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01x20 - The Wordball is My Oyster

Posted: 04/22/23 17:25
by bunniefuu
(old-time piano music)


- Please tell the Duchess

we've arrived, love.

Off with you, then.

(fast-paced piano music)

All right, she's gone.

- [Mugsy] Hey

boss, free bananas.

- Stop thinking about

your stomach, Mugsy.

We've got a job to do.

Now don't forget, when

I dance with the Duchess

you sneak upstairs and nab

that fancy pearl necklace.

Got it?

- Got it.

- Hey, chowderhead, you can't

just through your banana peels

on the floor.

This is a classy joint.

(fabric ripping)

Now look what you

did, my pants ripped.

Good thing I always travel

with a needle and thread.

Now sew up my pants.

You do know how to sew?

- I sew so-so.

- So, sew.

- Duchess?

- Duchess.

- Baron.

- Oh Duchess my dear,

you are a vision.

May I have the next dance?

- Dear, dear me, it's as if I--


Sorry, what's the line?

- Really?

She doesn't know her lines.

How could I work like this.

- Danny, Danny,

okay lights, please.

Everyone take five,

Lise you okay?

- Yeah, I just you

know, I'm sorry.

I just got--

- Trouble with your

lines, Duchess?

- Leave me alone, Annie.

You know, I just

heard Della laughing

and it kind of threw me.

- Oh I understand if you're

a little nervous, Lisa.

- Thanks, Annie.

- Of course, if one

little person throws you

then what's gonna

happen on opening night

when we do the whole play?

Performing in front

of a sold out crowd,

every single seat filled

with people staring,

waiting, judging.

- Really?

All the seats are sold?

- All of them.

- Annie, can you give

us a minute, please?

Okay hey, come over here.

Are you okay?

- Uh, Hector?

- Uh-huh?

- I shouldn't play this part.

- What are you talking about?

What's the matter, it's okay.

You messed up one line,

that's fine it happens.

- No, no, no you're better

off without me, really.

- [Hector] Lisa.

- Lisa.

- Lisa.

Can I get a spotlight.

Hey, you guys!

Come on yeah, feel the

power, feel the power

Feel the power,

yo and plug it in

It's electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

It's electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

Yo, yo, yo, yo

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on

and you will see

That you belong

in the Company

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo and plug it in

Plug it in, everybody

Electric Company,

Electric Company

Electric Company,

Electric Company

- I'm sorry Hector, I'm so

nervous about performing

in front of a crowd.

- I still don't know what

you're nervous about.

You've been really, really,

really great in rehearsal.

You've been brilliant.

- When there's no audience.

But when I think of all

those people watching me,

my mind just goes blank.

- Don't you remember

your lines by heart?

Didn't you memorize them?

- Yeah, I memorized

them weeks ago.

- You can't let a few

jitters get in the way

of your performance.

- Is there anything

we can do to help you?

- Hire a new actress?

- That's a great idea.

Who could we get?

- Can it, Annie, all right?

- Lisa come on, I cast you

in this part because you

are perfect for it.

- Hey, I have an idea.

As stage manager, I have the

script with me backstage.

- Yeah?

- So if at any point

Lisa forgets her lines

I can just, show them to you.

- You mean feed me the

lines as I perform?

- Yeah, that way you don't

have to worry about memorizing.

They'll be right there

when you need them.

- All right, sounds

like a plan to me.

Come on let's go,

the show must go on.

- Judging.

- The show must go on.

(vocal warm-ups)

- Well hello there, Danny.

I was just stopping

by to talk to you

about your performance.

- My performance, what about it?

- How it's brilliant, for one.

- Well, I wouldn't

say brilliant?

- No, huh.

- Well it's more than brilliant.

I'm the smartest

and the most gifted.

I mean, pretty much a genius.

- A true genius who deserves

to be taken seriously.

Too bad you won't be.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Oh, if Lisa forgets

to say her lines

that means you never

get to say yours.

Lines you've worked so hard

to memorize, to master.

She will ruin your

brilliant performance.

- You have a point.

- Oh, I have more than

a point, Sir Danny.

I have a plan.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Hey, yo short i.

- Me?

- Come on, raise your fist up.

Come on, raise your fist up.

Come on, raise your fist up.

Come on, raise your fist.

It's time for y'all to

put your fist in the sky

and we're gonna list all

the different reasons why.

Short i, still, the letter

that will bring you a smile

and help you get your fill.

'Cause without out that,

we never could win,

we'd simply have a w, n.

And that wouldn't get us

to the finish line, friend.

- Oh, to the finish

line, friend.

- Come up, raise your fist up.

Come on, raise your fists.

Come on, raise you fist up,

come on, raise your fist.

- Raise your fist real fast.

(upbeat instrumental music)


Stick, stick, stick, stick

Pick up the stick

Stock, stack, nickel

Nickel, nickel, neck, peck

Pack, pack

Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick

Pink, pink, pink, pink

Link, link, link, link

music, music

Music, music


- Music, man.


(upbeat instrumental music)

- W

- ith

- With.

- Wh

- ich

- Which

- W

- indow

- Window

- W

- iggle

- Wiggle

- W

- ish

- Wish

- Make a wish.

What'd you wish for?

- I can't tell you.

- Oh.

- It won't come true, then.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Second grade, I took a test.

The next day Mrs. Cornbender

hands back my test

and do you know what was on it?

The word, "jymnasium"

and a big red x.

So I said, Mrs. Cornbender,

what is wrong with this word?

Do you know what she said?

She said, oh well

Danny, jymnasium's

not spelled with a j,

it's spelled with a g.

I said, (laughing) a g?

But a g makes a guh sound,

like in good, or big,

or alligator.

But this word

should be gymnasium.

And do you know what she said?

Well sometimes Danny,

g can make a juh sound,

usually when it comes

before an e, or an i, or a y

in words like page,

or ginger, or energy.

I actually kind of

like Mrs. Cornbender.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- So what's happened so far?

- I've giving a

great performance.

It's so great it's brilliant.

- I'm more than

brilliant, I'm a genius.

- We're both geniuses.

- So am I, wait what's my line?


- Cut, hey, you guys.

- I can't remember my lines,

how will I perform in this play?

- I have a really great idea.

Actually, it's better than

great, it's a brilliant idea.

I can help you from off-stage.

- You're a genius, with

your help I can perform.

- We'll see about it.

Oh, Danny.

(upbeat instrumental music)

(fabric ripping)

- Now look what you

did, my pants ripped.

Good thing I always travel

with a needle and thread.

Now, sew up my pants.


You do know how to sew?

- [Mugsy] I sew so-so.

- [Danny] So, sew.

- Duchess?

- Duchess.

- Baron, ooh.

- Duchess, my dear,

you are a vision.

May I have the next dance?

- Dear me, it's as

if, it's as if, as if,

as if, if,

as if I had two felt teef.

I mean, two left feet.

- Here, let us help

you up, my dear.

- Oh what a gentleman,

Baron you are,

you are tar food ink?

- I beg your pardon.

- I mean rat kin fodo.

- All right, that's enough.

- I mean, oh far too kind.

The line is far too kind.

- It's too late,

the scene is ruined.

- Lights, please.

Thank you, Fernando.

- Look at her, she is a mess.

- He's right, I am.

- But I thought Jess was

feeding you the lines

from off-stage.

I was, but I don't understand.

- She's obviously such a

nervous wreck she can't even

read the lines

Jessica's giving to her.

- As an artist, I simply can't

work under these conditions.

Look, if Lisa can't

memorize her lines I suggest

we find somebody else who can.

- Like who?

- Oh, that's impossible.

The person would have

to know all the lines.

- You know all the lines.

- True, but the person would

have to fit the costume.

- You fit the costume.

- True, but the person would

have to be a brilliant actress,

a genius really, and

very, very pretty.


- Oh right, I guess

you're sort of like that.

I'd like to nominate

Annie Scrambler.

- But what about Lisa?

- Ah, she can play my role,

the role of the wordless maid.

I say we switch.

- You mean, play the maid.

- That part doesn't

have any lines.

- Well there's nothing

for her to memorize

and there's nothing

for her to ruin.

I refuse to let little

Miss Forgets Her Lines

make a fool out of

a genius like me.

If she doesn't quit, I will.

- Quit, Danny you can quit,

you're the leading man.

If you quit now we might as

well call off the whole show.

- Call it off, but

Hector you've been dying

to direct this play.

- We have an audience coming.

- [Jess] We're

just gonna give up?

- Guys, it doesn't take a

genius to figure this out.

You give the Annie the

part of the Duchess.

- Give Annie the part?

I don't know, Lisa, are

you sure about that?

- I think it's a great idea.


(upbeat instrumental music)

It's a wonderful sound,

it's a wonderful letter

It allows me to get some

gum when you're gone

Visiting goblin

down the street

I love my bug that

I captured in a mug

Right next to

that wonderful jug

Yeah, I'm feeling so gentle

No way, that's not

the way to say it

I believe it's gentle

Oh gentle sounds like

a huge, gem, giraffe

Giant energy, your

favorite dance in your gym

Oh I love the soft

g, or the hard g

It's all g to me

(upbeat instrumental music)

- I love to try to do this

and sing at the same time

I see two g's in there

and there is no e, i, or y

coming after either of them.

So they must make

the guh sounds.

Guh-ar- garguh- garg,

gargle, oh let's push

that g and l together.

Gargle, then I see that the

i-n-g, which I know is ing,

gargling, gargling look.

I'll do it right now.


(upbeat instrumental music)

When you see a g in a

word before e, i, or y

You make a sound like a j

And that's a soft g

Like page, gym, or giant

That's a soft g,

that's a soft g

When you see a g in a

word before e, i, or y

You make a sound like

a j, and that's soft g

Oh that's a soft g

(upbeat instrumental music)

- G-g-g-g

- Good morning.

- G-g-g

- Get you some breakfast.

- G-g-g-g

- Gettysburg Address,

galloping ghost, goat cheese.


- G-g-g

- Gem, you have a

precious gem to give me.

- G-g-g

- Genius, you think I'm a genius

- G-g-g, gee whiz,

next time warn somebody

when you're going to sneeze.

- G-g-g, get ready. (sneezes)

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Hey, I'm Mark

Ecko, I'm an artist.

I've always had a ton of energy.

As a kid I couldn't

even sit still.

I drew and painted on

everything, and I still do.

Energy, energy, energy,

it's like a ball but

bouncing around inside of me

from my head to my toes.

The only way to get it

out is to get it out.

It's a spark that makes me go.

Where do you put your energy?

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Hello and welcome to

Skelectapiece Theater.

I am your host Della


and I proudly present

you the Electric Players

production of The

World is My Oyster.

Here we are backstage with

one of the stars of the play,

Miss Annie Scrambler.

Say hello, Annie.

- Excuse me?

- Say hello Annie.

- Exactly who am

I saying hello to?

- I happened to catch

you guys rehearsing

and I thought I'd share the

play with all the Skelekians

back home.

- Oh, you mean your whole

planet will be watching this?

- They're watching now on an

intergalactic closed circuit.

I am broadcasting the show live.

- Live?

- Everybody freeze.

Nobody move a muscle

until I find my monocle.

- Exactly how many Skelekians

are we talking about?

- I don't know, a billion?

- Really?

- No, just kidding.

- (laughing) Hysterical,

so it's not a billion?

- No, it's million, tops.

- (laughing) It was in

my pocket the whole time.


Now I can act.

Carry on.

- million eyes

will be watching?

- Well figure two

ears per Skelekian,

that's more like million.

- All right, places

everybody, places.

- Better grab a seat,

catch you after the show.

Knock 'em dead.

- I'm okay, I'm good, I'm good.

Nobody panic, it's

gonna be fine.

Annie, get it together,

just get it together.

You can do this.

(clapping and cheering)


- Please tell the Duchess

we've arrived, love.

Off with you, then.

(lively piano music)

- You don't look so good.

- Della's broadcasting

the show live

to million

Skelekians as we speak.

A sold out crowd is

one thing, but this,

what if everyone on that

planet thinks I stink?

- You've got a few people on

this planet that think so.

You can't think

about that right now.

- But it's all I

can think about.

If I knew it was this

much pressure I never

would have scrambled the

lines Jessica gave you.

- Scramble the lines?

Wait a second.

- Shh.

- Duchess?

- Duchess.

- You scrambled my lines.

I will deal with you later.

This is your big

entrance, don't blow it.

- I'm not making any kind

of entrance, not now.

- Duchess?

- (clearing throat)

I said Duchess.

- Annie, if you don't

go out there right now

you will ruin the show.

- It's your part, you do it.

- No.

- You do it.

- No.

- You do it.

- No.

- You do it.

- Duchess?

- Duchess.

(anticipatory guitar music)

I've got a bad

case of stagefright

I'm doubting myself and

I just don't feel right

Letting everyone down,

helpless I stare at the ground

With nothing to say,

why's this happening today

If I could only break free

Oh, of what is bothering me

Everybody's watching me and

I don't wanna let them down

Oh no, oh no

But I can do something,

I've gotta do something

To turn this

situation around

I gotta follow through,

see it through to the end

Follow through, be

there for my friends

I can still do my part

'cause I know in my heart

If I can do the best that I

can do I'll follow through

See it through to the end

Follow, follow through,

I'll follow through

- Duchess.

- Baron.

- Duchess?

- Baron, whoo.

- Duchess, my dear,

you are a vision.

May I have the next dance?

- Dear me, it's as if

I had two left feet.

- [Danny] Here, let us

help you up, my dear.

- Oh what a gentleman.

Baron, you are far too kind.

- Why thank you, now may

I have the next dance?

- Baron, I never dance with

a man with torrid past.


Baron, Baron, Baron.

(upbeat instrumental music)

(tap dancing)


- Meet.

- Meeting.


- Kick.

- Kicking, kicking.


- Twirl.

- Twirling, twirling.


- Walk.

- Walking, walking.


(upbeat instrumental music)

- What's the game today?

- Um, I don't know.

- Ing, ing, ing, ing.

- What are you doing?

- Doing, good one,

how about swinging?

- Oh that's good, that's

two ings in swinging.

- You are the king of--

- Bring me my crown.

- I'm singing to the king.

- Kiss my ring.

- That's not a ring,

that's a big, bold string.

- Yeah, I'm not

kissing that thing.

- So what are you doing?

- I'm making an ending.


(upbeat instrumental music)


- Coming (beatboxing)

coming (beatboxing) coming.

(beatboxing) coming.

(beatboxing) Going

(beatboxing), going,

(beatboxing) going, (beatboxing)

going, (beatboxing), going.

(beatboxing) Coming,

(beatboxing) going.

(beatboxing) Coming, going,

going, going, coming,

coming, coming,

going (beatboxing).

(upbeat instrumental music)

- I'm Special Agent Jack Bowser.

This is just grape,

I mean, great.

This place is about to explode,

but I can't crack the code

to get out.

Help me read this.

Greg was grateful, so he gave

a grape to the giant giraffe.

Greg was grateful, so he gave

a grape to the giant giraffe.

(buzzer buzzes)

(upbeat instrumental music)

- [Narrator] Arthur

Walters was a regular kid.

Then one day, something

astonishing happened.

He was suddenly a genius.

- Mom, something

astonishing happened.

I became really

smart, I'm brilliant.

He thought that the

change would be permanent,

that he would be

brilliant forever.

- How's the formula to save

the world coming along, Arthur?

- Pretty darn well,

Madam President.

- [Narrator] But the

change was only temporary.

- Turns out I'm not

a genius anymore.

- Well this looks brilliant,

but what does it all mean?

- [Narrator] Temporary,

see it while it lasts.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- And of course the highlight

of this winning production

of The World is My Oyster,

was the brilliant performance

of Lisa as the Duchess.

- Okay, okay look you

guys, you made me really,

really proud,

especially you Lisa.

You saved the show.

- Brilliant performance,

what about me?

What about Sir Danny Rebus,

I'm the one who's the genius

around here.

- Oh Danny, they said some

really good things about you.

- Good? I was great.

- They didn't say

anything about me.

- Oh no, they did too.

Oh no they didn't.

- Let me see that.

Ah, (clears throat) yes, Annie

Scrambler was forgettable

as the wordless maid.

- That must hurt.


(upbeat instrumental music)

Wanna know more about me

and the rest of the cast?

Just go online to

We have behind the

scenes entire episodes

and loads of brand-new

games all the time.

But don't just take

my word for it, go,

check it out for

yourself, go, go.

- Aw, remix.


- Come on, yeah.

We got Pete.

- What up?


The time is now,

the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feeling, the music in your ear

The charge is electric

And all you've gotta

do is plug it in

Plug it in

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound will

astound you, surround you

And before you know it

even you have the power

To bring a word to

life, that's right

That's right

That's what we do at

the Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seed

And once you get it

you have to share it

Discovering your power, you

own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric Company is in town

- If you don't go

out there right now

you will ruin the show.

- It's your part, you do it.


- Baron, Baron, Baron,

Baron, little Baron,

Vandini, big bun, (laughing)

- [Danny] What,

Vandini, big bun?

- No little one, I was

talking to little one.

- Whoa, that's amazing.
