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01x02 - Scent of a Human

Posted: 04/22/23 17:10
by bunniefuu
The station that's so hot and

so cool, it's lukewarm, baby!

And I am the tune meister

coming at you live

with our finalists

in our rap competition.

Are y'all ready for the winner?

- Whoo!

- And the winner is...


That means, hector, you will

star in a music video

directed by the tune meister

himself--that'd be me.

Ha ha! And annie, you are

our runner-up,

which means, if for any reason

hector cannot perform,

it's all you. Heh!

Local restrictions may apply.


- Runner-up?

Annie scrambler is no runner-up.

Annie scrambler is a winner!

Uncle sigmund,

you have to do something.

Oh. Couldn't you

hypnotize hector?

You know, make it so that

he can't do the video?

- Yes. I suppose I could

try something.

[High voice]

uh, excuse me, sir.

- Hmm?

- Do you have the time?

- Uh, sure, ma'am,

but you have a watch.

- Let's not quibble

over details, hmm?

- Uh, it's :.

No. Of...[Yawns]

wow. I'm getting really sleepy.

- Yes. Very sleepy.

[Normal voice]

and when I snap my fingers,

you will wake up,

and you will...

You will...uh...

- [Dog barks]

- oh, I got it.

You will have the mind

of a canine.

- A canine? Like, like a dog?

- Exactly!

You will think you are a dog

until sunset tonight.


[high voice]

thank you. Good day.

- Yo, hector.

- Hmm? Hmm?

- The meister will meet you

right here at :

to sh**t the video sponsored by

lukewarm ....

- [Sniffing]

- well, that was a little weird.

- [Barks]

- why are you barking

at the tune meister?

- I don't know.

I don't know. Ruff!


Hey, you guys!


- [Beatboxing]

-come on, yeah!

- Feel the power!

Feel the power!

Feel the power! Yo!

And plug it in!

It's electric,

electric company!

Get connected!

Electric company!

It's electric,

electric company!

Get connected!

Electric company!

- Yo, yo, yo, yo!

-The power we perfected

is electrically connected

so use it as directed

and expect to be respected

-just turn it on,

and you will see

that you belong

in the company!

- Feel the power!

Feel the power!

-Oh, feel the power!

- Feel the power, yo!

And plug it in!

-Plug it in, everybody!

- Feel the power!

Electric company!

-Electric company!

Electric company!

Electric company!

- Electric company!

- I've lost my appetite.

- Aw, you finished.

Good boy!

- Mm! Ha!

- Um, do you really have to

wag like that?

- I can't help it.

When I get happy, I wag.

Deal with it.

- Wagging is a basic

canine instinct.

It's what dogs naturally do.

You can't help your instincts.

- Ok. Here's the thing.

Um, my brother, he's not a dog.

He's a person, a human.

- But I feel like a dog.

Ever since that weird lady

came up to me

and she asked me for the time.



It's sigmund!

It was annie's uncle.

He hypnotized me!

- Wait, wait.

So, annie's behind this?

- Ruff!

- What is it, boy?

- Ruff! [Sniffing]

I smell something.

- Oh, the canine sense of smell

is really strong.

They can pick up a scent

from far away.

- What scent?

What do you smell?

- Ruff!

- I'll go get hector.

You meet me at the playground

later? Yeah. Ok.

- So weird.

- He drank this whole thing.

- Ruff! Ruff!


- oh, hi, hector.

Oh, who's a big rap star?

Who is he? Give me paw.

Come on!

Hee hee! You!

- Arroof!

- Or not!

- Annie...

When will this wear off?

- Don't worry.

Hector will get his human

instincts back at sundown.

Oh...but the video sh**t

is at :. [Gasp]

so that means you'll have to rap

with a canine brain.

Oh, that's really too bad.

- I can rap under

any circumstances.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yep.

- I'd like to see you try.

- [Beatboxing]

- yo.

Yo, yo.

Now, my name is hector

and I like cats

I like to chase cats

so show me the cats

and I'll chase the cats


- [Whirring down sound]

- what? No good?

- Eh.

- A tad cat-heavy.

- I guess if you

can't do the video,

then I'll have to do it.

Oh, well.

Bye, poochie.

Oh! Whoops.

- Oh! [Panting]

oh! I can't do

the video like this.

- You'll be ok.

We just have to...

Train you not to follow

your canine instincts.

- Drop it.

- Ok.

This might work.

- "Eh."

-Hey, you short "e"

-eh, eh-eh


-ok, you ring that

be-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-ell

-eh, eh-eh

-so all of you can...

-Now, let me scream

no, yell

that short "e"is best

standing tall as a tense

it will never need a rest

in the middle of a word

it will always pass the test

when you need it most

to cast a spell

grab your pencils,

your pens...

The time is set

for you to ring that bell

eh, eh-eh-ell

-eh, eh-eh

-eh, eh-eh

-yo, short "e"

come and ring that bell

- "eh, eh..."




- Yo.

- Ted!

- Oh! Ohh!

- Whoa.

- Ok. I'm ok.

- Oh, I don't trust you,

letter "c."

I don't trust you one bit.

One minute you're making

hard "kuh"sounds, like...

But whenever you get in front of

an "i,"an "e"or a "y,"

you totally change.

You start making

a soft "sss"sound, like...

Oh, I'm onto you,

letter "c."

Onto you.

From this moment on,

I will never use hard

or soft "c"again

or my name isn't...

There's a hard and soft "c"

in my name.

You know what letter I love?

The letter "c"!

Best letter in the alphabet.

- [Beatboxing]

- some instincts

are human.

- Some instincts

are canine.

- What are we here to learn?

- Human instincts.

- That's right.

- Do I get a treat?

- Not yet.

Lesson number one: shock,

the sound effects, please.

- [Clears throat] will do.


- Ruff! Ruff!

- No!

Those were your

canine instincts.

When humans hear a doorbell,

they don't bark.

They say...

- Who is it?

I knew that!

I knew that.

Now can I get a treat?

- Oh, they're training him!

Uncle sigmund, maybe

you didn't hypnotize him enough.

- I hypnotized him plenty.

- Oh. Play on without me.

I'll be right back.

[Humming] oh!

Hey, tune meister!

Fancy meeting you here.

- Hey, runner-up person.

- Annie.

- Right.

Listen, the tune meister

has come to look for hector,

'cause we got a new location

for the video sh**t.

- Oh. I can give it to him.

- Ok. Cool. Here you go.

- Oh. Skate park. Got it.

- Cool. Thanks so much,

runner-up girl.

Hey, listen, tell him

to hurry up. : Sharp.

- Oh, I'll tell him.

- All right.

- Bye! [Giggling]

skate park.

Stark peak.

Much better.

- How do humans

catch tennis balls?

- With their hands!

- Nice job.

- [Sniffing]

what's that smell?

- [Sniffing]

- it's the scent of

annie scrambler.


- Easy, hector.

- Hey, guys.

The tune meister gave me

this note.

It's the new location

for the video sh**t.

See you there.

- [Growls] ruff! Ruff!

- Stark peak.

- I know that place.

Wait, that's really far uptown.

Ok, we'd better hurry!

- Wait a minute, guys!

Annie scrambler just gave us

this message.

My instinct says...

- She scrambled it.

- [Beatboxing]

- how about...skate park?

- Must be the skate park


- All right, come on.

We'd better hurry.

- Wait!

What if it really is

stark peak,

and she's trying to trick us

by not scrambling the note?

- So, how are we gonna

make this right?

- I have an idea.


- uh, what is he doing?

- He's getting annie's scent.

When dogs want to find

something, they follow

the smell.

They track it.

Track that scent, hector.

Track like the wind!

- "Kuh"


- "kuh-kuh-kuh"


- "kuh-kuh-kuh"


- whoo!

- "Kuh-kuh-kuh"


- "kuh-kuh-kuh"


- oh!shock, I love

that beat

everything you beatbox

sounds so sweet

but can you see

what I see?

You're using the sounds

of hard and soft "c"

"kuh"as in...

Was that a canary

or a crow?

Soft "c"is also nice

at the end of words like...

It sounds like an "s,"

but take my advice

sometimes you need a soft "c"

to add that spice

- "kuh, kuh, kuh, kuh,

sss, sss, sss, kuh"

-and when the sounds

work together

the circus is in town

they run circles

around this ground

the other letters fall back

it's a simple little

hard "c"soft "c"practice

- "sss..."

- Oh. This is a good word,

and it just goes

round and round.

Let's see.

It has two "cs"in it.

Now, that first one is

a soft "c,"

because there's an "i"

after it,

so it makes the "sss"sound.

So, "sss...ih...rr..."

Oh, no. It's "ssurr..."

And now we get

to the second "c."

This one has an "l"after it,

so we know it makes

the hard "c"sound.

So it's "sur-kuh--circle."

Circle! Circle round, folks.


- Wet cement?

I love fresh cement.

You can write stuff

in fresh cement.

- What are you doing?

I just poured that cement.

That was going to be

my nice, new concrete sidewalk.

You ruined it!


-There's two ways

to see everything

my grandma used to say

and that rule applies

to what I'm singing here today

I'm talking 'bout

the letter "c"

come follow if you will

I learned this

as a shortie

and it still gives me

a thrill

now when that "c"is hard

it sounds just like a "k"

make me want to go

kuh-kuh, kuh-kuh

now you say

-kuh-kuh, kuh-kuh

- everybody, hey!

Hey, hey!

-Now, when that "c"is soft

it sounds just like an "s"

oh, oh

you get me?


And it's always fine with me



And either way is cool

there's two ways to say

now, if a "c"comes before

an "e,""i"or "y"

that is when you know

to give the softer "c"a try

say nice

- nice. Yeah.

-Or peace

- peace! Yeah!

-Listen to me

now, when that "c"comes

before an "l,""r"or "t"

you'll probably want to use

the harder sounding

kind of "c"

say clap

- hey. Clap. Yeah!

-Or crab

- crab. Whoa!

-Come on and sing with me


And it's always fine with me


And either way is cool

there's two ways to say...

- It's :!

Hector should be here by now!

- Oh, I guess you'll have

to go with the runner-up.

- Who was the runner-up?

It was hector!

- It was--!

It was me.

- Right. Angie, angie. Right!

If hector doesn't show up,

you do it.

- Great. Is it ok

if I put some of my stuff down?

- Sure, danni, sure!

- I almost hope he does show up.

- [Squeaks]

[zips bag]

- track faster, hector.

It's almost :.

- Annie's scent is getting

really strong.

- Good boy!

- Skate park.

- Oh, good tracking, boy!

- Let's go.

- Hello, annie.

- Hector, you made it.

- How did you find us?

- I tracked your scent.

It's really strong.

All right.

I'm ready to sh**t

a music video.

- That's what you think.

- Huh! [Growls]

- remember, hector...

- Human.

I got it.

- Yeah.

- And...action!

- [Dog barking]

-% human

and I'm out of sight

I don't have a tail

and I stand upright

said I catch with my hands

and I've got two feet

- easy, hector.

-And I listen to

my human instincts

-% human

-and I dance and sing

-% human

-it's a beautiful thing

give me a glass

if you please

I don't drink water

out of a bowl

-oh, no, no, no

-steak is great

but yo, I like it well-done

serve it on a plate

with a knife and fork

'cause I'm a human

- [dog barks]

-i can paint a picture

I can say a rhyme

I can do both

at the same time

- meow!

- Ruff! Ruff!

- Meow!

-This little pretty kitty

is a sight to see

I wouldn't eat it, no

look how it's purring at me

-% human

-and I'm on top

and it don't stop

human instincts rock

-% human

two hands and feet

it's hard to beat

treat as neat

as human instinct, yeah

-% human

- and cut!

Ha ha! Great work, hector.

Ah, yeah.

Hey, what's your name again?

- Annie scrambler...

The runner-up.

- Great.

We have a consolation prize

for our runner-up.

- Really? Well, what is it?

- It's an autographed picture

of me and hector, our winner.

- Aah!

- Woof!

Excuse me.

- It's ok, dawg.

-It's hard, it's soft

- "kuh,""sss"

-the letter "c"

- letter "c."

-It's hard, it's soft

- "kuh,""sss"

-the letter "c"

- letter "c."

-I called a cab,

it came right away

I got my camera out,

took a picture of his car

I got in,

he drove fast

but then he stopped

I got out, took my coat

and I was standing on

the corner

I was approached

by a "cantipede"

I meant a centipede

he said he had a race car

to take me into outer space

and so I did

and I met some magical mice

I had to thank them twice

for a certificate

for a brand-new type of cereal

-it's hard, it's soft

- "kuh,""sss"

-the letter "c"

- letter "c."

-It's hard, it's soft

- "kuh,""sss"

-the letter "c"

- letter "c."

-It's hard, it's soft

- "kuh,""sss"

-the letter "c"

- what's up? I'm marc echo.

To be creative, I'll use

what's right in front of me.

Maybe it's a pen;

it could be a spray can.

As long as it feels right

and does the job.

I create art

every single day.

To me, being creative means

taking what I'm thinking

from here

and what I feel from here

and bringing it out

with these.

There's no right way,

there's no wrong way,

as long as you do it your way.

- Hi, josephine.

Raising money for your school?

- Yes, mr. Creepy.

Would you like to buy a crab?

- I don't mean to be crabby,

but I already have a crab.

- How about a crocodile?

- I have crocodiles.

- You have everything! Oh!

- I'll buy your scream.

- My scream?

That's crazy.

- Here's $..

- One scream. Sold!

- Ohh!

- [Beatboxing]

- whoosh! Poom!


- I'm special agent jack bowser.

Well, do-re-mi.

It's time to face the music.

This place is about to explode.

And I can't crack the code

to get out.

Come help me read this...


- meet detective

wednesday jones,

a private eye with a nose

for trouble.

- What's that scent?

I know it was you, dixie.

I know it was you all along.

I tracked your scent all the way

from the herbal tea shop.

- You got it all wrong, jones.

I wasn't anywhere near

the herbal tea shop.

- Oh, yeah?

- Hey! That's private.

- What do you call this?

- She can smell a criminal

from a mile away,

and track the scent

to the ends of the earth.

- How'd you know it was me,


- Crime stinks.

- So, wait. What happened?

- Yeah. I'm gonna be the star

of a video.

- I want to be the star.

You're a canine.

- Are you calling me a dog?

I'm not a ruff! Oh, no!

Hey, you guys!

- How'd you find us?

- I used my nose to track

your scent.

You smell like keith.

- I am keith.

We got to train you to act

like a human again.

- It's a shoe. What do you do?

- Eat it!

- No! It's a canine instinct.

- You have to act like a human

and not a canine.

- And what does a human

do with a shoe?

- Wear it!

- Exactly! Nice using

your human instinct.

You're ready to sh**t the video!

- Good luck getting there.

The location has changed.

- Oh, no!

- No worries.

I'll just track annie's scent.

- Yay!

- No hector.

I guess I'll have to be

the star.

- Not quite, annie.

This human is ready to rap.

- Boo-hoo!

- Action!

-Am I a canine?

- No!

-That's right

I don't bark

I'm a human and I bust a rhyme

at the skate park


-and it don't stop,

human instincts rock!

-% Human

-two hands and feet

it's hard to beat

treat as neat

as human instinct, yeah

- [giggling, clapping]

- awesome!

- Yeah. Nice rhymes, hector.

- Why, thank you.

- Shock, what happened

to your sneakers?

- Ask hector.

- [Dog barks]

- sorry. Can't help

my instincts.

- [All laugh]

- aw.

- Thanks, man.

Hey, guys, I'm hector.

- Whoo!

- And I'm here to tell you all

about "the electric company."

"The electric company"

is a group of friends

with special word powers

who solve problems

around our neighborhood.

There's keith.

Keith can draw a picture in

the air of any word he hears.

My sister jessica's power

is suh-weet.

She can play back any word

she hears.

- You two will switch...

- And then

there's our friend lisa.

If any words get scrambled,

lisa can unscramble them

in a snap.

And finally, there's me hector.

I'm like a human camera.

It's like I've got

my own instant replay.

We can do a lot of crazy things

with our powers,

but when it comes to

"the electric company,"

it's all for the good

of the 'hood.

Do you accept this power?

Show off your word power.

Watch "the electric company"

on air and online.

- I am the tune meister,

coming at you live...whoa!

I just blew that away.

Ha hah!

And I am the tune meister.

Ha ha. [Gasping]

- couldn't you hypnotize hector?

- I suppose I could, uh...

Think of something.

- [Laughs] cut.

- [Laughing]

- track like the wind!

- "The electric company"is

brought to you by...