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04x12 - The Final Episode

Posted: 04/21/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
[Script Info]

Title: Erai-raws

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Who is that?

The youngest of the Furuta branch family.

Does he interest you, Kisho?

I was just thinking he has good form.

--Tsuneyoshi appears to be favoring him especially

--That was instructive. --Tsuneyoshi appears to be favoring him especially

among the illegitimate children.

That being said, he's the last in line among the Washus.

It's clear he won't amount to much.

Nimu-Nimu Slash!

What's the matter? What's the matter?

Ah! Gotcha!

That didn't drop you, huh? 'Kay then...

I sliced you!

I'm not done yet!

I've always... wanted to go all-out, you know--

sword fighting.

Blunted leadership coming through!

Come on! Come on!

Cut me, already!

Let's carve each other up!

Ah, that hurt. Stop being so chill, would you?!

This is more like it, all right. We have to put our lives on the line,

or the game isn't any fun.

If everything in life came safety-bound, where's the fun in that?

Everyone out there is nothing more than a pawn on the board.


Let's start playing house,

Associate Special Investigator.

How the hell many of them are there?!


Exhilarating, isn't it?


Die, would you, you piece of trash!

You really are strong, aren't you?

I'm not as nimble as you are.

I'm not smart or powerful, either.

I couldn't protect the world, or even my tiny little nation.

So far, I've done nothing but be outdone by you.

But even so, this time, I'll come through.

I want to beat you.

I want to beat you and defend the others.

Humans and ghouls!

Damn it!

This isn't right! Playing the hero of justice, are you?

Playing the leading man, are you, Associate Special Investigator?!

You are part of the reason this world is so messed up!

You saw the streets of Tokyo, didn't you?!

What about that?! What about the people you victimized?!

And not just the humans, either!

You've also taken the lives of ghouls, whenever it suited your needs!

And thanks to you, I've had quite an enjoyable time of it!

When you were at the Aogiri base,

trying to defend yourself against those overwhelmingly stronger than you...

When you tried to defend the coffee shop in the th Ward...!

When, as Haise Sasaki, you tried to defend your false family...!

When, as the One-Eyed King, you tried to defend your ghoul nation...!

You failed at all of them! Whoo! It was invigorating!

No matter how hard you struggle, there are some things you can't change!

It's true! And you're going to botch things today, too!

Everything will go down the drain!

Mr. Furuta...

Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I'm at a disadvantage?

You are an honest-to-goodness riot.

It's still not enough.

I k*lled off the Washu clan, brought an end to the annals of CCG,

and unleashed the dragon, who took so many lives, upon the world.

And yet, it still isn't enough!

Give me...



More! More! More! More!

Give me...



Go nuts on them, guys!


We're still on the mend. Don't overdo it!

♪ Kagome... Kagome... ♪

♪ Little bird in the cage... ♪

♪ When, oh when, will you come out... ♪

Associate Special Investigator... you not find... everything to be pointless?

Living... and dying... creating... and consuming...

There's no value in it... There's no reason for it...

Everything is worthless...

The world is almost like a big toy box...

Once we've played with it as much as we want...

...our time comes, and it's all over...

The box is closed, never to be opened again...

I feel sorry for you, Associate Special Investigator...

You keep struggling through this worthless world...

...and you've made it to where you are, all on your own...

If you hadn't run into Rize when you did... wouldn't have had to take on this demanding role... right...?

Mr. Furuta...

I... was just someone you might find anywhere,

who just happened to like reading. But...

...starting from the day I met Miss Rize, everything began to change.

I've had people try to take my life.

I've had people brutally do physical harm to me.

I've lost things, not being able to successfully achieve what I wanted to.

Even so, I found a new place for myself.

Those I could call my teachers, associates that I could call friends,

and those that I love, too. After all the mistakes I've made,

after being hurt as badly as I have,

I can't believe that it was all for nothing.


...Matsuri Washu!

So, even supposing I knew everything that was to happen from then on,

I think I still would have gone to see Miss Rize that day.

All of it was something I needed for myself.

This world...

This world isn't messed up. It's just there, that's all.

And even supposing that, someday, everything does go down the drain,

I'll keep on struggling, just like I've done today.

You're someone I just can't figure out. Ah, I'm going to die here, underground.

That's seriously f*cked. This whole world is seriously f*cked.

Tell me, Associate Special Investigator...

if I said that I wished I could have lived a regular life,

you'd laugh, wouldn't you?


Your turn!

Hey, wait!

Hey, Rize...


Once we...

...become an old man and an old woman, I hope we're still like this.

I don't want to become an old woman, Nimura.

Huh? Really? I'm sure it will be fun.


I'm sure it would be.

Attention all personnel--

The fighting is over. Everyone attend to the wounded.

Repeat, the fighting is over.

Everyone attend to the wounded.

Mr. Kaneki,

the core is unmistakably up ahead of you. Please hurry.

Kaneki, make sure you come back to us.

To take from; to have taken away.

To catch; to be caught.

To conform; to make one conform.

We do nothing but repeat the affirmatives and negatives,

and fight to keep ourselves from losing anything.

And yet our places and the people we love are certain to pass away.

We are certain to be forgotten.

To live is to be unhappy. It is futility.

But even so, knowing I will someday lose what I have,

knowing I will someday be gone...

...I still seek grotesquely. I still hope to attain beauty.

And so, I choose. I keep on choosing.

I keep being chosen.


...Miss Rize.


Listen, Mr. Kaneki...


...been watching you for a long time.


Big Brother!




--Ken! --Kaneki!


--Mr. Sass! --Maman!





The city of Tokyo has changed since then.

The oviducts carrying the toxin were destroyed,

and the process of humans becoming ghouls was halted.

The development of regenerative treatments

using cells that were harvested from the creatures spawned by the dragon

have thus far saved many patients.

Among the vast number of bodies discovered on Rushima,

there was a body found that had Quinx surgical scars.

It was determined

that the body was that of Shirazu.

"Grave of Ginshi Shirazu"


It's a nice day, isn't it?