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03x21 - The Center

Posted: 04/23/23 14:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Nell, you are in luck.

I feel like a game of "trivial pursuit."

My ship has finally come in.

Oh, just one quick game.

I'll play the game with you tonight. I got to run.

Can I come, too?

Listen, you're more than welcome, but I better warn you.

I'm going to the women's health club.

And you might have to wear a dress.

I tell you what.

Why don't I drop you off at the senior citizens' center?

Why would I want to go there?

Those people are old.

They have gray hair and wrinkles.


That's too bad.

I hear they have a lot of fun activities.

I don't think so.

A lot of games and lectures.


A mess of women.

Go on.

Well, I hear the women outnumber the men to .

Bet you one of those old ladies would take one look at you,

And, honey, it's miller time.

Well, I guess I could check out the educational program.

[ Giggles ]

Oh, come on.

Uh, excuse me.

I'm new here.

Oh, hi, handsome. Hi, handsome.

Where have you been hiding yourself? Where have you been hiding yourself?

Yeah, now you want me,

But where were you new year's eve ?

[ Giggles ] [ giggles ]

My name is betty lou winkler.

I'm her sister susetta -- her younger sister.

Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both.

My name is stanley kanisky.

Stanley, were you the man I saw in that jordache commercial?


Lily, come here. Come here.

What is it?

I got him. I really got him this time.

A six-month losing streak ends today.

I'm so proud of you.

Come on, papa jack.


What's the name of this game?

You can't have gin.

That's the name.

You know, the important thing is,

You handle defeat

So much better than he handles victory.

You're such a comfort.

Don't forget you're coming over tonight.

Celery sticks at .

Dinner at .

And from on, I've scheduled miscellaneous fun.

Was miscellaneous fun tonight?

Oh, darn.

I'm sorry, lily, it's, uh, laundry night.

I've already got my quarters.

Andy, why are you ducking me?

For six months, we've been eating lunch together,

Going to the movies, going dancing.

Not once have you seen my apartment.

I want to cook you dinner.

Tell me you're coming over.

Tell me.

All right, all right. I'm coming over.

Are you sure?

You don't have to.

I'm coming over.


Thanks, sport.

Who knows?

Maybe you'll even stay for breakfast.

Now, what are you looking at?


Now, I know everybody is wondering

What this mystery party is all about.


You all remember last week.

Nice weather, selma found her dog.

The youth center down the street burned to the ground.

All kind of reasons to have a party.

It's doughnut time!

Not yet.

Not yet.

We are sharing our doughnuts with those poor little children

Who lost their center.

Poor little children?

I heard they started the fire.

Is this a theme party?

"Burn a building, get a doughnut"?

What's the big deal?

They're just coming to visit.

Uh, not exactly.

The department of parks and recreation

Says we have to share our center

With the kids from the youth center.


This center is all we have.

Now, how many say this is our center?

Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye!

The people have spoken, lil. We don't want them.

All [ chanting ] we don't want them.

[ Chanting stops ]


Wait a minute. This is the new youth center?

For the youth?

You kids have had a rough life.

People, we're out of here.

Oh, wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Please don't go.

There is something very important you should know.

We have doughnuts.

All right!

We had doughnuts.

My name is lil.

I'm the director.

From now on, our center is your center.

You're invited to all of our activities?

Yeah? Like what activities?

Well, uh...

This afternoon, we play bingo for green stamps.

No, really?

Green stamps?

You people really know how to live.

Got checkers over there, nice couch.

Fire! It's "burn the building" time.

This was my best shirt.

I'd love to see the rest of your wardrobe.

You're looking for it, gramps.

Un momentito!

Muestra respeto por tus mayores.

[ Speaking spanish ]

Ahora. Rápido!

Very sorry, sir.

Oh, look at that -- making good friends already.

All right, everybody, mingle.

Mingle. Come on, ladies.


Excuse me, marcus.

What is it, russell?

Uh, deanna, can I get you a doughnut?

[ Sighs ] if you want to, russell.

I want to. Know why?

The power of love.

Power we have to create passion and tenderness

Like this world has never seen.

Look, russell, you're a nice guy,

But you're wasting your time on me.

Deanna, you're gonna fall in love with me.

And when you do, we will find paradise.

So...until that beautiful day arrives,

You want powdered or glazed?


Put your feet down.

You two look like you have a lot in common.

Have a rap session.

Okay, go on.

You're gonna tell me about how bread was a nickel

And movies had no sound, right?


I'm gonna tell you your fly is open.

Made you look.

Um...what's your name?


Gina, oh, gina.

Gina, I want you to meet papa jack jenkins.

Now, papa jack wrote a hit tune back in the ' s

Called "under the lovin' moon."

You know, I write songs myself.

I just finished a love song -- "born to be dead."

"Baby, we're born to be dead.

k*lling time till worms crawl in and out of our head."

You do paint a picture.

Someday I'm gonna be a dancer,

Like in "flashdance," but only without the welding.

Oh, that's wonderful.

I used to flash and dance myself.

That's me -- lily lathrill.

What are you wearing?

That's a map of america.

As I danced, I'd toss out the states.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, how they used to beg for wyoming and iowa.

Keep your eye on your purse.

I'll tell you a secret.

Someday we're going to be married.

Aw, that's nice.

You see that boy over there -- russell?

We're not.

Hey, lily.

What's this about some annual spring fling ballroom dance?

Oh, that's our annual spring fling ballroom dance.

It's friday night.

Not anymore.

We have a dance every friday night,

And this week, my band's playing -- love scum.

See, they're trying to take over already.

How do you like that?

Oh, come on!

[ Bell rings ]

The dance committee meets this afternoon.

Why don't you kids join us,

And we'll work this out together, okay?


I'll be there, lily.

Count me in.

Now, the first order of business is,

We have two dances on the same night.

I'm warning you -- if we give in today,

By next week, we'll be playing checkers at the bus stop.

Now, I have the perfect solution.

We'll combine the two dances and alternate music.

One ballroom song...

And one love scum song.


All in favor, say "aye."

Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye!

All opposed, "nay."

This is a bag of buffalo chips.

Motion carries.

Both dances are on friday night.

All right!

Congratulations, lil'.

You just sold your own people up the river.

Come on, andy.

Don't be such an old crab apple.

Give the kids a chance.

Don't tell me what to do.

And don't expect me over for dinner tonight, either.

I can't believe I even considered marrying you.


Did you honestly think I'd marry a four-time widow?

Why, that's four "I dos" and four "you're deads."

You just blew it, sport.

You just threw away the best thing

That almost ever happened to you.

Yeah, yeah. What a shame.

I missed my big chance to be dead guy number five.

Don't ever talk to me again.

You got it!


This meeting is adjourned.

They're gonna make up, aren't they?

Not in a million years.

You know, that reminds me of a song I wrote in

Called "not in a million years."

♪ Not in a million years

♪ Not in a million years

This is our fault.

We should have let them have their spring fling.

Deanna, I'll make you a promise.

If you'll be my date at that dance,

I'll get andy and lily back together.


The power of love -- nothing can stop it.

Is it a deal?

Deal. All right!



Welcome to the first senior/youth spring fling

Ballroom dance and boogie funkathon.

Now, let's get the ball rolling with a ballroom favorite.

Take it away, papa jack.

Now, here's a song I wrote in ,

But unbeknownst to me,

Someone else wrote it in .

[ Ballroom music plays ]

Oh, mrs. Piali, you look beautiful.

I hate this dress.

It makes me look short.

Mrs. Hernandez, would you care to dance?

I'd love to.

Excuse me, may I borrow this handsome gentleman?

Thank you.

Mr. Kanisky, you devil, you.

You've got me dancing on cloud nine.

Gets even better when we land.

[ Laughs ]


Excuse me, marcus.

What, russell?

Hi. You look very pretty.

Thank you. Nice talking to you.

Deanna, wait.

Don't get too cozy with marcus.

I promised you I'd get lily and andy back together, and I will.

Well, I hate to break the news to you,

But they're not exactly dancing together.

Got a plan.

All you got to do is dance with me so I can cut in on lily.



You call this dancing?

Yeah, sort of.

Are you sure you're black?

Excuse me. May I cut in, please?

Watch it, son. She's a p*stol.


I suppose you want my body, too.

Why don't you give up?

Andy and me are through.

I know. I just love to dance.

You're very brave to do this in public.

Umberto, now!

Very, very kinky.

Give the little children a chance, huh?

Oh, come on. They're just having some fun.

Fun's over. Take them off.

Not yet.

Just kiss and make up, and you're free.

[ Sighs ]




I'm locking you two in here until you kiss and make up.

I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.

I'm a soldier in the army of love.

And now with a song I'm glad I didn't write...


Love scum.

[ Cheers and applause ]

All right, everybody.

Wake up and rock and roll!


♪ Born to be dead

♪ k*lling time till the worms crawl out of my head ♪

♪ Born to be dead

♪ I'd rather be a rock instead

We are missing a good time.

Why don't we just apologize and get out of here?

You first.

Oh, come on, andy.

Life's tough enough at our age.

Why do you want to spend it alone?

Why won't you come over?

I miss mabel.

Your cat?


My wife.

That mabel.

Andy, she's been dead for two years.

I know.

But when I'm with you, I feel like I'm cheating on her.

Do you really think she'd want you to be all alone?

You don't understand.

I feel so damn guilty for being alive.

I know how you feel.

I went through the same heartache when I lost monty...

And dennis...

And edgar...

And...what's his name?

The redhead.



But life goes on, sport.

You finish, and then you have to start again.


I'm not ready.

Oh, how would you know? You won't even try.

Don't you want someone to help you with your laundry...

Take care of you when you're sick...

Make you feel loved?


Me too.

[ Chuckles ]


If you're lucky,

Maybe I'll invite you over again for dinner sometime -- maybe.



You're hugging!

You're hugging!

Oh, we're all hugging!

Hold that hug.

Deanna! Oh, deanna, come on.

They're hugging.

I swear they were hugging.

Okay, we were hugging.

Aw, that's nice.

I'm happy for you.

The power of love -- you can't fight it.

It's fate and destiny and magic --

And the fear of being left in a closet to die.

Grandpapa, where have you been? It's after .

I went to the seniors dance.

Nell, it was wild.

And then after the dancing, a bunch of us went cruising

With a mexican street g*ng and got tattoos.

You know what?

I really love your stories after you hit the grape.

I was not drinking.

Hey, I believe you.

Why don't you just go to bed and sleep it off?

"Born to raise hell"?

It's a pretty skull, isn't it?

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break