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04x10 - call: The Far Side of Tragedy

Posted: 04/21/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
[Script Info]

Title: Erai-raws

ScriptType: v . +




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Where is everyone?

I have to go. I have to get back.

I have to go.


What was that?

Where are you going, k*ller?

I'm going where everyone else is. I have to help them.

Help! Help!

--I'm sorry! --No, stop!

I don't want to die! I don't want to die!

No, spare my child!

Why me?!

Were those...?


The people you k*lled.

I didn't mean to...

Protect everyone?

Create a world where ghouls and humans understand each other?

People died because you took action.

You should have done nothing. Right from the start.


The people we k*lled are filling the sea.

Yeah, I know. Whether or not others die doesn't matter to you.

I didn't know... this would happen.

So it doesn't matter if you k*ll people if you're ignorant or unconscious.


Then, how were you able to do this? Because you're cruel?


You were trying to be a good man?

That's not it.

Then, a bad man?

I don't know.

You were fighting without knowing?


...wanted to be needed by someone.

Ever since Mr. Yoshimura served me that coffee at Anteiku,

my world has gotten bigger.

I've gained more ghoul friends.

Even after I became Haise,

Arima and Eto... both chose me.

Touka... was there at my side.

I got to feeling like I was sought-after.

I was glad.

I really thought that I had a place in both worlds.

You're right. I didn't care about others.

My objective could have been anything.

I thought that if I kept fighting, someone would want me.

Do you remember saying that you didn't hate me?

Well I hate you.

If I'd never run into you, this wouldn't have happened to me.

It was strange that you didn't think the same way.

How about now? Do you hate me?

I think I... needed to go through all the hardship...

...the nearly dying, and all the sadness, to see everything I've seen,

and to meet all the people I've met.

Because there's someone who's glad to have met me.

Because there's someone who wants me.

So yeah, even now...

I don't have any feelings of hatred toward you.

So, no.

Oh... What do you know?


...was happy.

Are you leaving? Can you cross that sea of blood? Ignoring your sin?

I'm going to see if I can carry the weight of it.

I see.

It ought to be fun watching you drown.

"call: The Far Side of Tragedy"

He's still alive, right?

His brain activity hasn't ceased, so in that sense, you could say he's alive.

Damn it, he's always charging off on his own.

At least let us get a word in edgewise, Kaneki.

Big Brother!

It's so bleak in here. It could use some flowers.


It looks like the ghouls are all gathered around Sasaki.

Are they? They really admire him, huh?

Want to go? You want to at least see his face, right?

I don't deserve to see him.

Go see him, and tell him yourself what you've done.

Otherwise, you'll never get anywhere.


There are a hell of a lot of things in the world

that you can't do anything about by yourself.

I know that's true for me. I was helpless on my own.

I've been saved by so many others.

We all take too much upon ourselves.

So what's going to end up happening with the ghouls?

What do you think, Mr. Take Hirako, formerly of CCG?

Coexisting and opposition are trivial matters.

Mr. Arima said that once we get past the conflict between humans and ghouls,

there is going to be a brutal revolution.

It really must be something else for you to tender your resignation, Take.

You're holding that against him, huh, Ito?

Mr. Arima also said something else.

That every human would become a ghoul.

Damn it, his breathing is unsteady.

If this keeps up...

He's seizing! Hurry!

What the hell is this?!


Amazing. I can't believe you actually woke up.

Um, why are you and Saiko here with Touka and the others, Miss Kimi?

In order to deal with the threat.

It isn't just them, either.

Right now, Goat and the doves have teamed up, and are working together.

CCG and the ghouls?


The ghouls and CCG have been brought together to save you, by Nagachika.

Hide? He's...

Hide... is alive...?

Could you... let me see the city?

May I?

Don't overdo it, okay?

I'll go with him.


If you're going to show it on your face, then say it out loud, Sasaki.


I can at least listen to you sound things out.

You won't come to any decent conclusions thinking on your own.

Thanks, Urie.

What's wrong, Yonebayashi?

Over there...

That's a ghoul.

D-Don't hurt me!

P-Please forgive me! I-I was so hungry. I'm begging you!

Let me go!

Captain, that ghoul...

She's human.

That woman... worked in the th Ward branch office.

Ahem, am I coming in?

Would you look at this! Monsters are eating people!

Could this be the fulfilment of the apocalypse?!

I will attempt an on-the-spot interview with that monster.

What is your name?

He seems acutely ill-tempered! Oh, and right now,

the gentlemen of the self-defense force are arriving!

It looks like they're having an effect!

The monsters are exploding!

Hey, what happened?


It seems there's something sketchy in the air!

Now then, what's about to happen? Whatcha gonna do?

How is he broadcasting?

He appears to be using a one-of-a-kind delivery system.

This is Urie. I'm near his location, so I'm going in.

All right. I'm sending backup right now.

Mr. Marude...


Those explosions...

I've got a bad feeling about them.

There's nobody here?

Look at this!

The people who collapsed just moments ago

now have some kind of protuberance growing out of them!

This is pre-recorded. Furuta isn't even here.

There is an overproduction of Rc cells, and this is the reaction we're seeing.

They're inhaling toxins that were inside the monsters,

and their bodies are turning ghoulish!

Oh, what will become of mankind?

Good luck, everyone!

Damn it!




I'll clear a path. You get Yonebayashi back to HQ.

But Urie, those things are poisonous!

Just get going!

Y-You're the ones who are leaving...

What are you talking about?

Don't be stupid. I'm the only one who got any toxin.

--I should be the one to stay behind.

--If I fight... --I should be the one to stay behind.

We can't possibly leave you behind!

But... if I use my power, I might run out of control again.

I made it back thanks to the others' help.

They all waited for me.

I don't want to cause them any more grief.

Still... if I don't do something, Saiko and Urie will be...

What should I do?

I've had enough of being able...

I've had enough of being able... do nothing!


Let's go!


What's going to happen to Yonebayashi?

Her Rc levels are over .

That's high enough to identify her as a ghoul.

That broadcast about people turning into ghouls is probably true.

If things don't settle down,

I don't think I can get anywhere with analyzing her symptoms.




You're looking well.

I guess.



Would you... let me see your face?

Oh, but I'm not wearing makeup right now! Ha-ha, how embarrassing!

I want to see...

...what I did to you...

Good grief...

Thank you.

You've always hidden what I didn't want to see.

You've always... protected me.

That's right. You get who I am.

I wanted to start shouldering those burdens...

This city...

Your scars...

I want to see whatever I can through... with the help of everyone else.

I've had enough of being able... to do nothing.

"Next time"
