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01x02 - The Day After

Posted: 04/18/23 05:21
by bunniefuu


...confirmed in Silicon Valley,

and describes that the software,
Clear Slate,

was designed to give users more control
of their public profile online.

CEO Avett Thompson had touted sales
of Clear Slate

in advance of The Shop's IPO,

but federal investigators
recently determined

that the software was, in fact,
not operational.

Share prices plummeted
in the early trading...

[HANNAH] Owen.

- O.
- Hmm?

[REPORTER] ...shareholders
stand to lose over half a billion dollars.

[HANNAH] You've been going pretty hard.

Too hard. I need a vacation.

You should come with me to Austin.

Why don't we go to Taos instead?

Oh, I haven't been to New Mexico in forever.

[OWEN] Well, me neither.

Oof. Not since college.



Just brings back a weird time.


College, after college.

[HANNAH] That's not vague.

There was... [SIGHS]

...a fair amount
of recreational dr*gs involved.


Well, I definitely wanna hear those stories.

Oh, they're really not that interesting.

- [HANNAH] Okay, but just for the record...
- Mmm?

...there's not a whole lot you could tell me
about who you used to be

that would change anything.

Not between us.

Well, thank God for that.

[REPORTER ] The Shop's CEO,
Avett Thompson, has posted bail.

{an}Thompson and his wife, supermodel
and wellness guru Belle Watts-Thompson,

{an}return to their Pacific Heights mansion,

{an}where Thompson will remain
under house arrest.

Several other senior employees at The Shop
are also under investigation,

- and more indictment...



Hey, it's Carl. Leave a message.

Hey, it's me again. Um...

I still haven't heard from Owen.

A US Marshal just showed up at my door.

I... I think I really need
to talk to a lawyer.

Can you please call me back?





We should probably get going.

- Bailey.
- Was there someone here?

I thought I heard you talking
to someone outside.

I was just taking out the recycling,

and I... I ran into Mrs. Hahn.


{an}Is there something you wanna talk about?



- [BAILEY] What are you looking at?
- [HANNAH] Nothing.



- [HANNAH] Sorry!

- [BAILEY] What are you doing?
- [SIGHS] Sorry. Sorry.


I'll be right here after last period.



Oh, my God. [GIGGLES]


- [STUDENT ] Ask her.
- [STUDENT ] That's her.




- [HANNAH] Hey, J.
- Hey there. [SIGHS]

How you holding up?

[HANNAH] Well, I woke up
to a US Marshal on my doorstep,

and I nearly k*lled us on the way to school

'cause I thought someone was tailing me.

Wait. You made Bailey go to school?

[HANNAH] What was the alternative?

Um, not making her go to school.

[MAX] Better in school than home scanning
the Internet for the brewing shit storm.

[HANNAH] Is that Max?

- Hey.
- Hey.

She sounds so positive. It's hard to tell.

Well, I just spoke to my source
at the US Attorney's Office, Han.

- Owen's a material witness.
- [HANNAH] What does that mean?

It means he's someone they wanna talk to.

And if they don't get a hold of him soon,

they'll likely make him
a subject of the investigation.

Do you wanna translate that for me?

- He's in deep shit, Han.

[JULES] Han, I took you off speaker.

- I can't believe this is happening.
- [JULES SIGHS] I know.

I have his work computer with me.

I'm two steps away
from going through his mail.

[SIGHS] How's it going with Bailey?

[HANNAH] Bad, Jules. It's going bad.

Jesus. How does he just take off like this?

What the f*ck is he thinking?

- I'm sure you'll hear from him today.
- Are you?

Why don't you ask Max
how sure she is about that?


I'm pulling up to my studio.
I'll call you later.





{an}[GASPS] His will.


f*ck. I just did.

- February , .

"L. Paul"?

Anything interesting on there?

Agent Naomi Wu. This is Agent O'Mackey.

- It isn't a good time.
- [WU] I'm sure.

Do you have any idea where your husband is?

No, actually. Do you?

[O'MACKEY] Is that his computer, Ms. Hall?

Because if it is, any work product
would come under our purview.

Don't you need a warrant?

[O'MACKEY] Thank you.

[SIGHS] Feel free to show yourselves out.

It'd be helpful if you'd talk to us.

Somebody's gotta think about Bailey.

Excuse me?

[WU] Agent O'Mackey's pointing out

that if your husband doesn't return
in the next hours,

the state may wanna get involved.

Look, I just went through all this
with the US Marshal.

Why don't you talk to him?

You spoke to a US Marshal?

He was on my doorstep this morning. Yes.

He came to your house? What was his name?

Grady. Grady Bradford.

In the future, Ms. Hall, you may wanna
be careful who you talk to about this.

Oh. Great advice.

If you want to speak to me any further,

please contact my lawyer, Carl Strumwasser.

His office is in Marin.

And if you want my help in any way,
leave Bailey out of this.

Hey, Carl.
I don't know why you're not calling.

Now the FBI is threatening me.

I'm just gonna come over.



- Carl.
- Hannah, it's a bad time.

- Wait, wait. Did you get my messages?
- I did. Sorry.

I'll call you later, okay?

Wait. I need your help.

The FBI is harassing me.
They threatened Bailey.

I need your advice. I need...

- Carl?

I... I forgot about the party. I'm sorry.

You sure did.

Babe, why don't you take her for a second?
I wanna chat with Hannah for a minute.

[HANNAH] No... Th-Thanks, but, actually,
I need Carl. I need...

You've got a lot of nerve showing up here.


Owen told Carl
that the IPO was a sure thing.

Guess he forgot to mention
it's a f*cking Ponzi scheme.

You invested in The Shop?

Oh, yeah. Only most of our life savings.

I mean, who does that to friends?

- Owen wouldn't do that.
- Oh, for Christ's sake.

Do you really expect me to believe that
he didn't tell you anything about this?

Patty, I... I haven't spoken to Owen
in hours.

I... I have no idea
what happened at The Shop.


You know, my mother says
that every marriage has a liar and a fool,

and you'd best be one
so you don't wind up the other.

If you're not the liar,
then I really am sorry.

But you're still gonna have to find help
somewhere else.

And when you do speak to Owen,

you can tell him to go f*ck himself.



...The Shop. Her dad works at The Shop.

[STUDENT ] Is that Bailey?

- [STUDENT ] I feel bad for her.


[BOBBY] Bails!

Thought it might be a good day
for a picnic. [SIGHS]



You haven't talked much about Jake.

- Jake, he's just Jake.
- W... Well, my point exactly.

- Look, he's a lawyer. Very successful.
- Mmm.

Master-of-the-universe type. You'd hate him.


Now, truthfully, you know,
I was gearing up to ask you

about your... your "could have been" boys.


[STAMMERS] It's a Bailey expression
for old boyfriends.

- The-The guys that could have been.

You wanna talk about my old boyfriends?

- Okay. Hmm.

I wanna send a whiskey
to your old boyfriends for screwing it up,

letting me be the one
who gets to sit here with you now.


[OWEN] Mmm.

If we're gonna go there,
maybe we should start with Bailey's mom.

Well, I told you about Olivia.

You told me she died when Bailey was young
but not much else.


She was k*lled in a car accident.

A hit-and-run when Bailey was four.

Bailey doesn't remember much about her,

about... about anything
that happened back then,

which, for the most part,
I think is for the best.

But I don't know. I don't know.

Maybe it's not.

I'm sorry.

It's the worst thing
that's ever happened to me.

But now I think...

maybe it's not the only thing.




- Hannah?
- [HANNAH] Hey, Jake.

[STAMMERS] What's wrong?

What makes you think something's wrong?

Well, for starters, I haven't heard
from you since you got engaged.

So, either you need a lawyer,
or you're getting a divorce.

I need a lawyer, Jake.

What's going on?

My husband's in trouble.

[JAKE] Your husband's in trouble,
and you're calling me?

- I'm not gonna savor this, but, uh...
- Jake.

[JAKE] Define trouble.

- He's lead engineer for The Shop.
- What?

Shit, Han.

And all of these people
keep showing up to grill me.

Like, couple of FBI agents
just left my studio.

I woke up to a US Marshal outside my door.

Well, the FBI makes sense,
and you're gonna hear from the SEC soon.

But the US Marshal, that is a bit odd.

Agent Wu seemed to think so.

I mean, tech fraud isn't generally within
the purview of the Marshal's office.

Not unless you're dealing with
some kind of a fugitive.



I haven't heard from Owen in hours.


[BAILEY] Can we just stay here
until I hear from him?


I move when you move.

[COACH] Bobby.

- Just heard about Duke. Congrats, man.
- Thanks, Coach.

I'm stoked for you, buddy. You earned it.

See you at practice.
If the rain doesn't get us.


[BAILEY] You... You got into Duke?

They, uh, came through with a full ride.

That's... That's amazing.

I mean, I kn... I know Stanford's
gonna match that, but...

Wait. You didn't, like, accept?

Bailey, uh...

You're going to college miles away
and you didn't even tell me.

Stanford wasn't a sure thing,
a-and Duke put a clock on me.

I was gonna tell you, but then
all this stuff happened with your dad.

Bailey! I'm sorry! Bailey!

[JAKE] I can't believe he ran.

You know that that does not look very good.

No, I know how it looks. I'm just...

I'm having a hard time believing
Owen's involved in this, Jake.

'Cause the guys who run are generally
the ones who aren't involved in a crime.

Can you not, with the Harvard voice?

Facts are facts.

I am telling you Owen is not that guy.

Listen, Han. I... I don't wanna sound
like a jerk here, but...

When's that ever stopped you before?

You're starting to
sound like most wives...

Excuse me?

...whose husbands have been accused
of white-collar crime.

I strike you as most wives?

No, but I've represented
a lot of guys like this


People don't run for no reason, Hannah.

Please, can you try
to think about this differently?

- Differently, how?
- I don't know. I just...

Even if I could get my head around
Owen running to avoid jail, or something,

I... [SIGHS]

He loves his daughter.

He would do anything for her. He...

Yeah, well,
he's got a nice way of showing it.

- So glad I called.
- Uh, wait.


I wanna help.

I know this great private investigator.

You want me to have him do some digging?
See what he comes up with?


Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
















Oh, shit! [SIGHS]



What are you doing here?
Why aren't you at school?

- I took off early. It doesn't matter.
- It does.

- It's not safe for you to be...
- Someone broke into the house.

- Are you sure?
- Well, I didn't stick around to find out.

But I definitely heard someone,
and the living room window was wide open.


I'm not going back to school tomorrow.
It was a total nightmare.

Who are you calling?

Hello. I need to report a break-in.



House is clear.

Are you sure you didn't
just leave the window open, ma'am?

- Pretty sure.
- Well, I don't see any sign of a break-in.

I was there. I heard someone.
So, there's a sign.

We're a little on edge, Lieutenant.

I can understand,
what with everything going on.


- Thank you for your help, sir.
- Yes, ma'am.

[HANNAH] Let's go.

- It's okay. We're fine.


Nothing's missing. [SIGHS]

- Then what were they doing here?
- [SIGHS] Well, I have no idea.




Do... Do you want
a grilled cheese or something?



Stay here.

Who is it?

[JULES] Pepperoni, extra cheese.


- [JULES] Hey.

[MAX] Hi.

- [JULES] Come here.
- Thank you for coming.

- Of course. Of course. [SIGHS]
- [HANNAH] Mmm.

- [JULES] Hey, little one.
- Hey.




[JULES] Should we split a pizza

or just get right into
the coconut and salty caramel?

I'll get the spoons.

- Yeah. Meet me outside, okay?
- Mmm.


Han, what's this I hear
about a visit from the US Marshal?

It's pretty unusual.

Financial crime isn't typically
the jurisdiction of the Marshal's office.

Can we talk about something else?

Oh, I'm... I'm just trying to help, Han.

It sounds more like
you're trying to run out a story.

If I were trying to run out a story,

I would've ambushed Owen
yesterday morning, like my editor wanted.


I just... I can't believe
I haven't heard from him.

This is the longest I've gone
without talking to Owen since we met.


I don't know
if Jules told you about my mother.

- [MAX] Not a lot.
- Yeah.

Let's just say I've organized my life
to not miss things.

- So I thought. [SIGHS]


You know how many stories have sat
right under my nose for months and months?

It's not the same.


Well, there are always shadows
that we don't see.

So, you think I sound like a fool if I say
there has to be something else going on?

There's some explanation for this.

I think we should start with today
and work our way back.

Wow, I just got a huge swirl of caramel.

Penicillin for the soul.

Isn't that chicken soup?

- No, it's definitely ice cream.
- Mmm.

You okay?

Bobby's going to Duke.

What happened to Stanford?

I don't know.
Duke gave him a full scholarship, so...

Okay. Well, I mean,
the flights aren't terrible.

Like my dad will allow that.

He might.

I told him I wanted to go away
with Bobby and his parents last week.

He lost his mind.

That's just standard dad stuff.

But he got all weird about it.
It w... [SIGHS]

It was like...

he was scared.

Scared of me being so far away.

That sounds like your dad.


So how does any of this make sense?

[HANNAH] Which part of today
do you wanna start with?

The US Marshal. What's his angle?

Well, if Owen is a fugitive...

Sure, but then it would've been the FBI
who asked the Marshal's office to step in

to help track Owen down.

Yeah, the FBI had no idea
what Grady Bradford was doing here.

They seemed legitimately surprised.

Did this guy, Grady...
Did he show you credentials or anything?

[HANNAH] He showed me his badge.

Anybody can make a fake badge.

He didn't show you anything
with his photo on it?


- And...
- What?

...his number, he didn't give it to me
on any kind of official card.

He... He wrote it out on a napkin.

That's weird. Do you have the napkin?

Did The Shop do a lot of business in Austin?

N-Not that I'm aware of. Why?

Pretty sure -- is an Austin area code.

Does that mean anything to you?

[HANNAH] You should come with me to Austin.

Austin? [SIGHS]

[HANNAH] They have
that woodturners convention coming up.

Do you have to go?

[MAX] What is it?

Might not mean anything, but...


[SIGHS] Can you keep an eye on Bailey
for a couple of minutes?


Don't open the door for anyone.




Look, I don't have long.

Uh, Patty's putting Susie down.
I told her I was going for a run.


I-I-I feel bad about what happened earlier.

I, um... You need to know, uh, I didn't...

We didn't...

You didn't invest in The Shop.

What happened to the money, Carl?

Guessing Owen didn't tell you
about my buddy Linus down in Costa Rica?

I know all about your buddy Linus
in Costa Rica and his sports book.

- I thought you stopped with that.
- Yeah. I had. And then...

I fell off the wagon.

You know, and Patty... [STAMMERS]
...she's been under a lot of stress lately.

So you told her
you put the money into The Shop.

She knew that I'd dug into our savings.
I had to tell her something.

I had no idea The Shop was in trouble.
O-Owen didn't say a thing.

You can't let her think
that you lost the money because of Owen.

If she came that hard at me, who knows
what she's saying to other people?

Yeah, I know. I'll tell her.



Look, I don't know if this helps.

[STAMMERS] I don't get it either.

[SIGHS] This is not the guy I know.

Did Owen... [SIGHS]

Did he ever say anything to you
about spending time in Austin?

Texas? No, why?

The US Marshal who was at the house,
I think he's based there.

I mean... [SIGHS]

Yeah, but there was actually
this... this time

that we were down in the Fillmore
or something, and we both realized

that we might have been at the same
John Lee Hooker concert at Antone's.

I'm not following.

[STAMMERING] Okay, it's a club in Austin.

- So he's been there?
- No, that's the thing.

On the way home,
Owen said he was real confused.

He was adamant about it,

like that he'd never been to Antone's
and he'd never been to Austin.

The only reason I'm remembering it is
'cause it's weird, right?

Like, who cares?


Ah, shit. All right. I gotta go.

Yeah. Okay.

- I'll take care of it, okay? With Patty.
- Thank you.


Marshals Service. How can I help you?

Is there an Agent Bradford working there?

I can put you through to his office.
Please hold.










- Can I sit?
- Sure.



I've been thinking about the note
your dad left you.

What he meant when he said,
"You... You know what matters about me".

Yeah. I know. My father loves me.
You made your point.

No, I think maybe I was wrong.

Maybe he meant something else.

Like what?

Bailey, did your dad and you spend
any time in Austin?

As in Texas?

That's so random. Why?


There was someone here this morning.

A US Marshal.

Was he here to arrest Dad?

No. That's just it. I don't think so.

I don't know what he was doing here.

And he works out of Austin.

What would that have to do with my dad?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.


I think... [SIGHS]

I think we went to a-a football game
in Texas once.

It might've been Austin.

I can't remember your father
ever even watching a football game.

Yeah, I know, it's... It's weird, right?

But I... I have this distinct memory
of being at a game with him

and the... the whole stadium was,
like, this dark orange.


I think maybe we were visiting relatives
or something.

- In Austin? You have relatives in Austin?
- No.

I... I don't know.

Um, maybe it was...
Maybe it was just friends.

- It was like a million years ago, so...
- But you're sure it was Texas?

No. No, I'm not sure, Hannah.
About as not sure as you can get.



- Did something happen with Bobby?
- Uh, can I-I just, um, be alone, please?


- Bailey...
- Can you just leave me alone?


[JAKE] Hey. I'm still waiting
to hear back from my guy.

Yeah, I just have a quick question.

- You follow college football, right?
- Yep.

What can you tell me
about the Austin football stadium?

I can tell you it's not called that.

Do you know what the colors are?

As in the team colors?
Um, it's white and burnt orange.

You sure about the orange?

Well, I'm not a Hook 'em Horns guy
if that's what you're asking,

but, uh, yeah.

The stadium, the end zones, the uniforms.

Why? What's going on?

It's just... [SIGHS]
...Owen had a weird thing about Austin.

And Bailey thinks she remembers
being at a game with him there.

Look, Hannah, I'm sure
there's gonna be all kinds of things

that seem weird in retrospect.

But, believe me, this is what people do.

It's probably just, uh...

Grady Bradford's from Austin.

- Who?
- The US Marshal that was here.

I called his office.

It's the Marshal Service
for the Western District of Texas.

It's in Austin.


The FBI didn't know about Grady.

What if they're not connected?

You said that people don't run
for no reason.

What if Owen's running from something else?

Yeah, right.
Look, that's what the investigator is for.

He's gonna look into all this.

Gonna get us some answers.

Yeah, when he calls you back.

- He's gonna call me back. Soon.
- Okay.

Listen to me, Hannah.

You need to sit tight.

Whatever this is,
you want no part of it, all right?

- Yeah.
- Hannah?

Thanks, Jake. Got it.
Let me know when you know.

Can you not? I just had a sip. [SNIFFLES]

I don't care about the wine,
and you're right.

You're not going to school tomorrow.

- I'm not?
- No.

I... I have a new plan.




[PILOT] I'm sorry for the delay, folks,
but they got us moving again.

I heard it's clear skies
once we get to our cruising altitude.


[PILOT] Could the flight attendants
take your seats?

- We are cleared for takeoff.

We'll have you in Austin in no time at all.