Lebanon (2009)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

Lebanon (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi.

- Shmulik.

I'm the commander here,
That's Hertzel over there.

From Crown Cinderella,
what's happening with my Rhino?

I'm Yigal.

Cinderella, wait.
Rhino, start the engine and drive.

Drive, Yigal. Hit the gas.

"Man is steel. The t*nk is only iron."

Rhino, this is Crown Cinderella,
you keep moving north,

cross a banana grove,
climb a road and await instructions.

"Welcome to Lebanon", out.

We're going to mount the road.

Hertzel, you son of a bitch!

Where are we, Assi?
What's going on?

Why don'tyou let them know
we're here?

They told me to wait,
so we'll wait.

Someone's coming.

Get the cross off me!

What was that?
- Someone with a megaphone.

Let me see.
- Just a sec...

Are you the commander here?
- No, no, it's me.

Ok, listen carefully:

I've gotyour t*nk here,
plus a unitof 12 paratroopers

and a listof tasks that must
be done within 3 weeks.

Why 3 weeks?

'Cause we were told...

I have a working plan, a daily
schedule, and pre-set timetable.

I'll try to minimize damage
and to explain every mission

to its smallest details. After that,
you can ask questions.

Ourfirst task is very simple:

There's a small town
north/north-east from here.

Our airforce bombed it
and wiped itoff the map.

At 7 a. M, we enter the town,
make sure nothing's left

and exit from its other side.
We continue moving north,

and at 9:30 a. M. Or 10 a. M. Latest,
we reach a friendly area.

There's a hotel there
called San Tropez.

We eat breakfast there and
continue onto our next mission...

Until then,
stay here and block this road.

If a car comes, sh**t one burst
to the right, one to the left.

If the car doesn't stop,
sh**t a shell at its engine.

I'm Jamil, your directcommander.

You have one hour till it's morning.

Good night,
- Good night.

Till San Tropez
it'll be a walk in the park.

We've got half an hourto sleep.
- Jamil said we had an hour.

Whatcounts here is what I say.
I say half an hour...

And you're on guard.

Why me? - 'Cause I said so,
and I'm your commander.

Ok, Assi, if that's how you want
to run things in here, good for you.

Soon you'll expect me
to call you "Sir".

Call me however you want,
just shut up and let me sleep.

Wake me up in 30 minutes.
Good night.

Then just explain to me, why me?

Why not Yigal or what's-his-name,
the new guy?

He's hardly been here an hour.
Maybe he's not even tired...

Hertzel, I have my reasons.

At leastask him!
Do you mind being on guard?

Hertzel, are you commanding
this t*nk now?!

Ljustwant the new guy
to replace me!

We need someone to guard us.
It's nothing personal.

Do you mind or not?
- I don't mind...

Nobody asked you! Did I ask you
if you want to guard?

I have my own reasons!
- Come on, Assi,

I'm dead tired,
the new guy agrees to do it,

and you "have your reasons"?
- Yes, Hertzel, I do! - Ok.

'Cause no matter how I look at it,
it doesn't make sense.

Doesn't make sense?!
Yigal has to drive this t*nk.

Assi, I don't mind guarding, really...,
- See?

He's the gunman.

I'm responsible for everyone here!
- So I'm not importanthere?

You are only the loader, all you
do is stick shells inside a hole.

My work is physical, Assi!
I need energy for that!

All he does is sit in his comfortable
compartment, aim and fire.

Who bends down, lifts,
carries, breaks his back,

gets burned and eats up
all the smoke and shit

thatcomes out of the
cannon's mouth? You? Him? Me!

Assi, I don't mind guarding,
it's ok...

Good night, Yigal, go to sleep,
You mustn't be tired...

You need to drive
this "F-*5" tomorrow.

Come on, Hertzel.
Let us go to sleep.

Good night.

Sweet reasons!

Rhino from Crown Cinderella. BMW
is on its way to you. Good morning.

Rhino, start playing your music...

Fire, Shmulik, fire.

Itwon't stop! Shell to the engine.
Rhino, fire!

Fire, Shmulik, fire!

Cinderella, the t*nk is stuck,
fire from all arms now!


Come on, sh**t!
What are you waiting for? Fire!

Fire, Shmulik!

Two of them ran
in the plantation, f*ck them.

Jonathan, to the right,
not there, Jonathan, to the right!

Run to the other side, Jonathan,
break to the right!

Go down, you're blocking me!
- This is Second.

We broke into the grove,
we are in pursuit.

Why didn'tyou sh**t?!
They were on your target! Answer me!

They sat in the center of your cross!

Crown, this is Second, we
terminated one. Chasing the other.

What's going on? Jonathan!
- Jonathan is down!

Trooper wounded. Crown,
this is Second, trooper wounded.

I have a flower. Trooper down...

Bring the flower over here. Out...



This is Second. Prepare
resuscitation equipment immediately.

This is Medic. What's happening?
Is he responding? - Negative.

Talk to him all the time,
talk to him!

Talk to me, Jonathan...

I got confused...
- He's not answering me!

Till now I shotonly barrels.
- Jonathan! Jonathan!!!

I got confused...

Cornelia from Crown Cinderella
I've gotan angel.

I repeat, I lost a trooper.
In need of evacuation, over.

This is Cornelia.
Impossible to bring in a helicopter.

Clear angel to Rhino.

Rhino from Crown Cinderella,
pickup truck on its way to you,

shell to engine, no warning b*ll*ts,
f*ck him. Out.

Salam... Salam...

Cinderella to Cornelia,
we are moving.

This is Cornelia.
A helicopter to evacuate the body

will reach you
in the next hour. Out.

Rhino, stop.


Say, are you out of your mind?!

Assi, I'm hot, and I'm going
to throw up from the stench.

I feel nauseous too, Assi.
I'm gonna be sick.

From now on, we're conserving water.



This is Crown,
avoid contact with civilians. Out.

Come on, come on!

Yeah, yeah, more, more!

Rhino, this is Eagle, I'm above you.
Prepare the angel for lifting.

Evacuation cable is going down,
cable is going down.

We are lifting the angel.
Angel coming up, angel coming up.

Wantsome, Assi?

Take, Shmulik. Soup croutons.

Here, Hertzel, wantsome?

Ok. We're entering civilian
territory and we've gotone hour

to exit from its other end,
Shouldn't be too difficult.

The Air Force already did the job,
we'lljust clear the remnants.

Remember, according to international
law we can't use phosphorus bombs.

We respect this law, we won't
use the term "phosphorus".

Any phosphorus a*tillery will now
be called "Flaming Smoke".



I have a question.

Could anyone,
maybe someone from Cornelia,

call my parents
and tell them I'm ok?

My parents are kind of old...
and I'm their only son...

What's your name?




I nearly choked here because
of your stupid questions!

What did I do wrong?

Nothing. You did nothing.


What did I do?

You asked a dumb question.

Crown Cinderella, we received reports
of t*rrorists taking hostages.

There is an order
to put a stop to this trick. Out.

What are you doing?

You're not allowed to smoke in
the turret. - Leave me alone. I'm hot.

Put itout!
- Come on, chill!

Hertzel, putout the cigarette,
that's an order!

This is Crown Cinderella to
Cinderella, we enter on my mark.

Don't forget jockstraps. Out.

Crown Cinderella, open your eyes
and watch each other.

No one is taking a chance.
We sh**t to k*ll.

Rhino, move on.

Rhino, stop.

Cover the area. Out.

I have to pee.
- What?

I need to pee.
- Later.

Hertzel, give me the box...
- Wait, not now!

Hertzel, whatare you doing?!

Rhino, we are being shotatfrom
the upperfloor, f*ck them. Out.

Rhino, throw a shell outnow!

What's he shouting there?

I don't know, Shmulik. Fire!

Rhino, control your gunman
and put a stop to this circus.

I'm telling you to fire, right?
Then sh**t! Fire!

Didn't you hear him? Can'tyou
hear him? Hertzel, tell him!

There's a girl overthere, Assi.
Tell him there's a girl...

So what do you want me to do?
Fire! - Tell him, Assi!

Rhino, fire!

Fire, Shmulik! That's an order!
Please, fiire...!

Go down, crouch!

Don't come close!

Let her go, Michael. Eyes up.

Crown, this is Second, we are
at the entrance to the building.

Don't come any closer!
Go away!

Have you seen my daughter...?

Don't come any closer!
Go away!

This is Second,
the staircase is clear.

Her name is Wafa...

She's only fiive years old...

Go away!

Where's my daughter?
- Don't come any closer! Go away!

Where's my daughter? Answer me!

Where's my daughter?!

Don't touch me! Enough!

Bring me back my baby!

Don'tget up!

Watch out for the fiire!

Don'tget up. It's dangerous.

We are entering the apartment.
Grenade in the apartment.

Apartment is clean, Two dead
t*rrorists and one dead girl.

No casualties, over.

Evacuate. Out.

Listen up.

I didn'tsay one word up to now,
'cause I told myself,

"Go easy on him.
Whatever happened, happened."

Butfrom this moment on,
any movementwe spot,

I wanta sulfur bombshell.

Let me correct myself:
"Flaming Smoke".

What's your name?


Don't let me down, Shmulik!

Everything ljust told him is under
your responsibility. I'm warning you!

Till now we were playing
"cops and robbers". Now it's a w*r!

Got it?

I'm talking to you! Got it?!

When you don't function,
it screws me.

You're playing with my life here.

Some gunman... p*ssy.

I'm not going to die here
because of you!

Ok, Assi, relax.

Relax? If he doesn't geta grip,
we'll all burn in here!

There's phosphorous inside this t*nk!
Do you know what it means?!

There'll be nothing left of you!

Noteven a chunk of flesh
for the flies, nota drop of blood.

So you pull the trigger, ok?


You have a trigger too, don'tyou?!
- So...?

So pull the trigger yourself.
Set an example for me.

I'll lock the target for you
and you fire.

Are you giving out
orders around here?!

What orders?! Lay off me!

Don't drop everybody's life and death
on me. You have a trigger too!

That's all...

What's that gesture?

Admit it, he's got a point.
- Wait, are you with him or with me?

I'm with myself,
butyou're the commander here.

You can't be with one of us
against the other.

You can't tell me anything.
You're just a cannon loader...

any monkey-brained person
could do your job easily!

So sit down and shut up!
- You're losing it, man. Chill out.

Don't tell me to chill out!
I'm much calmer than you are!

What's up with you two?
Have you lostyour minds?

The t*nk is fine,
it looks like cosmetic damage.

Crown, this is Second,
we've gotsomething for you.

Crown to Second, on my way. Out.

Shmulik, can you see
what's going on there?

Jamil is there... I don't know.

Yigal, do you see anything?
- The wall is blocking my view.

This is the Syrian guy
that f*cked up your t*nk.

Are you ok? Anyone injured?

Yigal, grab the chain.
Grab it, wake up!

Tie him up.

Grab his hand. I got it.

Lock it! Lock it!

Lock! Did you lock?

Is it locked? - I can't!
- Lock it...

Look, this is morphine.

If he tries to hurt himself,
pour it into the drip.

Cornelia from Crown Cinderella,
I caught a cricket.

Are you sure it's a cricket?

If it looks like a cricketand
sounds like a cricket, it's a cricket.

Your position?
- I'm in the center of the town,

in a building of a travel agency
or something like that.

I read you. Hold on.

What's a Syrian soldier doing here?

What's your name?


You got a problem
with Syrians, Hertzel?

It's just... we're in Lebanon,
then there are Lebanese here.

From Cornelia,
as it looks from here,

you've deviated
from the original route.

As it looks from there maybe, but
from here I can see I didn't deviate.

Wild Birds are trying
to locate you now. Hold on.

Cinderella, pay attention.
You've deviated from your route

and entered an area that's under
the control of a Syrian commando.

This is Crown Cinderella,
I'm in the center of the town.

I didn't deviate an inch from
the route, repeat, didn't deviate!

It doesn't matter now
what you did or didn't do,

you are outof our range
and we have a problem.

Stay in that
traveling agency of yours,

don't move around and don't
initiate any aggressive act.

We are working on a solution
to your problem. Out.


Get this t*nk moving
and go clean yourselves up.

I feel the energies are low here.

I have a question.

You said: "Till San Tropez it's a walk
in the..." -What's the question?

Where are we?

I mean...
I get discharged in two weeks.

You're on emergency mobilization.

Your discharge is postponed
until further notice.



This t*nk is finished.

Not a single dial on my panel
is functioning normally.

I don't have oil,
don't have electricity,

no chance for it to even start!

If our t*nk is dead,
then we have nothing to do here.

There must be casualties, too.

A helicopter will take us soon.

We're on our way home, Hertzel.

Look, you're...

you're only seeing the small picture.

There's a bigger picture.

We're on our way home,
don't you get it?

If we have no t*nk,
we'll be evacuated.

Look, you mightbe
the most senior here, but...

But what?

Butyou don't... forget it.

Assi, he's right. Our t*nk is dead,
we need to report that.

Guys, I have my own...

Your own what?!

My own reasons.

Who will call, you or me?
- Hertzel, leave thatspeaker.

Decide, Assi, you or me? - Put the
speaker down, that's an order.

f*ck you and your orders,
- Hertzel!

Crown Cinderella from Rhino.
- Rhino, continue.

Rhino, what do you want?
- Talk to them, come on. Talk!

Assi, answer!

Rhino, speak up!

Ok, I'm on my way to you.

Truth is, Hertzel,
I didn't expect thatfrom you.

Didn'texpectwhat? - Forget it,
I didn't expect that. - What?

Not obeying my order is one thing,
but as a friend, you messed up.

Enough, Assi!
You yelled at the new guy

that you won't die because of him,
so quit the friendship bullshit!

My life is on the line too, ok?!
- Jamil is coming.

Put your ego aside and see I'm
actually doing you a big favor here!

Talk to him now. If you won't take
care of me, I'll do it for you.

And besides,
we were neverfriends.

Yigal, tell him.

This t*nk is finished.
All my dials say it's dead.

It won't even start.

Did you try?
- According to my dials, it's dead.

There are wounded men out there
and a helicopter is coming.

So if this t*nk doesn't start,
we've got nothing to do here.

Shut up.

Start it. - But it's broken,
my dials... - Tanks don't break!

It's either all burned up
or it works. Start it!

Go on. Start it. Don'tstop!

Why did you letgo?!
- I have no electricity here...

I'm telling you start it.

Pump it.

Keep pumping.

Pump it! Don't let go!

Pump it more, more,
push it, push it!

Drive! Press the gas pedal hard!
Gas, gas!

Drive! - What?
- Drive, let's move it!

All the way! Gas! Gas!

Keep pumping!

This is the second
and last time I'm saying this:

Clean yourselves off
and shape up.

You can't run a w*r in this mess.

I swear thataccording to my dials...,
- Enough with your dials!

I can't trust anyone
in here anymore.

I need to pee.

Crown Cinderella, this is Cornelia,

two phalangistsoldiers
will get to you soon.

Let them evacuate you.


I bet you my mom
is on her Valium now...

Wearing her robe,
rearranging my baby photo album.

She keeps rearranging it...

One time it's according to date,

then, according to
black and white or color photos...

My father died
when I was in 11 th grade.

They pulled me out of class
and told me he was dead.

Cardiac arrest.

My teacher took me aside,

hugged me and talked to me

but I couldn'tgetanything
she was saying.

I could only feel her
breasts against my chest.

She then drove me home in her car,

and the whole way there I had
a hard-on, as straightas a rocket.

When we got to my house,
there were plenty of people there.

They all see me and want
to hug me, but I don't let them,

'cause I'm scared they'll
notice my hard-on...

I guess my teacherthought
itwas something psychological,

like some kind of a shock or crisis,

so she takes me to my room
and says it's okay for me to cry,

and that I'll feel
much better if I cry.

Then I realize that if I cry
she might hug me again,

so I start repeating to myself,
in my head:

"My father is dead.

"He's dead. I'm an orphan,
I don't have a father anymore."

And I started crying...

It's pretty f*cked up, but it worked
justas I thought itwould.

She grabs me
and hugs me and says:

"Yes, sweetie, cry, it's ok."

My d*ck is squeezed against her
stomach, and I know she feels it...

So I keep crying
and she keeps holding me.

And so, for a minute or so,
I keep on crying

while she has her breasts
squeezed against my body

and I can smell her body,
her hair,

while my d*ck is rubbing
against her softstomach.

Suddenly I feel she starts
moving a little with me.

I stop crying and bite my lips...

Then she whispers to me:
"Don't be shy, don't hold it in,

"keep crying, you're not done yet,
finish, honey, loosen up."

And then I feel how it's bursting

and boom!
I cum and cum and cum,

and she keeps hugging me
and squeezing me.

I really...

I really did feel much better,

just like she said I would.

Man, I got a hard-on
just listening to your story.

Crown Cinderella from Cornelia,

the two phalanges
are coming to you now.

Wait for dark and let them
lead you out to San Tropez. Out.

Whatare phalangists?

Christian Arabs. They're on our side.

Christians, Muslims, whatever,
as long as they get us out of here.

Rhino, make way for the Mercedes
to come out. Move aside. Out.

Cornelia, I have a problem
with your phalangist here.

I told him to get us outof here,
he says he'll only do it

after he sees the Syrian prisoner
'cause he has a deal.

What's going on here, tell me?
What's this rubbish?!

Let him talk
to the Syrian prisoner. Out.

Welcome, tough guys,
- Hello. Can I take...?

I'm the officer here.


You speak Arabic?
- No.

You speak Arabic?
- No, no, English.

Light? You have light?

Fire! - Fire, fire...

Oh, hello!


Listen, you shit eater...

When we get to San Tropez,

I wantyou to know
what we want to do to you.

You'll be in the suite.

First we'll undress you. Slowly.

After that, I'll poke your eye out
with a spoon.

But I'll only poke one eye outso
you can see what I'll do to you next.

Are you from the phalangists?
- Yes, yes.

I'd cut off your prick too,

but I don'twant to risk you dying
on me and spoiling the party.

Hertzel, whatabout me?

In the morning we'll letyou out,

tie you up between two cars
and start driving.

We'll tear you up alive.

Start praying to God.

Treat him good.
He's a w*r prisoner.

Very... beautiful here.

Very much.

What did he tell him there,

I didn'tget his Arabic, but I think
he calmed him down, didn't he?

What's he saying?

It's not the dialect we learned
atschool, it's something else.

Take a cigarette. Take a cigarette.
Take this...

Put this. I'll light it. Take.

He thinks we're going to k*ll him.

No, we don't want to k*ll you,
we don't want to k*ll you. Calm down.

He doesn'tspeak English.
Stop talking to him in English.

So tell him something in Arabic!
- What should I tell him?!

Assi, do something,
he's hurting himself!

Stop... Enough...

What's wrong? What's wrong?

Give him morphine, Assi!
Where's the f*cking morphine?!

Here it is.

Move, Assi, here it is, I found it.

Listen, we will wait for nightfall and
move independently to San Tropez.

Pay attention... - Whatabout the
phalangists? - Whatabout them?

They were supposed to get us out.
Now we'll move on our own...

I dismissed them.

We'll leave
this civilian area here... ok?

Break a route north
till fire point 11...

Crown Cinderella from Cornelia...

Which in fact is San Tropez.

San Tropez.

Crown Cinderella!

Cinderella, over.

Prepare for moving and let the
phalangists lead your evacuation,

it's final.
Confirm that you received.

I'm not going with them.

I'm the superior officer here and I'm
telling you I'm notgoing with them.

Either you send me a helicopter here
or you force me to take

whatever's leftof my unit and fight
who-knows-how-many Syrians...

Switch to Pluto channel.

Get ready for movement.
- There's a rumor

that someone made a mistake and
we're surrounded by Syrians. - And?

And what? - What's the question?
- Is it true? What's going on?

There are some Syrians around.
- I don'tget this Syrian thing.

Is it dangerous? - This "thing"
is w*r. w*r is usually dangerous!

What's up with him saying this
"w*r is usually dangerous" shit?

Is he joking with me?
Making fun of me?

He's hiding something. I don't
know what, but he won't tell us.

No, no... we'll move north,
we'll open a route.

What route are you talking about?

He probably doesn't know shit.

Who the hell is he, anyway?!
He's just a major.

Cornelia's sucker, ready to go
on suicidal missions for them.

What are you doing, Hertzel?
- I'm looking for Pluto.

No, it's not allowed.
That's the emergency channel.

Assi, wake up!

Are you on morphine too? Need
another m*ssile hit to wake you up?!

You're just nervous, Hertzel., .
- Don't touch me!

See? You're nervous.
- Sure I am!

I'm stuck here with you,
a driver that can'tread dials

and an gunman thatwon'tshoot!
It's normal to be nervous!

Relax, Hertzel, we'll move north.
We'll open a route.

Pull out the t*nk manual, Yigal,
Pluto's code is in it.

Yigal, don't tell him,
we'll get 40 days in jail for this.

Ask Assi, he knows the code!
- Assi, give me the code!

I'm trying, my dad won't forgive me
if I go to prison...

What prison, Assi?
We're going to die! You get it?! Die!

Show me, Yigal. Give it to me!


I need an aerial lift here,
do you hear me?

Get me a helicopter here
and we're out in a minute!

It's too dangerous to land there,

and there's also
the problem of the t*nk.

It got hit, don't forget,
ltcan hardly move.

I told you it will not work.
We can't leave the t*nk there.

Do you hear yourself?
I need help

and you're bullshitting me
about leaving the t*nk or not?

I've got no blood supply here,
no medical equipment,

I ask for help, you let me wait here
for hours and then pin me

with these two clowns
thatyou sent to rescue me.

I need help. You hear me?
I need help!

I'm in a deathtrap and this
is what the IDF has to offer me?!

Two losers in a Mercedes?!

One of them can't even show me
the route on the map,

the other said he was Turkish!
What's he doing here anyway?

They're ok. We know them.

Who knows them?!
Do you know them?

Can I trust them
to get me out of here?

You have no choice.
- I have no choice...

That's it, Jamil.
Getout now before it's too late.

And, off the record, feel free
to improvise. Be creative...


the t*nk driver, Yigal something,
look him up...

Yigal Yom-Tov. What about him?

Call his mother
and tell her he's ok.

Anything else?

Call my mom too.

Exiting Pluto. Out.

We mustclean up the t*nk
and prepare the cannon.

Then to move north.

We'll open a route.

Assi, you're in shock...

On the contrary, Hertzel.

I'm totally focused.

Now I realize that you
were right and I was wrong.

Right? Rightabout what?

Aboutyou not needing to guard.

What are you talking about?

Your job is physical, Hertzel.

You need strength for it.

Had you slept like you should have,
you wouldn't be so edgy now.

Assi, you're in shock!
Get a grip!

See, Hertzel? You're edgy.

What are you doing?!

I'm an officer, Hertzel,

I need to shave.

Order and hygiene are elementary.

Every t*nk commander knows that.

We need to organize the t*nk
and sort out the shells.

There are 9 shells in the front hive.

3 illumination bombs...

3 hollow ones...

2 armor-piercing shells...

and one phosphorus.

Let me correct myself:

"Flaming Smoke".

Then we'll move north

and open a route.

But first, we must clean the t*nk.

You can't run a w*r in this mess.

Cinderella, get ready to move.


Rhino, stay close to the Mercedes.
We're behind you. Out.

Why are the waves silent?
Where's Jamil?

I don't know.
Do you see him, Shmulik?

No, he's gone.

What is it, Yigal, why did we stop?

The phalangistsignaled us to stop.

I'm not taking orders from
some primitive phalangist.

What orders?
He just told me to stop.

Crown Cinderella from Rhino...

Cinderella from Rhino...

Can anyone hear me?

You have to go now.

You go there! Three kilometer.
- What?

We're not going anywhere
before we talk to Jamil.

Jamil there! Jamil there.
You go now!

Just a second, I'lljust call...
- No second! You go now! No time!

I take the prisoner.

Give me the key.

The key!!!

Jamil has the key.

Believe me...

You have to go now, go there!

I need to pee.

What did he say?

He said he needs to pee.

What's this music?

Let's go like the phalangist
told us to do.

We'll stay here and wait forJamil!

Cinderella, from Rhino.


Assi, what should we do?


Rhino, Rhino from Cinderella.

This is Rhino.
- Where did you disappear on me?

Radio problems, over.
- Ok. Copy this!

We've been cut off, made a small
detour and got to San Tropez.

Are you in San Tropez?
- Affirmative. Are you moving?

Are the phalangists with you?
- Negative.

First of all, start and drive.
Talk to me while moving.

We don't know where to,
to which direction.

Earlier we drove underneath
the ground, there was music here.

Hertzel, relax, take a deep breath
and listen to me carefully.

You must not stand still.
Start the engine and drive!

Rhino from Cinderella, talk to me!
Are you moving yet?

Rhino, you have
to getout of there... Rhino...

Shmulik, Hertzel, Yigal, talk to me.

Hertzel, give it to me.

Where do we go? In which direction?
- Drive north,

f*ck everything in you way, 'cause
if you stay there, you'll die!

Yigal! Drive!
Start the engine and drive!

It won't start...
Nothing's working, it won't start!

Push the starter, Yigal, pump it!

Come on, drive! Push the gas!
- It's not working...

Don'tcry, don'tgive up,
just push the gas.

I don't want to be here anymore,
I can't be here anymore...

I want to go home,

I want to go home, I want my mom...
- Don't cry, Yigal,

we're going to your mom, ok?
Just push the gas hard.

Someone's sh**ting atus!

- I don't know!

I'm sh**ting back!

I have no air! I can't breathe!

Yigal, I need electricity,
Start the engine or I can'tshoot!

I can'tbreathe...

Yigal, push the gas.

I'm sh**ting!

Drive, Yigal, drive!

Drive, Yigal, all the way!
Push the gas all the way!

Drive, don't be scared, drive!

Push the gas, Yigal! Push it!

Drive, Yigal. Great! Drive!

Hertzel, load a shell,
they're sh**ting at us!

Hertzel, they're sh**ting at us!
- Hertzel!

It's loaded.
- I'm sh**ting!

Drive, Yigal!

I'm sh**ting!

Yigal, don't stop!

Keep driving, don'tstop,
we're getting out of here...

We got hit in the front.
Yigal, are you ok?

Yigal, talk to me.

Yigal, are you ok?

Something happened to him!

Yigal, can you hear me?


Rhino from Jamil.

Rhino. Over.

Did you exit the urban area?


Cornelia from Crown Cinderella,
we are out.

Cornelia, copy.

Tell the driver of the t*nk
that his mom got the message. Out.
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