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01x26 - A Whole New Francine

Posted: 04/22/23 17:28
by bunniefuu
- Here are your words--

A volunteer is someone

Who offers

To help do things for free.

"Apologize"means to say

You're sorry.

When you convince someone,

You make them believe

Something is true.

Someone who's dishonest

Tricks and tells lies.

If you trust someone, you

Believe they are good and fair.

All right, so we have...

Watch out for them

In today's show.


- No! Not true!

I don't snore like that!


- Are you all right, francine?

- No! Sandra sandersonian

Took a video of me

Asleep in the library

And added this fake

Snoring sound!


- So someone took a video

Of you and changed it

To make you look bad.

- Exactly!

Isn't that outrageous?

- Yeah, but how is that

Any different

Than you making people

Look bad in your blogs?

- Name one person

I've done that to.

- Lisa, hector, jessica,

Me, paul the gorilla--

- Ok. I get it.

What sandra sandersonian

Did to me

Isn't any different

Than all the mean things

I've done to you and

Your electric companions.

Ah! I've been a mean person.

I'm going to change.

- This year,

The big show for kids

Is going to be bigger

Than ever, I'm sure, convinced.

- You wanna know why?

- Why, ms. Feasle?

It's because the electric

Company is going to make

The biggest pyramid

Of words ever!

- We're gonna try.

- Oh, there's an awful

Lot to do.

Oh, my goodness.

Ah! Cupcakes.

They don't bake

Themselves, you know?

But I'm not worried.

Ah! You wanna know why?

- Why, ms. Feasle?

- It's because there are

Volunteers like you

Who are giving up their

Free time to help out.

And speaking of volunteers,

We have a great new volunteer.

- Hi, lisa.

Hi, keith.

- Hi, francine.

- Hi, francine.

- Now, I know you've had

Trouble in the past. Whoa!

Ha ha! I know it,

You know it,

The whole world knows it.

But things are going

To be different.

Francine and I have had

A heart-to-heart talk

And she's convinced me

That she's changed.

- I think the electric

Company is super.


- Oh, francine, come clean

Some stuff up for me back here.

- I'm so excited that we're

Going to be working together

On the big show for kids.

- Hey, you guys...

- Hey, you guys...

-Oh, oh, oh, come on, yeah!

Feel the power,

Feel the power!

Feel the power!

Yo! And plug it in!

It's electric,

Electric company!

Get connected,

Electric company!

It's electric,

Electric company!

Get connected,

Electric company!

-Yo, yo, yo, yo!

The power we perfected

Is electrically connected

-Go, go...

-So use it as directed

And expect to be respected

-Just turn it on

And you will see

That you belong

In the company!

-Feel the power,

Feel the power!

-Oh, feel the power!

-Feel the power!

-Yo! And plug it in...

-Plug it in, everybody!

-Feel the power!

-Yo! And plug it in...

Electric company!

Electric company!

Electric company!

- I know what

You're thinking.

You're thinking,

"Whoa, she's different."

- Yeah...

- Yeah, pretty much.

- Yeah, you got it.

- Well, I am different.

After I saw that outrageous

Blog of me snoring, i--

- I saw that thing.

I showed it to you.

Remember she's like--[snoring]

[Snorting sounds]

[All laughing]

- Anyway...

Now I know how it feels

When someone lies about you.

So I've changed. And I'm not

Going to be dishonest anymore.

Francine carruthers will never

Tell a lie, ever again.

- Sorry, francine.

I'm not convinced.

Nothing you're saying

Makes me feel you're

Telling the truth.

- Yeah, you've lied

To us before,

So what makes us think

You're not lying right now?

- Yeah, that is an excellent

Question, keith.

And I understand why

You don't believe me, why...

You just can't trust me,

But please,

Hear me out,

Electric company.

I am so, so, so, so,

So sorry for being

So mean and dishonest

For so long.

That's right.

I apologize.

- Thank you for

Your apology, francine.

It's so unlike you.

- Unlike the old me,

But this is the new me.

And now I must apologize

For leaving so soon,

But I have to go rehearse

For the big show for kids.

- Wait. You're in the show?

- Of course.

I've been rehearsing with

The catfish kid.

Oh, hello,

Electric company.

It's an honor to meet you.

These are the folks

That help people, right?

Yes, we have a lot

Of rehearsing to do.

Oh, for the children.

I love kids.

Me, too.

Ha ha ha!

Well...see you guys

At the show.


- Do you think

She's actually changed?

- Well, it's hard to believe,

But possible.

Right? People can change?

-Ah, well, it's still

Gonna take a lot more

Than an apology

And some puppets

To convince me

That we can trust her.

- So, how did it go?

- Perfectly. I've almost

Convinced them to trust me.

You know what

To do, right?

- Of course. I will mess up

The electric company's act

With my word zapper and then,

You pretend to catch me. Ha ha!

- Exactly. And the next

Thing you know,

I'll be taking the pledge

To join the electric company

And soon, I'll get

My very own special skill.

What is going to be

My special skill?

I wonder what'll be

My special skill

Maybe I'll throw

Some pink word balls

They'll spell so much more

Than any old regular ones

Wait! I'm probably not

Thinking big enough

I really need to

Blog my stuff

What is gonna be

My special skill?

Mm-hmm! I wonder what'll be

My special skill

Ooh! I'll zap away

All the text from the world

Replacing it all

With a single word--

Francine, francine

Wait! I don't think

That is good enough, no.

I think I'll be

A queen on a throne

And all will just have to

Bow down and follow

Whatever I say,

You, draw me a picture!

-Whatever you say

-Do my homework for me

-Sure, whatever

You say

-After tomorrow's show

-Whatever you say

-I'll shine,

I'll glow

-What else do you wish?

-Everyone will see

-With your special skill

-They'll be no stopping me

-What else do you will?

-I'll join the company

With all your special skill

There'll be

No stopping me

- You are getting sleepy.

Ah! Sleepy.

Ok. Now meet my friend

Bossy "r."

Whenever you come

Before the letter "r,"

You will change your sound.

"A."You make the "ah"sound.

Like in cat.

But "r"will change you

To "ar,"like in car.

"E."You make the "eh"sound,

Like in hen.

But "r"will change you

To "er", like in her.

"I,"you make the "ih"sound,

Like in sit.

But "r"will change you

To "er", like in sir.

"O,"you make the "oh"sound,

Like in spot.

But "r"will change you

To "or,"like in sport.

And you, "u"...yes, you, "u."

You make the "uh"sound,

Like in fun.

But "r"will change you

To "ur,"like in fur.

Everybody got that? Ok.

Now, when I snap my fingers,

Whenever you come before an "r,"

You will change your sound

Forever and ever.

No backsies, no kidding.

Ok, "r,"now you can boss

All the vowels around.

[Monkeys screeching]


- So what's happened so far?

- I need help.

- I'll volunteer.

I'll give my time.

I'll sweep for free,

I'll hang signs for free,

I'll perform all for free.

- Francine, you're

A volunteer?

- Hey, you guys.

Hey, electric company,

I've changed.

I really am a nice

Person now. Trust me.

- Trust you?

Why should we believe

You're telling the truth?

- She is telling the truth.

She really has changed.

- Thank you, catfish kid.

- You need to convince us,

Make us believe you.

- How good are you now,


- I'm really, really,

Really good.

- Well, she convinced me.

- Well, I still don't trust her.

No matter what that

Little puppet says.

- I'm being dishonest, they

Shouldn't trust your lies.

- If they fall into my trap, a

Special skill will be my price.

[Indistinct conversation]

- Hi, friends!

I hope you don't mind, but I

Made cupcakes this morning,

Because the big show for kids

Needs refreshments.

- That was so nice of you,

Francine. Thank you.

- So do you think francine

Really wants to be

In the electric company?

- Yeah, like that

Will ever happen.

- Ha ha.

- Hey, you never know.

If she's really changed,

Then someday we might

Wanna think about it.

- Lisa, how could we

Ever trust her

After all the dishonest

Stuff she's done?

- Well...i know it's possible

That francine

Has something very tricky

Up her sleeve,

But isn't also possible

That she's really changed?

- Mmm, let's just

Keep an eye on her, ok?

- Yeah. Sooner or later we'll

See who the real francine is.

- Uh! Uh! Ow!

Ow! Ow! Hey, friends!

I'm ok! I'm ok.


- I think over there.

- Juice? Snacks.

The red's good.

- Thanks.

- Ha ha.

- She's so bossy.

I never met a vowel

That didn't like my swing

Is it 'cause

I'm so sassy?

The way I do my thing

I like to shake

Things up

I like a sound

That's new

I ain't satisfied

With changing "a"

I want "e,""i,"

"O,"and "u"

That's why I'm bossy

- Oh, yeah

She's bossy, oh

You better do

What she says

-Yes, and I'm a star

-Little miss bossy "r"

Awake is the only way


Bossy "r,"

She's got a brand new sound

The little miss bossy "r"

She'll turn

Your vowels around

-Let me introduce

My background singers

Each one has a gift

But they all sound

So much better with me

You catch my drift?

Without me there

To make them pretty

They would just be lost


Like me to show

Those poor vowels

Who's the boss

That's right,

I'm bossy

Standing in the back,

I'm on the short "a"track

But next to bossy, I myself

Change into "a"to "ar"

So now when

I sing my part

I sure enough sound smart


Is it art?

-Come on, now!

-I'm simple,

Yes, siree

I like a sound a lot

'Till the bossy gets

A hold of me and I change

Right on the spot

I got score

Those sounds galore

I had to run and tell

My neighbor that

His "o"has got

A brand new face

-You see how

I change the sound

From cat to cart?

Or from pat to part?

Oh, you'll get it

This is so much fun

-Oh, it was said,

We weren't a hit

You can bet

We didn't fit

Our hands were tied,

But still we tried

To make the best of it

Then bossy came around

And changed our sounds

-And put us on the mike

-That's right

-Now when we're

Next to her

"E"and "i"

Sound just alike

-"E"and "i"make

Different sounds

'Till I come around

I change the "i"sound

From fist to first

And the "e"from

Gem to germ

You see?

-Pardon if I blush

But I can't help

But gush

'Cause I'm so thrilled

With bossy

That I swear

I might just bust

-Or burst

-Seems just up to her

So bun can become burn

Yes, with that "r"

I'm happy

That I always get my turn

-Oh, I'm bossy!


-You better do

What she says

-Yes, and I'm a star

-Her name is bossy-o

-Yeah, oh, I'm bossy

Ooh! Got

A brand new side

-Her name is bossy-o

-I'll change your vowels

Around, oh, yeah!

- This is someone who gets to

Work outside a lot.

Starts with an "f"...

"Far?"Oh, wait. That's a bossy

"R"with that "a."

So the "a"isn't going to

Make the "ah"sound.

It's going to make

The "ar"sound.

So far...

Hold on. There's another

Bossy "r"at that end.

So the "r"will make

The "e""r"into "er."


- Ah, yeah.

Let's hear it for

Vincent "the majestic."


- Well? Should we bring out

The next group?

Well, you better do it, because

I don't think I can lift them.


[Laughter and applause]

Now, kids. The moment

You've all been waiting for.

Here to build the giant

Word ball pyramid

From the wonderful words

You kids read on these cards,

The one, the only,

Electric company!

[Cheering and applause]

- Yeah! All right.

Are you guys ready to build

A word pyramid

All the way to the ceiling?

- Yeah!

- Well, let's see what

Your favorite words are.

We have cartoon.

- Ooh...

- I love that one.

- Soccer.

- Ooh!

- And...ooh...worm.

- Oh, I like worm.

- Ok, ok. I'm gonna start

The first one

With cartoon.

Just drop that.

There you go.

- All right. All right.

- Thanks a lot.

- All right,

I got soccer.


- He's got the soccer.

All right. I have worm.

And I'm gonna add

A little dance to it.

- Oh!

- Now let's see

The pyramid going.

- We have...

[Beep beep]

[Beep beep]

[Beep beep]

- Ok, what just happened?

- I don't know,

But I'm gonna find out.

Oh! Look at this gadget.

Well, we all know

What that means, right?

Wherever there's a gadget,

There's manny spamboni.

- All right! I admit it.

I used my electronic

Word zapper to ruin the show.

And I would have gotten

Away with it,

If it wasn't

For you, francine!

- I had to, manny!

I've changed.

My dishonest days

Are over.

I wanna help

The electric company.

And I hope that someday,

If I deserve it,

They will let me

Join them.

- I thought

I knew you. Aah!

- You don't know me.

- Um, francine?

Could we have a second?

- Yeah.

- Awesome. Thank you.

Ok. All right.

I have a plan.

All right.

- Francine, um, we just

Wanna say that

You have been so nice

The last couple of days

And obviously,

An amazing volunteer.

Look at this place.

So we would like to

Invite you to be a part

Of the electric company.

- Yes!

- After years.

- Years?

- We think that's just

Enough time

For you to convince us.

- You want me to wait


You want me to be nice

For another years?

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Wow, that plan really

Worked, francine.

I knew you couldn't fool

The electric company.

- What plan?

There was no plan.

There was no plan,

Unless you had a plan.

Did you have a plan?

Yeah, dogfish. It was me.

Catfish kid, I have a--

Ok, fine. It was me.

Do you know how hard

It was to be that nice?

And I made

All those cupcakes--

Ok, so I didn't make them,

I bought them.

But I lugged them over here,

And you all ate them.

That's right.

You ate them, didn't you?

And you liked them.

And you licked your fingers.

And I had to be nice

To the electric company.

I can throw word balls.

- Where do you think

You're going?

- Um...offstage?

- Francine, you are going to

Park your dishonest little self

In that chair over there and

Stay until the end of the show.

I'm so very disappointed.

You wanna know why?

- Yes, ms. Feasle.

- Because I trusted you,


And you fooled me.

That hurt my feelings.

No one likes to have

Their feelings hurt. No one.

- Would it help

If I apologized?

Francine, I think there's a lot

Of apologizing in your future.

Now, how about we get that

Word pyramid going again?


All right, back to

Action, y'all.

-Now, once upon a time

Not long ago

When people read books

And lived life slow

There was a bossy letter

By the name of "r"

And anywhere she went,

Vowels acted bizarre

She was sitting in the park

With her friend letter "a"

And when it got dark,

This is what she'd say

I think you need

A brand new start

You sound different

In cat than you do in cart

When we stick together,

We can go so far

As you go from

"A"to "ar"

Letter "a"turned

To say, I see

Wouldn't you rather be

With your friend letter "e?"

She acts so different

When you're with her

So instead of we,

We get the way we were

From "e"to "er,"

From "a"to "ar"

Then they turned around

And guess who they saw

"O"the vowel

On a nearby towel

With the round, little face

And an angry scowl

She said, "no, no.

I can't take anymore"

I sound so different

Than I did before

I was "o"for show,

Now I sound like "or"

Please go away,

You're such a bore

- How's that for

A bossy "r"word?

- It was good. Let's see

What else you have.

- Rock stars.

- There, there, snookums.

- That's a loud baby.

- Oh, captain cluck.

Baby doesn't know

About commas and quotes.

- Strange thing for a baby

To be upset about,

But have no fear, professor

Helen von chicken is here.


She said quotation marks

Tell you

That somebody

Is saying something,

And the comma tells you that

They finished talking.

- The comma goes inside

The quote, baby. See?

- Yeah. That makes sense.

- Smart baby.

- I'm special agent

Jack bowzer.

Huh, I love peanut butter,

But not being

Stuck in it.

It's about to explode,

And I can't crack

The code to get out.

Help me read this.

- You know,

For awhile there,

I was convinced that

Francine had changed.

- I wish you would

Had been right.

It would have been nice to have

A nice, new francine around.

- Ahem.

I want to apologize for the mean

And dishonest things I did

At the big show

For kids.

Now you have to tell ms. Feasle

That I apologized.


- Well, ms. Feasle, although

Francine did apologize,

It didn't seem like

She really meant it.

What do you guys think?

- I was not convinced.

- I was.

- Hi. You know, maybe

You should try it again.

- Yeah. Try putting a little

More heart into "apologize."

- Heart?

- [Shock imitating high hat]

[Beat boxing]

-The time is now,

The day is here

The rhythm

That you're feelin'

The music in your ears

The charge is electric,

And all you got to do

Is plug it in

-Plug it in

-Just imagine a world

Where everything around you

Every sight and sound will

Astound you, surround you

And before you know it,

Even you'll have the power

To bring a word to life!

That's right!

-That's right!

-That's what we do,

We're the electric company

Inviting all of you

To all the possibilities

Learning to write

And learning to read

Having a good time

While we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

You have to share it

Discovering your power,

You own it

You wear it proud,

And you shout it out loud!

Electric company is in town


- I did it.

- There you go.


- Ha ha ha!

- Yeah, well, it's still

Not enough for me,

Because you've gotta

Convince me--ha ha ha!

To do something else.

- He had a magic wallet and

He could make things disappear.

Well, what happened?

He disappeared.

- Ha ha ha ha ha!

-La la la la

La la la la

- Whoo whoo whoo

Whoo whoo! Yes!

- There'll be no stopping me.