Girls for Mercenaries (1970)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Girls for Mercenaries (1970)

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind howling]
[wind whooshing]

[bats squeaking]
[bat wings flapping]

[uptempo instrumental music]

[jeep engine humming]

[car door bangs]

[boots tapping]

- My dear Colonel, you must
realize that this matter

is outside of my competence.

And I don't know if
I can be of help,

but I'll try my very best.

You know me, Colonel.

you may be sure of it.
[hand knocking]

What is it?

I'll call you later.

[boots tapping]

How do you do, Captain?

I'd like to introduce
these men to you.

Roberts specializes in armament.

West, pilot and navigator.

And Paul, who's a mechanic.

- Yes, I heard about you.

Sit down, gentlemen.

- Captain, I need
you for a mission,

which is very delicate and
extremely confidential.

- And what is it?

- It's an especially
important purchase for us.

Light arms and amm*nit*on.

- You mind telling me where?

- In Casablanca.

- Paid for?

- No, nothing's paid yet,
that's just the point.

Foster, listen carefully.

Your assignment is
to deliver the money,

which is in this bag.


You'll be leaving
early in the morning.

Your instructions are
very clearly stated.

After you've come out of
the sector of operations,

you'll find an airplane
waiting on the point

that's indicated on
those instruction sheets.

[somber orchestral music]

[bell chiming]

[somber orchestral music]

[crickets chirping]
[animals warbling]

[foot tapping]

- Hey, Paul.
- Yes, what is it?

- Your turn to relieve
West, it's late.

- Oh. [groans]

- Go ahead.

Go on now.

- You're late, mate.
- Nothing to report?

- No, quiet, and
a blessed thing.

[animals warbling]

[suspenseful music]

[fist smacks]

[g*nshots blasting]

- What's happening, captain?

- Who just fired here?

- Somebody try and clear out?

- What's the trouble?

- One of you four
fellows seems in a hurry

to finish this mission
before it's started.

Now, you listen to me.

Anybody planning some
kind of monkey business

better figure on his
birthright canceled.

Go get a good rest now.

Tomorrow's going
to be a tough day.

Go on, get going!

[animals warbling]

[signal whirring softly]

- They're having lunch.

- This may be our chance.
- Let's have a go.

- There's five of them
against two of us.

We'll shell 'em first.


[a*tillery blasting]

[a*tillery blasting]

[jeep engine humming]
[a*tillery blasting]

- Hey Roberts, stop, stop!

- Hold it, hold it a minute!

- Why don't you listen, huh?

We're telling you to stop!

[g*nsh*t blasting]
[soldier groaning]

- [Captain] He's
probably the guy who

tried to grab it last night.

[a*tillery blasting]

[animals warbling]

[jeep engine humming]

- What's bugging you now?

What's the matter, Foster?

- We're both thinking
about the same thing.

- Yeah, you must be some
sort of mind reader, huh?

- My 500,000 must have
cast a spell on you all.

And I know what'll happen
pretty soon and so do you.

- But what goes for one
sure goes for everyone else.

- How about you keeping
100 and a quarter?

Fair enough, Captain?

- At least 250 are mine.

- [laughs] Naturally, man.

As the leader, he
grabs half the booty.

I suppose that's your
game, Captain, right?

- Bloody damn mess,
stalling again.

[animal warbling]

How long will it take?

- Nothing serious,
five minutes or so.

Now give me a hand, will you?

- I got whiskey, want some?

- Why not?

[animals hooting]

[Captain grunts]

You louts!

You put poison in that whiskey.

- Oh, don't worry.

There's no poison,
just sleeping pills.

Ready, you guys?

Come on, let's go.
- I'll get you for this.

You just wait, I'll
get even with you.

- Hurry, come on, climb aboard.

We're all going.

- I'll get you.
- Yes, but Roberts.

- Look West, make
up your damn mind.

I got no time to waste,
in Spain I know a guy

sells false passports.

- So long and best of
luck, Captain Foster.

Wasn't all that bad a fellow,
but much too greedy. [laughs]

- The plane is
filled up and ready.

- Fine, you two go
aboard, I'll join you.

- Here, would you sign this?

[footsteps thudding]

Well, goodbye.

- Goodbye, much obliged.

- Say, you have your
priority, I hope.

- Sure.

No sweat.

[g*nsh*t blasting]

[woman gasps]

[woman groaning]
[man grunting]

[airplane engine humming]

[airplane engine humming]

[birds chirping]

[car engine humming]

[car engine humming]

[Delia groans]

- You don't have
anything to fear.

You're now in my house,
and I'm a doctor.

Tell me now, what happened?

You do hear when
I speak, answer.

- Mm-hmm.

- What is your name, Miss?

I found you by the
road, you had fainted.

- I don't know anything.

Or remember anything.

- Search your mind.

- I don't know anything.

- Do you, do you remember
where you live, at least?

- No, no, no!
- All right, all right.

You need rest and sleep, relax.

You can stay as
long as you like.

Try to relax.

[footsteps tapping]

[upbeat band music]

- You dance very well.

How about a drink?

What will it be?

- Anything that's well-iced.

- Champagne Demi-Sec,
please, plenty of ice.

- May I know why champagne?

- Several reasons.

Mostly because I
want to drink to you.

- So it's love at first sight?

- The three days time since
we met seem to be enough

to realize that you're
different, you know.

- I know, where
is the difference?

- In everything you say
and everything you do.

[smooth jazz music]

- Am I intruding?

- Are you all
alone, lovely lady?

- Where are your friends?

- They're waiting for us.

- How about some
fun, the three of us?

- Brilliant idea, we
leave in the morning.

Reason enough to celebrate.

Do we wait for Marita?

- She'll be ready soon.

- Well then, let's
you and I get dressed.

You wait here for us.

- Mm-hmm.
- Come on.

[smooth jazz music]

[somber jazz music]

- Paul, note, Betty's
legs, let's see now.

They're 95 centimeters.

- Length in centimeters, 95.

Now what's next, go on, so.

- Circumference a size, just 50.

- Even 50.
- A bit on the light side.

You'll have to exercise.

- Ooh, I'm getting
attractive dancing advice.

- Marita, the
suspense is k*lling.

[Paul laughs]

- Now please, honey, come on.

[mellow jazz music]

Note, Paul, 98 for Marita.

Now, let's see, 50.2
around her thigh.

- Miss Delia here, time
for you to pass the test.

[Delia laughs]

- Hey Roberts, obedience is
a woman's foremost asset!

- Leave me alone, you idiots.

[West laughs]

It looks as if
West had too much.

- It seems to me you're right,

but we ought to play along
just to keep the peace.

- Coming.

Introducing the
ideal measurements.

- 103, lengthwise.

- 103.

- Around the thigh, hey,
she must be cheating.

It's 51 centimeters.
- No fooling.

- That's all.

[hands clapping]

We're finished.

Now the jury will
retire to deliberate.

Out you go, scatter!

- Hmm!
- Go on, hurry.

Hey listen, you two.

I wanna suggest if you agree
that after we've had enough

drinking and dancing everyone
goes off with his girl.

Right, no orgy.
- Shh!

- Seems they're embarrassed,
picking the winner.

It's touchy.

- But why, it's me,
it's obviously me.

[West whistles]

You hear, they're calling us.


[smooth jazz music]

- The jury has decided
unanimously after
due deliberation

to award the first prize
to the beautiful Marita!

[people cheering]

Mr. Secretary, now
make it official.

- Highly honored.

- Bottoms up, bottoms
up and down the hatch.

- [Together] Bravo, bravo,
bravo, bravo, bravo!

Bravo, bravo, bravo!

- [Paul] Hey.

[glass clinks]
- Hey, hold it a minute, Paul.

Hey, easy man, that's my girl.

Keep off!
- Yeah, come on, stop it!

Let's have some fun now.
- Why don't we hit this, Wes?

- Hey, come on, let's take off.

[smooth jazz music]

- Darling, I love you.


- This is for you,
a simple token,

souvenir of our encounter.

[Delia chuckles]

[lips smacking]

- Tell me, when are you
planning to come again?

- Never, dear, because
you're going to come along.

- [laughs] You're a bit too
sure of yourself, Roberts.

- There are reasons, Delia.

You'll soon find out.

[smooth band music]

- Hmm, take your hands away.

[smooth band music]

[couple laughing]

[smooth jazz music]

[Betty chuckles]

[smooth jazz music]

- One-third port
wine, a third Gilbey.

And one-third Smirnoff.

- That should pick
one up in a second.

- Something else.

A certain tonic, which
ensures successful relations.

- I shouldn't try it then.

- Ah, but I did.

[smooth jazz music]

[Delia moans softly]

[smooth jazz music]


Here, drink.

Good girl.

[Betty gasps]
[Betty coughs]

- Let me taste it.

- My friend.

[Roberts gags]

[Paul laughs]

- What'd you put in that?

Almost anything except water.

[smooth jazz music]

[Betty laughs]

- You had enough to drink, West.

- I only want to fill it up.

- West, that's enough now.

You really are drunk.

You'll probably stay behind
tomorrow if you're drunk.

You realize that?

- I realize I'm fed up
with waiting around here.

It's more than a
week's time now.

Why don't we divide up
the loot and get out?

- I bet we all had
far too many drinks.

Why don't you go out and
get us some strong coffee?

Go on, girls.

West, come here.

What's the matter with
you, you blabber mouth?

Now they know.

- It was you who wanted to
have fun with the girls.

It's okay with me,
except for it can't be

more important
than making money.

I wanna get my dough now.

- You'll get it tomorrow.

Oh, that's one day
more or less anyway.

- When this guy's full of
booze, he forgets himself.

- I can't help it.

Somehow I just don't
trust those fellows.

- They were speaking about
loot and getting out.

Sounds like fraud or larceny.

- I don't care,
that's their affair.

They leave tomorrow,
they said anyway,

and that's the end of it.

- You're right, I suppose.

Bon voyage, boys, goodbye.

- I haven't told you, but
I'm going with Roberts.

- What, you must be kidding.

- No, no, it's quite serious.

I can't stand this life here.

- You're making
a mistake, Delia.

- I think you're wrong, Betty.

Make the most of it, Delia.

Once it's over, it's over.

- Oh please, Marita.

I wouldn't trust any
of those three men

for anything in the world.

- You're exaggerating.

- Let's make it perfectly
clear that as soon

as we get our false passports,
we split up the loot.

- Now listen to me.

What I want to avoid
is any and all spending

around here of that money.

It certainly is too risky.

When we split up, each of us
can go his own way, not now.

- Then we'll make it.

- Roberts is right.

- You always say
the same as Roberts?

- Well, let's hear
what you've got to say.

- I wanna warn the two of you

if you ever try to double
cross me like you did Foster,

I'm giving you fair
warning you'll be sorry.

- Now what's the
matter with that creep.

[hand slaps]
[Paul groans]

- All right, cool it!

Are you out of your mind?

We don't want to eliminate you.

- Who wants coffee?

- Now listen, you'll
have to excuse, West.

He forgets he's a
gentleman when he's drunk.

- Hey, let's dance.

[lips smacking]
[Delia moaning]

You wanna be alone?

- Yes, please let's go.

[women laughing]

- So long, everyone, ciao.

- At least they
know what they want.

- How are you, do
you feel better now?

- Now will you get
off my neck, beat it!

- It looks as if we've had it.

The party is over now.

- But not for Delia and Roberts.

It's sheer folly.

- No, why?

That's the type of folly I like.

- What are you two plotting now?

- Oh nothing, just
saying it's getting late.

- Well.
- If you want to, I can drive.

I'm still quite able to
hold a steering wheel.

But let's go right away
unless he objects because--

- I ain't going, win the Monte
Carlo rally for all I care.

[women laughing]

[West imitates motor humming]

- [Inspector] Are
you the gentleman who

found an unconscious young
woman near your home?

- Yes, I saw her there on
the grass below the road bed.

When I arrived, I saw
a car driving off.

- Were you able
to see the plate?

- That was impossible
from where I was.

- Was this woman in pain?

- Not at all, all her
injuries are superficial.

But she's stricken with amnesia.

She's unable to
remember anything.

- Shall we speak to her?

You wait till I'm back, right?

How are you, Miss?

I'm police inspector Reese.

I'd like to talk to you.

What's your name?

- I don't know.

No, I don't remember.

- Where do you live?

- You won't get anywhere.

I've tried every approach.

All we have is this bracelet.

So we can assume that D
and S are her initials.

She was without papers,
none whatsoever.

- It's best to hospitalize
her right away.

- That won't be necessary.

No, the transfer may
worsen the after effects

of the initial trauma.

The better way is to have her
attended to here by a nurse.

- I think you're right.

A much better solution.

And we'll do everything
that's possible

to establish her identity.

I shall appreciate it
if you'd let us know

when the woman's health
improves enough to question her.

Oh yes, something else.

Please drop by my office
to sign your statement

to allow us to proceed
with the investigation.

So long Doctor, thank you.

- Goodbye, Inspector.

[footsteps tapping]

I have to leave.

I won't be long.

Try to get some rest, you'll
feel much better afterward.

The nurse who will take
care of you is very nice.

She'll bring you clothing,
but you mustn't get up.

Now, you promise.

That's a good girl.

[bell ringing]

[hand knocking]

[birds chirping]

[footsteps pattering]

[thrilling band music]

[car engine revving]

[thrilling band music]

[bell ringing]

[rotary phone clicking]

[phone ringing]

- Yes?

What, what's going on?

- It's horrible.

Listen, Betty.

No, I can't explain
it over the telephone.

But that's impossible, you
must come over here now.

No, I'm like a prisoner here.

Yes, I'll explain.

- But where are you?

Yes, yes, tell me the address.

- Soon as you can, please hurry.

Enter only if I'm
waiting in the garden.

And Betty, listen.

I suggest that you
park at a distance.

[car horn honking]

[tires screeching]

[birds chirping]


[footsteps pattering]

Oh, Betty.
- What's happened?

What are you doing here?
- It's just horrible.

They k*lled him, Betty.

- How awful.

Can you tell me about it?

- Yes, certainly.

One morning, while he
slept, but I didn't

because I worried about
the decision I had made

to follow Roberts and I was
able to watch him in his sleep.

I began to have qualms and I...

The more I looked at him,

the more he seemed
like a different man.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Something was definitely wrong.

[car engine humming]

[tires screeching]

[footsteps tapping]

[suspenseful music]

Roberts, Roberts, wake up.

There's a man
downstairs with a g*n.

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps tapping]

[footsteps tapping]

[hand slapping]
[Paul groaning]

- I told you you won't get away.

Where is that dough?

- You better ask
Roberts, he's got it.

[hand slapping]
[Paul groaning]

- Stay where you
are and shut up.

And don't try any
funny moves or else.

That briefcase with the money.

- Well, why don't
you ask Roberts?

He managed the whole thing.

- And where is he?

- With a dame in the
room upstairs. [grunts]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]

- Get dressed quick!

Oh, forget it.

Come on as you are, quick!

Hey Delia, the briefcase.

- Oh, leave me alone.

I don't want to have
anything to do with this.

- Come on!

[thrilling music]

- It's no use, Roberts.

[Delia gasps]

Don't be so stubborn.

- Quick, get out!

[g*nshots blasting]

[fists pound]
[Foster groans]

- You can try fooling
me once, but not twice.

Where did you hide the dough?

- I'll explain.

- Come on.

- I haven't got it.

She kept it hidden, the girl.

- I warned you, I'll fire!

- You'll never know then.

- You bastard!

Tell me where it is and quick,

or you'll be sorry
you were ever born!

[foot smacks]

[fists pound]
[Foster groans]

[men grunting]

[Roberts groaning]

[fists pounding]
[men grunting]

[men grunting]

[Delia gasps]

[thrilling music]

[g*nshots blasting]

[thrilling music]

[tires screeching]

[Delia groans]

- No!

[car engine humming]
[Delia groaning]

- Keep quiet!
- Let go of me!

- Shut up!
- Let go!

[Delia groans]

And now you show me where you've

hidden that briefcase
with the dough.

- I didn't hide anything.

I'm not in on his secret.

- Come on, don't
try to be smart.

You wouldn't care to join
your boyfriend, would you?

[Delia screams]

- Not that, oh.

[Foster laughs]

[car engine humming]

I was so scared, I
jumped from the car.

And for this doctor
who picked me up,

I pretended I'd lost my memory

so as not to have
to answer questions.

But what will I do now?

- You've got to tell all you
know to the police, Delia.

- Betty, I'm scared.

I'm scared to go to jail.

- But why, you're innocent?

- Well, they'll
think that I'm lying.

My clothes and papers are
still there at the Villa.

I've got to get them out.

- Were the police there?

- No.

No, I doubt it.

Betty, I am a prisoner here.

- You've got to get out,

and I'm not going
to break in alone.

- And Marita?
- Oh, not Marita.

Well, she's absolutely
useless in such matters.

- Well then, Betty, I
will escape later on.

Wait for me up on the
road by the bend, right?

Better leave, now quickly.

And thanks.

[birds chirping]
[car engine humming]

[car doors banging]

[birds chirping]

Come on, follow me.


That way, and run!

[footsteps pattering]

- How are you?

Why did you get up?

- Hmm.

- This is Ms.
Laura, my assistant.

- How do you do?
- She'll do all she can

to get you well.

- In body and mind.

- Mind, I hope you can.

I must seem like
sort of an idiot.

- Let me reassure you.

We're positive the unusually
strong traumatic shock

is of a temporary nature,
without any aftermath.

Go in, please.

We brought you some clothes.

If you don't like them,
it's Laura's fault.

She picked them.

- [Laura] This should
go well with a suit.

- [Delia] Oh, it's lovely.

- If it doesn't fit you, it
is possible to exchange it.

A swimsuit too.

Any photos?

- No, none.

No memory at all.

- What is my name?

- Carlos.

- And yours?

- No, no, no, I can't.

I don't remember.

- On this bracelet
that you're wearing,

there's a clear
indication of your name.

It starts with a D, what is it?

- No, please,
please, I don't know.

I don't know anything.

Don't ask me what that is.
- Look Miss, we understand.

No don't need to get excited.
- I just don't know!

- Patience is the only cure.

- No!
- Now, now cheer up.

All this will be gone like
a nightmare without a trace.

- No, no!

- Possible change in the weather

in the foreseeable, mm, yeah.

Venus, The Hot Planet Paradise.

Hygiene, certain ills affecting
25% of the population, woo.

A case of amnesia.

On Friday morning, a young
girl was discovered not far

from the residence in Paris.

Popular opera sessions, a
fire broke out in a factory.

Hm, increase in gas
and electricity.

- The amnesia story,
let's hear it again.

- "The young person
did not have any papers

"to help establish her identity.

"Fortunately, her fall
from the unknown vehicle

"brought only superficial..."

- It's her, that's certain.

[suspenseful music]

[Delia gasps]
[object crashes]

[bowl music]

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps tapping]

[footsteps tapping]

- Wait, let me drive.

[car door bangs]

[car engine revving]

[tires rumbling]

[car door bangs]

[suspenseful music]

[dog barking]

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps tapping]
[suspenseful music]

- Look, they've
searched the place.

The police must have
been here already.

- Oh, use your brains, will you?

If they had, they'd be
hot on my trail by now.

[suspenseful music]

I can't understand
what happened.

Maybe in here.

- Oh, let's forget it, Delia.

Come on.
- No.

There's nothing here.

Let's go look downstairs.

[footsteps tapping]
[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

- You're looking for this?

I suppose you came
for your dress, huh?

Well, you've got it.

I mean, unless you actually
came for other reasons.

- West, Roberts is dead.

- Yeah, I know.

His luck ran out.

So it goes.

Here today, gone tomorrow,
it was in the cards.

Sometimes you lose
the hand and the game.

It's gonna happen
to you if you don't

tell me where the briefcase
is with the money.

And immediately.

- I don't know, West.

I don't, I swear.

- Yes, you do,
don't give me that.

You're the only
one who does know.

You know where the
loot is hidden.

- Fancy meeting you here.

Something tells me
you know that Foster

came around here this morning,

and you may know what happened.

- Foster m*rder*d Roberts.

- And took the cash.

- I don't think so,
I never found it.

I believe that
Roberts kept the cash

and told her where it is.

- What a lie.

He told me nothing at all.

But I do know they fought to
the death and Foster escaped.

- Just leave her alone.

Go on, throw it away.

[w*apon clanks]

It's your fault
that he was k*lled.

- Look Paul, we've had enough
trouble with that money.

Why keep it up?

It's no use.

- We should have a little
talk, just the two of us.

You girls clear out,
let the men talk.

[Betty groaning]
[men grunting]

[fists pounding]
[men grunting]

You're just wet, you dog!

Let's call it quits.

There's enough for both!

- Enough for both, aye?
- Yeah.

[men grunting]

[foot thumping]

[men grunting]

[head pounding]
[men grunting]

[chair legs scuffing]

[Paul groans]

[footsteps tapping]

[car engine humming]

- They're sure you know
where the money is,

and they're liable
to k*ll you too.

I really think you
should leave the country

until this whole
business is cooled off.

- No, I'll go back to Carlos.

It's the safest hideout.

No one will ever find me there.

And besides, the police
know he took me in.

- Why didn't you tell
Carlos the whole story?

- I didn't dare.

I was ashamed, I guess.

[car engine humming]

Listen Betty, take
my bag and my dress.

And stay away from the club
and you're flat, huh, please?

- All right.

[lighter thumping]

[cork popping]

[liquor splashing]

[fingers tapping]

[bells chiming softly]

- Where were you, and what do
you mean by leaving the house?

- I just feel I'm
going to have bad luck.

Certain things have
started to come back now.

For instance, there was,
there was a party in a villa.

And there were strangers there.

I recall something just, just,

just awful happened there.

[footsteps tapping]

- [Carlos] Sit
down, go on, please.

- What's going on?

- She's beginning to recall.

Please go on.

- And I also remember a club,
a club where you can dance.

- What club, got any idea?

- No, no, no idea.

No, I don't recall where it was,

but someone m*rder*d
someone there.

- What did this m*rder
have to do with you?

- I just know I'm in danger.

I'm afraid I'll get k*lled.

Those men will stop at nothing.

You don't believe me, do you?

- But why m*rder you?

The car that was leaving the
day I found you, who was in it?

- Oh, I don't know.

I can't remember anymore.

They wanna k*ll me,

and they're going to keep
chasing me till they do. [cries]

- Keep calm, you must rest.

I'll give you a sedative,
and you'll go to bed now.

You're exhausted.

- I think that the poor girl's
inclined to paranoia, doctor.

- Could be that, but I
think there's more to it.

I'll go see the inspector
tomorrow morning.

I'll hospitalize her
as a last resort.

[upbeat band music]
[birds chirping]

- You really like to
have short fingernails?

- No, it's a necessity.

- There is one thing
I know for sure.

I never was a nurse
and could never be.

- Oh, why?

- Because of the fingernails.

I know that I simply couldn't
bear having short fingernails.

It would feel all wrong somehow.

- It's a matter of habit.

For us, it's compulsory,
especially in surgery.

And now relax and try to
rest like a good girl.

- I'm only trying to pull
my memories together.

- Will you relax?

Otherwise, you'll never
get your strength back.

How about a little dip?

Does the thought of diving
in the water scare you?

- Hmm, no, I don't think so.

- Well, you can swim,
at least we know that.

So let's go.

[upbeat band music]

[suspenseful music]

[water splashing]

[birds chirping]

[water splashing]

- I see, there's a club, Doctor.

And in this club
there was this girl,

only the club's nameless.

There's a villa, only it happens
the villa isn't anywhere.

And the people there
were also unknown to her.

And she saw someone
get m*rder*d.

So where's the corpse?

No Doctor, it's very clear.

This girl was with her fiance
or with somebody else she'd

run into by chance who threw her

out of his car the minute
she said no. [laughs]

We get cases like that
every day of the year.

[phone ringing]

Excuse me, Doctor.

Yes, Inspector Reese.

Who's speaking?

How's that?

But when?

Yes, I know where it is.

A dead man discovered
near your home.

Sorry, I must go now.

The highway patrolmen
are waiting.

Would you mind coming along?

You can help if only to
ascertain the causes.

[phone ringing]

- Yes?

Oh, how are you doing?

Succeed in finding her?

- Yes, it was quite a
job too, but I found her.

A nurse is watching
over the woman.

We've got to be all
set to move fast.

Here's my plan.

[water splashing]

[footsteps tapping]

- In my estimation, death
occurred several hours ago

and not by drowning.

It's obviously a b*llet wound.

Am I not right, Doctor?

- The b*llet went straight
through his heart.

- And the rope was
tied around his waist.

The other end of the rope
was tied to a big rock

or something heavy so the body
wouldn't rise to the surface.

Have you identified him?

- No, sir, he didn't have
any identification on him.

- It could be a stranger.

One of those tourists who
arrived here a few days ago.

They're staying in the
villa up on the hill.

- [Inspector] Could you
show me where that villa is?

- [Patrolman] Yes, sir.

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps tapping]
[birds chirping]

[dog barking]

[scissors snipping]

[tires rumbling]

[footsteps tapping]
[birds chirping]

- There was some
celebration here.

The time came when
everybody scattered.


[footsteps tapping]

Someone's beaten us to the
punch, the place was searched.

Fingerprints all over the place.

I'm going to call
the criminal brigade.

Please don't touch anything.

[footsteps tapping]

[rotary phone clicking]

Hello, you there?

Hello, this is Inspector Reese.

Get me the photo lab.

- Inspector.
- Yes?

- We found another
body in the garden.

- I've got to go, I'll call
you back in 10 minutes.

[footsteps tapping]

[birds chirping]
[wind howling]

And he had no papers either?

He might have been a stranger
too, same as the other.

- So she told the truth.

- Could be, you never can tell.

And it could be true
she was threatened.

- I'll transfer
her to my clinic.

There she'll be safer
than at the house.

- Good idea.

[wind howling]

- Meat leftover used
to make pork sausages.

- Hmm.


- No, six letters.

- Hmm.


- Yes, thank you.

[hand knocking]

[shoes clacking]
[bells chiming]

- I've come to take your place.

- Dr. Carlos needs
you at the clinic.

I tried to call you all morning,
but there was no answer.

So how are you feeling, Miss?
- Hello?

- Better?
- Mm-hmm.

- That's good.
- No dial tone.

- Keep it up, we'll
take good care of you

and everything
will go very fast.

- But why me?

- I work with Dr. Duque,
but Dr. Carlos called

to tell him I should
come here to replace you.

Take my car, it's right outside.

You better hurry.

- I'll see you later.

- Bye.

[bells chiming]

- Already nice and
tan, aren't you?

- Mm-hmm.

- Dr. Carlos has a
pretty house, doesn't he?

Are you sleeping well?

- Oh yes, yes.
- And your appetite all right?

- Mm-hmm.
- Fine.

[birds chirping]
[Foster exhaling]

[car door banging]

[car engine revving]

[car horn honking]

[footsteps tapping]

It's pleasant here, I like it.

For me, it's a
bit far from town.

I'd get bored to death if
I had to live in the place.

I like big cities, the
activity in the streets,

the clubs, the lights.

I'd have a nervous breakdown
if I had to live here.

- How do you keep such
smooth and lovely hands?

- It's simple, I hate
housework, my dear.

It's a bore.

I never do my own housework.

And besides, our
job requires it.

- Your specialty is surgery?

- That's right, dear.

I admit it's very
difficult because I can't

stand the site of blood,
but then that's life.

Suppose you can't
have everything.

[suspenseful music]

[Delia screams]

- Where's the fire, little girl?

[muffled groaning]

[car engine humming]

[car whooshing]

[car door slamming]

- I have to use the
phone, please, if I may.

[rotary phone clicking]
[guests chattering]

Hello, the radiology section.

This is Laura,
give me Dr. Carlos.

I'd like to speak to him.

You haven't seen the doctor?

Out all morning?

But are you sure?


Thank you.

[bell ringing]

What are you doing?
- Take her away.

[suspenseful music]

- Oh, no, no!

[hand slapping]
[Foster grunting]

[footsteps thudding]
[birds chirping]

[car engine humming]

[car door banging]

[footsteps tapping]

[gate creaking]

[footsteps thudding]

- Laura?

[footsteps thudding]


Laura, what's going on?

[muffled speaking]

What's happened?

- A man, a man came here.

And with that nurse's help,
he took the girl away.

[Laura groans]

- Sit down.

- [Laura] It's out of order.

- I hope nothing's
happened to her.

There have already
been two murders.

[upbeat band music]

Tell me, do you know
this young lady?

- Looks like Delia.

She works here, but I
haven't seen her lately.

- How come this has
happened to her?

- Search me, last
time I saw her,

she went away with
some John on a weekend.

- Is there some girlfriend
of hers I could see?

- You're looking at her.

Marita, our number one dancer.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

[upbeat band music]

[people chattering]
[footsteps tapping]

[gentle band music]

- [Carlos] Good evening.

- Good evening, may
I order you a drink?

- Do you know Delia?

- Yes, why do you ask?

Are you a friend of Delia's?

- You don't read
the papers, do you?

- Only the Lonely Hearts column.

- Listen to me.

Delia's life's in danger.

What you tell me will
remain confidential.

No, I'm not the police either.

Only we must save Delia.

Tell me all you know about
the men she was with.

- Well, there were three guys.

They had big money
the way they talked.

It even started them fighting.

Betty and I dropped out.

Delia stayed on with
one called Roberts.

- If you have anything
to add, here's my number.

Just phone.

I must tell you, Roberts
has been m*rder*d.

Next time, Delia
could be the victim.

- Oh.

[gentle band music]

[Delia whimpers]

[Delia groans]

- All right, now,
where is that money?

Out with it!

- I don't know where it is.

I don't remember anything!

[Foster grunts]
[Delia cries]

Now look, tell me where
they hid that money,

and you'll be free to go.

No problem, I don't
want to harm you.

- Yeah, well, I don't
know where it is.

I haven't any idea,
I've already told you.

You've heard lies.

I don't know who you are
nor the three men are

that you keep talking
about, I swear.

I don't remember
anything. [whimpers]

- You don't remember me, Delia?

[Delia gasps]

- West, what are you doing here?


- So you don't know
any of the men, huh?

But you recognized
him right away,

you little slut!
- No!

- Take it easy.

The dame is mine,
I'll handle her.

- No.

- Where is the dough?

- I don't know, I swear.

- You swear, do you?
- No!

- Well, I swear you're gonna
tell me where that money is.

- That's it, you
can get dressed now.

Come for your first
treatment tomorrow at 10.

[phone ringing]

Excuse me.

- Thanks, Doctor.

[phone ringing]



Are you sure?

I'll come over, right away.

[mellow band music]

- [Bartender] What
will you have, sir?

- Nothing, thank you.

- Cheers.
[glasses clinking]

[mellow band music]

[car engine humming]

[footsteps thudding]

- Taxi!

[car engine humming]
[tires screeching]

[taxi door bangs]

[motorcycle engine buzzing]

[car engine humming]

[suspenseful music]

[taxi door bangs]

[suspenseful music]

- Let's investigate
the place she told us.

And make sure that
she sees nobody.

We'll be right back.

- [West] All right.

[car engine humming]

[tires screeching]

[footsteps tapping]

- Have you got a Mr. West here?

I believe you have, a foreigner.

- There's no one by
that name here, sir.

- He combs his hair
forward, flattened down.

A kind of square head
shape, around 35.

- Ah yes, you mean the
following gentleman in 41?

- No, hold it.

Would you please
come along with us?

It'd be a good idea to
take the pass key to.

- Yes, sir.

- You two stay here.

- If you'll follow me.

[footsteps tapping]

[elevator doors scratching]

[fingers tapping]

[doorbell ringing]

[doorbell ringing]

[footsteps tapping]

- Who is it?

- It's the police,
open the door please.

[footsteps tapping]

Use the pass key.

[Delia whimpers]

[g*nsh*t blasting]
[Delia screaming]

[man groaning]

[Delia whimpering]
[man groaning]

[Delia whimpers]
- There, there, dear.

Don't be frightened,
we found you now.

[Delia cries]

[thrilling music]

[g*nsh*t blasting]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]
[footsteps tapping]

[footsteps tapping]
[whistle blowing]

[g*nshots blasting]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]
[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]
[footsteps tapping]

[whistle blowing]

[g*nshots blasting]
[West groaning]

[footsteps tapping]

[West groans]

[footsteps tapping]

[whistle blowing]
[footsteps tapping]

[footsteps tapping]

[footsteps tapping]
[West groaning]

[cars whooshing]

[car engine revving]

- He got away from me.

I'll notify highway patrol.

Bad wound, doctor?

- Mm, the ambulance is coming.

Delia told me all
she knows, inspector.

- Doctor, the
ambulance is waiting.

- Thank you.

[suspenseful music]

[tires screeching]

[suspenseful music]

[car engine humming]

[tires screeching]

[car doors banging]

[birds chirping]

[footsteps thudding]

- We've got to reenact
the scene from the start.

She tried to escape.

She came running out
the kitchen door.

Roberts right behind her.

She dashed towards the
rear gate of the garden

with Roberts shouting,
"Delia, the briefcase!"

He caught up with her before
she could open the gate.

She tried to fight him off.

But Roberts managed
to drag her back

towards the hedge
around the well.

That's where I
caught up with him.

Now, assuming Roberts
had buried the briefcase,

he wouldn't have had
time to dig it up.

He didn't have any tools anyway.

Behind the hedge,

there's only the well
and a washing trough.

I've searched there
dozens of times.

And yet the money's
got to be there.

It can't be anywhere else.

[suspenseful music]
[car engine humming]

[West groans]

[suspenseful music]

[car door bangs]

[suspenseful music]

[West groans]

[West groaning]
[suspenseful music]

[West groans]

[West groaning]
[suspenseful music]

[birds chirping]

[hand knocking]

[suspenseful music]

[Foster grunts]

Elena, Elena!

[suspenseful music]

[Foster grunts]

[suspenseful music]

- Oh!

[Foster laughs]

- Let's get out of here.
- Yeah!

- [West] Don't be
in such a hurry.

- West, what's that for?

Put that g*n away.

- I'm making sure you
remember to give me my share.

- And Delia, you didn't
let her escape, did you?

- It's me who escaped, Foster.

Because you are the one
who sent for the police.

- The police?

- But you won't escape
from me, Foster.

I'll make you pay for this.

You beat it, Helen.

Otherwise, you might get hurt!

- Now look, West.

This is all a mistake.

How could we have betrayed you?

[g*nshots blasting]

Go, go.

[g*nshots blasting]

[West groans]

[g*nshots blasting]

[cart clanks]

- Don't act like an idiot, West.

I wouldn't betray
you, you know that.

After all, we're buddies.

- Save your breath, coward!

You don't care about
buddies, just the loot!

- Doesn't loot
count for you too?

Listen, West, be sensible.

Why don't we share the dough?

- I'm gonna k*ll you,
you dirty bastard!

[g*nsh*t blasting]

You hear me?

You're gonna die, stool pigeon!

[birds chirping]
[footsteps pattering]

[g*nshots blasting]

[West groans]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]

[g*nsh*t blasting]

[footsteps tapping]
[West groaning]

[water splashing]

[footsteps tapping]

[g*nshots blasting]

[Foster groans]

[g*nsh*t blasting]

[thrilling music]

[g*nsh*t blasting]

- Oh, no!


You k*lled him, coward!

You k*lled him!

Coward, you m*rder*r,
m*rder*r! [groans]

[birds chirping]

[thrilling music]

[birds chirping]
[suspenseful music]

[West groans]

[birds chirping]
[suspenseful music]

[car door bangs]

[car engine humming]

[car horn honks]

[g*nshots blasting]

[Helen groaning]

[car crashing]

[birds chirping]

[sirens wailing]

[projector clicking]

- Well, that brings down
the curtain on them.


- The weapons are delivered.

- Fine bit of news.

Here's another, read this.

- Why they're the--

- Exactly.

- But in that case...

- You may not have known,

but those were
counterfeit dollars.

A very old trick to throw
our enemy off the track

and prevent any interference.

- Then how were the
weapons paid for?

- With genuine dollars
carried by another envoy.

One in whom we had
total confidence,

and who passed all the
borders completely unnoticed.

[somber orchestral music]
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