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02x02 - Dancing Flowers

Posted: 04/20/23 19:30
by bunniefuu

Mr. Iba!

Stop... I'm of no use anymore... Leave me here...



You're going to avenge Kasuka, right?!

Mado, I'm going, too.


I'll have to borrow these.


I had a dream

It was of the time we were born

We lived such a beautiful life

in a city of wombs

We clapped our hands and smiled

We drank the paint dry

The colors of the rainbow changed

We started wanting to be held

I couldn't walk alone anymore

We smiled at each other

We gave our love to toys

I wish we could destroy

the untouchable children using simple words!

The prost*tute spat fire

In a faraway city, somebody died

Where is Mr. Arima? He was absent last time, as well.

Mm boy...

And this is a prestigious special investigators' conference, too.

He's not the type who appreciates that sort of thing.

Never has been, either.

Even Mr. Shinohara is attending, fresh out of the hospital.

Oh, I was just lucky. Don't mind me being underfoot here.


Chief, Mr. Arima isn't here yet.

Hmm, well, that's all right.

Let's begin this special investigator's conference.


Following the fighting in the th Ward,

the th and th Wards have also been taken over by Aogiri.

The reason the th and th Wards were taken

is because our forces were greatly worn down by th Ward fighting.

Mm boy... If you had called on me,

I wouldn't have let Aogiri have their run of the place.

I'm not a boy.

It's reported that the th and th Wards were taken

by an Aogiri team centered around a ghoul with an eyepatch.

This eyepatched ghoul is also involved in the k*lling

of Investigator Mado in the th Ward.

Aogiri has the th Ward for a base, too?

Mm-hmm. Investigator Shinohara,

I'd like to have you look into that, as well.


Yow-w-w... My back!

Say, can't we take a little break?

What are you talking about? You're still so young.

That's right, Nishiki. I wish you'd take after Hinami more.

Mr. Koma, can I put this here?

Mm-hmm, okay.

Miss Irimi, I'll give you a hand.

Thanks. All right, would you help me with this?


Listen, Hinami, want to take a little break?

Oh, but I'm almost done here.

If you wanted to take a little break,

it would shift the consensus my way.

--Hetare! Hetare! Hetare! --Hmm? Ow-w-w-w!

That hurt! Where did you come from, you damn crap-a-tiel?! Hey!

Hetare! Hetare!

Ah! You really did crap on me!

Damn you, you dirty crap-a-tiel! Hold still!

--Nishiki, calm down a bit, okay? --I know Touka let you in here--

Hmmi. Come to think of it, where is Touka?

At school, of course. She's got entrance exams, after all.

Which college did she finally decide to sit the exams for?

She said Kamii.

What, my college? There's no way. You might not tell from me,

but the T-score to get in is pretty high.

She says that's where she wants to go. Help her with that, Nishiki.

Well, I suppose I could look over her studies. But why Kamii?

Oh! You mean...

Right now, she needs some kind of goal to work toward.

Oh, that's terrific. That means you can start your job again.

I've got exams to study for, so I won't be putting in many hours.

Still, be careful, okay? They still haven't caught the guys, right?

You could get robbed again.

That's okay. If they come back, I'll give them this!

There you go again, talking a dangerous game.

I'm just joking.

All right! Then I'll come by and help you fight!

Yeah, I'm so sure! There isn't a chance!

Huh? Evacuation drills?

I heard the th and th Wards have bought it recently.

Eh? Are you serious? That's freaky.

Ghouls can only eat humans, right?

"About the th Ward emergency evacuation drills"

Why do ghouls even exist, anyway?

They should just die.

That idiot.

Odds are good that Aogiri's next target will be

either the rd Ward or the th Ward.

Could Aogiri be planning to take over Tokyo from the west side?

Mm-hmm. We're just discussing possibilities, here,

but I'm requesting reinforcements from each ward.

Chief Washu, the rd Ward, too?

Cochlea is no exception.

Mm-hmm, I guess they wouldn't be.

Judging by the circumstances,

there can be little doubt that the Owl is back in action.

And he's leading the Aogiri Tree bunch, as well.

I have no intention of repeating that nightmare from ten years ago.

CCG is going to wipe out the Owl, along with Aogiri.

Gotten smaller?


Hmm. The Owl, huh? I hadn't really noticed.

Ten years ago, when I fought in the Owl conflict...

Yeah, the legendary first Owl extermination.

It seems to me that the Owl back then was a tad larger than that.

Also, lots of investigators died.

Back when I fought, the second time around,

people got hurt, but nobody got k*lled.

Maybe the Owl has gotten older, which is why he's smaller.

Did he feel like an old man to you?

No, not at all.

Shinohara, I was thinking that maybe...

Iwa, let's just keep that to ourselves for now.


It would just invite chaos right now.

Investigator Shinohara, you've got mail!

Oh! Here at the head office on business?

Yes. I'm Mr. Seido's gofer.

Ha-ha, well, you do good work.

Thanks. Please excuse me.

A new part-timer?

Mm-hmm, from the th Ward. He's quite an outstanding worker.

Good work, ladies.

Get a move on, already. Let's go.

All done.

Would you stop doing that?!

Why should I?

You're supposed to be an investigator, right?!

What if the public sees you when you're messing around?

Boy, you are annoying.

Why don't I sew up that mouth that keeps opening so much, Seido?

Hey, you! Don't get so full of yourself, just because you were promoted, Juzo!

I don't accept that you're an Investigator nd Grade, like me!

I see you're at it again, like always, you two.

Mr. Shinohara...

Ah, it's Mr. Shinohara!


Are you all recovered already?

Luckily for me, I'm built tough.

The indomitable Shinohara.

I should have known.

Oh, Hoji! Thanks for covering for me while I was out.

Not at all.

By the way, where is Amon?

He said he would be here, after stopping off to see Mr. Mado.

Oh. I wanted to tell him right away that he has a new partner.

Progress report: The binge eater is still in hiding,

I have some strong leads on the gourmet,

and the investigation on the rabbit is proceeding,

and I am looking into her ties to the eyepatch.

Also, as of today, I have been made a senior investigator.


Do you need something with my father, Amon Kotaro?

Who are you?

Oh, I guess you haven't heard yet.

Starting today, I'm your new partner,

Investigator nd Grade Mado Akira.


Nice to meet you, Senior Investigator Amon.

Investigator nd Grade Mado Akira,

assigned to the th Ward Branch as of today.

It is a pleasure to work with you.

Akira, I'm going to have you partner with Amon.

Yes, sir.

What is Akira doing in the th Ward?

You're looking well, Investigator Takizawa.

You two know each other?

We were in the same class at the Academy.

Akira was top of her class, while Seido was second. Leave it alone.


I'm Suzuya Juzo! Nice meeting you, Mado!

Those are some sweet X's. Nice meeting you, Investigator Juzo.

The conclusion of the special investigators' conference

was that the elimination of the Owl and Aogiri is CCG's top priority.

The th Ward here, in particular,

is the first place the eyepatch turned up.

I want you to keep in mind that if he is one of Aogiri's captains,

there's a possibility that they have a base in this ward,

as you carry on your investigations.

If the eyepatch is a member of Aogiri,

it's also possible that the binge eater and the gourmet

are members of Aogiri, too, right?

Nope, I don't think so.

For what reason?

Is it your "intuition," like always, Investigator Mado?

If my "intuition," like always, suits you,

I'd appreciate it if you would listen, Investigator Takizawa.

If you look through the predatory attack data for the th Ward,

you will find a number of facts. First, regarding the binge eater,

there've been no signs of predation in over six months. Meaning--

They must have moved to another ward.


She is probably dead...

Well... Okay, that's one explanation for it. Wait, "she"?

The victims were limited to young males.

I only call her "she" by way of assumption.

When looking at the data for these last three years,

it's evident that starting in a certain period,

the incidents of predation started dropping off dramatically.

That's because our seniors in the CCG did such good work.

Wait until I'm done talking, Investigator Takizawa.

I looked through the personnel data, too,

and there are no records of increased personnel at that time.

Back then, there were some ghoul organizations,

such as the Black Dobers and En, in the th Ward,

but even they have been out of sight for ten years.

Ever since, predation numbers had been holding fairly level,

up until the binge eater showed up.

So what's your point?

It's safe to think that the th Ward ghouls are being regulated.

By an organization of ghouls. The binge eater broke the rules,

by committing a large number of predatory att*cks,

which ended up inviting in more investigators.

S-So are you saying the binge eater was k*lled by this organization?


And that this organization is Aogiri?

I never said that.

All I'm saying at this point is that it's possible.

Then, what do you have to say about the gourmet?!

What are you so indignant about, Investigator Takizawa?

A ghoul organization in the th Ward?

That's an interesting idea, Akira.

Let's keep investigating under the assumption

that this organization has ties to Aogiri.

Way to research all that in such a short amount of time, Miss Akira.

M-Mr. Hoji!

This is why I didn't want Mado here!

Akira, I'm sure, being classmates, a lot may have happened,

but try to get along with him.

Yep, you betcha.

Listen, Akira, I am supposed to be your superior.

If possible, could you speak to me with more respect?

I like to avoid as much wastefulness as possible.

Speaking politely consumes more time and energy.


Just by being partners, it means we'll be spending more time talking.

For example, "If you would be so kind" and "Wouldja"

take . and . seconds each to say.

That's a whopping . second difference.

Supposing I ask you for something ten times per day,

it could cut out up to two thousand seconds from the course of a year.

Convert two thousand seconds to minutes, and it's about thirty-three minutes.

What can be done with thirty-three minutes depends on the person,

but still, that's a huge difference. As such,

let's not concern ourselves with trivialities,

and put all of our efforts into the investigation,

Investigator Amon.

Wow, that's something. I guess she's Mado's daughter, all right.

I'm not sure we're going to get along.

Well, first thing to do is invite her out to eat.

Once you've both had a few drinks and talk it out,

I'm sure you'll come to understand each other.

I know it's your first time, so lots of things will be hard,

but it will all work out.

Yes, sir. Thank you very much.

Dinner, huh?




Once I finish filling out my reports, how about some dinner?

I should be finished in another ten minutes.

My answer is no.

Sorry, but I make it a rule not to eat after : .

Grateful for the invitation, though.

I'm done filling out my report, so I'll leave it there.

Amon? What's wrong, Amon?

Never mind, it's nothing.


Thanks for waiting!

I'm sorry, Yoriko, for keeping you out so late.

Mm-mm, no problem. I'm glad to be able to study with you, Touka.

Thanks. All right, I've got to work hard to make up for lost time.

But why have you decided to start studying all of a sudden?

Huh? Oh, uh, what can I say...?

You've decided which college you want to go to?

Well, um... Kamii, maybe?

Eh?! That's a place for super-smart people, right?

How come? How come?

How come Kamii?

Whoa, Yoriko!

Ah! Heh-heh, Touka...

Good luck! It's the same college as your boyfriend!

Y-You dummy! He's not my boyfriend!

Hey, it's okay.

--J-Just a minute! Yoriko!

--That's so sweet! --J-Just a minute! Yoriko!

--That's so sweet! --It is not!


Let's go, eyepatch.


Kaneki, huh?

The seasons die off, one by one

The sounds of their demise take to the wind

A sober man in a bustling city

It's too unromantic to look up at the moon here

It's as though I'm living as a translucent shadow,

unsure if I can still call who I am me

Will the clouds part if I sing in the rain?

I'm a dried-up life amidst a boisterous summer

Salutations; this is a break-up verse

to my loathsome past

I'm filled with lament and wracked with grief,

but though the sun may not shine

my song still goes on

The seasons come back to life, one by one

"Next time: 'Hangman'"