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04x09 - Morse: Remembrances

Posted: 04/21/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
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Title: Erai-raws

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I'm grateful to you, Mutsuki.

The Oggais that you led

provided the sort of nourishment needed to make Kaneki like this.

Thank you for finding your way to Kaneki, just as I expected.

Love is a terrific thing.

Tell me,

how does it feel to be the one to turn your beloved teacher into a monster?

♪ What is it? What is it? Why, it's a monster! ♪

Hey... Hey, what the--

This is a breaking news update.

The giant monster that has appeared throughout the city

has caused extensive harm to both structures and the populace,

and is still continuing to rampage.

"Morse: Remembrances"

I'm impressed you knew where to find me.

I was hoping my gravesite visit would be spent quietly.

It looks as though Furuta has done well.

The information about ghouls that the Washus have kept quiet

will now see the light of day.

At last, ghoul research will move forward.

They will realize the medical applications, as well.

"Kanou Family Grave"

They will realize the medical applications, as well.

"Kanou Family Grave"

If only it had come sooner.

You think that can placate me?

Make amends by dying.

I'm not interested in making amends. I have no regrets, after all.

I envy you.

I'm not so good-natured that I can nurse a hatred.


I'm sorry.

So this is death...

How fascinating...

Kanou has been located.

Or his body has.

That leaves us with no more informed sources.

With Kanou dead, our insurance policy will turn up.

What do you mean by that?

Don't know. Ask Nagachika.

Who are you?

My name is Nishino. I'm Dr. Kanou's assistant.

There, that's got it.

You can speak?

Yes. Leave it to Mr. Chigyo.

What were you doing in that other outfit?

Sizing things up.

Finding people who I thought might help Kaneki.

If I had played my cards better,

maybe Kaneki wouldn't have ended up like this.

So this time, I'm not going to fail.

There's something I'm going to need that's essential for that.

That's the reason why you called us, then?


I can guess what it is. For crying out loud,

my father must be yelling at me from the afterlife.

Heh, your instincts are as sharp as ever.


How can you do this much for Ken Kaneki?



because I like the guy.

Do I need any other reason?

No. Let's go.

Your kid will catch a chill.

I wish it would let up--

the rain.


Miss Itori...

You've become such a fine woman.

What are Mr. Uta and the others going to do?

Nothing's changed. They're going to clown around, just like always.

What are you little lambs going to do, for that matter?

I think it's best if you make a run for it.

Well, we...

Resistant to that, huh? Then what if you saw him through?

Saw him through?

I mean, Kaneki got this way because he was trying to help you all.

--A lot of people died. I mean, were k*lled. --Don't listen to her.

Crushed to death, regardless of whether they were good or bad.

People who have oppressed and persecuted ghouls.

He did it for your sakes.

The king did this for us?

He k*lled those humans?

My brothers were k*lled by doves.

They k*lled my child.

This was vengeance.

Vengeance for us.

He did it for our sakes.

Yeah! We have to see the king through!

Shut your mouths!

He was always thinking about humans!

Both humans and ghouls, to a ridiculous extent!

See him through?! Is that what's best? Am I the only one...

...who wants him to find happiness?

He can't read his books like he loves to... or drink hot coffee...

...or chat with his friends... and those he loves...

...or even hold his own child!

There are still things I need to do together with Kaneki!

To watch closely over him as he leads us into the future! And then...

...with any luck, I'd like a bite out of them! A parent-and-child set!


I've got gripes I've got to raise with him.

I want him to rely on us more.

I... want to thank Big Brother properly.

I need him to name our child.

My language skills are lousy.

Ms. Kirishima! I'll be thinking of names, too, so just let me know, anytime!

No thanks.

--So, what exactly do we do? --How about Kenji Kaneki?

--Oh, Touka! --Or Prince Kaneki?

--You... --Kaneki Kaneki?

If that thing becomes active again,

it will likely go on a feeding frenzy to replenish its energy.

What do we do?

Somewhere inside it must be the individual from which it formed.

If we remove the main body, the kagune will enter its disintegration phase.

But we're talking about finding a single ant in an entire desert.

Is there any other way?

There's the option of letting it die on its own.

How long will that take?

Just a guess, but years.

We'll just have to find the main body, then.

Mr. Marude!


What's all the commotion?!

Nagachika? Together with Akira Mado? And Kotaro Amon?

What do you think you're doing?!

I brought some people to help us.


We're going to dig out the main body, right?

But humans alone can only do so much. We're going to need more mobility.

Mobility? You're not telling me to work together with ghouls, are you?!

--Yes. --Yes?!

That thing's main body is Ken Kaneki.

For him, these people are willing to help.

Ken Kaneki?

The One-Eyed King?

That monster?

--What's going on, here? --Maman?

Can anyone explain this?

Where's the chief right now? Now, of all times.

The chief has resigned.

The chief's objective was to create that thing.

We fell hook, line and sinker for his plan.

You there,

do you really think investigators and ghouls can work together?

Take a good look at each of their faces.

You don't need to hear their answer, right?

Leave, before you get dispatched.

Senior Investigator Ui...

As an investigator, what is the most important thing?

Dispatching ghouls.

You're wrong.

Fighting for peace. That's what an investigator does.

You should fight. Even alongside ghouls.

I-I accept!

As an investigator, I will fight alongside ghouls!

Y-You can't be serious!

Team up with ghouls?!

They're the enemy!

What about CCG's pride?

Your pride...

...can kiss my ass.

Damn, you're a hell of a bunch.


You decide.

Okay, let's all do this together!

It'll be a piece of cake this way.

Guess I'll just have to suck it up.

Are you sure this is right?

CCG accepts your offer of help.

A definitive way to locate the main body...

If we can distinguish his body as a separate substance...


You look pretty, lady. Got a minute?

I looked everywhere for you.

Why did you go off with Kanou?

I wanted his knowledge.

What were you going to do once you got it?

Make my dream come true.

To be a human, and live without rebuke...

...together with a ghoul like you, Nishiki.


What is he, asleep?

How long have you been in love with him?


Oh, come on!

When I went nuts against the doves,

and he said he'd be heartbroken if I died. It was probably then.

Oh, yeah? That screwball would say that, huh?

It seems like he's always been the one to help me.

I wonder if I can help him now.

Let's try.

So, what about the wedding?

Huh? Hey, enough already.

Eh? Come on, tell me! Did you have a honeymoon? Did he give you a ring?

Yeah, mm-hmm. I gave him a ring...

I gave him one.

The ring!

A ring?

Yes. I gave him one just like this.

Metal detectors!

That's it. Metal detectors would have nothing to do with his life signs.

If we can find that, we find Kaneki, too.

Still, that giant kagune occupies a considerable amount of space.

And we won't have enough detectors.

Hello, Shu. What can I do for you?

Mm-hmm, all right.

Hello, Mr. Prime Minister?

This many of them, in such a short time? How the hell did you...?

I asked the prime minister.

If the public finds out, they'll have a fit.

All right, I'll excuse myself now.

Our gratitude.

We're all Japanese here.

It's becoming active again!

Commander, we need to evacuate everyone, now--

Please continue!

If he becomes fully active again,

his body will grow dozens of times its size in a matter of days!

Mr. Marude?


M-Monsters, sir!

Mabuchi, how badly are we outnumbered?

-to- , by my estimate.


Then we can take them!

Attention all personnel! Continue the operation!

Office staff, deal with those periodontal bastards!

Treat this like it's our last chance!

Ghouls and Quinxes, continue searching!



Stop, Mutsuki!

Don't do this, Mutsie!

There's no reason for us to be fighting!


This is my fault.

It's my fault that Teach is like this.

Stop it already, Mutsuki!

Mutsie, the captain and the rest of us have been worried sick about you.

But still, I don't get it! Mutsie, what is it you want?!

What are we supposed to do?!


That's enough, Mutsuki!

He... realized I was a woman from the very beginning.

I thought, what a tender little white lie to maintain.

Not a white lie to protect himself, like I was doing.

It was to keep someone else from getting hurt.

And yet, I...

...turned him into this.

Look, if you want to stop me, k*ll me!


No way.

Doing that won't change my mind.

This is what I've chosen!

Mutsie, if this is what you've chosen,

then why do you look like you're in such pain?!


...wish I'd just died... When Torso took me c*ptive...

When I underwent the Quinx surgery... When I took up the knife...

It's just... life at the Chateau helped hold me together.

I wouldn't care if he didn't pay me any more attention.

I just wanted...

But... it doesn't matter now.

I don't want to hurt you two anymore.

And I can't keep fooling myself, either.

I'm someone who should have died.

I'm sorry for everything.

Someone who should have died? To hell with that!

I... I... you, Mutsie, you jerk!

You're such a dumbass!

Yonebayashi isn't the only one.

I feel... the same.

Shirazu, too.

We want you to stay alive.

If you're planning on dying, then we'll stop you, as often as it takes.

There are still things I have to do.

I'll need your help to do them, Mutsuki.




See? I've become a little bit more useful, right?

Captain Shirazu?

"Next time"

Where are you going?

I see.

"The Far Side of Tragedy"