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01x17 - The Limerick Slam

Posted: 04/22/23 17:23
by bunniefuu
- Here are your five words.


A limerick is a special

kind of rhyming poem

with five lines.


Structure is how

something is put together.


If you're distracted,

your attention is taken

away from something.


If something is valid then

it means that it counts.

It's right, but then

there's invalid.

If something is invalid, then

it means that it's wrong.

So, we have limerick,

structure, distracted,

valid, and invalid.

Watch out for these

words in today's show.

- Oh, here comes trouble.

- Hello Manny.

- Hello Hector.

I was wondering, do

you know what today is?

- Tuesday, glad to help. Bye.

- Ah, but today is not

just any old Tuesday.

- Manny, what are

you talking about?

- I'm talking about

the limerick slam.

It's today!

The greatest limerick

competition in the land.

- Forget it Manny,

I'm not interested.

- Wait, what's a limerick?

- A limerick is a poem with

its own special pattern.

And it goes a little

something like this.

There once was a

boy from the city

who was always so

charming and witty

but when it came time

to give a great rhyme

the result just

wasn't so pretty.

- Come on Jess, let's go.

- Come on Hector, sign up.

- No Manny, how about you

just win it automatically

like you do every other year.

Let's go.

- Hector, what's wrong?

- Poor Hector was just so afraid

of the horrible

goof that he made

so he runs and he hides--

- All right, Spamboni, don't

talk to my brother like that.

You want a match?

- [Hector] Jessica, no!

- You've got one.

- Ho, ho, so you think

you can limerick?

- My name is Jess

I'm a lyrical master

no body rhymes better

nobody is faster.

If you try to beat me,

it will be a disaster.


- That is not valid.

- What do you mean

it's not valid?

- It doesn't count, Jess.

That's not how you

make a limerick.

- Wait.

- The limerick

competition is on.

See you at three

o'clock in the theater.

Buh bye.


- But Hector, I, oh.

Hey you guys!

Come on see the

power, feel the power

Feel the power,

you can plug it in

It's electric,

electric company

You connect to

electric company

It's electric,

electric company

You connect to

electric company

Yo, the power we perfected

Is electrically connected

So use it as directed

And expect to be respected

Turn it on and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power,

feel the power

Oh feel the power

Here we go, plug it in

Feel the power everybody

Wake up and plug it in

Electric company

Electric company

Electric company

The Electric Company

- There's one lunch

that I love the most,

lettuce and cheese on

a seven grain toast.

Add a little mustard,

put it on a plate

and you have a

lunch that's good,

no, you have a

lunch that's great.

- Oh, all right.


- Eh, eh.

It's not a valid limerick, Jess.

- What? I don't understand

why it's invalid.

- Okay, limericks have

their own rules and patterns

and you have to know those first

before you can make a limerick.

- Why do you know so

much about limericks?

- I don't want to talk about it.

I don't want to talk

about it right now.

I don't want to have anything

to do with this limerick slam

and I don't want to hear another

limerick as long as I live.

- Uh, all right, Hector.

What is the deal with

you and limericks?


- It was seven years ago,

in this very room,

in the days when the limerick

slam was held in the diner.

It was the second

annual limerick slam

and my opponent

was Manny Spamboni.

- And never did

finish his bagel.

- Ding, ding.

That limerick is valid.

- All right, Manny!

That's my little boy.

- [Hector] But as good as

Manny was, I was better.

I was the returning champion

and about to win again.

- Good luck, Hector.

- Hector, this is

for the championship.

Make up a limerick

about the beach.

- [Hector] I started my

limerick beautifully.

- I once took a trip

to the ocean and--

- [Hector] Then I started

hearing this awful sound,

like a bug, but I

didn't see one anywhere.

- Uh, uh.

- [Hector] It completely

distracted me.

I couldn't pay attention

to my limerick.

The sound distracted

me so much that I said

the weirdest thing.

- I am a chicken pot pie.

- Hm?

- Eh, eh, that's not valid.

We have a limerick slam

champ, Manny Spamboni.

- Woo!



- Better luck next year, Hector,

you'll certainly need it.



- You're a chicken pot pie.

- Hey look, I was distracted.

- Oh, come on Hector.

Why have you not taken

Manny on since then?

- Yeah, you never give up.

- I didn't give up, okay?

I, you know, I'm just

not that in to limericks.

Okay, they're not my thing.

(phone ringing)

- [Lisa] Okay.

- A message from Manny.

- There once was

a poet named Jess

whose limericks did not impress.

She didn't have Hector

to come and protect her

because Hector was

just such a mess.


- Okay, that's it.

Jess, are you ready to become

the next limerick slam champion?

- I am.

- Good, let's do this thing.

- All right!

- Yeah!

- [Announcer] Today's

show brought to you by

short I, ih.

- [Announcer] It's time

for Electric Sound Off.

I'm your host, Hector Ruiz.


Let's spin the wheel.

What sound are we

playing with today?

Short I, the ih sound.

Let's plug it in to

see it in action.


Ih, as in, big lid.

Or ill inchworm.

Or a pig's ship.

Is sit a short I word?

- [Audience] Yes!

- [Announcer] Is

site a short I word?

- [Audience] No.

- That's right, it has an I,

but it's a long

I, not a short I.

And now, I need two

volunteers to go head to head

with the ih sound.

- I'll do it.

- I'll do it.

- Well, come on up.


Let's see some words.

Make a sentence

using these words.

The person who uses the most

words with the ih sound wins,

but be careful,

we have hidden some long

I words on the wall too.


- [Together] Ready.

- Work on your sentences while

we hear a word from our sponsor.


- Zip, zip, zip.

I, Francine Corothers, have

the best zippers around.

For only $, I'll

zip you into your coat,

zip you into your shoes,

experience what it's

like to be zipped by

a true zipper zipper.


- Time's up.

Let's see what

sentences you made.

- Well, my sentence is,

a kitten in mittens

is sitting on a twig.

- Look at that, kitten, in,

mittens, is, sitting, twig.

Six ih words.

You have your work cut

out for you, Danny.

- No problem, my sentence is,

a twig on a mitten is

behind the nice kitten.

- You've got twig,

mitten, is, and kitten.

That's four points, but

nice and behind have the

I sound, not the ih sound.

That means, Jessica wins!


- What did I win?

- A big blimp!


- Wow!

- I'll see you next time

on Electric Sound Off.

- Ick.

(beat boxing beats)


- Let's kick it

- Ick, ick.

I pick you for my sidekick

I pick you for my sidekick

I pick you for my sidekick

Ick, ick

I pick you for

my slick sidekick

I pick you for

my slick sidekick

I pick you for

my slick sidekick

We're kicking it

We are kicking it

We are kicking

kicking kicking it

Kicking it

We are kicking it

We are kicking it

We are kicking it

Kicking it

Kicking it

So let's kick it quickly

Let's kick it quickly

Let's kick it quickly

Let's kick it quickly

Quickly, quickly,

quickly, quickly

Quickly, quickly, quickly

Quickly, quickly, quickly

Quickly, quickly, quickly

Quickly, quickly, quickly


- We kicked it.

- Quickly.


- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

Huh, chew on this.

I'm stuck.

This thing is about to blow.

But I can't crack

the code to get out.

Help me read this.

Flick, the famous goldfish,

had chicken flavored gum.

Flick, the famous goldfish,

had chicken flavored gum.



- Okay, so the most important

thing about a limerick

is that it has it's

very own structure.

- Structure? What do you mean?

- I'm talking about the

way that it's built.

Like, okay, you see that

building over there?

It has its own structure.

It has the foundation,

the walls, the roof,

a limerick has its

own structure as well.

- So, how do you build one?

- Uh, check it

out, I'll show you.


I'm standing here

by a brick wall

a great place to

throw a word ball.

I'm teaching you how

to limerick now

and I hope you remember it all.

You see? This is

the rhyme structure.

The first two lines end

in a rhyme, wall and ball.

- Mm and the next two lines

end in a rhyme, how and now.

- Exactly, and then the

last line ends in a rhyme

with the first two.

- [Jess] All rhymes

with wall and ball.

- Exactly, that's the

limerick structure.

That's how it's built.

- I can do that, step aside.

- Okay.

- I'm a limerick queen.

I'm only .

I know how to rhyme

each and every time.

See what I mean? Yeah.

I nailed it.

- Eh, eh, that is invalid.

- I got the rhyme

structure right.

- Yes, you got the

rhyme structure right,

but the rhythm was off.

It's, oh Shock, what's up man?

A beat please.

(beat box beat)

Okay, now let's listen to

the rhythm without the words.

All right?

Bah, bahbahbah, bahbahbah, dee,

bah, bahbahbah, bahbahbah blee.

Bah, bahbahbah, doo,

bah, bahbahbah, goo,

Bah, bahbahbah, bahbahbah, bee.

- Oh, I get it.

I can do that.

There once was a limerick queen

a girl at the age of .

She learned how to rhyme

and keep it in time

and now she knows

just what you mean.

- Ding, ding, that

is a valid limerick.

Nice, thanks Shock.

What are you doing here, man?

- Yeah.

- It's beautiful out,

just running around.

- Well, well, well, looks like

Hector has taught his sister

the art of the limerick.

It would be a shame

if she got distracted.


I have a mechanical bug

that lives in a little red jug.

It buzzes around

distracted with sound

and for that I

will give it a hug.


- [Announcer] Today's

show brought to you by

mb, mmm.

- Mm.

- You know what I don't like?

I don't like silent letters.

I find them really annoying.

Like when a b comes after an m.

It's dumb, what's the point?

The b's just hanging

around there for no reason.

I say thumbs down to mb

and so, with a stomp, I

will flip the mb to an mp.


Now see? That P is

doing something.


I can hear that P.

Now I can make words

like, like, like stamp

and trample, and bump.


Now I'll take the

words climb and crumb

and comb and put

them in the dump.

Oh yeah, I'm pumped.

I feel so much better.

(upbeat music with a beat)

- [Woman] Mm.

- L.

- Imb.

- [Together] Limb.

- L.

- Amb.

- [Together] Lamb.

- Cr.

- Umb.

- [Together] Crumb.

- Cl.

- Imb.

- [Together] Climb.

- Th.

- Umb.

- [Together] Thumb.

- Thumbs up to you.

- Good job.

- Oh, you're great.

- You are really good.

- You're fantastic.

- You're the best.

- You're awesome.

- Thanks, I know.

(beat boxing)

- Thumb.




(beat boxing)

- Lamb.

- Baaa.


- All right, stay focused.

Don't get distracted and your

name could be right up there.

- Limerick slam champion.

Yikes, that's a lot

of Manny Spamboni's.

- Don't worry about it.

You're ready.

- Manny, you do your best.

You try hard, you play fair.

Do you understand?

- Of course, mommy,

I always play fair.

- And one more thing.

- Hm?

- Win.

- All right limerick lovers,

are you ready for

three frolicking rounds

of limerick lunacy?


All right, you all know the

rules or maybe you don't.

You will each compose three

limericks on the spot.

I will give you a word

and you will rhyme it

in your limericks and your

limericks must make sense.

Should you fail, you

will hear this, eh, eh.

All right?

Let the limerick slam begin.

(audience applauding)

We will start with our

reigning champ, Manny,

make up a limerick,

using the word poet.

- Poet.

I'm Manny, the limerick poet

I'm good and boy do I know it.

Some want me to make

a great big mistake

but sorry, I'm

not gonna blow it.

- Ding, ding, that's

a valid limerick.

(audience cheering)

And now, the challenger,

Jessica, your word is, dozen.

- Dozen.

I went to the store

with my cousin

to pick up donuts, a dozen.

We thought we heard flies

but to our surprise

all that was there

was a buzzing.

- Ding, ding, that's valid!

- No, time out, time out.

- That's a new one, okay.

I'll allow it.

- Come over here.

What happened?

- I did hear the buzzing sound

and it was really distracting.

- Buzzing?

- Yeah, like buzz.

- Okay, go distract

everybody for a second, okay?

I need to check something out.

- Okay, distract, right?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Hey, I want to thank

everybody for coming out

to the ninth annual

limerick slam.

I want to thank um,


- Bingo.

Now, about seven years ago.


- I want to thank Paul

the gorilla, my man.

- Excuse me, good job, Jess.

Excuse me, hi.

Do you mind if I take

Jessica's place in this round?

- Another new one.

Let's check with your opponent.

- Bring it chicken pot pie.

- All right folks, the slam

is on with a tag team twist.

Hector, you're up.

Your word is, hair.

(dramatic orchestral music)


- Ha, hair.

I just grabbed this

thing from the air

that was buzzing

around by my hair.

It might seem weird,

but it kind of appeared

that someone was

not playing fair.

- Ding, ding, that's valid.

- Give me my bug!

- Manny, what bug?

- Well, he's probably

referring to the

tiny mechanical

bug that he's been

flying into our

ears to distract us.

- Yeah, that one, give it to me.

- [Mom] Manny.

- Yes mommy?

- What did I tell you

about playing fair?

- Um, that I should do that.

- We're going home.

- But mommy.

- No more robotics for a week.

- Mommy.

- I guess that means that

Jessica is the winner!

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

No, I'm sorry.

I know I keep doing this.

But, why don't we just

have one more round?

Fair and square.

No bugs, just limericks.

What do you say, Manny?

- Can I mommy?

- All right, but

give me that bug.

- And um, how about we

make this one a team round,

if that's okay?

- Why not?

- I pick Jess as my partner.

- Okay, Manny, you

chose your partner.

- He chooses me.

Let's do this.

- All right folks, get ready

for the freaky freestyle round.

Your limericks can

be about anything.

We will keep going until someone

makes an invalid limerick.

- Here we go.

There once was a

sister and a brother

- A pair that could

rhyme like no other.

- Our skills are supreme

and we work as a team

- Now Manny here is

joined by his mother.

- I can not believe

that you cheated.

- It's better than

being defeated.

- That's not how you play

that's just not the way.

- I promise that it

won't be repeated.

- Manny's bug caused

a major distraction

and his mom, well

she had a reaction

- She got really mad

and she yelled at the lad.

- Now let's watch

their next interaction.

- Let's hope that you

did learn your lesson.

- Yes, mommy, I have

learned my lesson.

- Eh, eh, ohhhh.

(audience reacting)

- What happened?

- You rhymed lesson with lesson.

You can't rhyme one

word with the same word.

That's completely

invalid which means that

Jessica and Hector win!

(audience applauding)



- There, there, Manny.

Next year.

- Jessica and Hector Ruiz.

- Limerick slam champions.



- Hector, I'm glad you're

back on the limerick scene.

- I must say, it

is nice to be back.

- Hey Hector, do you think I

could be in the

limerick slam next year?

- Oh Keith, what an

excellent question,

but please let me

make the suggestion.

If you're seeking success,

take your lessons from Jess

cause today she made

quite the impression.


- [Lisa] Yay!

- Thank you.

- [Woman] Wow, look at that.