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06x15 - What Are You Willing to Lose

Posted: 04/21/23 05:24
by bunniefuu

- Who else has seen these?
- Nobody.

Uh, well, Carina.

- I need every name. Who else?
- That's it. Just us and Carina.

She brought them to me,

and we agreed to bring
them to you, so...

- So you could get ahead of it.
- Get ahead of it.

Yeah, keep them from coming out.

Deny it's you, deny it's him.

Say they're from when you
knew each other years ago.

We... we can think of something,
but we have to fix this.

- This isn't your problem, Herrera.
- We...

The department can't
afford to lose you, Chief.

I've been around FD my entire life,

and I never thought I'd
see a woman in charge,

much less a woman of
color who kicks ass.

I can't afford to lose you.

Well, this is the smoking
g*n you've been waiting for.

Why aren't you using it? What
other angle are you playing here?

No angle. Last time I
tried playing an angle,

it nearly destroyed my life.

I understand why it'd
be hard to trust me...

Look, she came to me
because she was trying

to do the right thing.

Well, I thank you both.

You should be getting to shift.

I'm actually taking
a personal day today.

Noted. I will take this from here.

And, lieutenants...

I would rather be the one to tell him.


Yes, Chief.

I know you want to tear him
a new one for lying to you.

I do. But I gave her my word.

- [SIGHS] SOS received.
- Oh, hero.

Did you buy out the whole store?

Well, eggs are not cheap,
and they were on sale, so...

Have you talked to Eli?

No, uh, but he's working for Robel now,

and I promised to
volunteer on the campaign.

So he's going to have
to talk to me eventually.

- Have you?
- No.

- Do you want to talk to Eli?
- No, no, no.

- I was just curious.
- Okay.

I mean, do you want to talk to Eli,
like, outside of campaign stuff?

Because if you did, that
would be totally fine.

No, no, no. But you could,
too, if you wanted to or whatever.

We're doing the right thing, right?

- Like, prioritizing us?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Hos over bros. [CHUCKLES]

Not that we're hos. That's...
that's what people say.

- That's not what people say.
- No, I think they do, you know...

Gibson! [CHUCKLES] How's your head?

Doctor cleared me, so I'm all good.

- Oh, I love your French toast.
- I bet you say that to all the boys.

[LAUGHS] I could eat
breakfast for every meal.

I mean, pancakes, eggs... It's,
like, variety, options, choices.

Yeah, when I was captain at ,

Thursdays were always
pancake night... no exception.

We should do that.

Well, as acting captain,
you could implement

a routine like that
while Beckett's gone.


- Engine ...
- Turn it off.

Ladder , Aid Car
requested at Prescott Street.

You just had to say Beckett, didn't you?

- Natasha Ross.
- What is this?

Wow. I didn't think
Bishop would go soft on me.

You had me followed like
some kind of pervert?

- This is a violation of privacy.
- Ooh, the horror.

Come on, all's fair
in love and politics,

and you made it political

when you turned the
city and FD against me.

- What do you want?
- Honestly, humiliating you

would have been enough.

But now that Montgomery is
out of the race for mayor...

- You want my endorsement.
- And those photos get buried.

And if I'd rather endorse Osman?

I don't think the firefighters' union

would approve of the
chief promoting the grunt

she's sleeping with, do you?

Once they see those pictures,
they'll turn against you.

And no chief in the
history of the department

has ever survived losing
the support of the union.

If I back you and you win,

how can I be sure you won't fire me

as soon as you take office?
Only the mayor has that power.

Well, you just have
to take my word for it.

Tell you what... think about it.

You got until the end of the day,

then I've got a date with the union.

You can hold on to
those. I've got copies.


I heard you're looking to
move because of the doxxing.

Temporarily, yeah.

Man, I didn't know it got that bad.

Yeah, we never should
have pulled that stunt

- at the fake abortion clinic.
- No, no, they were...

They were tricking women
and spreading lies.


You know, my dad cried the
night before my first day

at the academy.

That first year, he would
call me after every shift.

He would even show up randomly
and check my equipment...

- I mean, to the point

where I had to yell at
him several times to stop

until he finally did.

Look, if you're working
your way up to telling me

that I shouldn't worry about Pru...

Oh, no. That's impossible.
You're going to worry about her

and the boys and Dr. Bailey.

What I'm saying is, in the end...

it was my dad, not me,

that took a risk that cost him his life.

Yeah, to save you.

Yeah, it doesn't
make it hurt any less.

You can't avoid the crazies.

And Bailey is...

Bailey's gonna Bailey.

But you... you can
keep yourself safe so...

So you can be there for them.



Okay, everyone, SCBAs on.

We've got a working fire
in a two-story residential.

Hughes, you're medical.

Herrera, Warren, Montgomery,
ventilate that roof.

Larsson, Wiggins,
evacuate the structure.

Sullivan, Gibson, fire attack on A side.

Let's move!

- Is everybody out?

Here, here, here.

- Come on.
- There's more boys inside.

Okay, come on. Wait,
how many? How many?

I don't know. I think ten or so.

of us live here if you count me.

- You got to get them out!
- What?

Oh, crap. Okay.

What are you waiting for?
Get in there and save my guys.

I need to get you away from the house.

What's your name? Hey, what's your name?

June Hardy. I'm the house manager.

This is a sober-living house.

All the boys here are clean and sober.

- Me too, years.
- Okay, well, I'm Vic.

And, uh, we need to get you
over there to treat you, okay?

- No, no.
- First...

I'm fine! How can I help?

Okay. We're going to get
you over to Captain Ruiz,

and you can tell him
exactly how many guys

are unaccounted for, all right?


Looks like a bad renovation.

First floor is fully involved.

And the house is like a maze,
just rooms divided into rooms.

Copy. Sending another line.


I've seen houses like this before.

This fire is going to run
right through these cheap walls.



You've reached Robert Sullivan.

- Please leave a...

- _

Dispatch, this is Chief Ross.

Can you give me a on Company ?

Full Company is at
Prescott Street.





- Hi.

Okay, I have the whole day planned.

First, rage room, you
know, like we talked about,

followed by a nice
picnic in Discovery Park.

And for tonight, a
reservation at the Pink Door.

- N...

- It's your favorite.
- I love how excited you are

and how much thought you've
put into our second first date.

- Uh, but?

I-I thought it was
going to be a slow night,

but babies wait for nobody,
and now I'm exhausted.

Okay, you know, I want this day

to be whatever you want it to be,

so I can just drop
you off at your hotel,

and you can get some sleep if you want.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I just... you know, I
want to put my feet up

and... and have a drink.

- What about Joe's bar?
- Joe's?



Path is solid.

All right, we'll follow your lead.


Gibson said this place is a maze.

We need to cut vent holes
on both sides of the ridge.

- Copy.

Hey, the roof over here is...

Ugh! Ugh!


Warren! Warren!

[OVER RADIO] Herrera, what
the hell just happened?



Emergency traffic!

Emergency traffic!

Oh, come on.






There's still nothing.

- Be careful, Herrera.
- I'm fine!

- We don't need to lose you, too.
- No one has been lost, Montgomery.

Larsson, Wiggins, you're
rapid intervention.

- Go find Warren.
- Hey.

Hey, hey, listen, I
need to speak to you.

Herrera, Montgomery, I
need you to get off the roof

the minute you finish
ventilating... copy?

- Sir, I...
- One second, ma'am.

Yes, but W-Warren...

Herrera, we're going
to get him out, okay?

Copy, Captain.


Hey, you're gonna listen to me,

and you're gonna listen to me right now!

I'm sorry. You said
people live here?

All right, this is a four-bedroom house.

Well, that is not my fault.

We had to divide each bedroom
into three smaller ones.

Some of the boys double
up, but they share.

- Well, that's not up to code.
- Like I said, I didn't do it.

I just work here. I'm maid, cook,

mother, counselor, good cop, bad cop.

All right, well, your improvised
rooms have created a firetrap.

I am giving addicts
a roof over their head

while they focus on their recovery!

It's tough enough to stay clean,

but to do it on the streets?

And if we don't make room for
them here, that's where they'll be.

Now, are you going to
keep giving me a hard time,

or are you going to go get my boys?

All right, we're doing
everything we can, okay?

Please tell me, who's still missing?

Taylor, uh, Milo, and... and Chuy.

Taylor, Milo, Chuy. Okay.

Chuy? Chuy?

And the third baby had stalled labor,

so I made the mom do squats.

And I was about to
start her on Pitocin...

- A third baby? Her poor vag*na.
- I know.

Thankfully, they're all okay.
But when I start my own practice,

I'll do a more even split

between pregnant and
non-pregnant patients...

You want to open your
own practice one day?

- Oh, absolutely.
- I did not know that.

Yeah, that way, I can
make my own schedule

and have more flexibility for kids...

Um, our kids...

one day, hopefully... Maybe,
b-but not right now. Uh, I...

It's not like you to take a day off.

What's the catch?

Are you benched again
and not telling me?

No. I have a lot of personal days,

and after mine and Andy's meeting
with Chief Ross this morning,

I'm actually grateful
that I'm not at work today,

because, you know, Chief Ross
hates me, and she has every right to.

But, you know, it's tough.

- Anyway, let's get a drink.
- Yeah.

You know this is the
first place we met, right?

Yes, but the first time I saw you was

- when you brought in the nose.
- I was there.

Very cool.

It's nice to see you two in here.
What can I get you?

Uh, I'll take a Bloody Mary,
and she'll have a white wine.

A Bloody Mary? I
thought you hated tomatoes.

It's a new thing, okay?
They're growing on me.

- Oh, God, it's them.
- "Them"?

How are they still going?

Yeah, there was a big bachelorette group

in here last night, bar hopping.

tributes entered, and it looks

like only still stand.

- Pray for me.

Uh, hi.

My girlfriends and I...

See the one in the white
who's about to get married?

We were wondering if
you'd come dance with us.

That's okay. Thank you, though.

Look, she's kind of bummed out

because the other ladies left.

She keeps saying three
people are not a party.

We just need bodies.

So can you pretty
ladies just come give us

a half-baked shoulder shimmy?

- Sorry, no, no.
- Yeah.

- I think I should...
- While we're young.

- Shoulder shimmy.
- While we're young.

- Wha...
- Yeah.


Yes, yes, yes!

You're not getting out of this!

- Oh, me?
- Yes!

- I'm so tired.
- No, come on, please.

- It's my wedding.
- Okay, okay, okay.



Hey! I got him.

Sir! Sir!

We found one civilian
on the first floor,

- B-side hallway.
- Copy.

- Sending Klyne and Cutler to you now.
- Copy.




Hey, we're gonna get
you out of here, okay?

- What's his status?
- He's barely got a pulse.

Get him out, kay?

The fire is about to burst
through that wall any second.

Got it.

Stay close to the hose line,
so you don't get lost in here.


Oh, thank God! Help us!

Come on, we got to go. We got to go.

- My knee, my knee, my knee!
- He can't walk on it.

- He can't walk on it.
- Ah! I just had surgery.

We tried to find his
crutches, but it was too dark.

[COUGHS] And we tried
to find our way out,

but the smoke is so thick.

- We just kept getting turned around.

- Okay.

First thing we need to do is
get you down on the ground.


What if we... What if we can't get out?

Are we going to die in here?

Milo, you still got to call
your mom, go to Montana.

You got to make your amends.

This is not it, you hear me?

We have to keep moving, all right?

- Now, can you move on your own?
- No, no, no, it's pretty bad.

- It's okay,

because Milo and I are
going to get you out of here.

Milo, come on. Get under his arm.



Let's go.

- and .
- Thank you so much, gentlemen.

Chief Ross.

It's nice to see you.
What... what brings you here?

I apologize for dropping in unannounced,

but this is urgent.

Michael Dixon is planning
to unleash a scandal

to embarrass the
department and the union.

Well, you did kind of
make an enemy of him

at that press conference.

What... what kind of scandal?

He plans to accuse me of
being romantically involved

with a firefighter that I promoted.

Is that true?


I am in a relationship

with Lieutenant Robert
Sullivan of Station .

- Time for sh*ts!
- Oh, I can't have another sip.


We are literally going
on, like, hour .

- You okay?
- Help.

Okay, I think that
maybe we should call it.

- No, another round!
- No, you're cut off.

[MOCKINGLY] No, you are cut off.

Ugh! Okay, well, what she
doesn't know is not gonna...

No, no! Not a good idea.

- No.
- Let's get water.

- Oh, water?
- Water.

- Yeah.
- Yes, water.

- Water, water.
- You're being a B-word.

- Picture it.
- Yeah?

I'm sitting at home,
taking care of two kids

while my husband is in Las Vegas

doing God knows what with God knows who.

I'm just saying, the slot
machines wasn't the only place

he was getting lucky.

- No, thank you.

[WHISPERING] Uh, I think we should go.

Yeah, I thought you'd never ask.

Uh, it was so nice meeting everyone.

- Um, we're going to head out.
- Bye.

Wait, wait, wait!

We haven't even shown you
the dance we're going to do.

- Come on, ladies.
- Lucy, maybe we shouldn't.

It's embarrassing
enough we have to do it

in front of of your
closest family and friends.

- Shut up!
- Congratulations again, Lucy.

- What are you doing?
- Chill, blondie.

- Oh, my God!
- No, no!

- Lucy!


Bitch, that's gonna leave a mark.

Lieutenant Sullivan and I
had a romantic relationship

when we served in Iraq.

We reconnected when I took this job,

but we did not date until
after I promoted him.

And how did Michael
Dixon find out about this?

He had us followed...

And photographed.


You're aware of the policy prohibiting

fraternizing between department
brass and rank-and-file?

- I am.
- You are?

So, what, are you denying
that you violated...

- Are we really doing this?
- What do you mean by "this"?

Because this...

looks like you got your hand
caught in the cookie jar,

and now you want us
to look the other way.

You know, in the short
time that I have been here,

I have seen this union
look the other way

when sloppy firefighters who
should have retired years ago

made fatal mistakes on the job.

I've seen it allow a
serial sexual harasser

retire with full pension
instead of face discipline.

And this is where you
want to draw the line?

I can understand why
you'd be anti-union...

- Okay, both of you...
- No, I am pro-union!

I am anti a system that has a
million things wrong with it.

I put my life on the line

serving my country for a decade in Iraq.

I fought to drag this department

kicking and screaming
into the st century,

to make your jobs safer and better.

And you want to do Dixon's bidding

by calling me out on
who I'm sleeping with?

No, no, no, no. This
union owes Dixon nothing.

You have my back, not his.

[OVER RADIO] Firefighter
down at Prescott Street.

Radio contact lost.

Copy. I'm on my way.

Excuse me. Duty calls.

- Crap.

Captain, roof ventilation
has helped a little,

but the fire has spread upstairs,

and the smoke is increasing
faster than it can ventilate out.

And the fires keep reigniting behind us.

Well, keep moving forward.
Another team is behind you.

- Copy.
- RIC team, any word on Warren?

Negative. No luck, Captain.

This place is a labyrinth.

How long do you think we got
till the place completely goes?

Not very long!

- Thanks, Helm.
- Yep.

Got to put my med-school
debt to use somehow.

Oh, my God. It's bad, isn't it?

- I'm sure it's fine.
- It's just a little bit of blood.

A little blood?

I look like one of the
Starks at the Red Wedding!

No, stop.

I'm supposed to get married in six days.

Six! I cannot have a bruised eye

and a broken nose on my wedding day!

Maybe you'll bleed to death,
and you can miss it altogether.

I was trying to find a solution.

Honestly, that might be better

than walking down the aisle
looking like I just got out of the ring

with Mike freakin' Tyson!

- Okay, Lucy, I'm a doctor.
- Stop!

You got to let me examine you, okay?

One second.


Hey. When you walk down the
aisle, your husband is gonna see you,

not your makeup, not your dress,

not your bruises.

If he's the man you're
supposed to be with,

he'll see you for you.


- It's all just a little scary.
- I know.

I remember the first time I
saw my wife at our wedding.

For a few seconds, everything stopped.

Nothing else existed.

It was just me and
her against the world.

Look, the future is scary.

But that is part of the fun of it.

No one knows what comes next,

but that's what is so
special about marriage...

Finding that person that
you want to share it with...

The ups, the downs, all of it.

Here you go.

Okay, if you could call one person

in the whole world right
now, who would that be?

My mom's plastic surgeon.

- [LAUGHING] Okay.

After that?

My fiancé.

That's how you know.


You two are married to each other?

Oh, shut up!

Okay, A, you are, like,
the hottest couple ever.

And, B, now, like, I'm really
upset that I'm marrying a guy.



Come on.

We're almost there.

- Milo! Milo!

Milo, I need you to keep moving, okay?

Even if you have to crawl. Come on!

- [GRUNTS] I can't, I'm sorry.
- He has super-bad asthma.

- His lungs can't take the smoke.

Okay. Lean up here.
Lean up against the wall.

Okay, hold on. Okay, Milo, come on.

Come on, put your arm around me.

- Don't let up.

- Okay.

- This is my fault.
- No, June, it's not your fault.

It is. One of the boys
got six months clean,

and I wanted to fry
up some fish for him.

But somehow I knocked the fryer over,

and the grease caught on
fire, and it spread so fast.

I started yelling for
everyone to get out.

Kenneth pushed me away and went back

to try to put the fire out, but...

Okay, June, it was an accident.

These men... their whole
damn lives were on fire,

and they fought like hell
to turn it all around.

Your captain called
this place a firetrap,

but to them, it's home.

They need it.

There's a lot more folks
out there that need it, too.

I could run four houses
just like this one,

and it still wouldn't be enough.


You know, for what it's worth...

I think you're pretty badass.



Oh, Chuy!

Did you see Taylor or Milo?

- Hey, Captain, we need more aid cars.
- Five minutes out.

Has, um... has Warren...


What if Warren got hurt in the fall?

I'm the lieutenant. I sh...
Should have taken the lead.

It wouldn't be any better
if it were you in there.

Warren knows what he's doing.

Herrera, I need you at incident command.

Copy. I'm on my way.

Ask for Dr. Owen Hunt.

He'll tell you where you need to go.

Thank you for, um, everything.

- Wow.

You two are goals.

And I look up to you.

Just know that.

First your pregnant patient is

stuck in a vending machine,

then bridezilla and her maidens.

Why can't we get through a first date?

I-I mean, who says it has to be over?

I have clothes at the apartment,

and I could use a nice, hot shower.

Oh, yes, the apartment. Of course.

- Yeah, let's go.
- Mm-hmm, yeah?

- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah.
- Apartment?





Taylor, come here.

What are... what
are... What are you doing?

Come here.


What are you doing? What are you doing?

All right.

- I'm going to put this on you.

Because I can't...


I can't carry...

I can't carry both of
you, not at the same time,

and especially not down the stairs.

So put this on and listen to me.

I'm going to take Milo first.

No. Take Taylor first.

- He's like a dad to me.
- I'm gonna come back for him.

Milo, I'm going to be okay.

He's going to come back for me, okay?

Yeah, absolutely.

Listen to me. I'll be right back.

I promise, okay?

- [GRUNTS] Come here, Milo.

Come here. [GRUNTING]

Here we go.



- .
- Chief.

What's the status on Warren?

No radio communication since
he fell through the roof.

- RIC team is dispatched and looking.
- What's taking so long?

There's plywood dividers
in all the bedrooms.

We're having trouble
making our way through.

Captain, we're making no
headway on the first floor.

We have heavy fire and smoke
from both ends of the hallway.

Captain, all critical patients

have been transported to Grey Sloan.

- All civilians evac'd?
- All accounted for except two.

Taylor and Milo... They have names.

- Taylor and Milo, of course.
- And Warren, too.



Roof's caving in.

Oh, my God.

Has anyone inside got eyes on Warren?


Oh, my God.

Fire attack, what's your status?

Captain, the second floor
is starting to come down.

Don't know how much longer it'll hold.


Make your way out.

I'm calling an operational retreat.

- Repeat... retreat to safety.
- No.

Captain, Warren is still in there!

If we retreat, it's over.

♪ Ooh, ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪


Stre... stretcher!

Emergency traffic! Emergency traffic!

We're in operational retreat.

All units immediately exit
the building and check in.


♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪

No, Warren! Warren, stop!

- Warren, stop!
- Let me get back in!

- Warren, stand down!
- I promised! I promised!

Warren, stand down, now!


♪ Someday, yeah ♪

♪ We'll put it together,
and we'll get it undone ♪

♪ Someday when your
head is much lighter ♪

♪ Someday, yeah, we'll
walk in the rays... ♪

Captain, we're on the
back side of the house,

and our exit's blocked by fire.

Smoke is too thick to see our way out.

Hang tight and keep water on that fire.

We're coming to you.



♪ Ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪

Come on!

Come on!

- Come on!
- Come on!

♪ Ooh, child...

- You said you'd go back!
- Milo, honey...

You said you'd go back for Taylor!

He said he'd go back for Taylor!

♪ Someday ♪

♪ We'll put it together,
and we'll get it undone ♪

♪ Someday when your
head is much lighter ♪

♪ Someday ♪

♪ We'll walk in the
rays of a beautiful sun ♪

♪ Someday ♪

♪ When the world is much brighter ♪

♪ Ooh, child ♪

♪ Things are gonna get easier ♪

♪ Ooh, child, things
will get brighter ♪

♪ And brighter and
brighter and brighter ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪


- Herrera.
- You fell through the roof.

I know.

Come on, Warren, let's
get you checked out.


There's nothing you could have done.




Good work, Captain. You
saved a lot of lives today.

Not all of them.

Yeah, losing a life, that's
always going to be a gut punch,

but we would have lost
more if it had not been

for your leadership.

The way the fire tore
through that place, man...

- All right, talk to me.

- What's going on?
- [SIGHS] It's Warren.

You know, I...

I was going to call the retreat.

You know, if he hadn't come out,

- I was going to call it.
- Yeah, but you didn't.

And your instinct to call it
when you did was the right one.

Ruiz, your team is safe.

It's a win.

- Good work, .
- Chief.

So are you actually good,

or were you just going along with it

'cause she's the chief?

Look, I don't envy you,

because when I was
inside fighting that fire,

I-I haven't felt that good in months.

And not having to be a captain
or a lieutenant, I can just go.

I can just fight fires, save lives,

do what I love with the team I love.

And you... Hey.

You kept us safe.

Take it from someone who's not a chief,

you were a good captain today.


Thanks. [SIGHS]



Apparently Warren had a tough call.

Hey, are you okay?

Okay, was today too much?
Should we have waited?

It's not about the sex. It's I...

I can't move back in here.

- I didn't... I didn't ask.
- But I know you want me to.

And I wish I could,
because today was magical,

and I want to keep that magic alive.

But being back in here...

[SCOFFS] It's just so painful,

because for months, I
was in this bed alone.

You shut me out.

Y-you were here, but you were not.

I-I wasn't the person you run to.

- I was the person you run from.
- Carina...

I thought... I thought I
was ready to be back here,

but I'm... I'm not.

I can't.

I can't.

[SIGHS] I can't.

I'm sorry for everything
I put you through.

It wasn't fair.

I'm sorry that I didn't listen to
you when you tried to help me.

I know that the version... [SIGHS]

of us that is happy...

and light and lovely...

died in that hospital that day.


But I'm willing to put in
the work to rebuild us...

to make us stronger and better...

Because I know from the first
time I saw you in that bar...

You were the person
that I wanted to call.




Hey. You all right?

I just got a call from
a union rep asking me

if you coerced me into a relationship

or promised to promote
me if I had sex with you?

- What...
- Oh, no.

Is this what your mayday text was about?

They know. Okay. somebody talked.

Maybe it was Bishop.

- Maybe... or she told somebody
- Listen, no...

Or Beckett...
- Listen, Sully. Listen.

No, no, it was me.

I told the union about us.


I did try to talk to you
first, but you were on a call.

And Dixon... he gave me no time.

You had until the end of the day!

I was trying to get ahead of it, Sully!

I thought you would understand that!

Because of what could happen to you.

- No!
- Right? To hell with me.

Don't... Okay, be angry,
but do not accuse me

of not having your
best interests in mind.

I'm now the guy who slept with the chief

- to make lieutenant.
- Absolutely not.

How is that in my best interest?

No, you're the victim.
I am the aggressor...

- Tell me that.
- And a woman and a minority.

- That is three strikes.
- Oh, wow.

The fact that this
relationship is consensual

will not matter, because I am toxic now.

- I will never be a chief again.
- See, I'm saying this is about us,

and you keep saying it's more about you.

- Absolutely not.
- You keep thinking about you first!

It... it...

- Sully...




Hey, boo.

[YAWNS] Oh, God, no.

What's the matter... boyfriend
keeping you up at night?

Yeah, my boyfriend, my work,
my classes, my goodness.

I'm tired.

I think maybe I should take, like,

a shift off every other
week until after finals.

Yeah, okay, uh...

let me check the calendar,

but I could really use
you here for your shifts.

No, no, I was talking to
boyfriend you, not captain you.

Well, technically, you
were talking about work,

so that is captain me.

And the further in
advance I know that one

of my firefighters needs...

Since when can I not talk to you
about non-work stuff at work?

Why are you trying to
pick a fight with me?

No, I'm not...

Uh, do you hear yourself?
I'm trying to talk to you.

- Yeah, and I was just trying to help.
- Okay, I don't need...

Actually, I'm not looking for
you to fix anything right now.

- I just wanted you to listen.
- [SIGHS] Okay, fine.

You want me to just
stand here while you talk?

Then I'll just stand
here while you talk.

- Theo...
- What?

You know what? Never mind.

- Vic.
- No, it's okay.

Come on.


Hey, Andy. Uh, if you
want to talk about today,

I know it probably
brought up a lot for you

seeing Warren like
that, and, uh, I'm here.

- Thanks.
- Okay.

- Okay.

Trav, life is short...

and scary.

And people fall through roofs,
and people die fighting fires.

We see it every day.

So, when you like the boy, you tell him.

- And you like Eli?
- No, but I can tell you do.

- No. Oh, I don't... I don't.
- Yes.

It's okay. I-I know you.

Look, Eli isn't the guy for me.

I mean, even... even way before
you came into the picture...

Let's just stop.

I was trying to push myself
outside of my comfort zone

and, you know, be
with someone different.

But, look, Eli and I would never work.

But I think you two could.

It doesn't really matter,
because he won't talk to me

now that I dropped out of the campaign.

- But...

I do appreciate you saying that.

Like I said, life is short.

So just...

call the damn boy.



Alexa, turn on the lights.


Alexa, add body wash and
deodorant to my shopping list.

I have added body wash and
deodorant to your shopping list.

It's about time. I was going
to talk to you about that funk.

[CHUCKLES] You weren't
supposed to hear that.


- Is the arm broken?
- Yeah.

Fractured, along with two ribs.

Gonna be off duty for a while.

- Just came to clean up.
- Sure.

Yeah, um, Gibson
already called you a sub.

Um, thanks.


Uh, before you go,

Herrera bought a million
eggs this morning.

So... we're having breakfast for dinner.


Some things only pancakes can fix.

Yeah, I know that's right.


♪ Say it all, say it all to me ♪

- _

Good news... I was actually
able to dress myself,

with a lot of time and effort.

- It took me a minute.
- How you feeling, Ben?

Uh, get in that bacon.
That'll help you out.

- That'll fix you right up.
- Yeah.

- Bacon makes everything better, right?

♪ You were there when I needed it ♪

♪ I found refuge in your room ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

Andy texted, said it was a tough call.

Ooh, looks good.

Breakfast for dinner?

Feels a little .

Think you can mix things up a bit, Ruiz?


Oh, my God, what are you doing here?

Heard you needed a sub.

- BOTH: Oh!
- I usually prefer to be the dom,

but we've all got to make
sacrifices, am I right, Trav?

Oh, my God, Chaos Kate!

Hey, now, that was the old me.

- Yeah, right.

Everyone, this is Kate Powell.

She worked with Mikey and me at .

- BOTH: The best!
- Oh, stop it.

- We're back together!
- Back together!

The tripod!

- Do you remember that time...
- So many memories.

No, no, no, I, like,
almost can't even look

at you without laughing.