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04x05 - MovE: Confluence, Confusion

Posted: 04/21/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
[Script Info]

Title: Erai-raws

ScriptType: v . +




ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes

YCbCr Matrix: TV.

[V + Styles]

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Style: Default,Open Sans Semibold, ,&H FFFFFF,&H FF,&H ,&H ,- , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , ,


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Good morning.

Want some coffee?

S, A, A, S, S+, SS, S+, S...

I could make associate special investigator in no time flat.

Stop tallying up their potential credit.

Hey, hey, hey!

What the hell are doves doing here?!

We're just here to protect Ken Kaneki.

That's all.

We won't let Kisho's dying wish go unfulfilled.

They're on our side.

As far as you're concerned.

What kind of gathering is this?

Are the remnants of Aogiri and the coffee shop staff

all here for tea, or something?

As long as I get to k*ll Kanou, I'm good. To that end, I'll help you.

Ken Kaneki, your people saved my life on Rushima.

So I'd like to decide after I hear what you're thinking.


...will carry on the wishes of the previous One-Eyed King,

and create a world where ghouls and humans can come to an understanding.

Of all the ideas for you to toss out!

How do you propose humans and ghouls "understand" each other?

We talk it out.

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we've been so entrenched in k*lling each other for so long

is because neither side has even tried to meet the other halfway.

Humans and ghouls can reach an understanding.

I, who was once human, am proof of that, just by being here.

The important thing is talking to each other.

But I doubt they will accept that.

Which is why we're going to force them to sit down at the bargaining table.

I hereby establish an anti-human organization,

with the One-Eyed King as its head.

The name of this organization will be "Goat."

"MovE: Confluence, Confusion"


Take Hiroko, Arima k*lled my sister.

She was a mother to Touka and Ayato.

If you were to now tell me that he was an ally to ghouls,

and he were standing in front of me,

I'd probably still want to k*ll him.

Everyone around that guy worked hard...

...hoping to get even a callous compliment out of him.

That happens to be the reason why I'm here.

I wanted him to acknowledge me, for a long time.

Kisho Arima is dead. However bitter you are toward him,

you won't ever get the chance to k*ll him again.

Just as your sister will never return, Renji Yomo.

We believe in the one that Kisho Arima chose.

You believe in Ken Kaneki. Isn't that enough?

Coming to an understanding doesn't mean having everything in common,

if you ask me.

In that case,

it's doable.


Turn on the TV!

Look at that!

There is black smoke coming from the nd Ward CCG building!

We have reports that the same thing is happening in other wards!

Could this be the work of ghouls?

It wasn't us.

First k*lling the Washus, then bringing down the bureaus?

Looks like they plan to clean out the departments

in conjunction with the appearance of the One-Eyed King.

This is how the other side operates.

She has a hell of a fever.

She isn't in good shape.

She's not entirely conscious, either.

If she keeps on going like this...

Hey, isn't there anything you can do?!

Stop that! Watch your hands!

Hi, Mr. Banjo.

Long time.

Nico? How did you--?


When confining someone, you need to shut everything up, cornhole tight.

I discovered Roma's little SOS.

See this? Kagune crumbs.

You're after Roma?

I thought I might stop by and make eyes at your new king.

Make eyes?

This woman... dying.

Are you saying you can fix her up?

Not a chance.

But there is a way.

A way?

Yes, a very simple one.

Have a doctor take a look at her.

Mr. Naki...

Stop that, Naki!

Shut up! I have to make him pay!

I heard you're the one who k*lled Boss God, Kaneki! I'll k*ll you!

Are you saying you can't work with us in Goat?

Teaming up with the bastard that k*lled our boss... not really our style!

Mr. Naki,

what do I have to do to get you to follow me?

The th-Ward way is simple.

The strongest guy is at the top.

Then, bring it on.

That would be an insult to the boss, Miza.

You're not even in the same league as Yamori.

Tch, of course I'm not!

You're not getting away!

Doesn't that hurt?!


That's the boss's kagune...

Shall we keep going?

As promised, from now on, you're the leader of the White Suits.

Mr. Naki...

...if the White Suits are all going to die ignoble deaths,

then please die under my watch.

I will fight for your sakes, as well.

It's also the th Ward's style to keep our promises.

The Great Wheel Act.

Word is that they're a human outfit that supports ghouls.

When pigs fly.

It's not so inconceivable.

Your flying pigs have arrived.

Hello. I'm Ogura, from the Great Wheel Act.

Mr. Ogura, what is the Great Wheel Act?

It was originally based on student activities.

Student activities, you say?


The group was created centered around students from Kamii University,

but they were clamped down on, and compelled to disband.

Its makeup and membership have changed,

but its principles remained the same, leading to the current Great Wheel Act.

What principles?

We just happened to be born human.

There are persecutors and those who are persecuted.

If the world is such that that is determined the moment you're born,

then we have no choice but to feud.

But if we dispel that standard, maybe both sides could see eye to eye.

That is our way of thinking.

The person who advocated that was a medical student,

and apparently turned her attention toward treating ghouls.

From what I'm told, the man she loved was a ghoul.

We will continue to carry on our activities under the radar,

hoping that ghoul rights are established within society.

We are supporters...

...of Goat, and the One-Eyed King.

Mr. Nishio, is the founder of the Great Wheel Act...

I'm going to go buy us some cans of coffee.

Where am I?

You're awake!

Who are you?

So all this has been going on while I was lazily sleeping away?


I'm sorry, but could you leave me alone right now?

Can I have a word?


It's the strangest thing.

All of us who have been trying to take each others' lives,

now standing shoulder to shoulder.

I never thought that you were trying to k*ll me.

It came as a pretty big shock to me.

I'd never heard of a ghoul who let an investigator get away.


The understanding of the world is simple.

Ghouls are monsters that devour humans. Nothing more, nothing less.

My position remains the same. I will fight for ghouls. That's all.

Why would you, a former human, go to such lengths for ghouls?

Because we're so alike. Ghouls are isolated from society,

with an imbalanced selection of what they can consume.

Much like myself. There were people dear to me who were human,

but when it came to many people, I could take them or leave them.

I want to fight, not for any unseen somebody,

but for those who are near and dear to me.

It just happens that in my case, more of them are ghouls.

It's a pretty weak motivation.

I see. In fact, I think I get it completely.

What are you going to do now, Mr. Amon?

I don't know.

But the feelings I had when I was an investigator remain unchanged.

I'll do whatever I think is right.

Akira has regained consciousness.

Would you go and see her?


if a friend or an acquaintance that you thought you'd lost

were to then come back to you, how would you feel?

If it were me, I'd probably be scared.


That maybe they'd go away again.

Oh. Yeah, you're right.

It's-- It's been a long--

Maris Stella?

It has been a long time.

How did you sneak into my place?

Through, um, a window...

So, breaking and entering, then?

You, an upright senior investigator? Oh, make that "former," for both of us.

Akira, first of all,

allow me to apologize for not being able to tell you anything.

Thanks for bringing Maris Stella.

I've lived these past few years thinking you were dead.

What am I supposed to say at this point?

I don't need your apologies. Right now, I'm neither happy nor aggravated.

What I am is confused.

I'm sorry, Former Investigator Amon.

No, it's okay.

I'm going to be staying here for a little while. If you need anything, just ask.

I'll be waiting.

He isn't lying. Not lying,

but I don't think he can tell me the truth about anything.

How am I supposed to face him after all this?

You've recovered, right? Can I have a moment, Akira Mado?

Just so you know,

the one who k*lled your father...

...was me.

Of all the things to get someone up from their sickbed to tell them...

I'm so glad you're such a tacky person.

I'll be able to openly hate you.

Okay. Good to know.

What the hell?

Break time.

Now whose turn?

--Children... --I'll go.

--They're ghouls. --Huh? You still wanna run?

--Yeah, why not?

--Ghouls that have been staying with Aogiri Tree. --Yeah, why not?

Children who have lost their families, and have grown up alone.

Big Sister?


You came by.

I wanted to see the little ones' faces.


Ah! It's Big Sister Hinami!

Big Sister, hurry, hurry!

Okay, okay!

Hinami is the last ghoul that your father went after.

Hinami is just like those children.

She lost her parents and has no other family.

"Lost," huh? That's evasive. Why don't you come right out and say it, Rabbit?

That my father k*lled them.


What were you hoping to do by showing this to me?

Were you trying to create some sympathy?

I'm not seeking any sympathy.

I actually have sympathy for you.

For me?

My father was incredibly nice around us.

Always good-natured, and smiling. But,

he also k*lled a lot of people behind our backs.

Not for eating, but to get revenge for my mother.

And me?

I thought he was a perfect idiot!

I thought my father was an absolutely useless waste of a parent

to die over something as insignificant as that!

I also considered ourselves powerless.

We weren't able to save my father's soul.

Because it was my father who could least accept losing my mother,

and he took it harder than we did.

I... reject anyone who's wrong, even my own father.

Because I wanted to be with him.

Big Sister!

Are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Let's head down.


Just come on.

Whoa-- Hey!

Let me just say one thing--

For as long as I've watched Hinami,

she has never held any kind of grudge against your father.

It's true.

Come on, you little devils!

Get her!


Ah, she smells like coffee!

Hey, everyone,

would you give this lady here a big squeeze, too?


Can we?

Suit yourselves.

She smells good.


I'm starting to get hungry.



She's warm, isn't she?

Who was I supposed to hate?

Who am I supposed to hate?
