07x220 - 413 Days

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x220 - 413 Days

Post by bunniefuu »

[JUVIA humming]

[JUVIA] You appreciate

a well-groomed woman.

Don't you, darling?

Of course you do.

[JUVIA humming]

I'll see you soon, Gray my love.


[WENDY] Good morning,

Juvia! How are you?

[JUVIA] I'm great!

Good morning to you, too!

You're looking

exceptionally chipper.

You must've had some

amazing dreams.

I don't remember any.

But this is a special day.

I met my Gray days ago.

It's been that long since my

love saved me from the rain.



Four hundred thirteen

sounds like a big number

but it's nothing compared to the

amount of hours and seconds.

Time does fly when

you're in love!


[CARLA] You're celebrating

your th day?


Oh, yes!

That's an odd

number to focus on.

Does - have some sort of

special significance to you?

Like maybe you two met

each other on April th!

Wow, this really is a

special day. That's so cute!

Yes, it would be. But no.

It's just what I said it is, the

th day since Gray and I met,

fought, and fell madly in love.

So then, what was yesterday?

It was our th day

anniversary, obviously!


Then tomorrow--?

Is gonna be our

th day anniversary!

Every day's our

anniversary, see?

--[CARLA groans]

--[WENDY laughs]


Carpe diem!

I learned this invigorating

phrase from Levy recently.

It means seize the day!

I admire those words.

And can see that

you live by them!

Well, when you put it like that.

It really is important that we

take the time to appreciate

the things we love,

every single day.

I suppose so,

but for some of us

there's only one thing.

Well, yeah! Life is great.

And it's all thanks

to that frosty fox

named Gray Fullbuster!

Why wait a year to

celebrate the bounty

right before you?

May today's jubilee

be trumped only by tomorrow's!

You took the words

straight from my heart!

Erza has such a mature

perspective on this stuff.

Are we listening to

the same girl right now?

So tell us, how do you

plan to celebrate?

Oh, I'm not.

I haven't exactly told Gray

about our anniversaries yet.

I just plan to be happy.

That won't do!

Holidays are meant

to be celebrated!

At the very least you

should give the boy a gift

to mark the occasion!


[JUVIA] For you, darling.

It's to mark our anniversary.

Oh, wow! It's amazing,

just like you!

My lovely bride!



That escalated quickly!

A token of my appreciation!

That's a great idea,

I'll try it!

This is bad!

I have no idea what kind

of present he'd want!

It's all so sudden.

I can't think!

Do try not to hurt yourself.

This isn't life or death.

Are you sure though?

You have no reason

to fret, Juvia.

Choosing a gift is quite easy.

Just find something that'll

make the giftee happy.

Well if that's the case,

what kind of gifts

would make you happy?

Weapons and armor

of glistening steel!


[GRAY] Woah! These are

almost as amazing as you!

My lovely bride!


Can't quite place it, but

something seems a bit off here.

Armor would make a

great gift for you,

but I dunno about Gray.

He likes to strip too much.

That's where you take issue?

Armor is tough to remove,

so that's the last thing

I'd wanna give my future

husband. What do you suggest?

Uh. Well, actually.

I'm kinda the worst

person you could ask.

I've never given

something to a boy.

What about you, Carl--?


That cloud looks like a rabbit.


Pay attention!

Why don't you ask other

girls like Laki and Levy?

I did see Cana back

in the dining room.

Yeah, I mean we all

live together so there's

plenty of people you can ask.

It'd be a waste not to find out

what everyone else has to say!

I could take a poll.

All right. Great idea!

I think I'll try it!

[JUVIA] It's really amazing what

you've done with your room.

Looks like half

a library in here!

It's more of a practical thing

than a decorating choice,

but thanks.

What can I do for ya?

Well, I've decided to get

a present for someone,

but I want it to be perfect.

So if you could have any gift,

then what would you want?


Studying these ancient

tomes, I rarely have

as many reference

materials as I need.

If ya gave me an encyclopedia

on the history

of Boscoe, I'd swoon!


I'm sorry but I

just can't decide.

Between wine and liquor!

Somehow that

doesn't surprise me.

Are you seriously

drinking wine this early?

Yeah, I might've nabbed a bottle

from the kitchen cellar.

Keep your mouth shut

and you can have some.

Oh, thanks.

I'd love to, but I think

I'd better get back to

this whole present thing.

Well This is a "special" room.

And here I thought Levy's

place was different.

[LAKI] If you're after an

offering that'll make men

thrash about in the feels,

then look no further.

In my experience,

life's greatest pleasures

bear the tint of pain.

I'm not sure I agree.

[LAKI] It takes an open mind

to please your man.

With a piece like

this in the mix,

the possibilities are endless.

Okay then! You've given me

quite a lot to think about.

So, I'm gonna go now.

[sighs] I'm at a total loss.

There's gotta be

someone around here

that can give me

some decent advice.

[door creaks]


Evergreen! Hey!


You're this worked up over

picking out a present?

Aw, it's like you're

a little girl!


And you seem way more mature

than most of the girls here.

So I thought that you'd be

the perfect person

to ask about this.

You thought right. So.

You now realize that however

good she may be with a sword,

Erza's woefully inexperienced

when it comes to

the ways of romance.

Luckily for you, I'm an expert.

Teach me, master!

Ask me anything.

The sky's the limit!

I'll help you turn

your man into putty.

Anything, huh?

Well, what I really

wanna know is how to get

the guy that I like to marry me!

Marry you?


I've been wondering, Elfman.

What would you like

our first baby to be?

A lady or a man?

You know what I want.

A little lady.

What the heck! You're

supposed to say a "man"!

Wow. That thought

escalated quickly.

Um. Are you okay?

Well, uh, actually!

If you wanna know what a guy

is thinking, you should probably

talk to one of them!

Because If you ask a girl,

she'll just tell you

what she's into.

Hey, good idea!

I knew you'd have good advice.

Thanks so much!

I'll give that a try!

What kinda present

would you like?

I'd wanna get more food!

More specifically, fish!

I don't think that

a gift of fish

would please my darling Gray

as much as it would you.

Everyone loves fish.

Trust me!

The key is that you give

him a stupid amount of it,

like enough for five people!

Just 'cause your life

revolves around food

doesn't mean his does.

What kind of presents would

you guys like to recieve?

What, if I could

choose from anything?

Lemme think.

I'd want a man!

[JUVIA sighs]

He is so clueless.

I'd take a white suit

and a slick guitar.

Toss me a red rose to

bite into, and we're good.

Juvia. Let's make babies!


Gray would look incredibly

dashing with a set-up like that.

[LUCY] Yeah, Debonair rock-star

isn't really Gray's style.

Forget the guitar.

He needs some clothes!

What kind though?

Juvia. Will you take me...

Gray Fullbuster,

to be your husband?

Both in sickness and in health?

Will you love me, and honor me?

I swear. I'll do the same.


We're ready.

All you have to do

is pick your favorite.

I can't pick one.

I'll just have to marry

all five of you!

[JUVIA sighs]

Looks like Juvia's off

in Gray-land again.

You should make him something.

Give him a gift you put

yourself into and he'll

know it's from the heart.

Make him something?

You wanna show how

you feel, right?

Nothin' says "love"

like a handmade gift.

How d'ya handmake a man?

That doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, but a handmade guitar?

Think I might be pretty

into somethin' like that.

[LUCY] Can you guys

keep it down, please?

She's confused enough as it is.

[NATSU] Know what's

always handmade? Food!

[LUCY] Will you stop

yammering about food?


I think he may

be onto something.

Remember that cake

Erza made the other day?

I dunno about you,

but it sure made me happy.

Cool, I'll just bake him a cake.

Think you can make

one by yourself?

Well, yeah. How hard can it be?

It's just a big pastry!

And don't forget to save

a couple bites for us, okay?

Out of the question!

I intend to spoon-feed

him every bite!

[HAPPY, NATSU groan]

Seize the cake!

[DOLL GRAY squeaks]


Just you wait, Gray, darling!

I'll have you

buttered up in no time!

First, place one cup sugar

and three eggs into a bowl,

then whisk into a froth.


That's odd. Why isn't

it all frothy yet?

[JUVIA whimpers]

[JUVIA grunting]


[JUVIA sighs] I couldn't even

get the dumb thing started.

If you had been here

to see my failure...

I can't believe you're

such a crappy cook.

What an complete disappointment.

[JUVIA gasps] Please!

Just give me one more chance!

[GRAY] We could've spent our

lives together, but not now.


I'm begging you, don't leave!

I'll never let that happen!

But what can I do?

Love overcomes all barriers!

Even total incompetence!

There has to be

something, come on!

Just think! I figured it out!

Sure I suck with a

whisk, but I've got

other talents

I can use for this!

Water Nebula!

Cut butter into slices

and mix them into bowl!

Water Slicer!


Vigorously beat out all bubbles!

Water Whip! Cut your

fruit into small slices!

Water Jigsaw!

[JUVIA grunting]


[LUCY] Why'd we let

her try to bake alone?

I hope she's okay!

[JUVIA panting]

What happened?

Ah! It wasn't easy,

but I did it!


wouldn't be so sure about that.

Really? So then,

where did I go wrong?

[LUCY] I guess the good news

is that anyone could see

you worked

really hard on it.

[WENDY] The bad news is you

spelled lovely with an "r".


So bad.


I'm a failure!

Hey! Looks aren't everything.

Who knows, maybe it

tastes delicious!


So sour!



I didn't use any ingredients

that weren't in the cookbook.

[CARLA] You've got a

special kind of talent then.

Color me impressed.


What do I do now?

I could always try to cook

something else, I guess.

Please don't.

I'm not sure if the

kitchen could endure.

Tell you what, we'll fix

things up around here.

You just focus on coming up

with another gift idea,

that sound okay?

But I'm back where I started.

Totally clueless.

Why don't you go back

to the clothes thing?

Try something simple,

like an accessory.

Ah! Thank you, Carla!

Think I'll give it a try!

I've got a really good

feeling about it this time!

I can just picture Gray's face.

So cute!

You made this for me, yourself?

Oh! Juvia!

You'd be as generous as you are

talented if that were possible!

It was my love for you that

inspired me to evolve, darling!

Juvia . wasn't worthy of you,

but I've had an update!

So modern and yet so enchanting!

A man has to admit

when he's beaten.

Juvia! Get old with me!


I really did it!

And this time it's

perfect for sure!

Ready or not, dearest,

here comes love!


I wonder if Gray's still around.

After all, it is getting

a little bit late now.



You're like a wild animal.


I just can't resist it!

You've been crammin' your

face for like an hour.


Yup, and I'm not gonna stop

till there's somethin'

else to do.

Well, that was weird.


No way!

You're the manliest

man I've ever seen.

How else could I win

a woman like you?


Let's ditch this joint and find

a quiet place to cuddle.


Sure thing.

Let's feed each other

fish somewhere private.


Oh. Hey, Juvia!

How's the present coming?

What'd you end up

deciding to make?

Well, I, uh, I knitted a scarf.

[JUVIA] Crap. These fantasies of

mine are getting out of hand.

Ya didn't go with the

guitar, eh? Too bad.

Hey, listen: Gray hasn't

been around here today.

He's prob'ly just layin'

around at home then.

Yeah, I bet you're right.

I'll go check on him there!

Wish me luck, okay?

Those clouds look like

they're ready to storm soon.

Guess I'd better

make this quick.


Oh, hello, Lyon!

[LYON] Juvia, were on your

way to Gray's house?


Yes, I am. Were you just there?


Kind of. I was...

...popping in for a quick visit.

But he isn't there.

He isn't?


You needed to see him?

I do.

Today is Gray and I's

anniversary, sort of,

so I made him a present,

all by myself.



But if he's not home,

then I'll just have

to look around!

Thanks for letting

me know. See ya later!

Yes. But Juvia--!



[gasps] Gray, darling!

I was looking everywhere!

Nobody's seen you.

Where have you been all day?

Uh. Just felt like

takin' a long walk.


This is for you!


I was knitting in a rush,

so it didn't turn out very good.

But I'd be honored if you

wore it! Here, please!

[GRAY] You should get home

before it starts storming.

[gasps] Wait!

What the hell?

I knitted a scarf for you.

Won't you wear it?

I don't do scarves.

Come on, it's a cute accessory!

I don't accessorize either.

But it's gonna get cold out,

look at those clouds!

So what? I'm an

ice wizard, all right?

The cold doesn't even affect me.



[JUVIA gasps]

[GRAY sighs]

[JUVIA] Please, Gray. Today...

It's the anniversary.



You don't have to wear it.

But I want you to keep it.

As a memento!

Of what?

A memento of our anniversary.

It's been days

since we first met.

Don't you remember?


That's crazy, even for you.

What am I s'posed to say?

I'd start with

"happy anniversary"!

Any day can be special

if it makes you happy.


Sorry. Not this one.

So you found him.


Yes, I did.

[JUVIA sobbing]


This isn't like you.

You're too upbeat for tears.

What happened?

I'm the worst!

If I'd known I wouldn't've done

it, you gotta believe me, Erza!


She died today?

Yes. Years ago, on this day,

Gray's master gave

her life to save him.


[LYON] For tonight at least,

just let him be.

[JUVIA] The anniversary of

the saddest day of his life.

And I tried to make

it about myself.

I feel like such

a selfish fool.

And there's no way to fix it.

I'm the one who pushed

you towards this.

That makes me the fool.

Nice try. But I know

it's all my fault.

[ERZA] To be honest, I doubt

that Gray's upset with you.


Why wouldn't he be?

I chased him down

and harassed him

on the day his master died.

It's only a date though.

[ERZA] Every time one

passes, countless lives

are lost and born.

Every date is someone's

anniversary for something,

good or bad.

But no matter what today

meant for you last year,

it's whatever you

make of it now.

You took this day and made

the most you could with it.

Gray needed to see that.


You really mean it.

[JUVIA sobs]


There, there. You're okay.

[GRAY gasps]


You boys look cold.

Here, this oughta

warm you up a little bit.



[GRAY grunting]

[GRAY] Wow! This scarf

is friggin' warm.

I owe you an apology.

Lyon told me about what

happened, and I just--

Don't do that. I was a jerk.

I should apologize to you.

I'm sorry.

[JUVIA] I wanna make

up for my mistake.

So I made you this body pillow!

Here, do whatever

you want with it!


No way!


It's also in commemoration

of our th day anniversary,

so you know, it'd be

pretty rude not to take it!

[GRAY] Seriously! That thing's

creepy, take it back!



Then what kind of present

do you want me to get you?

I'm tellin' ya, food!

I'll keep sayin' it!

Fish! Fish! Fish!

Na, get him somethin'

that has grit!

Oh, I'll show ya grit!

Now I'm wondering.

What is Gray supposed to do

with that kinda pillow?


How would I know? Ask Erza!

Never a calm moment.

Never a dull one either though.

Guess things are just

the way I like them.

That's right!

If you get bored, then you

just need to try harder!


[HAPPY] Brr! What's the deal

with this blizzard, Natsu?

It's gonna turn me

into a cat-sickle!


Give it a rest, ya big wimp!

[HAPPY] This seriously

doesn't bother you?


I'm a fire wizard, dude!

It's like havin' a furnace

where-ever ya go.


I am way past jealous.

[NATSU] Yeah, plus I've

never caught a cold!

[HAPPY] Yeah, I heard that

special people like you

can't catch colds.

[NATSU] Yup! Dragon slayers

are pretty dang awesome!

[HAPPY] That's not what

I meant, short bus.

[NATSU, HAPPY] Next Time:

The Labyrinth of White.

[NATSU] Wait so how many

kinds of special am I?

[HAPPY] It'd take all

night to answer that!

We've got work to do!
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