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01x27 - Mighty Bright Fight

Posted: 04/22/23 17:29
by bunniefuu
(techno music)

- [Announcer] The Electric Company is

brought to you by the Corporation

for Public Broadcasting,

a cooperative agreement

from the U.S. Department

of Education's Ready to Learn grant

and viewers like you.

Thank you.

- Okay, here are your five words.

Assistant, an assistant helps someone.

Create, to create is to make something.

Creator, a creator

makes or creates things.

Suspicious, when you are suspicious,

you have a feeling that

something isn't quite right.

Decision, a decision is a choice you make.

All right, so we have assistant, create,

creator, suspicious and decision.

Watch out for them in today's show.

(light music)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's

the hurry, little sis?

- Oh hey, Hector.

I didn't see you there.

- Yeah, no kiddin'.

I feel like I haven't seen you all week.

Whatta you been up to?

- You know, just stuff.

- Yeah, well, I'm gonna go

sh**t hoops on the court.

You wanna come?

- Actually, I can't.

I have to do a lot of work.

Yes, I've gotta go.

- Okay.

- Catch ya later.

- Yup, I'll see ya later.

(puzzled music)


She's secretly hanging

out with Manny Spamboni?

Hey you guys!

(upbeat music)



Come on, yeah

Feel the power, feel the power

Feel the power, yo and plug it in

It's electric, Electric Company

Get connected, Electric Company

It's electric, Electric Company

Get connected, Electric Company

Yo, yo, yo, yo

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on and you will see

That you belong in the Company

Feel the power, feel the power

Ooh, feel the power

Feel the power, yo and plug it in

Plug it in

Feel the power, everybody

Feel the power, yo and plug it in

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

(upbeat music)

- [Boy] Hey man, what's up?

- What's up, man?

- [Boy] Where's Jessica?

- I don't know, man.

Something's goin' on, you guys.

I just saw her meet up with Manny Spamboni

and Harper

Zackerhollanbakerdink to do some

secret handshake thing.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- That's a little suspicious.

- I know, right?

It makes you think that's something's

goin' on that she's not tellin' us.

- Yeah, it is suspicious.

(light music)

- Sorry, I'm late, guys.

- Okay, that is really suspicious.

- What's the problem?

- What's with the helmet, Jess?

- Oh!

I forgot about that.

Um, so what's up?

Why are you lookin' at me so suspiciously?

- You, Manny, Harper, secret handshake,

you have a helmet on your head.

I don't know, you tell us.

- Oh, I get it.

I'm the problem.

Okay, let me explain.

About a week ago, Harper and I were

getting ready for the

Mighty Bright Knight-I-Con.

- Mighty what-i-con?

- It's a convention for

fans of the comic book

Mighty Bright Knight.

- Exactly.

Anyways, (sighs) Harper and I were

at the rec center reading the comic book.

Your evil plan won't work, Dr. Dark.

Might Bright Knight will stop you!

- Will he, Esmerelda?

Will he?

- He has the secret formula.

- Foolish Esmerelda, you've given him

the wrong secret formula.

- Gasp!

- Now the princess and all who follow her

will be under my power.

(throat clearing)

- Can we help you?

- Oh, Jessica, have you

heard the good news?

Stan Flea is in town.

- Stan Flea, the creator

of Mighty Bright Knight?

The Stan Flea?

The man who made my favorite

comic book on the planet?

- Yeah, that's him.

- Stan Flea, the creator

of Mighty Bright Knight,

is coming to Mighty Bright Knight-I-Con

to judge a special competition to see

who can do the best job of bringing

Mighty Bright Knight to life.

- Like acting it out!

We're great at that.

We've gotta enter!

- (laughs) Oh, that's too bad.

There's only two of you, and you need

three people to enter.

Looks like you're gonna have to find

someone else to enter with.

Someone who is smart and talented.

Someone who loves the Mighty Bright Knight

just as much as you do.

Someone who already has his own costume

that he sewed himself

and looks really good in.

- Manny, are you asking to be

in the competition with us?

- Am I asking to be in

the competition with you?

Am I asking to be in the

competition with you?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh please, Jessica,

please, please, please!

I already have my costume and everything,

but no one wants to work with me,

and I can't imagine why!

- You asked Manny Spamboni

to work work with you?

Why would you make that decision?

- Yeah, why would you ask Manny

when you could've just asked one

of us to do it?

- I made that decision because you guys

don't like Mighty Bright

Knight the way he does.

- I don't know about this, Jess.

I mean, Manny?

Aren't you suspicious that he's gonna

play a prank on you?

- You know, I was a

little suspicious because

we all know Manny's

pulled a lot of pranks,

but you guys have no

idea how much he loves

Mighty Bright Knight.

- So what?

- So he wouldn't do

anything to mess it up.

He really wants to win this competition.

You should see the great

costumes he created.

He came up with the

whole design by himself.

He's even gonna sew this cool cape for me.

- Manny Spamboni sews?

- Yeah, there's a lot of things

you don't know about him.

- You ready, Jess?

- Yeah, you done with your

little Electric Company thing?

I need to finish your cape.

- Yeah, I'm finished.

(light music)

There's no problem here.

(fun music)

- [Narrator] Eh.

(fun music)

Hey yo, short e.

Come and ring that bell

Eh, eh, eh, eh, ell

Eh, eh, ell

Okay, you ring that beh, eh, eh

Eh, eh, eh, eh, ell

So all of you can teh, eh, eh

Eh, eh, eh, eh, ell

Then let me scream, not yell

But short e is best

Standing tall is a tent

It will never need a rest

In the middle of the word

It will always pass the test

When you need it most to cast a spell

Grab your pencils, your pens

Let's do it well

The time is set

For you to ring that beh, eh, eh

Eh, eh, eh, eh, ell

Eh, eh, eh, eh

The short e

Come and ring that beh, eh, eh

(upbeat music)

(mystical music)

- Cobweb.


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.


(glass shattering)

Pencil, pencil.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.

(gong rings)


(glass shattering)

Pendant, pendant.

Eh, eh, eh, eh.

(breath blowing)

(glass shattering)

Elementary, elementary.

Eh, eh, eh.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh,

eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

(glass shattering)

(cat screeching)



- Yo.

- Ted!

(mystical music)

(fun music)

- You have turned out

every light in the city.

You will never get away

with this Dr. Dark.

- That's what you think,

Mighty Bright Knight,

but I have a surprise for you.

(electronic beeping)

- Esmerelda, what has she done to you?

- Esmerelda's not your

faithful sidekick anymore,

Mighty Bright Knight!

I've created a mind controller,

and, now, she works for me!

Ha ha ha!

- Harper?

Every evil laugh must have a mwah

in the beginning, like this.

Mwah ha ha ha.

- Mwah ha ha ha.

- No, no, no, like this.

Mwah ha ha ha

- Mwah ha ha ha.

- Hector, I have to say, it looks like

they're having a really good time.

And those costumes that

Manny created are amazing.

I don't think he would work this hard

if he didn't care about the competition.

- Okay, he's surprisingly good at sewing.

But Manny would do

anything to pull a prank.

I'm not gonna start trusting him

just because he created

a few good costumes.

- I think you're wrong about Manny.

He's not pulling a prank on Jessica.

- Not pulling a prank on Jessica?

Than what's that gadget right there?

Hold on, Manny.

I'll take that.

- Hector, what are you doing?

You're ruining my big scene.

- Oh, your big scene?

More like your prank.

You're not gonna mess

with my little sister

and zap her with your crazy...

(light music)


- That is my Mighty Bright Knight light.

- How else is Mighty Bright Knight

supposed to turn on the light?

- Hector, have you been spying on me?

- No!

I mean, yes.

Okay, it wasn't spying, exactly.

- Than what do you call it?

- I had to follow you

to watch out for you.

- You didn't have to follow me.

You made the decision to follow me,

but you should have made

the decision to trust me.

I'm hanging out with my friends

Harper and Manny, and

I'm havin' a good time!

- Your friends?

- Friends?

- Yeah, friends.

(techno music)

We've all done things

that we might regret

The problem is people

won't let us forget

Nobody's perfect, Manny's not that bad

Let me tell ya, big brother,

you don't really understand

You look at Manny with

all this suspicion

But he made the costumes

for the competition

And then you rushed to spy on us

Then you tell me it's

him you don't trust

No, nobody's perfect

Nobody's perfect

We all make mistakes

You know it's true

You know it's true, Hector

No, nobody's perfect

Nobody's perfect, y'all

You just do your best

because that's all you can do

Come on

So he made some mistakes

That's all in the past

Give him a second chance

That's all I ask

He got us together,

taught Harper how to laugh

Made us gadgets that we never had

And are you trying to tell me, Hector

That you have always been correct, sir

Come on, big brother,

you know it's true

Nobody's perfect, not even you

Nobody's perfect

Nobody's perfect, y'all

We all make mistakes

You know it's true

You know it's true, Hector

No, nobody's perfect, y'all

Nobody's perfect

You just do your best

because that's all you can do

That's all you can do

(gentle music)

I'm still a member of

the Electric Company.

And I'll still be there

whenever you need me,

but this, this is important to me.

- Yeah, but, Jess, come on.

Manny only watches out for Manny.

- See ya later, Hector.

(gentle music)

(fun music)

Hey look at what I found

Want to share it with you

Transformer H

Can't wait to show you

all the things it can do


When it comes behind

the letter C, S and T

It changes up the sound, stick around

You'll see what I mean

C all by itself makes a hard sound Ka

Transformer H comes around

with a new sound, ch

It turns cat into chat

Case into chase

Cow into chow

I think you got it now

S, oh yes

You don't have to guess

When it's all alone makes

a sound like a snake


But add the H and it's

a whole different thing

Sake turns to shake

Same turns to shame

Oh, yeah

And last but not least is the T

By itself I tend to think

it is as hard as can be

But when you add the H you will see

Tick becomes thick

And tree becomes three

Woo hoo, transformer H


Woo, come on

Transformer H

(fun music)

(ominous music)

- Of all the letters in the world,

I think the letter H is the most powerful.

In fact, if Manny Spamboni

were to be a letter,

I would definitely be an H.

You will see how some letters bend

at the mere will whenever the H is near.

Let's take the letter T, which thinks

it's so great just because

it makes the tuh sound.

But add an H after it, and

it magically transforms

into the th sound.

Not so tough anymore, huh, T?

With an H, ten becomes then,

tick becomes thick,

t*nk becomes thank.

And then, let's not forget the S,

which thinks it's so smart and sassy

because it makes the sss sound.

But then H comes along

and sack becomes shack,

sort becomes short, sell becomes shell,

which is why Manny Spamboni

would definitely be an H.

(fun music)

I got a pocket full of Hs

that I'm not afraid to use

I keep a couple extras

in the laces of my shoes

So when I run into a cat

I can have a little chat

If a bat is in my path

I can make it take a bath

Got a pocket full of Hs

that I'm not afraid to use

Got a pocket full of Hs

that I'm not afraid to use

And if I see my buddy Gus

I can always make him gush

One summer up at camp

I made him be the champ

Got a pocket full of Hs

that I'm not afraid to use

Got a pocket full of Hs

that I'm not afraid to use

I love usin' my Hs

(audience cheering)


(fun music)

- Ching, ching, ching, ching.

(classical music)



(word splats)













(word crashing)


Shock! (gasps)






(table rumbling)



(fun music)

(gentle music)

- Shock, you should've seen it, man.

Jessica was so upset with me.

If only there was a way I

could make it up to her.

- Hi, can I get a smoothie, please?

- Sure.

- Thank you.

- Um, Hector.

- Not now, Shock, I'm not hungry.

I gotta think.

- Uh, Hector.

(light music)

- Stan Flea.

You're the creator of

Mighty Bright Knight.

- Yup, I'm the guy who made it up.

- There's someone I'd

really like for you to meet.

- Mwah ha ha ha ha.

Now I have you under

my control, Esmerelda,

and you're mine forever!

- Not so fast, Dr. Dark.

You forgot about one thing,

my Mighty Bright Knight light.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

- Oh!


You know I don't like the light.

My mind controller, it's broken.

- I'm free!

That was a close one Mighty Bright Knight.

How could I ever thank you?

- No need to thank me.

Friendship is the best reward.

(kids laughing)

- That was great.

We're totally gonna win this competition.

- Do my eyes deceive me?

- The creator of Mighty Bright Knight?

- Your brother Hector

told me that you three

are my biggest fans, so I wanted to come

by and meet you.

- Hector said that?

- Yeah, you know, I

could use an assistant,

somebody to help me with my work

at Mighty Bright Knight-I-Con.

- [All] Really?

- Oh, wait a minute, I just remembered.

I need my assistant to help

me during the competition,

so you couldn't do both.

- Yeah, thanks anyway, Mr. Flea,

but we worked really

hard on this competition.

There's no way any of us would drop out

to work as your assistant--

- I'll be your assistant.

- What?

- I know more about Mighty

Bright Knight than anybody.

I'd be a great assistant.

- That's great, but I don't want you

to disappoint your friends.

Aren't you working on the competition?

- Who them?


I was just helping them rehearse, yeah.

Now, about that job.

You know, I'm thinking. (voice fades)

- I can't believe he just did that.

- I know.

That was so strange.

(gentle music)

- I'm sorry, Jess.

I just wanted you to meet Stan Flea.

I didn't know anything

about that assistant job.

- I know that.

I should've just listened to you

when you warned me about Manny.

- No, no, no, no.

No, no, no.

I should've listened to you.

You get to decide who your friends are.

- But I thought Manny was my friend.

But you don't let your

friends down like that.

Now who's gonna be in

the competition with us?

- I'll do it.

- Hector, you're not,

you're not into this stuff.

- Yeah, but it's important to you,

so I'll do it.

- Are you ready to be

the Mighty Bright Knight?

(adventurous music)

- Wherever there's trouble,

Mighty Bright Knight is there.

- Yeah, just like you.

(gentle music)

(fun music)

Shake, shame, shape, share

Sh, shave, shelf, shell, ship

Shock, shook, shut, shy, rush


Cash, crush, mash, mushroom

Sh, sh, sh, sh

Ish, ish, ish, like fish

Fashion, push, rash,

Rush, trash

Wash, wish

Shake it about

Sh, sh, sh makes the sh sound

Sh, sh, sh makes the sh sound

Shape, share, shave

Sh, sh

(fun music)

- [Announcer] Today on

The Big Face Face Off,

it's Lisa vs. Annie.

- In this duel, I will use the sh sound.

- I will use the sh sound as well.

(hard rock music)

- I will give you a push.

- Ahh!

All I have to do is grab onto a bush.

- I will shake the bush.

- No problem.

Watch out for my splash.

- Well, how about a little

friend to go swimming with?

- Ah, a shark!

Ooh, better think fast, Lisa.

Oh, I've got it!

A ship.

See ya later, scrambler.

(ship horn blasts)

- Oh, just eat a fish.

(fun music)

- This is a kind of animal in the sea

that carries around its own little house.

Let's start with what we know.

Well, right away, I see

sh there at the start

of the word, and I know the H transforms

the S sound into sh.

So we have sh and that's ell, shell.

Shell f, shellf, i, oh, and look,

there's another sh, shellfish.

Yeah, like shrimp or lobster.

(fun music)

- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

I'm stuck in Sam's Soda.

This bottle is about to explode,

but I can't crack the code to get out.

Help me read this.

Did Sam sh-share his soda?


He gave some to Shelly the fish.

Did Sam share his soda?


He gave some to Shelly the fish.

(timer buzzes)

Woo hoo!

(dramatic music)

(fun music)

(dramatic music)

- We were the worst

group in the competition.

- On the bright side, we

did come in sixth place.

- There were only six groups.

- (laughing) Ooh, that was

the best convention ever.

Mighty Bright Knight club unite!


What's wrong?

- What's wrong?

We worked really hard on this competition,

and you made a decision to blow us off

when something better came along.

- Yeah, that was classic Spamboni,

but, look, I made it up to you,

autographed comic books.

(light music)

- No, thanks.

- I don't want them either.

- Come on, guys.

- Ah ha ha, there you are.

I was hopin' I'd find you here.

- Mr. Flea, I knew you'd come back.

You want me to be your

assistant forever, right?

- Uh, Manny, no.

Actually, I'm lookin' for Jessica.

- Me?

- Huh?

- I want to show you the newest character

that I've created, the Electric Empress.

(adventurous music)

- [Jessica] The Electric Empress.

- I modeled her on you and your powers.

Do you like it?

- I love it, but why me?

- I like the way you

stuck by your friends,

'cause if there's one important message

of Mighty Bright Knight--

- Oh, I know this one.

Friendship is the best reward.

- Curses.

(fun music)

- Yo, what's up guys?

Have you checked out the

Electric Company online?

Go to

Check out the games, clips and tons more.

The best part is, there's

new stuff added all the time.

You don't believe me?

Go check it out for yourself.


(electronic beeps)

(Shock beat boxing)


Come on

The time is now

The day is here

The rhythm that you're pullin'

The music in your ear

The charge is electric

And all you gotta do is plug it in

Plug it in

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound will astound you

Surround you, and before you know it

Even you have the power to bring

A word to light, that's right

That's right

That's what we do at

the Electric Company

Inviting you to all the possibilities

Learning to write and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

you have to share it

Discovering your power

You own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric Company is in town


The Electric Company

(electric beeps)

- Guess you're gonna have to find someone

else to enter with.

- [Girl] (laughs) Are you sure about that?

- Nobody wants to work with me,

and I can't imagine why. (crying)

- Cut.

- Cut it.

- I'm hangin' out with my

friends, Harper and Manny,

and I'm havin' a good time.

- Did you become British in the scene?

I'm having a good time.

- [Man] Guys, set.

- Shellfish are shells.

Their houses are their shells.

I mean their shells

are like little houses,

which is awesome.