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01x11 - Abracadabra Ca-Green

Posted: 04/22/23 17:18
by bunniefuu
- Today's weather--thunder.

- Yeah.

- For my next trick,

I, calvero the great,

Will attempt something no

Magician has ever done before.

Why? Because they're not me.

Ha ha ha!

- I bet he's gonna pull a hat

Out of a rabbit.

What about you?

- Sometimes I can't believe

We're related.

- For the first time ever

On a public stage,

I, calvero the great--

No, the greatest--

Will transform myself

To a reptile, perhaps a lizard.

No, a snake...

A harmless, nonvenomous snake.

My apprentice marlon...

Will then read the spell

And reverse the transformation

And change me,

Calvero the greatest,

Back into the supremely

Awesome dude before you...

Without messing up

My flowing mane.

Hold up the book.

Just rember to change me back.

- All right.

- Slamma jamma ramma...

Hot tea and cake...

Transform this magician

Into a snake.

- Uh...

Hey, did anyone see a magic book

That was sitting here?

It was really big.

It said, "calvero's magic

Transformation book"

On the cover.

I was just holding it like this.

No? Nobody?

- Whoa, hey, guys, check it out.

- Well, that's a picture

Of a can, so, "can you..."

- "Cat"plus c-h is "catch."

- "Can you catch me?"

- "Can you catch me?"

What is that supposed to mean?

- It means someone has got

Your magic book.

- And only one person would

Leave a message like this--

Danny rebus.

- Danny rebus.

- Oh, no.

If calvero isn't turned back

Into himself within an hour,

He'll stay a snake forever.

Oh, this is gonna look terrible

On my resume.

- Don't worry, marlon.

With our knowledge

And your experience,

We'll figure this out.

- I have no experience.

- Hey, you guys!



Oh, come on, yeah

Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

It's electric,

Electric company

Get connected,

Electric company

It's electric,

Electric company

Get connected,

Electric company


Yo, the power we perfected

Is electrically connected

So use it as directed

And expect to be respected


Turn it on,

And you will see

That you belong

In the company


Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

Electric company

Electric company, yeah

Electric company

Electric company

- Boss, I am so, so, so,

So "not enough sos

In the universe"sorry

I lost your book,

But I will make this right

If it's the last thing I do,

I promise you.

By the way, can I have

Thursday afternoon off?

It's my half-birthday.

- Is he ok in there?

- Sure.

It's just like a snake's

Natural habitat.

Cover doesn't touch.

Show them, hector.

- I looked this up on-line.

A milk snake lives

On a forest floor.

See? He's got a lot

Of hiding places and water.

- Yeah, but no tv. That's harsh.

- Calvero is not

Gonna like that.

He lives for cooking shows.

- Hector, this note just came

For you marked "urgent."

I think it might

Have something to do

With your little friend there.

He's not venomous, is he?

- No. He's not poisonous at all.

In fact,

He's completely harmless.

- It's from danny.

- Ok. "Little as a..."

- Bean.

- "Little as a bean...

Striped and blob"?

- Try "green."

- That's it.

"Little as a bean

Striped and green."

- Yeah. That's it. Uh-oh.

- Oh, no! My sister

Just turned into a lizard.

My mom is gonna k*ll me.


- Danny must have the book.

- Do you know how

To reverse this, marlon?

- I don't know the spells very

Well without the magic book,

But I'll try.

Magical matter, dance and swirl.

Turn this lizard back into

A lovely young lady.


- Look at these scales.

This is a disaster.

Marlon, how long do I have

To change myself back?

- An hour.

- I only have an hour?

- Calvero only has minutes.

- Well, we need to find

This book fast.

- But where?

- Maybe the answer

Is in the next message.

- We haven't gotten that yet.

- You sure about that?

- Another message from danny.

"Meet me at the..."

- Ok. That's a top.

- "Of the..."

- "Steps.""Meet me

At the top of the steps."

- Ok. The magic book

Has got to be there.




- Trap.

- Trap.

- He's got a point.

This might be another one

Of danny rebus' traps.

- Well, that's a chance

I'm willing to take.

- I'm gonna take calvero

Back to his apartment.

Maybe there's another copy

Of the magic book.

- Ok. Let us know

If you find anything.

- Let's hit it.

- All right.

- Ee!

- Ee!

- Ee!

- Ee!


I need that ee, ee, ee

- What?


Ee, ee, ee

- Huh?


To make a step less steep

I need that ee, ee, ee

- What?


To turn "met"into "meet"

Yo, salisa, I agree,

We need that ee

Without that sound,

We couldn't even see

Or climb a tree,

Live in a world that is free

We owe it a big thanks,

We should pay it a fee


Or maybe we should just

Stop acting cheesy

And say it out loud,

Truly, madly, deeply

We love that sound,

And we'll always keep ee


Ee, ee, ee


I need that ee, ee, ee

- What?

I need that ee, ee, ee

I need that ee

- Welcome to...

First up is the red team,

The word "bee."

We're be seeing a lot

Of double-e today.

This bee goes, "buzz,"

And there it is--

The word "bee."

The blue team is up next

With "freedom."

This is harder, as double-e

Comes in the middle of the word.

Will they make it? Yes!

"Freedom,"and it feels so good.

Next, "sweeten,"

Like "sweeten the lemonade,"

Another one with double-e

In the middle.

Can they pull it off? Yes!


Blue team is back with "sneeze."

Time is running out. Can they?


Yes! "Sneeze."

- Hello, josephine.

Are you raising money

For your school?

- Yes, mr. Mcgee.

Would you like to buy a tree?

- Already got one of those.

- How about

Your very own street?

- I love it, but I already live

On my very own street.

- That's pretty much

All I have, mr. Mcgee.


- How about if I buy

Your sneeze?

- What? I can sell you

Something normal, like a tree,

But a sneeze

Is just plain weird.

- I'll give you bucks for it.

- Sold.

- You want to meet my aunt?

- Uh-huh.

- Hola. Como estas?

- Today on

The big face faceoff,

It's hector versus annie.

- In this duel,

I will use "eh"sound.

- I'll take the "ee"sound.

- Hmm...

I will make you my pet.

- Eh, eh, eh.

- Ooh, roll over, hector.

Roll over.

- I will use this tree

To climb out of the cage.

- Ee...yay!

- But you've landed in a den.

- A lion!

Oh, lucky for me,

The lion is asleep.

- He'll wake up now that

It's time to be fed.

- Annie, don't underestimate me.

I can always think on my feet.

Oh, ho ho!

Annie, keep your eyes out.

I heard it was bee season.

- I'll get you for this.

- Eh.

- So, what's happened so far?

- We love magic.

- We love magic.

- And now I will transform

Into a snake.

- What's that, boss? - It means I'm changing

Into a snake. Just rember to

Use the spell in the book to change me back.

- Right.

- Transform, transform,


- Yay, he transformed

From a human into a snake.

- Oh, no. I can't find the book.

I can't change you back.

- Hey, you guys!

- Look at the little harmless snake.

- Really? He's harmless?

- Yeah. He wouldn't hurt you.

Look. Nice snake.

Nice snake. See?

Harmless. - A note. "This

Is a magic spell that

Will transform me into a reptile.

Aah! I'm a lizard.

- Tough break, sis.

Now that you're a lizard, you're

Part of the reptile family.

As a reptile, you're related

To turtles and iguanas...

- And snakes.

- Aah! I'm half a lizard.

Part of me is a girl,

And part of me is a lizard.

- Excuse me, guys.

We've got to find that book,

Or jessica will be

Part lizard for life.

- Psst, I'm behind this

Mischief, and I'm at the stairs.

- To the stairs!

- Whew, man.

- Come on.

- Where is he? - Wait up. - I

Still don't get why danny

Wanted to meet up at the steps.

- To demonstrate

Who is the top dog.

- Oh.

- Yeah. Well, listen dog boy.

Lizard girl is tired of playing.

- That was

An unfortunate mistake.

It wasn't you, jessica, whom

I wished to turn into a lizard.

It was hector.

- What?

- What?

- Ho ho! Don't you rember?

Two weeks ago at the deli,

You tripped and spilled

Milk on my shoes.

- That was an accident.

I apologized.

- Still, I had to wipe my shoes

With a damp paper towel

And wait nearly an hour

For them to dry,

And when they did,

They were crusty,

So with that in mind...

- The book!

- "Reptile spirits,

Hear my spell.

Send this fellow

Back to his shell."

- Oh, wow.

- Wow, danny is a turtle.

- Oh!

- Yeah. Come on.

- Oh, the spell

Must only transform

The person who recites it.

Oh, wow.

- Hey, but where's the book?

- Where did it go?

- Well, I know

Who doesn't have it.

- Ok. Between the turtle

And the snake

And jessica

With all these scales,

We've got more reptiles

Than the bronx zoo.

- I'm only half-reptile.

- Which half?

- You do not want to test me

Right now, bro.

- I think the book disappeared

When he recited that spell.

- Wait. Remember

Back at the diner?

- Just like a snake's

Natural habitat.

- Yeah, but no tv. That's harsh.

Do I really sound like that?

- Oh, yeah. I get it.

So, when I feel

Like disappearing,

I go back to my

Natural habitat--my bedroom.

So, the book probably just

Went back to its habitat.

- Where does the book live?

- Calvero's apartment.

- Mm, genius.

- Oh. It's from marlon.

He says that we need to go to

Calvero's apartment right now.

- All right. Let's go because

These scales are getting itchy.

- Let's go. Come on.

- You are getting sleepy,


Ok. Now meet my friend

Bossy "r."

Whenever you come

Before the letter "r,"

You will change your sound.

"A,"you make the "a"sound,

Like in "cat,"

But "r"will change you

To "ar,"like in "car."

"E,"you make the "eh"sound,

Like in "hen,"

But "r"will change you to "er,"

Like in "her."

"I,"you make the "ih"sound,

Like in "sit,"

But "r"will change you to "ir,"

Like in "sir."

"O,"you make the "ah"sound,

Like in "spot,"

But "r"will change you to "or,"

Like in "sport,"

And you, "u,"--

Yes, you, "u"--

You make the "uh"sound,

Like in "fun,"

But "r"will change you to "ur,"

Like in "fur."

Everybody got that? Ok.

Now, when I snap my fingers,

Whenever you come before an "r,"

You will change your sound

Forever and ever,

No backsies, no kidding.

Ok, "r."Now you can boss

All the vowels around.

- Uh, uh, uh, uh...

Bbb, bbb, bbb...



- Rrr.

- Hhwt! Rrr.




Eh, eh, eh, eh...

Jjj, jjj, jjj...



- Rrr.

- Hhwt! Rrr.




- She's so bossy.


I never met a vowel

That didn't like my swing

Is it because I'm so sassy

The way I do my thing?

I like to shake things up

I like a sound

That's new

I ain't satisfied

With changing "a"

I want "e,""i,""o,"

And "u"

That's why I'm bossy


Oh, yeah, she's bossy "r,"

You better do what she says


Yes, and I'm a star


Little miss bossy "r,"

Her way is the only way

Wah-oop, bossy "r"

She's got a brand-new sound

Little miss bossy "r,"

She'll turn your lives around


Let me introduce

My background singers

Each one has a gift

But they all sound

So much better with me

Ha ha! You catch my drift?

Without me there

To make them pretty

They would just be lost

A consonant like me

To show those poor vowels

Who's the boss

That's right, I'm bossy


Standing in the back,

I'm on the short-a track

But next to bossy "r,"my

Sound changes from "a"to "ar"

So, now when I sing my part

I sho'nuff sound smart

In my car, it's an art

- Come on, "o."


Ah, it's simple,

Yes, sirree

I like my sound a lot

Till bossy gets a hold of me

And I change

Right in the spot

I got a score

Of sounds galore

I had to run

And tell my neighbor

That this "o"has got

A brand-new flavor

- You see how I change the sound

From "cat"to "cart"

Or from "pat"to "part"?

Oh, you'll get it.

This is so much fun.


Oh, it was set,

We weren't a hit

You can bet we didn't fit

Our hands were tied,

But still, we tried

To make the best of it

Then bossy came around

And changed our sounds

And put us on the mike

Now when we're next to her

"E"and "i"

Sound just alike, yeah

- "E"and "i"make

Two different sounds

Till I come around.

I change the "i"sound

From "fist"to "first"

And the "e"

From "gem"to "germ,"you see?


Pardon if I blush

But I can't help but gush

'Cause I'm so thrilled

With bossy

That I swear

I might just bust

- Or burst. - Changes "uh"

To "ur"so "bun"

Can become "burn"

Yes, with that "r,"

I'm happy

That I always get my turn


Ooh, I'm bossy


Oh, yeah, she's bossy "r,"

You better do what she says


Yes, and I'm a star


Little miss bossy "r,"

Her way is the only way

Wah-oop, bossy "r"

She's got a brand-new sound

Little miss bossy "r"


I'll turn your lives around


- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

Whoa, whoa, who's got danny?

- I thought hector had him.

- Not me.

- Ohh, there he goes.

I'll go get him

And catch up with you.

- All right. Let's go.

- Ok.

- Hurry up.

There's no time to lose.

- Where's the book?

- It's in here, but there's

A slight problem.

- How slight?

- Well, see, the book is locked

Under this super strong

Unbreakable glass case,

And, believe me, I've tried,

And then there's this riddle.

- "In case of emergency,

Do not break the glass.

"Just find the right key,

And you may pass.

But if you wish to make a try,

You must look behind the eye."

- That's it. The key must be

Behind one of these eyes.

- Oh, of course.

You know, you guys

Are really clever.

- It says, "ode to calvero."

What is this?

- Looks like a poem,

But it sure isn't a key.

- Wait a minute. This could be

The words to a song.

There's this kind of key...

And there's this kind of key.


Calvero, calvero

- Where's that music

Coming from?

Oh, that music goes

With these words.

If someone sings this song,

Then that's got to be the key.

- Oh, let me sing it.

I'll get you

Out of this pickle, boss.

Just you wait.

He's the best magician

There's no competition

When it comes to feats

Of wonder

Cue the lightning,

Sound the thunder

See within his eyes the power

To open up the skies

Oh, the power he possesses

Not to mention

How he dresses

And his hair

So long and straight

So beautiful

He's calvero the great


Greatest of all time!

Every spell he casts, sublime.

Soon, all the world

Will know calvero


- Ohh...

- Thank goodness.

Break the spell.

- I have to do calvero first.

- All right.


- "Slamma jamma ramma,

Coffee and bran...

Transform this snake

Back to a man."

- Phew!

- Oh, calvero,

Are you all right?

- Wow, what a trip.

How's the hair?

- Oh, perfect.

- Excuse me. Some of us

Are still half-reptiles here.

- Right.

Magical matter, dance and swirl.

Turn this lizard back to a girl.

Yay, I'm me again.

Good thing, too, because I was

Getting hungry for flies.

- Oh, thank you. Um, it's lisa.

She said that she got danny

And that we need to meet her

At the diner.

- We better hurry up.

- Yeah. Let's go.


Now, once upon a time,

Not long ago

When people read books

And lived life slow

There was a bossy letter

By the name of "r"

And anywhere she went,

Vowels acted bizarre

She was sitting in the park

With her friend letter "a"

And when it got dark,

This is what she'd say

"I think you need

A brand-new start

"You sound different in "cat"

Than you do in "cart"

"When we stick together,

We can go so far

As you go from "a"to "ar"

Letter "a"turned

And said, "I see

"Wouldn't you rather be

With your friend letter "e"?

"She acts so different

When you're with her

"So instead of "we,"

"We got the way we were"

From "eh"to "er,"

From "a"to "ar"

Then they turned around,

And guess who they saw

"O"the vowel

On a nearby tower

With a round, little face

And an angry scowl

She said, "no, no, "r."

Can't take any more

"I sound so different

Than I did before

"I was "o"for "show,"

Now I sound like "or"

Please go away,

You are such a bore"

- This is when people

Have different ideas

About the same thing.

All right. Let's sound it out.

Start with the ddd.





And then it ends

With a double-e,

Which makes the "ee"sound,

So it's


You don't disagree

With me, do you?

- What's the game today?

- Uh, I don't know.

- How about gr-growl?

- Growl!

- Growl!

- Gr-grass and grow.


- Grab my hand. Come back here.

- Ooh, man, you have

A great grip.

- Hey, look, you guys.

I'm green.

- Hey, look. I'm greasy.

- Oh, hey, look. I'm floating

In a bowl of gravy.

- Gravy? Oh! Groovy gravy.

- Oh, you know it, grandma.

- You guys are great.

- Oh, you're great, too.

- Let's get some grapes.

- You're great.

- I'm special agent jack bowser.

Not only am I stuck

In this cheesy place.

It's about to explode,

And I can't crack the code

To get out.

Help me read this.

- Whoo hoo!

- One touchy reptile

And one dubious policeman,

So different yet so the same.

- Aah! I was minding

My own business

When I saw this horrible

Venomous reptile.

- Venomous?

I'm dubious about that.

Most reptiles are harmless.

Don't worry, little guy.

I'll get to the bottom of this.

- Aw, she hurt my feelings.

- Slow down a little. - Oh,

Wait. You don't like my

Driving? - Don't be so touchy.

- I am not touchy.

- I'm dubious about that.

- "That touchy reptile,"

Rolling into a theater near you.

- Am I too late?

- Not if we hurry.

- "Book of magic, don't be coy.

Transform this turtle

Back to a boy."


- Ha ha!

- Uh, thanks, I guess,

Or something.

- Yeah. No problem.

- I'll be back,

Electric company.

Mark my words. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

- Fries.

- Yay!

- Oh, you guys got fries?

I'm still gonna get you guys.

- Oh, really? Yeah.

- Oh, right.

Not with that hat on.

- What's wrong with my hat?

What's wrong with my hat?

- It matches the suspenders.

It's nice.

- I had this...

- What's up, guys?

It's hector here

From the electric company.

- Hey!

- We've got a lot of great place

Where we hang out,

But somehow wherever we turn,

We come up against

Some pranksters who always try

To trip us up.

- Hello, jessica.

- When one of us runs

Into a problem...

- Oh, no! No, td! Come back!

- We sound the call...

- Hey...

- You...

- Guys!

- And then we all meet up

At the electric diner.

Keith's dad, mr. Watson,

Owns the electric diner.

- Son, whatever anybody wants,

It's on the house.

- Our friend shock

Works at the diner

And is our own beatbox.


- You'd be surprised how often

That comes in handy.

You just never know

Who you're gonna meet

When you're hanging out

At the electric diner,

But it's usually

Quite an awesome bunch.

Keep watching

"The electric company"

To see some

Of your favorite stars.

- Oh, oh, ok.

- My sister just turned

Into a lizard.

My mom is gonna k*ll me.


- Danny must have the book.

- Marlon, do you know

How to reverse this? Oh!

- Oh!

- Whoo! Whoo!

- What? Ha ha!

In this super strong


It's locked--i'm so sorry.

- I return back

To my natural habitat.

- Aah! Hee hee hee!

- That was a bee.