07x222 - Transform!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x222 - Transform!

Post by bunniefuu »


Lucy here!

I've been doing jobs

for the Fairy Tail guild

for a while now, and each one's

been more intense than the next.

I need to step up my

game to tackle them.

And the best way to do that

is add some spells

to my repertoire.

So, that's what I'm doing!

And not just new spells.

All new Magic!


So, there a reason for

the sudden interest?

[LUCY] Well, I can wreck shop

with the best of them,

but take away my celestial

keys and I'm helpless.

If I were to learn

transformation magic,

I should be able to

handle myself no problem!

Not to mention it sounds

totally wicked awesome.

Aye, sir!


What possible use could you

have for transformation magic?

I'm always lookin'

for ways to step up

my prankin' game!


They'll never know what hit 'em!

I should've figured as much.



Transformation magic can

get pretty complicated.

But I'm sure you can master the

basic level quickly enough!

You really think so?

Sign us up!

Let's do this!

[MIRAJANE] For safety's sake,

we should practice with

a bit more open space.

Why don't we all head

somewhere outside?


Transformation magic.

Something like that

would help us get back

into the spotlight.

We're not getting any younger.

If we follow them,

we could learn to transform

and be back in our

primes by sundown.


Sounds like a plan.

Indeed. The idea has merit.

[ERZA] Maybe I should

learn to transform.

[WENDY] Hey, Evergreen!

Are you about to head out?

What's the job?

Oh, there isn't a job.

A new boutique just opened

in Magnolia to rave reviews,

and I intend to

shop 'til I drop.

[giggles] I've been wanting

to get a new outfit or two.

Maybe I should tag along.

Not a bad idea!

It's important for girls to stay

in tune with the latest fashion.

Fashion isn't just for girls!

Men can be stylish, too!

Hell yeah!

I was thinkin' of addin' some

pyrotechnics and a zoot suit

to my stage outfit!

I've made my decision!



[MIRAJANE] And those

are the basic principles

of transformation magic.

Any questions?


Uh... Way too many to ask.

[NATSU, HAPPY snoring]

Are you two serious

about learning this stuff,

or did you just wanna

annoy me for the day?

[MIRAJANE] Now, there are

some important things

to keep in mind

when transforming.

Nap time's over.

Uh, sorry.


Don't you dare sleep again.


I can't help it.

It's because this is

so freakin' boring.



I wouldn't mind

a little less theory

and more practice,

ya know. Whaddya say?

I suppose it can't be helped.

All right then, we can give

transformation a shot.



[LUCY] You're like my

favorite teacher ever, Mira!


It's about time.

We'll start with

something simple.

A basic form transformation.

Like so.

[NATSU, LUCY gasp]


Something's off here, but I

can't put my paws on it.

[MIRAJANE] At the basic level,

your clothes stay the same.


Ah! That was it!


And the next level?

Intermediate will

change your clothes!






Even her armor is perfect!


Yup! That's Erza, all right!

[giggles] Memorizing even

the smallest details

will help you sell the illusion.

Are you sure about that?

'Cause, I'm not exactly shakin'

in my sandals over here.

--[ERZA] Natsu.

--[NATSU] Huh?

I trust you and Gray have

been behaving yourselves

like I've asked you to?


You even sound just like her!

Being true to the

character is key.

If you wanna be a master.

That's cool!

No kiddin'!

For a second, I thought Erza

had appeared out of thin air!

[MIRAJANE] And, if you make

it to the advanced level.

You can alter your physical

form completely, at will.

[NATSU, LUCY gasp]


You look delicious!



[MIRAJANE] And, if you

get even more advanced.

[LUCY gasps]

She's flyin'!

You can change your abilities!



She's foxier than before!

Even your fighting strength

can be altered this way.

Did you hear that?

If we learn transformation

magic, we're set!

No more lounging around

the guild losing our hair.

[LUCY] I had no idea there

was so much to this!


I wanna try next!

[MIRAJANE giggles]

Sounds good.

Mira, could you turn

into a fish again?

I'd really like to see it.

I think kitty's gone psycho.

That was a little too

advanced for you to try

right off the bat.

So, let's start

with a beginner


Come on, we're not newbies!

Skip the kid stuff and

show us the goodies.

Yeah, we can do it!


Enough of your insolence!


I'll have to try that.

[MIRAJANE] We're starting

with the basics for safety.

I won't tell you again,

so don't forget.

I had a feeling

I'd rock this.


You're so pretty!

You're not looking

shabby either, Wendy.


You really think so?

I was worried it might

be a bit "flashy".


Not at all!

This is your chance to be bold.

Show off your looks!

Is this bold enough for you?


Wow, Carla!

You know how to

dress to impress!



Yes, you've certainly found

some keepers, ladies!

They're so you!


It isn't bold enough to

clearly state my devotion

to the warrior's way of fashion.


Now this is cool!


Perhaps too cool.





Are we dynamic, or what?

We're the heroes

this city deserves!





Like a couple of

children at play.

No matter their age,

men are always children,.

Excuse me, sir, but

what are those outfits?

You truly have a keen eye

for fashion, Miss Erza.

Legend has it...

Long ago, people donned

those suits and defeated evil

in this town as

mighty superheroes!

At least, that's

what the label said.

I see.

Costumes for dispensing

justice. I'm deeply moved.

Is she serious about this?

Yeah. Definitely.

[CARLA] Just look at her face.

There's no stopping her now.

Hero! That's it!

Sir. I'm in your capable hands.

Just leave everything

to me, darling.

Am I good or am I good?



[ERZA] It's as comfortable

as I'd hoped.

Perhaps even more so.

I had it tailored to your

exact measurements.

I feel as if I'm

brimming with power!

The only explanation is destiny.

That suit has been waiting

for you to put it on!

Yes, that must be it!

From now on, I am Fairy Woman,

Defender of Magnolia! Woosh!


So, uh...

Do you think we should

do something about this?


About what? I saw nothing.

Yes, child, it was

nothing but a breeze,

and should be forgotten

as soon as possible.

Natsu and Happy will

try turning into Lucy.

Lucy, you'll try Natsu.

--[NATSU, LUCY] Sure thing!

--[HAPPY] Aye, sir!

[WAKABA] 'Kay, what are

we supposed to try?


What are you, brain dead?

If we pull this off,

we could turn into our young,

handsome selves again!


Oh, right! I forgot about that.

[MACAO] And then, maybe my

ex-wife will finally

come back to me.

[WAKABA] Maybe my wife will

finally stop henpecking me

and see me for the

gorgeous hunk I truly am.

And I can have my

hairdo back again!

[MIRAJANE] Start by looking

deep into each other's eyes.


Yes, ma'am!

[NATSU grunts]

[LUCY grunts]

[HAPPY grunts]

Good, now really try

to picture your partner

inside your mind.


Picture it!


Picture it!

Handsome stud!



Look even closer. That's it!

Try to take in all

your partner's details.

Oh. A pimple.


Shut up!

[MIRAJANE] The fact that you

two are friends should help,

but it goes even faster when

the pair is extra close.

Like this?

[LUCY] Uh! That's...

not what she meant.


Focus on the person. Very good.

Now, imagine that you

have their face and body.

Then, focus your magic power

on the picture of

them in your head.


Now unleash all of it!





Ah... Aw.

Nothing happened.

It's fine!

You shouldn't expect

it to work right away.

You just started.

[NATSU cackles]

Man! What a lame-o!

[HAPPY laughs]

And you call yourself a wizard?

Hey, shut it, cat! It's not

like you did any better!


But I've already

figured out how to do it.

So did I!




I'm still me. Damn.

[WAKABA] I guess everyone

overshadows us for a reason.


Okay, we've had our trial run.

Now let's give this next

try all you've got!



I won't give up when

my wife and good looks

are both within reach!

The power of the hunk

is calling my name!

[MACAO, WAKABA grunting]









Aw! Look, it's a Lucy cat!

You've passed the

beginner's level!


This is creepin' me out a bit.

[NATSU grunts]

Okay, my turn!


[NATSU laughs]

What the hell, dude?

If you're gonna do that then

change your clothes, too!

[MIRAJANE] Great work,

Natsu! Let's move on.

Man we suck.


[whines] I was the one who

wanted to learn to transform,

not those two clowns.

And would you put those away?

We're in public!

[MACAO sighs]


Enno, my love.

Dammit. If I could only

learn to transform.

[sighs] Man, it'd be

nice to be in my prime.


Screw it. One more try.


It's worth a shot.




Nope. It's useless.

[WAKABA] I guess you can't

get back what you've lost.

[WAKABA groans]

[MACAO grunts]

The hell? I'm burning up.

And my head is pounding!

I feel like I'm about

to split in half!

What's happening to me?

[MACAO yells]

[WAKABA grunting]


[GIRL A sobbing]

I was playing

with my balloon,

but the wind took it away from

me and now it's too high

--for me to reach it!

--That's just terrible!

There must be

something we can do!

Are you kidding?

No one could reach

that kind of height!


Ah! Ha-ha-ha!

Stealing from innocent children

is something I cannot abide,

you villainous tree!



This is a job for Fairy Woman!



Take your balloon and know

that justice was served.

--[CROWD gasps]

--[GIRL A] You k*lled it!

Your thanks aren't

necessary, little one.

For I am a superhero.


I lost the ring inside the

house, not in the garden.

This is a job for Fairy Woman!

I can't believe I forgot

about the bingo tournament.

Thanks for the lift, Missy.

This is a job for Fairy Woman!

--[MAN B] Yeah!

--[ERZA] Yes! Justice prevails!

Evil rears it's head.

I will be there to whack it!




I don't get it.

I've performed numerous good

deeds today, and yet...

It doesn't feel like I've dealt

a blow to the forces of evil.

What does it mean to be

a superhero, anyway?

Do they exist

because evil exists?

Or is there more to it?

[CROWD screams]


The city cries out.

And Fairy Woman

will answer the call!


[MONSTER cackles]

Now I understand what all

the commotion was about.

It smells familiar.

I know that mustache!

It's Macao!

You're wrong!

The Macao you once

knew is gone forever!

You can call me, Mr. Purple!


What the heck is going on?

[NATSU] Don't know.

Was it somethin' he ate?


That's a serious food allergy.

[MR. PURPLE roars] I'm bursting

with so much youth and vigor.

I'm ready to blow!



Watch it, pal,

you coulda hurt someone!

He's out of control.

What happened to him?

Isn't it obvious? He turned

into a big purple jerk.


That smoke...


What do we do now?

[VILLAIN cackles]

Wait. Wakaba? Is that you?

Nope. Sorry, sweet-cheeks.

See, that wrinkled old has-been

you once turned down

for a date was tossed aside

like yesterday's stogie.

I've been reborn

as a hunky punk,

but you can call me

"The Smoker."


You could poke someone's

eye out with that hairdo!

[SMOKER] I'm finally

the in-your-face rebel

and handsome devil

I was always meant to be.

You're lookin' at

the studliest villains

in all Fiore,

so show some respect!

Not good.

They've both gone

completely mental.

[MR. PURPLE yells]

[SMOKER cackles]

Hey, knock it off! Are ya

tryin' to destroy the city?

What's with the bad attitudes?

I think Magnolia's on the

wrong end of a mid-life crisis!

Ah! I hear a voice deep inside

commanding me to brutally

destroy everything in my path!

That makes two of us.

I've never been one

to ignore my instincts,

especially when I get to

wreck everything in sight.

How in the world

did this happen?

I... think it's

transformation magic.

If that's the case.

Then the transformation magic

caused their constant stress

to take on physical

form. Maybe...


She doesn't know? Wait!

Now that I think about it.

They were upset about

being overshadowed lately.

Not to mention feeling insecure

over losing their hair

and wishing they

were more attractive!


That's horrible!

Whatever the case,

we have to stop them

before Magnolia's

nothing but rubble!

You're so dramatic.

At the very least,

our guild's rep will go

back down the crapper.

And we can't let that happen.

Besides, this'll give

us a chance to try

our new abilities in action.

Way to use your noggin!

[LUCY] I don't think this is

the time for playing around.


Remember! Picture and release!

Got it.

Ready when you are.






I don't think it worked!

What do you have to picture

to turn into construction paper

and a bamboo sh**t?

How should we know?

We thought of it.

[ERZA] Ah! Ha-ha-ha!

This is a job for Fairy Woman!



Sorry, I've never heard

of Erza Scarlet.

I am Fairy Woman!

O... kay. We're screwed.

Even Erza's gone coo-coo.

Didn't you hear?

She's Fairy Woman, not Erza.


I don't think it matters.


Fairy... Kick!

[MR. PURPLE groans]

Now, Fairy Punch!

The era of plain ol'

superheroes is over!

Dark and serious super villains

are what's hot, sweetheart.

Get with the times.

Dark and serious?

You scum!

Sorry, Fairy Woman,

but this turf is ours.

And you're not welcome!

Despicable cretins!


Well, yeah. We're bad guys!

Be careful!

Don't worry. I'll help ya!


Me too!



The three of you

stay out of this!

I'm about to teach these

scoundrels a lesson

with my fairy fists of justice!


Ha! Yeah, that'll be the day.


After we're through with you,

superheroes will be

a faded memory!


Hold it!



[PANTHERLILY] No one cares

about superheroes anymore!

It's all about

the dark hero now!

[GAJEEL] I am the iron flower

that blooms in Magnolia.

The dark hero of

black steel. Fairy Man!

I have no weaknesses.

'Cept trains.


his trusted sidekick.

The ultimate warrior,

and seeker of justice.

You can call me Fairy Boy.

The stronger my foe,

the harder they'll crumble.

Who're these chumps?


A mysterious duo appears!

Are they friend or foe?

It's obviously

Gajeel and Lily, right?

Let them find out on

their own. It'll be fun.

Hey, Fairy Woman!

Leave these jerks to us!

Prepare for justice! Evildoers!

Do you idiots have no honor?



How dare you steal my

climactic scene! Imbeciles!


This is the end!

Try to embrace your

fate with dignity!

Fairy... Fleuve!


That's mine, Erza! Hold on,

when did she take it?

Erza's fighting without

using any Requips.

She must be totally

immersed in her role.


But she stole her role. Copycat!

I'm not copying,

but paying homage

in the most

respectful way possible!

We've come to the

part where I pull off

a spectacular finish.

I think I'll start with you:

"Old Smokey."

It's "The Smoker"!

It doesn't matter

who you are! Fairy Wind!

My smoke! My pompadour!



You'll pay for this,

Fairy Woman!

You are the one who will

pay for this, Mystery Pool!

My name is "Mister Purple"!

Get it right!


[MACAO groans]

Looks like she did it.

I never doubted

her for a minute!

What gives?

We finally turned

back to normal!

Talk about lame.

I didn't even get to throw

a single punch at 'em.

Transformation magic's tougher

than you thought, huh?

[ERZA] Are you okay?

Was anyone injured?

[LUCY] We're good,

thanks to you, Erza!


I am not Erza. I'm Fairy Woman!

[LUCY whimpers]

I'm scared.

That's unexpected.

What the--?!


What's wrong with your faces?

You've gotta be kiddin'!

We should be asking you that!



She's turned realistic!


A few days later.

If I ever try that

crap again, sh**t me.

I guess we'll just hafta

do our best as we are now.

The real question is "when will

I change back to normal"?


Hey, look!

Apparently Erza--

I mean, Fairy Woman--

saved Magnolia again today.


She did? Huh.

[HAPPY] Natsu, why are you

sitting in bed like that?

[NATSU] I found this

weird egg, so I'm warming it

to see what'll happen.


Whoa! Cool!

Do you think it's

gonna hatch soon?


I'm not sure yet!

But, if it does, you'll have

a little brother to play with!

[HAPPY] Are you for real?

I'm so excited!


We'll need a name, though.

[HAPPY] Right. If he's

my little brother, then...


Happy Mark II!


Absolutely not!


Next time: It's Kemo-Kemo!


Okay, how 'bout this?

If Mark II is no good,

then Happy !


No! That's basically the same!
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