Infiltration (2010)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Infiltration (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

You k*lled me.

I will k*ll you.

I barely touched him.

What's the matter with you,

I was dead.
He k*lled me.

I will strangle him
till he dies.

It is death here, death!

Get up!

Switch places.

Get up!

Get a hold of yourself,
before I k*ll you.

Miller, come here!

No, sir, not me,
I'm not allowed!

Come here!

I'm sick, not allowed,
it's not good.

You'll be the choker.

- Yes, sir?

How much longer
do I have to wait?

Miller, get up!

Turn around!


Or I'll make you pass out.



Hedgehog, what's up?

Do you want me to help you?

No need, sir.
It'll be alright now, sir.

- I can't, sir! I can't!


Boot Camp, -
Limited physical fitness training

Now you'll see a real hurdle!

No evil eye...

I forgot who I'm playing with.
You guys have lousy luck.

Ben Hamo, why did you do that?

What are you laughing at?
You burnt Zackie's blanket.

Go get a new blanket!

Why me?
What do you want from me?

Get him a blanket!

What you did to me is bad enough,
now you're accusing him?

Get a blanket.

He's the one who burnt it.

Why pretending you didn't see him
put the cigarette on the blanket?

Ben Hamo,
you're playing with fire,

I have a psychiatric profile,
for anger issues.

Watch it, Ben Hamo!
You're starting to piss me off.

Look who he's messing with,

me, Peretz "mental case".
- No harm done, Ben Hamo!

Tonight when you come to me,
maybe I'll let you have some.

I'll get you a needle from my wife,
you can sew it up.

After all you're not a man.

Third platoon, prepare to stand
at attention in seconds!



, , , , !

Third platoon! Prepare to stand
at attention for Commander Mualem!

Two, three...
- Attention!

Give another attention command,
for Ben Hamo.

Third platoon! Prepare to stand
at attention for Commander Mualem!

Two, three...
- Attention!

Ben Hamo, I'm warning you!

I've got my eye on you.

At ease!

Tell the platoon what you told me.

I asked why we have to practice
silencing a guard.

Who will we have to strangle at
our desk job? The secretary, sir?

Whoever knows the answer will be
released from guard duty all week.

We won't all work
in an office, sir!

I'm not supposed to be here, sir.

I should be in the paratroops, sir.

That's right, sir!
Not everyone will get desk jobs.

Some of us will be
cooks and drivers.

Anyone else thinks
he knows the answer?

I assure you...

by the end of boot camp we will
turn all of you into men,

real soldiers!

Till then...

this is the last time

anybody in my platoon

doesn't follow an order

or refuses a command.


Yes, sir!

Good night then,
platoon of the broken hearts.

Good night, Commander Mualem!



Wake up! : !
- Quiet! You're waking everyone up!

He's not waking up! - Whenever it's his
turn to guard, I have to wake up too.

OK! Don't make such a big deal,
go back to sleep.

Melabbes. Melabbes, wake up, : .

Avner's fast asleep.
He's not waking up.

It's ok,
I know how to wake him.

Avner, wake up,
it's four o'clock.

I'm tired.
- Rat bag! I'm tired too!

Why are you shouting?

How many times do you
have to be woken up?

One more word, and I put you to
sleep forever.

Rat bag...

Good morning.

: , thanks for coming.

You're welcome.

What a sweetheart,
what did he say about me?


I know him from Jerusalem.
My mother was their housekeeper.

I wore his clothes for years.

I better patrol.
I don't want any problems.


Don't smoke! They'll catch you.
- I do it so I don't fall asleep.

You patrol, I'll stand guard here.

I dreamt about Ofra,
I can't get her out of my mind.

Are you going to patrol?
- What's there to patrol over? Rats?

You're abandoning the post.
- Fine, come on.

I want to be a gynecologist.

Imagine Ofra, the sports instructor,
coming for a checkup,

lying down on the bed,

taking off her clothes,

opening her legs
and saying to me:

"Doctor, I don't know
what's wrong with me.

"I have an itch down there..."

Halt! Password!

"The holidays are coming,"
and business is booming.

I guess he likes it here.

The entire staff is afraid of him.

This is his last time at boot camp.
They've had enough of him.

We should report him.

Be quiet! He can go to hell.

I'd rather get in trouble with the
platoon commander than with him.

Commander Benny, didn't you
forget something?

Heaven help us, I've got
training in minutes.

Heaven help us.

What are you saluting me for?
Do I look like an officer to you?

No, sir!

You have a cigarette?

Yes, sir!

What do you want me to light it with,
your riffle?

Sorry, sir, it won't happen again,
I promise.

Shut up!
Enough with your stories.

Third platoon...

What is a w*apon?

A w*apon is like a woman, sir!

Avner, come here.

I want the entire base
to hear you.

You ask...

and he answers.

Duty guard...

Two, three!
- What is a w*apon?

Two, three!
- What is a w*apon?

Two, three! What is a w*apon?
- Shut up! Shut up!

- Yes, sir.

Is it convenient that
I'm carrying your riffle for you?

Don't you want your riffle back?
- Yes, sir.

Then why aren't you shouting?

It's not true, sir.

What's not true?

A w*apon isn't a woman, sir.

You're right. There is
no woman in the world...

who could save your ass.

Can't you shout one little lie
for your commander?

Not a lie like that, sir.

You can abandon your riffle,

you can abandon your
sleeping friends,

you can sleep instead
of guarding,

but you can't say one little thing
to make your commander happy...

That you can't do?

We'll see what you can
and what you can't do.

Your platoon and I

are going for a morning run.

I don't want you to be tired.

Go back to sleep.

Until further notice,

I want you sleeping in your bed,
with all your gear,

here, outside.

Facing the barracks,
facing the company offices.

This way you'll guard
and sleep at the same time.

Every hour on the hour,
you can get out of bed,

but only for seven minutes,

not a second longer.

Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.

I don't envy you
if I see your bed empty

after the seventh minute.

Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.

Ok, third platoon.

Now we'll see
what you're really made of.

Let's go, follow me!

No one stops!

Keep running in place!

Run in place.

Follow me!

Let's go, out.

Move already!

Move invalid.


Let's go!

Reduce gaps!

Not good like this,
no air, Ben Hamo.

You don't run,
Let's go, follow me.

I'll walk with you.

Let's go, follow me.

Let's go!

What's the rush?
- Don't you ever put your hand on me!

Come here!

You're in the army!

You can shove your army
up my ass!

What's going on here?

Fall into formation.

Formation, third platoon!

Third platoon,
prepare for attention!

Two, three...
- Attention!

Heaven help us!

Where did they find
such a group of losers?

From now on,
this will be your running course.

Whoever can't run it in the
morning, will run it at night.

It is called...
- Sir!

What is it?

Sir, most of the people here
have health problems,

they can't run so much, sir.

Are you their spokesman?

No, sir.

So why are you speaking out?
You think you're in a kibbutz assembly?

I am the duty guard, sir.

It's been no more
than twenty four hours...

and already Hedgehog refused
a command, Avner breached guard,

Mickey and Peretz are fighting,

Zero Zero's cursing the army
and you...

duty guard,

you are inciting a mutiny?

Sorry sir.
I shouldn't have said anything.

Who gave you permission to speak?

This isn't a pencil.

Summer vacation's over.
That's it, no more games.

I don't care about
your diseases anymore

I don't care about
your medical problems.

When we stand attention...

we look up.

We don't look...

at the commander.

I'm here to turn you into

The fact that we have a few
high school graduates,

doesn't impress me.

You can't hide behind
your diseases any longer.

From now on...

you're healthy.

Be careful, it's hot.
- What is it? - Tea.

You're a good friend, Melabbes.

Bon appetite.

Whose is this?

I think it's mine, sir.

Nothing here is yours.

You yourself are army property.

Is this how you got it?
- No, sir.

You're going to pay for this.
- It was an accident, sir.

It better have happened
by accident.

You'll see what happens
when I deal with creatures like you...

by accident.

Don't you know how to shave?

I have bad skin,
It gets cut when I shave, sir.

A skin disease?

You have a skin disease.

I don't know, sir,
it got cut.

After roll call,
go to the infirmary.

What's your ID no?

, sir!

Zero Zero...

Anyone else here
have contagious diseases?

Have something to say to me?

No, sir.

Are you sure?

Let's try this out.

You ask: "What is a w*apon?",

and he answers.

Two, three!
- What is a w*apon?

I see you're still tired.

Go back to sleep.

- Yes, sir?

You are the duty guard.

Alon is going
to clean the latrine.


At ease.

What's wrong with you?
Why are you in Training Base ?

I don't know, sir.

You have some sort of illness.
- Not to my knowledge, sir.

Are you a conman? - No, sir!
I wanted to join the paratroops, sir.

I was sent here after joining
paratroop training.

Must be a mistake, sir.

You want to be transferred
to the paratroops? - Yes, sir.

After you're done here,
go to the adjutancy

and ask for a transfer form.
- Yes, sir.

If you stop rebelling, I'll help you.
- Yes, sir!

Get in, for God sake.
Get in!

- Go in. At ease.

This little shit should be shoved
into the sewer.

I'll punish you if I catch you
sneaking out of the shower!

Take the soap.

Go on!

Are you waiting for me
to wash you?

Heaven help us.

Where did you find him?

They called me from the infirmary
to take him to the shower.

You want to scrape
the shit off him too?

What's wrong with you?

What did they say
at the infirmary?

Don't worry, sir, it's not contagious.
It's my blood, not my skin, sir.

It takes too long to clot, sir,
I was exempted from shaving, sir.

No problem!
If you don't shave, you grow a beard.

My wife doesn't like
facial hair, sir.

So choose, your wife or the beard.

My wife, sir. - Take off your
underpants and wash yourself properly!

Yes, sir.
- Dismiss us first.

For the departure
of commanders Mualem and Benny,

two, three, attention!


It's good.

Watch out, they won't let you
finish basic training,

you'll have to start all over
like I did.

I have two and half years.

I'm not shouting slogans.
I won't let them mess with me.

You love your girlfriend
that much?

I don't have a girlfriend,
I have a mother.

I don't shout stupid slogans
about women.

You, Avner, from third platoon,
company B, don't have a girlfriend.

No, I don't have a girlfriend.

Then your sister Aliza is waiting
for you at the gate.

The guard won't let her in.

Sammy, please,
tell her to go home.

I thought you didn't mind lying
here till you finish your service.

Not when my girlfriend is here.
Tell her to leave!

I don't want her to see me
lying here like this.

You said you don't have a girlfriend.
- She's not really my girlfriend,

I see her from time to time, you know.
Come on, Sammy, tell her to leave.

Poor thing, she came
all the way from Jerusalem.

Maybe it's important?
- Stop it, do me a favor.

I don't want her
to see me like this.

Thanks, Sammy.



Come quickly. Now, Melabbes.

- I'm coming.

It's five to seven. If one
of the commanders gets here,

tell him I had to run to the latrine.
I'll be back by seven past seven.

What's wrong?
- I have to get her out of here.

Who is she?
- Later.

Are you crazy?
You'll get caught.

If I get caught,
you'll get caught too.

What are you doing here?
- I came to see you.

Come here.

How did he sneak you in?

Over there.

You're not allowed to be here,
it's a restricted military area.

You ashamed of me?

Do you know what they'll do to me
if they see you?

No more than my husband will do
to me if he finds out where I am.

Besides, half the platoon's
from Jerusalem.

Take it easy!

I'm not a dog
you can drag around like this.

I'm not allowed out of bed.
If they catch me, I'm done.

Then go back to your bed!

I'll find the way on my own.
- You'll get lost.

I'll walk you to the bus.

I lied to my husband.
Don't ask what I did to get here,

and you're throwing me out
like I'm your whore.

You don't love me at all.

I mean nothing to you.

Stop it.

I came to see you,

I didn't come for this.

This place stinks.

The entire camp must be using
this place as a public toilet.

He hasn't done it in uniform,
he's excited.

Told you, you don't love me.

I don't love you?
I'm crazy about you.

He has a stop watch
hanging over his head.

Someone's coming.

I was afraid you didn't love me.
I had to see you.

Avner. - Alon, where is there
a hole in the fence?

You were released from confinement?
- Sammy got her in

through some hole in the fence.
Do you know where it is?

Over there. Come with us.

Go back to your bed,
so you don't get in trouble.

We'll walk her out.

He's right. Go with them,
they'll get you out.

I love you.
- Me too, see you.

Everyone sees the silhouette of the
ruins above the sky line?

Yes, sir.

Infiltrators are liable
to come from there.

Now, be real soldiers
and not some miserable recruits.

We'll you into squads.

Each squad
will have a search area.

Zackie! - Yes, sir.
- Hedgehog! - Yes, sir.

Nachum! - Yes, sir.
- And Melabbes! - Yes, sir.

You stay here in the ambush.

Alon! Alon!

You and your squad patrol along
this path. - Yes, sir.




There's somebody there.

Did you see that?
- See what?

I don't know.
Maybe the dog saw something.

A branch maybe.
- I don't know.

Who fired a shot?

I did, sir.


Yes, sir.

Why did you do it?

Sir, I saw a suspicious figure.

I thought it was advancing
towards us with a w*apon, sir.

A suspicious figure?

Maybe it was a guard.

Maybe it was one of the

Maybe a shadow.

What happened to that figure
after you fired at it?

There was nothing there, sir.

You the one who wants
to go to the paratroops?

Yes, platoon commander!

You're nuts, you know that?

You should be prohibited
from handling a w*apon!

I know I messed up shamefully, sir.

I'm prepared to take
what I've got coming to me, sir.

You are?

That's nice of you.

What do you think this is?
A fun game?

Where do you think you are?
In the kibbutz?


Hit the ground.

Get up.

Hit the ground.

Get up.

Enemy to the right.

Enemy to the left.
- Fire!

Fire! Fire!
- Get up!

Enemy to the right.

- Get up!

Enemy to the right.

Get up!
- Fire!

Hit the ground.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up, I said.

The fighter who's going
to the paratroops can't get up?

Where's your great fitness?

Get up.


Face left!

Mark time! Right, left.

Left, right, left.
Forward march!

Left, right, left.
Left, right, left.

Turn right!

Left, right, left.
Left, right...

Turn left!
Turn right!

Left, right, left.
Left, right, left.


Avner, you have something
to say to me? - What, sir?

Never mind, go back to sleep.

This is the second time I've gotten
you out of a court martial.

You could've been an honor recruit.
Why did you do it?

They sent me here by mistake, sir!
I don't belong here, sir!

I'm not talking to you as a commander.
I'm trying to help you.

You can talk to me,
don't be embarrassed.

You have some kind of problem?

Sir, when you want
something so badly,

maybe you lose it, sir!

If you want,

I can still get you into the squad
commander training school here.

Maybe after that you can
attend officer training...

Sir, I want to be a paratrooper.
- So what if you're a kibbutz member?

What? You think you're
better than me?

Am I a lesser person than you?

Why do you look down
at everybody else?

Things will end badly for you if
you don't adapt to your situation.

Change clothes
and join the platoon.

Watch it, Ben Hamo,
you're not in the Casbah.

The commanders know all about you.

Surely the MP is investigating too.
They'll throw you in jail.

I pity your wife, the poor thing.

I pity your mother,
who taught you to do that.

And your poor sister who goes
around finding clients for you.

How much do you take from Arabs?

I pity your wife
when you come to her at night

and your bad blood doesn't reach your
d*ck so you don't get an erection.

My wife's pregnant, you slime,
I should plug your ass up with tar.

If your wife's pregnant,
I'm engaged.

The filth that comes
out of your mouth

doesn't reach the tip
of my shoe, bastard.

Engaged, congratulations, Ben Hamo!
Who's the groom, Muhammed?

Does he know you want the guys
to give it to you up your ass?

Don't worry,
no one will get into your bed.

Look at them,
they're like wild animals.

They should be sent back
to where they came from.

When we came to this country
and my mother saw the likes of him,

she started to cry.

She said: "I didn't know
there were Jewish gypsies".

She was right,
you are fakers.

You're just Arabs who are afraid
to eat on Yom Kippur.

Leave me alone!

Enough! Stop it.

It's forbidden!

I'm asking you to stop.

Ben Hamo!

They're on to me.

Keep this for me.

Give me a cigarette
and don't ask questions!

Third platoon! Prepare to stand
at attention for Commander Benny

and Commander Mualem!

Two, three...
- Attention!

Rachamim, stand like a soldier!

Why are you panting like a whore
who just got off work?

We were having a good time, sir.

You'll have plenty of time
to enjoy yourself

and dance your sleazy dances...

on Saturday,
when your platoon is at home.


No one moves.

Sir, am I detained on Saturday?
- Best case scenario.

If you're not court marshaled
for vandalizing army property.

Go take a shower,
maybe that'll calm you down.

Where do you think you're going?

To take a shower, sir.
- Wait for the sweat to dry first.

Receive your platoon commander.

Third platoon,
prepare to stand at attention.

Two, three...
- Attention!

At ease.

No one moves.

Everybody at the foot of the beds,

doing exactly what
the military police tells you.

Hello, Sammy.

How are you?
- What a surprise.

To what do I owe the honor this time?
- I've missed you.

Stop thinking about me
and you won't miss me so much.

Sammy, I have bad news for you.
- What now?

You're going away for a long time.
We caught you red handed.

Smoking a cigarette in bed?

Where is it?

What do you want from me?

Take off your shoes.

Remove your clothes.

Remove your shorts.
- Remove them yourself, son of a bitch.

In the balls.

Did he give anything to anyone?

If someone got something from him,
he better speak up now,

before he becomes
an accomplice to a crime.

You have exactly one minute
before we start a search.

I have a soldier outside,
confined to his bed.

Get him.

Go get Avner.

Come on, get your stuff.
Get in here.

Who are you covering for?

Sammy deals in hard dr*gs.

He's going to spend
a long time in jail.

He's not part of
this platoon anymore.

He'll talk during the

Bigger heroes than him have sung.

It's a shame to get involved
in a criminal act

for some felon
you won't hear of anymore.

This is the last chance to give the
dr*gs without getting in trouble.

Go ahead, begin.

Did Sammy give you anything?
- No, sir.

Did you get anything
from anyone else? - No, sir.

Did you see him give something
to anyone else? - No, sir.


Take out the grenade.

Hold it properly.

No need to put pressure
on the fingers.

Hold the safety lever
under your palm.

Yeah, yeah...

On my command,
remove the safety pin,

get up

and yell: grenade!

Look up, see that you throw
the grenade into the barrel

and then duck...

And count: , , , .

When you hear the expl*si*n
yell: exploded!

Is that clear?
- Yes, platoon commander.

- Yes, platoon commander.

Don't forget to remove the safety pin!
- Yes, sir.

OK, throw the grenade!


, , , !


You moron! Idiot!

You k*lled your entire platoon!

But, sir, look...

Next time you throw a grenade,
get down.

In the paratroops you watch
the grenade exploding, sir.

When you're in the paratroops
look as much as you want.

In the meantime you're still
in Training Base . - Yes, sir.

Fall into formation.

Platoon, fall into formation.
- Why were they standing so close?

I didn't want them
to start wandering around.

Don't let a word of this get out.

You're not going to report it?

Take them fifty meters back
and send them to me one by one.

Third platoon, prepare to stand
at attention!

Two, three...
- Attention!

That degenerate
wanted to k*ll you.

Lucky we have soldiers like Alon.

We'll deal with "Zero Zero".

Till then, you go on with the drill
as if nothing happened.

Am I clear?
- Yes, platoon commander!

Until we deal with him,

you don't mention a word of this
to anyone,

- Yes, platoon commander!

For the raising of the flag,
the formation will port arms!

Port arms!

The formation will shoulder arms!
Shoulder arms!

The formation will present arms!
Present arms!

The base commander
will now address the formation.

Another week has come to an end.
I hope it served you well.

Given today's situation
along the borders,

the army needs fine, well trained
soldiers to protect the country.

Use Saturday for rest

and come back refreshed on Sunday.

For the base commander's
inspection, shoulder arms.

Shoulder arms!

What's wrong with him?

Epilepsy, sir.

He mustn't be touched.

When they collapse they must remain
in a reclining position. - Yes, sir.

What's this?

This is the soldier who
discharged a b*llet, sir.

The kibbutz member?
- Yes, sir.

Sir! Can I say something?
- Shut up!

Where's the soldier who was
in bed outside the company office?

Here, sir.

What's your name?
- Avner Gabay, sir.

You like women, Gabay?
- Yes, sir.

Don't forget you're a soldier too,
OK, Gabay?

Yes, sir.

That is the last time I see
a stick in a front row. - Yes, sir.

The whole company has
to see that f*cking stick?!

We need four duty guards
for Saturday.

- Yes, sir?

Did you refuse an order
from commander Mualem?

In the army there's no
"I can't" or "I'm not able".

There's "I don't want".

Detained, sit!

Rachamim Ben Hamo!

Yes, sir?
- Sir, can I say something?

Detained, sit!

Did you burn a blanket?
- No, sir.

Do you have a burnt blanket
in your bag?

Yes, sir, but it's not mine,
I didn't burn it.

Whose is it?

I can't say, sir!

Whose blanket
does Ben Hamo have?

Before I confine you next Saturday,
tell me whose blanket it is.

It's Zackie's, sir.


Yes, sir.
- Whose blanket is it?

I don't know,
It's not mine, sir.

Until you decide whose blanket it is,
both of you, detained! Sit!

Platoon commander!

- The blanket is Ben Hamo's, sir.

He burnt Zackie's blanket, sir!

Sir, I don't know
what he wants from me.

You three, detained. Sit.

Sir, ask Avner,
he saw everything.

Avner, who burnt the blanket?

I don't know, sir.

Detained! Sit!

- Yes, sir.

I burnt the blanket, sir.
- Detained! Sit!

You breach guard duty
and abandon your riffle. - Yes, sir.

Commander Benny made do with
your punishment for the two offences,

you still have a debt to pay.

A w*apon is like a woman, sir.


You're not saying it for my sake.

Shout it out!

A w*apon is like a woman, sir!


Third platoon,

Two, three...
- What is a w*apon?

A w*apon is like a woman, sir!

Two, three...
- What is a w*apon?

A w*apon is like a woman, sir!



Yes, sir!

You should be staying because
of the b*llet you discharged

but because you were
this week's honor recruit,

commander Mualem asked me
to let you go and I agreed. Sit!

I don't want
to go home, sir.

You sure that's what you want?
- Yes, sir.


Why did you volunteer?

You expect me
to go home like this?

You could've come to my house.
- I didn't think of it.

You can still take it back.

Tell him.
- I'm not leaving like this!

- Yes, sir?

Say thank you to Alon,
you're going home.

Thank you.
- But...

any more trouble and you'll stay here
till the end of boot camp.

Yes, sir.
- Sit!

Ben Hamo!
- Yes, sir.

Your mother's waiting at the gate.

You have minutes.

Tell her this is
not a kindergarten.

No more visits like this, clear?

Yes, sir.

Go home.
- The guard won't let us in.

You're not allowed to be here,
go away.

What's with you, Rachamim?

It's not allowed,
take her away.

Rachamim, why are you doing this?

Are you from Rachamim's platoon?
- Yes.

What's the matter with him?
- He's probably embarrassed.

The guard won't let us in.

Maybe you can give him
the basket, please?

Mother, I'll be punished
because of you.

That's it, they've taken you?
I'm your mother.

Rachamim! Fine, I'm going!
Come say goodbye!

He never treated my mother
this way.

This army isn't for him.
- It's not for me either.

You hurt them enough.
Take this, and go say goodbye.

Thank you very much!
Now you help me?

I'm not your nanny.
- You're not my sister's messenger.

They don't deserve this.

Shabbat Shalom to you.
Be healthy.

Shabbat Shalom!

It's not nice to watch.
- Wait, he'll be back.

Leave them alone.
- Wait, I want to see!

So what? You get to do
whatever you want?

There are moments
when you have to look away.

You're preaching to me?

What about his sister?
I could see you like her.

You like seeing people break down?
It gives you satisfaction...

You use nice words, but have
no respect for peoples' suffering.

What's wrong with you?

Don't cry, my son, don't cry.

Ressler is having a party
Saturday night.

They asked me
to invite you.

He's too embarrassed
to invite me himself?

Thank him for the invitation.
I'll be there.

You know where he lives?

My mother will remind me.

Dafna, my love,

you must understand,

I can't take this anymore.

I am sure

this is all a mistake,

a big mistake.

And I have to do whatever I can

to fix it.

I can't return to the kibbutz

as a Training Base recruit.

Shitty luck,
being stuck here with you.

I can't stand it
when no one talks to me.

I won't stay with the rabble,

if there's the slightest chance,

it's worth the battle.

I have to do everything...

What am I?
Nobody? A stone?

Even a stone gets kicked
when you pass by it.

Don't be mad at me.

Don't treat me like I'm sick.

Alon, come see something nice.

I can't give up,

otherwise I won't be me.

Come on, you're missing out.

And you won't love me.

You'll love someone else.

How long you going to hide
behind his ass?

In the end you'll pay,
I promise.

Don't worry, Ben Hamo.
The night is long.

Peretz, don't touch that,
it's not yours.

That's OK,
let him take what he wants.

I said, leave it.

It's for everyone.
- He can ask, I know you'll share.

Ben Hamo, may I? Please?

Why are you glued to me?
You know they'll catch you in the end.

Zackie, what an honor.

Ben Hamo himself, in the flesh,

without his body guard.

Way to go, Ben Hamo,
you're the man!

Bon appetite.

Lucky your mother came, Ben Hamo.

It's rough having to eat army food
on Saturday.

What's your shoe size, Ben Hamo?
- Forty two.

Put out the cigarette.

Pick up the butts.
What is this, a pig sty?


There's no excuse for what you did,
Ben Hamo.

I know, that's why I'm here.

You piece of shit! You rat!

Be grateful I don't pull your
tongue out through your throat!

You're k*lling him.
- Let him die!

There shouldn't be sons of b*tches
like him in the world!

Damn you! Stop it!

Calm down.

Peretz, that's enough.

I hope that calms my nerves.

I could k*ll him.

No one messes with me, Zackie.

They don't give just anybody

a mental profile for rage.
- I know.


I think the cat's been fixed.
- That cat is all man.

The theory that the note C

will arouse him sexually
and drive him crazy,

is obviously a superstition.

Like the story about the bull
and the red cape.

Ressler, hit it!
I think it'll work this time.

I'm still doubting Thomas.

Are you going to discuss this all night?
- It's a timeless topic.

Sexual passion steers mankind.

Who knows how Darius horse's
sexual desire put him on the throne?

Oh no, Micha,
please, not now.

You get bored at parties too?
- I don't know anyone.

I grew up with everyone here,
and I feel like a stranger.

Play something nice.
- The mood isn't right.

Someone's got to create the mood.
Make it a nice evening.

I'm not sure
they are interested in that.

You are together in boot camp?
- Turned out that way.

Would you mind giving me
a cigarette for Ziva?


You always run her errands?
- She hardly knows you

and you're the only one
who has cigarettes.


She's trying to impress you
so you'll make a pass at her.

Is she the kind of girl
that everyone...

Is that what you think?
That you're anyone?

What's she like?
- Mean.

Suddenly everyone's an addict.

What're you talking about?
I want to join you.

Play something, be a sport, Resseler.
- What do you want to hear?

The saddest piece you know.
- Whatever.

This is ridiculous,
why am I even playing this?

What's wrong?

I have nothing to prove,
not even to you.

You're just a problematic child.
- And a difficult one.

What are you babbling about.
You understand nothing.

What were you playing?
- Schubert.

It was very beautiful.
- It was foolish and ridiculous.

He's always like this,
like a prima donna.

He thinks we aren't worthy.

He's the flower blossoming
on top of a garbage pile.

He keeps his pieces to himself
and we must settle for the lousy songs.

Dance with me?

I don't know how to
ballroom dance.

I never danced them.
- Me neither.

So what'll we do?
- It'll be fine.

No, it'll be ridiculous.

What's with you, constantly
putting on a display for each other?

I acted ridiculous, so what?

Anyway I'm here
playing the role of a cat in heat.

You're hurting my hand.

And you said you can't dance.

I can't.
But my body knows what to do.

When it's happy,
it dances on its own.

I didn't mean to shout earlier.

I was afraid.
I thought maybe I was losing you.

I'm not a hothead,
I'm not difficult,

I'm much kinder
than you think.

Why are you telling me all this?

I love you.

You don't even know me.

One more dance, please.

Ask Miri, she likes you.

You don't understand,
I'm not a dancer.

I told you I can't dance.

I only dance out of love,

just like I danced with you
for the first time.

You're too romantic.
It's sort of nice, but...

be careful not to come off like
some cheap American movie star.

There's nothing
more revolting than that.

Would you dance with me?

Tell me about her.
- What do you want to know?

Does she have a boyfriend?

Yes. He's a student
and an officer in the paratroops.

Why didn't he come with her?

He's in Tel Aviv for Saturday,
visiting his parents.

You think she's intrigued by me?


you have some qualities
that might intrigue a girl,

but you don't have to push it.

Is he more handsome than me?

I don't think that's
what matters to her.

What's going on
between her and that snob?

They've been like that
ever since I've known them.

Like brother and sister.
- Maybe.

Avner, you coming?

We're going in different

I'm going your way.

C in the third octave,
remember that note, Avner.

It really drives some cats crazy.

Good night.

You don't have to walk me
to my house.

I live here,
right around the corner.

I've waited all evening
for this moment.

That doesn't mean anything
will happen between us.

You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen.

Why so depressed?
What happened?

My entire world
is collapsing around me.

I thought you felt the way I do.

Something strange, wonderful,

as if we were preparing
for this moment. - It's late.

If I thought I have a chance,
I wouldn't go back to the army.

I would hide somewhere
and wait to hear from you,

see you, love you.

I love you.

You don't even know
who you're dealing with.

You don't even know me.

Besides, I don't believe
in love at first sight.

With you it's
not like that at all.

I'm attracted to you because I feel
like we know each other,

like we have a mutual secret.

That's all very well,
but it's totally irrelevant.

That's better.

Finally you smiled. See?
No harm done.

Miri told me
you have a boyfriend,

I know what I am to you.

Nothing, a miserable animal,
a black stinky monkey.

A punk, a primitive imbecile.
- Why do you humiliate yourself?

So I'll say you're wrong
and that you're

handsome, charming, talented,
intelligent and sensitive?

I won't do anything
you don't want me to do.

I know.

Tell me about him.
- It's unnecessary.

Will I defile him
if we talk about him?

What do you want to know?

What do you see in him?

He's marked for life.
He infiltrated the enemy lines.

How is he marked?

Hard to explain.

It's a unique beauty.

Is he that much better than me?

You don't stand a chance.
- Why don't you tell me to go away?

I want us to be friends.

Friendship can be between guys
or between girls.

Two people who are attracted
to one another can't be friends.

It's worth a try.

It could be nice.

Sounds awful to me.

Give me some hope,
at least that.

Like an IOU
with a delayed payment date.

I know myself, I don't see any
change in the future.

All I can offer you
is a corner in the kitchen.

You insist on entering
the living room,

or more exact, the bedroom.

That room is taken,
end of story.

Your gift is full
of suffering and pain.

Listen, it's so beautiful.

What does your beauty
guarantee me?



Goodnight, Avner.

I'm going home.

Heaven help us.

Why are you working alone?

Where's your partner?

I don't have a partner, sir.

Are you stupid?

Did you hear what I said?
- Yes, sir!

Explain to me how you're going
to set up a tent with this?

You could stand here, sir,
and I will hold the tent...

You sure there's no one
to be with you?

There isn't, sir.


Yes, sir!

Come here, with your gear.

You be with Ben Hamo.
Is that clear?

Fine, sir!
- No, no, Sir.

I can't be with him,
I'm afraid, sir.

We're together, don't be afraid.
I help you, you help me.

Sir, Why do I have to be with him?
I can't.

If he passes out, I will too.
Find someone else, sir.

Commander Benny!


Leave me alone!

I want to be on my own.

One soldier, no tent,

two soldiers, tent.

Dafna Cnaan!

That's for me, sir.

Give me twenty.
- Yes, sir.

, , , , , , , ,

, , , , , , , ,

, , , !

Thank you, sir.

Ziva Gutman!

Mine, sir.

Give me twenty.

, , , , , , , ,

, , , ,

, , , ,

, , , !


Come here!


Avner already paid for you.
- Thanks Avner...

You should've seen his face
when he walked her home.

He looked
like a real sex maniac.


No talking!



No one wants it?

Orli what, sir?

Orli Ben Hamo.

Give me twenty.


Where have they gone?

These guys are Nazis, I swear,

that Benny's a n*zi!

Come on, Ben Hamo!

Don't do me any favors!
- I don't care!

Leave me alone.

You're just making it harder on us.
I'm stronger.

Ben Hamo!

Come on, Ben Hamo!

Third platoon, prepare to stand
at attention for Commander Mualem!

Two, three...
- Attention!

What are you doing outside
in the rain?

Sir, everything's wet,
all the tents are full of water.

Is this grand central station?

Everyone's back in their tents
in three seconds. Move!

I don't want to see
anyone out here.

To the tents, move!

Are you deaf?

Go to your tent!

Sir, everything's full of water,
it's like lying in a cold bath.

You know better than your
commander what's good for you?

No, sir.
- Exelent!

Go back to your tents!


Come on, third platoon!


That's an order!


This is mutiny!

No problem.

You know
what mutiny means?

In minutes,
everyone is standing outside,

with all your gear.

We are going out
for a night drill.


You're at the end of boot camp
and you've learned nothing.

You want me
to dry out your tent?

So some water got in, so what?

You know what's going on
in the country?

Floods everywhere.

Even my family is being moved
from their houses

because everything is flooded.

I should be there now,

helping them,

but I can't.


Because in the army you do
what you have to do,

and right now,
I have to be here, with you,

and listen to you whine.

There are soldiers in your platoon
who live in transit camps,

where the rain might have destroyed
their families' houses.

Are you better than them?

You want me
to feel sorry for you?

Some people think that because
they're born in Israel,

they deserve more.

They can mock others
as if they're not human,

as if they're dogs
who can be kicked around.

Come on, Zackie,
it was like that at first,

when we didn't know each other.

When you live together you fight
sometimes and then you forgive.

But you?
You don't want to forget.




Miller! Miller!

- Is he dead?

- Yes, sir?

You know the way back to the camp?
- Yes, sir.

Micky, run over there, wake up the
company commander and get the medic.

Yes, sir.

Is he dead?
- Maybe.

What's with him?

Maybe he's a Cohen,
they can't be near dead people.

Don't touch him!

Come on!

Keep infiltrating.

One by one.

Whoever's caught,

is dead!

They're sh**ting at us.

I swear, they're actually
sh**ting at us.

Are you crazy?
You'll k*ll us.

Leave me alone! You crazy people!

Leave me alone!

Zero Zero!
- Leave me alone!

Don't be afraid, It's only noise,
it won't hurt you.

Why did you stop? Chickens!

Nobody lies down.

Whoever doesn't advance,
goes back down and starts again.

Fire, fire!

Fire, fire!

Melabbes the liar,
Ressler the wise guy,

Micha the fool,
and Hedgehog,

get up.
Stand on your feet.

Go down and start again.

Stinking pencil pushers!
Miller wasn't enough for you.

Instead of fighting the Arabs,
you're firing blanks at recruit's.

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant!

Soon it'll be over,
we'll never see them again.

Ressler, Micha, Hedgehog
and Melabbes, come on.

Advance up the hill,
before I come down to you.

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant!


Sir, you're dead.

Get down, before they see you.

Look at your friends.

Like sitting ducks.



I'll go to squad commander
training school, sir.

What happened?

You don't want to be a

I was refused by the adjutancy, sir.

I assure you, you won't regret it.




Remind me to ask the company
commander to return your riffle.

Yes, sir.


whose burnt blanket
does Ben Hamo have?

Permission to speak freely,
platoon commander?

After the final ceremony,
talk freely as much as you want.

Then I'll tell you in weeks,
platoon commander.

Ben Hamo! I heard
you're a belly dancer.

Is that true?
- No, sir.

Get your guitar,
play something for us.

It's a violin, sir.

Whatever. Go get it, play.

I'm not bringing it out
to the sand, sir. - Never mind then.

Nura, nura, nura...

Come on, Rachamim.

- I don't feel well, sir.

Forget it,
I don't think he can dance.

He's just shy.

Three cheers for Ben Hamo! Hip! Hip!
- Hurray!

Hip! Hip!
- Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

"Ben Hamo will sing us a solo,

"Ben Hamo will sing us a solo,

"Ben Hamo will sing us a solo,
and so say all of us."

- No need to be ashamed.

I can't get my boot off.

I told you to take them off.

I can't touch my foot.

Pull the boot off in one shot,
whatever happens, happens.

What's that stench?
It smells like a corpse!

I have to tell you something.

That time we guarded
and you got punished...

You saw Benny coming and you
ran off instead of waking me up.

Weren't you sleeping? - I sure was.
- So how did you see?

There are things you can see
with your eyes closed.

Why didn't you say anything?

I waited for you to say it.

I don't know why I did it.

It was like...

this force I couldn't resist.

It's called hatred.

You were upset, I don't give a f*ck
about their rules

and refuse to turn
into a spineless sl*ve.


When you suffered in bed,

didn't you want to take revenge?
Didn't you curse me?

I don't judge anyone. I barely know
why I'm doing these things.

Besides, I believe in forgiveness.

The worse the deed,
the greater the forgiveness.

Why did you tell me now?

Because my feet stink?
- Maybe.

Ben Hamo...
What's going on, baby?

Ben Hamo, where are you going?

Ben Hamo!

At ease.



Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Where's Alon?
- He's running late.

He's not here.
He should be here any minute.

Come, put your backpack
in the room.

He told me you and him
are good friends.

He likes you and he's proud
to have you as his friend.

Good to know.
With me, he only argues.

Alon and I are childhood friends.

He really loves you.

You come second only to the army.

Who is it?
- Avner.

- Avner, I've come to see Ziva.

Hello, is Ziva home?

You're Avner Gabay.
- Yes, ma'am.

Come in.

You're mistaken, sweetie,
Ziva Gutman doesn't live here.

You're her mother.

Soldier, I'm telling you
Ziva Gutman doesn't live here.

Stop sending me love letters.


Would you like a glass of water?

- It's ok.





I didn't want you
to see me like this.

Why not? It suits you.

Have you been waiting long?

I walked around the cinema
in Haifa for a while.

I wanted to feel the glances,
the admiration.

Why did you stay at the base
if you had an U*i g*n at home?

I swiped it from Dafna's brother.

You have a nice girlfriend.

It's the most beautiful uniform in
the entire army, isn't it, Mickey?

I thought you were over that.

I thought I'd join you in
squad commander training school.

Mickey... Mickey!

It's just a costume.

You can count on me!



now that you want to be with me,
you won't be able to get rid of me.

What are you doing here?

Someone could see you.
- I love you, I need you.

I told you I don't want
to see you anymore.

I must see you, I'm going back
to the army tomorrow.

I can't today.

I'll wait for you.

Wait. I'll either come or I won't.

Oh, darling,
what have they done to you...

Give it back now!

Stop, you're ruining it!

Are you giving it back
or should I call the commander?

You psycho, you'll pay for this!

Who lives on Lincoln St.,
the paratrooper?

What paratrooper?
Give me back the violin!

Ziva's boyfriend, the infiltrator?
He lives on Lincoln St.?

She told you he infiltrated the enemy
lines and you believed her?

Come up here and play Schubert
if you want your violin back.

You can't make me play.

I'll be happy
to "fix" it for you if you don't.

Don't break it, he'll play.

- Schubert!

- Schubert! - Schubert!

Here you go, Maestro.

Where did he station you?

He didn't say, but I think it's the
army orchestra or a military band.

How do you know
if he didn't tell you?

He asked me about my music

Don't worry. He knows,
he's one of them.


At ease, sit!

Alon Harel?
- Yes, sir.

ID no. ?

Yes, sir.

You get to list three options.
Where do you want to go?

Paratroopers, squad commander
course at Training Base

and squad commander course
at Training Base .

You put it down
as a second option,

I suggest you take advantage
of the third option.

This is the recruit I talked
to you about.

Have you thought of anything?
- No, sir.

You'll get your duty orders later.

Sir, you promised you'd help.
He's sending me to the police course.

When did I promise?

During the field training,
during infiltration.

Maybe, I don't know.
It was too late.

When I could still do something,

when I spoke to you
after you discharged a b*llet,

and I promised
to try to help you...

You weren't so enthusiastic.

I guess you were busy
with other matters.

Sir, I'm asking you to help me.

I can't be a military policeman, sir!
- Soldier!

I can't.
- Alon, listen, what is this?

You're not a child,
get a hold of yourself!

You have to be responsible
for your decisions.

Sir, please, help me stay here,
at squad commander course.

It's very important to me, sir.

Soldier, you're dismissed.

Sir, I counted on you, sir!


Leave the door open.

Alon. Alon!

What happened?

He put me down
for military police.

You know what that means for me?

I just can't!
I'd rather not serve at all.

Maybe it's the investigation unit,
could be interesting. - Are you crazy?

You see me returning to the kibbutz
in a military police uniform?

I won't be a military policeman.
- Tell Benny, he'll help you.

He did this on purpose.

I asked for squad commander course.
If you're not going, neither am I.

I won't be a policeman.

I came for the package.

Sammy, come on!

I gotta get out of here fast.

I don't have anything.
- I gave it to you! - I threw it away.

They searched us.
I was lucky they didn't find it.

Where did you throw it out?
- The latrine.

What a surprise!

How are you?

Are you crazy?
Do you know what you've done?

Come outside with me.

Where is it?
- Let go of me.

Sammy, enough.
- Move, stay out of it!

What do you think you're doing?
Drop the knife!

You're breaking my arm.

Fine, I'm leaving.

Get out of here.
Get out of our lives.

Give me the knife.
- You can't have it. Go!

You son of a bitch, thief.

Son of a bitch.


Zero Zero.
- What?

Congratulations, you're a father.

Your wife gave birth to a son.

Mualem is waiting for you
in the office with a pass.

I came to replace you. Go.

I have a son?
- Yes, didn't you know?

Did your wife get pregnant
on her own?

She was due to give birth
next week.

What have you done to me...

Thanks for coming to replace me.
- No problem. Go.

Zero Zero.
- Yes?

- See you.


- What did you do with the knife?

Don't worry.

No one will find it.

- You're welcome.

I have an Israeli son.

Not like Lupo and Shmupo
and all their shitty names.

I'll give him an Israeli name.
He won't speak any language,

only Hebrew.
He'll sing in Hebrew.

He won't be a shit like me, sir.

This is a good place
for raising children, sir.

This place creates beautiful
children, healthy children, sir!

Zero Zero!

Yes, sir!

Come here.

- Thank you, sir!

What post were you guarding?
- East bunker, sir!

Sir, congratulations
are due to you too.

Good luck with the officer

Heaven help us.

I came to say goodbye,
I'm leaving the base today.

I'm going to officer training.

Good luck at police training.

I'm not going to police training.

I won't be in the military
police, sir.

I saw your duty order.

The adjutant already signed it.

I won't be in the military
police, sir.

Stop making a fool of yourself.

Sir, you better go.

You don't want to be late for
your training because of me.

Heaven help us.

You threatening me?

No, sir.


Mr. Policeman.

Goodbye, sir.

Run, get the doctor
and an ambulance.

Get the doctor.
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