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03x22 - Class of 84

Posted: 04/23/23 14:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

How about there, honey? Um, a little higher.

Okay, precious.

How about there?


Baby, just how high do you want it to go?

Three words -- "never," "no way," and "unh-unh."

Oh, get in touch, nell.

You can't show that much leg

At a high school graduation.

How do you think she got through high school?

Thanks, julie.

At last.

Well, tomorrow's gonna be a big day

For the kanisky household.

Both katie and nell

Getting their high school diplomas the same day.

I bet, in a lot of ways, it's more exciting

Graduating from night school than from regular school.

Aw, honey, you know me.

I try not to ever get excited.

Just take these things in my stride.

I'm gonna graduate! I'm gonna graduate!

Well, did you call your mom and tell her about it?

Yeah, I called her this afternoon.

Honey, I have never heard her happier.

First, we laughed and we cried.

And then we laughed and cried some more.

You laughed and cried long distance? How long?

About an hour.

You could have laughed and cried a lot cheaper after .

You know, I think it's unfair.

What's unfair, baby?

You don't get the same graduation ceremony

For night school as we get for regular school.


A cap and gown would have been nice,

But that's not what's important.

The important thing is getting that piece of paper

And feeling a little better about yourself.

Oh, I feel so good, I could just cry.

Aunt nell?

Yes, baby?

How much is x ?

Well, do you know how much x is?


Okay. Come here.

Now, if you took

And added another to it, what do you get?

You guess first.

[ Sighs ]

You don't want me to do your homework.

Yes, I do.

I'm in the middle of watching a new kids show --

"The miss teenager pageant."

Well, first you learn these figures, okay?

Now, get upstairs. Do your homework.

Aunt nell,

They were about to do the swimsuit competition!

Get out of here!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Nell, you're graduating!

I am so proud of you.

Oh, thank you, addy.

Look at you --

The inspiration for every uneducated woman in america.

Goodbye, addy.

Oh, nell, I'm so excited.


I'm going to make nell so happy

She finally finished high school after all these years.

What are you gonna do?

I've just been appointed educational advisor

For the c.d.w.

What's the c.d.w.?

That's the congress of determined women.

It's a group of common, ordinary women, like nell.

You know, women who, for one reason or another,

Took a wrong turn on the road to higher learning --

Get to the point, addy.

Well, I told them your humble story.

And we're going to turn nell harper into a media event.

That's great!


Nell harper don't want to be no media event!

You hear that, samantha?

That's humble -- the stuff common women are made of.

That's twice she called me common.

Oh, nell, you know what I mean.

It's just that -- well, you're a role model

For every plain, run-of-the-mill underachiever

In this community.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Baby, go to your room.

This is about to get real ugly.

Look, nell.

I promised them that you'd tell your story

On channel 's action news.

On television?! I'll look like a fool!

Oh, you won't look like a fool, you fool.

Look, I wouldn't know what to say.

That's foolish. Just be yourself.

Make it...simple!

That's two "common"...

Three "fool," and a "simple."


I'll just tell them

You're turning your back on the less fortunate,

Those women who are sinking slowly

Into the educational quicksand

And reaching out in vain for the rope of knowledge

While you stand on the shore, pulling the rope --

If you'll shut up, I'll do it!

Thank you, nell.

Not just for myself, but for my entire organization.

[ Giggles ] I'm so excited.

Oh! And, nell?


Please do something about your hair.

[ Sighs ] samantha, I'm really sorry addy left.

Now I'm gonna have to k*ll you.

[ Screams ]

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

Role model? Inspiration?

All I wanted was my high school diploma.

Young woman if I'm chosen miss teenager,

I promise to go all over the world,

Singing and dancing for peace and total disarmament.

It might work with that bathing suit.

Hi, russell.

Oh, hi, nell. I'm sorry I'm late.

I had to work overtime down at the foundry,

Pushing pig iron.

[ Laughs ] come on in.

You know what, russell? I don't know how you do it.

Working jobs, hours a day,

To support a wife and kids.

I don't see how you even have the energy

To go to night school.




Wake up and smell the coffee.

Oh, sorry. I must have dozed off.

Yeah, well, come on over here, baby.

Come on. Sit down before you fall down.


Second shift at the cement factory

Begins in half an hour.

[ Snoring ]


How did you ever get six kids?


Oh, hi, kid.

Who are you?

Uh, russell. I go to night school with nell.

Night school, huh?


Then you know how much x is?


Please! Wake up!

I'm flunking in math!

Oh, I see you met russell.

Yeah. But I didn't ask him how much x was.

Listen, little boy,

You better get upstairs and do your own homework!

[ Growls ]

Russell? Wake up, russell.


I'm sorry, nell.

You know, nell, I feel kind of funny about this.

It's not really right, you doing my final book report.

Hey, listen, no guilt trip.

Now, you're a straight-"a" student.

It's not your fault that you don't have time.

Now, you take this and get your high school diploma

And get that civil service job you've always wanted.

Thanks, nell. Man, I can hardly wait.

I'm gonna dump those two jobs

And make twice as much money.

I'm glad I could help.

I'll see you tomorrow night at graduation, okay?

[ Yawning ] graduation. Finally.

Nell have one of my cookies, ken.

Ken well, I shouldn't.

Oh, come on.

You know, katie's graduation was held outside this afternoon.

It was so beautiful. You should have been there.

Well, thank you. I mowed the lawn.


The lawn looked lovely, honey.

[ Laughs ]

Good evening, class.

All good evening, mr. Smythe.

Take your seats. We can have our graduation.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

Russell. Wake up and smell your diploma.

It's always gratifying to me

As principal of glenlawn high school

To present you adults with your diplomas

Because, well, you've had the initiative to come back

And finish your high school education.

Are we late?

Nell, hi!

Chief, babies, what are you doing here?

We wouldn't have missed your graduation

For all the tea in china.

Oh, sorry.

Stanley nell, we wanted you

To have a real, old-fashioned graduation.

I brought my camera.

And I brought you caps and gowns from my graduation.

I don't have to return them till tomorrow.

Oh, mr. Smythe, can we use them?

Why not?

Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh, I just love this family.

Simpson! You brought simpson!

[ Sobbing ]

What's wrong?

I'm sorry, nell. I always cry at graduations.

Uh, mr. Smythe, everybody, please --

Come in here.

I'd like you to meet my family.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

It's funny -- they don't look black.

Proceed! Proceed!

I'm always proud to address the night school.

Proud because no one in adult education

Has ever failed to get a diploma since I took over.

In fact, two of my night-school graduates

Are in the reagan administration.

[ Light applause ]

When you hear your name called,

Please come up and get your diploma.

Boy, this is it, baby.

This is the moment I've been waiting for.

I'm gonna get my high school diploma.

Henry carlson.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you. Thank you, mr. Smythe.

Ruth salcito.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Congratulations, ruth.

Karen chang.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Kenneth wilson.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Congratulations, kenneth.

The lawn looked lovely.

Nell harper.

[ Loud cheers and applause ]

Congratulations, miss harper.

Ooh, thank you!

Russell cosgrove.

[ Applause ]

Congratulations, russell.

I'm especially proud of you

Because you're a straight-"a" student.

Thank you.

And I must say that your final book report

Was one of the finest papers on "crime and punishment"

That I've ever read.

Mr. Smythe, I can't go through with this.

I don't deserve it.

I cheated on my final book report.


Yes, sir.

Cosgrove, you'll have to repeat the course to graduate!

I hope you're satisfied!

You've destroyed my perfect record!

I'm sorry.

I-i-i was just so tired.

I didn't have time to finish my report.

You can ask nell. She wrote it for me.

Nell what happened?

I was so close.

I had a diploma in my hand.

It ain't there.

Smythe, couldn't you reconsider?

She only cheated once.

I'm sorry. I have no other choice.

Nell, I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I ruined everything.

[ Yawns ]

I just want to go home, get into bed,

And pull the covers, and never show my face again.

Addy make way for channel action news!

[ All shouting ]

Get me out. Get me out of here!

Robin thornton, nell harper -- she's all yours.

Not now.

Clear, please! Clear -- okay.

Uh, lady.

Roll tape, freddy. , , , --

Hi, it's robin on glenlawn.

We're here in glenlawn high

For the graduation of a truly inspiring woman.

Get that camera out of my face!

And a shy woman.

Excuse me, robin, could you turn that camera off?

Nell's hair isn't quite right.

I told her to get it done.

Stop tape, freddy.

Just what is the matter with you?

Well, for one thing, I have rotten taste in friends!

Now, I want you to get out of here

And take that old crow with you.

Her name is "robin."

I don't care what kind of bird she is!

Look, the entire congress of determined women

Is waiting to see you on the news!

[ Whistling ]

Ah, just hiding the gray.

For what?

So they can find out I didn't get my diploma?

You didn't get your diploma?

No! I got caught cheating!

And I don't have any gray hair!

Oh, my god, I do. This whole experience is making me old.

Look, we're on a deadline!

She's almost ready. Just a little lip gloss.

You listen to me.

Now, if you don't do this show,

You'll set my educational program back years.

Now, please, get your butt out in front of the camera.

What do you want me to do, lie?

Yes! People do it all the time on the news!

Look, addy, I am not like you.

I can't lie.

Why not? You're a cheater!

[ Voice breaking ] you would say that

To a little, old, gray-haired lady.

[ Sobbing ]

Just get out there in front of the camera.

And say what?

Talk about your humble beginnings.

Like growing up in alabama with a banjo on my knee?

Whatever, just don't tell the truth!

Roll it, freddy.

Hi, it's robin on glenlawn.

We're here at glenlawn high

For the graduation of a truly inspiring woman --

Nell harper.

Nell, back in high school after dropping out in your teens,

What thoughts go through your mind

As you stand here in your cap and gown?

[ Southern accent ] well, robin,

It ain't easy growing up with a banjo on your knee.

Her eye shadow looks terrible!

Now what are you doing?

I said what you told me to say.

Yeah, well, I said it, but I certainly did not mean it.

Don't you touch me.

I came here for a diploma, not a full facial.

Sorry you feel bad, aunt nell.

Oh, honey.

That's all right.

It's okay you lied to me.

When did I lie to you?

Remember yesterday?

When you said everybody should do his own work?

Oh, I see.

Come here, baby.

Look. [ Clears throat ]

You stay right here. Don't you move, okay?




Let's do it.

Okay, roll tape, freddy.

Hi, it's robin on glenlawn.

We're here at glenlawn high

For the graduation of a truly inspiring woman --

Nell harper.

Nell, back in high school after dropping out in your teens,

What thoughts go through your mind

As you stand here in your cap and gown?

[ Inhales deeply ]

I got caught cheating.

They took away my diploma, and I'm not going to graduate.

Stop tape, freddy!

Keep rolling. You're kidding, nell.

No, no, no. See, he has a diploma.

She has a diploma. Diploma, diploma, diploma.

No diploma!

What started out as a simple human-interest story

Has turned into a sad story,

Something that touches everyone.


It makes us all think.

Was it society that caused this former dropout

To turn into the cheat that she confesses to be?

Miss, please let me explain.

Don't feel bad, nell.

I know a lot of cops who cheated on their exams.

Shut up, simpson!

On the cop! On the cop!

Remember sergeant grover, chief?

That guy couldn't even read a comic book.

And here he makes sergeant.

Shut up!

Well, you know that, chief.

You're the one who gave him his stripes.

Will you forget the police department?!

Put it on me, please.

What's going on here?

Who are you?

I'm principal smythe. Who are you?

What's this camera doing here?

Mr. Smythe, we have discovered rampant cheating going on

In adult-education classes here.

Any comment? No comment.

I have a comment. I'm the cheater.

No! No, you aren't!

Oh, yes, I am! No, no, I was wrong.

What you did by helping russell wasn't cheating.

I checked the rule, and I found out

That since you had completed all your courses,

It was improper of me to take away your diploma.


[ Cheers and applause ]

That's the rule.

I don't care about the rule. It's the principle.

I'm the principal. Take it.

Take it!

Take it, you cheater! Take it!

[ All shouting ]

Stay out of this!

Come here, joey.

I don't want my little boy, joey,

To grow up thinking it's okay for him to cheat.

Do you have anything to say to this, joey?

Oh, yeah. Hi, bart!

X is !

Um, everybody, listen.

You see, everyone here

Had a dream of getting their high school diploma.

And everybody worked real hard.

But nobody worked harder than that man

That's curled up over there in the fetal position.

You see, principal smythe,

The only reason I wrote his book report

Is because russell works jobs, hours a day,

To support a wife and kids.

Now, he's an "a" student.

And he's knows that book backwards and forwards,

Even in his sleep.

And if you don't believe me,

You can wake him up and ask him.

Let's see if principal smythe has any compassion.

Well, perhaps I could give him an oral exam.

Russell, wake up!


Principal smythe says he'll give you a makeup exam.

And if you pass, you can get your high school diploma.

Really? Yes!

Mr. Cosgrove,

The central character in "crime and punishment"

Is raskolnikov.

What is the name of the woman

His sister dounia went to work for in st. Petersburg?

Raskolnikov's sister went to work for a woman named...

[ Yawning ] [ mumbling incoherently ]

Say what?


Correct! I've never had a failure!

My reputation is intact!

Welcome to the class of ' !

[ Cheers and applause ]

Wait a second, you must be nell.


Hi, I'm russell's wife, marfa.

Marfa?! Marfa?! Marfa?! Marfa?!

Oh, mrs. Cosgrove.

I have wonderful news for you.

Now that russell has his high school diploma,

He can support you and your six kids on one salary.

Well, I have some wonderful news, too.

Russell! Russell!

The rabbit died! We're gonna have another baby!

I see.

Russell, you're such a good provider.

Hey, russell.

You live by the rabbit, you die by the rabbit.

Great show! Great show!

Okay, take it from the top! Roll tape!

Okay. Robin on glenlawn...

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break