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04x13 - Open

Posted: 04/19/23 17:33
by bunniefuu

- Morning, Addie.
- ADDIE: Oh, my God.

Tabs, did you hear about Jason?

Easy, Addie. I-I just walked in.

It's way too early for gossip.

Oh, it's never too early.
Especially when it's hot goss.

Okay, so guess who is right over there

waving around his naked finger? Jason!

- How much coffee have you had?
- (Addie squeals)

Oh, not nearly enough.
I've been up all night working

on the Mortenson presentation.

But are you even listening
to what I am saying?

Jason is not wearing his wedding ring.

(gasps) I heard he and his wife,

that ice queen in marketing, are splits.

- This is sad.
- (laughs) Oh.

You haven't even heard the saddest part.

No, I mean, you are sad.

She's pregnant. With twins, I heard.

I'm guessing that it was in vitro...

(slurring) ...'cause anytime
they're over

with multiples, is like, "Sure!"

- Do you listen to yourself?
- (slurring) Why? It's true.

TABITHA: No, I mean, listen to yourself.

- Why are you talking like that?
- ADDIE: I don't know.

What? Something is...
W... Something's wrong.

My-my tongue.

The... Uh...

- Help. Help!
- TABITHA: Oh, my God. Addie.

(gasping) What happened to me?

Did-did... Did you put
almond milk in your coffee?

- Are you allergic?
- (muffled) I don't know.

Okay, I think you're having
an allergic reaction.

Um, does anybody have an EpiPen?

- (Addie slurring)
- TABITHA: Okay, I got you.

It's okay. Do not worry.

Okay, I need an EpiPen. Anyone?

- Hold still.
- I have one.

- Okay. Okay. Thank you so much.
- (Addie gasping)

Okay. Uh, here.

- Okay, relax. I got it.
- Okay.

Okay. Okay. (deep breaths)

(all gasp)


(dramatic music)



- Whose tongue?
- TABITHA (over phone): My coworker.

Um, she was just talking,
and all of a sudden

her tongue started puffing up.

Okay. How puffed are we talkin'?

TABITHA: Like, as big as my fist.

GRACE RYDER: Can you tell
me where you're calling from?

Um, we're at a Tele-Lively.
- Sawyer.

We're in the second floor break room.

Help is on the way.

- What's your name?
- TABITHA: Tabitha.

GRACE: You wanna tell
me how this got started?

- I thought she had a nut allergy.
- (Addie gasping)

She-she drank some almond milk,

and so I tried giving her an EpiPen,

- but then I think I just made it worse.
- (Addie gurgling)

TABITHA: Oh God, is that even possible?

GRACE: Unfortunately, it is.

You said that her tongue
is just swelling?

- Yes.
- GRACE: And does she have a rash,

- hives, anything like that?
- (Addie gasping)

- No. Not that I see.
- GRACE: Your friend,

was she under any stress
or in a state of excitement

or agitation when symptoms started?

She was up all night
working on a presentation,

and I'm pretty sure
she was really excited

about Jason not wearing
his wedding ring.

- (mumbles)
- GRACE: Is Jason her husband?

I think she wishes.


GRACE: I think your
friend has a condition

called hereditary angioedema.

It's facial swelling
triggered by stress.

- (gagging)
- TABITHA: Oh, my God.

Addie! Oh, my God, Addie.

Tabitha, talk to me.
What's going on with Addie?

TABITHA: She-she can't breathe.
Her tongue is blocking her throat.

Where are the paramedics?

They're still a few minutes out.

- She's turning blue.
- Jason, I'm on with - - .

What happened?

GRACE: Tabitha, you said
you guys are in the break room.

Is there a drinking straw
anywhere around?

Wait, wait, I have a straw
in my water bottle.

GRACE: That's perfect.
Jason, you listening?

- Yes, ma'am.
- GRACE: Okay.

Do you guys keep silverware
in the break room?

Maybe like a spoon?

- Yeah.
- GRACE: Okay, good.

I need you to take the handle end

and use it as a depressor
to press Addie's tongue down.

JASON: Uh... Okay, yeah.

Tabitha, I need you to take the straw

and gently guide it over her tongue.

But we're not trying to
shove it all the way down.

We just wanna get past the swelling.

It's in. It-it's in!

GRACE: Okay, that's great.

She-she, she's not breathing.

Then I need for you to wake her up.

Addie, come on. Addie.
This... It's-it's, this is not working.

Jason, I need you to pinch
Addie and pinch her hard.

- Pinch her?
- Just do it.

TABITHA: Okay...

(gasps sharply)

Okay, she-she's breathing.
Oh, thank God she's breathing.

That's what I like to hear.


Step aside. We got it from here.

TABITHA: Grace, um,
the paramedics just got here.

Thank you. You were amazing.

Well, you guys weren't
too bad yourselves.

TABITHA: Thank you.

BP's good, respirations
are almost normal.

OPA's secure. Airways are clear.

So she-she's gonna be okay?

I-I didn't hurt her with that straw?

No, actually, you saved her life.

JASON: There it is.


My wedding ring.

My wife was gonna k*ll me
if I didn't find this.


And let that be a lesson to you.

Once that thing is on, it stays on.

Oh, that's the plan.

(distant siren wails)


DENISE: That roast
was excellent, Gracie.

You're gonna have to tell me your secret

how you get it so tender.

Just cook it low, cook it slow, Mama.

And then have your husband check it
every ten minutes or so.

(chuckles) Well, it was wonderful.

Thanks to both of you.

- That's our pleasure.

Baby, would you look at that?

Now, when did my grandbaby
start coloring?

She's been doing this a few months, Dad.

Well, last time I saw her,
she was tryin' to get down solid food.

Now she's like a,
a little Leonardo da Vinci.

She's like a little Jackson Pollock,

except she can keep it all on the page.

They do grow up so fast, don't they?

Yeah, too fast.

You know, uh, Herbert and Yvonne Carter,

they babysit their grandsons
every other weekend.

Well, their grandsons are older.

They're six and, and ten.
Charlie's a baby still.

Well, not so much a baby anymore.

Plus, we would like
to see her a few more times

before she's a teenager.

(Charlie cooing)

Well, tell you what the good news is.

(sighs) You can take home your very own

- Charlie girl original tonight.
- DENISE: Oh...

What a masterpiece.

Don't you agree, dear?

Absolutely. Absolutely. (chuckles)

You know, uh, precociousness
runs in the family.

Mm-hmm. Well, not
on her daddy's side, it don't.

Gracie, when she was
about Charlie's age,

was already doing three-part
harmony with her sisters.

Hmm. No, that's a little early, Dad.

God's truth.

More like father's truth.

'Cause Lisa wasn't talkin' yet,
and Ash wasn't born.

She's got you there, Benji.

Well, maybe I got the
dates mixed up a little bit.

But, boy, let me tell you,

the three of y'all
made some beautiful music.

You know, I just wish that
y'all would get back together

and just start singing more
like you used to.

You got such
a beautiful voice now, Gracie.

Uh, doesn't she, Judd?

Was the first thing I fell in love with.

BENJAMIN: You know,
I don't think I've heard

the three of you sing together since...

was it, uh... w-what, ab-about
three Christmases ago?

- Oh, maybe five Christmases ago?
- (Charlie coos)

It was before the pandemic,
and the girls,

they're always in the recording studio

in Nashville somewhere
or on the road doing a show.

So, I-I-I can't tell you,
to be honest. I don't know.

Well, a father can always dream, huh?

GRACE: Mm-hmm.

(cell phone ringing)

- Here you go.

- (ringing continues)
- (Charlie cooing)

Rita, hey.

Oh, no.

Okay, no, no, no. That's okay.
You stay hydrated.

Alright. No, thanks.

Sweetheart, that was Rita.

She's got the flu, so she can't babysit.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, we'll do it.

Yes, we would love to, honey.

No, that's okay.
We don't wanna put you guys out.

JUDD: I think that's a great idea.

That's very, very generous. Thank you.

And I think Charlie would like
to, uh, spend a little time

- with her grandparents.
- (Charlie coos)

(Benjamin chuckles)

Hey. Charlie get to sleep okay?

GRACE: Mm-hmm.

(sighs) So, what,
you ain't talkin' to me now?

You know, I just don't wanna say
something I might regret, Judd.

That's it.

You're still mad
'cause I managed to wrangle us

some free childcare?

(sighs) You know that I'm not
comfortable with him

watchin' our daughter.

Well, honey, I'm not comfortable

anytime y'all are
in the same room together,

and I ain't the only one
who notices either.

Well, what are you
talkin' about? My mom or my dad?

No, I'm talkin' about your daughter.

I mean, come on, babies pick up
on stuff like that, Grace,

with all that tension in the air
and everything.

And another thing, sweetheart,
is you've barely had them around

ever since we had Charlie.

And that ain't right.

You know what's not right?

Steppin' out on your marriage.

That's-that's-that's really not right.

Hey, look, I agree.

Your daddy messed up, okay?

But that was two years ago.

He did it one time, and he repented.

Yeah, to you, Judd.

And to you only, actually.

And that probably has something to do

with the fact that you caught him.

I don't know how long you want
that man to stay punished.

Well, how long would you
expect to stay punished for?

(laughs) No. No, no, no.
That's a trap. I'm not doin' it.

Okay, I get it. It happened one time.

But every time I'm with my mom

and I have to pretend
like nothing happened

and that everything's fine,
I feel like I'm lying to her then.

I understand.

But you can't keep doin' this.

I mean, this-this
ain't healthy for anybody.

Yeah, I know.

So you either gotta go

and, I mean, fully have it out
with that man about what he did.

Or you gotta let go and let God.

Oh! Oof!

- (Owen exhales)
- Wow. That was... (clears throat)

Oof, man.
I mean, a tip of the hat to you.

(Kendra exhales) It was a team effort.

Ooh, if there was an audience,
they would be asking for an encore.

- (Owen exhales)
- I think that was the encore.

(Owen grunts)

Are you okay over there?

(laughs) I think I pulled a glute.

- Wait a minute.
- KENDRA: (laughs) What?

You have a Rudolf Stingel
biography on your bedside table?

How did I not see that?

I think your attention
was directed elsewhere.

Did you Google me?

Um, no. Why do you ask?

Because my love for Stingel
is a matter of public record.

Oh, and what record is that?

The Manhattan Firefighter Calendar.

You're looking at Mr. October.

Now, I'm definitely gonna Google.

Now, one of the things
they asked me was,

who's my favorite artist,
and I told 'em Stingel.

I'd been to an exhibition,

and, boy, the first time you see
one of those in person, it is w...

You know what?
As I'm talking, I'm realizing

you probably have one
hanging in your dining room.

- No, it's in the library.
- (Owen laughs)

You are amazing. You know that?

You're not so bad yourself.

Mm. You know what?

I'm gonna say something
and I think it may sound crazy.

- But...
- I know what you're gonna say.

You do?

Even though it's only
been a few weeks...

- It feels so goo...
- meant to be.

You went full "meant to be!"

Oh no, was that too much?

- No. No, it's perfect.
- (dog barks)

Who-who is this beautiful boy?

- Brett!
- Oh, hi, Brett.

No. (chuckles) No, this is Brady.

Who's Brett?


He wanted to say hi to your new friend.

(Brady panting)



I'm sorry, I didn't know
that Kendra had a... brother?

Several. But I'm her husband.

You're-you're what now?

BRETT: It's nice to meet you, Owen.
Mind if I grab a golf shirt?

- I've got a tee time.
- Go ahead.

You know my name?

BRETT: Her voice carries.

I hope you don't
have a shotgun in there.

BRETT: Nope. Just golf shirts.

If your glute's bothering you,

you should jump in the cryo-sauna
downstairs before you go.

It works wonders.

Yeah, I'll-I'll-I'll take
that into consideration.

Brady, come on. Let's let
them enjoy their morning.

Come on. Alright, you extortionist.

(chuckles) Sit.

Good boy. Owen, it was a pleasure.

Kendy-Cane, I'll see you tonight.

Um... Okay.

You-you didn't tell me that you
were in the middle of a divorce.

I'm not.

Okay, now I'm totally confused.

(chuckles) By what?

The fact that in all the times

that we've been in bed and at galas

and in bed and at dinners
and also then in bed

that you never thought
to mention the fact

that you were happily married?

Well, it's not exactly a secret.

I mean, our pictures
are kinda everywhere.

All the society journals...

Oh, well-well, my subscription
to the society journals,

they expired in .

You mean to tell me he's okay with this?

Yeah. We both are.

We have a non-traditional marriage.

Like an open marriage.

Oh, no. You are totally freaking out.

No, no. No, I'm not freaking out.

I'm-I'm just trying to process.



Hey, Dad. You got a visitor.

- Burt?
- Brett.

- Brett.
- BRETT: Hey, Owen.

Bet you weren't expecting
to see me again so soon.

No, I was not. What can I do for you?

I believe you took something
that belongs to me.

- She's not here.
- I meant my sunglasses.

Ah, yes. They...

Don't know how that happened.

Well, you must have
grabbed 'em off my nightstand

on your way out.

- Sorry about that.
- BRETT: No problem.

Happy to share.

Are ya?

Wow. (chuckles)

I can see why Kendra
was so taken with this place.

It is really charming.

We like it.

Everybody, this is
my girlfriend's husband,

Brett Harrington.

BRETT: It's Collier, actually.

Oh, yeah, of course.
You wouldn't take her name.

I got everything else, though.

TK STRAND: Hold on.

Kendra's married?


So they say.

Why does this keep happening?

Wow. So, um... (clears throat)

So you're in a throuple, Cap?

Not exactly.

Kendra and I have an open marriage.

We love each other deeply,
but everyone knows monogamy is dead.

Is it?

No. But you will be.

We figure why keep beating a dead horse

when you can invite
a new stallion into the barn?

- Oh, God.
- (all groan)

It's all very modern and evolved.

Sounds like wife swappin'.

I don't have a wife to swap.

You're the only one
who doesn't, evidently.

(clears throat) Well, I should trot.

Thanks for the glasses.
See you back at the stables.

Oh, un-clutch your pearls.
It's not that outrageous.

Go on, get back to work.


(indistinct chatter)


I gotta hand it to you, Cap.

You're a bigger man than me.
I could never, you know,

do it with a gal whose husband's
in the next room.

There's no way I'm ever
going back to that guy's house.

- (siren wailing)
- (horn honking)

Dispatch say who made the call?

Homeowner. He's trapped
in the east motor court.

JUDD (over radio): East motor court.
That means they got more than one.

That's what I call
livin' high on the cotton.

PAUL STRICKLAND (over radio):
Man, they got their own lemon grove.

MATEO CHAVEZ (over radio):
That's my dream.

PAUL: Man, I feel like I'm
in an episode of Dynasty.

Except it's Harrington, not Carrington.

(man screaming)

God! Get this thing off of me, please.

Alright, fire just landed, alright?

I need you to stop thrashing around.

You've got an open compound fracture.

You can sever an artery or lose a hand.

- God, it hurts so much!
- TOMMY VEGA: I know. I know.

We're getting you
something for that right now.

- Nancy, morphine?
- Already on it, Cap.

TK: He's severely tachycardic, Cap.

BRETT: Get this thing off me!

(screams, cries)

Hey, is that sunglasses guy?

JUDD: Yeah.

Cap, is this your girlfriend's house?

Paul, Judd, chock and crib that side.

Teo, you shore up this side.

Marjan, get ready to
slide in that airbag.

- So this is gonna be weird.
- Yup.

- Hey, Brett.
- Hey, Owen. You here for Kendra?

I'm kidding. Can you
get this off me, please?

It's what we're gonna do.
Tell me what exactly happened.

I was rotating Kendra's tires for her.

The jack must have slipped.
(groans) Oh, God!

Please hurry.

Okay, hold still.

Oh! I need more morphine.

I already gave him ten mils, Cap.

Alright, Brett, that's-that's the most
we can do for you right now.

(screams) Oh, God!

I can't do this.

Yes, you can.

Alright, listen to me.

My team is very close
to getting this car off of you,

but it's gonna get worse
before it gets better.

So I need you to close your eyes

and focus on your breathing, in and out.

Just like that. Good.

Now I want you to think
of something you love

more than anything else in the world.

You got an image in your head?

Okay, you hold on to that.

- Paul?






TOMMY: How's your pain level now?

Better. Although I shudder to think

what it'll mean for my golf game.


Hey, do yourself a favor.

Next time, just take
the car into the shop.

BRETT: I will.

Thank you for talking me through that.

Your little trick worked.

Picturing what I love most.

KENDRA: Brett?

(running footsteps approaching)

- KENDRA: Oh, my God. (panting)
- He's gonna be okay. He...

KENDRA: Brett, what happened to you?

I'm so sorry.

I was so scared
I was never gonna see you again.

- Awkward.
- Ooh. For him or for us?


TK: He's got good capillary refill, Cap.

NANCY: Wound is stabilized.
He's ready for transport.

Uh, uh, can I ride with him?
He's my husband. (pants)

Of course.

Hey. You ridin' with us?

- (ambulance starts)
- (scoffs)

Good morning!

Grandparents reporting for duty.

Oh, no, no, no. She's
actually still asleep, guys.

- (Charlie crying)
- Oh, well, she was still asleep.

We're sorry, baby.
We just came a little early.

- That's okay.
- (crying continues)

- Okay if I get her?
- GRACE: Yeah.

She'd like that, Mom.

- (crying continues)
- (Benjamin chuckles)

So, uh... is-is my son-in-law around?

No, he's on his shift.

Um, you wanna just come this way?

- I can show you where everything's at.
- Sure.

Her fruit cups are in the cabinet.

She has a snack at : ,
but only one, please.

Otherwise, she's not gonna eat lunch.

Uh, she can watch two episodes

of Doc McStuffins after her nap.

It's on Hulu, so, just,

there's a little green button
on the remote, just press it.

Dr. McLovin'. Green button. Got it.

Doc McStuffins.

This is Judd's cell and his work.

Um, this is my cell and my work number.

I think I know that already, baby.

You listening, Dad?

This is not our first rodeo, honey.

We did raise the three of you
to be amazing young women.

(crying stops)

Now... see, your mother is a wonder.

She is.

That is something
I, for one, never forget.


Is there something you wanna tell me?

Why do you ask?

It just feels like
you don't want me here.

I do want you here, Dad.

Because when you're here,
you're not out there getting in trouble.


DENISE: Guess whose
overnight diaper was totally dry?

(Benjamin chuckles)

She made a pee-pee
in the potty like a big girl.

- Yeah, that's my grandbaby.
- DENISE: Yes.

Thanks for getting her, Mom.
I gotta get dressed.

KENDRA: We've got the yellow tail,

California roll, salmon rolls.

This all looks amazing, Chef.

Thanks for pulling this
together so fast.

Oh. Okay. Here they come.

Whoa! It's Iron Chef: Firehouse Edition.

Hi, everybody. I hope you didn't
stop for anything on the way back.

Grab a plate and help yourselves.

- (Paul laughs)
- MARJAN: Wow.

Kendra, wow.

I hope that's a good wow.

Uh, yeah.

(chuckles) I just wanted
to thank you all

for helping Brett the other day.

I hope it's not too presumptuous.

Hey, we'll always take
a little presumption

if it comes with a side of ahi tuna.

(team laughing)

Whoa! Is that Chef Emiko?

TK: Oh, my God, it is.

It's like a six-month wait
to get a table.

How'd you get him over here?

He did my wedding.

Seriously, guys, dig in.
We've got sashimi and octopus

for the more adventurous
and teriyaki for those of you who...

Don't eat bait. (laughs)

Thank you.

Kendra, this is very generous.

Oh, please, Captain Vega.
It's really the least I could do.

Babe, they have sea urchin.
You have to try it.

What's urchin?

Urchin's what you'd be
if we didn't take you in.

Hey, you're not gonna grab a plate?

- (Owen chuckles)
- Got bluefin toro at the end.

Can I talk to you
for a second, privately?

Uh-oh. Okay.

- Did I overstep?
- (Owen chuckles)

Is it not regulation?

No, no, no, no.
It's-it's really thoughtful.

But you don't like surprises.


Certain ones.

You're mad I didn't tell you
I had a Range Rover. (chuckles)

Really, this is more about
the guy trapped underneath it.

You're right. (clears throat)

I could have been more
upfront about my situation.

Normally, when I start something new,

I'm very clear about it,
so nobody gets the wrong idea.

So why weren't you with me?

Because I think maybe I wanted you

to get the wrong idea?

My marriage is dead, Owen.
It has been for a while.

It's just...

our arrangement made it easy for me
to ignore the facts.

But meeting you... it's not
so easy to ignore anymore.

I think you still love him.

I saw the way you reacted when
we were putting him in the ambulance.

Uh... A car fell on him.
I-I was concerned.

Of course, I was. I'm not heartless.

- You know, he showed up here.
- What?

Ostensibly to retrieve some sunglasses

that I'd accidentally lifted.

But I think he came here to size me up.

And you can say that you
don't love him anymore,

but let me tell you something,
he's still got it bad for you.

Okay, well, he'll have
to get over it, and he will.

He'll make out like a bandit
based on our prenup.

(chuckles) Look...

I've been through two divorces,

I'm not up for a third,
even if it is somebody else's.

And I certainly
don't wanna be the reason

that you're willing to declare
something dead that might not be.

So that's it?


I mean, I-I think so, um... for now.

I had fun.

(slight chuckle) I'm glad.

Well, you should get over there.

You don't wanna miss the bluefin.

(Brett sighs)

Going for a run?

Brett, what are you doing?

What's it look like?
I'm getting my cryo on.

Should you be using that with your arm?

It's no big deal. It's a soft cast.

And nothing's better for inflammation

than cellular regeneration.

Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.

- Like you knew how to rotate my tires.
- (Brett laughs)

I was just worried that
if I let a grease monkey

onto the grounds,
you'd start dating him, too.

You're funny.

And you're upset about something.

Uh-oh. Did Captain Baggy Pants
take his fire hose and go home?

Ouch. Kendy-Cane. If looks could k*ll.

If only.

It's your own fault, you know.

Not that he dumped you. He's an idiot.

But that you caught feelings
and kept it going.

(scoffs) You broke our rule.

You got attached.

So I'm sorry if you got dumped and all,
but I hope it stings. (winces)

And I hope you freeze to death.

(Brett exhales)



I was out on a run and when
I got back he was still in there.

I think he's dead.

Okay, Paul, Judd,
let's try to get him out.

Hey, Brett? Brett, you with us?


How long has he been in there?

At least minutes.

It's frozen solid, Cap.

Yeah, I-I tried melting it
with the hair dryer, but no use.

- Okay, Halligan.
- MARJAN: Yep, flying in.

- You turn it off?
- I unplugged it.

There's not an a*t*matic off switch?

There is, but Brett disabled it
because he knew better.

Alright, what's the ETA on Medical?

Five or less.

(Judd grunts)

(dramatic music playing)

Alright, let's-let's try
to get him on the floor.

Get some warming blankets.


No pulse.

- I'm starting compressions.
- MARJAN: Cap, Medical's here.


(tense music playing)


(deep exhale) Nancy, TK.

♪ ♪

How you doin'?

Um, I'm not, I'm not sure I feel
much of anything right now.

It's all kinda numb.

Should I, should I
have gone with him to the...

No, no, no. There's-there's
plenty of time for that.

Yeah, I couldn't stay there.

OWEN: I know.

Can I get you something?
Something to eat maybe?

Um, I don't think
I could eat if I tried.

Hey, Judd, can you file
the incident report for me?

- I'm gonna take her home.
- You got it, Cap.

No, O-Owen, you don't have to do that.

- You need someone right now.
- KENDRA: It's fine.

I can, I can call someone.

Call someone from my house.

You can stay as long as you like.

You could use the guest bedroom.

You've already done
so much for me already.

Taking me here.
I don't wanna put you out

any more than I already have.

Listen to me. You're in shock.

But it's gonna wear off.

Trust me.

- Okay.
- Alright.

Why don't you have a seat,

and I'll get ready
and we'll get out of here.

Okay. (clears throat)

Hey, Owen.

Thank you.



Okay, try to stay calm for me, okay?

We're gonna get through this together.

Now can you tell me
where you're calling from?

- - Drew Valley Road.

(gasps) Grace.


DENISE: Benjamin? Benjamin.

- (coos)
- Please.

- GRACE (over phone): Mommy.
- Grace.

Grace, it's your father. He...

I know, Mom. They have an
ambulance coming to you now.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

He was playing with Charlie

- and he collapsed.
- (Charlie whining)

- Has he been taking his insulin?
- DENISE: Yes.

We checked his levels
right after lunch. He was fine.

Is he breathing?

DENISE: Please, baby, wake up!

Benjamin, baby, please!

Mom, I need you to listen to me.

Is Dad breathing?

No! I mean, I don't know.

- Grace, I don't know what to do.
- (Charlie whining)

Grandma'll be right there,
okay, sweetheart?

Mommy, let Charlie cry, okay?

I need you not to fuss right now,
and I need you to listen to me.

Is Daddy on his back?

Oh! Is who back?

(crying) Oh, God. We're gonna lose him!

Mom, I need you to listen to me, okay?

- Is Dad on his back right now?
- Grace.

- What?
- I'm taking over this call.

Mrs. Williams? This is Sara Ortiz.

I work with your daughter.

- DENISE: Where's Grace?
- SARA: She's right here.

Is your husband on his back?

- DENISE: Yes.
- SARA: Good. EMTs are on their way.

While we wait, we're gonna do
compressions. Do you know CPR?

I took a course,
but it was a long time ago.

We'll do it together.

I need you to put your right palm
over the back of your left hand.

SARA: Find the center of his breastbone.

Press in two inches.
It's gonna take some force.

Ugh. I don't wanna hurt him.

You won't, if you hear a crack,
I don't want you to stop.

That's normal. Two count, okay?

One, two.

I'm doing it.

SARA: Good. Keep going.

One, two.

SARA: One, two.

(tense music playing)

(indistinct announcement over PA)

Hey. How is he?

Um... He's in surgery still.

- JUDD: Mm-hmm.
- DENISE: Judd.

You didn't have to come
all the way here.


Of course, I did.

Well, who's watching my granddaughter?

You don't gotta worry about Charlie.

Our, our neighbor Julie's
taking care of her.

She said she can watch her
as long as we need.

We were supposed
to be babysitting for you.

Now you're babysitting me.

You know, y'all really
don't have to be here.

I can call you when he wakes up.

We're not gonna leave, Mom.

Well, suit yourself.

He's not gonna be happy knowing

everybody's making
all this fuss over him.

Mom, we should call Ashley and Lisa.

They should be here.

That is ridiculous.

They're all the way in Nashville.
They're performing.

I understand.

But they need to know.

Know what?

You think I bother them or you

every time your dad
gets one of his spells?

Mommy, this wasn't one of Dad's spells.

He had a massive heart attack.

And we got him here in time.

I have faith. You should, too.

Are you the family of Benjamin Williams?


Well, the good news is he made
it through the bypass surgery.

- Whew.
- We successfully replaced the artery

and restored
the blood flow to his heart.

Praise Jesus.

There was, however,
significant cardiac tissue damage

due to the blockage.

You mean permanent damage?

- It's too soon to tell.
- Can we see him?

He's being moved to the ICU
where he will be on a ventilator.

I should caution you
that it can be overwhelming

seeing your loved one like that.

I don't want him
to wake up alone in there.

- I need to be with him.
- DOCTOR: Of course.

So, Doc, when do you reckon
he's gonna wake up?

It's hard to say.

If he does, it could be

in a few hours or even days.

"If he does"?

All we can do is wait and see.

I'm, I'm so sorry.
I-I wish I had better news.

Thank you.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, Lord, please don't take him yet. No.

(Denise sniffles)

- (exhales)
- Mom.

(somber music playing)

Call your sisters.

(softly) Okay.

So this coffee ain't much, but it's hot.

And I got you a muffin.

And I know you ain't gonna eat.


I don't even know why I try.

Where's your mama?

She stepped out.

To help Lisa and Ashley.

So why aren't you in there
with your daddy?

'Cause I keep trying to...

get through the door and I can't.

I feel so guilty I can't breathe.

Guilty about what?

This morning I said the worst thing

I probably have ever said
to him... in my life.

He was excited to see his granddaughter.

And I said to him...

"Good, Dad, at least you are here

and not out there gettin' into trouble."

That ain't the sweetest little nothin'.

But it ain't the worst either.

It was how I said it to him.

I saw it.

Instantly in his eyes.
It broke his heart.

And two hours later,

here he is with a coronary.

You think that's a coincidence?

I do.

One... Hey. %.

Babe, it's, it's -plus years of...

bacon and mayonnaise sandwiches

that got your daddy in that
hospital bed, not your words.

What if those are the last words
my father heard me say?

(inhales deeply)

What if he leaves here

feeling not my love for him,
but my contempt?

'Cause I couldn't do the right thing.

There ain't no right thing
to do in this situation.

GRACE: There was.

I could have cleared the air.

I could have talked to him.

(inhales and exhales sharply)

(quietly whimpers)

And I tried.

But I would just get mad
over and over again

thinking about Mom.

Thinking about how destroyed
she would be if she knew

that Dad had stepped out on her.

- And I just...
- DENISE: It didn't destroy me.

It didn't destroy us.

It made us stronger.

- Mom.
- DENISE: Grace.

Is this why you've been
so cold and distant

to your dad these past months?

You knew?

Baby, I knew because he told me.

He told you?


That man is not built for secrets.

You forgave him?


We're still healing.

But right now he's got a
different kind of healing to do.

And he needs you with him.


I didn't know, Mom. (cries)

- I'm sorry.
- Hush, hush.

(Grace sobs)

(softly) Go to your dad.


(Grace whimpers)

(sharp inhale)

(monitor beeping)

GRACE: Daddy.

If you can hear me,
can you squeeze my hand?

I-I've got so many memories
with these hands. (chuckles)

Pushing me on a swing, uh...

teaching me how to play tennis.

Got my backhand... strong. (chuckles)

Hugging me after Andre Watts
broke up with me junior year.

I know you remember that.

(gentle music playing)


you've been there for me.

And I haven't been a very good daughter
these past couple of years.

But you've always been a great dad.

And I'm sorry that I ever
made you feel different.

You were always kind.

And I judged you harsh.

And now I have a kid of my own
that I make endless mistakes with.


But you never stop
smiling at me. (chuckles)

Which, you know...

Speaking of which, you were right.

It was three Christmases ago.

The last time the girls and I
were singing together.

You made us sing "Smile"
for every family member

that came to the house that day.


You never stopped smiling at me
and you never stopped loving me either.

And I really hope you know that
I never stopped loving you either.

(sings) ♪ Smile ♪

♪ Though your heart is aching ♪

♪ Smile ♪

♪ Even though it's breaking ♪

♪ When there are clouds ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ You'll get by ♪

♪ If you... ♪

LISA: ♪ Smile ♪

♪ Through your fear and sorrow ♪

ASHLEY: ♪ Smile ♪

♪ And maybe tomorrow ♪

(all singing together)
♪ You'll see the sun ♪

♪ Come shining through ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Light up your face ♪

♪ With gladness ♪

♪ And hide every trace of sadness ♪

♪ Although a tear ♪

♪ Tear ♪

♪ May be ever so near ♪

♪ That's the time ♪

♪ You must keep on trying ♪

♪ Smile ♪

♪ What's the use of crying? ♪

♪ You'll find that life
is still worthwhile ♪

♪ If you just ♪

♪ Smile ♪



(gentle music playing)

See, I told you, Denise.

When these three get together...

- Magic.
- (Benjamin laughs)

BENJAMIN: You know, you ask me,

the Williams sisters
never sounded any better.

Oh, well, I don't know,
I was a little pitchy, so...

Grace, don't be ridiculous.

Yeah, there wasn't nothin'
"little" about it, Grace.

- I'm sorry. I'm just joking.
- (all laughing)

- You know it was good.
- Out.

- You sounded great.
- You sounded great.

Hey, somebody wanted to say hi to y'all.

- ASHLEY: Oh, the baby!
- Hi, baby.

LISA: Excuse me. Heya, Charlie.

- Come here. Come here.
- Lisa, that is not fair.

- Give her to Auntie Ash.
- No, me first.

Actually, guys, I'm sorry.
You're gonna have to wait your turn.

Because she only has eyes
for her granddad right now.

- Hi, y'all. Good to see y'all.
- Hey, Judd.


Daddy, do you wanna hold her?

You sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

Because you guys have a lot
of lost time to make up for.

- (Charlie coos)
- Hey, boo.

- Hey.
- (laughs) That's my baby.

So do we.

We do, and we will, Daddy.

- (Charlie coos)
- Oh, now look at you.

(laughs) Look...

How you been, baby?

Valerian root.

Natural stress and anxiety reducer.

Thank you.

Don't suppose
you have anything for guilt?

You have absolutely
nothing to feel guilty about.

The last conversation
I had with Brett...

was a fight.

A bad one.

What about?



He could tell I was upset
after you broke up with me

and he started picking at me.

I should have just let it go,
but... he got under my skin.

He had a superpower for that, you know?

Yeah, I saw some of that
at the firehouse.

And then things just got worse.

We said such hurtful,
nasty things to each other.

Saying hurtful and nasty things
is what married couples do best.

Take it from me,
I've been divorced twice.


in that moment...

I truly wished he would just die.

Okay, but you didn't mean it.

The last thing I said to him was,

"I hope you freeze to death."

Did-did I somehow
will this into happening?


It was a freak accident.

In no way, shape, or form

do you have any fault in this, okay?


(cell phone vibrating)


Hmm. I should probably take this.

Of course.

Hey, Gabriel. What's up?

Owen, sorry to call so late,
but this couldn't wait till morning.

I heard that you and your team

responded to a - - call
at the Harrington estate today?

Yeah, boy, I've never
seen anything like that.

Well, I'm going to need to
talk to you about that.

Okay. Why?

When a man as rich and influential
as Brett Harrington dies suddenly,

questions get asked.

I think he went by Collier.

He did.

But it's the Harrington name
that matters.

Look, are you calling me
because I was there

or because I was dating the wife?

GABRIEL: Well, that
is the trouble, Owen.

You're not dating the wife.

You're dating the widow.

And we don't think it was an accident.

I was there.

GABRIEL: And somebody
was there before you.

The prelim toxicology report came back.

He had a neurotoxin in his system.

(ominous music plays)

What are you saying?

I'm saying it looks like
your girlfriend's husband was poisoned.

We're officially investigating
this case as a homicide.

Just thought you should know.

♪ ♪