Battle for Saipan (2022)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle for Saipan (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic orchestra music]

[dramatic music]

[birds chirping]

[distant g*nf*re and explosions]

[sad music]

[Porter] So it will be

with the resurrection
of the dead.

The body that is sown
is perishable,

rises imperishable.

It is sown weak.

It is risen with power.

It is sown in dishonor.
It is risen with glory.

It is sown as a natural body,
it is risen as a spiritual.

If there is a natural body,
there is a spiritual body.

[Major Porter] That's
why I love you, major.

Five clicks north,

we should find a second
division hospital.

Heads up, they hydrated.
We ain't in London no more.

We got trees here,
so watch your six.

-Copy that.
-Yes, Sir.

No more tea time, huh, Major?

No more tea time, Private.

Just remember this is
a quick sweep.

Five, six days,

You could be home having
grits with grandma, girls.

Oh, my granny makes
the best grits in all of Texas.

Well, you go ahead and tell Nana

she got a new grandson
named Gustavo,

and I want some of them grits.

I wouldn't care much for
your grandma's grits,

but I'd love to meet
your sister.

Hey, sonny boy, you too
young for that,

but maybe when you're older,
young g*n.

[distant g*nf*re and explosions]

[suspenseful music]

[rustling noise]

Take cover! Watch your six!


[men yelling]

[g*n clicks]

I'm out!

[g*n fires]

You're a cold-blooded k*ller,

Let me look. You've been
long-bladed, soldier.

Keep some pressure on that,

-All right, okay.

All right. Let's see
what I've got.

Hey, you make sure you call
my mom. She's gonna be mad.

She's gonna be real mad.

Private Shaw, listen to me.

-We gotta move, gotta go quietly.

-Can you make it?
-Yes, sir.

Up we go. On your feet.

[Shaw groaning]

[dramatic music]

[percussive hit]

[birds chirping]

{\an }[distant rumbling]

[Vic sighing]

[Vic sighing]

[Timepiece chain rattling]

[Dog tag chain rattling]

{\an }[rhythmic hitting]

{\an }[Vic grunting]

{\an }[Beam crashing]

{\an }[Vic exhaling]

[Dog tag chain rattling]

[quiet music]

Vic. Hey, you get any rest?


You look like shit.


Could try and get you some
diphenhydramine if you'd like.

I used to use it to get to sleep

when my mother-in-law visited.

Let's hope it doesn't
come to that.

Something else?

Saw something else in a crate.

Not sure it was supposed
to be in the supply boat

-Yeah, what?

No, no, no. I need to
keep my head clear.

Probably better. There's
no diphen out here anyway.

I hear we're both up
for double shifts today.

No, no. I heard we got
new personnel

coming in from Hawaii.

That's what I heard too.

Looks like that's not
happening anymore.

-This is bullshit.
-Talk to your friend.

Maybe I will.


[Jake] Password.

Come on, Jake, it's me

Good luck, Vic. General's
in a bad mood.

-Isn't he always?
-It's worse.

-Just a warning.

Thanks for the tip.


[music on radio]


I haven't slept for days.

How am I supposed to remember
what the password is?

That's close enough.

Oh wow.

Now this makes me homesick.

Keeps a little
normalcy in my life

In the middle of all
this insanity


Thanks. I quit.

It helps me with my headaches.

I think that's what
they call addiction.

What do they call this.


I'll drink to that.

What can I help you with, Vic?

I just heard that
we're not getting

-new surgeons shipped in.
-I heard the same.

That's a mistake.
We're being overrun in here.

What do you want me
to do about it?

Plead our case.

They're not gonna listen to me.

They put me out here so they don't
have to listen to me anymore.

We're a week late on
the morphine.

Troops are our priority.

Yeah, I, I'm not
getting any sleep.

I'm not the only one.

Everyone's pulling six shifts
without a break.

It's been over a month, Jake.

How's your hand? Still shaking?

Not at the moment.

Well, you keep up this schedule,
don't get enough sleep,

it's gonna get worse and you're
not gonna be any good to us

as a surgeon,
let alone a soldier,

if you have to pick up a w*apon.

Luckily, as a surgeon,
we don't have to

arm ourselves during battle.


I'll do what I can.

-Thanks, Jake.

You really should start
easing up on that.

I'm getting ready
so I can toast to Jesus

when my time comes.

Isn't that supposed to be
with wine?

[he chuckles]

Who's keeping track?


You'll be home soon.

I wish I could say the same.

[opera plays]

[panicked voices]

Secure the patient!
Prepare for surgery.

Roll him in. Prepare
for surgery.

Secure the patient,
secure the patient.

Hold his legs down. Stay still,

[nurse shouts]

Oh my god! Oh my god!
My arm! I'm gonna lose my arm!

Just breathe! Stay with me,
stay with me.

I'm gonna lose my arm,
I'm gonna lose my arm!

You're gonna be fine,
you're gonna be fine!

The bastard jumped at me!

What have you got here?

Chopper to his forearm,
ripped it up pretty bad.

Given him more than enough morphine
but he ain't taking to it

-The arm?
-It's hanging on by a thread.

Needs to be amputated.

-What's your name, Buster?

Adell, is that your
first or last name?

First. Last name's Dollins.

Dollins? Where you from?

Paris, Texas.

I got a cousin from
Greensville. You ever been?


Hold him down. Secure the legs.

They've got a great
burger joint.

Am I right?

-Yeah, they do.
-Yeah they do, they do, they do.

And those Texas girls?

I mean, the Southern
belle is awesome.

Mine's from Tennessee,
but you know,

you gotta get one of those,

Yeah, yeah.

Southern girls down there. Huh?

You did good kid, you did good.

You're okay. It's okay.

No, no, no. You're okay.
You're fine. Don't look.

My arm! My arm!

-My arm!
-Get in, get in. Get back in.

Oh my god, what am I
gonna do with one arm?

Right, get him in a room
and get someone

to write a letter back
home for him, all right?

Guys, that's you too. Let's go.

All right. Let's cut a rug,

There we go, people.
There we go. Keep it moving.

[airplanes roar past]

[loud explosions]


[men shouting]

[anxious music]


Up you get. Up you get, soldier.

[quiet music]

Come on, come on, come on!

Camilla, he needs to get
to surgery, now.

We got a gaping
puncture wound here.

Probably a bayonet,
massive bleeding.

What, you and your friend
would like to be alive?

You think? Made you
bored at Staten island.

Gustavo was proceeding
on Los Angeles.

McWeber, Brooklyn.
Go, go, go, go!

[percussive hit]

-Good work.
-Thank you.

Give him some of
my grandfather's vodka.

You smuggling in booze,
young lady?

You haven't had this vodka yet,
have you?


Oh, sorry.

You didn't wake me.

I can't sleep on this god
forsaken island.

Hey, do me a favor.

Go take care of somebody
worse off than me. I'm fine.

-You sure?

Insomnia's a pretty common
problem around here.

Where'd you ship in from?

Great Britain. Can't
you tell by my accent?

I could tell you're
from the boroughs.

-That's 'cause you're from Brooklyn.

But judging by your
lack of accent,

you ain't been there in a while.

I went out to California,
graduated from UCLA.

That was my next question.

But hey, I did pick up
little jolly old English

while I was stationed over
there, comes out when I'm mad.

-Yeah? I can't hear it.
-You will.

How's Gustavo?

Another minutes,
he might not have made it.

Leanne's got a good
bedside manner.

He stands a pretty good chance.

That's good.

Oh! Jesus! What do you give
for pain here, Doc, soda pop?

Easy, easy.
You lost a lot of blood.

They're a quarter inch
away from your kidneys.

Yeah. Nice wound to match

the one on the other side,

I saw that. And a whole
bunch of others.

They tell a story, yeah?

Yeah. All from combat?

Hell no, Doc.

Street fights down at the Plaza bar
by Carrington Avenue.

You ain't been there?

Man. Never heard of it.

You don't get out to the forgotten
boroughs too much, now, do you?

I have a minor league
team that isn't very good.

I forgot what they were called.

Staten Island Yankees.

A disgrace to their names' sake.

Hey, wait. Hey, I tell you
what, when we're outta here,

you meet me in my block
in my neighborhood,

and you put your money
where your mouth is.

-You're on.
-Okay. We got a deal.

Yeah. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing? Come on.

It's okay.

Who's the officer in charge?
I gotta talk to him.

That would be General Carroll.

That old tofah?

Yep. Makes sense.

No wonder these stitches hurt.

Hey, he does what he can.

Hope you didn't use
that hand on me.

-I got it under control.
-How's that?

I use a heavy bag.

Heavy bag. Is that right? Wow.

You are from Brooklyn.


Well tell you what, Doc,

you need to take me to see
the General. That's important.

[percussive hit]

Sir, I'd like to introduce-

You didn't say the password.


There you go. How's this?
Work for you?

I see you brought
the good stuff over here, sir.

-It's my private stash.
-Man of good taste.

You live up to the legend.

[Sighs] I needed that.

Awful rude of me not
to introduce myself

before drinking you dry, Sir.

Major Porter.

Just call me Jake.

I know who you are. Well-known
in certain circles, sir.

Well, I was a bit prolific
in my younger years.

Some say that made me a target.

I say that's the whole
g*dd*mn point.

Cheers to that.

What can I do for you, Major?

Well, I wanted to meet
the legend and to warn you, sir.

Warn me?

Me and my men were doing
a sweep down the hill

and we were ambushed.
Most of us were wiped out

besides myself and the Private
who almost bled to death.

I lay low for a couple hours,
but I overheard one of them

talking about an attack
on this facility

led by Field Marshall Vukuda.

A real nasty son of a b*tch,
in case you never heard of him.

I know he is.

When's this attack
supposed to happen?

That, I don't know, sir.

I was ambushed again before
I could hear anything else.

That's where those fresh
wounds came from.

And what do you want me to do
with this information?

Radio it in, sir?

[he laughs]
Well, I can certainly try,

but they don't much care
what happens out here.

Well then, I'd say
ready your men.

Take a look around, Major.

We got a few dozen wounded
GIs and half of them

can barely walk,
let alone fight.

You got , US
soldiers deployed out here

and you're telling me you
can't get one of them out?

Anything else, Major?

We're sharing a toast here, sir.

But we have a situation and
this is what you're gonna do

with the information
you're blessed with.

You're welcome to leave
anytime you want.

Then we're f*cked.

And now would be a good time.

But then you have no one, sir.

I'm sorry, sir. I...

No need to apologize, Vic.

That'll be all.

Yes, sir.

-[Vic] Hey Porter.
-[Porter] What?

That intel. When's it
supposed to happen?

I don't know.

I can go back and try to plead
your case to the General.

This ain't no case, buddy.

[Vic] Look. He's having a bad day
and might be a little drunk.

Don't apologize for him, okay?

It's not your responsibility.

So what do we do?

You ever seen combat?

Don't "Oh" me. I'm asking
you a question.

Have you ever been in combat?

Or do you hide behind
your scalpel

and your syringe
full of morphine all day?

Yeah, I did my basic training.

That's not what I asked.
Have you ever seen combat?


Patching up kids from Missouri,

It's a lot different to
witnessing a -caliber shell

rip through a man's chest,
and some of these guys

are your friends. The sound.

That sickening crunch
of blood and bone.

The seconds
that feel like hours.

And then you're waiting.
You're just,

you're waiting for the next
b*llet to hit you in the back of

your own f*cking head
and it's over,

and over, and over again.

I put these kids back
together day in, and day out.

I seen what happens
over and over.


But you ain't seen what's
coming, and maybe you can

understand why I'm
so upset with the General.

This guy used to be
a f*cking w*r hero.

Now, he's just a shadow
of his own reputation

when we need him.

So what do we do?

We evacuate, Doc.

To where? What?

We're understaffed and we're
knee-deep in wounded guys.

Some of 'em can't even walk.

Everybody does their part.
Whoever can fight, fights.

[dramatic music]

[distant g*nf*re]

-[Fukuda] This, this, or this?
-[Soldier] Yeah.

-Are you sure?
-[Soldier] Sure.

Faster, faster. Do it like
your lives depend on it.

Hey, that's fast.

It's not fast enough, Sergeant,
move, sir.

Hey, five bucks if you
kick his ass.

Can you do it?
Can you punch him?

Well, who woke up the devil,

You should be resting.

I, I, I can't.

This is side I sleep on.
It don't feel so good.

I guess that's it.

I guess I really did
die in here.

-Excuse me?
-Oh, ignore him.

He's been rambling on like
that ever since he woke up.

I can't believe what I'm seeing
here right in front of me

must have died and got
my ass sent to heaven.

Oh no. I promise
you're still alive.

Then how come when I look
around, all I see is angels.

That's because you're in hell.

My apologies.
If I offended any of you.

It's okay. It's just too
much morphine.

Not enough.

What happens if I take too much?

Then it's sweet dreams.

At least I won't have
to pick up a g*n again.

[slow orchestral music]

Hey, you doing okay?

I think so.

Where'd you say you was from?

Paris, Texas?

Yeah. That's right.
Born and raised.

Soldier named Pete, he's tall,
dark hair.

He said his mom was Cherokee.

We were at Pearl
Harbor together.

He took a b*llet for me.

He's from Powderly.

That's right outside Paris,
isn't it?

Yeah, I've heard of Powderly.

-Population, about a hundred.


That's what he said.

Anyway, you.

You run into him back home,

You tell him Ava says,
"Thank you."

Okay. I will.

I will.

[distant explosions]

[sad music]

You know you don't have
to hide that from me.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

The Major's a real assh*le,
isn't he?

It's how they manufacture 'em.

Maybe we should order a factory

Fortunately, these b*stards
tend to get results.


How's that kid doing?

You'll need to narrow it
down if you want an answer

I didn't pull outta my ass.

The Southern boy, the amputee.

Oh, him. Big Tex.

Well, aside from trying to come
to terms with losing an arm,

I'd say he's doing as well
as he can given the situation.

Morphine's, really working
wonders with his inhibitions.

Kid's coming out of his shell.

Who's he flirting with?

Take your pick.

Well, he's out of his league.
He doesn't stand a chance.

He's pretty charming.

You should go watch him
before he passes out again.

From the morphine?

From one of them slugging him.

[loud planes passing]

[distant g*nf*re]

[glass jingles]

[approaching rumble]

[anxious music]

[army t*nk rumbling]

[g*n cocking]

Major, my w*apon!
Give me my w*apon!

It's okay. It's okay, Private.
Take a breath. Relax.

There you go.

It hurts like hell

I'm sure does,
but you can handle it.

Where are we?

We're in a hospital facility.

Just outside our perimeter.
We're all good.

They're coming for us?

[music beat]

[loud t*nk engine]

[loud expl*si*n]

What the hell was that?

No rest for the wicked.

I'm gonna get you home, soldier.

I'm gonna get you home.

[anxious music]

[man coughing]

[g*nshots firing]

[indistinct chatter]

I figured I'd find you two
out here without weapons.

We don't get issued g*ns.

Don't gimme that shit.

You're soldiers! Arm yourselves!

[g*nshots approaching]

[distant voices shouting]

Oh my God.
They're coming for us.

Shh! Be quiet.

You could f*cking hear that,
can't you?

Get your shit together.

McGovern, we got evacs!

[men yelling]

Take cover! Take cover!

Get down!

Remember your training.

[birds chirping]

[Jake breathing heavily]


[sad music]

[Jake breathing heavily]

[Jake sighing]

That was just the first wave.

There'll be more whether
we're ready or not.

Doc, what have you got?
I ain't feeling so good.

I got it.


Move these people
to a safe space. Secure.

I need to get back to my office

and burn all
sensitive documents.


Yeah. Carry on, gentlemen.

[group] Yes, sir.

It's good to have him back.

So, what next?

We radio for help
and get the hell outta here.

That's a negative. Not possible.

-Why not?
-It's the first place I went.

It's in a million pieces.

-Is it fixable.
-I doubt it.

Shit. Okay. You got
a basement level?

Kind of.

Is it big enough
to hold everyone?

-Course not.
-Well, we work with what we got.

We move in groups. We need
to make a sweep of this place.

See what we can find.
Who knows this place best?

-Most likely we do.

Okay. You take backup,
take a sweep.

Anything you can find g*ns,
hammers, nails, razor blades,

anything. You got it?

-Got it.
-Got it.

-Isaac. Clear the basement.
-And give my man here a g*n.

Thank you, Major.

You owe me a bottle a whiskey,

-Two bottles for respect.
-Sounds good.

You got any flares?

-I'm sure we do.

Let's move.

[excited music]

[she grunts]

[Jake breathing heavily]

-Go on, yes, yes.

Come on, hurry. Come on!


Mia, on this side, check.
Inessa, over here.

Anything we can use medications,

bandages, weapons. Anything.

Oh, perfect.

Inessa, on this side.

Anything sharp, medication.

[Jake breathing heavily]

[distant g*nf*re]

[approaching men shouting]

[Mia] Yeah, yes.

[Sofia] Come on, girls,
we gotta move.

[Inessa] This is good, right?

Okay. Yes.

Whatever you can carry.

Well, there it is.

-There's what?
-Stress reliever, right?

By the way, wonderful job
being off the mainland.

That's a potato sack
I found in the jungle.

-Filled it with sand, right?

Yeah, well, I'll tell you what.

Maybe you can help me fix that

and hang it back up
before we leave,

maybe I'll take a few swings.

Well, I think you're gonna
have plenty opportunity

to hit other things
other than a potato sack.

This works. Let's get
'em down here.

[percussive hit]

[machine g*n fire]

[men shouting
and women screaming]

Move, move, move! Move!
Let's go!

He's hit!

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Here you go.


-Cover me.
-Go, go, go, go!

[rapid g*nf*re]

[Vic screaming]

[rapid g*nf*re continues]

[anxious music ends]

He's gone.

Morphine! I need some
morphine here!

-I'm coming!
-You're wasting your time.

-Shut up.
-Stay with me. Come on, man.

Stay with me.

Stay with me. Shit!

I told you, you were
wasting your time.

That man had a wife
and a daughter

Everyone has a wife
and a daughter.

You hear me?

Let it go, Vic.

Listen to your friend.

There's gonna be another
wave coming down here.

And we don't want to be
here when that happens.

He's right. We need to move.


Let's see if we can
salvage that thing.

-It may come in handy later, okay
-Right away, sir.

Make it happen.

I'm gonna clear the holes.

God dammit.

Here! Come on, hurry up!
Here, here, move! Here!

Come on, come on!

Let's move, move! Hurry! Hurry!

These are too far apart.

We gotta move them closer
together. We gotta fit everybody.

Come on, we gotta have
room for everybody, down.

In a row, like this.

[g*n clicks]

[Jake exhales]


[Jake exhales]


[rapid g*nf*re]


[Jake exhales]


[baseball bat clatters]

[Jake breathing heavily]

[Jake groans]

[opera music]

[Glass clatters to floor]


First k*ll?

Just remember something.

If it wasn't him, it was me.

Then it was you. You got that?

Got it.

Too much caffeine?

I don't know what it is.

It started after I deployed,
I, I can control it.

Thanks for having my back.

I hope to return the favor.
Let's move.

I think, I think I need
a shot of morphine.


You have more,

and there won't be any
for the rest of us.

-My nerves.
-Hey, son.

What I tell you?

Nerves ain't gonna do
no good for you around here.

A shot of morphine
will keep me calm

A shot of morphine is
gonna knock you out.

I need you aware,
'cause like Major said,

I need you to have
my front and my back.

Unless I die peacefully.

You not gonna die.

You not going die.
Look at me, son.

What's your name?

Adell Dollins.

Adell Dollins. I like
the name. Adell Dollins.

Repeat after me Adell.
I'm not going die.

-I'm not going to die.
-Ooh, louder, Adell.

-I'm not going die.
-I'm not going die.

-I'm not gonna die!
-I'm not gonna die!

I'm not gonna die!

Yeah, God got a plan

and look what we got here.

Not bad.

-Where you from, kid?

You should have enlisted.

Could always use a pair
of hands like yours.

-I tried.
-What do you mean, you tried?


[loud expl*si*n]

Jesus Christ, that was close.

Y'all boys ready?

[energetic music]


[men shouting]



I think it went clean through.
You okay?

I know you're not, let's go.

-Is he good?

Over the shoulder, big man.
There you go. Let's move.

{\an }[in Japanese]

What are you going to do?

[Ava] You're going to die.

Come on, put me down.

-Your shoulder,

it's not lethal.

I'm out.

The General's got g*ns
in his office.

Wait here.

Give me a hand, come on. Up!

[sad music]


He went down fighting.

He died a hero.

It's empty.


I'm gonna lie down guys.
I don't feel so good.

They took everything.

You okay?



So it will be with
the resurrection of the dead.

The body that is sown is
perishable is raised imperishable.

It is sown weak.
It is raised with power.

It is sown and dishonor,
it is raised in glory.

It is sown as a natural body.

It rises as a spiritual body.

If there is a spiritual body,
there is a natural body.


That verse got me through
a lot of long nights

since I left home.

How long you been here?

You know.

I used to count the days.

Now, I don't remember
the day I shipped out.

The good thing is I don't obsess
over time anymore. I just, uh...

I just wanna get home someday.

Yeah. You and me both.

Boroughs coming together, yeah?

Boroughs coming together.

We ain't that different
after all, are we?

No. No, we're not.

How about them out there?

I figure they're just as scared
as we are, soldiers.

Following orders.

And I quit.

Why deprive yourself, Doc?

It could be your last
night on this earth.

A forgotten borough
finally making some sense.


Cuz I'm from Jersey?

[they laugh]

You know how you could tell
somebody's from Jersey?


They never shut
the f*ck up about it.

You don't hear me
denying that one.

Sweet Lord. That tastes
good right now.

There you go, see?

Who says people from Jersey
don't have any taste.

Just don't let my wife know.

She'd actually k*ll me.

She'd say I'm setting
a piss-poor example for my kid.

You got kids, Porter?

Me? No.

-Not that I know of, anyways.
-Oh, is that right?

No, I'm just saying
that I did a lot of traveling.

So you know, I wouldn't be
surprised if there's some

hard-nosed little bastard
running around,

out there somewhere that
looks like me.

How about you?

Me and my wife, Jenny,
We want kids. It's just...

not in the cards yet.

You didn't try before you left.

Oh, like drunk jack rabbits.
It just didn't happen.

It will. Now when it does,

do your best to keep
outta situations like this

'cause this is ain't no
place for no kid.

That's all we can hope for,

that our kids do
better than we do.

That's what I'm
hoping for my boy.

Damn smart kid.

Lot smarter than I was
at his age. Early bloomer.

Now, you just gotta get
him outta Jersey.

At least to UCLA like this
smarmy bastard, right here.

Oh there it is. There it is.

What's the first thing you're
gonna do the day you get back?

Who you're talking to,
me or him?

Whoever f*cking answers first.

I don't know, he's your buddy.
You tell me.

Hey, be my guest.

Why, you embarrassed?
You hiding something over there?

I'll get it outta you.

Try it. I'm Irish.


You know, I never really
thought about it that much.

I'm thinking maybe a ball game.

First pitch of the season.

Smell of that fresh green grass,
the tall beer in my hand,

a beautiful woman on my arm.

One of those New York
stadium hot dogs in my mouth.

Yeah, it's simple.

That's what I look forward to.

Sounds like
the perfect day to me.

How about you?

I'm from Jersey.
You wouldn't like it.

Try me.

Would love to take
my wife and kid out.

Stop in each state.

Show them the country.


Show my boy what
his dad was out protecting.

Show him why.

That sounds nice.

Just skip the rest of Jersey
and parts of Connecticut.

Other than that, it's
just f*cking beautiful.

I guess so.

I haven't heard
anything in a while.

Maybe we should get him
down with the others.

Wait for the
reinforcements to find us.

That's if anyone comes.

They don't call this
Purple Heart Ridge for nothing.

Let's get outta here.

What do you plan on doing
with that thing?

You ever see the Babe hit
one out of Yankee stadium?

Dozens of times.

Are you good?

As long as there's a nice
piece-of-shit cot

with someone else's
blood smeared in it

waiting for me downstairs,
I'm ready for anything.

Then keep up. Come on.

Guess you don't know
Jersey very well.


Hey Doc.

It took Williamson
home runs in five years.

You think he'll catch the Babe?

I think the Babe's
record's pretty safe.

Let's see what we can do.

[Vic and Porter screaming]

[man screaming]

[Vic breathing heavily]

[Vic screaming]

All right, clear the chamber!

Get out of there, get
out of the way, come on!

Get my bag. Go get someone
to clean it, right now.

Come on. No, no, no, come on.

-[Vic] I could save you.

Yes. Yes, I can.

No, you can't.


He hit the femoral artery.

It won't take too long now.

Protect them.

No, no, no, no, no.

Vic, make sure my boy gets this.

He's not old enough
to understand it yet...

but he will be.

He was a good man.

They're gonna make it
down here. You know that.

It's just a matter of time.

Then we'll keep fighting.

I'm gonna take the halls.

I'm gonna k*ll as many
of these guys as I can.

Anybody makes it down here,
it's on you.

I'm coming with you.

If I don't make it back here,

I want you to know
it's been an honor.


You keep an eye on him.

Don't worry.

Got him covered.

You good to hold fort for me,

Well, we're in luck.

'Cause I just happen
to learn from the best.

Good whiskey.

Great whiskey, two bottles.

You just make it back.

You remember our bet, right?

You still think you can win?

You're damn right.

Loser buys Dodger tickets.

Get the door

[Percussive hit]

[distant explosions]

{\an }[Soldier in Japanese]

[shouting men approaches]

[anxious music]



{\an }[in Japanese]


[rapid g*nf*re]


[distant shouting]



[distant shouting continues]

-[expl*si*n outside]
-[nurse gasps]


-[door crashes]
-[rapid g*nf*re]

[Vic screaming]

[man grunts]

[body thudding]

[man screaming]

[pottery shattering]

[table splintering]


[dramatic music]

-[men screaming]
-[rapid g*nf*re]

[Porter coughs]

[Porter gasps]

[grenade thunks]

[loud expl*si*n]

[sad music]

[muffled machine g*n fire]

This is the last one.

Make it count.

-[men screaming]
-[rapid g*nf*re]

[rapid g*nf*re continues]

I'm out!

Good shot, kid.

That's how we do it
in Paris, Texas.

Oh my god!

Please, no!

Don't die!

Come on, come on.

Don't die.

[suspenseful music]


You did good.

[sad music]

[energetic music]

-[hammer thudding]
-{men yelling]

[he grunts]

[sad music]

And the others?

Is that it?

Is that all?

I'm sure there's more coming.

I don't think we could handle
another wave like that.

Is this everything we had
in the building?

As far as we know, yeah.


We could use their a*mo,
but that won't last the night.

Yeah. That'll buy us some time,

but that's not the solution.

So what now?

We just sit here and die?

Maybe we won't have to.

I don't think that's enough.

It's a flare g*n.

Maybe we can get some

Are you sure?

I'm outta other options.

Where are you gonna do this?

The roof?

No, I think I'd be
a target there.

Maybe around back.

Maybe there's a little
clearing I can go to.

So you just gonna leave us?

Why don't you just wait
till Porter gets back?

I don't think
Porter's coming back.

I'll be right back.

[Sofia] You know
what's out there.

A minefield.

If I'm not back in ,

you get everybody you can.

You run like hell until you
find someone friendly, okay?

Hopefully, it won't
come to that.

How long has it been?

About two minutes.

That's it?

Time goes by so slow
when there's no g*nf*re.

Don't worry.

He knows what he's doing.

[percussive hit]

[metallic click]

He can do it.

He talked me through
losing an arm.

He can make it
through a minefield.

[metallic click]

[fire crackling]

[twig snaps]

[Vic yelling]

[fists thudding]




[he grunts]

[Vic screaming]

[flare g*n hisses]

Wait, there it is!

He did it.

[Porter] So it will be with
the resurrection of the dead.

The body that is sown
is perishable.

It is raised imperishable.

It is sown weak.
It is raised with power.

It is sown and dishonored,
is raised in glory.

It is sown as a natural body,

it rises as a spiritual body.

If there is a spiritual body,
there is a natural body.

[sad music]

[inaudible speech]

[excited music]
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