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04x03 - union: Cross Game

Posted: 04/21/23 08:00
by bunniefuu
[Script Info]

Title: Erai-raws

ScriptType: v . +




ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes

YCbCr Matrix: TV.

[V + Styles]

Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding

Style: Default,Open Sans Semibold, ,&H FFFFFF,&H FF,&H ,&H ,- , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , ,


Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text


It's Cochlea!

What's the extermination percentage on Rushima?

Currently at percent.

Don't tell the personnel on Rushima about Cochlea.

Yes, sir.

"Owl" "SS-rated"

"Owl" "SS-rated"

Aw, this isn't like me.

Aw, this isn't like me.

Mishter Hachikawa!


Roundhouse kick!



You don't like your freckled face?

That's why you wear your hair like you're a mop?

Look at my face.

Freckles, hell. Crap smeared on your face would still look better than this.


Aw... this isn't like me...

Should we eat Hachikawa?

"Shikorae" "A+-rated"


"Shikorae" "A+-rated"

Where's Saeki?


It looks like everyone is all right.

Not yet. This level is still not enough.

I need more credit to become a special investigator.

We can't reach Hachikawa Squad.

They appear to have come into contact with the SS-rated Owl.

Captain, what about Mutsie?

Right now,

exterminating Aogiri is our top priority.

Let's go.

Just be all right, Mutsuki.


"union: Close Game"


I'm all right.

"Three Blades" "S-rated"

Suzuya... That guy is certainly a monster, huh?

For the pride of Suzuya Squad, I strike!

One of Suzuya's men?

I don't have the time to pull it out!

Come on, Silver Skull!


I'd expect no less of you, Three Blades. I very nearly lost my life.

Are you one of Suzuya's men?

It cost us over a hundred casualties to dispatch his older brother.

The danger posed by him, the younger one, is estimated to be even greater.

Miss Akira, I want you to fight under the assumption that I am going to die.

"Tatara" "SS-rated"

I'm fighting on defense... If this keeps up, I have no chance of winning.

Nice responses.

{\an \pos( , )}"Kurona Yasuhisa" "SS-rated"

Nice handling, too.

{\an \pos( , )}"Kurona Yasuhisa" "SS-rated"

{\an \pos( , )}"Kurona Yasuhisa" "SS-rated"


...counted skill with the quinque as our greatest specialty.

Let's play a game.

Compulsory disregard!

I'm outmatched. What physical strength she has!

Summon up that Abara full-stamina spunk!

Not even enough time to brace for...


I don't understand. Why do you follow Suzuya?

--It hurts...

--He doesn't give a second thought about your life.

You've been abandoned, haven't you?

I will correct three of your mistakes.

One: it is only right to follow one's superior ghoul investigator.

Two: regardless, I, Abara,

have full loyalty toward Special Investigator Suzuya.

Three: Mr. Suzuya...

...does not abandon his men!

I'm glad to see you, Rei.

You've gotten even more monstrous, haven't you, Kurona?

Should we have another class reunion?

Hoji, I'm so pleased. It all ends today.

My sorrow over my brother, my resentment toward you... well as Aogiri Tree.


Everything will come to an end.

This is where you will die.

I really do despise you.

A kakuja...

You remind me a lot of your brother.

More of your men?

I'm delighted. I'll be able to let Shiro see you writhing in pain, Rei.

Shiro? She survived after being wounded that badly?


She's right here, isn't she?! You're just ignoring her!

Oh, now that is nasty.

Even now, Shiro continues to live on like this inside me.

I'm going to have Papa fix her up right.

I doubt that's possible.

Shut your mouth, Su-zu-yeahhhh!


The fuel that stokes that flame... your vengefulness toward me.

It's over.


I'll turn you into cosmic inari sushi!

Here we go, with great efficiency!

I k*lled him... I k*lled Rei...

Juzo Suzuya!

Who did you say was dead?

G-Go back...

Please do not think ill of me.

Oh, you dodged that?

Are you sure?


If you have to run away from the same opponent twice,

you will never beat them.


Mr. Tata, sir, this is for before.

Take this!

Stay away!

Hot! Hot-hot-hot-hot-hot!

But...! But... but... but... but... but... but...

...but... but.. but...

...that was nice and toasty.

Yeah, it hurt back then, too.

Oh yeah.

About this much!

E... to...

Is something the matter?

Let's share in this joy together.

--Mr. Hoji, I... I--

--Mr. Hoji, I... I--

--Everyone, prepare to attack... the SS-rated Owl.

--Everyone, prepare to attack... the SS-rated Owl.

Why? Why? Why?!

How? Back there... I'm sure... I was...

How are you feeling, Investigator Takizawa?

Who are you?

How am I...?

Now, first of all...

...have a look at your body.

I obtained investigator subjects after the battle in the th Ward,

but you are the only success.


I'm sure you're familiar with creatures that regrow lost body parts, right?

Takizawa, as of today, you are a ghoul.

Oh, your stomach is rejecting the residual matter within it. Perfect.

No more!

Enough! Stop!

What I want to know, you see,

is the surefire way to create a Kaneki.

Stop! Don't! Stop!!

I used my power to k*ll Tatara. I saved CCG. I saved all of you.

I really...

...really wanted to save you, too. And yet...

...I was one of your subordinates, and yet...

...I wanted you... I wanted you, too... take notice of me.

Taki... zawa...

That was mean of you,

Mr. Amon.


Welcome back, Kuro.

I'm home, Papa.

You've grown up a bit, haven't you? So, what is it?

It's Shiro. Help Nashiro.

You're asking me to save the dead?

Shiro is alive! She still breathes, and even eats!

What's more, her voice...


Hmm, I see. So that's the story.

That... is gas.


Yes, gas. It's likely that gas inside you is escaping through fissures.

So what would you like to do? Shiro is dead.

Then, I'll just k*ll you, nice and simple.


Which is superior, my Quinx, or my previous creations?

"Okahira" "Former Investigator st Grade"

Which is superior, my Quinx, or my previous creations?

Mado gets in a tight spot, so you finally decide to show up?

But I've already k*lled Mr. Hoji.

And now, you're about to join him.

I thought you were going to k*ll me, Mr. Amon.

I'm here... save my one-time friend... To save you.

Save me? That's pretty condescending, isn't it?

How are you going to save me? You, who's always slinking about.

If you want to save me,

go ahead and try, Kotaro Amon!

Mr. Amon, ghouls...

...are supposed to do this!

You're too weak.

You're a failure, just like old man Kanou said you were.

Is that how you keep deceiving yourself?


I know...

...your weakness...

...and your strength.

You are not a ghoul.

You are a ghoul investigator, Takizawa!

Shut up!!

What would you have me do?

Associate Special Investigator Mado,

the Quinx Squad will take care of that SS-rated ghoul, Owl.

Fan out!

That man...

Where are you, Mutsuki?

Steam! It's hot! It's hot!

Well, now...


Naki... why are you...?



Three Blades...

...regardless of how you fight, you will die here. k*ll yourself.

You can't be serious, bob-cut.

Until I breathe my last breath in this life, I will keep fighting proudly!


...still alive?!

{\an \pos( , )}"Naki" "S-Rated"

Yeah! Just taking a little breaker.

{\an \pos( , )}"Naki" "S-Rated"


{\pos( , )}"Shosei" "A+-rated"

{\pos( , )}"Hoguro" "A+-rated"

It's not "breaker," it's "breather."

I'm the leader of the White Suits.

I want an end that the boss in the next life can be proud of!

There are too many of them.

No hard feelings. I don't have a choice.


It's because of you that we were...

You're touched in the head!

A mad scientist!

Is that all you have to say?

I concur.

There's no end to these guys.

More and more keep showing up.

Let me give you a hand, monsieur.

Who are you?!

"Tokyo Ghoul:re"

"Next Time"

What is the meaning of this?

You're not getting through!


"Those Left Behind"