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02x31 - The Unmuffins

Posted: 04/23/23 17:16
by bunniefuu
- Okay, your five words all

start with un, which means not.

They are: unsure.

When you're unsure

about something it means

you're not totally sure.

You have some doubts.

Unbelievably, if something

is unbelievably delicious

you can't believe

how delicious it is.

Undo, when you undo

something, you make it like

the thing never happened.

Unfriendly, unfriendly

means not nice.

Unusual, unusual

means not usual.

Something that is special and

doesn't happen very often.

Okay so we have unsure,

unbelievably, undo,

unfriendly, and unusual.

Watch out for them

in today's show.

(peaceful chime music)


- Jessie you asleep yet?

- Hmm?

- Oh, sorry sorry

sorry. Go back to sleep.

- Oh, everything okay?

- Everything's fine.

I was just gonna tell

you a scary story.

- Oh no, I'm awake, tell it.

- Okay.

This is the story

of the unmuffin.

An unbelievably

delicious muffin.

Seriously, you would not

believe how delicious it is.

Once you eat it though,

your personality changes.

You become the un

version of yourself.

If you are a nice

friendly person,

you become unfriendly.

- Mmm, unfriendly, really scary.

- Oh come on, wait

till you hear this.

Once upon a time, a lovely

young girl was walking

all alone in the woods.

In a very quiet, quiet

part of the woods.

She was tired and hungry and

she had a sinking feeling

that she was lost.

And she ran into a

friend, eating a muffin.

- Muffin


Can anybody hear me?


Is anyone out there?



- Enough!

- Oh, Lisa, thank goodness.

- Mm what do you want?

- Where are we?

Do you know the way

out of this place?

- Maybe I do and maybe I don't.

What's in it for

me, a little money?

- Lisa?

- What?

- You're acting differently

than you usually do.

This is not the usual you.

- Oh well I don't think

I'm doing anything unusual.

- Even the way you're talking.

Usually you speak in

a friendly way but

- What?

- Lisa, you're being unfriendly.

- Maybe it's something I ate.

Have a muffin Jessica.

- The unmuffin.

- Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica.

- Hey you guys!

#*hip hop music#

Oh, come on yeah

Feel the power

Feel the power

Yo and plug it in

It's electric

Electric company

Get connected

Electric company

It's electric

Electric company

Get connected

Electric company

Yo yo yo

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

To use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Turn it on and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power

Yo and plug it in

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power


To and plug it in

Electric company

Electric company

Electric company

Electric company

(peaceful chime music)

- Unopen?

That's not a word.

Not open.

Why is it closed?

Hey you guys?

- Hey Jessica, what's up?

- Hey guys, where's my brother?

- Hector wasn't

interested in coming.

- He started out interested.

- But then he

became, uninterested.

- Uninterested?

That's not like my brother?

- Very unlike him.

- Unusual

- Very unusual

(both laugh)

- Did you guys eat a?

- Have a muffin Jessica.

- Oh no

- Have a muffin Jessica

- Oh no

- Have a muffin Jessica

- No, no

- Lisa!

- Have a muffin Jessica

- Oh no, no this

is unbelievable!

- Have a muffin Jessica.

Have a muffin Jessica

Have a muffin Jessica

Have a muffin Jessica

Have a muffin Jessica

Have a muffin Jessica

Have a muffin Jessica

- There something wrong Jessica?

- Oh gee! Shh!

- No I'm sorry to startle you

but you just seemed to be upset.

Is there some way

that I can help you?

- Just, Danny, leave me alone

- Why? I just want to help.

- Okay Danny I know

you're super sensitive

and this is probably gonna

really hurt your feelings,

but you're a prankster,

and I don't trust you.

- That's cool Jessica.

I completely understand.

- You do?

- Well sure, I mean

you have no reason

to put your trust in me.

- Danny, that's so unlike you.

- Wait a minute, did

you eat a muffin today?

- As a matter of fact, I had

this muffin for breakfast,

and it was

unbelievably delicious.

- Must have been the unmuffin.

And you must be the Undanny.

The unmuffin makes you the

opposite of who you are.

So now I can trust you!

- Huh, well I don't

feel any different.

Anyway, how can I help ya?

- The rest of the electric

company has eaten unmuffins

and now they're all

being unfriendly.

- Oh ho ho, well

we can't have that!

Come on Jessica, we'll find

our way out of this mess.

- Alright Undanny, let's go!

- Cupcake!

























- [Announcer] Today on

the Big Face Face Off

It's Jessica versus Francine.

- In this duel, I

will use the uh sound.

- I will use the

uh sound as well.

- Too much sun.

I have an umbrella.

- I will build a hut

to shut out the sun.

- I will cut a hole in your hut.

- I will climb onto

the hump of this camel

and we will run to

a tub of icy water.

Ah, and the water is

cool as a cucumber.

- Oh yeah, I will jump into

my own tub of icy cold water

This is not my lucky day.

- Ready?

- Ready.

- Woohoo

- Dude, I want it zipped.

- Well I want it unzipped.

- I like it zipped dude.

- Yeah well I like it unzipped.

- Dude, zipped!

- Unzipped!

- Zipped!

- Unzipped!

- Ahh!

- Dude, this is all your fault

- Zip it!

And they say two heads

are better than one.

- So what's happened so far?

- I am going to tell an

unbelievably scary story

about a muffin that

makes you act differently

than you normally act.

Once, in a forest,

Jessica ran into Lisa.

When Lisa was acting

in her usual way,

she was very pleasant.

But Lisa seemed unusual.

She was being unpleasant.

It's because Lisa's

eaten an unmuffin.

- Hey you guys,

what should I do?

I'm unsure.

When you don't

know what to do

Or you don't

know what to say

It means that you're unsure

In a serious way

You're standing on a path

Thinking where should I go?

When you're feeling unsure

You just don't know

Then Jessica saw Danny who

was unbelievably happy.

- Happy? That's not

at all like Danny!

- How are you Jessica,

how can I help, Jessica?

- Help? I can't believe

it, what's happening?

- Spamboni's Unbuns?

- Hello Danny, Jessica,

welcome to Spamboni's bakery.

I am Chef Spamboni.

May I suggest the

specialty of the house?

The unbun.

They're unbelievably delicious.

Little do they realize

that if they have one bite,

they will become the

un-version of themselves.

Have a bun.

- Don't mind if I do.

- Danny wait.

Would you excuse us

for a second, Chef?

- What's up?

- You want to help me right?

- Of course.

- Well then don't eat that bun.

- Why not?

- You had an unmuffin

for breakfast,

and you became the

unversion of yourself.

You're the Undanny.

- Yes.

- So if you eat unbuns,

you'll be the un-Undanny

and go back to being

your prankster self.

- Oh I see!

You undo Undanny

He'll go back to being Danny

And we all know the

Danny the Undanny was

So don't you dare undo me

Because I'll

become the true me

And go back to doing all

the things that Danny does

What the unmuffin

did will be undone.

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun.

What the unmuffin

did will be undone

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun.

Don't undo Undanny

No don't undo Undanny

Just don't undo Undanny

No don't undo Undanny

Just don't undo Undanny

No don't undo Undanny

Just don't undo Undanny

No don't undo Undanny

Danny is so touchy

Things everything's unfair

If you are in trouble though

UnDanny will be there.

UnDanny he will help you

If you are in distress

But Danny he can't help you

Cause Danny is a mess.

What the unmuffin

did will be undone

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun.

What the unmuffin

did will be undone

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun.

Wait a minute Danny, if we

had some help from Manny

We could feed a bun to Lisa

One to Keith

and one to Shock

I have a little planny

On how to handle Manny

We'll get those

buns don't worry

Undanny man you rock.

What the unmuffin

did will be undone

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun

What the unmuffin

did will be undone

If you take a little

nibble of the unbun

- So if Manny eats an

unbun, he'll help us.

- Chef Spamboni, are

you a man of your word?

- That I am.

- So if you say you're

going to do something

than you'll do

it, is that right?

- Absolutely, if I say

I'll do it then I'll do it

- Will you please eat a bun?

- I will not eat a bun.

- Are you sure?

And by that I mean

you really really know

that you're not

going to eat a bun?

- Yes I am sure that I'm not.

- Oh so you're not sure?

- Uh yes I'm not sure.

- Oh so you're unsure,

and by that I mean

you really really don't know.

- Uh yes.

- What are you unsure about?

- Um uh, I am unsure that

I'm not gonna eat a bun.

- Jessica will you please

replay that sentence?

- I am unsure that I am

not going to eat a bun.

- Good, and will you

please add quotation marks

to show that this is

exactly what he said.


Manny, that's what you said.

Now eat a bun.

- Why?

- Because you're not

sure that you won't

- Which means you might.

- Huh?

- Jessica

- Well if you were sure

that you're not gonna eat it

then you wouldn't eat it right?

- Right

- But you're not sure that

you're not gonna eat it

so you might as well eat it.

- I am so lost.

- [Both] So eat it!

- Jessica, if there's

anything that I,

meek, mild mannered, Manny

Sponboni can do to help you

or the wonderful

electric company just ask

and it shall be done.

- Haha, well that

worked like a charm.

Now all we have to do is get

the electric company together.

- And we all know how

that's done don't we?

- Absolutely.

- Of course.

- [All Together] Hey you guys!

- [Announcer] Period.

Exclamation point.

Question mark.

- This is the Spamboni

punctuation switcharoni remote.

It has the power to

change the meaning

of any sentence I choose.

Manny Spamboni is

a great genius.


Let's try an exclamation point.

Manny Spamboni is a

great genius, ha ha ha!

What else can I try?

Manny Spamboni is

a great genius?

Oops, a question mark.

There is no question

that I am a great genius.

I will do what any

great genius would do.

I will answer the question.

Manny Spamboni is

a great genius?

The answer is yes.


No, wait.

Yes, exclamation point.


(beat boxing)

I like to beat box.

(beat boxing)

I like to beat box!

(beat boxing)

Do you like to beat box?

(beat boxing)

- [Announcer] Ball

three, time out!

Punctuation mark

Punctuation mark

Punctuation mark


When you see a

punctuation mark

Yeah you have to

know what to do

A period, comma,

question mark,

and an exclamation point too

They're in every sentence

that you read or write

Take a look it's true

So when you see a

punctuation mark

You have to know what to do

A period shows that

a sentence is over

I can fly a plane.

A question mark shows

you're asking a question

Can you fly a plane?

An exclamation point

expresses excitement

Hey, watch our

for that plane!

A comma means you slow

down, pause, take a breath

When I want to go to Spain

I hop onto my plane

When you see a

punctuation mark

You have to know what to do

A period, comma,

question mark,

And an exclamation point too

They're in every sentence

that you read or write

Take a look it's true.

So when you see a

punctuation mark

You have to know what to do

- I hope our plan works.

- Me too Jessica.

All I want is for you, and

the good old electric company

to be back to normal again.

- Yeah, Jess, you

guys are my heroes.

- Wait, I think I hear them.

(distant laughter)

- There she is, let's get her!

- Yeah let's get her.

- Let's make her unpleasant.

(all laughing)

- Welcome to the

Electric Diner Unplugged.

- Out of my way rebus.

- Yeah beat it Danny.

- Oh my we certainly

have become unfriendly.

- We certainly have.

Bring out the muffins boys.

- [All] Have a muffin Jessica

- [All] Have a muffin Jessica

- [All] Have a muffin Jessica

- Alright, enough already!

I'll eat a muffin!

Mmm, mmm.

Unbelievably delicious.

I feel so unusual.

I feel so unfriendly.

Don't just stand there

Spamboni, bring out those buns.

- What to do with

the buns Jessica?

- Try em and find out Lisa.

What's the matter?

You scared?

- I'm not scared of any buns.

- Buns don't scare me.

- Give me a bun already.

- Whoa, look at us.

- Yeah weird.

- What happened?

- Long story.

- Well, I think we

ought to get back

to being pranksters again.

- Yeah I guess so.

- You guys don't have to.

- No I think we do.

- Bye fellas, thanks.

- How come he got a bigger bun?

- Don't look at my bun!

Don't touch my bun.

- Welcome back fellas.

- I don't chew gum.

- I know.

- [Announcer] Commas

help you read a list.

Commas show you

when to take a pause

in the middle of a sentence.

But wait, there's more!

when a comma comes

before quotation marks,

it tells you someone

is about to talk.

Get your super value

pack of commas today.

- Help!

- Problem dude?

- My mom sent me to get food,

but I've never

heard of this stuff.

Get gravy bread, juice

cookies, and jelly?

What's a juice cookie?

- I think your mom just

forgot a few commas.

- Get gravy, bread,

juice, cookies, and jelly.

That makes a lot more sense.

Thanks Captain Cluck.

- And the poultry patrol.

- And the poultry patrol.

- My daughter studies

rocks and flies.

- Oh well my daughter

studies, rocks, and flies.

- Hmph.

- Mom, can I have a

comma for my birthday?

- You are totally not

going to believe this.

So my mom came home

right, and she said

"We have a major problem".

So I asked, "What

do you mean mom?"

and she yelled, "You

know what I mean Kate!"

"The leak in the bathroom!"

Then I whispered, "Billy,

you're in such big trouble".

Billy's my little brother.

I told Mom, "I didn't

take a bath today".

So Mom asked, "Who took a bath?"

And I said, "Billy totally

must have taken a bath

because I didn't take a bath."

So Billy, what do you

have to say for yourself?

- I say, "Hold up

your left hand."

- uh oh.

I'm in so much trouble.

(beat boxing)


(beat boxing)

Saw these little lines, they

were floating in the air

And I turned and

asked my momma

Momma why are they there?

Did you notice the

quotation marks

Are floating by my head?

And she said

We always put quotation marks

around what someone said

Okay well thank you mama,

but now I have to go

She said wait a minute

son, there's something else

You have to know

So I stopped and

turned around and said

What is it mama?

And she said, before

you use quotation marks

You have to use a comma.

So if you have quotation

marks floating near your head

Remember you can use them

to show what someone said

But also please remember

the words of my sweet mama

She said,

"Before you use

quotation marks you

have to use a comma."

- Wait, that was

you the whole time?

- Yeah, that was me,

how bout that huh?

This guy.

- [Announcer] I'm

special agent Jack Bowser

It's Halloween night at

the candy corn factory.

This place is about to explode.

And I can't crack

the code to get out.

Help me read this.

- Ahh!

- Girl you slept late,

it's almost : .

You hungry?

- Starving.

- Good, I brought you breakfast.

- Thank you.

- Have a muffin Jessica.

- What if I told you, you

could make your own video?

Go online to

and you can take

clips from the show

make your own video, music video

or even video about me!

Manny Spamboni, now

go so I can watch it!


The time is now,

the day is here

The rhythm that

you're feeling

The music in your ear

The charge is electric

And all you gotta do it

Plug it in, plug it in

It's what we do at

the electric company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it

You have to share it

Discovering your power

You own it, you

wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric company

Is it's out, oh!

- Jess you asleep yet?

Sorry, go back to sleep,

everything's fine.

I just wanted to tell

you a scary story.


- [Camera Crew] Is

she really asleep?

- Huh?


- Have a muffin Jessica

- I see, so if you undo Undanny

he'll go back to being Danny

and we all know the

Danny the Undanny what?

Don't unto the Danny.