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01x23 - Out to Launch

Posted: 04/22/23 17:26
by bunniefuu
- Come on, man, where is it?

- Be patient, OK now look up.

- I'm a big fan.

Wow, (laughing) that's awesome!

You know when your dad asked

me to model for a picture

to advertise the

diner, I never thought

I'd end up on a billboard.

- Sure is big!

- [Hector] I look

really good up there.

- Is this gonna go to your head?

- No, I just think it's

a good picture of me,

that's all, that's,

hey, what's up, Paul?


No, you want my autograph?



- This is definitely

gonna go to your head.

- No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

He's signing autographs!

This will never do.

(evil laughing)

- Here you go, man, there.

- So, you wanna

go play some ball?

- Naw, man, I should

probably stick around here

in case somebody else--

- What, wants an autograph?

Oh, please.

- I wasn't gonna say that.

- Tell the truth.



- Look up.

I'm a big liar?


- No, Paul, I was just reading--




I'll take care of this.

- You're gonna have to

throw that word ball

pretty hard to get that high.

- Yeah I'll get enough height.

- I don't think so, I'm dubious.


That wasn't even close

to the right height.


- Sorry!

- Are you really sorry Hector?

I'm not sure I should

believe a liar.

- Why would you say

that I'm a liar?

- I don't know.

I guess I read it somewhere.

(upbeat music)

- Hey You Guys!


Oh come on yeah

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power

yo and plug it in

It's electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

It's electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

Yo the power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Turn it on and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo and plug it in

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo and plug it in

Electric Company,

Electric Company

Electric Company,

Electric Company

- I'm not happy

about this at all.

Looks like you got a message.

- Oh, it's a text from Francine.

She sent a link.

- I bet it's another one of

her ridiculous video blogs.

- Mm hmm.

- Hello dear viewers

and welcome to

Francine On the

Scene, this just in.

It is now a well publicized

fact that Hector,

of Electric Company fame,

is an L-I-A-R, liar.

And if you don't believe me,

just look at what the Electric

Diner has to say about him.

I'm a big liar.

Sad really.

Sad to think of all

the little boys and

little girls who looked up

to Hector as their hero,

their role model, only to

find out that he was a liar!

I'm sorry I...

I get overwhelmed

when I think of

the disappointed

children I just need...

- (scoffing) Someone's

pants are on fire,

and her name begins with

an F and ends with rancine.

- Yeah.

I think it's about time I

had a talk with Francine.

- Think it's time I had a

talk with Francine's mother.

- See.

- Yes I do.

- This is Francine's building.

- We gotta get up there

and change that word liar

back to the word fan.

- Oh well here comes

Francine and her mom now.

- Excuse me Miss Carruthers?

- Yes?

I am Antigone

Carruthers, and you are?

- I'm Leo Watson from

the Electric Diner.

- (gasping) With the

terrible billboard

with the picture

of the lying boy.

I'd like it removed immediately.

- Actually Mrs Carruthers I'm

not a liar, it's just that

Francine changed the

wording on the billboard.

- Francine, did you

change the billboard?

- Mother, would I do

something like that?

- Of course you wouldn't.

- Well somebody changed it.

- And that somebody is Francine.

- Mother!

It's my word against his

and everyone knows

that he's a liar.

- He's my brother and he's

no liar so back off Francine!

- Calm down Jessica.

Miss Carruthers, I think

the simple remedy here

would be to just let

us into your apartment

so we can change the sign

back to the way it was.

- Mr Watson, I'm afraid not.

A young man of

questionable character

is not welcome in my home,

nor should he be

welcome in your diner.


See to it that none of

these people gain entry

into the building, they

are not to be trusted!

Good day Mr Watson. Hmmph.

- Good day.

- (sighing) Francine!

- Hey you know, if

we get enough height

we could throw a word

ball straight at the sign.

- Yeah but we can't

get it high enough.

- Well we have to find a

way to send a word ball

zooming up high.

- Yeah, really launch one.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I'll launch one all right.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Today's

show brought to you by



Urrr, sometimes you

can be so bossy.


- R.

R! R! R!

My name is Jahresse. R.

I live in New York City, Harlem,

and we're going to talk

about the letter R.

Guess what colors

are in the front?

Oh here it is, purple.


Red bricks! Really red bricks.

Garbage can.


Go Jahresse!

I'm going to sh**t

a powerful shot.

Rushin' down the court,

he sh**t, he scores! (laughing)


Whoo whoo, my hair

grows a lot.

So if it grows a lot

you gotta cut it a lot.



I'm rushing down the court.

I arrive,

and he scores!

A red court!

A round ball, it's not

red but it's round.

Look a red car with

some nice rims.

He made it!


Really good shot!

Really really good shot.


Powerful shot.

Going back through my shortcut.

We arrived to the basketball

court, and now we're leaving.

Have to hurry 'cause my

mom's going to worry.

- [Kid] What words from

the wild do you remember?

Detective you, letter R!

What is it what is it?


Garbage can! Ugh.

Shortcut, go!

Red bricks.

- F

- Ar.

- Far.

- Far.

How's that for a bossy R word?

- It was good.

Let's see what else you have.

- F

- Or.

- For.

- For.

- F.

- Ur.

- Fur.

- Fur.

- St.

- Ir.

- Stir!

- Stir!

- St.

- Ars.

- Stars.

- Stars.

- Wow!

- I love stars.

- [Announcer] I'm special

agent Jack Bowser.

Huh, I love peanut butter,

but not being stuck in it.

It's about to explode and I

can't crack the code to get out.

Help me read this.


brother said, huh?

I prefer

a huge turnip to peanut butter.

My brother said I prefer a

huge turnip to peanut butter.


(upbeat music)

- So one of these things is

going to launch a word ball.

- That's the idea, come

on, let's experiment.

- Yeah let's try a few things

and then see what works.




- How does this thing work?

- That's mine.


So, pump it like this.

And then when there's

enough pressure,

the rocket will

launch, really flies.


- Nice man, that got

some really good height.

- Yeah, worked better than

anything else we tried.

Can it launch a word ball?

- I think it's

time we experiment.

- Oh.

- Oh!

- Oops! Sorry!

- Sorry.

- I think we just found

our word ball launcher.

- Aww, their clever

little experiment.

They really are quite

cute when they try.

- OK, I guess we just

need to experiment

with different angles.

- Adjust a little, tilt

it a tiny bit higher.

- All right, let's

launch this thing.


Come on!


- Amateurs.

- Wait a second, I have an idea.

Adjust the line a little.

If we adjust the launcher

to match the angle

of the line then

we're good to go!

- Yeah! (laughing)

- What in the world?


- Prepare for launch.

(dramatic music)

Ha! Ha! (laughing)

- She blocked our angle!

- Ugh, look at what you did,

this is mother's third

favorite umbrella!

The world is gonna have

to hear about this.


- [Announcer] Today's

show brought to you by

EE, E E!!

- When you were this in a game,

a lot of people are

counting on you.

(vocalizing), hold up!

That o has a bossy r after it

so that o-r together

will sound like or.

Score, score!

What's left, (vocalizing)

No, that's two Es, so

it will be the E sound.

Score keep, score keep.

Oh there's that bossy r again.

So that's the urr sound.

To put it all together,

score keeper, score keeper!

Hey score keeper how

many points do I have?

- Hello Josephine, are you

raising money for your school?

- Yes Mr McGhee, would

you like to buy a tree?

- Already got one of those.

- How about your

very own street?

- I love it, but I already

live on my very own street.

- That's pretty much all I

have Mr McGhee. (sneezing)

- How about if I

buy your sneeze?

- What?

I can sell ya something

normal like a tree,

but a sneeze is

just plain weird.

- I'll give you

five bucks for it.

- Sold!

- [Announcer] Today on

the Big Face Face Off

it's Hector versus Annie.

- In this duel I

will use the e sound.

- I'll take the ee sound.

- Ee ee.

- I will make you my pet.

Ooh roll over Hector, roll over!

- I will use this tree

to climb out of the cage.

- But you've landed in a den.

- A lion!

Lucky for me, the

lion is asleep.

- He'll wake up now that

it's time to be fed.

- Annie don't underestimate me,

I could always think on my feet!

(laughing) Annie come,

keep your eyes out, I

heard it was bee season.

- I'll get you for this!

(upbeat music)

- We were so close.

- I can't believe

Francine blocked our angle

with her umbrella, now what?

(phone ringing)

Oh great, Francine just

posted an update to her vlog.

- This is Francine Carruthers

with continuing

coverage of our story.

Hector's a big liar.

Viewers, it gets worse, now

Hector is splattering words

all throughout the neighborhood,

and he's gotten the

entire Electric Company

to join his spree of mayhem.

Take a look at this clip.


Pretty shocking stuff, I know.

First lying, now

neighborhood mischief.

What terrible thing

will Hector do next?

- Look at that.

She shows us

throwing word balls,

but she doesn't show

us cleaning them up?

I really just can't

take this any more.

- It's time we

posted our own vlog.

Hector, tell it to the gorilla.

(Latin rock music)

There's a rumor and

it's going round

And it isn't true, a lot

of people believe it too

You know you know me

You know me since I

was just a little guy

And you remember

when I told a lie

You knew me before

and I am the same

And now you have to help

me, help me clear my name

So listen to every

side before you decide

Who lied, oh no

People will show

you only the things

They want you to see

So it's up to you

to learn all you can

But in the end the

truth always wins

Yeah I love the truth

I guess that you could

say that I'm a big fan

You knew me before

and I am the same

And now you have to help me

Help me clear my name

So listen to every side

before you decide who lied

Oh no

- OK so, now we

need to figure out

how to get a word ball

over Francine's umbrella.


- What is it Paul?


- Of course!

We could hit the billboard

if we launch the word ball

in the opposite direction.

- OK you lost me.

You want to launch the word

ball away from the billboard?

- It's like with this ball.

If I throw it away from

me at the right angle,

it bounces back even higher.

So if we launch a word ball

at the exact right angle

across the street,

it will bounce back

at the right angle and hit the

billboard over the umbrella.

- That's a great idea Paul.

But how are we gonna know

which is the right angle?


Oh wow Paul that's amazing!

How did you know how to do that?


- You are one talented gorilla.

- Mm hmm, now we

just need to measure

with the compass and

adjust to that angle.


- All right, let's do this.

Welcome back to Reality Check.

In just a few moments,

my brother Hector

will launch a word ball

over stories into the air

and clear his good name.

- Oh Electric Company.

I hate to break it to

you but you're pointing

your little word ball launcher

in the wrong direction.

- Oh!

Oh really?

Oh do your thing Keith.

(dramatic music)



- No!

- Yes!

- No!

No no no no no, OK

fine, fine, fine!

I will just change fan into liar

like I did the first time.

- You mean you

changed the billboard

to make Hector say

I'm a big liar?

- Of course I changed

it, everyone knows that

perfect Hector never

lies about anything.


- Francine Carruthers,

you changed the billboard?

- He deserved it?

- Young lady, apologize

to billboard boy.

- Actually it's Hector.

- Billboard boy shh.

- OK.

- Francine?

- I'm sorry Hector.

- Now, give me

your video camera.

- (gasping) What?

- Finally someone's

punishing Francine.

- I don't like being

strict with you

but you can't post on

your vlog for a whole day!


All right, half a day.

- A half a day!


How will I live?

- Let this be a lesson to

you, a harsh harsh lesson!

- Half a day of no vlogging?

Somehow that was not the

punishment I was hoping for.

- Don't worry, we have

everything we need.

- You mean you

changed the billboard

to make Hector say

I'm a big liar?

- Of course I changed

it, everyone knows that

perfect Hector never

lies about anything.

- You heard it here first.

Francine Carruthers confesses

to her billboard prank.

Hector Ruiz is not a big liar,

just a big fan of

the Electric Diner.

This reporter never doubted him.

- Nice job little sis.

So you think this is

gonna clear my name

once and for all?


- Oh yeah.

I think you're all good.

- [Francine] All right

Electric Company, you may not--