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Tomorrow, When the w*r Began (2010)

Posted: 04/17/23 18:56
by bunniefuu
I'm not gonna hold back.

I warned the others

that I wouldn't.

Recording it like this

is so important to us.

I guess it's our way of telling

ourselves that we matter.

That we mean something.


some of the things we've done...

and the friends that we've lost...

hopefully it all makes

a difference somehow.

There's only one way to do this.

And that's to go back

to where it all began.

What, with Kevin? When?

Last night. He came over

to help with the shearing.

Some sheep got out

and dad went after them.

We were all by ourselves

for, like, 20 minutes.

- You did it in a shearing shed?

- In the bed of soft pure merino wool.

My God, you're such a nimpho.

You can talk, Ellie. What about you

and Steve at rehearsals last year.

- Oh please, we never went that far.

- Now... pinky swear not to tell.

Pinky swear? Is that not something

we stopped doing in second grade?

Corrie's been my best mate

for as long as I can remember.

Whenever I had a problem,

I'd go tell Corrie

and somehow, she'd always fix it.

- So, how was it?

- Well, not how I expected.

I feel different somehow.

Like a real woman.

I wanna do more, see more.

I wanna be more.

What would you wanna do?

How about a trip before

we get back to school?

- We haven't been

at the river in ages. - Sure.

Maybe dad will let us

have a Landrover.

Maybe Kevin can come with us?

- I see. You'd like to have more sex,

is that it? - No... Well, yeah.

Look, we'll get a bunch

of us together and...

if your dad lets us

have a Landrover,

we should go further up the river

than we've ever been before.

Even up to Taylor's Stitch.

And all the way into Hell.

Hell is on the other side of

Taylor's Stitch. Nobody goes there.

Yes. Why don't you go up the

river again? You always loved that.

Because we wanna go somewhere

we haven't gone before.

- Make it a real adventure.

- Why Landrover? Why not the bikes?

Or horses even. Like in an old

fashioned camp out. That'd be fun.

Guys, I'm not ten anymore.

Besides, if there was an emergency,

wouldn't you prefer that I had Landrover?

I don't know, Ellie.

It's a pretty big ask.

Like it or not, dad,

I'm turning 18 this year.

Don't you think it's time

I started showing initiative and...

independence and all those

other good things?

C'mon. It's just a couple of days.

What's the worst

that could possibly happen?

- But the show is on this weekend.

- So what?

Do you really care if your mom

wins best decorated cake?


I always pictured Kevin in 20 years

being president of the Show Society,

- and bringing up his 3 kids.

- Alright.

- With Corrie, if she got her way.

- Anything for you.

And she usually did.

Please, tell him he can go to

the bloody show if he wants to.

There's plenty of guys

who'd k*ll to come with us.

- Come on, who else can we ask?

- Somebody fun.


I'll see you next weekend, sunshine.

Homer grew up on the farm next to mine.

He was kind of like a brother to me.

He was always getting into trouble.

Both in school and out.

The new police sergeant

arrested him 3 times in one week.

Hey, sarge, how're you going?


That didn't slow down Homer.

- Alright. -Yeah?

How's the wife, is she good?

I think it was the proud

rebellious greek side of him.

He just didn't care what he did.

Or what anyone thought of him.

How about it?

Are you in or are you out?

Yeah, I'll have a go at that.

Just you girls going?

- Yeah, and Kevin. - It'll be good

for you to have a man around.

To do all the hard work for you.

Well, that's four. Anyone else?

What about Fiona Maxwell?

Fifi, out in the bush? Seriously?

Oh gosh! You really want me?

Fi was the only person I knew

under 60 who said 'gosh'.

Well, no. But our parents said

we had to bring someone along

with a little bit of class.

To balance out all us inbred rurals.

She lived in town,

but we liked her anyway.

Okay. Give me a sec

and I'll ask mom.

Mommy, can I please go camping

with the girls this weekend?

Camping, out in the bush? Seriously?

I'll admit it, Lee was an odd choice.

He was always working in his mom

and dad's restaurant, or of course...

... playing piano.

Everyone else thought he was strange.

I just thought he was interesting.

- May I take your order?

- No, sorry, I don't wanna order anything.

Is this for pick-up or for take-away?

No, I would like to speak to

your son Lee. Is he available?

- You have menu? - No. Yes I do,

but I don't wanna order anything.

- What you want?

- I want Lee.

Your son Lee.

I want Lee.

- I want Lee.

- This is Lee.

Good evening.

This is Ellie Linton.

I sat next to you in geography

last year. It was on tuesdays.

- I have... sort of longish dark hair.

- Yeah, I know who you are, Ellie.

Good. Well, some

friends of mine and I are...

We're skipping the show this weekend

and we're going camping instead.

I was... We were wondering if...

maybe... if you wanted to...

... come with us? Or not?

- No, that would be awesome.

- Really?

Oh, good. I'll put you down then.

- It was actually... - My mom

makes me go help out now.

Can you text me the details?

Yes, I can...

Yes. I'll do that.

- Alright. See you.

- B... bye.

Lee made it six. But dad said

we had to have eight.

Eventually we compromised on 7,

as long as Robyn was the 7th.

Sorry, Robyn.

If it was just you girls...

... but with boys?

Not without an adult present.

Of course, if parents ever had a daughter

they could trust, it was Robyn.

Well, the boys will be

in separate tents, dad.

And besides,

this camping trip isn't about...

... romance or anything. It's more

about getting back to nature.

You know, we're all kind of...

cooped up in this modern environment,

and I think this camping trip

will help me to help my friends

become closer to God.

Because we need to share

a spiritual connection.

If parents were present, I don't think

that I'd be able to reach these girls.

And these boys

as much as I would like to.

Are you alright, Fi?

You're looking a bit pale.

You look like you're gonna...

It's stuck in the back

of your throat, isn't it?

You're trying

to swallow it all down.

But it just keeps coming back up.

Okay, I got it.

- How much stuff do you need?

- Oh my God Ellie, look at this!

Wait, what is this? Makeup?

You never know

who you're going to meet.

Hey, you can see

Cobbler's Bay from here.

You can even see the Heron Bridge.

- How far do you reckon we've come?

- That was the easy part.

From here on, we walk.

Ready? On the count of three. One...

Give me a decent throw, sweetheart.

Let's go.

I meant to do that.

Homer, do you even know

where we're going?

There's a clearing up ahead.

This is very pretty for Hell.

I wonder how long it's been

since anyone's been down here.

I wonder if anyone has

ever been down here, I mean...

- why would anyone else've bothered?

- Maybe we're the first ones to see it.

- There's no reception. - What were

you expecting, broadband?

Couldn't hurt.

You, what's your name.

Go get some firewood, will you?

It's Lee.

Ellie, what are we having for dinner?

Two-minute noodles.

- Oh, great!

What are they?

You've never heard

of two-minute noodles?

No, my mom is really

into health foods.

It's an awesome feeling to realise you're

about to change someone's life forever.

You haven't got 2000 dollars.

Wait a sec, not one guy

asked you out last year?

No. Why would they?

Why? You're beautiful, Fi.

My mom is beautiful.

I'm just...

You remember, I had braces

for like two years.

I still wear glasses and it's not...

She was Miss Wirrawee

three years in a row.

I actually asked her

if I should enter this year,

but she didn't think

that was a good idea.

Anyway, I'm doing really well

at school at the moment, so...

... doesn't matter.

And, you know,

a guy will ask me out one day.

I just don't know when. Or who.

Which is exciting.

- Boys are idiots.

- Fun idiots.

You shall not pass.

What's that smell?

- Jet fuel.

- What?

Just a bunch of army planes

going somewhere.

El, what do you think of Fi?

I love Fi, you know that.

She seems so perfect.

I guess she thinks

I'm a total loser, huh?

- I don't think she hates you.

- Yeah, but... you know.

She lives in that big house.

Talks like Mrs Hamilton.

Me and my family... we are just

greek peasants to people like her.

Why don't you ask her out?

I don't know.

Girl as pretty as that

must get asked out all the time.

Did anyone else hear

those planes last night?

Yeah. There was six lots of them.

They were flying really low.

No, there were dozens and dozens.

We were counting them, Lee and me.

Lee and I. - But seriously, what do

you think those planes were doing?

Maybe they weren't even ours.

It's probably the start of World

w*r Three and we don't even know.

Alright, who's having rabbit?

- Is there any chocolate left?

- Sadly, we're all out.

- Oh look, I found some.

- Don't be a dickhead. Give it back!

- Thank you. Kevin?

- I was gonna give you some.

So beautiful out here.

I wonder why they call it Hell.

I guess cause it's so wild

and untamed and stuff. Right?


Wild is difficult.

And it's wonderful and fascinating.

But it's not Hell. People call it that.

People stick labels on things.

Until nobody can see them for who

or what they really are anymore.

Hey, what's going on? - There's

a bloody snake in my sleeping bag.

Are you sure, mate?

I can't see anything.

- What kind of snake was it?

- I didn't look.

- Lot of redbellies out here.

- Are they deadly?

No. Well... if they bite you.

Shake it.

The bag, Beyonce.

Don't lift it too high.

I got it, I got it!

I was just about

to do that myself.

Christ, that's a big one!

- Are you alright?

- Yeah.


I'm not sleeping in that bag

again. Jesus Christ!

- No need to swear.

- Kevin, no need to bloody swear.

- Is it dead?

- Looks dead. Wait...

Nobody's laughing, Homer.

Hey, Fi. Why did you go

into the river?

To get away from

the snake, of course.

- You do know that snakes

can swim, right? - No, they can't.

- Yeah they can.

- Snakes can't swim.

- They don't have fins. They slither.

- They slither through water.

- No, they don't.

- What about sea snakes?

Oh my God!

I could've d*ed!

Oh, Fifi!

Can I go home now?

Do we have to go back?

Well, I'm excited about

a hot shower. And a pillow.

A pillow would be nice.

Let's do this again.

- Back here in the same place.

- With the same people.

- If we can find it again.

- We'll find it again.

Let's keep it quiet or

everyone will start coming here

and the place will be

wrecked in no time.

Ladies and gentlemen...

and Homer.

- To Hell!

- To Hell.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

- Ellie, what's with your dog?

- Millie!

Mom! Mom?

Dad! Hallo!

- Where are you parents?

- I don't know.

- Maybe they left a note.

- Did they say they were going away?

- What's the story, El?

- I've no idea. They should be here.

- Let's ring my parents.

- No, ring Homer's. They're closer.

- There's no dial tone.

- What?

What about TV?

- Maybe your grandmother got sick so

they left... -And cut the phone lines?

- Some big electrical problem?

- No, they wouldn't leave Millie to...

- Oh, stinks! - Power must be out.

I'll check the generator.

Where's your laptop?

- sh*t!

- Ellie, let's go to Homer's.

- Ellie...

- What?

- Maybe not a good idea.

- Stop the car. Let me out!

Mama! Papa!

Wait, where's Lee going? Lee?

What are you doing?

- We shouldn't leave it in the open.

- Remember the planes?

We weren't in the open.

Are you serious?


I already tried that.

- Real quiet out there.

- Did you send out a call?

Wouldn't be safe.

No! I know what you're thinking

and it's not possible.

Absolutely, completely impossible.

That kind of stuff just doesn't

happen here. Not in this country.

We gotta be careful.

It could be a lot at stake here.

She's right. We've got to assume

something bad has happened.

Of course something bad

has happened. My dog is dead.

- I didn't mean it like that.

- Shut up! Everyone shut up!

Jesus Christ, what is going on?

Kevin's place was next.

I don't remember who suggested it,

but we decided to

stay off the main roads.

Mom! Dad! Mitchell!



- Looks alright. - He always has a bucket

of food and some water. Don't you, boy?

You can't bring that.

You think I'm just gonna leave

him here? I'm not leaving him!

Stop it!

I'm not leaving him!

He's got a point.

Let's take Flip to Corrie's and then

we can make another decision

depending on what we

find there. Agreed?

Flip, let's go.


That's four out of four.

The rest of you live in town.

Robyn's house is on Coachman's

Lane. That's probably the closest.

Yeah, you can see most of Wirrawee

from the hill at the back.

- It might tell us something.

- Then we go to Robyn's next.

Flip, sit. Stay.

- Please don't touch that.

- Let's go up that hill.

Something's going on

at the Showground.

- I think that's where everyone is.

- What about those other lights?

Hospital. Must be using

the emergency generators.

Maybe we should split up.

Split up? No, we can't.

We have to stay together.

We need to be out of town

before dawn. Just in case.

I'll take Fi to her house.

Lee, you take Robyn to yours.

We'll meet back here at 5 a.m.

So we just stay here?

You get to go to the Show.

- Whose voices are those?

- I don't know.

- I think we should go back.

- No. Wait.

We have to get a better

look before we leave.

Better look at what, Ellie?

Let's go!

One of us has to get closer before

we go. We gotta see what's going on.

I'm not leaving Corrie here.

- I'll go.

- Ellie!

If anything happens, run.

Do not try to escape

or you will be sh*t.


This is bloody ridiculous. I've been

waiting in this stupid line for 2 hours!

Who do you people think you are?

Hands off me.

Are you okay?

Where's Kevin?

Quick! They're coming!

- Ellie... -What?

- Can we stop?

Corrie, c'mon! Please! Please.

Come on.

- Where are they now?

- I don't know. -Guys!

Kevin! Oh my God!

What happened to you?

I thought that you're ahead of me,

so I just... I just ran.

Ellie said that if anything

was to happen to run.

- Oh my God!

- Go!

C'mon, c'mon...

Let's go.

- I hurt my knee.

- C'mon, we gotta keep moving.

- Are you alright?

- No. I cut it. Jesus!

Give me your shirt. Quick.

Singlet, it's better. Quick.

Get me a stick or something.

Stay here.

Ellie, hurry up!

Quick, get back!

- Will this do?

- Yeah, quick.

- Ellie, they are coming.

- Alright.

Light it.

Light it.

Corrie, we gotta get out of here.

Get up, c'mon. Ellie, let's go!

Hang up.

She wasn't much older than I was.

And she looked just as scared.

I'll never forget her.

- Ellie, we don't have time.

- Come on!

Thank God!

We heard an expl*si*n.

- Yeah, that was us.

- Are you alright? -Yeah.

Flip! There he is. Good boy!

Where did all those

soldiers come from?

Where did you get this thing?

Wait, where's Robyn and Lee?

- They haven't come back yet.

- It's almost 6 a.m.

We were just about

to give up on all of you.

- We have to go and find them

then, don't we? - Ellie...

- Homer, we have to go find them.

- It's daylight now.

- I'm not leaving them.

- We're not leaving them.

We'll come back tonight

when it's safer.

Yeah cause there'll be soldiers

crawling all over town by now.

I mean... after what you did.

We will find them.

Ellie, I promise.

El... El... come on.

- Wait, just...

- No, don't touch me.

- Sit down over there.

- Are you alright?

- I'll get us some food.

- Thank you.

- So, any idea whose army it is?

- We didn't exactly stop to ask.

We'll ask Robyn. She's good

with flags and things like that.

- All I can say is they are not greek.

- It doesn't matter who they are,

because they're here.

We just got to deal with it.

Alright, mate. Calm down.

No, seriously, what difference

does a flag make?

Fi made this for you.

- Her house is empty too?

- Yeah.

There are soldiers everywhere.

We crawled all the way

back to Robyn's.

Not bad for a first date.

The others told me what happened.


It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

It's theirs.

It's all theirs.

- You're changing.

- Yeah?

- For better or worse?

- Better. Definitely better.

Looks good.

Fi'd always say

she'd be a doctor.

You're gonna have to forgive him

sooner or later, you know.

He just left us, Ellie.

He just ran and left us.

I thought he loved me.

Do you remember how many

hours we used to spend up here?

You mean the tea parties?

We were so innocent

back then. And now I...

I feel like we were innocent

right up until yesterday.

We didn't believe in Santa Claus

or anything like that.

You know, we believed

in other fantasies.

We believed we were safe.

I guess that was the biggest

fantasy of them all, right?

Do you ever think we'll see

Robyn and Lee again?

That's one of ours!

How many planes do we have?

One less now.

How's this?

I'm going to Wirrawee with Ellie

and we look for Robyn and Lee.

You three go back to my place

and load up the Landrover.

Seems a hell of a risk

going back into Wirrawee.

What if it was you

they're going back for?

- Don't ask me to go with you.

- He's not.

Good, because

I'm not bloody going.

Jesus, Kevin. Everything is

a risk from now on.

We can't sit around here forever.

The biggest risk is to take no risk.

Alright. But if we can't stay here

where do you want us all to go?


- We're not taking your teddies.

- Not all of them, just one.

- We can't take things like that.

- Why can't we?

This isn't a picnic, El. We have

to start acting like soldiers.

One mistake and... it's all over.

- Can we take my mom's crowns and sashes?

- Yeah, and photos. Don't forget photos.

Geez, we're gonna need

a trailer pretty soon.

Look, if you can take teddies,

crowns and photos,

I might aswell take my dad's

bloody football trophies.

Oh, and dog food for Flip.

Lots of dog food. Write that down.

- He can eat rabbit.

- What about wire cutters?

Now that's a great idea.

Two T's.

- What about g*ns?

- We'll take our own g*ns.

- Just turn it off.

- No, I can fix this. Hang on.

The pipe's burst again.

So, we've got plenty of

a*mo for the r*fles,

and a full magazine for that.

I got it!

What's that?

We forgot to have someone on watch.

Don't touch the curtains.

Spread out!

Go into different rooms.

If you see anything, yell out.

But stay hidden.


Flip, get inside!

It's here!

- Did they see you?

- I don't know.



Stay still!

Good thing you're so skinny.

Hey guys, I think it's coming back.

Flairs. They're marking the house.

- Thanks a lot, Homer.

- No one asked your opinion, mate.

- They know we're here now. - Of course they

know. They saw us through the window.

But they didn't know we had g*ns!

Let's get out of here.

C'mon, let's get out of here, now!

Go, go, go...

Go, go, move it!


- Run!

- Flip!

- Leave him!

- No!

Homer was right.

Hell was the only

safe place for us now.

But first we had to find

Robyn and Lee.

- What's wrong?

- The Heron Bridge!

Jesus, look at them all.

They are coming up from

Cobbler's Bay.

I bet you this is one of

the first places they captured.

It's probably

full of ships right now.

Yeah. And our bridge

gives them direct access to it.

I've always hated that bridge.

Come on, we have to

get to Robyn's house.



- How did you know it was her?

- That's her dad's walking stick.

What was she gonna do,

b*at us with it?

Ellie, thank God!

- Are you hurt?

- No, no, I'm fine.

Where is Lee?

He's been sh*t.

Wait here a minute.

Someone should go with her.

All clear. Let's go.

Robyn. Go, go, go...

- Don't point that thing at me.

- This is dr Clement.

It's okay, he's my dentist.

He works across the street.

- Dr Clement, it's me. It's Robyn.

- Quiet down, the lot of you.

Don't you know there's

a bloody w*r going on?

Shine that here.

- How is it? - He was lucky.

The b*llet went right through.

- Thank you. - You picked the hell

of a weekend to go camping.

We heard the planes,

but we didn't see any...

That's how they did it.

Freighter planes and container ships.

Took all the ports and runways

in the first 24 hours.

News said there was some

kind of expl*si*n at the airfield.

None of us paid much attention to it.

Next thing you know,

they are rolling across the bridge

in their tanks and trucks,

rounding up everyone, taking

them all to the Showground.

Lee's whole family.

Yours too.

- And mine? - Yours I don't

know anything about.

What about my parents?

George and Martha Yannos.

- Did they ever get

their teeth fixed? - No.

- Then how the hell would I know who

they are? - I was just asking, doc.

I've been hiding in the closet

for three straight days,

living in my own piss and sh*t, just

waiting for them to come and find me.

I thought I'll finally snap when

I saw you carrying Lee in here.

- You carried him?

- Yeah, I had to.

If his leg starts to hurt,

you gotta give him another sh*t.

Wait, you're not staying with us?

Look, I took a hell of a risk

coming down here for Lee, alright?

I've done enough.

I've gotta go.

Wait, dr Clement. Are there

any others out there? Like us?

Oh, yeah. I've seen few people

try to do some things.

Try to be heroes.

Apparently one group even

tried to blow up Heron bridge.

To stop all those bloody convoys

coming up from Cobbler's Bay.

They all paid the price.

Are you okay?

- I think we should get a vehicle.

- We always had two.

First one you dump somewhere.

Second one is a getaway car.

- So, you had practice at this?

- Great. I'll just go get mom's car,

park it at the front and ask soldiers

to look the other way, shall I?

Sorry. I'm just... tired.

How about if we get

something silent?

- Golf carts, shopping trollies...

- Prams, pushers...

- Wheelchairs? - Yeah, could you

ride in a wheelchair?

- I could, but the more I move

the more it hurts. - Wait...

What if we're going about this

the wrong way?

What do you mean?

We're thinking of quiet

sneaky little things, right?

What if we went

to the other extreme?

Rock up in something so indestructible

that it wouldn't matter who saw us.

Such as?


Let's go!

- Are you alright?

- Hang on. -What?

- I can't climb up there.

- Get in the bucket.

- In this?

- Yeah.

I thought you said

you could drive this thing.

I said I can drive a tractor.

Get in.

Oh sh*t.

Drive, Ellie. Drive!

- Take this, sh**t back at them!

- No, I won't do it.

- This is no time to get religious.

- I said no!

You're bleeding!


- I hope Homer's got a getaway car.

- I hope he remembers where to meet us.

- Even Homer knows how to

find a bloody church. - Ellie!

Start praying again.

Lord, forgive us our sins...

Hold on!

I think we lost one of them.

We lost a tire!

- You're driving in circles!

- I'm doing the best I can!

- You are dangerous. - That's what

my driving instructor said.

He's still chasing us!

- How do you dump the rubbish?

- That switch, I think.

- Who is dangerous now?

- Do you think any of them got hurt?

Don't worry.

God will understand.

Where's Homer?

He's supposed to be here.

Where is he?

Maybe he got caught.

We have to keep going,

get out of town.

No. Ellie, we've got

to wait for Homer.

How long do you think it's gonna be

before they send another vehicle?

Or even a helicopter?

We have to leave now!

Sorry I'm late. I forgot

where the bloody church was.

- Why are we stopping?

- I have to rest.

- Move over, I'll drive.

- No, dad said only I...

Just don't, okay?

This is Chris Lang's house.

- Oh, that guy is such a weirdo.

- He's a genius, Kevin.

- He's a bloody stoner.

- Stoners are people too.

I don't really care as long as

there's a soft bed in there.

- And maybe a toothbrush.

- I've got a spare toothbrush.

Chris says his father was born on

the corner of Straight and Narrow.

And that he was born

in the other end of town.

The day before it all began,

mom and dad left for Saudi Arabia.

So, here I am. Alone.

And the power

goes off at like nine...

... or ten. Nine.

Yeah, nine.

So I think, okay.

I better ring up and

find out what's going on.

I'm an idiot.

The phones are down too.

So, I'm so bent by this point.

Like, I'm really stoned. I'm baked.

Anyway, I walk down to the car...

... and dad, get this right,

dad has locked the car

and taken the keys with him.

I think he's such a w*nk*r

for doing that.

You know, like he didn't even

trust me with a car for one week.

So now, I have to walk

to the Ramseys' place.

And it is far. Like,

take what you think is far,

time it by like 10, say.

And that's how far it was.

And when I get there...

... nobody is at home.

And it's like... oh, great!

Because the next place

is even further.

Anyway, I walk around the corner.

And I can see the Ramseys

in their truck.

They'd hit a tree.

But that's not

what has k*lled them.

They've been sh*t.

They've been sh*t?!

Like no one gets sh*t.

And I mean, heaps of times.

Mr Ramsey, Mrs Ramsey,

even baby Jessica's been sh*t.

So, I think to myself...

Either I've been smoking

some really weird sh*t,

or this isn't your

typical day in Wirrawee.

Anyway, I've just been

by myself ever since, really.

Just chilling out.

It's been nice.


How funny are dogs?

How does it feel to get sh*t?

I didn't even feel it at first.

But by the time I got back

to the restaurant, it felt

like my whole leg was on fire.

Like somebody was pulling

a barbed wire throught it.

They wrecked your restaurant?


I used to hate that place.

Working there, being there.

Just living there.

I felt like I was

in prison or something.

But you know, I helped

make that place what it was.

So when someone smashes a window,

they are smashing glass that

I hand-polished a thousand times.

Or they are tearing curtains

that my mom and I hand-stitched.

You get a certain type

of attachment to the place.

It's weird. Takes on

its own kind of beauty.

You know, I always used to

look forward to geography.

- I should go back and

check on Chris. - Chris?

Yeah, I left him on watch.



Chris? Hey!

Get up. Get up!

- Are you awake now, you little sh*t?

- Geez Ellie, take it easy.

- Take it easy? - Yeah, I just

shut my eyes for a second.

Don't you understand how it's all

changed, Chris? Don't you get it?

- Yeah, I do. I do get it.

- If we take it easy any more...

We might aswell sh**t each other

now and get it over with.

Okay I get it. I do.

I'm sorry.

I'm really really sorry.

Must be that time of the month.

- sh**t me. - What are you doing?

- Go on Chris, sh**t me!

- I don't wanna sh**t you.

- You can't k*ll me while I'm awake?

- Geez Ellie, it was an accident.

I'm sorry. - Bullshit you're sorry!

People are dying out there, Chris.

Families have been split apart.

We've seen homes

blown to pieces.

Yet you're up here

having a fuckin vacation.

So, go on. Don't wait

for me to fall asleep.

Buck up, be a man, look me

in the eye and pull the trigger.

- Ellie, please... -No?

- What are you doing?

Do you know what penalty is

for falling asleep at your post?

- Do you know what they

used to do? - No, Ellie...


Put the g*n down, please.

I said I'm sorry. Please!

He risked all our lives.


It's Chris.

It's just Chris.

How long have I been asleep?

About 16 hours.

How's Chris?

Still pretty shaken.

You gave him a hell of a fright,

you know.

I'll apologize when he wakes up.

I promise.

Actually, he wants

to apologize to you.

You were right, El.

You went a little overboard

about it, but you were right.

You're a good mate, Corrie.

And you're a bloody nutcase.

- Good book?

- Better than the movie.

Yeah, books usually are.

The general repeated his claim

that the Coalition nations

can no longer support

their booming populations.

And that Australia must be

made to share her vast land

and extensive natural resources

with her less fortunate neighbors.

In this way, general hopes

the invasion will balance

the economic scales

within the region

and eventually lead to a new era

of peace and stability.

Meanwhile, more than

half a million Coalition forces

are pouring into Australia

though three captured ports.

These ports have now being

identified as Townsville,

Port Headland and Cobbler's Bay.

- You heal well.

- I have good genes.

There's something

I've been meaning to ask you.

You know at Chris' house

the other day when I was...

- playing with your hair and then...

- Yeah, all right.

- I know what we did. - Okay,

I thought you might have forgotten.

What, do you think I do that stuff

so often that I forget about it?

But you've hardly

spoken to me since then.

- I'm just confused.

- About me?

Yeah, about you, about us.

About this w*r.

About this mess that

we found ourselves in.

The truth is, half the time

I have no idea what I'm doing.

So then, I do these things,

and they don't always mean

what I think they mean.

Do you know what I mean?

- No, I've no idea what you mean.

- Okay...

Look, it meant something then

and it does mean something now,

but... I don't think it means

what you'd wanted it to mean.

- Do you just not like me?

- No, Lee. I like you, okay?

I like you very much. But right now,

you're driving me crazy.

I don't know why

I was talking the way I was.

All I really wanted to do is hold him

and tell him that everything

is gonna be alright.

I just didn't know if it was.

None of us did.

All we could say for sure was

that for now, we were free.

But we've done nothing

to earn our freedom.

Not yet, anyway.

The way I see it,

these are our choices.

we can sit here

and do nothing.

Come out when the w*r's over.

I don't know about you guys...

but I'm not so good

at doing nothing.

we can all try to be heroes.

Rescue our families

from the Showground's.

But like dr Helpfull said,

we'll probably pay the price.

we can go out there,

at night. Guerilla style.

Using hit and run tactics

and take back Wirrawee.

- Maybe even help win this thing.

- Yeah, you're right.

We were born here. We know

this country better than they do.

We can use that to our advantage.

Plant traps, ambush them, pick them off.

- You're talking about m*rder.

- It's not m*rder if it's in a w*r.

What about the Bible, "thou shall

not k*ll". What about that?

- David k*lled Goliath. - That doesn't

apply in a situation that is a metaphor.

- Do you think it's fair, do you?

- No. -Just let them walk in,

take everything they want and

our parents worked so hard for?

No Kevin, I don't think it's fair.

I don't think it's fair at all.

Are you in or are you out?

Well, I feel like I should be out.

But I can't stop thinking

about the coincidence that...

from all the weekends that

we could've chosen to go camping,

we chose that weekend.

God spared us for a reason.

And I think he wants us

to do something.

So I will help you Homer, but

I'm not going to m*rder anybody.

All this talk scares me

to death, but...

I think we have to

fight back anyway.

- We'll never sleep again if we don't.

- We'll never sleep again if we did.

- What are you chicken, Chris?

- You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?

There's nothing chicken

about staying alive, mate.

We're not even trained for this stuff.

What would our parents say?

They'd say the most important

thing is our safety.

They wouldn't want us dead

in exchange for them being alive.

I suppose when the time comes,

I'll do what I have to do.

What worries me though is that...

I can't guarantee that I'm not

gonna pack up under pressure.

I'm so scared and...

I think that I might just

stand there and scream.

None of us knows how we're gonna

react when sh*t hits the fan.

You've done alright so far.

Well, for a townie.

We have to do something.

I'm not just gonna sit here.

And do nothing.

I'm different to all of you.

I have blood on my hands.

I can't tell if what I did

was right or wrong.

I'd like to think it was

to save my friends,

or as part of some noble

crusade to save my country.

Really it just comes down to the fact

that I valued my life over theirs.

How many people is it okay to k*ll

in order to keep me alive?

At what point do we lose our souls,

if we haven't already?

In the end I think we just

have to trust our instincts.

After all, it is all

we have left, isn't it?

What do your instincs tell you?

That it's time to go to w*r.

What are we gonna do?

Blow it up?

Cobbler's Bay is

one of their key ports.

And this bridge

is the only way in or out.

It's the key to everything.

If they can't resupply their soldiers,

then they can't fight.

- They've got sentries. - We have

to find the way to distract them.

Remember what dr Clement said?

About how other people tried to

blow up that bridge before?


Couple of years ago

me and some mates

came up with the way to take

this bridge down. Just for fun.

That's hardly reassuring,

knowing your mates.

Can you drive a petrol tanker?

- Hurry up.

- Okay.


- Big one?

- The big one.

There! They are there.

In the window.

- Wait! - What?

- Can I do it?

I've always wanted

to smash a window.

- One more.

- Fi! Just...

Do it!

Fi, run!


Turn around!

Do not move!

- Guys, are you there?

- We're all set. We can see you.

Don't come any closer. Wait there

till we get the word from Homer.

- Lee and me are almost there.

- Lee and "I".

Okay, we're in the position too.

I can see 10 soldiers on the bridge.

We've only got about 15 minutes

before the next convoy comes along.

- We'll call you when we're ready.

- Okay honey, we'll be waiting.

- Did you just call him 'honey'?

- Homer. I called him 'Homer'.

- No, you just called him 'honey'.

- I didn't. - Yes you did, I heard you.

It may have sounded like 'honey'

but I definitely said 'Homer'.

- Go. Go.

- You gotta hiss like a snake.

No, no, like a snake.

So, princess Fifi has the hots

for a rough as guts Homer.

- Have you kissed him?

- Would you mind if I had?

Me? Are you serious?

Of course not.

I just know that

you two are close.

- No, never like that.

- Okay, good.

Well then, yes I have.

Is he a good kisser?

Actually no, I don't wanna know.

Don't tell me. It's kinda gross.

- He's a great kisser.

- Great. Now I know.

But he's so down on himself.

He's got this weird thing

about my parents being lawyers.

And he always used

to joke about it.

But I don't think

he's really joking at all.

- Jesus, Fi, how long did it take to

figure that out? - What do you mean?

You know the kind of guys

he knocks about. They're just...

more at home hanging out at the pub

than playing croquet

with your parents.

My parents don't play croquet.

Ellie. Ellie!

Fi! Behind you!

Homer is like two people.

He's so confident with a group,

and then he's supershy with me.

I just don't understand.


If I could understand Homer

I'm sure I'd understand all guys.

Like Lee?

- How did you know about that?

- C'mon Ellie, everybody knows.

God, this is worse than recess.

They can't hear us.

- Homer, you have to go now.

- But we're still not ready.

There are soldiers creeping up behind

tanker and Ellie's not answering me.

Ellie, pick up.

Just think about it. The eight of us

are living out in the bush.

And the entire world is

completely turned upside down.

I'd just hate to be

responsible for ruining

whatever little good we did have

by Lee and me having a falling out.

Look, Ellie. I'm no expert

on relationships or anything.

But I do know that

you have this tendency

to reason everything

through all the time,

and I just think

the future is the future.

It has to take care of itself.

And by the way, it's Lee and 'I'.

Get out of the truck!

Move! Drive!

Here goes the brilliant plan.

- Ellie, I'm so sorry I turned it off.

- Doesn't matter.



- Ellie, we need the lighter.

- You were to bring it.

No, you were to bring the lighter.

I don't have it.

Christ, the soldiers!

Where the hell is Kevin going?

- Robyn, we can't get to you.

- Don't worry about us, just go!

You guys take this one.

Corrie, you're with me.

Run Homer, let's go!

Hurry up, they're coming!



Corrie? Corrie!

Get away!

Come on.



- It was so much bigger than I expected.

- That's the biggest joint I've ever lit.

Did you see the bridge?

Corrie! Oh my God, what happened?

She got sh*t as

we were driving away.

I can't...

I can't stop the bleeding.

We'll take her to

go see dr Clement.

He can fix her the same way

that he fixed Lee.

- She needs a hospital, Fi.

- I'm gonna get the Landrover.

- Ellie...

- Hey. Hey!

You have to leave me.

- No, I'm not leaving you.

- She's right.

It sounds cruel, but the only thing

to do is ring the bell and run.

- What?

- No!

- No I can't leave her. I won't.

- We have to be rational about this.

If we take her to the hospital,

we will get caught.

No, I don't give a sh*t

what's rational. Alright?

Corrie is our mate.

She is our mate. And I...

I love her.

I'm taking her in.

I'm staying with her.

I'm staying.

Good luck, mate.

I'll come get you when

you're better. Okay?

Pinky swear.

We've hit them.

Hit them hard.

They are gonna be coming after us

now with everything they've got.

And they did come after us.

For three weeks now,

we've seen...

dozens of planes and helicopters

and search parties.

But they haven't found us yet.

Which means Corrie and Kevin

have told them nothing.

A month ago, we were just

an average bunch of teenagers.

Studying for school and

complaining about our parents.

Now we're soldiers.

Trapped behind enemy lines

and fighting to survive.

We won't run.

We won't hide.

We'll fight and keep fighting.

And never give up.

Until this w*r is finally won.