because

we need someone who knows a

lot about debates to lead it.

- I'm sorry, did somebody just say debate?

- Oh, Samantha Bee!

I love you.

- Oh, thank you.

- You're so great on The Daily Show.

She can lead the debate.

- Okay, yeah.

I meant someone who has a lot

of experience leading debates.

- Oh, I actually have a lot of experience.

I work on a fake news show.

I mean, you know.

- I meant someone in a suit!

- Oh, just give me a second.

(whirring sounds)

Oh, whew.

- Wow, you are amazing.

- I know, tell me about it, right?

- Guess you're all out

of excuses, Francine.

- Okay, fine.


We'll have a debate!

It's fine.

It's fine!

So what if I've only read books

assigned to me for homework?

I can still win this!

I just-

I just have to find Lisa's weakness.

- I'm really worried about this debate.

- Why are you worried?

Lisa will be fine.


- Unless what?

- Unless they ask her

about "Little Women".

- I've never read "Little Women".

What's it about?

- I'll tell you all about it.

(techno music)

- Shh!


When Samantha Bee asks for

questions from the audience,

I want you to ask about

the book "Little Women".

- "Little Women".


- Trust me, Mr. Vice President.

- Hello, and welcome to

the Neighborhood Book Club

Presidential Debate.

I'm Samantha Bee.

We're going to start the

debate by taking some questions

from our audience.

Oh, you in the front.

- How do you feel about

the book "Little Women"?

- Oh, "Little Women", one of my favorites.

Let's turn the question over to Francine.

- Thanks, Samantha.

"Little Women" is my

absolute favorite book.

I've read it over a hundred times.

I guess what I love most

about "Little Women" is that

it's called "Little Women" but

it's actually about ninjas.

- I'm sorry, what did you just say?

- "Little Women" is the story

of a plucky group of tiny,

heroic lady ninjas who band

together to defend Mt. Rushmore.

They may be tiny, Samantha,

but I think they're lady ninjas

we can all look up to.

- Excuse me!

There are no tiny lady

ninjas in "Little Women".


- Nice try, Lisa.

Samantha, you may just wanna

go ahead and declare me

the winner of this debate.

- Actually, she's right.

There are no tiny lady

ninjas in "Little Women", so.

- Um, of course there are.

Who else do you think fights

off the attacking army

of miniature zombie cats?

(cats meowing)

- Okay, "Little Women"

also has no zombie cats.

- No zombie cats either?

- No, I'm afraid not.

Lisa, would you like

to take this question?

- Samantha, I would.

- Oh, good, good, good.

- You know, I think what I

love most about "Little Women"

is that even though it was

written over a hundred years ago,

I feel like the March

sisters are just like me.


- Are the election results in yet?

- Oh, I can't watch!

- What are you worried about?

You won that debate and

now you're going to win

this election.

- Shh!

She's about to announce the winner.

- Thank you for that report

on the global economy.

Now, turning our attention

to more pressing news,

the neighborhood book club election.

Well, it was a tightly contested race,

but now that the votes are

in, we're prepared to declare

Lisa Heffenbacher the winner

over Francine Carruthers.

Congratulations, Lisa.


- You did it, Madame President.

You ran an excellent campaign.

- Ah, thanks, though

I never could have won

without you guys campaigning for me!

- To Lisa, who's gonna run a book club

that's of the readers, for the

readers, and by the readers.


- I'm Lisa Heffenbacher

and I approve that message.

- You know what club I'm president of?

The "my reversi-balls are the

most awesome thing ever" club.

On Prankster Planet, no one can stop me.

Will you even dare to

try, Electric Company?

(evil laugh)


Prankster Planet!


Prankster Planet!

Her reversi-balls reversing

all the words on Earth

So it's Jessica and

Marcus to the rescue

Francine has eight machines

You must stop them all

To save the world

from the reversi-balls

Prankster Planet!


Prankster Planet!

- [Narrator] Meanwhile,

in Francine's studio...

- Hello, loyal fans!

- [All] Francine, Francine!

- Oh, stop.


Let's take a look at three examples

of my reversi-balls on Earth.

Reversi-ball one.

- A poll shows how people

are thinking of voting

in an election.

(dramatic music)

- Reversi-ball two!

(song playing)

(dramatic music)

- Reversi-ball three.

- We can't have a debate-

(dramatic music)

- Brilliant!


Let's check on the progress

of our little heroes,

Jessica and Marcus, as they

try to stop my reversi-balls.


As if!

- Marcus, don't get too close.

- Why not?


- That's why.

(dramatic music)

- Well, it's not looking good

for the Electric Company.

So, why don't I make it worse?

- [Narrator] Hey! It's survey time!

- The survey question is:

"What should I use to stop

the Electric Company?"

- [Narrator] Time to vote!

- You can vote for an army of

aardvarks, a pond of pudding,

or my super duper secret

stunning surprise!

I'm going to show the

results of the survey

using a circle graph!

Circle graphs are swell!

It's time to-

- [All] Vote, vote, vote!

- [Narrator] Now, the part

where we have the results

of the survey.

- What did you vote for?

This section of the circle

graph shows that ten of you

voted for an army of aardvarks.

This section shows that ten

voted for a pond of pudding.

And this section shows

that twenty voted for

my super duper secret stunning surprise!

My super duper secret stunning surprise

is the biggest section! It wins!

- [Narrator] The results

of the survey shall be that

the super duper secret

stunning surprise is for

Jessica and Marcus' time.

- Guess who.


(dramatic music)

- Marcus, please tell me

that was your stomach.

- No?

(thunder sounds)


Boy, Francine really likes herself.

- Ah!

We have to get down from here!

We have to stop the reversi-ball machine!

(clears throat)

- But first, let me

remove that ferment vine

from you, ma'am.

- Thanks.

- Yee-haw!

I need to wrangle me a

reversi-ball machine!

- Good work, cowboy!

- [Francine] Now, it's personal.

- Onto the lever!

- Time for my Prankster

Planet prankster rules

emergency button!

(alarm blaring)

Good lucking stopping

the reversi-balls now!


- Hey you guys!

- [Narrator] Go to

and stop the reversi-balls.

The Electric Company and the

people of Earth need you!

Electric Company!

(chicken clucks)

- [Narrator] We interrupt

our regularly scheduled

programming for a special

Electric Company Shout Out

from Prankster Planet.

Today's Honorary Electric

Company Members are:



- Thank you.

- You can be an honorary member

of the Electric Company, too!

Go online and stop

Francine's reversi-balls!

- Trust me.

It's device- (laughs)

- But it's actually about zombies.

- [Man] Ninjas, actually.

- Ninjas! Sorry.


- Wanna know a little secret?

If you miss one of the

Electric Company shows,

you can go online to and watch

the entire episode right online!

So, if you wanna catch up

on old episodes or you just

gotta watch it again, the

Electric Company is online

all the time.