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02x03 - Hangman

Posted: 04/20/23 19:32
by bunniefuu
Boss... Boss...

I want to see you... Boss...

Let's go.


Who are they?

What do you know?

Just like Papa said. He's strong.

Damn! Hurry up and grab him! Move it!

They're one-eyed...

I'm burning!

I'm burning... I'm burning...

Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!

I'm burning!

Boss! Boss! Boss Yamori!

Hey, you! We're--


My feelings!

My feelings for Boss are so hot, the car flipped over! It's no use!

What's his story? Of all the people to come out of there,

he's nothing more than an idiot.

Did you call me an idiot?!

The only one who gets to call me an idiot... is Boss Yamori!

But you guys...

I'll pound you into a bloody pulp!

I had a dream

It was of the time we were born

We lived such a beautiful life

in a city of wombs

We clapped our hands and smiled

We drank the paint dry

The colors of the rainbow changed

We started wanting to be held

I couldn't walk alone anymore

We smiled at each other

We gave our love to toys

I wish we could destroy

the untouchable children using simple words!

The prost*tute spat fire

In a faraway city, somebody died

"It's almost as though people look like candy,"

said the... the... um...

Is your new book any good?

Mm-hmm. It's a little difficult, but interesting.

Would you like to read it, too, Big Sister?

No, I'm good.

Say, Big Sister...


"MacGuffin, the Hanging Man"

Tomorrow, Takatsuki Sen is having a book signing.

All right. Want to go together?

--You mean it? Thank you! In that case--

--We've just received some breaking news. --You mean it? Thank you! In that case--

Moments ago, an attack took place on a CCG police van.

"CCG police van attack on the Shuto Expressway"

According to eyewitness reports, the ones carrying out the attack

were led by the eyepacthed ghoul who is wanted by police,

and CCG believes--

Eyepatch? Big Brother...

I'm sure there must be a good reason, right?

It's not like Big Brother would ever do...


Can we not talk about him?


He... doesn't have anything to do with Anteiku anymore.


Good night.

You look gloomy, Touka.

Did something happen?

Oh... yeah. Just something with Hinami.


What's up? Have a little spat?

Then as one who has been referred to as the mediating Devil Ape,

allow me to--

Koma, wipe down the tables, okay?

Very well.

Well, you are the grown-up, here.

Yes, you're right.

Good morning!

Go ahead.

Ah, Hinami, good morning--

Where did you get that outfit?

I borrowed some of your clothes. That's okay, right?

Sure, I don't mind.

Don't they look good on you? Are you going somewhere?

Mm-hmm, the book store in front of the train station.

Takatsuki Sen is having a book signing.

Hinami, I can come with you.

Mm-mm, I'll be fine alone.

Alone? Hinami, you're...

In front of the train station, right? She'll be fine.


Hinami, make sure to watch out for doves. Got it?


Off I go!

I can't keep on bothering Big Sister forever, after all.

It's all right. Koma is going along with her.


Ah, my adorable Hinami is splitting off and becoming independent!

You shut up, damn Nishiki! You big--

Whoa! Ha-ha-ha, looks like I was right on the nose!

Damn it!

My, Nishiki, why aren't you at school?

Oh, I forgot my notebook in my locker.

Listen, damn Touka...


Wanna go to the college with me?


You're sitting for Kamii, right? Have you ever been there?

Miss Irimi?

Go on along. The manager will be back soon.

Come on, let's go. Go on up and get changed.

Eh? Wait--Hey, Nishiki!

That's the administration building,

and over there is the sciences building.

There are different buildings for different subjects?

No, not necessarily, but I need experimental equipment and so on.

And that is the cafeteria.

With this many students around, I wouldn't stand out if I didn't eat.

I suppose not. But sometimes you'll have to eat when you hang out.

It's huge. High school doesn't even begin to compare to this.

It is a megaversity, after all.

Well, I'm meeting Kimi, so I've gotta go.

Huh? Hey, hold on!

Don't go crying if you get lost.

You could at least show me around.

"Choral" "Geoscience Research Club" "Film Studies Club" "Kamii Festival Executive Committee" "Robo-Club"

This is where he went, too.

I wonder if, like before,

he read those ridiculous books of his here, too.

"Be on the lookout!!" "Please help in locating this man!"

With these posted up,

he can't come back to school, can he?

Okay, how about right here?

Mr. Nagachika, you can't just take that down!

Nonsense. We need to put this where it stands out the most.


"Kamii Festival" "Now seeking committee members"


Whoo, there's no end to it, is there?

Is there anything in these articles from six months ago?

After listening to that report from Miss Akira the other day,

something started bothering me.

That was just her "intuition," wasn't it?

I once had a superior who had a very sharp intuition.

Mado Kureo--Miss Akira's father.

He was a tireless worker, too.

Miss Akira is a lot like him in that regard.

Here you are, Touka.

Thank you very much.

Ah, so then, you're going to sit for Kamii?

Yes, so I'm here having a look around.

That will be something to look forward to.

You don't say.

Was Kaneki...

What kind of person was Kaneki in the past?


Used to be that after school, and when we had days off,

whenever he had free time, he was always reading books.

He was a little bit different after his mom passed away.

Ever since, he always seemed a little lonesome somehow.

Come to think of it, he once had the lead part in a play!

A play?

And he was surprisingly good, too.

He was quite an imposing presence on the stage.

Oh, yeah?

Whether it was him playing a part, or him putting on a mask,

he always seemed to be saddled with things all unto himself.

Maybe he couldn't keep containing everything,

and had to go off somewhere else.

M-Maybe he's out somewhere, reading a book or something!


I'm sure he's fine.

Touka, you know what Kaneki had a habit of doing?


Whenever he was hiding something, he'd hold his chin, like this.

But don't tell Kaneki I said so.

I really am sorry to keep you waiting.

I'm so late... I'm so late...

"Takatsuki Sen Book Signing"

--Ah, ma'am! --All right, I'm safe!

You're out, entirely.

"MacGuffin, the Hanging Man"

I'm so sorry. I overslept.

Next person, please.

Oh? What a charming young lady. What's your name?


Hinami, is it?


What is it, Hina sweetie?

Well, this is a present, so...

Oh, I see. So, who should I make this out to?

Kaneki Ken.

Kaneki Ken, you say?

Sorry, do you know how he spells it?

Let's see, "Kaneki" uses the same characters as in "Jupiter," followed by the one in "shine."

My, what a fantastic way to remember it. "Kaneki Ken..."

"To Kaneki Ken"

Is he your boyfriend?

Huh? N-No, he's my Big Brother.

How adorable! I'm sure he must be breathtaking.

Thank you, Hinami.

Th-Thank you very much.

See you around!

Kaneki Ken, huh?

Hello there! I have a delivery!

Oh, the messenger!

It's Nagachika. You should remember my name, already, Seido.

What are you looking into?



Just something about the eyepatched ghoul.

The eyepatched ghoul was first spotted in the th Ward, right?

Oh, aren't you the informed one? Yeah, he and the rabbit

" th Ward, waterway facing Shigehara Elementary" "Dead: Senior investigator Kureo Mado" "m*rder of investigator at waterway facing Shigehara Elementary"

" th Ward, waterway facing Shigehara Elementary" "Dead: Senior investigator Kureo Mado" "m*rder of investigator at waterway facing Shigehara Elementary" "Related Case"

are suspected of k*lling an investigator.

Who's this "Naki" guy?

He's sort of like an underling of the th Ward's Jason.

"Rating: S" "Naki"

He was taken away by the eyepatch while being sent to Cochlea.


That's a ghoul internment center in the rd Ward.

S-rated and SS-rated ghouls are kept isolated there.

Wow, that sounds scary.

Yeah, I'd like to avoid working there, if possible.


You think he might have been helping one of his buddies?

Who can say? Do ghouls even have a sense of camaraderie?

So then, are organizations like Aogiri rare?

No, I wouldn't say that.

The Owl, who appeared ten years ago, had men he was leading,

and in the past, there were ghoul groups like the Black Dobers

and the Ape Faces that competed with each other.

Since when did you become an information broker,

Investigator nd Grade Takizawa?

Miss Akira, hello there!

Nagachika, wasn't it?

You seem to be quite interested in ghouls, huh?

Yeah, well, it's in the news quite a bit.

It gets my attention, whether I like it or not.

Well, I have other deliveries, so if you'll excuse me...

Oh, it's so big!

This is CCG's lab.

They handle all of the quinque and Q-b*llet development,

and all other research concerning ghouls in here.

Investigator Shinohara...

Dr. Chigyo.

Hi there.

So you're the Investigator Suzuya I've heard about.

You're the one who took down Jason, huh? You must be strong.

Mm-mm, he was already nearly dead.

You're too modest, too modest.

Thank you for your patience. Suzuya, your quinque is right here.

Well? Quite a nice piece, isn't it?

Uh, Suzuya...?

I'm testing its sharpness!

Ah! Our quinque steel!

Mr. Shinohara, can I give him a name?

Yeah, the owner is typically free to name it.

Then, I choose "Juzo's Jason."

No way!

No way! No way!

There's no way!

Boss... Boss... Boss Yamori...

You can't be dead... Boss!

Damn you, CCG! I'll pound you into a bloody pulp!

What a racket.

Boss! Boss... Boss... Boss...

My... divine Boss!

I wanna see you... I wanna see you, Boss...

Yamori... Yamori... Boss Yamori...


Is that right?

Huh? Is that right?

Say, is this right?



This is "Yamori"?


Boss! Boss Yamori!


You're a good guy! Thanks, man!

Kaneki Ken...


Nothing at all.

Hey, did you hear?


About that new guy, the eyepatch.

Word is he's all kinds of strong.

But have you heard the rumor?


What rumor is that? Go ahead and tell us.

They say that he ate Mr. Yamori.

M-Mr. Yamori?!

Apparently, he cannibalized him.

F-For real?! I don't believe it.

The guy would have to be a monster.


Kaneki, a cannibal?



Kaneki! Ah, what a spice you've added!

Cannibalism! To a ghoul, that is the forbidden apple!

You wanted even more power, didn't you?!

Ah, I want to eat him-- Adam, butcher of the fruit of knowledge!

The even more, more, spicy Kaneki!

Yes, me!

Sick bastard.

Damn it!

Why don't you tell us more about it...

La foule?

There is something bothering me, so allow us to present this report.

Right. We checked into the period when the eyepatched ghoul appeared,

and we ran up against a puzzling occurrence.

Puzzling occurrence?

Yes. Four months ago, in the th Ward,

there was an accident involving fallen steel girders.

As I recall, a critically injured young man received some organs,

transplanted from a deceased female, without his consent.

Yes. What our investigation turned up

was that both the operating surgeon and the young man went missing.

The young man's name is Kaneki Ken.

He was a student who went to Kamii University.

Kamii University?

For crying out loud...

Don't make that nice girl worry about you.

The star of a play, huh?

It doesn't fit him.

The seasons die off, one by one

The sounds of their demise take to the wind

A sober man in a bustling city

It's too unromantic to look up at the moon here

It's as though I'm living as a translucent shadow,

unsure if I can still call who I am me

Will the clouds part if I sing in the rain?

I'm a dried-up life amidst a boisterous summer

Salutations; this is a break-up verse

to my loathsome past

I'm filled with lament and wracked with grief,

but though the sun may not shine

my song still goes on

The seasons come back to life, one by one

"Next time: 'Deeper Layers'"