Che! (1969)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Che! (1969)

Post by bunniefuu »

Wherever surprised us
death be? welcome

as long as
our battle cry

reach ALG? No? do

another hand shop
to seize weapons

and other men

move to sing
our song f? nebre

with the patter

and new battle cries
and victory.

When the revolution n
It is indivisible,

the fighting under another banner
to liberate a nation? n

gives a giant step
to release his own.

As? that is? dead.

Eyelet? had died the d? a
to set foot in Cuba.

Son of a bitch.
k*ller? to my brother

and hundreds
Cuban honored.

? Dead?

No. It is a living presence here ?,

in all cities
from Cuba.

Les dir? something.

Che taught me ??
to read and write.

M ?, S ?, to a mature man.
In the Sierra,

between battles,
teach me ?? to read and write.

I am now a teacher

and my school named after him.

You either? We call, Cuba,

Pearl of the Antilles,

primog? nita
New Am? rica,

eye of the hurricane? n,

Island anguish,
l Valley? tears,

Island infamy,

bastion n butchers.

You either? We ask
that you were released.

O? Mos your children hu? Rfanos,

your dumb m? martyrs an? ne.

O? We lamentations of thy widows,
the affliction? n of your daughters.

O? Mos your prayers

and your curses.
A windward,

or? We regret your Caribbean? o.

You either? We call, Cuba,

and we went.

We must be here ?.
Joy? A P? O.


? S ?, Commander?

You promised you here? there will be
dense forest.

It can not be far away.
Thirty minutes.

It's what you said
2 hours ago.

-? And Guevara?
I -Rezagado.

He had another attack.

Ah? comes.

Just what I need.

M A physician asm? Tico
and gu? a

that has been lost.

Stragglers die? N,
?you do not know?

I'm not a laggard,
I am the rear.

Do not,

you are the m? doctor
?? to the company.

To see what? can you do
for those blisters.

You have 10 minutes.

Is not it too late to cure
the feet? Vultures have arrived.

You debisteis make you the boots
before leaving M? Mexico.


your feet will be? n
m? s vital

other parts
of your anatomy? ace.

And the use? Is far more s.

? All the ca? Averal!

? Munici? No!

? M physician!

? Munici? No!

? M physician!

I still do not know
c? mo survived? Che.

He was hurt, desangr? ndose,
asphyxiated by asthma ...

but jam? s has complained ?.

He seemed to acknowledge
the pain.

He needed to mortify his flesh,
as a sant? n hind ?.

A week after? S,
We find Fidel in the Sierra.

Of the 82 who landed,

66 had died an
or had an been captured.

S? I survived 12.

Faustino Morales,

and about as m? s

already had an attached to Fidel.

It was soon evident that,
including reci? n arrivals,

Ex? rebel army
s? what had

with 17 men.

? Had is committed

all possible errors!

Two hundred b*ll*ts,

s? what it left.



for our first mission.

Tomorrow night

We att*cked the barracks
La Plata.

If we get ourselves
with Arsenal,

we m? s weapons

and amm*nit*on

from which we can carry.

Ram? N must reach the wall before
that we run out of b*ll*ts.

S? R me 2 get it? Fagas.

When you sh**t the first ...


All their posts.

Mant? N your hands clean

until everything is over.

• Do not explode!

? The Molotov!

I am without amm*nit*on? N.

I also? N.

? Drop your weapons!

? Soltadlas!

You disobeyed an order.

Thank God.

? Bring that amm*nit*on? No!

As Fidel predicted,
She had all the amm*nit*on masters? n

that pod? masters carry,

but we returned much ...

on our way.

After the first victories

all kinds of Cubans
They moved to the area

released by Fidel,
in the mountains,

and the troops of dictator

not atrev? an
to penetrate.

Conoc? Che in his camp,
near Mount Turquino.

I they had carried arms to,

food, medicines.

But He wanted to especially
talk to Fidel.

He was an emissary of former Prime
Minister Ignacio Ruiz.

We landed
600 men in Escambray,

all well armed.

Dr. Ruiz has told me
from Miami

it can offer
m? s men ...

As? Nacho smell victory.

When ped? money
to finance the expedition? n,

pens? I was crazy.

I was mad.

I do not believe in miracles,
but you

He has made one survive.

And now, Dr. Ruiz
est? ready

to let the command
their forces if ...

You can tell Nacho that ...

Here, drink.

? I do not give novoca? Na?

Rojas has not tra? Do.


It's? Sta.
-S? cu? l is.

Keep talking, distr? Igalo.

If you include Dr. Ruiz
in the interim cabinet ...

? No rob? enough
when they were in power?

Suddenly, all pigs

-of Miami ...
-Recl? Nate.

-... They want to return ...
Open your right.

He has chosen a bad time
to negotiate.

M? Rchese

and then m? s later,
when my patient feel better.


? Negotiate?

I am surprised that Fidel
not spit him.

Do not spit when a millionaire
It offers 600 men.

Fidel duty? To promise all
and become atr? s after? s.

He who pays the roost.

Not this time.

If we go in Havana
under unified command

Fidel as l? der

We send to the pol? ticos
bourgeois back into exile.

? He wanted is shut up?

? For us to follow!

You're worse dentist? n
that physician.

? Both will it hurt?

Shot, enju? Gate mouth.

By the way,

Dr. del Valle
He arrives tomorrow.

You replace ?.

I m no longer need a physician,

save as ...

as boss.


take command
the second column.

With the rank of Commander.

Like me.

Your hot water.
-Thank you.

No s? c? mo Argentines
You can drink this ...

this horrible t?
instead of coffee? Cuban.

A true nationalist.

It is so strong that we
we used to asphalt.

? You mind leaving
m the position of physician?

I have left many things

tom? my decision? n.

A c? Fashion existence
middle class in Argentina,

friends and relatives,

my wife and my children
in M? Mexico ...

Stop being m physician
I do not find very dif? cult.

Neither was very good.

a head worse? n.

As Fidel does not think ?.



? T? what? you think?

? C? Mo can answer?

You may know me Fidel
better than myself.

Listen well.

The guerrilla w*r is
the people, a mass struggle.

Carrying out this type of w*r
without the help of the population? n


We must convince
the farmer is his w*r,

a w*r for land,
but also? n for freedom.

The farmer is like ...

a wild flower in the forest
and revolution n, like a bee.

One can not survive
or spread without the other.

However, there is a difference
between us and the bees.

This hive,
not tolerate? z? nganos.

The discipline has been lax.


entail? it m? s severe.

As? than...

m physician quem?
hipocr oath? tico

and authoritarian boss
I left in him? to the light.

LLEV? Bamos months convinced that
He had a esp? to each other.

The enemy soon knew to
what? peasants supported us

and tortured
if they did not speak.

Offset us? Bamos but
Batista planes found us


Finally discovered that the
reporter was our faithful gu? a,


The bribe money
I was in his boot.

? And Colonel Casillas

He gave you 200 pesos?

Why services?

Do not.

To m*rder,


I had access,
or there will be me? an k*lled.

She could not k*ll you, Commander.
You know I do not pod? A.

Accept? the money,
? C? Mo if not leave me? An go?

And whenever you went ...

to visit your family,

She had as a talk

-with Colonel Casillas.
-Do not.

S? At once.

And you gave the names

that helped us.

I There would be tortured.

S? Denounced what?

L? fish and Peña.

We had an betrayed.

Jam? S you There would be k*lled, Fidel.

? Cr? Em!

? I have not confessed all?

Give me another chance.
I swear,

I go? Sierra Maestra
and jam? s back ?.


I could not take your life,

Please, Fidel,

do not take me t? the MA.

In that fraction? N

we all knew qui? n shall impose? a

the f? belt necessary discipline
to win a revolution n.

After? S that,

Che declared? a life,

even thousands of lives,
including yours

They were nothing if carried
out the revolution world n.

they became frequent.

Maceo was in July,

s an ignorant boy? I
He took weeks with us.

Shot for desertion.

And c? Mo called ...

Aristidio. Accused of setting
contact with the enemy.

The evidence was flimsy.

And boy
who calls? Bamos "Master".

Charged with impersonating
by Dr. Guevara

for raping a peasant
who came to visit.

The Master admitted? his error.
Begged? the court

let him die fighting.

Che Rehus ?.

After my first visit,

Dr. Ruiz envi you? Fidel
a radio.

Batista propaganda did not have? A
nothing to do with Fidel ...

who, while studying law,

He had won the annual award to
Latin American oratory.

Citizens of Cuba.

Our example? Rebel army

be? soon underway.

When you request,

Arise against Batista.

Burn trucks,

Do derail trains.

Destroy income
Batista. Burn

plantations ca? a.

S ?.

S? what is? you are thinking.

S? har what you? this
the economy of Cuba to,

the worker.

? Burn!

? Burn each stem ca? A!

And the first plantation? N
you must burn is the m? a.

S ?,

the m? to itself.

A years to the revolution n
from town.

We are determined
to be free or die.

Those who follow in Cuba

we are reminded that Fidel Castro
He was the chief m? maximum,

the military genius.

Do not believe it.

If you tell anyone I said
this, you call? liar.

But it helped Che?
to create the image.

Fidel tom? '' Borrowed ''
their military knowledge,

as? as its m? ximas pol? policies.

What s? because I was ah ?.

Fidel needed a map
of Cuba scale,

as? I made one.

Was m? S a work of art
a map.

Ignoring terribly
the scale

and m? s to? n spell correctly? a.

Even so ?,? L he expected

We attack Havana

with three columns
from three directions.

Nacho 600 from the south,
Camilo and t? ...

Fidel? I give a suggestion?

No, go ahead.

A frontal as*ault
against Cuba be? a

a su1c1de.

With the superiority
Batista arms

and men fighting for
permanent positions, we sweep? an.

You told us that jam? S forgot? Ramos
that this w*r is mobility.

We won s? It when we choose
d? nde want to fight.

You got a better plan?

Our goal is to paralyze
Havana, isolate.

If Ra? L and t? ADVANCED? is to trav? s
Eastern Province,

as planned,

You can block the passage to Cuba
Camilo and center while ...

... Cort? Is the road

and the railroad while Nacho
It supports us from the rear

and takes Santa Clara.
? And I say no!

A frontal attack
against Havana

s? it be? a thoughtless and ...


The key

our? success
It has been the constant mobility.

Our goal is
paralyze Havana,

isolate it.

If we can

take Santa Clara,

We will cut the island in two.

Capturing Santa Clara

It is of importance
so vital

I decided to entrust

Che and Camilo

to lead its columns,

the campaign at the end of the revolution n.

Fidel was not aware that
depended increasingly m? s Che.

As for m? concerned,
Che who was leading us?

in the long march
to victory.

? Operator!

? Operator!

Operator not return
to cut.

? Operator!

Nothing. Up the line to Santiago
He has again cut.

-Keep trying.
- Che!

-? Have you or do the news?
- Batista has fled the country s!

? D? Nde or did you? Do?

Radio Havana.
Est? N finishes, Che.

And the chief of the garrison n
He wants to surrender.

-?For the win!
-?For the win!

?For the win!

?Alive! ? Long live Che!

God m? Or, just realized

that tomorrow is The New Year's.

? Qu? way to start the year!

A? N I do not think so.

A month ago we thought our
fighting jam? s end? a, and now ...

Ahab is ?.

No, friend m? O.

Cuba is s? What the beginning.


? This is monstrous!
? You can not do anything?

-? Cu nd see us ??
When is? clever.

-Not expect? m? s.
I'm sorry, captain n.

Fidel wants to see
right now.

-? Qu? You do here ??
'I env? Fidel.

You want your side
in the stands.

Fidel does not need me today.


Put the sound.

S? what? he will say.
Adem? S, I'm working.

Che,? Why? not coming
to the square?

You see the crowd.

Air? Ate, you feel? S best.

Do not.

Go t ?, enjoy
celebration of? n.

? Qu? I tell Fidel?

I'm busy.

And I say to that delegation? N
you see them? now.

? And good?

? You enjoy this?

Right now
I not feel ning? n pleasure.

? Qu? quer? is?

In the name of God,
stop these mass executions.

There are mass executions.

They are judged one by one
and shot 4 by 4.

Talk about judgment, those men
est? n they are k*lled.

Do not.

Three courts work
24 hours.

Go down and check it out for.
O? D tests.

They swore to abide
the c? I say military.

She had to obey an
? Commands.

The w*r is over.

Faustino ...

?You have friends
among the defendants?

Of course not.

They are criminals
of w*r.

We have not come to save
a man, two or ten.

Avoid a bath or blood.

That's what I'm

? They prefer that this rabble
untie it?

Do you really want to see
a bath or blood?

? Cu? Nts k*ll thousands? An
before the end of the d? a?

Except lives running
butchers recognized.

? We understand?

No, I guess not.

? Willy!

? Chalos.


death sentences
I have already signed.

De? Hese'm not? No insurance.

You want a cup of matte?

S ?.

We have taken 2 years
to reach Havana.

And the two d? As ...

I'm sick.

You either? We call, Cuba,

primog? nite New Am? rica.

You either? We ask
that you were released.

The revolution is brewing n
in the belly of the w*r.

Your delivery arrives

? Che!

Che, come here ?,
I want to talk to you.

Fidel, wait.

Avi? N of Nacho Ruiz
Airport flies

and requests permission to land.

The very thief n
it runs out of gas.

He is not welcome
in the new Rep? Republic of Cuba.

That dog again
to swim to Miami.

The new cabinet.

? Qu? you think?

Most? To are lawyers,

architects ...

A couple of Physicians & Surgeons.

I appreciate that you honor

Well, s? It is
a respectable facade,

an obedient cabinet,
harmless officials.

All members
of the ruling class.

Boring, but I will not tell? A
it harmless.

Either they support? A
a military coup to overthrow you.

S ?, but my bearded est? N
Ex command? Regular Army.

All dictators
Latin Americans have gone

Ex? Regular Army.

Some of your bearded
Ex? Army of the new Cuba

be? and dreaming
to get rid of you.

Tu? Nica protection? N
against a military coup

It is a popular militia
well armed and controlled.

You was right.

By the head

of the People's Militia.

? Why? not, Che?

? Why? do not?

? In qui? N m? S can trust?

I dare not? A
to turn away from this bunch ...

Cabinet minister posts
administrative,? sa is not my life.

? And what? you want, Che?

I do not get it.

I do not understand what? is.

? Qu? you want to do?
You want to blow

one mont? n of revolutions
in the face of the Yankees?

Is there a better place

to train your l? leaders and
Militia your guerrillas?

Under your control, here? same.

And be? Ace beside me as
We rebuild a new Cuba.


Cuba needs you.

I need you.

Some idiots say

Che despised
personal power.

No s? It became?

Chief of the Militia,

but also? n in President

National Bank

and Minister of Industry,

positions m? s important

all of them
at the same time.

Here? It was isolated Che
the bureaucrats

and Fidel himself.

But before the crisis
Bah? a de Cochinos,

Fidel visits
they turned m? s and m? s frequent.

Fidel was furious.

He had to come and go
from the Riviera Hotel,

often at night.

But Che

neg always? leave
his monastic cell.

I've booked a suite
in Riviera by the m? a.

Thank you, I do not need.

You stay here? to might
conspiring in secret.

Do you think that there s? what? It happens?
? Do not s? that all

the l? leaders Communists
of Latinoam? rich have come here ??

To you do not hide anything.

I knew that you know? As,
but you have concerns

-m? s compelling.
- Tell me about it!

Daily, alg? N ambassador
officially protest

to the Latin American Alliance.

Promoting the guerrillas
in Nicaragua.

Financed an invasion of Haiti ?, n
env? or weapons to Venezuela ...

I blame everything what you do t ?.
? And what? I done?

Not much ... outside Cuba.

First I have to consolidate
my situation? n here ?.

I said that I have
tremendous national problems

and the worst of them are t ?.

You have problems because you have not
stated your position.

? Qu? you mean?

Di Cubans and the world
you are a communist.

Che, sometimes
I do not understand you.

Doing so will have? To the
Marines here? before breakfast.

Not necessarily.

He could have a way
to stop the Yankees.

? C? Mo?

S? We need
military parity.

Military parity
with the Yankees, huh?

You've gone mad.

If Tuvi? Ramos 50? 100
nuclear missiles ...

Che ...

Batista dej? money
the Treasury or for 50 tractors.

If we convince the Russians that
emplacen missiles in Cuba ...

Achieve? Masters
major cities

and industrial centers

? OK? An the Soviets?

Let him do
a simple question.

Ambassador Zorin,
? You deny that the USSR

est? summoning range missiles
medium and intermediate

in Cuba?

? S? or not? Do not wait
the TRANSLATION? n? s? or not?

He spoke like a prosecutor.
You respond? in due time.

You can answer s? or not.

He has denied any,
? I understand you correctly?

Continue his speech,
you respond? in due time.

Se? Or Stevenson, continue,

receive? your answer
in due time.

Expect? the answer to that
hell freezes over.

The politics of this nation? N be?

any nuclear m*ssile

launched from Cuba against any
I was born? n in the Western Hemisphere

tico as a Soviet attack?
against the United States,

that lead?
immediate retaliation

against the Uni? n Sovi? tica.

Conquer peace? to the w*r.
For world peace.


? Why? avis not me ??

I have been excluded
deliberately, right?

We'll talk in private.

? Have you accepted to withdraw

Quiet, talk
m? s late.

? And this caviar?

? Qu? there to celebrate?

? Why? no est? n Russian
knees recognizing his mistake?

Enough, Che.

If my government is?
knees recognizing his error,

if you really fear
to someone,

It is the most negligent Guevara,

who does not matter
unleashing a holocaust

They do not seek nor my government,
neither the United States.

A total nuclear w*r

that lead? to the destruction n
of the human race.

I must inform
our assistance to Cuba

be interrupted? immediately

unless they find
how to silence this


? Think enough money
to close our mouth?

Se? Or Ambassador,

as President of Cuba,
I apologize.

I must stress that the biggest Guevara
does not speak for this country? s.


V? Monkeys, comrade.

Fidel ...

No corresponding chapters,
He is bluffing Americans.

No, it's not a bluff.

They have enough nukes
to reduce this island to ashes.

Our 200,000 militiamen may
snatch missiles the Russians.

We can achieve parity
with the imperialists.

I have taken my decision? N.

It Ahab? the DISCUSSION? n.

? You are puppets of the Russians!

I'm sick of Cuba.

Sometimes, she loved him.

Sometimes he hated
and He wanted to k*ll him.

But always respet you ?.

I prefer to think
that they parted as friends.

I was ah?
the? last night,

when Fidel mand? seek.

You do not look well.

I can not sleep.

He has returned to break
the air conditioning.

? Still taking s? What cognac
and Benzedrine?

D? Me see your eyes.

I have not called
to ask a checkup.

It brings to your doctor.
You seem to have jaundice.

M? S late.

I say let Cuba.


? Qui? Nes say what?

? Your secret agents?

No conf? Ace m ?,
as? they can now spy.

?You do not own Me

an explanation? n?

It is true.

I leave.

By losing their missiles,
Cuba lost? its appeal.

Deb? from long ago.

S ?, S ?, what you tell me.

Things are too slow
for you, you told me a thousand times.

We must fight
in the hemisphere.

? I do not see?

First you have to convert Cuba
a model for Latinoam? rich.

You want to build socialism
a speck in the Caribbean.

? Motita!

When we build
the new Cuba,

turn the idea? and extend ?.

Day by day,
not ten? is nothing to do.

Growth is? detained
the Yankee quarantine.

Duty? Is choose between imperialist
Yankees or Soviets,

between plague or c? Lera.

Now s ?, but over time,
no need to none.

So you must

Sorry, I've taken
my decision? n.

? Ad? Nde go? S?

I prefer not dec? I rtelo.

I can not stop
you go,

but I can not

S? you can not help me.

I s? I can help you if revives
the revolution n elsewhere.

I turn m? S of fires
you can turn off the Yankees.

The Soviet ambassador? Tico
Call you? provocateur.

I begin to think that ten was right? N.

This conversation n
It is in? til.

Adi? S, Fidel.

Now I see everything.

You want to control everything
cover to cover.

Because they reject my advice
stand to have anyone over.

Take care of him, Celia.

Whether you write ?.

Good luck, Che.

And you, comrade,

I wish you good health and good faith.

? Celia!

A d? Ace after? S,
Che disappeared ?.

Nobody saw him leave
La Caba? A.

His disappearance was one of the n
great mysteries of the century.

A man only knows cu? Ndo plane?
Guevara his trip to Bolivia.

Est? dead.

Guevara became?
anathema to the Russians.

He undermined its diplomacy

and patience in Latinoam? rich.


Ll? Venlo inside.

These men, atr? S.

No, no pictures.

Atr? S.

They say they chose? Bolivia because the
80% of the population? N Latin America

viv? a near

and because its mountains as
They were ideal for the guerrillas.

Debi Che? believe
that impoverished farmers

go? an to this bastion naturally n

and that the guerrilla proliferate? a
Latinoam all? rich.

Reconozc? MoSlo.

Unlike most? To the
visionary, was an organizer.

And Tania Guti? Rrez Bauer
It was a brilliant assistant.

What? fox m? s list.

Tambi? N was Argentina,
educated in East Germany.

He spoke five languages, was a specialist
communications and cryptography? a.

GOT? a place in our
Ministry of Info? N.

Cre? ah? its own mission? n,

collecting and recording songs
of the Quechua Indians.

Thanks to this cover, he is traveling
freely everywhere.

We now know that proportion?
Che their false passports

and Cuban infiltrators,
transport to the base.

In December he had to come
the? last group of Cubans.

there was a big meeting? n.

They were all veterans,
old compa? eros arms.

The respet? Bamos,
? J bouquets? YOUNG inexperienced.

We doli? we do feel
as complete strangers in our country? s.

From the beginning, Cuban
They did not trust us.

They planned in secret, ignoring
the l? Bolivian leaders.

The New Year was crucial
for us.

Cubans celebrated the eighth
anniversary of its revolution n.

Our l? Der had to come
to see Che.

While com? Masters,

they had
his confrontation n.

? C? Mo can accuse me of doubt

when he has refused to consult
Party bosses?

Tr? Enos a bottle

You tried to recruit Bolivians
without the party.

It had come to the time to act.

There will we? Old masters made
waiting for his blessing? n.

True, it is a good time
for the guerrillas.

But coordinated with the riots
cities and mines.

Must adapt
to Bolivian conditions

under Bolivian control.

? The you?

? Some Objection? N?

? Qu? experience has
as a guerrilla leader?

? Qu? You have experience.
as Bolivian patriot?

Comrade Guevara,

? His is my pa? S, not theirs.

They do not listen
our national pride.

Suggests that a foreign
lead our revolution n.

Your pa? S tom? name
of a foreigner.

? And who? N has asked
it becomes Sim? n Bol? var?

It's not about that.

Here? no foreigners.

Because this is not
the revolution Bolivian n.

Your pa? S s? What it is the beginning
a revolution continental n.

And the n? Core of our strength
It should be multinational.

Peruvians, Argentines,

Cuban and Bolivian fighting
together under one banner.

And under one command.

The m? O.

? You want a drink?

His ideas est? N very clear.

Is the pass? in La Paz
to the Committee? Central.

? And the Russian ambassador?

Before leaving, I want to talk
Bolivians with their group.


Convinced that if they leave,
will put no? hitches.

? Why? you've caused?

petty make me sick.

No vision? N.

Revolutionaries gathering.

But the party leader.

If you offend him,
It can ruin you.

I need m? S
I to him.

I was very wrong.

From that d? A, the l? Leaders
They sabotaged our struggle.

They interrupted
our supplies,

They threatened to expel
who is joining us.

The ten Che was right? N. Ex? Army
She could not us.

Attack and again
their patrols.

A few victories,
but? qu? we won?

Che made us strip
and free the prisoners.

Les anim? to desert.

Propagating the legend of our
invulnerability. Exaggeration? No, of course.

As? legends are born.

But it was not as ?.

With each? Success, he had to m? S
deserters new recruits.

And after each skirmish,
part? masters,

alej? ndonos center
supply of populated areas.

Our maps were inaccurate,
we forgiveness? masters pas? Bamos hunger.

And the few farmers
She found Bamos hu? an to see us.


For the first time,

Che seemed? confused

and indecisive.

? Undecided?

You're not serious. Che took
all decisions.

Despite his asthma
and their arthritis,

going m? s all?
of its own forces.

And we exig? A
superhuman efforts.

In fact,
It is almost nonexistent.

Do you understand what makes you
malnutrition bly? n to a fighter?

Viv? Masters car? A

and vomit? Bamos
nearly all.

All ten? Wounds masters

Our bodies were swollen.

I swelled both fingers
that He could not hold the r*fle.

Sec? N debilit us? Bamos,
? L RET? To m? S hard.

He hated the disease,
not even his own.

He wore a field diary where
evaluating our behavior.

Loafers and simulators,
keep that clear.

Participate in the tasks,
or will not receive is food.

These petty squabbles

Cubans and Bolivians
They must end.

Here? no nationalities.

No ranges, except based
in m? rites.

This type of fight

it is for the member m? s high
of the human species,


Which is not? Is to match,

speak ye and abandon the fight.

His desperation crec n? A.

Le obsession? The quest
new recruits.

We took town after town,
always with the same result.

? D? Nde est? N men?

There will we? N seen it coming.

UNREGISTERED the store. Gather
necessary, but Render.

-?With Qu??
With promises.

Gather adults
at school. We talk ?.

Che, wait.

They do not like that we handle
like cattle.

Do what I say.

They should be here.

? Keep talking with them?

For almost an hour.

Nothing can.

Che can not speak
with these farmers.

Tell men
to think about their children.

It is shame? N his parents
fight against the liberators.

There comes a patrol.
V? Monkeys here ?.

Stay here ?.
Being? Is m? S insurance.

Tell men
who had seen Che is.

? Che, come on!

And you tell them ...

go back ?.

-Qu? Date with the rear.
-S ?.

Are they overdue,
est? pidos, servile!

? They cling to the past!

Perd? To control,

s not? what the situation? n,
but s? same.

Is swallowed? finally his pride
and contact? with Fidel.

"Is everything okay. The high moral,

but the lack of food and medicine
undermine our efficiency.

We need above all

The government disintegrates
r? quickly.

With 100 men capable m? S,
could? to overthrow him. "

? Now you are ??

And no sense.

Loses contact
with reality.

The Bolivian government does not
disintegrates. ? D? Nde has taken ...

that crazy idea?

And not really ask ...

100 volunteers.

You should know that jam? S
you get? n.

No plea.


Do not forget that is Argentine.

It is their pride.

Do not beg ?.

? Qu? I can do?
It is impossible to help.

The conditions worsened.

As? who survived
plundering the poor.

This time, we caught
men by surprise.

? Why? Che blame?

They haunted him again

Intent? recruit
those who rob them? Bamos.

Learn to hate and attack
the enemy is reborn.

We have come to offer
... a second life on earth.

? Qui? N be? the first

Come on, you do not Qued? Is atr? S.

Est? your destiny at stake.

? You are animals is? Pidos!

? Pigs eat garbage!

? No one man
dead in this town?

? Stay here? and PUDF years!

? Damn it? Is, PUDF years!

Some Bolivian comrades
I've been asked to talk to you.

? Qu? is it?

They want to leave,

but honorably,
with your permission.

? Qui? Nes are?

I can not dec? I rtelo.

Unless promise
let them go.

?Are you one of them,

Do not.

? Why? do not?
You reek of disillusionment.

S ?. I'm disappointed.

Not the cause.

S? It with you.

And I want to be close
when you fall apart.

? Cu? S to them the Symptoms of my ...

imminent collapse?

Est? N listed here ?.

I take this from that me? to you.

"Che Guevara,
guerrilla warfare ".

What s? almost full
from memory.

Get to the point.

You do not have leadership ability.

You betrayed
your own c? I say.

your own precepts.

- HOW TO dare you?
Someone has to dec? Rtelo.

And you'll listen.

Do not even try and understand

or earn their respect.
S? What the intimidate.

Intimidate farmers
and you spoilest their poor houses.

For them,
s? you're a bandit.

? Degenerate pusil? Nime!

? Degenerate?

Look qui? N speaks.

'' Al aut? Revolutionary ntico
you gu? to love. '' That dec? ace.

But now your humanism
?? ca n leaves a r*fle.

? You do not love my people,

Get out of my sight.

? Go before
they sh**t you!

Can I take
my g*n?

No, nothing.

See c? Mo love survive.

Wherever surprised us

be? welcome

as long as our battle cry,

reach ALG? No? receptive do.

Come,? Why? It takes so long?

We are not embalmers,
PIDI? an autopsy.

No, ped? to sign the defunci? n
and embalm the body.

? Why ??
Is it going to move?

Of course not.

But it will be displayed.

and fot geographers wait

and the smell be? soon

Colonel, this man
s? what's been dead for five? 6 hours.

Foolishness? Ace. Muri? from his wounds
24 hours ago.

True, died? from his wounds.
We seven.


One was a b*llet to the heart? N
that k*lled him? in the act.

The CIA was not involved
in this campaign a.

It is true that our Battalion n

He was trained in Panama?

at the Academy of Forces
US special

and we use manual
It was the work of Che Guevara

"Guerrilla warfare".

We follow the small group? Or
rebels R? o Masicuri

and prepare the ambush
according to the book,

Guevara's book.


? S ??

Joaqu? N ...

The group Joaqu? N
It has been swept.

An ambush
across the Masicuri.

? C? Mo you heard?

Radio La Paz
and the Voice of Am? rica.

La Voz de Am? Rica.

With their lies,
They are trying to demoralize us,

discouraging those who support us.
Che ...

? Cu? Many times someone
They have announced my death?


They gave the name Tania.

They took the corpse to see the r? o,
as? it must be true.

I can not believe
that is? n dead.

Do not tell her
to dem? s.

? Sta should be
the fatal wound,

while he resists? to
to be caught

in the battle of the Quebrada
the Yuro about 24 hours ago.

S ?, it is Guevara, no doubt.

? Meets the Eye?
They've seen pictures of him.

The raid was Saco Alto
the beginning of the end for Guevara.

Although walked? the whole area,

NOT FOUND? one volunteer

and that LLEV whipped him? to death.

We caught his rear
La Higuera

and? l surround you at El Yuro.

Puma Spearman.

Puma Spearman.

We have ... alive.

I repeat.

We got it.

The order to keep them alive

It has been revoked
by the higher authority.

S? It is a guess,

but since the death penalty
It has been abolished in Bolivia,

They prefer not to bring him to trial
in an open forum.

I do not expect justice from their
courts, or pity you.

I do not indulge
my? orders.

? Qu? pleased, captain? n?

? That uniform?

? That? S symbol of subservience?

Certainly not
ensure their people.

You're an educated man.

? C? Mo serves the lost cause
pol? ticos who betray the people,

I starve
and disown?


the lost cause is yours.

In his brief contact with my people,
has not contributed to anything,

It was all arrogance

and brutality.

You can not cure this universe
with blood and v*olence.

? And believe you can

cure his people

with fear and repression? n?

? Qu? m? s makes his example? Army?

to the bitter end ...

Ah? Rreme your theory? As pol? Policies,
I have you? do your book.

For duty? To have
learned something from him.

My death does not matter.

Mat? Ndome not k*ll? N
the dream of the people.

If his superiors allowed him
think for s? same,

open? eyes and'd know to
that within 20 years

defend? it lost cause
against j? rebels YOUNG

they are not born to? n.

And carry on? not knowing
what? people want.

Old man passes.

Leave the goats out.

M? Relay, Guevara.

One of his disinherited,
the village.

Camin? Half Day between cliffs
to betray him.

Tell me, old man,

? Why? you did it?

This man has been
to be free,

to become free.

? To free?

? In what ??

Nobody asked me
what? I want.

From that came with your
weapons and battles,

my goats no longer give milk.

The scare.

The vultures follow them

Reek of death.

S ?.

I want to be free...

Rid of you,

and you,

of all of the cove? a.

? Why? they do not go
and let us live in peace?

? Here? is ?!

? Why? banned access
the people when he died ??

Here? not like them extra years,
especially journalists.

- He is buried? Christian?
- He was a Christian?

? Qu? It will be made? with the body?

Tomorrow will not be?
trace of him.

? They'll cremate?

? In a country? S cat? Lico?

-No comment.
Colonel ...

? Can you explain what? ago
these people here ??

? Why? Americans go
your pa? s to see a g? ngster dead?

- Sergeant, clear this!
-S ?, Sir.

Have everyone leave.

- Everybody out!
Good afternoon, gentlemen.

?Come on, let's go!

? Out!

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