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02x29 - One Smart Cookie

Posted: 04/23/23 17:14
by bunniefuu
(cheerful guitar music)

- So here are your five words.

Character, a character

is a person in a story.

Details, details are

facts or words you use

to really describe something.

Mystery, a mystery is a

story that you need to solve.

Clues, clues are things you look for

to help you solve a mystery.

Detective, a detective

is someone who uses clues

to solve mysteries.

So we have character, details,

mystery, clues and detective.

Watch out for them in today's show.

- It's gonna be a good day.

- Um, what's up with the suit, PJ?

- It's not PJ, it's Calloway.

Casey Calloway, see.

- Casey Calloway, the guy

from the mystery books

you're always reading, with

the stories you have to solve?

- That's right.

He's the world's greatest detective.

He can solve any mystery, see.

- And he always says, "see."

- Why yes, see, that's

the way Calloway talks.

It's part of his character.

Now, the writer of the

Casey Calloway books,

Polly Hashimoto, is having a contest, see,

and I have to stay in

character the whole contest.

It's one of the rules, get me?

- So you have to pretend

to be one of the people

from the story?

- Ah, you've got a big

brain for a little fella.

- So who else is in the contest?

- It's just me and one other, see.

(dramatic music)

- Francine?

- There isn't any Francine here, busters.

It's Lila Lavender, and you'd

better stay out of my way

if you know what's good for ya,

'cause my way is my way, and

there isn't any other way,

but mine.

- Lila Lavender.

- Another character?

- Not just another character.

She's Calloway's rival detective.

That girl's nothing but

trouble in lipstick.

(lips smacking)

- [Polly On Intercom] Enter if you dare!

- Oh, I dare, I dare.

(noir music)

(dramatic music)

- Detectives, as the

neighborhood's two biggest

fans of my books, you have

been chosen to solve a mystery.

The first to solve the

mystery will receive the title

of Master Detective!

Celery Lila?

(chimes tinkling)

- My only weakness.

(celery crunching)

- The Lila Lavender character

loves to eat celery.

- Now, you must solve the mystery

of the Handy Helping Hand!

- Huh?

- The Handy Helping Hand

is a mysterious character.

One you'll never see, who

always helps Casey Calloway.

- 'Cause he can't do anything by himself!

- Oh, you know that's all--

- Silence!

(trombone wailing)

Now, I will give you a hint,

and this is a big hint.

The Handy Helping Hand

is one of these characters in my books.

Either Mike "Baby Face"

Walker, Ginger Snap Gonzalez,

or Abdul "Doubletalk" Santora.

- Hmm.

- Now on your way.

But just remember detectives,

it's always good to have the last word.

- Say, what about our first clue?

That'll help us solve the mystery.

- You have already seen the first clue.

(Polly evilly laughing)

(Polly coughing)

Go, now!

(upbeat noir music)

- I'm gonna solve the mystery

before you do, Calloway.

You wanna know why?

- Why is that, sister?

- Because I get to cheat

and don't call me sister.

- What, you can't cheat.

Why that's gotta be against the rules.

(intercom buzzing)

- [Polly On Intercom]

Lila Lavender can cheat.

It's what her character would do.

- What?

Oh man, that's not fair!

(intercom buzzing)

- [Polly On Intercom]

But Casey can get help

from his friends.

That's what his character would do.

- Ah, how about that?

I didn't even know that.

Well, let's call on some friends, man.

Do what you do.

- Hey you guys!

Whoa, whoa, come on yeah

Feel the power, feel the power

Feel the power, yo, and plug it in

It's electric, Electric Company

You're connected, Electric Company

It's electric, Electric Company

You're connected, Electric Company

Yo, yo, yo, the power we've perfected

Is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on and you will see

That you belong in the company

Feel the power, feel the power

Oh feel the power

Feel the power, yo, and plug it in

Plug it in, everybody

Feel the power, yo, and plug it in

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

(quirky electronic pinging)

- You know, I really

like this Casey Calloway.

- [Keith] Me too.

- Yeah, that's me, see.

- I love all the

characters in these books,

but my favorite is Ginger Snap Gonzalez.

- Oh, I just got up to her!

She's that nosy newspaper reporter,

who always finishes everybody's--

- Sentences.

- She's a really cool--

- Character.

And she's the one I'll be playing.

(quirky music)

Oh hey, Daisy?

- Yeah?

- [Lisa] Can I borrow your hat?

- Okay, sure.

- Thanks!

- No problem.

- Now Casey, let's focus on the details.

The little things you see,

you know, the details.

- Yeah, you're actually

pretty good at that, Lisa.

- Oh, Ginger Snap,

Casey, it's Ginger Snap.

- I'm sorry, Lisa.

Ginger Snap, sorry.

- Now Polly said that you've

already seen the first clue.

Am I right, or am I right?

- Right, right.

This clue could be anywhere,

anywhere I tell you!

It could even be those weird

symbols on Polly's door.

(bell tinkling)

- Those are matrix codes!

- A matrix what?

- Look.

It's a symbol like the

ones on Polly's door.

Each of them has a secret message.

- Oh.

- Well I'd say we've found our first--

- Clue in that message.

- You took the words--

- Right outta your mouth.

(Jessica laughing)

This is really fun.

Let's go!

(dramatic music)

- Well, well, well, Ginger Snap Gonzalez.

I thought I smelled cheap perfume.

- (laughs) And I thought I smelled a rat.

- Ta ta, slowpokes!

(electric guitar wailing)

- Looks like she beat us to our--

- First clue!

(mysterious tinkly music)

- Now Keith, I don't understand.

How are we supposed to

turn this into a clue?

- Check it out, I have a

code reader on my phone.

- Let me see this thing.

- [Keith] Alright, now point

the camera at the code.

- Okay.

- Make sure that the whole

code is in the picture.

- [PJ] Okay.

- [Keith] And, now.

(camera shutter clicking)

- Well hello operator, it's a sentence.

- [Keith] Judge this book by its cover.

Where did Casey Calloway eat noodles?

- Why that's easy.

Happy Joy Restaurant, in Book --

- The Mystery of the Fortune Cookie!

Wait, judge this book by

its cover. (teeth hissing)

The clue is somewhere in the details

of the cover of that book!

- Bingo, Ginger Snap.

- Thanks.

- Luckily I keep a copy

of that book in my office.

- Where's your office?

- Dude, it's in your room, remember?

Don't worry about it, just

follow me. (clears throat)

Follow me.

(upbeat rhythmic music)

(pen scratching)

(record scratching)

- [Announcer] Ai.

(upbeat music)

The w-ai-ait is over


That's the sound of

ai sitting in a word

The wait is over

That's the sound of

ai sitting in a word


Wait just a second

while I try to maintain

The sound that is bouncing

through my big old brain

The kind of crazy

thing you can't contain

Like the steam-powered

engine of a locomotive train

I wish I could throw it down the drain

But the A-I sound is

even in the refrain

That's the sound of

ai sitting in a word

The wait is over

That's the sound of

ai sitting in a word


(upbeat music)

(tongue rhythmically clicking)

(fiddle music)

- Waiting!


(wind hissing)

(word splatting)


(cleaver thumping)





(cleaver thumping)


(butcher grunting)

Trait, trait!

(cleaver thumping)

(butcher sighing)

(butcher groaning)

Strain, strain,


(butcher spluttering)


(thunder rumbling)

(lightning crashing)


(rain pattering)


(upbeat music)

(robot humming)

(robot munching)

(phone ringing and buzzing)

- You are a pan in my neck.

I am a pan in your neck?


(phone beeping)

(robot munching)

(phone ringing and buzzing)

Oh, you are a pain in my neck.

Oh, P-A-I-N, pain.

A pain?


- Ow, the pain!

(gears whirring)

Oh, that really hurts.

- Sorry.

Ah, nuts?

(gears whirring)

(upbeat music)

- So what's happened so far?

- Hey PJ.

- No, I'm Calloway, Casey Calloway.

I'm pretending to be a

character from a book.

- You're acting like a person from a book?

- That's right, see.

Casey Calloway, see.

Detective, see.

Great character, see.

- But why?

- I'm in a contest.

I have to stay in character

and find three clues

to help me solve a mystery.

- You won't beat me.

- Francine?

- No, I'm in character.

I'm Lila Lavender, detective,

celery lover, cheater.

It's all part of my character.

- [Group] Hey you guys.

- The first clue is somewhere

in the writer's house,

but what is it?

- To figure it out, just focus

on all the little things that you saw.

Focus on the--

- Details, that's what I'm doing, see.

Details, details, details.

- The first clue is on the door!

- [Group] To the door!

(upbeat music)

- Oh, nice digs Keith.

- All the books are in here, you'll see.

(gears whirring and clicking)

(dramatic music)

- Wow, you are really into

these Casey Calloway books.

- [Keith] Here's the Mystery

of the Fortune Cookie.

- [PJ] Yeah, but I don't see--

- See a clue anywhere, neither do I.

We better examine all the details.

- I agree.

- Look at the author's photo on the back.

See that picture hanging on the wall?

- Yeah, nice job short stuff.

That's the code all right.

(mysterious music)

(camera shutter clicking)

- [Keith] Where did

Casey Calloway get fined?

(PJ quizzically groaning)

- Oh, why that was in Book , yes,

The Mystery of Door Number One.

Yes, Casey Calloway had

an old, overdue book--

- At the library!

The next clue will be at the library!

- Yeah, took the words--

- Right out of your mouth.

- Hmm.

(gears whirring)

- Let's go.

- Alright, matrix Code website,

give me something I can use.

Matrix codes, blah, blah, blah,

aren't they great, blah, blah, blah.

Wait a second.

I can make my own matrix codes?

That's how I'm going to cheat,

and I'm supposed to cheat.

It's in my character.

(celery crunching)

I love it.

(Francine coughing and spluttering)

(sped up tape whirring)

(mysterious tinkly music)

(camera shutter clicking)

Got it!

(Francine gasping)

Where was Casey Calloway's

corniest hiding place?

Ha, that's Book !

The Mystery of Luigi Smart.

(dramatic music)

(glue squirting)

- [Keith] The code is right here.

(camera shutter clicking)

Where did Mike "Baby Face"

Walker eat a cheese burrito?

- Huh, well that's in Book .

- Yeah, The Mystery of Little Chimichanga.

Baby Face Walker and Doubletalk

Santoro were at a diner.

- Diner?

Could she mean The Electric Diner?

- It doesn't add up, we were just there.

- Well, maybe we missed a clue.

- I'm Casey Calloway, I don't miss clues.

- Oh well, how's about in

Book when you missed a clue

floating on your soup and

somehow the Handy Helping Hand

had the waiter point it out.

Or, in Book when you missed a clue

in the hump of the camel

and somehow the Handy

Helping Hand had to--

- Alright, alright!

Maybe I've missed a few clues.

- Well maybe you did.

- Well, I guess we'd better

had back to the diner.

(fast rhythmic music)

(rock music)

- You guessed wrong, girly!

You guessed wrong.

(fast rhythmic music)

- Check it out, the matrix

code is right on the menu!

(mysterious music)

- [Jessica] What does the sentence say?

- It says, "You lose again Calloway."

I smell a rat, see, and she's got--

- Celery on her breath.

- Oh!

- That no good, low down Lila Lavender.

If I weren't a lady, I would--

- Whoa, whoa, easy, Ginger Snap, easy.

What we need to do is

get back to the library

on the double, see.

Let's go.

(noir music)

- Ha!

(upbeat music)

There's more than one way

To spell or show the sound ai



Or A-I

Or A-I

There's more than one way

To spell or show the sound ai



Or A-I

Or A-I

I like to play inside my brain

Every day I'm entertained

I don't complain even when it rains

There are a thousand different

ways to enjoy the day

I like to use my noodle

when I put it to good use

And I can get carried away

There's more than one way, ah

To spell or show the sound ai



Or A-I

Or A-I

And that's it

(upbeat music)

- Ay, (imitates record

scratching), ay, ay.

(man beatboxing)

- Maybe today is the day.

Maybe today is the day

Maybe today is the day

Maybe today is the day

(man imitating record scratching)

Ay, Ay


Deejay, can you replay

Deejay can you replay

(man beatboxing)

Ay, ay


You can play

You can play

You can play


Okay, let's go away

Okay, let's go away

Without delay

Okay, okay

Without delay

Ay, ay


Delay, delay, delay

(upbeat music)

- This is what I'll say.

Would you like to go to a play today, Fay?

(clears throat) Would you like

to go to a plab todab, Fab?

- Eh?

- Oh no, that's not what I meant to say.

I meant, would you like to

go to a plan todan, Fan?

- Huh?

- Oh dear, no please let me try again!

Would you like to go to a play today, Fay?

- But Ray, we're in a play today.

- Well now I really feel silly.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Ah, I see how it is.

Lila Lavender pulled the

old matrix code switcheroo.

The oldest--

- Trick in the book.

The real clue must be underneath.

- Where was Casey Calloway's

corniest hiding place?

- Why that's in Book ,

The Mystery of Luigi Smart.

Casey Calloway hid in a

corn field at the Old--

- Old Straw Farm in Ponca, Arkansas.

- Hmm.

- Wait, but how do we get to Arkansas?

- Oh, we don't go to Arkansas.

We bring Arkansas to us.

(noir music)

- Hello, mother!

(telephone chattering)

Remember how you promised

me that vacation in Paris?

Well I want to make a stop along the way.

Ponca, Arkansas.

(telephone chattering)

Oh, you mean I have to make a choice?

(telephone chattering)

I have made a choice!

I want to go to Paris and Ponca!

(telephone chattering)

Mother, you're being unreasonable.

(telephone chattering)

Yes, we will talk about

it when I get home.

(telephone chattering)

(dramatic music)

- What are you doing?

- I'm going to Squaggle Earth, see.

- [Jessica] What's Squaggle Earth?

- Squaggle--

- Squaggle Earth

is a computer program that takes pictures

of each and every inch

of our great, wide Earth.

Right down to the smallest details.

- So we can see the Old Straw

Farm in Ponca, Arkansas.

- Without ever leaving the neighborhood.

Now the code should take us

somewhere in the corn fields.

- Okay, hold up.

Don't zoom in so far.

I think the code is

bigger than we thought.

- [PJ] Okay.

- The whole field is

cut to look like a code!

What does it say?

(camera shutter clicking)

- Okay, in order to ear the

title of Master Detective

you have to have the last word.

Last word, last word, last word.

Last word, last word.

Polly said something about a

last word back at her house.

- Hmm, last word, title

of Master Detective.

That's it!

We have to put together the last word

of all the books' titles!

- Bingo, Ginger Snap!

- Run those titles by me again.

- (clears throat) The Mystery

of the Fortune Cookie,

The Mystery of Luigi Smart,

and then The Mystery of Door Number One.

(head scratching)

Okay, um so, the words

are one, cookie and smart?

(victorious music)

- One smart cookie.

- Hey.

- A Ginger Snap is a cookie.

(Lisa gasps)

- Well hit me with a

feather and knock me over!

The Handy Helping Hand is--

- Me!

Ginger Snap Gonzalez, oh of course!

Did you ever notice that every

time Casey gets out of a jam

Ginger Snap magically appears?

Oh, she is helping him

without his knowing.

- You took the words right,

(clears throat), right--

- Outta your mouth.

- Hey, there you go.

(dramatic music)

- So, you say you've solved the mystery?

- Well Polly, can I call you Polly?

I don't technically have the last clue,

but I know it's in Arkansas,

and you know what I know,

and I know what you know,

and we know what we know.

So why don't you just go ahead

and declare me the winner?

(noir music)

- Francine, you have to solve the mystery

in order to win.

- Alright, see you later.

Hello Electric Company, you're a day late

and a dollar short!

Hello mother!

Forget Paris, I'm going to Ponca.

- Miss Hashimoto, the Handy Helping Hand

is none other than Ginger Snap Gonzalez.

- Good work, detective.

You've solved the mystery.

Here's a commemorative plaque

that reads Master Detective.

- Thank you.

I want to thank all the little people

that made this possible.

And when I say little people,

I'm talking about you Keith.

(dramatic music)

That's our cue.

Just, she does that,

come on, let's just go.

(upbeat music)

(pen scratching)

(record scratching)

- [Announcer] Aw.

(upbeat music)

Whenever you see the letters

A-W together in a word

it sounds like aw, as is awesome. (laughs)

Sometimes aw comes right in the middle

Like yawn and jawbreaker

Sometimes strawberry

Sometimes brawns and pawns as well

Sometimes aw comes at the end of words

like draw and claw and paw

Coleslaw, oh delicious. (laughs)

And gnaw, law and saw.

You see, the world of aw is awesome!

That's why I like to say.

Aw's really awesome

Aw's really awesome

Aw's really awesome

In the middle, in the

end, really awesome

At the beginning too

Aw's really awesome

Aw's really awesome

(upbeat music)

- Just looking at this

word makes me sleepy!

It's starts with a Y and at the beginning

of the word Y makes the ya sound.

So ya, then there's A-W

which makes the aw sound.

So y-aw, yaw, n, yawn! (yawns)

Oh, there's more.

Yawn-i, yawn-i, oh wait,

that's ing, which means

this is the ing sound.

So yawn-ing, yawning.

(yawns) Yawning.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Aw.

D-d-d-r, draw.


(electronic beeping)


(electronic whooshing)

Awesome, awesome.


Aw, c-c-c, cl, claw.


(electronic claw whooshing)



Electronic whooshing.

Mower, lawnmower.


(electronic claw screeching)

(alarm wailing)

(rocket boots whooshing)

(sheep bleating)

(cow mooing)

(upbeat music)

- S.

- Aw.

- Saw.

- Dr.

- Aw.

- Draw.

- Y.

- Awn.

- Yawn.

- Aw.

- Ful.

- Awful!

- Str.

- Aw.

- Straw.

(straw slurping)

- Hey, can I have some?

- [Woman] Uh-uh.

(upbeat music)

- Congratulations detective.

- Oh thanks, guys, thanks.

Hey, I couldn't have done

it without my friends.

- You know there is one

details that's gone overlooked.

- Well what's that?

- Whatever happened to Francine?

- Hello, Mother?

(telephone chattering)

No, I am not having a fun vacation.

I have been out here for hours.

I have eaten st*lks of celery

and I can't find the matrix code anywhere!

I want to go to Paris!

(mournful music)

(Francine yelling in foreign language)

- Hey, you guys!

Go online to

and play tons of games

to win points for your favorite member

of the Electric Company.

Only you can help us beat the pranksters.

So, hurry up, the race is on.

The time is now

The day is here

The rhythm that you're feeling

The music in your ear

The charge is electric

And all you've gotta do is plug it in

Oh plug it in

Oh, that's what we do

with The Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

And learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it

you have to share it

'Cause gathering your power

you own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric Company is in town

In town

- Hello Mother. (squealing)

That has to go on the bloopers.

The mystery of Luigi Smart, easy peasy,

busy bees-ey.

Hmm, let's see you solve the

mystery now, smarty pants-es.

(Francine groaning)

Celery habit's starting

to be bad for my health.

(celery crunching)

(upbeat music)

(cheerful guitar music)

- [Child] Go!