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01x15 - The Orangachoke

Posted: 04/22/23 17:22
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] The Electric

Company is brought to you by...

(exciting music)

- [Beaches Resorts

Announcer] Beaches Resorts

is a proud sponsor of

The Electric Company.

Connecting bright ideas

and countless outlets

for high-energy excitement.

Do do do, do-do

Do do do do do, do do

- [Female Announcer] Find

your voice and share it.

American Greetings, proud

sponsor of The Electric Company.

- [Announcer] The Corporation

for Public Broadcasting.

A cooperative agreement

from the US Department

of Education's Ready to Learn Grant.

And viewers like you.

Thank you.

- So.

- Oh my goodness.

I just loved your invitations.

I thought they were just the greatest.

- Thank you, I did them myself.

- Really?

- Yes.

And did you, I like the blue cursive.

- Uh-huh, I love the blue,

it's totally your color.

- Hey.

It's your big day, Lottie


We're all so proud of you.

- Thank you, Mr. Buster Bookytinkerflam.

- Lottie, this is so exciting.

- I'm not used to all this attention.

- Solar eclipse in two

hours and minutes.

Are you wishing for any

talent in particular?

- No.

Not really.

- Well, good luck.

- Thank you, Mrs. Skunkleferdoloptikis.

- Okay, explain this

whole thing to me again.

- Sure, it must be very confusing.

- Yeah, it is a little bit.

- When Skeleckians are born,

they get one of these plants.

It's called an Orangachoke.

- Oh, and it has special powers, right?

- Right.

As you know, this afternoon

there's going to be a solar eclipse.

- [Lisa] Oh yeah, the

Moon is going to cross

in front of the Sun.

The sunlight will be blocked

and it'll get dark, right?

- [Lottie] Yes, that's right.

And if you're a Skeleckian around my age,

you can't wait for the eclipse.

- [Lisa] Why?

- [Lottie] Because during the eclipse,

your Orangachoke begins to glow.

And when it opens, you

get a special talent.

- Oh, so when the Orangachoke

opens, it gives you a talent?

Oh, I love that.

- See that guy, Bill Shertimootifipikoff?

- Yeah.

- He got musical talent.

- Oh yeah.

(trombone music)

- [Lottie] He's a great trombone player.

- So, are you going to

get something like that.

- Well, I don't know.

- Hi, Lottie, let me

give you a good luck hug.

- Thank you, Mrs. Einkleinachtinstuppen.

- I've known you since you

were an itty bitty little girl.

- Yes, I know, Mrs. Einkleinachtinstuppen.

- And look at you now.

You're such a big girl.

And I hope your Orangachoke

contains all the talents

that you dream of.

- Well, thank you, Mrs.


- Oh boy, she got all choked up.

This is a pretty big deal, huh?

- It's the biggest day in

the life of a Skeleckian kid.

Oh no.

My Orangachoke is missing.

- Are you sure?

- It was right here in

my bag and now it's gone.

I've got to find it before the eclipse

or else I won't get my talent.

- Wait, what is this?

(ominous music)


Hey, you guys!



Come on, yeah

Feel the power, feel the power

Feel the power, yo, and what it is

It's electric, Electric Company

Get connected, Electric Company

It's electric, Electric Company

Get connected, Electric Company

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on and you will see

That you belong in the company

Feel the power, feel the power

Feel the power, yo, and plug it in

Plug it in, everybody

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

(upbeat music)

- So we're looking for an Orangachoke.

- Right, which is just

like an orange artichoke.

- What is an artichoke?

- Hey, Dad, do we have

any artichokes back there?

- You know what?

As a matter of fact, we do.

- Does it give you talent?

- Well no, but we cook this

up and eat part of the leaves.

And then, down in the center,

is the heart of the artichoke,

which is very tasty.

- It's just like an Orangachoke,

only it's green and you eat it.

- And it has no talent.

- Don't say that.

Of course you have

talent, little artichoke.

- Lisa, that's kooky.

- Hector, didn't we just finish saying

that artichokes have hearts?

- Yeah, but...

Wait, I'm not arguing about this.

No, we're getting back to the problem.

So, during the eclipse...

- Oh, the Orangachoke opens

and she gets a special talent.

- But if you don't have your Orangachoke

during the eclipse...

- Then I do not get my special talent.

I'm like an artichoke.

- Artichokes may have talent

that we don't know about.

- Okay, guys, guys, we need to focus.

We only have an hour until the eclipse.

- Okay, I'm going to make an eclipse.

Here is the Moon.

Here is the Earth.

Here's the Sun.

When the Moon crosses between

the Earth and the Sun,

the Moon will make a shadow on the Earth,

and then it gets dark.

- Nice, man.

Okay, so we'd better

figure out Danny's clue.

- Alrighty.

- Frying pan, then an

O, then, what is that?

- [Jessica] It's a ram.

- Plus an A.

- Frying panorama?

- [Lisa] Panorama.

You know, like a big view of everything?

- Okay, panorama.

Then top.

- Of the.

- Broken leg.

- Oh, cast.

The leg is in a cast.

- Mm-hmm.

- Top of the cast?

- L-E.


- [Jessica] Panorama, top of the castle.

- Top of the castle,

there are no castles here.

- Yes, there is.

There's the castle over on

the east side of the park.

- Yeah, and on the top,

there is a panoramic view.

- All right, let's go to the castle.

- Let's roll.

(upbeat music)

Come on, come on.

- Oh.

I think you're talented.

Here you go.

- We'll see you later, Lisa.

- See ya.

(upbeat music)

(ominous music)

- When I was younger in

Ms. Cornbender's class,

I wrote a story about a

sheep who could speak.

And do you know what she did?

She put a big X over the word speak.

It turns out that speak is

spelled with an A in it.

E-E makes the E sound in sheep.

But if you want to make

the same E sound in speak,

you have to use the E-A.

And so I said, "Well, how will I know

"which one to use, Ms. Cornbender?"

And she said that she would teach us these

one word at a time.

And so I sat in my seat

without a peep and I learned

sleet and sleep and feet

and fleet and weed and need

and all the words that use E-E.

And then I learned speak

and read and mean and lean

and clean and bean and all

the words that use E-A.

And that just made me want to scream.

In fact, I think I will.




(upbeat music)

(thrilling music)

(special agent grunting)

- E, e, e, e, e.

Puh, puh, puh, P.




(elephant groans)


Buh buh B.










(steam whooshes)







(siren wailing)

- [Announcer] Ready.



- [Driver] E-A?

- [Computer] It's ea,

ea as in take the lead.

- [Driver] I'll take the lead, all right.

- [Computer] Totally.


- [Driver] Meatballs?


- [Computer] Meatballs are bad.

He's cheating.

- [Driver] He is cheating.

- [Computer] Clean off the meatballs.

- [Driver] Yeah, see ya, meatballs.

Now we're back in the lead.

- [Computer] Nice teamwork.

- [Driver] Thank you, Bob.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Today on

The Big Face Face Off,

it's Hector versus Danny.

- In this duel, I will use the ea sound.

- I will use the ea sound as well.

I love a good feast.

- That's funny.

My beast loves a good feast too.

(beast growls)

- That's funny.

My duck will freak out your beast.

(duck quacks)

- How is that waddling duck

going to freak out my big beast?

(duck quacks)

Stay away or I'll scream.

(Danny screams)

- That was pretty neat.

You hungry?

(duck quacks)

Have a seat.

(upbeat music)

- [Lisa] How much time until the eclipse?

- [Keith] It's gonna be pretty soon.

I'd say a half hour, tops.

- [Lisa] Okay.

(soft guitar tones)

- [Lottie] Here we are.

- Whoa.

This is amazing.

- Wow, what a view.

You can see everything from up here.

- Definitely a panorama.

- But what are we doing here?

- If I know Danny, we're looking

for another rebus puzzle.

- Right here.

- Oh.

Monster and a B.

What does that mean?

- No, that isn't a monster plus a B.

It's a monster minus a B.

- That doesn't make sense either.

But maybe it's not a monster.

- [Lisa] It's beast.

And beast minus B is east.

Then which way is east?

- That way.

(beast humming)


Can I borrow that?

Thank you.



- Where?

- Right there.

He's pointing over there.

- [Keith] Oh, I see it.

- [Lisa] What is that?

- It's an enormous rebus puzzle.

- It says re-tree.

- Re-shrub?

- Doesn't make any sense.

- Oh yeah, like re-tree made sense?

- It says re-bush.

- It must be from Danny Rebush.

- What?

Did you just say Danny Rebush?

- You mean the Danny we're

looking for is Danny Rebush.

- No wait, I think you mean Danny Rebus.

- Oh, I thought his name was Rebush.

When I sent him an invitation

to the solar eclipse celebration--

- Wait, did you put Danny

Rebush on the invitation?

- Yes.

- Oh.

- Oh, that was not a good decision.

- Is that bad?

- I mean, ordinarily it wouldn't be,

but we're talking Danny Rebus here.

- Is he really that touchy?

- Yeah.

- So, maybe, yeah.

- He's super-sensitive.

- When we were in kindergarten,

I gave him a cookie

and he said, "Thank you."

And I forgot to say you're welcome.

He didn't talk to me for a year.

- Wow, that's touchy.

So all of this is about an H?

He took my Orangachoke on

the biggest day of my life

because I accidentally changed his name

from Rebus to Rebush?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Yep.

- We've gotta find him.

- Well look, I'm sure he's

around here somewhere, so--

- Keith, how about you

and I let everybody know

that Lottie's on her way?

- Great, we'll meet you there, okay?

Let's go, guys, we gotta rush.

Come on.

Hey, Paul, thanks, man.

(Paul grunting)

(upbeat music)


- Can you reach the beach?

Reach, re-reach

Re-Reach, reach, reach

Beach, beach

Beach, beach, beach

- Check out the cheese.

Check, check

Check, check





Chill with the chop.









Chill with the chop

(upbeat music)

Hey, look at what I found

Wanna share it with you

Transformer H

Can't wait to show you

all the things it can do


When it comes behind

the letters C, S, and T

It changes up the sound

Stick around, you'll see what I mean

C all by itself makes a hard sound

Transformer H comes

around with a new sound

It turns cat into chat

Case into chase

Cow into chow, I think

you've got it now

S, oh yes

You don't have to guess

When it's all alone,

makes a sound like a snake

But add the H and it's

a whole different thing

Sake turns to shake

Same turns to shame

Oh yeah

And last but not least is the T

By itself I tend to think

it is hard as can be

But when you add the H, you will see

Tick becomes thick

and tree becomes three


Transformer H



Come on

Transformer H

I got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

I keep a couple of extras

in the laces of my shoes

So when I run into a cat

I can have a little chat

And if a bat is in my path

I can make him take a bath

Got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

Got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

And if I see my buddy Gus

I can always make him gush

One summer at the camp,

I made him be the champ

Got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

Got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

- I love using my H's.


(upbeat music)

- Hey, there he is.

Come on, come on.

- There you are, Danny Rebus.

- I don't know any Danny

Rebus, my name is Danny Rebush.

- Please, I am sorry

for making this mistake.

- I don't think you really mean it.

- Do you doubt that she is sorry?

- Yes, I am very dubious.

- I am so, so, so, so, so, so,

so sorry I misspelled your name.

Please, accept my deepest apology.

- Nah, still dubious.

- Danny, give her back

her Orangachoke right now.

- And why should I?

She invited our whole

school to her eclipse party

and I'm the only one whose name

she couldn't manage to spell?

You think that's an accident?

This is why I am dubious.

- You are right.

(soft tones)

I insulted you, even if

I did so accidentally.

But would it help if,

when I receive my talent,

that I share it with you?

(pleasant music)

- Okay.

I can live with that.

The Orangachoke is in my backpack.

Let's go.

(pleasant upbeat music)

- You think learning a new talent

will make Danny a nicer guy?

- I'm dubious about that.

- Yeah.

Me too.

- [Safety Announcer] Attention, please.

The solar eclipse is about to begin.

Please be certain you

are wearing your special eclipse glasses.

Looking directly at the

Sun is very dangerous

for your eyes, especially

during an eclipse.

And good luck, Lottie.

(dramatic music)

- [Keith] It's getting darker.

- Wow.

- [Hector] This is it, the

Moon's crossing over the Sun.

It's happening.

It's happening.


- My talent is dancing.

(dance music)

Open up your choke and

let your talent shine

Yeah, everyone has

talent and now I got mine

I could feel it moving through me

In the dark of the eclipse

It started in my feet and

then it moved up to my hips

Now I can dance the Orangachoke

Dance the Orangachoke

Let me take you through

it, you can do it with me

- Come on now.

Move it to the right.

- You can do it, Danny.

- Okay.

Move it to the left

- Put a little wiggle in that fanny.

- [Danny] Mm-hmm.

Now you can be the Moon

- Right.

And I will be the Sun

- Okay.

Now we eclipse each other, go, Danny

- This is fun!

Talk about it now

Let it go




I'm gonna do the Orangachoke

Do the Orangachoke, do the Orangachoke

Do the Orangachoke, now you heard me

I'm gonna do the

Orangachoke, come on now

Do the Orangachoke, bring it to me

Do the Orangachoke, bring it to me

If you lose your talents,

you'll never lose your balance

Baby, we're not joking,

we're just Orangachoking


I'm gonna do the Orangachoke

Do the Orangachoke, Orangachoke, yeah

Do the Orangachoke, Orangachoke, yeah

I'm gonna do the Orangachoke,

Orangachoke, yeah

Do the Orangachoke, oh yeah

(crowd applauds)

You're golden if you can tell

The difference between bold and bolt

You're golden if you can tell

The difference between cold and colt

Bold and bolt, very tricky words

Because they both sound very similar

Let me break it down for you

So you won't get so confused

If you like to hold

on to things you like

That'd be right

But if you tried to holt

on to things you like

You'd be out of luck

Because the word doesn't really exist


And now you know the difference

Bold and bolt, cold

and colt, mold and molt

Yeah, you're golden

You're golden if you can tell

The difference between mold and molt

You're golden if you can tell

The difference between meld and melt

You're golden if you can tell

The difference between mold and molt

You're golden

(upbeat music)

- Bolt.


















(upbeat music)

- Oh, this happened to

my ice cream yesterday.

You first look at this

word and you see M-E, me.

Mel, meal.


I'm thinking we back up and

go with the short E instead.

Meh, meh.

L, mel, t, melt.




Yeah, that's exactly what happened.

My ice cream melted and

it was a major bummer.

- C.

- Old.

- [Both] Cold.

- Buh.

- Old.

- [Both] Bold.

- M.

- Eld.

- [Both] Meld.

- Hey, let's change the L-D to L-T.

- Let's do it.

- M.

- Elt.

- [Both] Melt.

- B.

- Elt.

- [Both] Belt.

- C.

- Olt.

- [Both] Colt.

- Yee-haw.

- It's so cold, I can see my breath.

- It's so cold I can see my words.

- It's so cold I can see my thoughts.

That's cold.

- [Narrator] One touchy reptile

and one dubious policeman.

So different, yet so the same.

(woman shrieks)

- I was minding my own business

when I saw this horrible,

venomous reptile.

- Venomous?

I'm dubious about that.

Most reptiles are harmless.

Don't worry, little guy, I'll

get to the bottom of this.

- Oh, she hurt my feelings.

(siren wailing)

- Slow down.

- Oh wait, you don't like my driving?

- Don't be so touchy.

- I am not touchy.

- I'm dubious about that.

- [Narrator] That Touchy Reptile,

rolling into a theater near you.

(upbeat music)

Bout to, bout to eat

(all laughing)

Bout to, bout to eat

- It is delicious.

- Thank you.

- Mr. Watson, this is

one slamming artichoke.

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

- [Keith] That's awesome.

- Oh, what's this?

A little artichoke party?

- Yeah, man, sit down, join us.

- Oh, is that my invitation?

- Come on, Danny, there

were no invitations.

It just happened.

- I'm dubious about that.

- It's true, Danny.

- I see how it is.

I'll get you back, Electric Company.

Mark my words.

- You know what I've noticed?

- What?

- He's kind of touchy.

(all laughing)

- Yeah.

- All right, back to the artichoke.

- You play the games, I get the points.

Well, that's if you play for me.

Go to

There's tons of new games all the time.

Play for me.

And if you don't, well, then

you do what you have to do,

but don't think I won't find out.


Yo, the time is now, the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feeling, the music in your ear

The charge is electric

and all you gotta do is

Plug it in, plug it in

That's what we do at

The Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write, learning to read

Having a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once again, you have to share it

Put something in your power,

you own it, you wear it

Proud and you shout it out loud

Electric Company is in town

- Broken leg.

- Cast.

The leg is in a cast.

- Top of the cast.

- L-E.

- Panorama.

- Oh, oh, oh.

- Oh wait, no--

- Top of the castle.

- Wow, whoa.

That is so sudden.

- And then she taught us about h*m*.

Words like meet and meat.

One is the kind of meat that

you, oh, I skipped a beat.

Hold on.

- [Director] Skipped a beat.

(Danny laughs)

- I'm David Lee, watch

The Electric Company -,

right here on www...

(all laughing)

- [Announcer] The Electric

Company is brought to you by...

- [Beaches Resorts

Announcer] Beaches Resorts

is a proud sponsor of

The Electric Company.

Connecting bright ideas

and countless outlets

for high-energy excitement.

(soft guitar music)

- [Female Announcer] Find

your voice and share it.

American Greetings, proud

sponsor of The Electric Company.

- [Announcer] The Corporation

for Public Broadcasting.

A cooperative agreement

from the US Department

of Education's Ready to Learn Grant.

And viewers like you.

Thank you.

(upbeat music)
