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02x09 - City In Waiting

Posted: 04/20/23 19:36
by bunniefuu
You might have at least called if you were coming home.

Mom, this sure is good.

Oh, is it? I'll bet you haven't been eating like you should.

Mmm, that's good.

Still, this is unusual.

I mean, you, coming home like this. Did something happen?

Nothing much.

A mission to exterminate the Owl?

It looks like it's going to be a large-scale operation.

Your name is on the list of members.


You know how to write one of these, right?

"Testamentary Note"

What am I supposed to write?

Another testamentary note?

Rules are rules.

But I have nothing to say to anyone.

You can write anything.

Like telling your comrades and friends thanks, and so forth.

Investigator Kuroiwa...



I'm here with you.


Investigator Kuroiwa...


Captain Hirako, did you get yours written?

My testamentary note? Yeah.

Honestly, I don't know what to write for mine.

You could just write some words of gratitude to your parents.

I wonder what Investigator Arima writes for his.

Mr. Arima said... he always left his blank.

Blank?! How cool!


He always contemplated what he was going to write.

Then he still left it blank.

I asked Dr. Chigyo to overhaul the Dojima.

My junior partner suggested a whole new trick for it.

I hope it's ready in time for the raid.


Fancy running into you. You're visiting graves, too?

I understand she was your classmate at the Academy.


She died in the th Ward. My Dojima is a keepsake from her.

The th Ward...

My mother and father worked together in the th Ward

on the same investigator team.

Their captain was Investigator Marude.

They ran into him there.

The investigator team was powerless

against such unprecedented strength.

--Investigator Marude ordered them back to the home office.

--Fall back! --Investigator Marude ordered them back to the home office.

Let me go! Let me go!

Kureo! That's an order!

Let me go!


Kasuka! Kasuka!

My mother, who had the most skill, was bringing up the rear.


Ever since that day, my father had been obsessed with the Owl.

I will take my father's vengeance.

If he shows up in front of me, I will choke the life out of him.

This time for sure, whatever it takes.


Just don't do anything reckless, okay?

Who do you take me for, the original owner of your Dojima?

Don't go pinning her on me. I don't even know her.

You're much too tall.

That's so like you.

Truly like you.

"Last Will" "The testator leaves all of his possessions to his mother, Takizawa Michie."

"I don't want to die"

"The CCG Head Office is cordoning off the th Ward as a special..."

"...targeting a certain coffee shop..."

"...moving in today..."

A large-scale police cordon has been raised over the th Ward,

and movement in or out is currently off-limits.

CCG has announced that the civilian evacuation is complete,

and is considering moving in today,

as the tense situation continues.

Commence the operation.

I had a dream

It was of the time we were born

We lived such a beautiful life

in a city of wombs

We clapped our hands and smiled

We drank the paint dry

The colors of the rainbow changed

We started wanting to be held

I couldn't walk alone anymore

We smiled at each other

We gave our love to toys

I wish we could destroy

the untouchable children using simple words!

The prost*tute spat fire

In a faraway city, somebody died

--Welcome. --Welcome.

Don't lose your cool! There are only two of them!

Just two, he says.

Pretty dull-witted, huh?

You mean the Owl isn't our only enemy?

That is...

the Devil Ape.

And the Black Dog, too.

They're... supposed to be enemies, so why are they...?

Men, you haven't gone soft on me, have you?


Go and die for me, all of you.


Go wild.

The st Division is engaging!

They're fighting the Devil Apes and the Black Dobers!

The Black Dobers? You mean it's not Aogiri?

Chief Washu!

Have the st Division stand fast and split up the enemy,

and the nd and rd Divisions each obliterate those that get split off.

Investigator Marude, you're in command of both divisions.

I copy.

Hachikawa, rd Division.

What is it?

Mr. Marude, please let me have the Black Dog.

Did you read that? Mogan, you take the Devil Apes.

Mm-hmm, roger, boy.

Hachikawa, don't do anything crazy!

Copy that.




Hey, now...

That's pretty dangerous, you know.

Back to your own mountain...

you big ape.

Hmm... Unfortunately... this is my mountain.


Long time no see,

Black Dog.


th Division and above, lock down the other quarters.

Don't let a single one of them slip out of our net.

Copy that!

And there he is.

The act of taking from others is tantamount to evil.

From the moment we are born,

we continually take something from others.

Life is a succession of committing sin.

Life is evil itself.

I am conscious that I am evil.

And so are all of you.

Now, come and k*ll me.

Where are you going?


It's over.


We're just... going to let them die?

We always said we help each other out at Anteiku!

What will become of the manager?

What will become of Mr. Koma, and Miss Irimi?!


were always looking to find common ground somewhere.

They had taken many lives and committed many sins,

but by running into Mr. Yoshimura,

they came to realize the meaning of all that they had done.


no matter how much of a change of heart they had, their sins remained.

And so, they required punishment.


This fight is also their punishment.

Both for them, and those with them.

Then, what about me? What about me? I've k*lled, too!

I've k*lled lots of people, both because I had to eat,

and simply because I was pissed off!

I also... I also need to be punished, don't I?

Why...? Why...?

School, huh? I would have liked to have gone, myself.

Why are they all...?

You think my tie looks like sewer sludge? That's cruel, Touka.

Why are they all going away?


It's all going away.

Miss Kirishima, would you like to share my lunch with me?

--My promise to Yoriko... --Touka, what are your dreams for the future?

--The formulas I worked so hard to memorize... --Be sure you tell me someday.

--A coffee shop? You mean like Anteiku?

--All of it... --A coffee shop? You mean like Anteiku?

All of it... All of it...

All of it is going away...

I can't take it... I can't take anymore...

Not anyone else...

You and that damn brooding look on your face...

Mr. Nishio...

Hmph, long time no see, huh, Kaneki?

I got a message from Yomo.

He has Touka and Hinami someplace safe, so they're okay.

It's all to end so suddenly, just like this, huh?

The daily life we took for granted now crumbles in an instant.

Whenever it ends, it's always in an instant.

Geez, that old man could be aggravating, though, huh?

He'd even wipe your ass if you let him.

Old Devil Ape and Miss Irimi were hard to deal with, too.

They left the nastiest taste in my mouth.

What are you going to do now?


I'm gonna run away, of course, you nitwit.

If I were to go charging into that flock of doves,

then the old man and the others really will die for nothing.


I'm going to go see Kimi one last time, then I'm gone.

I can't have her waiting for me until she's old and gray.


A woman that fine?

I've gotta make love to her one last time.

If I...

hadn't brought you into Anteiku...

Don't belabor the point now. You'll turn my stomach.

I don't hold it against you.

Tell me, Kaneki...

there's no need for you to wear that, is there?

I won't let you go.

Mr. Tsukiyama?

Can't you see how many of them there are?

What would I do if anything ever happened to you, Kaneki?

I'm well aware of the risk.

In that case...

In that case... you can die... right here!

What are you, blind?!

Against a force that great,

I wouldn't make a dent, even with my Tsukiyama family powers!

What would you have me do, Kaneki?!

I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of me eating you!

Not even you! I won't allow it!



This is what SSS-rated means?

How are we... supposed to...

It's a shame.

I wish you could have served Iwa

some of your delicious coffee, too.

Have a heart, Kaneki...

Would you please not go?

Mr. Tsukiyama...

I'm sorry.

Thank you for coming and trying to stop me.


I can't stand not being able to do anything anymore.

The seasons die off, one by one

The sounds of their demise take to the wind

A sober man in a bustling city

It's too unromantic to look up at the moon here

It's as though I'm living as a translucent shadow,

unsure if I can still call who I am me

Will the clouds part if I sing in the rain?

I'm a dried-up life amidst a boisterous summer

Salutations; this is a break-up verse

to my loathsome past

I'm filled with lament and wracked with grief,

but though the sun may not shine

my song still goes on

The seasons come back to life, one by one

"Next episode: 'Last Rain'"