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03x15 - Struggle

Posted: 03/18/14 00:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Revenge...

Oh, God.

The coroner ruled it an accident.

This dark chapter in our lives is finally over.

We can move on.

I don't know if I can.

Emily: Let him go, Niko.

He's guilty of k*lling my father, lying to me about it.

[ Both grunting ]

Emily, no! She doesn't deserve to die.

I've been blacking out.

Get help before you do something else you regret.

So, you're Conrad's first wife?

We all make mistakes, right?

This house belongs to me.

I own this place, and I want you out by the end of the week.

Jack, I'm your mother.

What is going on with you, Ems? Blackouts?

I lashed out at you. I jeopardized Aiden's life.

I'm starting to go after the wrong people, Nolan.

[ Voice breaking ]
What am I gonna do?

Emily: We spend our lives struggling to hold on to the things we value most... the people and things we believe we could never exist without.

But our memories are often an illusion...

...protecting a far more destructive truth.

[ Heart b*ating ]

Jack: They're considering an all-cash offer?

Did you tell them that I have a little boy?

[ Sighs ]

Well... Bye.

House hunting in this market's tough, huh?

I'm just trying to get on with my life.

Is that why you haven't returned my calls in the past three days?

Jack, I just...

I'd like for you to hear me out.

I wondered why I'd never seen any photos of me as a newborn with my mom.
[ Sighs ]

I said goodbye and...

I left you with your father a week after that picture was taken.

He sent mementos over the years -- your artwork and sailing ribbons.

He made it possible to bear being away.

I'm glad he made it easy.

It was never easy, Jack.

And I...

I can't make up for the time we lost.

So why try now?

It's complicated.


I think it's best if we keep our lives to ourselves.

Mickey: Man never had it easy, and, sure, he made his mistakes.

But he always rose above, and we stood by him, just like he stood by us.

So, here's to you, Jimmy.

Taken too soon, but we know you're throwing back with Saint Peter now.


All: Cheers!

Guy had you all fooled.

You got something to say, pal?

Jimmy Brennan was a r*pist who deserves to be exactly where he is right now -- rotting in a box.
[ Spits ]

You're packing up.

Good to see you know when to surrender.

Well, that word's not in my vocabulary.

These are simply pieces on loan for the Hamptons Art Walk.

I have no intention of going anywhere.

Yet this property belongs to me.

Well, that is a rather tenuous claim, as you've neither set foot on nor paid taxes for this land in all your years away.

Oh, your lawyer's advised you to deny me access with the claim of abandonment -- clever.

But if he were really sharp, he'd know that I was defrauded title since Conrad hid ownership from me.

Decades later, you're still that man's pawn.

What I am, Victoria, is the legal owner of this house, which I intend to raze to the ground.

Oh, Stevie, you and I both know the only thing guaranteed to crumble is you.

[ Door opens ]

Emily: Nolan?


God. Next time I agree to chair an Art Walk, please --

It happened again.

What do you mean?

What do you think?

One second, I'm at Grayson Manor, and the next, I come to on my porch with this.

What the hell did you do?

Destroyed my father's carving.

At least it wasn't someone.

This time.

I thought you had these blackouts under control.

Yeah, so did I.

I need to figure something out.

Emily, maybe it's time --

Don't tell me to go to a doctor!

All right, then I'll help you.

We'll leave town. We'll go anywhere.

No, I need to finish what I started.

How can you if you cannot even trust yourself?

Look, for starters, why don't you put the Kn*fe down?

You can't let this destroy you.

I won't.

Ems. Emily, wait.

What are you gonna do?

What I should've done in the first place.

I'm gonna k*ll them all.

I'm all right.

No, Patrick, you're not.

Why would you go to Jimmy's wake?

Expose him for the bastard that he was.

And allow yourself to be beaten bloody by a bunch of thugs?

You're going to get yourself k*lled.

Well, maybe I should.

You don't honestly believe that.

I don't know what I believe anymore.

Believe that I love you...

That Jimmy got what he deserved, and that we need to move on.

Don't let your rage consume you.

It might be too late.

Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my "Find a Former Friend" app.

I'm just --
I'm trying to get out of town.

But I know why you're still here.

Emily's in trouble.

Look, she almost had me k*lled, so if you're looking for me to save her, I pass.

You can't help somebody who doesn't want it.

Really? Because from what I remember, you were an unfocused disaster when Emily rescued your ass and brought you to Takeda.

Believe me, if he were still alive, I would go to him.

You're the only one that can reach her now.

No one can reach Emily.

She's got the strongest will I've ever known.


She's broken down, she's out of control.

She said she's going to k*ll all the Graysons.

Then let her. That's what I would've done.

You're not listening to me.

She's about to do something she will not come back from, ever.

I was surprised you called.

The Graysons are notorious for using the same old fossils.

Those private investigators are loyal to my parents.

I want someone interested in building a relationship with a new regime.

Thought you just needed me tailing someone.

For now, I do.

I assume you're familiar with my wife.

She disappears at odd hours, doesn't come home...

And may be conspiring with my father.

You want a tail for him, too?

'Cause that would require extra manpower.

No, I've got him covered.

No, no, no. I don't need to think about it.

My answer is no.

You, on the other hand, I'm glad I said yes to.

These are the reports you wanted, but I didn't have access to some of the financials you asked for.

Oh, that's all right, sweetheart. I can get those myself.

Who was that on the phone?

No one who would interest you.

Try me.

That was a representative from a hedge fund interested in buying my stake in Voulez at an amateurishly inflated price.

And why say no?

Because, my dear, you can't put a price tag on working alongside your own daughter.

And my interest in this endeavor is just starting to pique.

Now, as Voulez's emissary at today's Art Walk, I need to go home and slip into something more creative.

Daddy, please don't start calling the South Fork home.

It makes me sad.

Oh, really?

Well, I'm the happiest I've been in ages.

[ Card reader beeps, door opens ]

[ Card reader beeps, doorknob turns ]

[ Gasps ]

What the hell are you doing?

Don't worry. You're safe.

From who?

From yourself.

Attempting to k*ll Conrad in his suite with no cover, no exit strategy.

I had no choice.

How many times have you told me that m*rder is not the answer?

I'm out of options. Untie me, Aiden.

You're desperate.

You're flailing around in the dark without a plan.

When you were sh*t, it set something free in your mind.

It's consuming you.

And, what, you're gonna try to snap me out of it?

I'm gonna make you deal with it.

Takeda had ways of reaching your subconscious before.

Don't you dare.

As chair of the cultural arts board, I want to thank you all for your participation.

You have your assignments, so let's have a great event.

I was just at the marina.

It looks beautiful, Nolan.

Worthy of having Stefano Leone as our V.I.P. guest.

As one of his original benefactors, I thought it was only fitting to have the master grace us with his presence.

Mm. Jealous, Vicky?

I mean, I guess that's the difference between you and I in the art world.

You collect, and I connect.

Frankly, I'm surprised you showed up to this meeting at all.

Unlike yourself, I have little interest in playing dilettante with these women.

I'm here to have a conversation with you alone.

Well, hang on a sec while I hide all the blunt objects.

I mean, that is how you and your kind prefer to deal with me.

Do you have any idea what your spiteful retaliation did to my son?

Hopefully create an irreparable rift between you two.

Well, then, you'll be disappointed to learn that your plan didn't work.

The only thing meeting his father accomplished was to destroy Patrick.

[ Chuckles ]
I'm sorry.

You expect me to feel guilty for helping Patrick find his father?

Jimmy Brennan was a horrible, violent man.

And Patrick learned that he was born from an unspeakable circumstance.

I hid the truth to protect my son, and now, because of your childish, myopic games, Patrick thinks he's unworthy of love.

I didn't know.

And in your arrogance, you didn't care.

My son is on the precipice.

His life is at risk, and the blame rests squarely on your narrow shoulders, Mr. Ross.

Stevie: I'm not sure how much longer I'll be.

[ Knock on door ]
Come on in. It's open.


No matter what I decide to do with Grayson Manor, I'm prepared to force an eviction.


I'll call you back.

I got a call from my realtor today.

Seems the house I was about to lose is now mine if I want it.

That's wonderful.

I asked what made the owners change their minds, and...

[ Chuckles ]

...he said they'd received an e-mail on my behalf from a top attorney -- one who talked about how my kid and I deserve my dream home after the difficult life that I've had.

I wanted to help.


I mean, if my dad sent you this stuff, then you knew that we were on hard times before.


Let me just do this for you.

You know what my last memory of the woman who raised me is?

[ Chuckling ]
The giant breakfast that she made me.

It was eggs and bacon, pancakes.

And ice cream.

Could never figure out why until my dad told me that she'd left us.

I'm not doing this out of guilt.

[ Chuckling ]
Come on. How could you not be?

Unless you really are a Grayson, since I know they never feel it.

I am nothing like them.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I know, uh, you've got a long history of popping by my place, so I decided I'd return the favor.

Besides, knew it was the only way you'd see me.

You shouldn't be here, Nolan.

[ Exhales sharply ]

I know we have been through the ringer, but, uh, I had no idea who your father was when I dropped that b*mb.

So, if you did know, that would've stopped you?

Yeah... Patrick, it would have.

But I'm starting to wonder what, if anything, will stop you.

I read about Jimmy's death. I don't know, should we call it a m*rder?

They ruled that an accident.

I know, which is fast becoming a euphemism for "Patrick did it."

So, let me ask you -- how many people did you k*ll before you came to the Hamptons?
'Cause my guess is zero.

Don't stand there and act so innocent, Nolan. We both know you're not.

I don't have blood on my hands.

Wait, so does Victoria pick the victims, or are you just scoring points with Mommy?

You got no idea what she's been through, so stop attacking her.

Or what? I'll have an accident next?

You've totally changed.

You don't even see it.

You really think you know me, don't you?

You don't.

I know you used to be an artist.

Yeah, well...

And I know you've got a booth at the Art Walk that's currently sitting empty, and I know that Stefano Leone will be disappointed.

Stefano Leone's gonna be there?

I set it up back when we were dating.

I, uh, wanted it to be a surprise.


I wanted good things for you, and -- call me crazy --

Mm, I still do.

But since I forgot that you can't do anything that Victoria doesn't sanction, I will send Stefano your regrets.

[ Gasps, coughs ]

That's not gonna work!

Only by stripping away the body can we then focus on your mind, and by shedding that, your soul.

You'll never be Takeda.

You think I want to be here?

I only came back because you destroyed us, and I won't let that be for nothing.

I didn't ask for your help.

God, you're ungrateful.

You don't even know who your allies are anymore.

But I know who my enemies are.

Who, the Graysons?

Then why didn't your blackouts harm them?

No, instead, you went after Nolan and me.

You're misdirecting your anger.

I think the person you're truly angry at is yourself, but you won't admit it.

[ Panting ]

Go to hell.
[ Heart b*ating ]

[ Heart b*ating faster ]

[ Gasping ]


My father...

He's to blame for everything.

[ Jazz music plays ]

Paul Charney.

Or should I say "Your Honor" now?

Enjoying a respite before the fall term?

To be honest, Stevie, I just heard some disturbing news.

Paul and I were discussing your plans to level Grayson Manor.

I've actually changed my mind.

Now I'm thinking it could be put to better use as a halfway house.

The manor is an architectural treasure.

And Paul is the chairperson of the South Hampton historical commission.

He wants to see to it that it's protected by national landmark laws.

Which means it can't be used as a treatment center or anything else.

A landmark needs to meet half a dozen historical criteria to be registered.

I hardly think Grayson Manor qualifies, unless there's a value in the legacy of tabloid scandals.

Careful, Stevie.

You're no stranger to scandal, either.

See you in court.

Well, it seems it's not just me you'll be fighting with.

It's funny. I wouldn't think you'd need so much help.

Are you ready to talk?

[ Sniffles ]

Untie me, please.

[ Sighs ]

[ Grunts ]
[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

It was my father all along.

That's why you defaced the carving he made for you.

Or was it something more?

He carved it the morning he was taken.

Why that day?

I don't know.

I think I was in trouble for something.

Are you certain that it was your fault?

Try and remember, Emily.

Emily: It was the night before he was taken.


She was saying she wanted to run away with him.

He didn't see me, but she saw me in the shadows.

She gave me this look.

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Sighs deeply ]

You already told me all this.

Be brave enough to go deeper.

[ Sighs ]

I knew she couldn't be trusted.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

[ Gasps ]



Get out!


Amanda, stop!


Stop! Stop!

Hey. Hey.

Let me go! You yelled at me!

What's she doing here? I don't like her! She hates me!

Why would you say that?

You don't even know her yet.

No, tell her to go away now!

I'm not gonna do that, Amanda. I love her, and you will, too.

No, she's not my mom.

Hey. Hey. Your mom is gone.

You have to accept Victoria, because we are gonna be a family.

[ Voice breaking ]
He got his wish.

I'm a Grayson now.


Why didn't he listen to me?


Everything could've been different.

Everything could've been...

It's okay.



Well, after this morning, I didn't think you would come.

Well, I, you know, figured forcing myself out might help me shake whatever it is I'm feeling, so...

It's important that you stop torturing yourself about the past and start living in the present...

...because there are always problems to be dealt with.

Something wrong?

Oh, nothing that you need to worry about.

Let's focus on putting your artwork up, yeah?

Mom, why don't you just tell me what's going on?

Stevie Grayson.

She's proving to be more tenacious at the pursuit of our home than I thought.

You got the city council on your side, right?

Well, they're no match for her legal acrobatics.

To think that when she and Conrad were together, she was nothing but a socialite enjoying the high life.

What changed her?

I did.

After Conrad left her for me, it must've been a wake-up call.

But if she thinks that I'm going to tolerate her insolence, she's wrong.

There are other ways to deal with her.

What are you trying to say?

That if I created this beast, don't you think it's time I slay it?

Mom, I need to know what it is you're planning to do.

I won't go into the details here.

Today is about you and your work, all right?

I finally remember what I did during my blackouts.

It's all because of that one memory.

That's why I was sabotaging everything.

Because you didn't think he was worth it.

With everything that happened with my father, I understand.

You're the only person who knew how to save me.

I'm not sure I deserve it.

You do.

And so does your father.

The only mistake he made was falling for the wrong woman.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Which means I still need to clear his name.

Now, that's the Emily I know.

Now, you finish what you started.

You make them pay for what they've done.

[ Sighs ]

The brush strokes are a bit heavy, but I think maybe that was intentional.

Uh, Mr. Leone. It's an honor, sir.

An honor would be an answer to my question.

Right. Uh...

Honestly, I was trying to -- was trying to ram the paint through the canvas that day, which never really leads to good art, does it?

But the talent is there.

I understand you run a gallery.

Uh, with my mother, yes. I do, yeah.

Well, then, this may not interest you, but I've been looking for an apprentice in my Tuscan studio.

The pay is minimal, and the hours are long.

Uh, I...

I don't know what to say. Um...

Just consider it.


Finally feel like talking?



Come here for a second.

Now, you know, we all make mistakes, Amanda.

I'm sorry that we fought and that you got scared.

I, uh, never want that for you.


Daddy, what are you doing?

Right now, it all looks really bad, right?


But you and I -- we can fix any problem.

When this is done, it's gonna be a reminder that no mistake is ever gonna break us apart.

As long as you never forget I love you.

Jack: Emily?

Jack, hey.

Can I, uh...

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Of course.

When your mom showed up, did you get a chance to talk to her?

I mean... honestly?

Um... I wish I could have.


'Cause my mother just came back, and I'm not really sure what to do about it.


You haven't seen her in 20 years.

Actually, I'm not talking about the person that I've been pissed off at this whole time for bailing on me and Dec.

What do you mean?

[ Sighs ]

Stevie Grayson is my biological mother.


She had an affair with my dad, and she left town, hid the pregnancy from Conrad, then my dad and mom raised me as their own.

Stevie Grayson?

Are you sure?

What else did she say?

Just, you know, that it was hard to let me go, but I can tell that she's holding something back.

And if she's this closed off already, I don't see the point in making an effort.

Well, if this is true, she's the only parent you've got.

And, yeah, she made a mistake years ago, but...

Maybe you should give her a chance.

Just please be careful.

And, Jack...

Thanks for giving me a chance, too.

It means a lot.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Patrick: Mom, this is really hard for me to say.

But, uh...

You know that when you hurt, I hurt, too.

And the problem is, when someone hurts you, I become someone I barely recognize, someone who will strike out to protect the one person I value most.

And I know now where that darkness comes from.

It comes from my father.

I feel like if I stay here, others will suffer, too.

I've been given an opportunity, one that I think will make you proud of me.

But it means I have to leave here.

And I hate doing this the way that I'm doing it, but I can't look in your eyes.

If I did, I would waver.

I really hope you understand.

Goodbye, Mom. I will always love you.

Have you heard the news?

Pascal LeMarchal is on his way from Paris.

Oh, I didn't know you were such a fan.

Well, I'm not, really, but he's one of the biggest media moguls in the world, and he'll be in these offices tomorrow.

Right on schedule.

That's why you challenged Margaux's authority.

You knew she'd have to go to the board.

Which meant running home to Papa, and I knew he couldn't resist engaging me on his daughter's behalf.

But why do you want Mr. LeMarchal here?

Oh, well, Charlotte, I could tell you, or, if you want to see how the business of power works, you could take a ringside seat.

Sign me up.


The only time I've missed out on my kid's life is when things were truly messed up, so whatever it was that made you stay away, it must've been bad, but...

I guess I just wanted to make sure it wasn't because of me or my dad.

It wasn't.

[ Sighs ]

I was actually trying to protect you from who I was then.

[ Sighs ]

When I lived here, I couldn't exist without a drink in my hand, hence my time at your bar and with your father.

But now I'm sober, coming up on 20 years.

[ Sighs ]

I was, um...

I was in rehab for the first time when I found out I was pregnant.

But after I had you, I realized I couldn't be a decent mother until I learned how to take care of myself, which took longer than I expected.

It was 30 years.

I know.

The Hamptons are full of triggers for me, the greatest being Conrad and Victoria.

Well... That, I can understand.

But still, why now?

I was ready to face them.

And you.

Then how about this?

How about you come over to my house tomorrow, officially meet your grandson?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Voice breaking ]
I would like nothing more.

I thought Brunello appropriate to honor the next chapter of Patrick's life.

Please thank Stefano again for affording him the opportunity.

You were the one that made him an offer he couldn't refuse, but...

In truth, even without the money, he thinks your boy has talent.

Of course he does.

Maybe now, Patrick can rid his heart of all the hurt and hatred that clouded it during his time here.

Your plan worked, Victoria.

You did the right thing.

It sickens me that the only way to save Patrick was to let him think I was a monster who wanted Stevie Grayson dead.

What? No snappy rejoinder?

None needed.

You let me help break your heart.

Don't tell me yours doesn't hurt, too.

To Patrick.

To my son.

I assume you have information on my wife.

It wasn't as difficult to track as you led me to believe.

Was she with my father?

I think you're testing the wrong theory.

She actually broke into his room at the South Fork.


I don't know what her plan was.

About 30 seconds later, some guy came in after her.

I had to duck behind a wall so he didn't see me.

The next thing I know, they're gone.

So you lost them?

I came out the service entrance and caught a plate as he drove off.

Fed the specs to a couple buddies in the force, and a couple hours later, they found his car.

You've seen him before.

[ Sighs ]

And I never thought I'd be happy to see him again.

I'm glad it worked out.

I finally, uh, understand why she was scared.

Turns out she's a recovering alcoholic.

The Graysons aren't exactly her favorite people.

Well, it's good that she opened up.

[ Baby crying ]

Duty calls.

Good night, Emily.

Good night.

[ Knock on door ]



Sprucing up the cottage?

That's a good sign. How you feeling?


Yeah, I think I finally have a handle on all this.

Now that you've sent your demons packing, is Danny next?

Not until I know what my next step is, but it will be good to have a refuge from Grayson Manor.


Consider this a house re-warming.


Only your touch can open it.
[ Lock whirs, clicks ]

[ Both chuckle ]

Thank you, Nolan.

For this, and for sending Aiden today.

[ Sighs ]
I almost lost everything.

Yeah, I hoped he'd come through for you.

So, I think this calls for a toast.

I'm thinking... gin martinis?

Gin martinis?

Jack: Turns out she's a recovering alcoholic.

David: Gin on her breath.

I don't get many visitors, but when I do, it gives me a moment of hope within the struggle.

Because I think maybe you'll walk through that door having forgiven me.

I had that hope today.

[ Door buzzes ]

Stevie: Mr. Clarke.

I'm a lawyer, and I'm interested in your case.

I wanted to believe her, but that's when I noticed the gin on her breath.

A few days later, I found out that she'd been disbarred for drinking.

But I still cherish the one moment of hope I had that day, because that hope is you, Amanda.

It always is.



What's wrong?

A lawyer disbarred.

I think Stevie Grayson visited my father in prison.

What do you think she wanted?

I don't know.

But she came here with secrets.

I'm gonna find out every single one.