07x215 - Ophiuchus, the Snake Charmer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x215 - Ophiuchus, the Snake Charmer

Post by bunniefuu »

This doesn't make sense!

Natsu just closed Loke's gate!

So how is the

Liberam still going?

This won't end well.

[OPHIUCHUS] Omnia...

magna... stella... rex... prae.

Why is the snake chick

beltin' out a tune?

Can you tell

what she's saying?

"Omelet, mackerel, and

some shellfish tempura to go".

It's still not the time

to think with your stomach!

It's never the

right time with you.

She's saying,

"Omnia magna stella rex prae."

"All for the sake

of the King of stars."

It can't be!

You're out of

your depth, humans.

Don't interfere!

The time is nigh.

I can feel it!

You won't be

waiting long, my king.

[NATSU groaning in pain]

That was hard to watch, man.

Wasn't easy to do, either.

Also, you kinda look

like you're dying.

Oh yeah?

Well I've been feelin' like a

train-wreck for a while now.

My goodness!

What's wrong with you?

You're a little

off color, Natsu.


Whoa, man!

You're sweatin' out party fog!

Is that bad?

My paw's melting!

I've never seen

a fever like this!

So did you catch a bug, then?


Heck no. I don't get sick!

If you ate more fish,

you'd have a

stronger immune system.

It's not like that!

I've been feelin' weird

ever since I beat Loke.

Chances are it's got

somethin' to do with him.


Ophiuchus, the Snake Charmer!

[GRAY] So, we got

a destination, or...?

[ERZA] Hmm...

[GAJEEL] I'm catchin' a faint

whiff of Salamander

from over there.


nothing you can do now

but watch and weep,

you pathetic humans!

Anyone else hear

that sinister voice?

Yeah, it was like

it came out of nowhere.

Didn't sound like

any spirits I know of.

There is one other spirit

that should be around here.

Isn't there a

th zodiac member?

That's the rumor anyway.

[OPHIUCHUS] Omnia...

magna... stella... rex... prae.

What was that?

I dunno, but it was creepy.

It sounded like

an incantation.

The Liberam?

It shan't be long now, comrades.

Very soon,

the shackles that bind you

to this earthly plane

will be severed!

Your liberation

is close at hand!

We're right in front

of her, ready to fight,

and she's actin'

like she already won!

Aw, man.

And this headache is k*lling me.

From the amount of

heat you're putting out,

I don't think that this

is an ordinary sickness.

It could be a side-effect

of Loke's darkness magic.

Say what?

[CARLA] You ate it, remember?

[WENDY] In that case...

My guess is that

darkness magic and dragon

slayer magic don't mix.

They're probably fighting

it out inside you as we speak.

It's kinda like

ya ate a chili-dog

right after downin'

some mint ice cream.

Except my stomach

isn't the problem!

Whatever this is,

I can't fight at full

strength until I get rid of it.

You've obviously been

weakened by the Liberam.

You can't win like this,

and I never wanted to fight you,

so let's stop!

I'm just getting started.

Yeah, well I'm about finished!

Let me go!

[LUCY] Not until I'm through!

I have something to tell you.

For the last time,

I don't care if

I die as long as I'm free!

That's not it!

This is about me and you, okay?

I'm not trying to

suppress a revolt here.

I'm just scared.

Scared of losing my friends.

Our bond wasn't about mastery.

We cared for each other.

Sure, it's a little

weird that you're always

asking about punishments and

calling me princess,

but that's okay,

because it's part of

what makes you who you are!

Pretty words

won't change my mind.

These are more

than just words!

Virgo, please look into my eyes.

You, Loke, Aquarius,

and all the other spirits

have shaped me into the

person that you're looking at.

The celestial spirits

I'm contracted to

are not my servants.

They are my life!


No matter what you do,

we will complete the Liberam!

Equilibrium must be

restored at all costs.

This might be my only chance.


The bond between

celestial wizard and spirit

is out of balance, and only the

Liberam can restore it!

Libra, think!

How can our bond be balanced

if it's completely destroyed?

Arrogant humans...

Even now you

think you have the right

to control our futures.

You won't allow us

even twelve days of freedom.

Some things are worth dying for!

This is precious to us!

You celestial wizards

couldn't possibly understand!

Well I don't understand,

nor do I want to!

There's a difference

between setting yourself free

and throwing your life away!

Freedom shouldn't

come with a death sentence.

That isn't liberation.

It's giving up!

[VIRGO] Enough with

this sentimental blather.

I hate it!

There's no point

explaining to a human.

We don't need your approval!

This is our choice!

[ALL screaming]

You must be terrified by now.

Stop gloating,

ya dumb snake!

Ow! What the heck!

Are you okay?

I ain't gonna feel right

until I get back in the action!

[OPHIUCHUS] What a very

little person you are.

[NATSU] I'll kick your butt

if I can find it!

[groaning in pain]

Natsu, no!

Get out of the way!

But how?!

Perfect timing, man!

How'd you end up

in such a dire situation?

Ate somethin'

that disagreed with me!

[HISUI] Natsu!


Princess, look.

This must be Ophiuchus.

The Snake Charmer spirit.

[HISUI] I didn't think

she'd be so large...

Greetings, Princess.

I'm afraid that you're too late.

Nobody can stop me now.

Omnia... magna...

stella... rex... prae.

Struggle though

you may to tie us down,

we will take what we desire!

That incantation.

She's saying...

"Omnia." Then

"magna stella rex prae."

"All for the sake

of the King of stars."

Well played.

Now tell us what

that really means.

The king that

you're referring to

must be the

Celestial Spirit King.

[HISUI] If all this has

been for the king's sake,

then the spirits haven't

been acting for themselves.

There's something more

at play here.

They're being manipulated.

But what could he

stand to gain from this?

If he's sacrificing his

own subjects then he's lost it.

What is that?

An old book

I borrowed from Yukino.

There's a section

about the Liberam.

If memory serves,

it also mentions a king.

Is the Celestial Spirit

King behind this, or not?

But of course he is.

Ya know, I always wanted

to go toe to toe

with ol' nose hairs.

But I didn't really have a

decent excuse until right now.


How can you defeat my king

when you're about to fall to me?

What's she doin'?

[OPHIUCHUS] I am Ophiuchus,

the Snake Charmer.

Chosen guardian of

the Celestial Spirit King!

I am the thirteenth

spirit of the zodiac.

The deadly shadow of my liege!

Three spirits

still stand strong,

and there is nothing

you can do to stop us!

Aw, man.

She's really lost it.

[LUCY whimpering]

Lucy's in trouble!

Yukino is, too!

Surely there's something

we can do to help.

But they're essentially

trapped in alternate dimensions!

Screw this!


First I'm gonna

thrash this cocky snake

and then I'm gonna

burn the mustache

right off her

dumb king's face!

I warned you

not to interfere.

Now you'll pay the price.

Look out!

What the--

You can leave this to me!

Be careful!

Keep your distance!

This isn't fair!

My frickin' arm

won't do what I tell it to!

Hey Natsu,

I think we need to focus

on the belly

of Ophiuchus's snake!

That glowy spot looks

kinda suspicious, doesn't it?

[NATSU] Yeah.

The rest of the snake's body

is kinda dark and cold,

you know?

So if that spot's warm and

bright, there's a reason why.

Only one way

to find out for sure.

By "only one way,"

I hope you don't mean

"run up and punch it!"

For all we know, that thing

could be chock-full of poison!

This is one of those times

when ya gotta stop thinkin'

and and start swingin'!

I mean just look at that thing.

It's practically beggin' me

to go up there and break it.

[NATSU] Here's my chance!


Looks like you

found a weak spot.

I'll never doubt you again,

I swear.

The light you just targeted...

It must've come from the organ

that was maintaining

the zodiac realms.


What did you do?

If you're standing

between me and true freedom,

that makes you my enemy,

no matter what!


The zodiac realms...

They've been

thrown out of balance,

but how can that be possible?


What the heck is going on?

[HAPPY] This is what happens

when you punch first

and ask questions later.

Now Lucy and Yukino

are stuck in that thing!

--But I thought--

--The zodiac realms

are converging.

[OPHIUCHUS] You insect!

How dare you throw

my creations into chaos!

Don't worry, guys,

I got this!


No way...


Lucy! Yukino!

Ground support is on the way!

A mere human

can wield such power?

Oh, I'm more

than just human!

I'm a dragon slayer, got it?


I'm glad to see you,

but how're you here?

I couldn't tell ya.


Now that we can fight together,

there's a certain spell

that comes to mind.


[BOTH] Oh stars far and wide

that embody the heavens.

By thy radiance,

reveal thy form to me.

I implore Tetrabiblios,

eternal ruler

of the stars above.


Now that the aspect is complete,

I ask that you

to lend your power to me.

Let your unrestrained rage flow.

And open the raging,

tumultuous gate!

C'mon, before

they finish casting!

There is great

balance in unified action!

It's time for

some punishment!

You shall not prevail!

With all eighty-eight

heavenly bodies.



Let's finish it.

All right!

Is something on your mind?

Could we be in the wrong?

Saving them against their will?

This is right.

[LUCY] Please, Virgo.

When this is over,

turn back to normal.

I'm doing this for you.

I'm sorry.

You deserve a good, long break.

We need to get out of here!

I agree, but how?

Where can we go?

All I know is

that we gotta move.

We'll have to figure out

the rest as we go!


What the--

It looks like

they made it back!

Are they all right?

They pulled it off.

Steady now!

[WENDY] Lucy, please wake up!

Can you open your eyes for me?

We made it?

You can thank

Natsu for that one!

What did he do?

It was quite impressive.

Natsu used his flames

and fused the

zodiac realms into one!

[HISUI] That gave you and Yukino

the chance to join forces!

So you're feeling better?

You don't seem to be

putting out heat anymore.

Yeah, I'm good.

Must've blasted the last of that

darkness magic out of my body.

And hopefully

you've learned to watch

what you eat!

[NATSU] I dunno.

Kinda worked out

for us this time.

Hey snake girl!

Looks like you're

the last spirit standing!

Your assistance

has been invaluable.

I thank you.

[NATSU] Say what?


Shutting all those gates myself

would have been

quite the challenge.

Thank goodness I had you.

[HISUI] Huh?

You've returned all

twelve zodiac members

to the Celestial

Spirit King's grasp!

Wh-What are you talking about?

Are you saying that

the Celestial Spirit King

planned for the

zodiac to be defeated?

He's the one

that stands to gain.

But the plan itself was mine.

The most difficult part

was finding a way

to keep the zodiac spirits

from leaving

the celestial plane.

So I fabricated

a ritual, Liberam,

knowing they

would try to perform it,

but that you would stop them

by sealing their gates.

So the spirits never really

even had a chance at freedom,

and the whole reason

that they were fighting

was just one big lie?

They were tricked into

the whole thing, as were we!

[OPHIUCHUS] The Celestial

Globe serves as a conduit.

It channels power

from the constellations

of the zodiac to my king.

The ritual we set out

to perform's sole purpose

is to grant him

the zodiac's strength.

It's called the "Liberam Verus".

Is there any mention

of it in that book?

There is.

But it'll probably take me more

than a minute to translate it.

Just do it as

quickly as you can.

We need to know

all of the details.

Okay, I'll do my best!


The problem with Liberam Verus

is that it can only sacrifice

spirits in the celestial plane.

Sacrifice? But why?


Becoming an Eclipse spirit

did endow the

Celestial Spirit king,

who was already the

strongest being in his world,

with power greater

than he had ever known.

But it also gave

him an appetite to match.

Fearful of his mighty hunger,

the zodiac spirits attempted

to flee the celestial world.

They strove to be free of him.

But their celestial bodies

pulled them back to the stars.

To resist was to suffer,

and to give in was to die.

The setup was perfect.

With the false hope

of the Liberam,

I set them and you to work

at granting my king

the power he craves.

The Celestial Spirit King

was that affected?

So what I'm

getting out of this

is he's turned

into a mean old lunatic

who nobody

wants to hang out with

'cause he's got

no control of himself!

We thought we were

fighting to protect the spirits,

but we ended up putting them

right into harm's way.

To think we've

been banishing them

to the very place that they were

so desperately

struggling to escape.

A world ruled by

a power-crazed monster.

How awful.

I can't believe this crap!

That isn't the

worst of it, either.

If this demented Celestial

Spirit King goes unchecked...

If his rampage

can't be stopped...

Then the celestial spirit world

will collapse in on itself.

Ya mean the whole damn place?


Princess Hisui's prediction

may well come to pass.

[HAPPY] If the

celestial spirit world goes,

then you'll disappear

right along with it, lady!

If it's what my liege

should happen to desire,

then I shall cease

to exist with pleasure!

All is at the will

of his majesty:

The Celestial Spirit King!

[laughing maniacally]

You're willing to die

just to give him more power?

That's friggin' crazy!

[growling noise]

Didja hear that growling?

It sounded

like a wild animal!


Time to move!


[OPHIUCHUS laughing]

Enough of your noise!

You and your king

seem pretty desperate

to get yourselves hurt.

Ya don't need to destroy

a whole world for that.

I got your pain right here!

[HAPPY] Natsu! The Liberam

still hasn't stopped!

[NATSU] Huh...

We'll have to fall back

on our usual strategy.


Worked pretty well last time!

[NATSU] And the time before!

In fact, there's nothin' better

when ya don't know

what you're up against!

[HAPPY] Hey! It looks like

Erza and the others

have the same idea!

[NATSU] 'Course they do!

They helped us master it!


Heck yeah, they did!

After all, it's Fairy Tail's

most famous tactic!

[NATSU] "Demolish everything!"

[HAPPY, NATSU] Next time:

When the Stars Fall!

[NATSU] All right then, Happy!

When life gives you lemons,

blow 'em up!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!
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