Red Dawn (1984)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Red Dawn (1984)

Post by bunniefuu »


Thanks for the ride.

Get going.
You don't have time for breakfast.

Are you working or what?

Yeah, I'll be at the station all day,
so hitch a ride home.

- You got practice today?
- After that, man, we're on double time.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
You'd think they'd take it down.

Come on, bud.
You lost a football game once yourself.

What? I don't remember.

I do.

I think you're lying.

- I don't know when to believe your mouth.
- Likewise.

- Later, bud.
- See you, Jed.

- Did you do your history?
- Yeah. Some of it.

The Great Hunt would always begin...

with the armies spread out
in a semicircle...

I would say about
the size of Rhode Island.

Then they would ride forward...

driving everything before them:

beasts, men... even bugs.

Now the ends would kind of close
in to form a shrinking circle.

And everything within that circle
panicked to get out.

When the Mongols could see each other...

they had worked themselves up
into a pretty good frenzy.

Now when this k*lling started...

it'd last for days, weeks...

even months.

And it went on...

until the young son of the Khan...

asked his father
that the last creature alive...

be allowed to...

go free.

well now, my friend.

- well, now.
- They're all over!

- Check it out.
- all right!

They look pretty cool, though.

I would say they were
way off course.

This is very unusual.

Better do something, Mr. Teasdale.

What's going on, my friend?

Come on!
Let's go!

Get in!

Get down! Get down!

- Get in!
- Wait!

Run! Get in!


What's happening?
What's happening?

- They're sh**ting at everybody!
- sh**ting?

- We're going to the mountains.
- Can you tell who they are?

I heard some of them
speaking Spanish, Mr. Morris.

Did you see any of them?

Oh, my God.


get in there and get
sleeping bags and food right now.

Come on.
Hurry up, boys.

Come on, son.

- Take the dry stuff.
- Get the dehydrated stuff.

Get plenty of Kleenex.

- Get some lanterns.
- .38 Specials.

Grab some toilet paper.
I ain't gonna use no leaves.

Bring a lot of that.

Be sure to take
a lot of batteries.

Get a shotgun.

Get those down jackets.

Matt, look!

Get down! Get down!

Lay down.

Is it ours?

Son, I love you.

I love you, Dad.
Tell Mom I love her.

- I'll take care of him.
- Boys, just get out of here.

And don't come back here.

No matter what you see or hear,
don't come back.

I'll come and get you soon enough.

Open the glove compartment.

- Is it there?
- Yeah.

Load it.

- It's already loaded.
- Give it here.

- Want these also, Jed?
- Put them in my pocket.

Jesus Christ.

Oh, Jesus, Jesus.

I'm gonna turn off.

It's a helicopter!

It's ours!

Get in! Get in!

- Did you get it?
- Yeah, I got it.

Only thing is, we got one problem.
We don't have any water.

How about pissing in it?

- That's a good idea.
- How do you know it'll work?

- How old are you, kid?
- Fifteen.

And the name's Danny, not " kid."

well, when you grow up,
you'll know these things, Danny.

Now get up here
and piss in the radiator.

We've got Yankee Tanks
coming in from the plains.

We've lost most of our night vision...

and have only a few
antitank missiles left.

Put your best men into hunter groups
armed with RPG's.

Have your men dig holes
100 meters apart.

Wait until the Yankees
approach to strike...

then attack them in force.

Yes, Colonel Bella.

I want some antitank here.

We're working on it, sir.

This...this is a madhouse!

Do you want to see me?

Go to the sporting goods store.

From the files, obtain form 4473.

These will contain
descriptions of weapons...

and lists of private ownership.

But our families, huh?
What about them, huh?

We gotta stay up here
and hide awhile.

I just want to go home.

I don't want to hide.
If I hide, they'll never find me.

Check it out.

Stopped a b*llet
that would have hit somebody.

I got these.

Those will do us a lot of good.
We've got no radio.

How long do you think we can survive
on olives and Rice Krispies?

What else are we gonna do?

As Calumet Student Body President...

I forward the motion
that we give ourselves up.

I second the motion.

We can't stay here.
We need stuff and--

Sit down, Danny.

It's too dangerous
to go into town.

- I say we vote on it.
- No.

It isn't the big game, Mr. Quarterback.
He can go wherever he wants.

You're such a g*dd*mn jock.

Come on, guys!
Knock it off!

If you want to go so bad,
take your shit!

That goes for the rest of you.

Get walking.

It's World w*r III down there.

People are being k*lled.

Those could be Russians.

Jed, what about your family?

I don't know.

But I'm alive.

And I'm staying here.
My family would want me to stay alive.

Your family would
want you to stay alive.

You think you're so smart, man,
but you're just a bunch of scared kids.

What do you think you are?

Alone, I guess.

No, you're not.

Hey, bud.

What do you say?

I'm with you.

Now the rest of you get going.

all right, but if you stay...

you're gonna do
exactly what I say, okay?

So come on over here
and get warm.


I'm sorry.

Me too, man.

Matt and I have been coming up to these
mountains with our dad our whole lives.

We can hunt, we can fish.
We can stay up here a long, long time.

How long, Jed?

Until we don't hear that no more.


I got him!

You got him.

He's still breathing!

Never sh**t twice.
If you sh**t twice, they can find you.

- He's dead anyway.
- How do you know?

I used to read a lot about
Jedediah Smith and Jim Bridger.

The Blackfeet, if you shot twice,
would know right where you were.

My dad named me after Jed Smith.

This is your first time, isn't it?

Yeah. Why?

You gotta drink if it's your first.
We did.

What's it taste like?

It's not too bad.

It's kind of salty, like a steak
or when you get a nosebleed.

You gotta do it, Robert.
It's the spirit of the deer.

When you drink it,
you'll be a real hunter.

Bottoms up.

Go. Go ahead.

Go for it, buddy.

All right! All right!

You did it.

His blood is yours.
My dad said that once you do that...

there's gonna be something
different about you... always.

It wasn't so bad.

It wasn't that bad.

It wasn't so bad.

That's the last of it,
except for the olives.

We still got
plenty of meat left.

Just stuff you shot.

So tell me, dork, where do you suppose
hamburgers come from?

Nobody sh**t them.

We need food.

We need to know.

We do.

We'll go into town.

There's no one here, either.

Looks like it's been here
for a thousand years.

Come on.

The stores are open.

There's people everywhere!
Maybe it's over!

- Don't go anywhere.
- Those aren't our troops.

You can't tell from here, Jed.

What is that? I've never seen
a t*nk like that before.

Yeah, but they're packed.
That means something.

Let's stash our stuff.
Leave it all here.

That's the Mayor's car.

- They got Daryl's dad's car.
- Look at the size of that t*nk.

Lewis. Lewis, how you doing?

Was he scared of us?

Hey, let's ask Alicia.
She'll know.

Six toothbrushes, please.

- Jed!
- How's your sister?

- Where did you come from?
- We've been hiding in the mountains.

Are you crazy?
You gotta get out of here.

We will, but first we gotta
find out what's going--

They know who all of you are.
They're looking for you.

- Who?
- The KGB.

- The Russians?
- And the Cubans.

Look, have you seen my father?

I called, there was no answer.
The station was empty.

Okay, listen.

I'm gonna tell you something
nobody's supposed to talk about, but--

But what?

But they took a lot of people away,
people they thought would make trouble.

people who had g*ns or things
they wanted, they just took them away.


Reeducation camps.
That's what they call it.

The drive-in.
I heard they took a lot of people to--

I pray for you.

America is a whorehouse...

where the revolutionary ideals
of your forefathers...

are corrupted and sold in alleys
by vendors of capitalism.

Could you find my dad, Tom Eckert?
I'm Jed.

Jed? Matt?

Mr. Barnes?

I'll go find your dad.
I know right where he is.

You know Morris' Market
out on the highway?

Can you see if Mr. Morris
is in there too?

I'll look around for him too, son.


I can stand up.


Don't talk. Don't say anything.
Let me look at you.

well, I knew I was right.
I knew it.

You're alive.

I was tough on both of you.

And I did things that made you--

that made you hate me sometimes.

But you understand now,
don't you?

What happened, Dad?
Why are you here? What did they do?

It doesn't matter.

One way or another...

for one reason or another,
we're all gone.

It's all gone.


remember when you used to go
in the park and play...

and I used to
put you on the swings...

and both of you were...

so damn little?

I remember.
I remember all of it.

I ain't gonna be around
to pick you up when you fall now.

Both of you got to
take care of each other now.

We'll never see you again, Dad.

Yes, you will.
I don't want to hear that, Mattie.

What happened to Mom, Dad?
Where is she?

We can't afford
to be crying anymore.

I don't want either one of you
to ever cry for me again.

Don't ever do it
not as long as you live.

Where's my dad, Mr. Eckert?

I don't know, son.

I don't know.

You all get going now.

Get out before they find you.

I love you.

I know you do, son.
I love you too.


Avenge me!

I'll be damned.
Get in here.

Mr. Mason, how are you doing?
Good to see you.

We got us some outlaws here.

Wow, a house.

Go on and find a chair.

Last time we were in a house
was five weeks.

You look it.

Who you got out there with you?

We got Danny, we got Daryl.

We all figured you boys
had headed for F.A. by now.

What's F.A.?

Free America.
That's the safe zone.

Where are we?

Hell, you boys is in
occupied territory.

You're 40 miles
behind the enemy lines.

Right smack dab
in the middle of World w*r III.

What are you boys doing
fooling around town anyway?

We've been looking for news,
Mr. Mason.

We haven't even seen or talked
to anybody since it all started.

Wait here just a minute.

I wish there was more.

I'm sorry.

Thank you, Mrs. Mason.
We really appreciate it.

This'll keep you boys warm.

Use this to see
where you're standing.

A radio?
We can't take this.

That's all right.
I got another one.

You boys listen to me.

- Don't go to Calumet no more.
- How come?

Because there's been
some att*cks up there.

people waking up
with their throats cut.

Word has it, it's you.

What happened to my dad and mom?

Your daddy's dead, Robert.

They shot him.

Russians found some g*ns missing...

so they shot him
for aiding guerrillas.

What do you mean, aiding guerrillas?
He never aided anybody.

- We took the stuff!
- We k*lled him!

They k*lled him, son.

Made him an example.

Now you boys listen to me
and let that burn in real good.

I don't know where
your mother is, Robert.

I got nobody now.

If you boys need food, a bed,
anything, you come here.

I got a couple of heirlooms
I want to hide with you.

Jack, no.

My granddaughters.

They spent two days
sneaking here.

Those sons-of-b*tches
tried having their way with them.



This is Matt and Jed Eckert.
They're gonna take care of you.

And I don't wanna know
where they're going.

Bye, Grandpa.

Good luck, son.

Here. Here's a box of a*mo
for your granddaddy's p*stol.

- Thanks.
- Good luck to you.

I'll take care of them.
Don't worry.

It's 11:59 at Radio Free America.

This is Uncle Sam with
music and the truth until dawn.

We've got a few words for some
of our brothers and sisters...

in the occupied zone.

The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.

John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.

It's 12:00,
another day closer to victory.

For all of you out there
on or behind the lines...

this is your song.

Things are different now.

They're coming up.

Let's go tell the others.

Oh, how beautiful.

What is written here?

You studied English. Translate.

American history...
I know this well.

Arapaho National b*ttlefield.

Here was a great peasant uprising...

in 1908 of wild Indians.

They were crushed by
President Theodore Roosevelt...

leading imperialist armies
and cowboys.

The battle lasted all winter.
More than 35,000 were k*lled.

It was the greatest battle
of the American West.


Yuri, stay here.
I'll take a photo of you.

African baboon.

Now you.

Come here, my friend.

Hurry up, you fool.

Look at me, Yuri.

Look. Look what I've found.
An arrow.

An Indian arrow.

What a philosopher you are.

I did not know
the Indians used steel.

Sure, you fool. They used the melted
sabers of Federalist Cossacks.

Did these Indians
work in plastic, too?

You idiot. This is bone,
polished to a high sheen.

There must be more.


Watch out! She has a w*apon.

Stop, damn it!

Quickly, catch him!

Take cover!


Help me, comrades.

Grab him!

I got him!

I'm dying.

God help me!

God help me!

They were people.

Yeah, well, so was my dad.

What was it like?

It was good.

One thing is for sure now.

No one can ever
go home again.


Why don't you
make yourself useful?

You wash it!

We ain't never doing your washing again.
Me and her is as good as any of you.

So what's up your ass?

Shut up!

Don't you ever say that again!

Hear me?
You say that again, I'll k*ll you.

Hear me?

I'll k*ll you.

So what did I do?

What you said was wrong.

From now on...

all troops
are forbidden to travel...

outside secured areas...

in any group
smaller than squad size.

Then call Bratchenko.

Tell him Sector Eight is now active.

Right away, Colonel Bella.

And I want some interrogations made...

starting with the Mayor.

I'm sick of his...pleasantries.

Consider it done.

Daryl, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

I know my son, Colonel.

He's not the guerrilla type.

According to records, Mayor...

your son is a prominent
student leader.

Ahh, yes, well, he's a leader,
but not in a violent or physical way.

No, you see, Daryl, he's more of
a politician, like his father.

A member of an elite
paramilitary organization:

Eagle Scout.

Yes, but that's not military.

If he's alive,
he's scared, he's hungry...

and he's just as anxious
to avoid conflicts as you and me.

He's not a troublemaker.

Then who is?

Well, let's just say
it runs in some of the families.

This community is indeed fortunate
to have a shepherd like him.

well, I just want to see
this thing through, Colonel.

If you have any more problems,
you call me--

Thank you.

We're finished...

for now.

Oh, beautiful

For spacious skies

For amber waves of grain

For purple mountains majesty

Above the fruited plain


Don't cry!

Hold it back!

Let it turn to something else.

Just let it turn to
something else, okay?

Listen to me. Listen.

Don't you ever cry again
as long as you live.

As long as you live,
never do it.

Do you hear me?

They're gonna k*ll us!

All of us!

So why should we be different?

Let it turn to
something else, Mattie.

Let it turn.
Let it turn.

Take gasoline.

Hey, girl,
what are you doing here?

Hey, beautiful,
where are you going?

Forget the broad,
just get her stuff.

Where are you going?

You're so beautiful.
Wait, what's wrong with you?

Let's get her!

Run! This way!


It's's cut!

I've seen this before.

I've seen this before.

Nicaragua, San Salvador...

Cambodia, Angola, and Mexico.

But these are my men!

Miss, maybe you speak at me
for a minute.

- I'll be right back, okay?
- You bring girlfriend?

Okay, I be right here. Bye.

What is a " Wolverine" ?

A small a badger,
but terribly ferocious.

It is also the name of the local
school sports collective.

They're beasts, Ernesto.

You must k*ll
every one of them eventually.

It's the same as Afghanistan.

They'll never stop.

Look...I was always
on the side of the insurgents.

I have no experience
in these matters.

But it would seem necessary
to win the support of the people.

As our opponents
used to say in Vietnam:

"Win their hearts and minds."

And they lost, Ernesto.

Of course, General.

Things are paralyzed
at the front, Ernesto.

Morale is crucial right now.

Keep the men in the secured areas.

You'll see how they forget
about these "Wolverines."

Are you all right?

- You were saying, comrade?
- Shut up!

What's going on here?!


You American?


Yeah, well,
what's the capital of Texas?


Wrong, commie!
It's Houston!

Please, darling.
I'm cold.

You've seen too many movies.

Well, are you hungry?

I could eat, yeah.

What kind of plane you fly?

well, I did fly an F-*5.

I'm an Eagle driver.

Here, take this.

I got this off
a dead Russian major.

Major, huh?

Well, I guess
it oughta fit on a colonel.

You the honcho, sport?

Who are you?

Andrew Tanner,
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force.

How'd you get yourself
shot down, Colonel?

It was five to one.
I got four.

- I'm Jed.
- How you doing, Jed?

Good as can be.

West coast... east coast.

Down here is Mexico.

The first wave of the attack...

came in disguised as commercial charter
flights, like Afghanistan in '80.

only they were
crack airborne outfits.

They took these passes
in the Rockies.

So that's what hit Calumet.

I guess so.

They coordinated with nuke strikes,
using surprisingly accurate missiles.

They took out the silos in the Dakotas
and key points of communication.

Like what?

Oh, like Omaha, Washington,
Kansas City.


Yeah, that's right.

Infiltrators came up illegal
from Mexico.

Cubans, mostly.

They managed to infiltrate...

SAC bases in the midwest,
several down in Texas...

and wreaked a hell of a lot of havoc,
I'm here to tell you.

They opened up the door down here...

and the whole Cuban
and Nicaraguan armies...

come walking right through...

rolled right up here
through the Great Plains.

How far did they get?


across to Kansas.

We held them at the Rockies
and at the Mississippi.

Anyway, the Russians reinforced
with 60 divisions.

Sent three whole army groups
across the Bering Strait into Alaska...

cut the pipeline,
came across Canada...

to link up here in the middle,
but we stopped their butt cold.

The lines have
pretty much stabilized now.

What about Europe?

I guess they figured...

twice in one century was enough.

They're sitting this one out.
all except England.

And they won't last very long.

The Russians need to take us in one
piece, and that's why they're here now.

That's why they won't use nukes anymore
and we won't either.

The whole damn thing's
pretty conventional now.

Who knows?
Maybe next week will be swords.

What started it?

I don't know.
Two toughest kids on the block, I guess.

Sooner or later,
they're gonna fight.

That simple?

Maybe somebody just
forgot what it was like.

Well, who is on our side?

Six hundred million
screaming Chinamen.

Last I heard, there were
a billion screaming Chinamen.

There were.

You got a family?

I don't know.

They got caught
behind the lines down in Texas.

I'd like to think
they're alive, but...

I hear stories about
what they're doing to civilians.

Colonel, get up.

We're gonna go sh**t up
an armored column.

Let's go.
The early bird gets the worm.

Early bird gets the worm.

Watch those claymores in the trees.

Matt, RPG!

What do you think?
Not bad for a bunch of kids, huh?

Your mom would be real proud.

You think you're tough
for eating beans every day?

The scarecrows in Denver would give
anything for a taste of what you got.

They've been under siege
for about three months.

They live off rats
and sawdust bread and sometimes...

on each other.

At night, the...

pyres for the dead
light up the sky.

It's medieval.

All that hate's
gonna burn you up.

It keeps me warm.

Are we doing right?

You made a new friend.

She doesn't say much, does she?

Something happened to her.


All right.
Plane, plane, plane, plane.

Cuban bunker, Russian bunker,
munitions dump, troop tents.

Machine g*n bunkers
here, here, here and here.

Back here by the drive-in screen
are your political prisoners.

We'll cause a diversion over here...

cut holes in the wire here,
fire on all these machine g*n positions.

The B Group comes across this area
in a flanking maneuver...

and when you reach this bunker, you
lay down grazing fire in this defilade.

I think that's pretty simple.

Anybody got any questions so far?

What's a flank?

A duffle-A?

- What's grazing fire?
- I need a drink.

Step into the line--

Help...the "Wolverines" are attacking.

Follow me...quickly.


Come on! Here's your chance!

We're all gonna die!
Die standing up!


Children did this.

It's rebels.

What rebels? They're bandits.

Every time they sh**t,
the revolution grows.

I know. I was a partisan.

And what are you now?

Now I'm like you...

a policeman.

All right, Colonel!

And he's down.
Great play by Matt Eckert.

Huddle up, folks.

- That was a pretty big hit.
- You cover Matt this play.

Are you okay?

A little harder
down on the ground, isn't it?

Come on, old man.

Well, you come down here.

How old's your wife?

How old's your wife?


What's she like?

Old, like me.

What's she really like?

Feisty, like you.

Where'd you meet her?

You really want to know this stuff?

I met her in a closet at a party.

I couldn't stand her at first.

But once it took...

I loved her so bad it hurt.

You still love her like that?

Are you quitters playing or what?


Good catch, Robert.

Matt, let's go!

They brought their kids.

Said they didn't have food enough
to feed them through the winter.

They want to give them to you, Jed.

This is enough, Mr. Mason.
I don't want any more.

You're a leader now.
They've heard of you on the other side.

Maybe all the way to California.

And there's some that say...

they're gonna drop in some Special
Forces in the spring to help you out.

Green Berets.

Spring's a long time away.

It's a lot of talk until then.


It's ours! It's ours!

How can you tell?

It's ours.

Fry 'em.


You gotta cross that?

Just part of it.

I hope our guys are still there.

So this is the b*ttlefield?

It's a real w*r, kid.
It's here every day.

Come with me, Jed.

You can quit now.

Could you?

Don't give me that crap.

Wake up in the morning...

grow old.

Move it!
Come on! Let's go!

Get down!
Down! Down! Down!

Stay down! He can't see us!

He's looking for us!

He sure is.

I can't stand it!
I can't stand it!

Get down!

Shut up!

Run! Everybody get outta here!

What are you doing?

I'm going up there!

I got it!

Get outta here, kid!
There's a world of hurt coming down!

I'm staying with you, Colonel!

Take him out with your RPG!

- It won't launch!
- Get another rocket!

Give me another rocket!


Eat me!

Come on, buddies!
Come and get 'em!

sh**t straight, for once...

you Army...pukes.

It's useless! He's dead!
Let's go!

I'll never love anybody.

I'll never love anybody again.

If you didn't love anybody,
you'd never even be here.

Where we gonna bury him?

There's not much left to bury.

These were good friends.

Take them away from here...

someplace safe...

where this world's never happened.

And as we remember...

please let them forget, O Lord...

so they can be little again.

What are you whispering for?

It feels quiet.

You should get some sleep.
It's getting late.

I'm okay.

It's kind of strange, isn't it?

How the mountains
pay us no attention at all.

You laugh or you cry...

the wind just keeps on blowing.

It was bound to happen
sooner or later.

You're getting pretty lean
on feelings, aren't you?

I can't afford them.

Even if that had been me?

I was talking to the group, Jed.

It doesn't look good.
They're all talking about quitting.

It seems like they lost stomach for it,
except for Robert.

And you?

I'm your brother.
Just make it count.



Be seated, comrades.

What I despise most about warfare...

is the hypocrisy it often breeds.

I've heard euphemisms
that we are containing the enemy...

that our sector
of pacification is growing.

These are the tactics of the lie.

Lies have the stench
of death and defeat.

You can only win a w*r...

by exterminating the enemy.

Do you know who we are fighting?

We are fighting Wolverines...

small, ferocious animals.

For them, you need a hunter.

And you know...

I am a hunter.

From this moment on...

there will be no further reprisals
against civilians.

This was stupid.



if a fox stole your chickens...

would you slaughter your pig
because he saw the fox? No.

You would hunt the fox...

find where it lives and destroy it!

And how do we do this?

Become a fox.

Danny, your bolt's open.
It's jammed.

So what if he does?
You don't.

We'd better get out of here.

sh**t him!

- What is this thing?
- What is it?

Who's coming after us?
Where are they?

Rub a butt on him.

Suck at you!
g*dd*mn for your mother!

I hear a chopper,
and I'm going to blow your brains out.

Go die, Yankee. Die.

Gorsky, Stepan Yevgenyvitch.

No one gives a damn who you are!

- They're gonna hurt him!
- Good!

Hey! Look!

This thing's got an arrow.
It's pointing.


Right here.

Where is it?

Where is it?

Goddammit, where's the bug?

- They made me swallow it.
- Daryl, what have you done?

I went into town.

And got caught?
And went and got caught?


Because you said we couldn't.

You told them where we were,
didn't you?

You told them!

My father turned me in.

Oh, God, they did things
you can't imagine.

You son of a bitch!

You want blindfolds?

- This violates the Geneva Convention.
- I never heard of it!

Dog face!
I show you how Soviet dies!

I've seen it before, pal.

This isn't happening!

Jed, let him go!

- Shut up, Danny!
- He was one of us!

Shut up!

He told them where we were!

He did.
Now get your r*fles.

- What did you say?
- I said no! We're not doing it!

Boy, say at me you are friend,
so I will not die alone.

What's the difference, Jed?

- I'll do it.
- Shut up, Robert!

Tell me what's the difference
between us and them!

Because we live here.

Don't sh**t me.
Don't sh**t.

Don't sh**t, Jed.
Don't sh**t, Jed.

How many of those you got left?



No, wait. Stop.

What do you say?
You hungry?

Go, Toni.

Let's get it fast
and get back to the rock.

Come on.

It's been so long.

Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!

Oh, my God!

Holy shit!

Stay down!

Get on your horses!
Let's get out of here!

Erica, come on! Get on!

Let's go! Let's go!

Go on! Go on!


I'm k*lled, Jed.

Don't let them get me,
because they'll make me talk.

Where's a g*n?

I want you to do it.

I can't.

I can't, Toni.
I can't.

It's okay.

Give me a grenade.

I don't wanna be too cold.

Pull the pin for me.


I'm just gonna stay here...

and listen to the wind awhile, okay?

Now go.

Comrade Colonel.

I would estimate
the enemy body count at 12.


wouldn't you agree?



I saw only one.

But they carry off their dead.

Of course. Why not?

What do you think?

All right, now listen to me.

You two are gonna wait up here
until the troops pull back into town.

You'll know when that happens.
When they do, head out for the plains.

What about you?

I gotta stick around...

and stir things up a little
bit so you can make it out.

We're going with you, Mattie.

Will you listen to me?

We're all that's left.

Somebody's gotta live.
Somebody's gotta make it.

Me and Jed, we're all used up.

I'm never gonna forget...

as long as I live.


You're never gonna know who won.

Who will?

We could make it, Jed.
We've done a lot tougher than this.

We could cause a diversion,
get out, head back to the mountains.

I love you, Mattie.

I know.

I love you too, Jed.

It's hard being brothers,
isn't it?

Let's go.

I can't remember
what it was to be warm.

It seems a thousand years
since I was a small boy in the sun.

How did I come to this high,
desolate place...

where there is
nothing but loneliness?

So much is lost.

I want to look into
your eyes and forget.

It all seems so far away...

a warm house
where my shadow never falls...

your long, black hair in my hands.

There is no more revolution...

only you to come back to.

I will post my resignation.

Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!

They're attacking the station.

Everybody to the station.

Hurry! Hurry!

You lose.

Go with god.

You can rest now.

Just hang on, Mattie.

Oh, Mattie.
It's okay, Mattie. It's okay.

Just hang on, Mattie.
Daddy'll be here soon, Mattie.

Hang on, Mattie.

Come on, Mattie.
Daddy'll be here soon.

Come on, Mattie.

I'll hold you as long as I can, Mattie.
I'll hold you as long as I can.

You can lean on me.

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired.

We're free now.


I never saw the brothers again.

In time, this w*r,
like every other w*r, ended.

But I never forgot.

And I come to this place often,
when no one else does.

"In the early days of World w*r III...

guerrillas, mostly children...

placed the names of their lost
upon this rock.

They fought here alone
and gave up their lives...

so that this nation
shall not perish from the earth."
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