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01x01 - Skills

Posted: 04/22/23 17:08
by bunniefuu


- How'd you do that?

- It's just a skill I have.

- Yeah, but where'd

it come from?

- It's a long story.

- I have time.

- All right.

Actually, it all started

right here.


- Oh, yeah!

- All right.

Come on.

Right here?

- All right.

Yeah. Yeah.

Back a little.

- Come on!

All right.

- Take the shot.

- Oh!

- Give yourself an "s."

- All right.

- Oh, yeah!

Oh, yeah!

Give yourself an "s."

Next guy to get a letter,

and that will be you--

is the loser.

- Uh-huh.

- Top of the key,

nothing but net.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Big

old hector's going

down to little old keith,

who will be the new

supreme athlete in the hood.

- Ok. All right.

Here you go,

mr. Supreme athlete,

best sports player in the hood,

you watch and learn. Ok?


- I watched, I learned, I won.

- What are you talking about?

- I called all net.

- I got all net.

- You caught some rim.

- Net.

- Uh-uh.

I want an "e"right there.

- I will put a "n e t"

over there for "nuh et."

- I want an "e"right there.

What just happened?

- Uh, I think you just did that.

- I...i did?

- Ok. Ok.

Do me a favor,

visualize a letter

and then twist your wrist.

Like that.

- Get a picture in my mind...

- Ok. Oh, yeah.

Now throw it.

You've got the gift, little man.

- Oh, yeah!

I feel the power!

Hey, you guys!


Oh, oh, oh, come on, yeah!

Feel the power!

Feel the power!

Feel the power!

Yo! And plug it in!

It's electric

electric company!

Electric company!

Electric company!

Electric company!


Yo, yo, yo, yo!

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

so use it as directed

and expect to be respected


Just turn it on

and you will see

that you belong

in the company!

Feel the power!

Feel the power!

- Oh, feel the power!

- Feel the power!

Yo! And plug it in!


Plug it in, everybody!


Electric company!

Electric company!

Electric company!


Electric company!

- Guess who's got the power?

Guess who's got the power?

Guess who's got the power!

- Whoa whoa whoa.

What's going on?

- Dad. Dad, dad.

I got the power!

- Wait. You got the power?

- Ok. Ok, this is what happened.

Keith beat hector at basketball.

- Did not, sis.

- And then all of a sudden...

- I got the power!

Look! I visualize a letter

in my head and...

- Come over here.

This is some great news.

- Oh, yes! I know! - Shock!

Shock! Whatever anybody

wants... It's on the house!

- You got it.

I'm on it.

- Um, and...if

it's cool with you,

we'd like keith

to take the pledge

and join the electric company.

- Dad?

- Well, it's more than cool.

But this is a big

responsibility, son.

- I know.

- All right.

Let's get in there.

Come on.

Thanks again. Yo!

- Ooh! Free smoothies!

- Hey, yo, I'm kind of excited

right now.

- Ooh, me, too!

- Wait. What do you think

his special skill is gonna be?

- Wait. Wait.

So how does all this work?

- Well, we all have

our basic wordball skill, right?

- We think of the word

and then we throw it.

- But then when

you take the pledge

to be in the electric company,

something even more

incredible happens.


It happened to us,

now it's happening to you

all kinds of letters

coming outta the blue!


See a word in your brain,

then out come the letters

well, hold on just a second,

man, it only gets better


We've got skills,

we've got skills

we've got mad mad super bad

special skills


Yo, the way that I hear

is simply the best

I listen to a conversation,

put my skill to the test

'cause whatever ya say

I can easily recall

every word that was said,

I throw it up on the wall! Hey


We've got skills,

we've got skills

we've got mad mad super bad

special skills


Yo, skills must run

in the family

yeah, my eyes take pictures

of everything I see

I can lay out for you

whatever I've seen

like flippin' through

the pages of a magazine

now, you've got your skill,

I've got mine

lisa is next

to get in line, go!


We've got skills,

we've got skills

we've got mad mad super bad

special skills


Their skills are cute

but mine are much cuter

inside my head,

there's a word computer

the letters of your name,

go ahead

throw 'em up

on this spot, son

ok, keith watson

I rearrange letters

I'm showing you how

to make keith watson

take this now!


We've got skills,

we've got skills

we've got mad mad super bad

special skills

we've got skills,

we've got skills

we've got mad mad super bad

special skills


- All right, keith, you ready?

- I was born ready.

You know, an athlete like me?

- Oh. All right,

mr. Born ready.

Raise your right hand.

- Do you understand

the seriousness

of what you're about to do?

- I do.

- Do you recognize

the awesome power

that lives inside of words?

- I do.

- Do you accept this power

and all of the responsibility

that comes with it?

- I do!

- Francine, what are you

doing here?

- Hello, electric company.

Ohh. Oh, oh, I love it.

I just visualize something

and I can make a picture.

- She stole my special skill.

- Give it back this instant.

- Oh. Ok, sure.

Ha! Never.

And I'm not going

to change my mind either.

Get the picture?

Sorry. Sorry.

Well, I would love

to stay and chat but I can't.

See you later, alligators.

Oh, I love it.

I love it.

I love it.

I love it.

- You'll never get away

with this, francine.

- She already got away with it.

- She did, didn't she?

- What do we do?

- Ok. The only way get it back

is if she raises her right hand

and swears to give it back.

- She'll never do that.

- Or swear to trade skills.

- But I don't have

anything to trade.

- Wanna bet?

- Ss

- ss

- ss sss

- so, let's go!


That's one sound of s

sitting in a word,



That's one sound of s

sitting in a word,



Sssseems kinda silly

that this little sound

is anywhere we look,

see, it's all around

sometimes at the start

and also in the middle

you'll even find it

at the end of riddles

if you sit in a seat, then

you definitely have found it

when you soak in the sun,

then it's all around

if you ask me a question,

you're just gettin' warm

that slippery s takes

all sorts of forms

in a sandwich, on a snake,

even under the stairs

simply put, it is something

that you see everywhere


That's one sound of s

sitting in a word,



That's one sound of s,

sitting in a word

- hop on the seesaw with me

so we can seesaw.

- Why?


I just can't believe...






- It is finished...and it is

just as I had visualized.

- There she is.

- Look at that, man.

She's showing off

for the rest of the pranksters.

- With my special skill.

- All right, now, look,

you've got to make it appear

as though you want

to be on their side.

- I'll make it look that way.

- Good.

And remember, in the electric

company, we don't lie.

- I'll just choose

my words carefully.

- Yeah.

- I can't believe

you stole his special skill.

That was genius,

francine, genius.

- Uh...there is

a huuuuge difference

between sneaky

and genius, danny. Huge.

She is hugely sneaky

and I'm a huge genius.

- You're just jealous because

you don't have any powers.

- I'll take my

superior intelligence.

Thank you.

- We eh eh eh ell,

look who's here.

- Hello, keith.

- Hello, keith.

- Hello, keith.

- Hello, pranksters.

- If you've come to try to get

your skill back, no chance.

I'm loving it.

- I figured that.

- Don't you think it's perfect?

- What?

- The picture.

Don't you think I captured

their features perfectly?

Manny's feature, his strong

yet primitive brow...

Danny's feature, his piercing

yet shifty eyes...

Annie's feature, her creative

yet unsuccessful fashion sense.

Oh, and then there's me.

Which of my features

is your favorite?

- I can't decide

which feature I like the most.

- Hey, keith, you ever think

of joining the pranksters?

- He's no prankster.

- He's with

the electric company.

- Hey. Hey.

Hey. Hey.

You see that rest room

sign over there?

- Pest room.

Huh, not bad, kid.

I didn't think

you had it in you.

- I'm full of surprises.

That's one of my features.

- Hey, if he was one of us,

then he could be a spy.

- He'd have to prove

himself first.

- What if I was to steal

all the special skills

of the electric company?

- What are you talking about?

- You heard me.

- If you did that,

then we could

run wild

through the neighborhood.

- Dude, we would be kings.

- Chaos would rule.

- All would bow to us!

- Yo, yo, yo.

I gotta go do my homework.

I'll meet you all

back here at :.

- All right. Good.

I've got, like,

a ton of homework.

- I have a geography quiz.

- I got a bunch of math

and I gotta show my work.

- I already did mine.

- What word should we do first?

- How about that one?

- Is that the last one?

- Guess so.

See ya.

- I'd like to introduce you

to the ninja of

the english alphabet:

see that glob?

Silent "e"sneaks up on it--

and pounces!

Bam! Turning glob into globe.

Silent "e"doesn't even

make a peep,

but it changes

the sound of a whole word.'re a tube!

Kit...go fly a kite!

Sham--what a shame. your fate!

Mop...please don't mope.


Mistak's not a word.

Sorry. My mistake.

Hey, all you vowels--i see you,

and you can run,

but you can't hid.

I mean, hide.

From the baddest ninja in town--

silent "e."


Lemme tell ya

'bout a friend of mine

goes around changing words

all the time

but he's kinda sneaky,

yes, sir-eee, come on!

I make a plan,

he flies a plane

I hold a can,

he carries a cane

cook with a pan,

now he's at it again

lookin' through

my window pane

silent "e,"oh,

how it changes everything

silent "e,"it's elementary

silent "e,"

it's simple, come on

try with me

you got it!

- Yeah!

- Whoo!

Silent "e"

turns slop to slope

and gives a little hop

a lot of hope

and shapes a little glob

into a globe

ya see?

Ha! Ha!

He can change a bit to bite

a strip to stripe,

a grip to gripe

a shin to shine,

well, I don't mind

let it spin

right up my spine

silent "e,"oh,

what a great discovery!

Silent "e,"it's elementary

silent "e,"oh, who knew

how much fun it'd be?

Now ya got it,

sing along, everybody!


Silent "e"


When "e"follows the vowel,

it changes the sound


Silent "e"


Silent "e"is everywhere,

you got it now!


Silent "e"


It's simple,

come on, sing with me!

Now, I'm gonna give you a word

and you just add the silent "e"

now, when I say "mad"and ya add

the "e,"what do ya get?

- We get "made"!

- Now, when I say "slim"and ya

add the "e,"what do ya get?

- We get "slime."

- And when I say "not"and ya

add the "e,"what do ya get?

- We get "note."- Silent

"e,"silent "e,"

silent "e"...

- Great job.

Great job.


Silent "e"is a ninja!

Silent "e"is a ninja!

Silent "e"is a ninja!

Silent "e"is a ninja!

I didn't notice when he came

I cannot accept

any praise or blame

I was home pushing my mop

like a dope

next think you know,

and I started to mope

and at the end of my rope,

I was hopping mad

but he turned my hop into hope

and then he made his escape!

But not before he turned

my cap into a cape

and now I look

totally insane

I had a plan to catch him,

but man

he turned my plan

into a plane! Raaaa!

Silent "e"is a ninja!

Silent "e"is a ninja!

The silent "e,"

he will getcha

uh, uh, silent "e"

is a ninja!

Where'd he go?

Where'd he go?

Where'd he go?

Where'd he go?

Where'd he go?

Where'd he go?

He's a ninja

- hey, everybody.

- Well?

- What?

- Did you get the skills?

- You tell me.

- That's jessica's skill.

- That's the way it appears.

See, he caught some rim.

- You've got hector's skill.

- It does appear that way.

Doesn't it?

- Hold on.

You made a new sentence

out of those letters.

That's lisa's skill.

You've got all their skills.

- It does appear that way.

Doesn't it?

- Keith?

- Yes, francine?

- You know, if you wanted

your skill back,

I might be willing to trade you.

- Really? Ok.

- Ok, repeat after me.

I do solemnly promise

to trade special skills.

- I do solemnly promise

to trade special skills.

- Oh. Oh. Oh.

Ooh! Ha ha.

You little fool.

That's skills for one.

Now I have all the powers

of the electric company.


We got their powers!

Now we can crush them!

We got their powers!

Now we can crush them!

- The letters aren't moving!

The letters aren't moving!

The picture isn't coming!

There's no sound!

What is going on here?

- Francine, I know it appeared

as though I had

everybody's skills.

But I didn't and neither do you.

- You little trickster.

- Wow. You sure blew

that one, francine.

- Huh. You got schooled.

- Nice job, genius.

- I will get you for this,

electric company.

I have made a mistake!

- Ahh!

- Yeah! Yeah!

Man, that was awesome!

- Yes, it was.

- That was great, dude!

- Yo! Check this out!

- Ok. Tell you what?

How about we have

a rematch and then

maybe this time I'll try.

- What are you

talking about, buddy?

- I'm the supreme athlete.

I'll see you on the court, though. - That's

not what the horse says. I guess you

forgot him? - Really? Let's talk to the horse.

Oh, horse,

who's the supreme athlete?

Hector's the supreme athlete.

I'll race you to the court!

I'll race you to the court!


Oh, let me tell you about

my love of the silent "e"

sometimes I have a plan

when I add an "e,"

it becomes plane

and I can take that plane

and fly away

even to a hurricane

oh, oh, and then I land

in the middle of a jungle

and I get out and watch

a beautiful handsome ape

go swinging by on a vine

unfortunately, I don't

have a dime to give it

but that's ok,

'cause I get back on the plane

that I just rode on

and fly away

silent "e"

silent "e,"it works for me

silent "e,"

silent "e"

silent "e,"it works for me

- you can make soup on this.

Let's sound it out.

First sound.


So sss

St ah, nope, it's not sta,

because there's

a silent "e"on the end.

And silent "e"makes the o

say its name, so it's sto ve.


I make soup on the stove.


- I'm special agent

jack bowser.

This takes the cake.

And it's about to explode.

But I can't crack

the code to get out!

Help me read this!


- Joe grippo had

one incredible feature.

- You ready to be somebody?

You ready to compete?

- I want to be the champ!

- Well, then, let's get to work.

- And one, and...

- More, grippo!

- He taught him to compete.

- Bob and weave!

Bob and weave!

- He taught him to visualize.

- See it in your head!

Visualize your thumb

pushing down on his thumb!

- And he gave him a strategy.

- Go for the knuckle!

- , , , .

I declare a--

- ok, let's get you

sworn in properly.

- All right, where were we?


Do you accept this power

and all of the responsibility

that goes with it?

- Yes, I do.

Got my friends all around me

and my hand in the air

got a brand-new power

and I solemnly do swear

to use my power

only for the good

of all the people

in the neighborhood


I know what I've seen,

I know what I've heard

there's a whole lotta power

in every little word

as we use our power,

we guarantee

to honor the name

of the electric company

- so, that's the story.

- Wow. So can I be

in the electric company?

- Maybe. You never know.

- Oh.

- But a guy like you,

I think you got

a pretty good chance.

- You think?

- Yeah, I do.

Come on, let's play

some basketball.

Check it.

Top of the key.

- Whoa.

- Your turn...



We here

electric company

kick it one time


The time is now,

the day is here

that rhythm

that you're feelin'

the music in your ear

the charge is electric

and all ya gotta do

is plug it in

- plug it in just imagine

a world where

everything around you

every sight and sound will

astound you, surround you


And before you know it,

even you have the power

to bring a word to life!

That's right!


That's right!


That's what we do,

we're the electric company

inviting all of you

to all the possibilities

learning to write

and learning to read

we have a good time

while we plant the seeds

and once you get it,

you have to share it

discovering your power,

you own it

you wear it proud

and you shout it out loud!

Electric company is in town


In town

oh! Taking over.

And forever.

- Oh!

- Do you understand

the seriousness

of what you're about to do?

- I do.

- Do you recognize

the awesome power?


- She stole my special skill.

- Give it back this instant.

- Ok, no. Never.

- Bam! Turning glob into globe.


The line.


- Get away.

Ha ha.

Get away from me.

- "T