Burmese Harp, The (1956)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Burmese Harp, The (1956)

Post by bunniefuu »

The soil of Burma is red

And so are its rocks

The w*r ended many years ago,

but it left indelibly
sad stories in our hearts.

What follows is one such story

which happened to our company.

It's a story we shall never forget.

By July of ,

the tides of w*r had turned
against Japan even in Burma.

Our company retreated
from one mountain to the next.

We wanted to reach
the border somehow

and cross over into Thailand.

Why don't we sing?

Singing is meant for times like these.


Play your harp for us.

A night in late autumn

The solitary traveller

Looks up at the sky

With a desolate heart

His beloved hometown

His parents dear

The path of his dreams

Is one that leads back home...

We often sang.

Our captain had graduated
from music school,

and he eagerly taught us
the basics of choral singing.

Those songs lifted our spirits
in times of sorrow and pain.

In our company,

we had a special harp fashioned
after the ones used in Burma.

PFC Mizushima learned
how to play it.

He'd never studied music previously,

but he had a natural gift
and quickly mastered it.

He composed wonderful
accompaniments and variations

and played along as we sang.

- Kobayashi, watch these for me.
- Right.

PFC Mizushima reporting
for reconnaissance duties, sir.

- Thanks.
- I'll signal on the harp, as usual, sir.

I'll play "Danger" if I see anything,
"All Clear" if it's safe to advance.

You look better dressed like that
than you do in uniform.

He looks Burmese.

You should settle down here.
The natives would love you.

Me Burmese.

Burma nice country.

What's taking him so long?

Shall we send out
a second scout?

- The harp!
- Mizushima's playing the harp.

Which tune is it, sir?

You still can't tell?
It's the "All Clear".

I always get them confused, sir.

The sarge has a tin ear.

Move out!

- What happened to your clothes?
- Did a fox cast a spell on you?

- Some thieves cornered me.
- Thieves?

What did they take?

What could they take?
All he had on was a longyi.

- They took my longyi.
- And wrapped you in banana leaves?

They gave me these. They had plenty.

They pointed a p*stol at me,

and asked me to exchange
the longyi for banana leaves.

What a polite hold-up!

Mizushima, you look even better
in those leaves.

With a gold necklace,
you'd look just like a cannibal!

A banana loincloth keeps you cool.

Our greatest worry was food.

Enemy paratroopers had laid traps
in surrounding villages,

so we couldn't afford to be careless.

Where's the village chief?

Through distant clouds
the snows of the Himalaya glisten

We bathe ourselves
in its melted waters

Somewhere afar
your hidden spirit

Soothes with those waters
my burning heart...

Can you see the mountains
of the Himalaya from here?

Not from here, no.

The sutras and tradition tell us

that the Himalaya
are the home of the soul.

We long to see them,
even just once in our lives.

Mizushima, your playing's got
very good recently.

Not at all.

You should settle here and play.
You've always said you love Burma.

I want to go home to Japan.


Your hospitality was quite unexpected.
We thank you sincerely.

We'll sing a song of gratitude.

- "Setting Sail", first verse.
- Yes, sir.

I knew it was too good to be true.

- Stay put.
- amm*nit*on boxes in the square!

Nobody move.

Is it the British?


They're forming a line in the woods.

We'll make them think
we don't know they're there. So sing!

And get ready for action
as we sing.

Blossoms fall in myjade cup

The moon is reflected
in my sweet wine

Lost in thoughts
of peace and tranquillity

l look down
on the fields of glory

Rising toward the far hill

Five stalwart youths
in high spirits

Clap your hands!


They could attack at any moment.

It'll be nightfall soon.

We need to keep them off guard.
Laugh and clap your hands!

What about the amm*nit*on boxes, sir?

One shot
and they'll all explode.

One shot
and we'll all be blown to pieces.

O merciful Buddha...

- False alarm. It's not the enemy.
- Wait.

The song's in English.

That night, we learned that the w*r
had ended three days earlier.

We gave up our arms.

We have surrendered.

Not only us, but our country
has surrendered as well.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

We don't know where we'll be taken,
what we'll have to do,

or even if we'll be allowed to live.

All of Japan has been
heavily bombed.

Many are dead.
Many are homeless and starving.

Our country lies in ruins,

while we're imprisoned
thousands of miles away.

All we can do now
is watch and wait.

It's no use attempting
to fight against our fate.

It's far better to accept it like men

and wait for the day
when our nation can rise again.

Up until now,
we've lived and died together.

Now we must share
this fate together too.

Maybe we will die
here in Burma.

If so, we'll die together.

But if by chance
we're able to return home,

we'll do so together,
leaving no man behind.

We'll work towards
rebuilding our country.

That's all I have to say for now.

What's Mudon like?

So we're finally going
to the Mudon prison camp.

- Good thing, too!
- What's good about it?

You think they'll k*ll us all?

Are you serious?

So what's Mudon like?

How should I know?

- Where's Mizushima?
- Here.

The captain's summoned you.

A Japanese unit has been
holding out on a mountain.

The British have laid siege to it
for the past three days.

I've asked the British
to let one of us go

and talk our men
into surrendering.

I don't want a single man
to die needlessly.

That's the mountain there.

Well, Mizushima? Will you go?

It's a half day's trek by foot.

I'll go, sir.

I'm not sure how to proceed,
but I'll do whatever's necessary, sir.

Thank you.

The rest of us will be
heading south to Mudon.

Join us there once you've completed
your mission.

It'll be tough walking
the miles to Mudon alone,

but the British have assured you
safe passage.

I'll proceed to Mudon
once I've fulfilled my duty, sir.

Persuade them to surrender.
But you only have minutes.

We won't wait any longer.

What happened?
The bombardment suddenly stopped.

They must be having
their afternoon tea!

- Son of a bitch!
- Wait! He's Japanese!


- Easy, easy!
- How'd you get here?

- Well done!
- Where'd you come from?

Where's your commander?

At a time like this, we can use
every man we can get!

Stand at attention!

I'm Mizushima from Inoue Company.
I'm here on a mission.

What? You're a messenger?

The Japanese army
has surrendered.

Further resistance is useless.
Please surrender as quickly as...

Silence! How dare you!

Surrendering is an insult
to those who've died!

Unlike your unit,
we're not filthy cowards!

- We'll fight to the death!
- What good are you then?

Live, endure, work
for your country.

For our country?

Such insolence! How does
surrendering help our country?

None of us here wants to live
with that humiliation!

As long as nobody surrenders,
how can Japan lose?

That's right!

A coward like you can't be Japanese!

- Leave!
- I refuse.

I won't leave until you reconsider.

You'll die if you stay.
Aren't you afraid?

I don't want to die

Dying in battle is meaningless?

It doesn't serve Japan
or its people or yourself.

- It's meaningless.
- How dare you!

- A harp? What's the idea?
- I use it for signalling.

Captain, you're responsible
for these men's lives.

If they die in vain,
the blame will be yours.

Who will apologise to their families
and to the people of Japan?

Very well. I'll put it to the men.

- Nakai, what about you?
- I'll fight to the end, sir.

And the rest of you?

How's it really going to turn out?

Just as I told you.

If only we had time
to discuss it calmly.

Unfortunately, time's almost up.

Please decide
in the next three minutes!

It's unanimous.
We'll all fight to the death.

I'll ask the British once more

to give me more time.

- You're afraid of dying!
- Coward!

I'm not a coward!

- We won't be taken prisoner!
- Go home alone!

Very well.

I don't have time to argue with you.

What are you doing?

We'll never surrender!

My captain said not to let
a single man die needlessly!

You'll pay for this,
you son of a bitch!


It's so quiet.

Glad you made it, old lady!
And in the rain!

It's her livelihood.

Old lady, let's trade.
What have you got today?

That stupid Indian soldier...
firing blanks to scare me.

A raw recruit, I'll bet.
How can he not know my face?

Hey, how about a molasses bar
for this broom?

You call that a broom?

I made it out of palm leaves.

You're a clever fellow.
Okay, it's a trade.

Old lady...

I made this bamboo flute yesterday.

It has a good sound.
Trade it for some bananas?

Okay, let's trade.

I don't want this monkey you gave me.
Can I trade it for food?

No, that monkey's
a very naughty creature.

I won't take it back.

I'll trade these new socks
for some shrimp paste.

Okay, trade.

- Is that stuff good?
- Tastes like our salted fish guts.

Old lady...

Did you ask about
what we discussed?

You forgot again, didn't you?
It's hopeless.

We can't get any information.
We have to rely on you.

It's no use getting angry.

Please don't forget this time.

The wounded Japanese soldiers
brought to the Mudon hospital,

were they really captured
on Triangle Mountain?

If so, was there a man
from another unit?

And is he all right?
Just ask that much.

In a few days, I'll be going
to the hospital to do some trading.

I'll ask about it.

- We'll pay what we can.
- Don't forget.

- Don't forget, please!
- I understand.

Thank you. Goodbye.

She's kind,
but completely unreliable.

I wonder what happened to Mizushima.

It's been over ten days.

I should've gone myself.

- Don't feed the monkey now.
- It's hungry.

I was saving that rice!
l was going to feed it tomorrow.

Yesterday you gave it my share!

- Go to sleep!
- I can smell sake

Would you all shut up?

We haven't even begun to taste
the suffering of defeat yet.

We ought to be grateful
that we're just locked up here.

What do you say if we start
our rehearsals tomorrow?

The shrike sings
on a withered branch

While we beat the straw

Okada, take the baton.

It's all as it was last year

But something is missing

The chop, chop, chop
of my brother's axe

They're singing with us.

They come every day,
they must've learned the song.

Singing's not your forte, is it, sarge?

I'm probably the worst in the unit.

- You know how terrible you sound?
- I guess so.

Hey, that monk's here again.

He rakes it in here,
people are always giving him alms.

Fall in!

Double file, forward!

- What is it?
- What's wrong?

- Looks like him, doesn't he?
- He looks exactly like Mizushima.

- Mizushima?
- He said it's Mizushima...


- Stop fooling around. You'll scare him.
- Are you Mizushima?

Taking shelter from the rain?

- Hello, old lady!
- What are you doing here?

This is my house.

So this is where you live?

Did you find out for us?

Yes, this time
I remembered to ask.

What happened to Mizushima?

- Mizushima?
- What I mean is...

What did they tell you?

Calm down and I'll tell you
everything they told me.

You know the hospital,
the soldier...

Just give us the gist.
This rain will soon pass.

They said they were
on Triangle Mountain.

They said that there was a man
from another unit.

They were all running around,
b*ll*ts flying through the air,

so they reckon that
he probably died there.

So he's dead after all.

He died in battle.

That's the same
as the one that monk had.

Did you meet the monk too?

This is the brother of the monk's bird.

My husband spent all day yesterday
in the woods

and caught five parrots.

The monk came along
and asked him for directions.

My husband gave him a parrot
to earn a favourable rebirth.

He sold three. This is the only one left.

Old lady...
will you sell me that bird?

It's a very cute bird.

This is in thanks
for all the information.

This is for you too.

Thank you.

Go ahead. Take the bird.

This bird can learn Burmese,

Anything you want to teach it.

That was the end of our hopes
for Mizushima.

We couldn't learn any details,

and we had no way
even to search for his remains.

The only thing we could believe
was that he'd died in battle.

It's been five days already.

Can't you see
that whatever you do is futile?

The armies of Britain and Japan

can come and fight all they wish.

Burma is still Burma.

Burma is the Buddha's country.

I'm starving.

- Which way is Mudon?
- I don't know.

- Which way is south?
- That way.

A Japanese cartridge.

They're here too.

Aren't you going to Mudon?


But the corpses
of the Japanese soldiers...

In Burma, the bones of many
foreign soldiers lie unburied.

It's a terrible pity.

You may take this boat to Mudon.

Thank you.

Please be our guest in this room
whenever you visit Mudon.

You seem to have undergone
some very severe training.

Good night.

At last, tomorrow is almost here.

They'll be so surprised
when they see me like this.

Why are you playing
so early?

I'm sorry. I play the harp
every day for money.

Why do you play
that tune?

If I play this,
the English give me money.

May I play?

Please teach me
to play like that.

That way I'll be able
to earn more money.

I will teach you.

But the monks will
complain if we play here.

The British hospital workers
are singing a hymn.

A Japanese soldier
probably died this morning.


Aren't you going
to the prison camp?

The camp is the other way.

- Mizushima?
- Don't scare him like that.

So...that monk was
Mizushima after all.

But we weren't to know that
at the time.

I know now that
I can never go back with them.

It's a ruby!

It's strange to find such
a big one along the river.

It must be the spirit
of the dead.


What is it?

That music...

It's a harp.

I wonder who's playing it.

- It's a famous song...
- I don't mean that.

It's the way it's being played.

The arrangement
of the notes together.

- That's how Mizushima played it.
- It's that kid we saw at the temple.

Let's ask the kid. Let's ask him
who taught him how to play.

What do you think?

If Mizushima is alive,

is there any reason
he wouldn't want to return to his unit?

- There can't be!
- Unthinkable!

Why was that boy playing
Mizushima's song?

How do you know
it was Mizushima's song?

We don't, but the captain says
it was in his style.

And the captain's a musician, isn't he?

Mizushima died on the mountain.
How could he teach the kid?

- Maybe before he died.
- Idiot! He didn't have time.

- Did anyone see him die?
- Are you saying he didn't?

- We can't be sure.
- I've seen deserters pose as monks.

So the monk on the bridge may
actually have been Mizushima.

- That's right!
- Why didn't he say anything?

- He didn't understand Japanese.
- But he looked just like him...

Right! That's enough!

Captain...I know it's disappointing
to hear this,

but I think it's best to forget
about Mizushima.

He died bravely
trying to carry out his mission.

To doubt his death is actually
to dishonour his spirit, sir.

When he dressed as a native,
he looked exactly like one.

By the same token, there must be
Burmese who look just like him.

You believe he's alive,
so you think you see him,

or you think you hear
his harp playing.

I'm grateful that you care
so much for your men,

but it'll be detrimental to your men
if you let worry ruin your health.

There's no hope for him.
Please forget him, sir.

I suppose you're right.


Eyes right!

Eyes front! At ease!

Isn't that Mizushima?

Hey, Mizushima!

Let's return to Japan together.

Very good.

Let's return to Japan together.

It's no good.

Maybe it's too difficult.


Please...just check one more time.

That's impossible.
We've done all we can.

The British troops that took
Triangle Mountain have returned home.

The Japanese survivors
aren't in this town.

But that tune...

You hear a certain way of playing,
a few notes floating on the breeze,

and it's enough to make you think
a dead man is alive.

Are you sure you've not dreamt it all?


Let's return to Japan together!

You got it! Well done.

Captain! What's the point
of training it to say that?

I know how much you regret
Mizushima's death,

but such behaviour is unmanly.

Hearing this bird repeat those words
day and night

will be bad for the unit's morale.

Everybody's already homesick as it is.

I beg of you, sir,
please pull yourself together.

We all saw that monk
carrying a white box of ashes.

That's a Japanese custom!

I thought it strange too, sir,
but there's a similar custom in Burma.

He was the only one
carrying a white box.

I have to find out who that monk is.

Next time I see him,
I'll put this parrot on his shoulder.

If it is Mizushima,

he might respond
to what the bird says.

If he doesn't,
then I'll know I'm wrong...

and I'll give up.

I'm sorry to put you all through this.

Just bear with me a little longer.


So it was you after all.

Now that I see this box here,
I know for sure.


What happened to you
on Triangle Mountain?

And what happened after?

I have no idea.

But I think I know how you feel.

You've made a weighty decision.

How hard it must have been.

It is springtime,
and high in the castle

At a flower-viewing banquet

The sake cup
makes the rounds

Casting its shadow
against the walls

Moonlight shines
through boughs

Of ancient pine

Where has it gone

That light of days long past?

- It's Mizushima!
- That's his harp!

It's coming from the forest!

It's coming from the statue of Buddha!


If you're in there, open up!

Can't you hear us?

That's Sergeant Ito's voice.

And that's Kawakami.

That's Baba.

Hey, everybody! We're going home!

The repatriation order's arrived.
We leave in three days!

- We're going home?
- Really?

The captain said so.
He's at headquarters now.

Let's return to Japan together.

That's right.
That stubborn bastard Mizushima.

We have to take him back to Japan.

Show your face, Mizushima!

Let me think.

How can we get this parrot
on that monk's shoulder?

We only have three days,
not much time at all.

Well, at least now
we can go around and look for him.

I've got a good idea!

If we start singing really loud tomorrow,
he's bound to show up.

Your unit really likes to sing.

Deep in the countryside
of Shinoda

The mother fox longs for her cub

Deep in the countryside
a red dragonfly...

- Hey, I don't think he's coming.
- I'm losing my voice.

Whose bright idea was this anyway?

Look, the old lady's here!

Congratulations! Congratulations!

I heard you're going home.
I'm very happy for you.

I wish you happiness
back home in Japan.

Thanks for all your help.

I'll tell my mother back home
all about you.

You've all suffered so much.

Old lady...

Something to remember us by.

Thank you.

Here's another memento.

This is for you.

- This is a good-luck charm.
- Thank you.

- For you.
- Thank you.

People have started calling me
"Japanese Granny".

It'll be lonely here
when you've all gone home.

You're still speaking
in that Osaka dialect.

And I always will.

That's the Japanese
the officers stationed here taught me.

Is it now?

Old lady, do you think you could give
this parrot to that monk?

That's impossible.

He's a wandering monk
and a highly revered one too,

but nobody knows where he is.

We're leaving tomorrow.

We're not asking you
to search all over Burma,

but if you see him,
could you give him the bird?

What a strange request.

We have enormous respect
for that monk too.

Very well,
you can trust me to do it.


From now on, you'll be with your brother
on the monk's shoulder,

serving the Buddha together.

Please make sure he gets it.

I'll visit again before you leave.

Goodbye, and thanks again!

I'm not sure. She didn't seem
that serious about it.

We have no other choice.
There's nothing else we can do.

At least there's a chance.

Has everyone finished packing?

There's nothing to pack.

Just put me on that boat.

What's wrong with your voices?

He said Mizushima would show up
if we sang.

Now we all have sore throats.



Don't you care
if Mizushima doesn't come back?

He's coming! He's coming!

What is it?

- Who?
- He's coming!

- You stink of booze!
- Mizushima's coming!


I mean,
that monk's outside the fence.

That same beggar kid's with him.

He's got two parrots
on his shoulders.

Hey, Mizushima!

Let's return to Japan together!

So the old woman found him.
That's our parrot.

But Mizushima never had
such a vacant look.

Maybe it's not him.

How about if we sing?

we're going home tomorrow!

- It's good you came back!
- Come home with us!

What's the matter? Say something!

Hey, Mizushima!

What happened to you?

- Good day.
- Old lady!

Good day.

- We've nothing left to trade.
- These are for you.

Free of charge.

I won't go back!

That's a strange phrase to learn.

Get that damn bird out of here!

This is...the other parrot.

The monk kept the one you gave him.

He told me to bring you
this one in return.


He asked me to give this
to the captain.

The monk asked me
to do that for him,

and since it's the last thing
I can do for you, I brought it.

Time to leave!

There's a letter from Mizushima.

There's no time. I'll read it later.

But Captain,
what if Mizushima changed his...

Mizushima isn't going
to change his mind.

Even if I read it now,
it wouldn't make any difference.

Ready for departure!

All units ready for departure.

Company, forward march!

At ease, march!

Is everyone here?

I'm going to read Mizushima's letter.

I think I understand how he feels.

When I went
to the repository that day

and I saw that white box,
I understood.

But I felt uneasy
and said nothing to you about it.

I think this letter
will answer your questions.

"My captain and brothers-at-arms...

"It's difficult to express
how much I miss you all,

"how much I want to join you,
work with you,

"talk with you and sing with you.

"It's even harder
to express how I long to return

"to my w*r-ravaged country
and see the ones I love.

"But I cannot return.

"I cannot leave the bodies
of my comrades

"lying scattered along the hills
and rivers of Burma.

"It was when I turned back for them

"that I met you on the bridge.

"I can't express
how I felt at that moment,

"but by then I had already
made my mind up to stay.

"I couldn't rejoin you,

"or even tell you my name.

"I had only one intention,
and that was to hurry north.

No, I can't go back!

"As I climbed mountains
and crossed rivers,

"burying the bodies
left in the grasses and streams,

"my heart was racked
with questions.

"Why must the world suffer
such misery?

"Why must there be
such inexplicable pain?

"As the days passed,
I came to understand.

"I realised that, in the end,

"the answers were not
for human beings to know,

"that our work is simply to ease
the great suffering of the world.

"To have the courage

"to face suffering, senselessness
and irrationality without fear,

"to find the strength to create peace
by one's own example.

"I will undergo whatever training
is necessary

"for this to become
my unshakable conviction.

"The Burmese priest
who has been my teacher

"has formally accepted me
into the priesthood.

"The captain's words
that we should all return

"and work together
to rebuild our country...

"...are still fresh in my memory.

"But when I saw how many dead
were left behind,

"I could no longer feel
the same way.

"I will stay behind
to create a place

"where those thousands
of young souls can find repose.

"After many years,
when that task is done,

"I may return to Japan if possible.

"But even then, I may not.

"My life may end here.

"I'm writing to you from my room
in the monastery.

"The parrot you sent me...

"...sometimes says the words
that it learned from you:

"'Hey, Mizushima,
let's return to Japan together.'

"Each time I hear those words,

"I'm startled.

"Today, filled with unbearable sadness,
I forgot my monastic vows...

"...and played a song of farewell
to you on my harp.

"I am now resigned to my fate.

"There is no end
to words of farewell.

"Those of you who still think of me,

"please accept my heartfelt thanks.

"From snow-capped mountains

"to the coast where
the Southern Cross stars shine,

"I shall wander throughout Burma.

"Whenever my loneliness becomes
unbearable, I shall play my harp.

"Thank you for everything
you've done for me.

"I shall always pray
for your happiness.

"Mizushima Yasuhiko."

When I get back to my house
in the mulberry orchard,

I'll take a nice long nap
on the veranda.

I wonder what's become
of the factory.

I miss the sound of those motors.

I'll whistle as I ride my bike
through the Ginza delivering telegrams.

And I'll go to movies and I'll...

You really think it'll be that easy?

You really think Mizushima
will never come home?


You never cared about him before.
What's got into you?

Let Mizushima lead his own life.

Everyone lives as he pleases.

I used to be a station employee...

It was true...I hadn't given
Mizushima much thought before.

l didn't even think about him much
as we headed home.

All I could think about

was how his family would feel
as they read his letter.

In an oddly sincere way,

l hoped the captain would find
a good way to explain it.

The soil of Burma is red

And so are its rocks

The End
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