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21x1054 - Death to Your Partner! k*ller's Deadly Gamble!

Posted: 04/21/23 09:33
by bunniefuu
Reach out your hand and cut through the wind

Draw your own map

As we live our days just like the stormy seas

Even the values we had built up were about to fall apart

Who knows if the compass is pointing in the right direction?

No one knows for certain

If you breathe deeply and close your eyes

What emerges is the path your soul reveals

Reach out your hand, cut through the wind

Kick away the darkness

I do it for my own

And you do yours, don't we?

And I'm ready for it

With the support of someone I can rely

Seize the future beyond your imagination

Reach out your hand, cut through the wind

Kick away the darkness

We'll go wherever we wanna go

Tears and doubts in tow

Let's paint it in our own colors

As Onigashima closes in on the Land of Wano,

Luffy and the others continue to fight

for the cause they believe in.

There are only a few left...

...but the important thing is...

...whose lives are in them!


I suddenly got stabbed!

You can only k*ll me... k*lling your own captain.

Damn you!

I'm gonna k*ll you both!

Enjoy each other's company in the afterlife, too!

Now, do what you gotta do. Don't hold back!

You're disgusting!

"Death to Your Partner!

k*ller's Deadly Gamble"

Straw Sword!

What's wrong?

Is it already over?

No way!

Why are you laughing?

I thought you weren't the kind of guy who laughs so much...

Don't tell me you ate a Smile!

Hey, k*ller!

If you eat this, I'll give you a chance to save your captain!

Now, what are you gonna do?

That's the apex of misery, k*ller!

Not only can you not help laughing even when you're sad...

...but you also can't fight back...

...and you're getting tossed around like a doll.

Shut up, Hawkins!

I think you're mad...

...but you don't look like it.

If you wanna shut me up, why don't you fight back?

Now, cut me.

You don't need to hesitate.

Whether it's my leg, arm or head, go ahead and cut wherever you want.

Do it!

Hey, look!


You guys!

Your subordinates are here.

Basil Hawkins!

You wagged your tail at Kaido!

How could you betray us!

Please... don't!

I won't give you permission to harm him.


Why can't we help you?!

Because Kid will die!

I have taken your captain as a hostage.

This is Kid's straw doll.

He'll take all the damage that I would have.

If you guys chop off my head, it's Kid's head that will fall off!

If you s*ab me in the heart, it's Kid's heart that will stop.

Screw you!

Seems like he's fighting against Big Mom now, it's already a losing battle...

If he takes damage he shouldn't have, he won't survive for sure.

You're not fighting fair!


What should we do?!

It wouldn't take much thinking.

You guys don't have many options.


You can either get chopped up...

...or leave Kid to die and fight me.

I'm not gonna attack you... Never.

That's a boring choice for a sideshow.

In that case, I have an idea.




What's the matter?

Damn... Hey!

What's going on?!


Fall back already!

Shut up!

I'll give you a cure that works really well against bad brats!



Rest in peace!

An old bag worrying about me doesn't make me happy!

You shitty brat!

You should be honored!

How rude!


Yes, Mama!

Grill these assholes!

Heavenly Fire!

You need to be punished.


That wasn't necessary!

What are these pains?!

Hey, what's wrong?!

What's the matter?

Having a migraine?



Let's go, Hera!

Yes, Mama!


Yes, Mama!

If it hurts so bad, I'll chop your head off for you!


Thank me!

What are you doing?!

You're useless!

You're in my way, you quack!


Counter Shock!


How dare you do that to her!

Stolen Fire!



A ballsy idiot's head, and a quack's arm...

Which one should I cut off first?


I've finally got to face

an Emperor of the Sea!

If I die here, what was... pirate life all about?!

You're so funny!



I think you're gonna die anyway even if I don't k*ll you.


Stop it, Hawkins!

You're pathetic, k*ller.



What the hell is going on?!

Release Kid!

In return... can have... life!


Once Kid is gone, things will get easier for you.

All your miseries can be traced back to him.

This is so frustrating!

The fires are closing in, too!

We gotta get out of here soon!

If you didn't rebel against Kaido-san,

you wouldn't have to suffer such a miserable fate...

You don't understand...


He's right!

How could you turn k*ller-san into a cheerful character?!

We're gonna become a cheerful pirate group, then!

I'll send everyone who laughs at you to hell!

Kid is the guy who'll surpass the Four Emperors and become the King of the Pirates!

And we're not gonna die here!

Stop it already!

Hunting the Four Emperors and becoming the King of the Pirates?

It's a good thing you have big ambitions!

Then don't get in our way!

If I'm in your way, cut me up with those scythes!

Or you can surrender.

I'll put a word in for you with Kaido-san.

Are you telling me to come under Kaido's rule?

That's pathetic...

Shut up!

You guys can't fight this battle anyway!

You saw the harsh reality, right?!

Now you know the reason they've ruled over the sea for so long!

I know your animal instinct is telling you!

There's no way you can win!

Don't raise your voice...

You're regretting it, aren't you?

The choice you made.

He managed to pull off dying... That old man, Whitebeard...

You guys are from the Worst Generation, huh?

You brats are trying to act strong.

If you're gonna become my subordinates, I'll welcome you...

If you refuse...

Because you were afraid of dying, but we're still alive.

You'll see which one of us will regret our choices!


Then I'll...

...try not to have regrets.

Let's sink or swim!

It'll only wear you out!

Bye, you shitty brat!

I have two questions for you.

What will happen if you take damage...

...that has nowhere to go?

What are you talking about?

You know how it works!

Kid will take all the damage I get!

As long as his straw doll is stored inside my body!

I see!

Why did my own arm get chopped?!

All the damage must...


...doesn't have...

...a left arm!


That was unexpected!

The second question.

If I take this away, how many more lives are left to protect you?


That's the last one.

The pain is gone?

Straw Man Cards!

Death, Upright. The card of the destruction!


Beheading Claws!

The Strawman got...!

The Strawman won't die!

If the card says so, it'll return!

Reveal the outcome of this battle!

The Tower!

Spin & Sonic!

You did it!



Straw Man Card... The Tower...

It means...

..."the collapse of the old"...

What's wrong?

You suddenly came alive.


My body feels light.

Its hidden meaning... "a new path."

Go, Partner!

Orochi's persistence gradually swells

even as he is in a predicament.

That revives the dying Kanjuro's spirit

as an actor.

The castle which is in chaos and surrounded

by hatred transforms into a grand stage

for a once-in-a-generation performance by

the Kurozumi Clan, burning with flames of vengeance.

On the next episode of One Piece!

"A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings!

Onigashima in Flames"

I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!