Hansan: Rising Dragon (2022)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Hansan: Rising Dragon (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you.


My lord.

It is a new ship created by

a man, yi sun-shin.

It looked menacing,

just like a bokkaisen,

the mythical sea monster.

Our g*ns were useless.

It had the head of a dragon,

even spouting fire.

We were struck

by sheer terror.


Fear is a contagion.

Was the ship rammed?

This ship was found

drifting in the sea near sacheon

before being brought here.

Row backward! We must break loose!

Prepare to fire the dragon head

and all front cannons at once!

Load them now!


It's the bokkaisen!



The turtle ship...

Admiral. Sergeant song reporting.

Admiral won has arrived.

- I will get ready. Send in the servant.

- Yes, sir.

What? A preemptive strike?

Have you gone mad?

We must hasten to reclaim busanpo.

Now is our time to catch

our enemies off guard.

We must strike first.

Minor victories are useless

unless we attack their main base.

Look at all of you...

You are still drunk

on those minor victories.

The enemy general in busanpo

led the battle of yongin.

Do you not recall

chief commander Lee gwang,

who hastily att*cked the enemy

at gwanggyosan mountain?

His men were ambushed and annihilated!

He is blamed for the defeat

and could be deemed a traitor.

There are tides in w*r.

We must defend, not attack!

Tell me.

Do you agree with him?

Or have your underlings gone mad?

Watch your words!

Admiral won, do you have a better idea?


Ironclad defense!

With an ironclad barrier on the sea,

we'll defend

the left jeolla Navy headquarters.

I'll burn down the provisional

right gyeongsang Navy headquarters,

joining you here instead.

With our joint fleet

fending off the enemy,

won't our headquarters here

be a steely fortress?

There is no need for an elder

such as yourself to see me out.

Since my pupil is now too busy

as a commander to see me,

this is an old teacher's chance

to enjoy his pupil's rare company.

Judging by how you are

in good spirits as always,

it seems you are still in good health.

By no means.

I am suffering

under a dreadful superior officer.

But I suppose we are similar in that

you are also suffering

under a dreadful superior officer.

Good night, sir.

The lord chancellor has

high hopes for you.

Welcome, advisor.

I saw your men looking busy.

Isn't it too soon for haste?


The lord chancellor sends his reply.

In the battle of yongin

at gwanggyosan mountain,

do you know how I destroyed

50,000 men with only 2,000?


you caught them unaware

with a preemptive ambush.

Yi sun-shin's headquarters here

must be struck down immediately.

And then...


We must reinforce konishi's division

up north in Pyongyang.

Once we do,

our conquest of joseon shall be complete.


As expected of the lord chancellor's

pre-eminent warrior.

Konishi up north in Pyongyang

will be beholden to you,

bowing in gratitude.

I was concerned

because I thought you might hasten

and try to head straight to ming China

just like the other generals.

No doubt, you also crave

the conquest of ming China.


I advise against a solo campaign.

As things now stand,

there is no need for risk.

Better to lead

a joint campaign at full force.

I understand.


I have a request.

About kato, I presume?

You are removing the dragon head?

Since the battle of sacheon,

I have been thinking.

I stayed up nights

unable to shake the belief

that you need the turtle ship.

Will it no longer get lodged upon ramming?

For now, that seems to be

the only solution we have.

Will doing so also improve its speed?

Indeed, sn.

A headless turtle ship...

Have you heard?

The latest wae invaders

to arrive in busanpo...

I hear they are quite formidable.

How is admiral yi's order coming along?


we're gathering all

the gunpower ingredients we can,

sourcing it from the people.

But the turtle ships

use up so much gunpowder.

Gunpowder-guzzling monsters, they are.

The turtle ships

can only join the admiral's fleet

if you make haste.

The ramming ships must do more than ram.

They must fire cannons too.


By the way,

this is for you.

What is this?

I caught the critter myself.

If you ever get lonely or discouraged,

it can cheer you up.

- Are you mocking me?

- Take it easy.

Cook a turtle soup

for your health if you'd like.

Before you become a shell of a man.

That impudent punk.


Ironclad defense!

We must defend, not attack!

I have a letter from jeonju fortress

sent by chief commander Lee gwang,

he was pained to recall his defeat

at gwanggyosan mountain.

The enemy wakizaka

did not stay behind

to guard suwon fortress.

Instead, he advanced to

yongin's gwanggyosan mountain,

tiring and luring our troops.

When our men lowered their guard

and set up camp in an open field,

wakizaka ambushed at dawn,

annihilating our army.

His stronghold was defended

without a defensive strategy.

Admiral yi.

His majesty sends word.

What has happened?

We received word from Pyongyang.

His majesty has departed for uiju

in the royal carriage

how could he forsake Pyongyang fortress?

There is more at stake

than Pyongyang fortress.

We must ask why his majesty left for uiju

by the northwest border.

The chief commander preferred

the northeast province hamgyeong-do

as a defensible base,

but his majesty chose uiju

by the northwest border instead.

Will his majesty

seek refuge westward in ming China?

That cannot be.

It will destroy the people's morale

and thr*aten the fate of our land.

Based on our training

with joseon prisoners,

joseon's Navy cannons reach

a firing range of a thousand Bo.

They are destructive within 500 Bo.

They aim accurately

within 100 Bo.

One hundred Bo.

Their panokseon have a strange way

of reloading cannons.

How so?

Instead of reloading,

they rotate their ships,

firing from the other side.



even if their panokseon ships

refire faster that way,

we can press with speed from 200 Bo away,

overtaking their ships.

From 200 Bo, overtaking them.

My lord.

We must ambush again.

Deploy the fleet at once.

If they block us,

we will crush that troublesome thing.

You mean the sea monster bokkaisen,

or rather their mekurabune?


meaning "blind ship."

I like that name better than bokkaisen.

That mekurabune fought only one battle.

But why?

Why won't they battle

with a ship rumored

to be a monstrous bokkaisen?


you have two days.

Since you speak Korean,

go scout the left jeolla Navy.

Find out about the mekurabune.


about yi sun-shin.


About kobayakawa

leading the sixth division

in geumsan near jeolla-do.

I must send word to him.


Admiral yi.

Our headquarters here

might be his majesty's last refuge.

Instead of rushing to battle,

perhaps we should guard this place

as admiral won suggested.

Do you still plan

to attack the wae base at Busan fortress?

Does it look so

in your eyes?

Is it not so?

Perhaps it is.

But as admiral won has said,

we are on the defensive.

An attack on busanpo requires caution.

If you will neither defend nor attack,

what is your battle plan?


Our next battle will determine

the fate of this w*r.

Please have some food.

I saw that man at Busan fortress.


"I have received your letter."

"I appreciate the offer,

but as commander of the sixth division,

I, kobayakawa, will attack

jeonju fortress as planned."

"Now that geumsan fortress is cleared

of the joseon people's militia,

I can soon advance on

jeonju fortress in jeolla-do."

Transcribe my reply.

Instead of attacking jeonju fortress

with the sixth division,

I ask you to strike yi sun-shin's

left jeolla Navy headquarters.

Do so, and I will Grant you

all my conquests in jeolla-do.

The w*r's outcome depends

on the left jeolla Navy,

not jeonju fortress.

Now, join me in this attack,

which will please the lord chancellor.

Will you Grant kobayakawa

all of jeolla-do?

Yi is a mere hindrance

we can defeat without his help.

"A mere hindrance"?

How will you defeat yi?

By catching him off guard

with a preemptive strike!

As we did at gwanggyosan mountain!

Let's stay one step ahead.

We will defeat him also on land.

It is a plan for total victory,

which I have while yi doesn't.

But we are ready...

Joseon will fall soon.

The w*r will shift to ming China.

By reaching ming first,

we will conquer much more.

Jeolla-do pales in comparison.

Do you not understand?

But, will kato's fleet

arrive in time?

Kanbei is a man of his word.

He will make it happen.

Why did your men at sacheon join

the division at geumsan near jeolla?

Will they deploy from geumsan

to attack jeonju fortress?

When will they strike?

I know nothing.

Nothing at all.


You fools!

Jeonju fortress matters little.

Our wae army is gathering

in great numbers in Busan.

Joseon will be annihilated

on our way to ming China and India.

You should beg for your lives!

Who are you?

- Admiral!

- Why, you!

How dare you!

My lord!

What have they done to him?

Are you all right, my lord?

My lord!

You are the reason

we can hold on, my lord.

You are a hero

to us all!

Do not take his life.

I sense he has a veiled purpose.

This w*r...

What is this w*r about?

I beseech you to tell me.

What is this w*r?

A battle of the righteous

against the unrighteous.

Not a battle of nations?

I shot you at sacheon.

I saw with my own eyes

how you stepped forth

to save your soldier.

But my commander

used us men as shields

to save himself.


Let me serve you.

Why did I dream of this?

His stronghold was defended

without a defensive strategy.

Defended without a defensive strategy.

Crane wing formation plan

is this formation defensive?

Or offensive?

Surely it is defensive,

like a fortress on the sea.

A fortress on the sea.

Over there, we are simulating

the wae ships' attack.

It is very realistic with their maneuvers.

Proceed with the crane wing formation.

Yes, sir.

Crane wing formation!

- To the left wing.

- Yes, sir.

To the right wing's center.

On the double.

Yes, sir.

We're colliding!

Watch your position!

Go farther left!

We are due at the left wing's center!

My lord. The right wing looks unsteady.

Never mind. We will go head-on.

Raise the ladders.

Raise them!

- Rotate the ship.

- Rotate!

Port oars, stop!


Starboard oars, row faster!

Back to formation!

Raise the ladders!

- Rotate.

- Rotate!


Port oars, stop!


Sir, we can't rotate

within such a short distance.

Especially not with admiral won's ships

that lack training.

Keep him in the formation.

And deliver this to admiral Lee eok-gi.

Yes, sir.

Reporting, sir.

Since the battle of sacheon,

the mekurabune was never seen in training.

There must be a problem

with the mekurabune.

We must find out what it is.

We'll enter their headquarters.

Let's move.

There is a fire!

Who goes there?

Who are you?

We are on your side.

The prisoners' cells are on fire!

The prisoners are escaping!

After them!

No wonder you looked murderous for a monk.

The turtle ship is in flames!

Put out the fire! Now!

Follow me.

You call yourselves officers in charge?

It was your duty to guard the turtle ship

at all times with no exception!

This is a failure in duty!


I'm afraid the head spy escaped.

We have failed you, sir.

Hurry up!


A few prisoners are missing.

Hurry up!


Any damages to the turtle ship?

There are some scorches,

but they are not too fatal.

The head spy stole

the turtle ship's construction plans.

Where is chief nah?

He has not left the suncheon dockyard

since two days ago.

Let us go there.

This turtle ship has to be better!

Seal that joint!



I heard about the spies.

I'm relieved that

the turtle ships weren't damaged.

I am told you are reattaching

the dragon head.

Yes, sir.

We must wage battle soon.

Will this turtle ship be ready?

We are working night and day.

We need a few more days.

The spies escaped

with your construction plans.

Wakizaka will learn about

the turtle ship's weaknesses.


This new turtle ship is different.

I will fight this battle

without turtle ships.

I must leave now.


The sides look weak.

Good for firing cannons

but exposed to attack.


the head and cover must be heavy.

I wonder if it can sail at any speed.

Junsa, was it?

So you fought against the ship.

Yes, at the battle of sacheon.

Indeed, its movement seemed quite slow.

Go on.

At sacheon,

we fell for yi's luring tactic.

Luring tactic?

Yes, sir.


as you pointed out,

we could've easily destroyed the ship

had we been prepared.

Once it rammed into our warship,

the dragon head was lodged,

unable to move.

The dragon head was lodged?

Yes, sir.


that was the flaw.

A flawed ram.

And yet,

it was called the bokkaisen,

striking terror in our men.

Are you implying it was a false rumor?


What do you think?

Since it was absent from training,

it probably won't be deployed.

However, I'm concerned by sahei's report

regarding their crane wing formation.

It appears to be offensive.

I suspect they will surround busanpo

to mount an attack.

No, sir.

Yi was using prisoners

to prepare defensive tactics.

Besides, without the mekurabune,

he cannot risk an attack.

These are baseless claims.



Come closer.


Justify your claim.

Even their king has fled

to the northwest border.

Hence, yi will be looking to retreat.

He wouldn't dare advance in the attack.

I must say,

that is a decent reason.

My lord! Kato's fleet has arrived.

They arrived at the perfect time.

The w*r god hachiman

smiles on me again.


Can you truly win the battle

without the turtle ship?

Can you truly win

without the turtle ship?

Your wound has yet to heal.

Yet you are already sh**ting arrows.


I'm convinced by our training

that we need the turtle ships.

Do you not agree?



lim jun-young brought

his report in person.

In person?

Until now, wakizaka's fleet

had 30 large ships

and 70 medium ships,

with a total of 100 ships.

However, kato yoshiaki's fleet

from the southern island daemado

has now joined him with

20 large ships and 20 small ships.

That makes 140 ships total.

Wakizaka's wait is over.

- He will deploy soon.

- The time has arrived.

But sir,

kato's ships are unique.


Several large ships have thicker hulls

and suspended cannons

we haven't seen before.

As for their flagship,

it's armed with cannons

and covered in iron plates.

A flagship covered in iron plates?

It is as expected.

They prepared against

our cannons and rams.

This enemy fleet will attack

to secure a supply route

to the western coast.

The enemy's ground troops are gathered

at geumsan near jeonju fortress.

They will fight on two fronts,

at sea and on land.

They will attack both jeonju fortress

and the left jeolla Navy.

If our Navy falls as the enemy wishes,

joseon's regime in uiju will also fall.

We will surely face an attack,

but jeonju is under greater threat.

The battle of yongin has left

chief commander Lee gwang

crippled by defeat.

In any case, we must

alert jeonju fortress.

Shouldn't we split our forces

to reinforce the army at jeonju fortress?

Have you gone mad?

We cannot split the Navy.

That is out of the question!

Hold your anger.

I merely speak as I must.

That is enough.

Admiral yi.

How will you proceed?

The time has come for a critical battle.


Tomorrow at midnight,

we shall set out to w*r.

Prepare for deployment.

Instead of defending?

Load the shells and gunpowder!


As ordered, we stockpiled

all the gunpowder we could.

Well done.

But may I ask why you are loading

this much gunpowder?

Is it possible

to load the cannons

with both shells and shrapnel shells?

That will cause damage

only within a short range.

- The enemy ships will close in...

- Noted.

Is chief nah on his way?

Let's enjoy this drink together.

By the way,

what kind of man is this admiral yi?

A surprisingly strong foe.

That is why we must face him together.

Joseon's commanders

have been weak, I heard.

Yi must be the exception.

Now that two w*r heroes

have joined us here,

yi will not stand a chance.

This dull w*r will end

sooner than expected.

My lord, we received word

from kobayakawa's sixth division.

Everyone out.


Dither at your peril if you wish to die!

Hurry up!

Kobayakawa agreed to the inland attack

against the left jeolla Navy headquarters.

In that case,

when will he deploy?

He asked that you decide when

and send your reply.

If so,

we set out tonight at midnight.

That is absurd!

How could you make such a decision

without consulting?

Wakizaka, please reconsider.

For procedure's sake.

We must attack

before the typhoon season arrives.

Pardon the haste.

You scoundrel!


Your crude manner

will cost you my alliance.

You take w*r too lightly, wakizaka!

Do not be so rash,


Sit down.

What is with you?


Put down your sword.

I demand an answer.

Tell me.

Do you wish to join forces with me or not?

Our dislike is mutual.


the lord chancellor

ordered our joint attack.

Withdraw your sword

and I shall overlook this outburst.



You can come out now.

Thank you. I heard

crucial information with your help.

I must report back at once

to the left jeolla Navy.

I have been keeping watch

to see who you were connected to.

So it was that wench who slipped you in.


Even the courtesans are spies.

What a disappointment.

I'd hoped to take you with me to awaji.


My lord!

Stand back!



- after him!

- Now!

You stay here!

Follow me, manabe!

How much does he know?

Tell me.

There he is! By the shore!


After him!

Get in!


Aim the fire arrows!



Not until you spill everything you know.

We've failed you.

Please take our lives.

Hunt down all the spies.


keep her alive.


I'm no spy!

I'm not!

Perhaps now is the time

to break with the past,

tying up all loose ends.

k*ll them!

We have reached dangpo,

our midway stopover.

Report to admiral yi.

Yes, sir.

We're allies! Stop!

k*ll him as well!


Tell me.

Someone must have your back

for you to do such a thing.

Is it kanbei?

Given our mutual hatred,

you and I will only clash

if we join forces.

Surrender your ships and begone.

If you do so,

I will let you live.

You expect to steal my iron-plated ship

without retribution?

Mark my words.

I will repay this insult.

Now I know.

You had this planned.

From the start.

But my ships will not matter.

Begone if you care to live!

Summoned by the lord chancellor,

I've returned to Osaka castle.

Wakizaka, you shall now

demolish the joseon Navy

and reach ming China's Tianjin.

Conquer the land!

Once you do,

the lord chancellor will bypass joseon,

proceeding straight to ming.

You shall be the one to welcome him there.

The golden fan reflects

the lord chancellor's wishes.

Treasure it.


we will overtake konishi's first

and kiyomasa's second divisions

as the first to reach ming China.

- My lord!

- My lord!

- We congratulate you!

- We congratulate you!

Row faster!

My lord.

Yi deployed his fleet.

His ships are nearby, already at dangpo.

I see.

A strong foe indeed.

Between dangpo

and our current base ungpo...

Look here.

This narrow sea route between us,

gyeonnaeryang strait.

Does it not remind you of somewhere?

Do you mean gwanggyosan mountain,

the narrow pass en route to hanyang

used in the battle of yongin?

We'll sail to gyeonnaeryang strait

and lie in ambush.

We will wait for yi's next move.

- Now go.

- Yes, my lord!

I have sworn allegiance to admiral yi.

There is no time.

You must go alone now.

Many lives were lost

to secure that report.

Please deliver it without fail

to admiral yi.


We must pass ungchi!

Ungchi leads to the left jeolla

Navy headquarters.

Hurry the rear guards! There is no time!

The shortcut to jeonju fortress

is this way...

We have checked these areas.

Now we're searching

near angolpo and ungpo...


have you located the hidden enemy fleet?

We will, soon enough.

I was loath to turn my back so soon

immediately upon arrival yesterday.

But if the enemy is not found today,

I will withdraw my men

to help defend jeonju fortress.

We will locate them today.


We've found the enemy.

- Where?

- Gyeonnaeryang strait.

Gyeonnaeryang strait is nearby.

Around 100 wae ships are docked there.

We must attack at once.

Fortune is on our side.

They're docked at gyeonnaeryang strait

because they know

our fleet has sailed out to these shores.

That changes nothing.

We must be cautious.

Remove the other tables.

Yes, sir.

We must lure them here

to the open sea of hansan.

Gyeonnaeryang strait is too narrow.

Our panokseon warships

cannot battle there.

I disagree.

Narrow or not,

it will be easier to attack

while the enemy is docked.

Wouldn't our previous battle formations

suit the circumstances?

Strong currents in the strait

will hinder our ships' movement.

Many will be destroyed.


the attack may be ineffective

if the enemy flees to shore.

A leader in w*r

should not shy away from small damages.

And if the enemy flees to shore,

they can only run

to geojedo island.

Since they will be cut off

from reinforcement,

we can hunt them down

for a rare victory on land.

I say we strike at them.

In that case,

why don't you take lead

with the first attack?


You want only my ships to get battered

and destroyed in vain?

I want you to lure the enemy ships

to this open sea of hansan.

Lure out the fleet?

To battle in crane wing formation?

Is that what you meant

by building a fortress on the sea?

But I'm no fool.

I can't attack

with only seven ships in my fleet.

That is a su1c1de mission.

Wakizaka is no fool either.

Do you think he will be lured so easily?

I will take no part in this reckless plan.

Admiral won!

The enemy is right before us.

A fortress on the sea? Nonsense!

I will help defend

jeonju fortress instead.

As a naval guide, I can lure the enemy.

I know the waterways

around gyeonnaeryang strait.

Let me lure the enemy.

I shall go instead.

The task should not fall

to the elderly commander.

It is not befitting.


Send me instead.

Admiral, I agree.

Please send us instead.

I see you two are now serving admiral yi.


It's the last wish of an old commander.

Please Grant it.

Crane wing formation plan

a fortress on the sea? Nonsense!

What is your battle plan?

Will the crane wing formation

ensure victory?

Chief nah dae-yong


Sergeant song reporting.

Come in.

What brings you here?

A report requiring secrecy.

It's from junsa.

Kobayakawa's troops left geumsan to attack

the left jeolla Navy heaquarters,

not jeonju fortress.

The enemy's army and Navy

will strike in unison.

Their fleet was deployed

on the fifth at midnight.

If their ground troops

bypass jeonju fortress

to strike our headquarters,

it will be a critical blow.

Have you alerted jeonju fortress?

Junsa is on his way to alert them.

If so,

who delivered this report instead of him?

I cannot trust that anti-wae fighter.

Why would the enemy bypass jeonju fortress

to attack the Navy headquarters?

Let's get rid of that anti-wae fighter

and march to jeonju fortress as planned.

Once the enemy passes ungchi,

it is only a half day's march

to the Navy headquarters.

We'll receive orders soon.

Until then, we must defend this pass.

So you're the anti-wae fighter?

Follow me.

If we survive this,

I'll treat you to a hearty drink.

March on! Faster!


No need for that.

A shared, righteous spirit.

That's all you need.

Gets some armor instead.

Crane wing formation plan

We will use the enemy's attack

to surround their fleet.

In the sea of hansan,

we will battle in crane wing formation.

Flanking the flagship

on the right wing's center

will be admiral Lee eok-gi.

On the left wing's center...

There will be admiral won.

By his side, there'll be

the wise commander eo,

the naval guide

well-versed in joseon's waterways.

Commander Lee UN-ryong,

who offers trustworthy counsel,

shall be next to him.

Captain Kim wan,

who maneuvers with great skill,

will be at the tip of the left wing.

Commander gwon jun

has the speed and strength

to wage close combat

at the tip of the right wing.

As a proven warrior

who leads our Navy's

most forceful charges,

commander jung UN will be...

To chief nah dae-yong

Were all ships ordered

to double-load their cannons?

Yes, sir.

We gave orders to double-load

shells and shrapnel shells.

Prepare for deployment.

Yes, sir.

All ships to w*r.

All ships!

To w*r!

To w*r!

My lord!

Yi has deployed his fleet.

The enemy fleet has precisely 56 ships.

All are panokseon warships,

the mekurabune is nowhere to be seen.

Could this be part of his strategy?

Never mind the mekurabune.

You two will wait in ambush

on the right and left flanks.

- Yes, sir!

- Yes, sir!

Our objective is to lure out the enemy.

Maintain at least half-majang distance

away from their ships.

Yes, sir.

Lower the anchor!

Enemy ships!

Enemy ships ahead!

Hold fire! Find the enemy ships!


Second row, prepare to fire!


how many ships?

We cannot tell

how many there are in total.

Hold your positions.

Keep the enemy at bay by returning fire.

- Deplete their firepower.

- Yes, sir.

To the right!


Hold fire!

To the left!

They are on the left!


Commander manabe on the left flank

asks if he may attack.

Commander watanabe on the right flank

asks the same.

Tell them to stay in position

and hold fire.

They must wait in ambush.

- Yes, sir!

- Yes, sir!


I will reverse the ship.

Advance 100 Bo.

It is too dangerous.

We will be surrounded by the enemy!

At this rate, the enemy will not budge.

We must deliver a blow to lure them out.

Row forward!

Yes, sir!

Will the enemy fall for our tactics?

Deploy the ships on standby.

Yes, sir.


The fog is clearing.

We're running low on gunpowder and shells.

We must retreat!

Cannon fire!

They are firing cannons!

They are firing cannons?


The fog is clearing! We can see the ships!

Only three ships.

How daring, yi sun-shin.

You shall soon regret

leaving your headquarters.

Wae ships on the right!

It's an ambush.

A brave move.

But three ships aren't enough to lure us.

How will yi respond

once they've burned down?

I wonder.

It's too late.

Prepare for close combat.

My lord, enemy ships on the left!


They are joseon ships.

Row at full speed!

We must retreat!

Row faster! We must retreat!

Chase after them at full speed.

Close in!

- Now!

- Yes, sir!


signal manabe at once to stop his chase.

He must not leave gyeonnaeryang strait.

Yes, sir!

My lord, over there!

Orders to stop!

What should we do?

Our sword has been drawn.

We will catch them here

within gyeonnaeryang straits.

It is what the general wants.

After them!

Their main fleet isn't joining the attack.

Rotate starboard!

Rotate starboard!

Throw the grapnel!

Board the ship!

My lord, our ships are hitting the rocks.

No matter, we will board

enemy ships instead.

Close in!

To port!

Rotate to port!

My word.

How is this possible?




My lord.


We received the report from gyeonnaeryang.

Commander Lee's ships entered the strait,

but the enemy's main fleet

has yet to be lured.

All ships to the mouth

of gyeonnaeryang strait

in arrowhead formation.

Raise the command flag.


If the enemy att*cks head-on,

we could be in danger.

The current is against us.

We need them to attack.

Raise the flag.

Yes, sir.


My lord.

The enemy's main fleet has arrived!

All ships, stop!

- All ships, stop!

- All ships, stop!

By now,

kobayakawa will have passed ungchi.

Fire the cannons!

We need more arrows!

Our hillside flank has fallen.

We're far outnumbered!

Fall back to line two!


Line two cannot hold!

We must retreat to line three!

That will mean the end of us

and the Navy headquarters.

The end of all of jeolla-do!


Enemy ships!

The enemy is advancing!

Rotate all ships.

Reinforce the rowers.

All rowers to oars!

Add rowers!

Rotate the ship!

Rotate the ship!

Sir! It's the command kite.

We must join the formation!

Row harder!

Crane wing

add rowers.

Full speed ahead!

- Speed ensures victory!

- Yes, sir!

Add more oars!

Row faster!


Row with all your might!


We must sail faster!

I will avenge manabe

by destroying you myself.

Wae ships are closing in!

- Fire!

- Fire!

sh**t your bows!

Admiral. They're grappling our ship!

Cut the ropes!

We must return to formation.


Commanders eo young-dam

and Lee UN-ryong are under attack.

- Commander!

- Cover for him!

- Commander eo.

- Protect the commander!

Crane wing formation.

As expected.

Sahei can battle those ships

while we charge in fish-scale formation.

Fish-scale formation!

Watanabe reports from the front rank

that he will charge at the ships

lagging behind at the right wing.

Great minds think alike.

- Tell him I permit the attack.

- Yes, sir!


Row backward and load the cannons!


What in the world is he thinking?

He is wasting firepower before the order.

He should know better!

The enemy ships are too fast.

We should've att*cked sooner.

You blasted yi sun-shin,

why aren't you firing?

Admiral won's ships

are weakening our formation.

Please give the order to fire.

Please give the order, sir!

Before firing,

we must complete the formation.

In the battle of mikatagahara,

the way takeda shingen destroyed

tokugawa's crane wing formation

was not by swords or g*ns.

He crushed it with cavalry.

Charge forth, watanabe.

You and I will crush the foe

as we did at gwanggyosan mountain, yongin!

Charge forth.

You're not the only ones

with ramming ships.

Behold the might of our atakebune.

Your crane will fall

before it can spread its wings.

We've caught you now.


It's the mekurabune!

My lord!

Bring the large g*ns!


Left, front, right

it's the mekurabune!

Row harder!

Prepare to fire!

Row harder!

That flagship is shielded by iron plates.

Rotate to port and ram its stern.

It is slow.

The mekurabune is

truly nothing more than a blind ship.

Charge toward yi's flagship!

- Signal the fleet!

- Yes, sir!

We'll go to the stern chaser.

I'll fire it myself.

The sides were its weakness.

It will rotate for sure.

That is when I'll aim for the side.

Take fire, mekurabune.


Right Cannon, fire!


My lord,

the mekurabune is closing in sideways

out of our firing range.



As expected of my cousin.

Wait and see, yi sun-shin.

Your mekurabune shall be your fall.

That one has a lower hull

so it is harder to target.

The mekurabune is charging at us!


Charge at us

with all your might, mekurabune.

Once you do,

your head will be lodged in my ship.

Prepare to board!


My lord!


The new turtle ship will achieve

more than ramming.


Deploy the turtle ship.

Yi sun-shin.

Was this your final ploy?


Thanks to the new turtle ship,

commanders eo hyang-do and Lee UN-ryong

have returned to formation.


The enemy ships are near.

We must open fire.


Why is the turtle ship

still in their midst?

My lord! The mekurabune is charging at us!

They are 200 Bo away.

We can overtake them.

All ships!

Break formation!

Engage the enemy!


What in the world is he thinking?

The enemy is right before us.

We can't wait any longer!

Fire immediately!

Sir, we're out of shells.


We must win this battle.

Please fire.

One hundred Bo.

Fifty Bo.

- Raise the ladders!

- Raise the ladders!

All ships.

Raise them!



Port oars, stop!

Starboard oars, row harder!

Starboard oars, row harder!

It is too late, yi sun-shin.

Board their ships!


A fortress on the sea...

Prepare the reserve cannons!

You must fire, admiral!

Aim the cannons!


It is a trap!


Stop them!

We must stop them!

We must not let them pass!

Fight to the death!

What the hell are you?

I wanted to treat you to a hearty drink.

It is too bad I cannot fulfill my promise.


You invaders will never...

Go beyond this ungchi pass.

We must guard this pass...


What did I tell you?

It's a righteous battle.

Fought together

with a shared spirit.

Yours as well.

I thank you.

What is this w*r?

A battle of the righteous

against the unrighteous.

The enemy is fleeing!

Chase after them!



It is a complete victory.

Let us press on.

What joseon needs is a decisive victory.

What made you bring me here, sir?

Look at geojedo island.

The island is facing

the mouth of enemy waters.

We must secure

tighter control over this sea.

I agree, sir.

Thanks to our previous victory

in these waters,

the enemy at busanpo

has yet to reappear around hansan island.

I admire the name.


Come to think of it,

it is indeed a meaningful name.

It stands for "grand mountain,"

does it not?

Yes, it does.

From now on, this gyeonnaeryang strait

will be our front line.

May hansan prove

to be a truly grand mountain

guarding our land.

Such is my hope.

The turtle ship is returning.
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