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01x28 - Oh, Danny Boy

Posted: 04/22/23 17:30
by bunniefuu
We interrupt our regularly

scheduled programming

for a special Electric


from Prankster Planet!

Today's honorary Electric

Company members are

Patriots, Were

and Tariq.

Nice 'do, dude.



Thank you.

But wait! We still need you!

Words on Earth

are being reversed!

The stop signs are

turning into pots signs!

It's chaos, it's madness!

It's my reverse-a-balls...

no one can stop me!


We will stop you!

Can The Electric Company

stop Francine

and her reverse-a-balls?

Prankster Planet!

Prankster Planet!

And now back to our regularly

scheduled programming.

So, here are your five words.


A partner is someone you're

teamed with in a game.


If you're sensitive, you feel

things really strongly.


When you depend on

someone, you need them.


If you're loyal to someone,

you're always there for them.


A commitment is a

promise you make.

Okay, so we have partner,

sensitive, depend,

loyal, and commitment.

Look out for them

in today's show.

(whistle blows)


Listen up, everybody.

As you know, our

rec center is holding

a city-wide ping-pong

tournament this week.

And today, we are going

to determine which of you,

playing together as partners,

is going to represent

us in the tournament!


It's only going to

be you and me, Paul.

We're the best team by far.

We'll see

about that, Danny.

Francine and I have

been practicing.


Long days in sweaty gymnasiums

swinging these mallets.



And now we are ready to

represent the neighborhood

and take home the city

championship trophy.

We'll see about that,

won't we Paul?

Mind if I... serve?

Go right ahead.

(ricochet b*llet sounds)

Ahh!! Now, you have

experienced my secret w*apon,

the old spin and serve.

(ricochet b*llet sounds)


Better luck

next time, fellas.

Oh, looking good.

Keep your eye on the ball.

Good rhythm.


Hey Danny.

I have reason to suspect that

Manny and Francine might be

cheating at ping-pong.

Wouldn't surprise

me if they were.

Aren't you a member of

the Electric Company?


And doesn't everyone in

the neighborhood depend on

the Electric Company

whenever there's trouble?

Yeah, the neighborhood can

always come to us for help.

So, can I depend on

your help?

Yeah, I guess you can.

Aren't there three little words

you should be saying

right about now?

(clears throat)

Hey, you guys!


Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo

And plug it in!

It's electric

(Electric Company)

Get connected

(Electric Company)

It's electric

(Electric Company)

Get connected

(Electric Company)

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed

and expect to be respected

Just turn it on

and you will see

That you belong

in the Company!

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo

And plug it in!

Plug it in, everybody!

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company...

Electric Company!

Okay, so let me

get this straight.

You and Paul play together.

You're partners.

You play on the same team, and

you guys want to represent

the neighborhood in the

big citywide tournament?


But you think Manny and

Francine are cheating?

Yes, I do.

What makes you think that?

Have you seen them play?

Batter, batter, batter!

Batter, batter, batter!


You remember the time

when Manny was playing...

It's that ball!

There is something up with it.

Sounds like Manny

Spamboni invented

some new kind of gadget.

All right.

What are you gonna do?

Danny, shake hands

with your new partner.

Let's go, guys.

Come on Danny.

Grab your bag.

BOTH: Game point.

Oh... tough break, kids.

Coach, I'm pretty sure

Manny and I

have beaten all the challengers.

Don't you just

want to declare us

the official ping-pong partners?

Go home.

Take a well deserved rest.

Slow down there,

ping-pong pal.

There's still

another ten minutes

for you to be challenged.

And we do challenge you.

And who would "we"be?

Danny and me.

Ho ho... fine.

We'll take you on.

This shouldn't take long.

I'll go get Manny.

(Paul growls a question)

Oh, yeah. Paul... sorry.

I'm going to be partners

with Hector because...

Danny, I think you

hurt Paul's feelings.

I guess I did.

Man, it's so easy to

hurt his feelings.

He's really, really sensitive.

He's sensitive?

Yeah. Don't you think?

Hello, Hector.

It will be my pleasure to crush

you in a game of ping-pong.

Let's do this.

(b*llet ricochets)


How do you like it, Hector?

That is quite a serve,

but hold on.

I think there's something funny

about this ball.

Funny about that ball?

There's nothing funny

about that ball.

The ball is so not funny.

It's actually so funny,

I'm gonna just draw

a smiley face on it.

Danny: Say good-bye to your

tricked out

ping-pong ball, Manny.

Look at that. How about

we use this ball instead?

Hector: Good.

Serve it up, Manny.

All right.

(nervous chuckle)

Not in my house!


This is all you, me.

Touchdown! Touchdown!

That was close.




Well kids, it's finally settled.

Hector and Danny will

represent the neighborhood

in the big tournament!

(cheers and applause)

Congratulations guys.

Hector, I hope you're

prepared to take

this tournament very seriously.

I can do it.

Danny, let me do it.

I'll take it really seriously.


I'm your friend.

(laughing hysterically)

Really? You tried to cheat me

out of my place

in the tournament.

That's not being a friend.

A friend is someone who is

loyal, someone like Hector.

We are friends, right Hector?

Yeah, Danny.

Come on, man.

I'm gonna go do some

work for school,

but I'll catch you

later, champion.

I'll call you later, partner.

All right!


Bye, Francine.

Today's show brought to you by

gr, (grrrr).

You see a 'g' in a word

before e, y or i,

you make a sound like a j,

and that's a soft g.

Like page, gym or giant.

Oh, that's a soft g.

That's a soft g.

And when you see a g in a word

before e, y, or i,

you make a sound like a j,

and that's a soft g.

Oh, that's a soft g.

I'm special agent Jack Bowzer.

Oh, this is just grape...

I mean great.

This place is about to explode,

but I can't crack

the code to get out.

Help me read this.

Greg was grateful, so he gave

a grape to the giant giraffe.

(expl*si*n) Whoo-hoo!!

Yo yo!

-- What's up Hector?

-- 'S'up?

Don't tell me you and Danny

are going to practice

ping-pong again.

Hey! Whoa, whoa!

I made a commitment, a promise,

and I'm going to keep it.

And you guys know how Danny is,

how he takes winning

so seriously.

Yeah, and you don't?

Okay, you got me.

You're having a good time

with Danny, aren't you?

Oh, come on. Admit it.


I know that some people

think Danny's annoying,

but I think he's

a really good guy,

and I like being his friend.


You won't believe what

your partner made.

(laughs) Okay.

It's me, Hector apostrophe s...

Hector's p plus painting...

No, art... partner.

Hector's partner.


I've also got one for you.

Danny's partner.

Yeah. That's you.

Thanks, Danny.

Oh, and I talked to Miss Feezel

and she said that we can

practice whenever we want.


Come on, let's go.

Bye y'all!

Have a good time.

Oh, that's a

wicked serve, Danny.

I'm glad you're on my side.

I'll show ya how to do it.

You just cut down on

the ball at an angle.

Like this?

Try it again.

Now you're getting it!

Thank you, Danny.

I like that one.

You just stick with

your friend, Danny Rebus.

I know, man. All right, buddy.

Let me try that again.

(phone beeps)

Oh, excuse me.

Hmm, a video message.

Oh, Danny.

If you only knew what was being

said about you behind your back.

Just listen to what your "loyal"

friend Hector had to say

about you only a

few short hours ago.

I know that some people think

Danny is a really good guy,

but I think Danny is annoying.

Some loyal friend, eh, Danny?

There he is.

Sorry to be so annoying, Hector.

What? Danny,

I don't understand.

Danny. Danny!

Danny, please.

Don't you Danny, Danny, don't

you Danny, Danny please.

Danny's got you wise

and doesn't like

what Danny sees.

There's something

going on here.

There's something

out of whack.

You say something

to my face,

and something else

behind my back.

You made Danny Rebus sad,

you made Danny Rebus blue.

Why do you do these

things to Danny?

What did Danny do to you?

Remember kindergarten.

You spilled my cup of juice.

You said it was an accident.

Yeah, that was some excuse!

And then we got to

the first grade,

you stepped

right on my heel.

I was there!

You didn't say I'm sorry.

How do you think

that made me feel?

Danny, Danny!

You made Danny Rebus sad.

You made Danny Rebus blue.

Why do you do these

things to Danny?

What did Danny do to you?

You say Danny,

he's so sensitive.

Well, that's how

Danny's made.

Danny gets the blues

whenever Danny is betrayed.

But Danny, he's loyal,

on that you can depend.

But you just lost

the privilege of

having Danny for a friend.

You made Danny Rebus sad,

you made Danny Rebus blue.

Why do you do these

things to Danny?

What did Danny ever, ever,

ever, ever do to you?

Today's show brought

to you by L.

Oh, sometimes you

can be so quiet.

This is my sister.

What's your name?

We are going to have a scavenger

hunt for the most L's.



Let's go!


The Gulf of Mexico.

I found Love.

Owl. Hoo hoo hoo!

Dismissal here, here,

here, here and here.

Big L, small l.


Light, like, walk.

Now, Faith's coming

to write more words

while I think of some.


Two L's, like my name.

My desk is very full.

Pencil sharpener.


A rubber band ball.

These are some plants.



It looks like a mini-palm tree.

It's my favorite, too.

This is our celebration corner.


Telescope, you're

out of this world.

Seal of approval.

Lower level.

L. Elevator.

Right now, there's only

one person talking,

so in the background,

it is silent.





It's time for

Electric Soundoff.

I'm your host, Hector Ruiz.

Let's spin the wheel.

What letters are we

playing with today?

Let's plug these in

and see them in action.

L makes the 'l' sound as in

elk or elf, or elm or mold.

Is wolf an L word?


Is half an L word?

Uh.. No?

Check it out.

Half does have an L.

Sometimes the L is silent,

like in half or chalk

or calm or could.

And now I need two volunteers to

go head to head with letter L.

I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Well, come on up!

Let's see some words!

Make a sentence

using these words.

The person who uses the most

words with L wins, but remember,

sometimes L doesn't

make a sound at all.


BOTH: Ready!

Work on your sentences while we

hear a word from our sponsor.

I can read your palm.

I can look at your palm

and tell you your future.

You're going to be rich!

You're going to be famous!

You're going to pay me $.

for this palm reading.


Right every time.

Time's up.

Let's see what

sentences you made.

Well, my sentence is:

Look at that!

Golfing and calf,

talking and beanstalk.

Four L words!

You have your work cut

out for you, Marcus.

No problem.

My sentence is:

You've got golfing calf,

talking, salmon and beanstalk.

That's five L words!

That means Marcus wins.


What do I win?

Half a glass of milk.

Mmmm, milk.


I'll see you next time on

Electric Soundoff.

The tournament will

begin in a few minutes.

First of all, we would like to

welcome all of you from all over

the city to our annual doubles

ping-pong tournament!


The rules are simple.

Here are the

tournament brackets.

If your team wins, you move

on to the next round.

If you lose, your

team is eliminated.

So long.


Better luck next time.

Eliminated is what

we don't want.

What we do want is a

pair of giant trophies.

Will the first groups please

gather at the tables?

Come on, gather gather!

(whistle blows)

Let's do this.

Danny, I need to talk to you.

Oh, I thought I was too

annoying to talk to.

Danny, I never said that.

You said I was annoying.

That's what you said.

I didn't say that.

Hold on.

Francine left out some

of what Hector said,

but I know exactly what he said.

Listen to this, Danny.

I know that some people

think Danny is annoying,

but he's a really good guy,

and I like being his friend.

I can explain.

Give me that

T-shirt, Francine.

We can't switch now.

Our name is on the board.

Miss Feezel?

Go right ahead.

Good-bye, Carruthers.

Hello, Ruiz.

Ready partner?

Ready, partner.




Oh, yeah!

All right!

Let's go.


All right, Danny.

It's me and you against

Paul and Jane.

Who's Jane?

Oh, Jane.

It's time to play.

(clears throat)

Jane is really good.

Oh, no.

Okay, dude, I think we're

about to get clobbered.

Danny: You can depend on that.

Maybe we should

stay down here.

How long?

About points.



Who knew gorillas were

so good at ping-pong?

I know.

Yeah, who knew gorillas

were so good at ping-pong?


Hey, Hector.

Why don't you come over

here and sit with me?

Why don't you come

over here and sit over here?

No, sit here.


Boy, those gorillas,

they were good, right?

Remember that?

I do.

That's funny.

So I was thinking after

this, we could go bowling.


Oh, my God.

We were just talking

about that, Danny.

Actually, I was thinking

it could kind of be

a partner thing.

Well, Danny we're friends,

and they're my friends.

So why don't we just

all hang out together?


Well, but I thought

we were best friends.

Danny, listen.

I have a lot of friends,

and you're one of them,

and they're some of them.

But I'm the kind

of person who is

loyal and true and

has a best friend.

Danny, wait.

Come on, Danny.

Stick around. Hang out.

No, with me, it's

all or nothing.

That's the Danny Rebus way.

Oh, man, he's so sensitive.

I know.

It has got to be tough

to be Danny Rebus.

To Danny.

ALL: To Danny!

Do you know what,

Electric Company?

I don't even like ping-pong.

I can win in other ways.


On Prankster Planet,

no one can stop me.

Would you even dare to try,

Electric Company?

(evil laugh)

Prankster Planet!

Prankster Planet!

The Reverse-a-ball's

reversing all the words

on Earth, so it's Jessica

and Marcus to the rescue

Francine has eight machines

You must stop them all

To save the world from

the Reverse-a-balls!

Prankster Planet!

Prankster Planet!

Meanwhile, in

Francine's studio.

Hello, loyal fans.

Francine! Francine! Francine.

Stop, stop.

Let's take a look at

three examples of my

reverse-a-balls on Earth.

Reverse-a-ball .

This shouldn't take long.

I'll go get Manny.

Reverse-a-ball .

-- What's up, Hector?

-- 'S'up?

Reverse-a-ball .



Let's check on the progress

of our little "heroes,"

Jessica and Marcus, as they try

to stop my reverse-a-balls.


Oh, there must be some way

around these things.


Hey, up here.

Marcus, this is no time

for playing around. (screams)

Well, it's not looking good

for the Electric Company.

So, why don't I make it worse?


It's survey time.

The survey question is:

Time to vote!

You can vote for thorny vines,

frozen pizza,

or squishy sponges.

I'm going to show the

results of the survey,

using a circle graph.

I love a circle graph!

It's time to --

Vote, vote,

vote, vote!

Now the part where we have

the results of the survey.


What did you vote for?

This section of the

circle graph shows that

eight of you voted

for thorny vines.

This section shows that

voted for frozen pizza,

and this section shows that

voted for squishy sponges.

The biggest section

is frozen pizza!

So, that one wins.

It's watch Marcus walk

across frozen pizza time!

Francine: Pizza's ready.


Marcus, it's frozen.


Care to join me?

I think we deserved a .

Francine: Very graceful, Marty.

There's the lever!

Time for my Prankster Planet

Prankster Rules

emergency button!

Good luck stopping the

reverse-a-balls now.

BOTH: Hey, you guys!

Go to and stop

the reverse-a-balls!

The Electric Company and the

people of Earth need you!

We interrupt our regularly

scheduled programming for

a special Electric Company


from Prankster Planet.

Today's honorary Electric

Company members are

Teja, Peach

and Braden.



Thank you.

You can be an honorary member

of The Electric Company, too.

Go online and stop Francine's


Danny, I don't understand.

Danny... Danny.

Let's do it.


Want to know more about me

and the rest of the cast?

Just go online to

We have behind the scenes,

entire episodes

and loads of brand new games

all the time!

But don't just take

my word for it.

Go! Check it out, for yourself!