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Great Escape, The (1963)

Posted: 04/16/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
Get off.

Open the door.

Go inside.

Hurry up.

This way.

Hurry up.

Yeah, this'll do. Which
one are you gonna have?

- I...
- No, that's mine.

Come on... hup.

How far are the trees, Danny?

- Over 200 feet.
- Yeah, I'd say 300.

Long ways to dig.

We'll get Cavendish to make a
survey. I wish Big X were here.

Willie, you think X got away?

He'd have sent us word,
somehow, if he had.

- Gestapo, you think?
- Either that or he's dead.

- Group Captain Ramsey?
- Yes.

I am Hauptfeldwebel Strachwitz.
Will you accompany me, please?

- I'll look after your gear, sir.
- Right.

Gruppenkommandeur Ramsey.

Good morning, Group Captain.

I'm Captain Posen, Von
Luger's adjutant.

Since you're senior
British officer,

you are to be liaison between
the prisoners and the colonel.

He wishes to make clear to
you certain matters of...

- The word is "policy"?
- Yes.

Thank you.

Come in.

Gruppenkommandeur Ramsey.

I am Colonel Von Luger.
Please sit down.

Group Captain Ramsey,
in the past four years

the Reich has been forced to spend
an enormous amount of time,

energy, manpower and equipment

hunting down escaping
prisoner-of-w*r officers.

At least it's rather nice to
know you're wanted, isn't it?

For us it's not a
matter for levity.

There will be no escapes
from this camp.

Colonel Von Luger, it is the sworn

duty of all officers
to try to escape.

If they can't, it is their
duty to cause the enemy

to use an inordinate number
of troops to guard them,

and their sworn duty to harass the

enemy to the best
of their ability.

Yes, I know.

The men under your authority
have been most successful.

This man, Ashley-Pitt,
for example.

Caught in the North Sea, escaped,
recaptured, escaped, recaptured.

Archibald "Archie" Ives,
eleven escape attempts.

Even tried to jump out of
the truck coming here.

Dickes, William.

Known to have participated in
digging of 11 escape tunnels.

Flight Lieutenant
Willinski, four escapes.

MacDonald, nine. Hendley,
the American, five.

Haynes, four. Sedgwick, seven.
The list is almost endless.

One man here has made
17 attempted escapes.

Group Captain, this
is close to insanity.

- Quite.
- And it must stop.

Colonel, do you expect
officers to forget their duty?


It is because we
expect the opposite

that we have brought you here.

This is a new camp.

It has been built to
hold you and your men.

It is organised to
incorporate all we

have learned of security measures.

And, in me, you will not be
dealing with a common jailer,

but with a staff officer
personally selected for the task

by the Luftwaffe High Command.

We have, in effect, put all our
rotten eggs in one basket,

and we intend to watch
this basket carefully.

Very wise.

You will not be denied
the usual facilities.

Sports, a library, a
recreation hall...

And, for gardening, we
will give you tools.

We trust you to use
them for gardening.

Devote your energies
to these things.

Give up your hopeless
attempts to escape.

And, with intelligent cooperation,

we may all sit out the w*r...

as comfortably as possible.

What do you do here by the truck?

I'm stealing tools.

- For stealing tools, cooler.
- I was only kidding.

- Oh, you're American.
- Yes, and you're a German.

Of course. Why do you
come to Germany?

Why fight for England, your enemy?

Enemy? What are you talking about?

In 1812 they burned your Capitol.

That's propaganda.

It's in the history
books. I read it.

Now go away from here. If
you steal tools, cooler.

Yeah. No tools.

Hey, Virgil.

Hey, did you see the cooler?

Boy, is it ever a big one.

I think they expect
a lot of business.


Those two guys who were
with us in the old camp,

in hut 14, I can't find them.

You think the g*ons
left 'em behind?

I guess.

What were their names?
It was Jackson and...

- And Dexter.
- Dexter. That's right.

I'm gonna see who else I can
find. I'll see you later.

Hey, Danny. Who are they?

Russian prisoners.
They cut down trees.

- They keep them here?
- No, they take them out.

Willie, cigarettes.

Danny and I have a
blitz in mind. Could

you put on a brief
show for the g*ons?

Sure, man. What'll it
be? An all-out go?

- Choir practise?
- Knuckles?

- Yeah. Knuckles will be fine.
- Give him the coat.

What are you doing
with my coat, mate?

What? It's mine.

- Are you pushing me?
- That's mine, you son of a...


Thank you.

Stop it. Stop this nonsense.

It's all right, mate. We're just
having a friendly little argument.

- No more fighting. No more.
- All right.

- Back in your huts.
- Yes, sir.

You, too.

Get away. Get back in your huts.

Go on.

Hey, Hilts. Looks
like there's only

one other American
in the whole camp.

Some guy named Hendley in
the RAF Eagle squadron.

Hey, you got something
going already?

See the way the g*ons got
those towers placed?

There's a blind spot
through the middle.

A blind spot?

A guy could stand at that wire
and not be seen by either tower.

They'd never see me,
especially at night.

You're crazy.

You think so? Let's
find out right now.

Now, the next step's
a little tricky.

You're not going out there?

Not while they're
looking, I'm not.

I think I'll take a little walk.

Division march.


- Danny, you speak Russian?
- Only one sentence.

- Let me have it, mate.
- Yes vas lublu.

- Yes vas...
- Lublu.

Lublu? Yes vas lublu.

Yes vas lublu.

- What's it mean?
- I love you.

I love you? What
bloody good is that?

I don't know. I wasn't
going to use it myself.



- Out.
- Nyet, nyet. Comrade.

- Your friend, yes?
- Huh?


And who vouches for you,
Lieutenant Willinski?

Get out, Sedgwick.

Thank you.


Hold it, hold it.

- Your name?
- Ives.

Ives. Ives. Oh, yes.
Archibald Ives. Scots.

The photograph doesn't
do you justice.

I'd like to see one of you
under similar circumstances.

I will not take action
against you now.

This is the first day here,

and there has been much
stupidity and carelessness...

on both sides.

Hey. Get out.

Do not sh**t. Do not
sh**t. Do not sh**t.

You fool. To cross
the wire is death.

- What wire?
- This wire. The warning wire.


It's absolutely forbidden
to cross it. You know that.

But my baseball rolled over there.
How am I gonna get my baseball?

- You first ask permission.
- Oh, ok.

Getting my baseball.

Stop this. Get over
the wire immediately.

- Ok.
- You stay there.

Out of the way. Out.

What are you doing
over here by the wire?

Like I told Max, I was
trying to get my...


- What were you doing by the wire?
- Well, like I told Max...

I was trying to cut my way through

your wire, because
I wanna get out.

Search him.

- Do you speak German?
- Yes, Colonel.

- Wire cutters.
- Yes, Colonel.

I have had the pleasure of knowing

quite a number of British
officers in this w*r.

And I flatter myself that
we understand one another.

You are the first American officer
I have met. Hilts, isn't it?

Captain Hilts, actually.

- Seventeen escape attempts.
- Eighteen, sir.

- Tunnel man, engineer.
- Flier.

I suppose what's called in the
American army a "hotshot pilot."

Unfortunately, you
were shot down anyway.

So we are both grounded for
the duration of the w*r.

Well, you speak for
yourself, Colonel.

- You have other plans?
- I haven't seen Berlin yet.

I plan on doing so
before the w*r's over.

Are all American officers
so ill-mannered?

- About 99 percent.
- Perhaps while you are with us,

you will have a chance to learn
some. Ten days isolation, Hilts.

- Captain Hilts.
- Twenty days.


Oh, you'll still be
here when I get out?


- Name?
- Ives.

- Flying Officer Ives.
- Cooler, 20 days.

- Cooler, Ives.
- Pleasure.

- Hilts.
- Yeah?

What did you do in the
States? Play baseball?

No, I was in college.

- Say, Ives.
- Aye?

- How many escapes have you tried?
- Four over, seven under.

- Tunnel man, huh?
- Sure, I am that.

- How tall are you, Ives?
- Five feet four. Why?

Oh, just wondering.

What did you do in college?
Study physical education?

Chemical engineering. Did a
little bike riding, though.

- Bicycles?
- Motorcycles.

Flat tracks, county fairs.
Picked up a buck here and there.

Helped pay my tuition.

I did a wee bit of racing myself.

- In Scotland.
- Bikes?

No, horse racing. Jockey.



Are you there, Hilts?

Yeah, I'm here.

Don't you have them in
the States? Jockeys?

- Sure.
- They were the days.

Saturday nights in towns like
Musselburgh and Hamilton.

You had to fight off the birds.

You know, birds.

Girls, man. Girls.

Do you not have
them in the States?

Hilts? Are you there, Hilts?



You know the kind of clay and

gravel we got here
in the compound?

How many feet do you think you
could get through in eight hours?

I could go through this dirt here

like the bit on an
end of an auger.

But you know it's not the digging.
It's the shoring up with wood,

and getting the dirt out, that's
what you've to worry about.

No, it isn't, Ives. You don't
have to worry about that.

How are you going to
get the dirt out?

What do they call a
mole in Scotland?

A mole.


Well, what do you think?

I must say, it's an
interesting first 20 minutes.

I'd say we made
fools of ourselves.

As the sergeant out there says,
this is only the first day.


Don't take too much notice. The
g*ons may not know who he is.

- I'll pass the word.
- I'll tell the old man.

He has arrived.

The prisoner Bartlett
is discharged

into your custody,
Colonel Von Luger.

I suggest this prisoner be kept

under the strictest security
confinement permanently.

Make a note of Herr
Kuhn's suggestion.

We have reason to believe
he is the leader

of numerous criminal
escape attempts.

Squadron Leader Bartlett has
been three months in your care,

and the Gestapo has only
"reason to believe"?

If he once more falls into our
hands, he will not be so lucky.

Air-force officer
prisoners are the

responsibility of the Luftwaffe,

not the SS... or the Gestapo.

At present, yes, Colonel.

That is why he is returned,
for the moment, to your care.

Of course, if the Luftwaffe
is not up to the task,

the prisoners will find
themselves totally in our charge.

We regretfully are not so
professionally understanding.

Squadron Leader Bartlett,

if you escape again and be
caught, you will be shot.

- Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler.

Herr Kuhn.

Take these things off the man.

- Eric.
- Hello, Roger.

- They dumped you here, too.
- What's this one like?

Well, it's new.

- Here. Let's find you a bed.
- Thanks.

Come in.

- Hello, Roger.
- Hello, sir.

- I'll put your bag in your room.
- Thanks, Eric.

- How are you?
- As well as can be expected.

The fellows wanted
to put up a welcome

committee, but that's for later.

I saw Willie and
Willinski with Mac.

A lot of old friends here.

How long have you been here, sir?

Arrived today.

New camp, expert
guards, the elite.

You met the commandant?

Yes, I did.

What were the Gestapo and
the SS doing with you?

They wanted to find out who
helped me to the border.

Who else is here? Cavendish?

- Nimmo and Sorren?
- Griffith, Haynes.

- Blythe?
- Yes.

Almost the whole X organisation.

Almost. They cleaned
out all the other

camps and dumped us in this one.

As Von Luger put it, "All the
rotten eggs in one basket."

There's madness in their method.

What about Tommy Bristol?

No, but there's an
American, Hendley.

Is he a scrounger, blackmailer?

- MacDonald says he's the best.
- Good.

Last of the tea until the Red
Cross gets through again.

I scrounged this from Sedgwick.

Did the Gestapo give
you a rough time?

Not nearly as rough as I
now intend to give them.

Roger, personal
revenge must be kept

out of what we have to do here.

Too many lives are at stake.

What my personal feelings
are is of no importance.

You appointed me Big X, and
it's my duty to harass,

confound and confuse the enemy
to the best of my ability.

- That's true.
- That's what I intend to do.

I'm gonna cause such a terrible

stink in this Third
Reich of theirs

that thousands of troops'll be
tied up here looking after us.


By putting more men out of this...

perfect camp of theirs than
have ever escaped before.

Not two or three or
a dozen, but 200,

300. Scatter them
all over Germany.

- Think that's possible?
- The men are here to do it.

The g*ons have put
every escape artist

in Germany here. You
said so yourself.

Have you thought of
what it might cost?

I've thought of the humiliation
if we just tamely submit,

knuckle under and crawl.

Surely you don't advocate
that, do you, sir?

I have to point out one
thing to you, Roger.

No matter how unsatisfactory
this camp may be,

the High Command have left us
in the hands of the Luftwaffe,

not the Gestapo and the SS.

Look, sir, you talk about the
High Command of the Luftwaffe,

then the SS and the Gestapo.

To me they're the same. We're
fighting the bloody lot.

There's only one way
to put it, sir.

They are the common enemies of
everyone who believes in freedom.

If they didn't approve of Hitler,
why didn't they throw him out?

I have no argument
with you, Roger.

As senior officer, I'm merely
pointing out a pertinent fact.

When are you calling a meeting, X?


Gentlemen, no doubt you've heard

the immortal words of
our new commandant.

"Devote your energies to
things other than escape,

and sit out the w*r as
comfortably as possible."


Well, that's exactly
what we're going to do.

We're going to devote our
energies to sports and gardening,

all the cultural pursuits as
far as they're concerned.

In fact, we're going to
put the g*ons to sleep.

Meanwhile... we dig.

Now, even a superficial
look at the compound

shows us that huts 104 and
five are closest to the woods.

The first tunnel
goes out from 105,

directly east under the
cooler and the wire.

But that's over 300 feet, Roger.

- Did you make a survey, Dennis?
- Only a temporary one, sir.

I make it just over 335 feet.

Tell me when you've
got an exact one.

Willie, this time
we'll dig straight

down 30 feet before
we go horizontal.

That'll rule out any question
of sound detection or probing.

All right, Roger, but... did
you say the first tunnel?

I did. There'll be three.

We'll call them Tom,
d*ck and Harry.

Tom goes out directly
east from 104.

d*ck goes north from the kitchen,

and Harry goes out
parallel to Tom from 105.

If the g*ons find one,
we'll move into the other.

How many men do you plan
to take out, Roger?

Two hundred and fifty.

There'll be no half
measures this time.

papers for everyone.

And, Griff, we'll need
outfits for the lot.

- Two hundred and fifty?
- Mostly civilian clothes.

Yes, but...

ok, Roger.

Mac. Maps, blankets, rations,
compasses for all the walkers.

- Timetables for every train.
- Right, Roger.

- Sorry I'm late, Roger.
- It's all right, Colin. Sit down.

- We're going to tunnel.
- Splendid.

Willie, you and Danny'll be tunnel
kings. Danny, in charge of traps.

Sedgwick, manufacturer.
Griff, as I said, tailor.

Nimmo and Haynes,
diversions. Mac, of

course, will take
care of intelligence.

Hendley. We haven't met.

- Scrounger?
- Right.

Dennis, maps and surveys.

Colin, you'll take your usual job.

Eric, how are you gonna
get rid of this dirt?

Usual places. I hadn't anticipated
three tunnels, but we'll manage.

Roger, who's going to handle
security for all this?

You are. I want a system of
stooges covering this compound

from front to back, checking
every goon in and out.

I want a signal system
so perfect that

if ever a ferret
gets within 50 feet

of any of the huts in
which we're working,

we can shut down without a sign.

Well, I don't think there's much
point in discussing any more now.

I'll meet each of
you on the exercise

circuit, we'll pound
out the details.

- Nothing else, is there, Mac?
- I shouldn't think so, Roger.

Oh, hello. My name's Blythe.


For birds.

I used to do a little
hunting myself.

Oh, not hunting. Watching.

Oh, a... bird watcher?

Yes, that's right. Watching
them and drawing them.

I suppose you have bird
watchers in the States?

Yes, we have some.


I only drank tea once,
in the hospital.

- Where's your kit?
- This is it.

The rest was confiscated
in the last shakedown.

The g*ons didn't appreciate some
of my more... personal items.

Such as.

- You're the scrounger.
- Yes, that's right.

I'll need a camera.

- What kind?
- A good one.

A 35mm f2.8 with a focal-plane
shutter should do all right.

All right.

- And film, of course.
- Oh, of course.

Oh, Hendley. I need a
pick. Big heavy one.

- Only one?
- Two would be better.

I'm afraid this tea's pathetic.

I must have used these wretched
leaves about 20 times.

It's not that I mind so much.

Tea without milk
is so uncivilised.

Yeah. I'll get our wood.

Close up. Close up.

Close up.

Close up.

Close up.

- No me sprechen the English.
- Close up.

Oh. Splendid.

- Blythe, what are you doing here?
- Oh.

I'm in Photographic Aerial
Reconnaissance Interpretation.

Went for a joyride to see for
myself. It's my own silly fault.

The aircraft bought it. Got
shot down. Terrifying.

- No, I mean, what do you do here?
- Here?


I'm the forger.

Forgers are installing themselves
in the recreation hut.

- Sedgwick?
- I'm in 110.


Well, I'd like to
work in 109, Roger.

- 109? Right.
- I'll work in 107.

For now, Danny, Willie and their
trap team will be in 104.

I want to take a
chance on the tunnels

and press ahead without
any shoring-up.

We will need timber for the
shafts and the entrance chambers.

Hendley figures there
are 36 empty bunks.

We can tear up 15 and move the men

around so the g*ons
won't miss them.

The rest will come from
strips off the wall.

Is Hendley taking
care of this himself?

Not yet.

He's working on some steel
for a pick that Danny needs.

Hey. What the hell
is going on here?

Turn the water off.
Get your hands away.

Get away.

Hey. What the hell's
going on there?

Stop this nonsense.

Get away. Turn the water off.


In the stove, we keep
fire burning, always.

The g*ons will not
feel like moving it.


Hendley, two tiles,
they are chipped.

- We need new ones.
- There's some in 113's washroom.

- Should match perfectly.
- Good.

It's going to be a
bit tricky, Danny.

Not when you're organised, Mac.

- We're ready.
- Big enough?

It's perfect. Right through
the middle of the foundation.

Good luck to us, Danny.

Why 17?

This is the 17th tunnel
Danny's started.

All right?

It's good.

It's very good.

- Out.
- Get out.

- Get out.
- Out hier.

Out. Get done there.

You back there. Out here.

You're not in your hut?
What are you doing here?

Mopping up.

- And you?
- Shower. I need a wash.

I'm watching him. I'm a lifeguard.


Put on warm clothes. You
might be outside all night.


No. I vote no. Look, we've put the

g*ons to sleep exactly
like you said.

But just one little
thing like this and

we're up the creek
without a paddle.

- Ives, sit down, won't you?
- Hello, sir.

Hello. Squadron Leader
Bartlett, Captain Hilts.

Flight Lieutenant MacDonald.

I understand you two are
contemplating a blitz-out.

Where'd you hear that... sir?

MacDonald. It's Mac's job to
know everything that goes on.

We thought, perhaps,
we might talk it over.

Why? It's only a two-man job.

Everybody in the
camp is supposed to

clear all escape
attempts in advance

with Squadron Leader
Bartlett here.

We don't necessarily
want to interfere.

It's just that... Well, what sort
of blitz were you contemplating?

We sneak out at night to a spot I
found near the wire, a blind spot.

Then we dig down,
take the dirt, spread

it on top so it won't make a pile,

and then straight out.

Ives here is a tunnel
man, so he digs

in front, pushes the
dirt behind him.

I stash it behind
me, then we burrow

through the dirt like
a couple of moles.

By dawn we're under
the wire, across the

open space, into the
woods and gone.


When do you intend to try this?

- When do you intend to try it?
- Oh, tonight.

Hilts, this may not be quite the
right time for this sort of thing.

Look, sir, I've been in the
bag nearly three years now,

bloody close to being wire-happy.

It's a blitz-out for
me, or forget it.

It'll work. I know it will.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Hilts, how do you breathe?

We got a steel rod
with hinges on it.

We shove it up and make
air holes as we go along.

Good night, sir.

Now, why didn't anybody
think of that before?

It's so stupid, it's
positively brilliant.

But it'll bring every goon in
the camp down on top of us.

I don't know. Perhaps
we're being too clever.

If we stop all the breakouts,

it may only convince the g*ons
that we must be tunnelling.

I hope it works. If it doesn't,

they're going to be in the
cooler for an awful long time.

- Good, huh?
- Danny, it's bloody beautiful.

This is the dirt
from the compound.

This is from the tunnel.

Wherever we put it, they're
going to spot it a mile away.

Maybe we could put it under the
huts. The dirt's dark there.

It's the first place
the ferrets would

look. I saw one
measuring yesterday.

Maybe we could dry it
to the same colour.

- There are 50 tons of it.
- I was just thinking out loud.

If you must think, for
God's sake, think clearly.

Where the devil is Ashley-Pitt?

We can't destroy the dirt
and we can't eat it.

The only thing left to
do is camouflage it.

That's as far as my
thinking takes me.

Didn't they teach you
promptness in the RN?

You'll never believe it, but
I think I have the solution.

The problem is somehow
to get rid of

this tunnel dirt
over the compound.

Well, of course.

Would you mind?


you fill these bags with
the dirt from the tunnel.

Then, wearing them
inside your trousers,

you wander out into the compound

where you pull these
strings in your pockets.

Out come the pins.

Eric, it's good.

All you have to do is kick it in.

Unless you're a fool, the
ferrets won't see a thing.

It's indecently brilliant.
What do you think, Roger?

We'll try it first thing tomorrow.

I already have. It works.

Mac, this is what we'll do.

- A little present from Tom, sir.
- Thank you, Nimmo.

Nice garden you've got, sir.

All right. Let's look sharp.

That looks sharp.


Please, gentlemen, continue. This
is merely a routine inspection.

- Good morning, Squadron Leader.
- Good morning, sir.

I am sorry the soil here isn't

better suited to
your men's purpose.

We'll manage, sir.

I must say I am surprised with the

extent of this activity,
Group Captain.

Pleased, of course, but surprised.

Surprised, Colonel?

Fliers are gentlemen,
not peasants to

dig in the earth.
So I am surprised.

The English are keen on gardening.

Oh, yes, but flowers.
Is this not so?

You can't eat flowers, Colonel.

Good point.

I have the nasty feeling he
knows exactly what we're doing.

Maybe he does.

You don't really think so, do you?

If he does, we'll
find out soon enough.

- Morning, Bob.
- Andy.

Here we are. Now, let's see.

Biscuits, two packets.

Coffee, two tins.

Bovril, one jar.

Cigarettes, six packets.

Strawberry jam, Sorren's.
Blackcurrant jam, Cavendish.

And marmalade, mine.

Danish butter, Von Luger's. I

liberated it from
his mess supplies.

Oh, yes. And Dutch
chocolate. Two bars.

That cleans out the gift food
for the entire organisation.

Now, the first thing we need is
the new form of travel permit.

The forgers have no idea
what it looks like.

I'll see what I can do.

And, of course, any other
identity cards, personal papers,

documents you can
put your hands on.

- Anyway, put 'em to work, Bob.
- Right.

Good luck.

♪ O come all ye faithful ♪

♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ O come ye ♪

♪ O come ye to Bethlehem ♪

♪ Come and behold Him ♪

♪ Born the King of Angels ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

Louis, where the hell
is the air pump?

Patience is a virtue, Roger.

Yes, I know, but the diggers can
only work when the trap's open,

and this is holding
us up very badly.

- Is it finished?
- Of course.

- Why isn't it in?
- Working on the air ducts now.

Well, when will they be finished?

One or two days.

- Does it work?
- Of course it works.

- Will it give us enough air?
- As much as you'll need.



Have it in by tomorrow night.

♪ Christ the Lord ♪

- Got a light?
- Yeah.


- It's pretty, isn't it?
- Yes.

Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like one?

I'll smoke it later, when
I'm off duty. Thank you.

You probably have a couple
of room-mates, huh?

Beautiful day.

Yes, but I think it
might rain later.

No, no. Red sky in the
morning, sailor takes warning.

Red sky at night,
sailor's delight.

It was a red sky last night.

I never heard that before.

I learned it in the Boy Scouts.

- You were a Boy Scout? So was I.
- Really?

- Yes. I had 19 merit badges.
- I had 20.

I was working on my 20th when the
government abolished scouting

and sent me into the
Hitler Youth instead.

Werner, you think you'll stay
in the army after the w*r?

No. I'm not a well man.

- And my teeth...
- Your teeth?

Yes. I could tell you
stories about my teeth

that would make your
hair stand on end.

Our dentist here is a butcher.

But don't tell anyone I said so.

It's a soldier's
right to complain.

Maybe in your army, but here?

One little criticism, and...
to the Russian front.

Is that so? Terrible.

That's terrible.


Why don't we go into my room?

I'd better not. If
Strachwitz should see me...

I was just gonna make some coffee.

Real coffee.

Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Where is it?

Jam. Is it wonderful.

My grandmother keeps
sending me this stuff.

Oh, dear God, chocolate.

Oh, yeah. Here. Take one.

- Von Lugers butter.
- Yeah. Keep it.

No. I must go.

It's ok. You can keep
it. We're friends.

With you in the cooler, will we
be friends? I must report this.

I don't understand
you. Report what?

That you and I were
chatting in my room?

I must go.

Oh, here. It's ok. Look, keep it.

I'll never be able to eat it all.

No, I have to go now.

I'm sorry. All right.
Forget it. Forget it.

And that, I'm sure
you'll all remember,

is the voice of the
Nelles warbler.

Let's turn our attention to this
gentleman, the masked shrike.

Lanius nubicus. The butcherbird.

The shrike impales his foes on
the spikes of thorn bushes.

Not a very lovable
character, you see.

Let's have a look
at the colouring.

Uniform black above,
from head to tail.

A black rump, a black crown
with a bold white flash,

and a white line over the eye.

The shrike lives in
lightly wooded country...

Ah. Hendley. Sit down. You'll find
drawing materials on the table.

The shrike lives in lightly wooded
country, olive groves and gardens.

Well, Hendley, have you
taken to birds, too, now?

Yeah. Stick around. You
might learn something.

I have better things
to do than draw birds.

The voice is a
monotonous succession

of scratchy, complaining notes.

Now, let's have a
good look at this

bird. He's got a round shape...

On holiday certificate.
Permission to cross

a frontier. Here's another one.

Which one's the forgery?

- That one.
- That's right.

They both are.

What's holding us up now is the
new form of this travel permit.

We've no idea what they look like.

Here's one.

And a military identity card.

And a...

- a passport.
- Yeah.

Permission to be
on Reich property.

A ticket to Oden.

What appears to be the ferret
assignments for the next week.

You get ten out of ten
for this, old boy.

Thank you, sir. Take
good care of that.

- Where did you get this?
- It's on loan.

In order to get the right
amount of outfits, Roger,

I suggest that we work mainly
from service uniforms.

I can do double-breasts,

and rather nice lounge suits.

Lapels. I can do quite a
lot of things with those.

I can have them deep like
that, or high ones like that.

Here's one that we're
working on right now.

Oh, yes. What about buttons?

Take a look at those. Here's
one that I've finished, Roger.


here's one that I dyed
with a bottle of blue ink.

It's rather good.
What's up, Roger?

The g*ons'd have a field day if
they crashed in on this lot.

That's Sorren's
department. Now, I've

started working on
the other materials.

This blanket.

Particularly the
stripes. Marvellous.

- Coats.
- Yes.

I've got the chaps working on
these all over the compound.

Those battle dresses, I'm
afraid they're a bit too short.

I'll have to get the
chaps to make those

into some sort of
working man's outfits.

Blanket ticking.

Now, I've made these into
rather nice little waistcoats.

Very dapper, yes. Dyed, of course.

Of course.

Just take a look at this, Roger.

Now, this blanket
material, we scrape

this down until
it's really smooth,

and then dye it with boot polish.

Corduroy scrounged by Hendley.
I wish we had more of this.

Where in God's name
did you get these?


- Where did he get them?
- I asked him that.

- What did he say?
- "Don't ask."

Let me show you some of the
overcoats I've been working on.

- Good morning, Hilts.
- Oh.

Well, if you're here to find out
if I'm going out again, I am.

- When?
- Seventeen days, 7th of July.

- Dark of the moon.
- Correct.

- Is Ives going with you?
- Yeah, if he wants to.

You know that Ives is
close to cracking?


Better for him to go out
in the tunnel, huh?



It's possible for
one man to get out

through the wire, even get away,

but there are in
fact a considerable

number of people besides yourself

in this camp who are
trying to escape.

I appreciate that.

Something's coming, I can feel it,

and it's coming right around the
corner at me, Squadron Leader.

- My name's Roger.
- All right, Roger.

Yours is Virgil, isn't it?

Hilts. Just make it Hilts.

Yes, well... as I
was saying, Hilts,

we have maps of Germany,
general maps, that is.

We have all the
information we need

for the escape routes
out of Germany.

But what we do not have...

Is a clear idea of what's 500
yards beyond those trees.

We've tried every goon
in the camp. No go.

We must know the exact
position of the local town.

We want to know where
we hit the main roads.

Where the police
stations are, where

they've got their roadblocks.

And, most important of all, we've
got to know how to get from here

to the railway station.

No. Absolutely not. When
I get through that wire,

I'm not gonna be making
maps for you guys.

I'm gonna be so far away,

you won't hear if they're
sh**ting at me with howitzers.

- Understandable.
- Completely.

I mean, I'd like to help, but...

Interesting idea.

- How many you taking out?
- Two hundred and fifty.

Two hundred and fifty?


You're crazy. You too.

Two hundred and fifty
guys just walking

down the road, just like that.

Well, some on the road, some
by train, some cross-country.

They'll have forged
papers, clothes,

maps, compasses, rations.

You're gonna alert every
goon in the country.

Anybody that can carry a pitchfork
is gonna be out looking for you.

They're gonna swoop
down and scoop you

up so fast it'd make
your head swim.

Yes, well, thanks, anyway.

If I can help on the
tunnel, let me know.

- That's good of you.
- Any time.

Wait a minute.

You aren't seriously suggesting
that if I get through the wire

and case everything out there
and don't get picked up,

to turn myself in and get
thrown back in the cooler

so you can get the
information you need?

Yes. One has to ask some very
strange things in the job I have.

We'll give you a front place.

I wouldn't do that
for my own mother.

- I don't blame you.
- Well, ok, then.

- It's completely understandable.
- Well, ok, then.

Yes, well, thanks, Hilts.


Herr Hendley, I...

Oh, it's all right.
Blythe's a friend.

What's the matter, Werner?

My wallet, my papers,
my identity card.

Gone. I lost them. Everything.

He lost his wallet.

Do you realise what would happen
if Strachwitz found this out?

- The Russian front.
- Dear, dear.

I've looked every
place, every place.

I must have lost them
while I was in here.

- No.
- Yes.

Look, I told you we were
friends. We'll find them.

Oh, thank you, Herr Hendley.


Not now. It might look
a little peculiar

if you and I were seen probing
around at this time of night.

Look, I'll find them.

I promise you I'll find 'em if I
have to tear this room apart.

- Thank you.
- Forget it.

- Werner.
- Yes?

There is one small favour.

A camera.

We want to take some snapshots.
You know... keepsakes.

35mm with a 2.8 lens
and a plane shutter.

Focal-plane shutter.

Werner, that's a
focal-plane shutter.

Let me know when you got it.

He's a crazy, mixed-up kid,
that Werner, but I like him.


How soon's our air pump
going to be ready?

- I'll have it for you tomorrow.
- You're badly behind schedule.

- How's it coming, Danny?
- No good.

- No good?
- Today, three times.

Willie, you all right? Pull.

You're gonna have to shore up
the whole bloody tunnel, Roger.

- All 335 feet of it.
- Four times today. Foom.

This way we never get through.
We must have more wood.

It's a lot of timber,
Roger. Can you get it?

We'll get it. We've gotta get it.

I'll put Hendley on it, and the
new man we got this morning.

Ok, Willie.

♪ On the first day of Christmas
my true love sent to me ♪

♪ A Partridge in a Pear Tree ♪

♪ On the second day of Christmas
my true love sent to me ♪

♪ Two Turtle Doves and a
Partridge in a Pear Tree ♪

♪ On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me ♪

♪ Four Calling Birds,
three French Hens ♪

♪ Two Turtle Doves and a
Partridge in a Pear Tree ♪

♪ On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me ♪

♪ Five Gold Rings ♪

How's it going with
the rafters up there?

Taking out one in four.

Stay with it.

♪ Five Gold Rings ♪

♪ Four Calling Birds,
three French Hens ♪

♪ Two Turtle Doves and a
Partridge in a Pear Tree ♪

♪ On the seventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me ♪

♪ Seven Swans a Swimming,
six Geese a Laying ♪

♪ Five Gold Rings ♪

♪ Four Calling Birds,
three French Hens ♪

♪ Two Turtle Doves and a
Partridge in a Pear Tree ♪

♪ Five Gold Rings,
four Calling Birds ♪

Bloody singing.

I've never worked so hard
in all my life. Hi, Hilts.

Say, Cavendish...

♪ Three French Hens,
two Turtle Doves ♪

♪ And a Partridge in a Pear ♪

Come on... hup.

Never mind.

Here's a present from
our friend, Werner.

Splendid. Simply splendid.

This should do very nicely.

Those are Ashley-Pitt's men.

He requested permission to dispose
of some of his dirt in our attic.

Tom has reached just beyond
that pile of wood, sir.

Harry, of course,
isn't as far as that.

- How much further to the trees?
- We make it 50 feet, sir.

Dark of the moon is the seventh...

Eighth and ninth.

A day earlier in August.


There he goes again.

Why is he buying up all
the potatoes in the camp?

I've been working on that,
but I can't find out.

Hilts and Hendley lock
themselves in every night.

Sometimes Goff's with them. Other
nights he's on guard outside.

Mac, we'll close down d*ck
and Harry. Seal them off.

Put the entire effort into Tom,
and press on into the trees.

Right, Roger.





About face.

Forward march.

What is it?

They're celebrating
the revolution.

It's the Fourth of July.

What the devil's this?

Gentlemen, you're invited
for free drinks.

A little present
from the colonials.

Down the British.

- Quite right, too.
- And a little drink to Tom.

- And to getting home.
- Very well. We accept.

- Up the rebels.
- Down the British.

Gentlemen, follow us.

About face.

Company... halt.

All right, let's
line up down here.

All right, grab a cup.

Line it up. Here we go.

That explains what
happened to the potatoes.

No harm in closing down
Tom for one day, Roger.

I suppose it'll do us all good
to let off a bit of steam.

There's only 14 feet to go, sir,

and you can feel it
throughout the whole camp.

- I think that calls for a drink.
- Hear, hear.

- Drink it up.
- What is this stuff, Hilts?

Moonshine. American
moonshine. Moonshine.

Make my moustache grow. Cheers.

Keep it moving.

Hello, Eric. Don't
spill any of that.

- There you go.
- Down with the British.

All right, old
cobbler. Keep it Mo...

- Don't get any on your clothes.
- Cheers.

- Don't spill any of that.
- Before your morning tea?

Keep it moving.

Don't get any on
your clothes, sir.

American moonshine. Don't smoke
right after you drink it.

No smoking. No smoking
while you're drinking.

Get good and stoned, my friend.

Keep it going. Keep it...

No taxation without

Keep it going, boys. Keep it...

Keep it going, fellas.
Enjoy yourselves.

- Well, let's drink to Tom.
- To Tom.

In the three years,
seven months and

two weeks that I've
been in the bag,

that's the most extraordinary
stuff I've ever tasted.

- It's shattering.
- Well, I think it's rather good.

Well, with your permission,
sir, I think I'll all on kive.

Call on Ives.

Cheers, Hendley.

You know what that is?

I'll tell you what it isn't.

It isn't Napoleon brandy.

How do you like it, sir?

- Well, it's...
- To the colonies.


How are you managing
over there without

us? Getting along
all right, are you?

We seem to be getting along
all right, shir... sir.

Yes, well, it's...

It's good stuff, Hilts.

Thank you, sir.

Danny. Here's to...

Roger, g*ons in 105.

- Who?
- Strachwitz.

We have to ignore it.

If we pay attention, the g*ons'll
know the hut's important.

Here's to going home.

Come on, Danny. They've
searched it a hundred times.


Anyway, I'm glad we've got you
in the tunnel with us. To Tom?

Ooh, never mind.

You'll be walking down Argyle
Street in a couple of weeks.

To Tom. You know, Sandy, I'm just
beginning to realise that myself.

Why shouldn't you, man? We're
nearly at the trees, boy.

We're nearly at the trees?

Herr Hauptfeldwebel.
Herr Hauptfeldwebel.

So that's it.

Come on, get the guard.

I guessed it.

Oh, my God. They've found Tom.

It's the tunnel.


- Ives.
- Halt. Halt.


Sir, let me know the exact
information you need.

- I'm going out tonight.
- Right.

Open up, Harry. We
dig. Around the clock.

- Cooler.
- Right.

Well, I didn't think
they'd catch him so soon.

He wasn't caught.

Hilts, welcome home.


Are you all right, Danny?

Yes. All right.

All right. Bring some
shovels. I'm all right.

For God's sake, you've
left out a whole eagle.

That's impossible.


Four days' work up
the bloody spout.

- I'm sorry, Colin.
- It's all right, Smithy.

It's getting late. You push off
to bed. I'll pack up here.

All right.

- Good night, Colin.
- Good night, Smithy.

I can't see a bloody thing.

Hut ab.

Very good. In order.
Thank you very much.

- Please, nice.
- Come in.

Heil Hitler.

- What's your name?
- Erich Stressel, from Munich.

Why are you here?

I got a vacation.
My mother is ill.

Your German's very good.

Thanks, Mac. I've
put in a lot of...

Watch it. That's the easiest
way to trip up a suspect.

Don't fall for that old gag.

- I'm sorry, Mac.
- Ok. But remember, German always.

Come in.

One, two, three, four, five.


No, it's me.

How do you like the
old escape suit?

Fine, fine.


How do you like mine?

It looks splendid.

Where are you going?
You'll get yourself shot.

What's the matter with you?

I'm going out through that fence.

Danny, we're getting out through
the tunnel. We're almost clear.

Please, Willie, let me alone.

I can't go in that
tunnel any more.

So I'm going out through the wire.

Danny, think. We're getting
out, but not through the wire.

We're getting out through
the tunnel. It's finished.

- I go out now.
- No.

Danny, you go through that
wire and you'll get k*lled.

Don't do that.


Since I was a boy,

I hate... and feared little rooms,

closets, caves.

Danny, you've dug 17
tunnels. Over 17 tunnels.

Because I must get out.

I hide the fear, and I dig.

But tomorrow night in the
tunnel with all those men,

I'm afraid maybe this
time I will lose my head,

and ruin the escape for everybody.

So I go now.

Danny, I'll see you
through the tunnel.

I'll look after you. I'll
stick with you all the way.

All right.

- Good evening.
- Hello, Roger.

Well, how do you think we look?

Good evening, sir. How are you?

It's as bad as all that?

Colin, I want first of all
to say that without you,

we would not have been ready.

That's all right. I had lots of
help. Lots of very good help.

What's the matter, Roger?

You can't go.

- What do you mean?
- I can't allow it.


You can't see your hand
in front of your face.

You'd be caught before
you got 10 yards.

That's ridiculous.

That's ridiculous. Never heard
anything so absurd in my life.

I can see perfectly.
I can see perfectly.

I can see... that pin down there.

- Does that satisfy you?
- What pin? Where?

Colin, do you see the
foot of the door?

Yes, of course.

Put the pin down there, will you?

All right.

All right. Come on.
Come on. Sit down.

Sit down. It was a good try.

I hate these last-minute letdowns,
but I've only just been told.

It's too risky for you.

Don't you think that's
Colin's decision?

- No, I don't.
- Come on, Roger.

We all know the score here. Well,
at least... most of us do.

Your idea of this escape
is to start another front,

to foul up the Germans behind the
lines. All right, that's fine.

But once we get past
that wire and have

them looking all
over Germany for us,

that mission is accomplished.

Afterwards, we have
some ideas of our own.

You mean getting home?

- Back to your family?
- That's right.

Do you really believe I haven't
thought about that, too?

I'm sure you have.

I know Colin has.

And, Roger, I have, too.

We think we can make
it all the way.

Not Colin. He'd be
an appalling hazard

to the escape. That
must be my decision.

Let's talk about hazard.
Let's talk about you.

You're the biggest hazard we have.
The Gestapo has you marked.

No one has said you can't go.

That's true.

I have thought about the Gestapo.

But if you're asking me how far a

commanding officer
is allowed to go,

or dare go, or should be
permitted to play God,

I can't answer you.

But I can tell you

a blind man is an
unnecessary hazard

to himself and the whole plan,

and must therefore be
eliminated from the operation.

Colin's not a blind man as long as

he's with me, and
he's going with me.

It's all right with you, Colin?

Oh, yes. Quite.

Very well. I'll arrange
for your escape

numbers to be altered accordingly.

Good night, gentlemen.


he's quite right.

He's completely right.

I really shouldn't go at all.

My eyes have been getting
worse and worse lately.

I think they call it
progressive myopia.

I can see things up here. Close
to. I can see to work, but...

- you're just a blur.
- I know.

Oh, hell. We'll make
it in great shape.

Colin, do you have any tea?

- Yes, of course.
- Then let's have some.



- Hi, Hilts.
- Hey, Mac.


Tonight. We thought
they'd never let you out.

Me, too. Let's get at it.

- Bartlett's waiting for you.
- I'll be there.

What time?

Only eight minutes now, Danny.

You ok?


Griff, down there.

Goff, there.

Smith, Foles, third on the right.

Blythe, Hendley,
third on the left.

There are the lights.

Right on the tick, Danny.

Look down the tunnel,
Danny. It's lovely.

It's just like Blackpool at
the height of the season.

You ever been to Blackpool, Danny?

Yes. No.

I don't know.

It's time, Roger.

Bartlett, MacDonald, Ashley-Pitt.

It's all clear, sir.

All set, Roger.


Good luck.

They're coming down
the shaft now, Danny.

And then they'll be coming
right up the tunnel.

Willie... I can't
wait. I must get out.

Danny. Danny. Danny. Danny.

What is it, Danny? What's the
matter? Danny. Come here.

Roger? Danny and I'll go later.
We'll take another place.

Danny, tell me what this
is, and tell me quickly.

This tunnel is mine as much as
anybody. I dug it. I built it.

I was buried many times.
I go when I want.

Let me out. Let me out.

Take him out, Willie.
Take him out.

Danny? What is it?

Danny, what's going on?

It's all right, Sedgwick. It's
all right. We're going later.

Danny, it's all right.
It's all right.

We can take another place in
the line. It's all right.

All right, Colin. Down you go.

Sit down. Feel the top rung of the

ladder with your
right foot. Got it?

Down you go.

Danny cut out, huh?

Willie took him up
top. Hilts, I...

- Remember, keep your head down.
- Right.


Psst. Bartlett.

All right?

Hold on to yourself.
You're 20 feet short.

What do you mean?

Twenty feet short of the woods.
The hole is in the open.

The guard is between
us and the lights.

How could that happen?

What the hell difference
does it make? It's happened.


Damn it, Mac. I'm trying to think.

We could postpone it.

All the documents are dated
today. It's now or never.

One chance. When the guard
goes to the far end,

you might be able to move out.

I think I can make
it to the woods,

set up a signal when you're clear.

What about the towers?

They're gonna be watching the
compound, not the woods.

Mac, pass the word. Send
down 30 feet of rope.

Send down 30 feet of rope.

Send down 30 feet of rope.

Send down 30 feet of rope.

- What?
- Thirty feet of rope.

- What do they want that for?
- How should I know? Get the rope.

How's it going? Have you heard?

Some kind of foul-up,
I think, sir.

Haven't they moved
into the tunnel yet?

I don't think so, sir.

He's over there.

Right. You go first, Eric.

I'm staying here
till we get moving.

- See you in Piccadilly.
- Scott's Bar.


Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Right.

We're moving.

Danny, they're moving through the
tunnel now. They're getting out.

When Warsaw fell, you
escaped and came

to England because you're a flyer.

You came because you wanted to fly
with us and fight the Germans.

We can get out now. We
can get back to England.

If you don't go
through that tunnel,

everything you've done will
have been for nothing, nothing.

- Blythe's behind, Mac.
- Right.

- In here, Colin.
- Come on.

Sit down.

You're up, Sedgwick.
I'll take over.

What have you got
in here? A piano?

That's very funny, mate.

You won't get this thing through.

I'll cope.

Was that Sedgwick with his trunk?

Who else?

I wish he was home
with his kangaroos.

- We're 20 feet short.
- How the hell...?

Hilts is on the other end
of that rope in the woods.

As soon as you feel
a couple of tugs,

off you go, but keep Colin low.

- Good luck, Colin.
- Thanks, Mac.

What's that?

- It's an air raid.
- Oh, God. No.

The g*ons'll pull
the switches. We'll

lose the lights in the tunnel.

Come on, Colin. We can get
out when the lights go down.



It's an air raid. Searchlights
are out. Come on.

Get 'em out.

- It's gonna give.
- Danny.

Danny. Danny, it's all right.
Danny, it's the lights.

Light the lamps down there.

There's been an air raid and
they've cut the lights.

Danny, it's all
right. Listen to me.

Danny, look.

Come on, fellas.
Move. Move. We can

get dozens out in this darkness.

What the hell's going on?

- You go.
- No. Danny.


- What is this, Willie?
- Danny.

- Is he stuck in there?
- He's all right.

Get him out fast.

Psst. Come on.

Come on, Danny, move.

Up you go.

Give me your bag.

We're on the rope.

You and I had better get out,

or we won't have a chance
of any of the trains.

It's moving. We'll
just have to pass

the instructions from man to man.

- Right.
- I'll be right behind you.

Is there someone?

- Did you hear something?
- No.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

- Hey.
- Don't sh**t.

Don't sh**t.

Get off. We're coming back.

Oh, boy. There's a hell of a lot
of sh**ting going on up there.

Made me think they've
been sh**ting

them one by one as
they came up to you.

Right. We would've heard
the sh*ts before.

- Pull.
- Wait for me.


The line-up, Captain.

- Seventy-six.
- Yes.

- How many did he say?
- Seventy-six.


- Seventy-six.
- Seventy-six.

- Dismissed.
- Ten hut.

Half the guys who missed their
trains are piled up here.

Ashley-Pitt, Roger,
MacDonald, Nimmo.

Makes quite a group.

- What do we do?
- Wait for the train.

Thank you.

Can you take me with you?

Get in.

Thank you very much.

Your ID, please.

Tally ho.

- Are you French?
- Yes.

Me, too.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

Tally ho.

Are you travelling for a company?


For my

For my business.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

Are the police on the train?

The Gestapo are with
them. Let's jump.

All right.

I'll tell you when.

I'd prefer you just to
give me a firm push.

- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.

That's quite exciting.

- It isn't stopping.
- No, we're all right.



Where do you want
to go? Come here.

Where do you want to
go? Show your ID.


Everything on the ground.

- Where were you going, Cavendish?
- I hadn't quite decided.

What information were you
to collect on the way?


What sabotage directions
did you receive?

What have you done
with your papers?


Forged papers and identity cards.

Don't be so stupid. What
did you do with them?

All I did was escape
from a prison camp.

You'd do the same if you'd been
locked up for three years.

I wanted to get home.

I don't think you'll
see your wife again.

You've got the wrong man.
I'm not even married.

You're wearing civilian clothes.

You're a spy. Spies
are being shot.

This is my uniform. I had to
re-cut it when I lost weight.

I dyed it with boot polish
to cover some oil smears

I picked up when I was shot down.

And you lost your
insignia over the years?

That's right.

Bring him to the others.

- Look...
- That's all, Cavendish.

Hello, boys.


- Hello, Haynes.
- Hello, Cavendish.

I wish I could say I was
happy to see you again.

- Just picked up?
- Yes, this morning.

There's a trainer out
there I can fly.

- Any sentries?
- Yeah, it's gonna be a problem.

Colin, when I say go,
crank this clockwise.

When the engine
catches, don't move,

or you'll get a mouth
full of propeller.


Next stop, Switzerland.

- The Alps.
- Splendid.

Over this range, then 20 more
minutes and we've got it made.

What is it? Petrol?

I don't know. We're losing power.

Go that way. I'll follow.



Stop. Don't sh**t. Please.

Colin... I'm sorry I
fouled things up.

That's all right.

Thank you for...

getting me... out.

Come on, get up.

Hands up.

Hello, gentlemen. How is it
going? Things are going well?


As usual, three Pernod, is not it?

Three Pernod, Dad.

Café Suzette.


And here, gentlemen,
the three Pernods.

Thank you.


And three. And that's water.

- Good appetite, gentlemen.
- Thank you.

Sir. Phone for you.

- Phone for me?
- Yes, sir, phone.

This way.

That's it, phone.

Thank you.




You are English?

I'm Australian.

Tell me

You can speak English.
I understand.

Bloody good. I'm a
British officer.

I've just escaped from a
prisoner-of-w*r camp in Germany.

I'm trying to make my way into
Spain. You understand me?

- Yes.
- Can you help me?


- I know someone who can.
- Bloody good.

Secret State Police.
Your ID, please.

- Ah, French?
- Yes.

- Trader?
- But yes. Do you speak French?

- A little.
- Your accent is very good.

I studied it in the upper school.

Very good. Pass.

Goodbye, sir. Goodbye.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.


Two are AWOL from the
camp. Englishman.

Come on.

Get in everything.


Stop. Stop.

Stay standing. Hands up.

- What was that?
- You are English.

English people?

You thr*aten me with a p*stol?

- Take them away.
- Oh, you are German?

- Of course.
- All right. Excuse me.

Herr Bartlett?

- My name is Frohe.
- Your German is good.

And I hear also your French.

Your arms... up.



Herr Bartlett...

and Herr MacDonald.

We are together again.

You are going to wish you had
never put us to so much trouble.

- What's troubling you, Roger?
- I'm just a little surprised.

I expected either a long
stay or a very short trip.


I have to admit, I'm a
little worried, though.

I hope to God I haven't
blotted 70-odd ledgers.

Och, no, no.

We're all over 21,
footloose and fancy-free.

We'd never have got as far as
we did without you, Roger.

For what it's worth, I think
you did a damn good job.

- I think we all do.
- Yes.

What's going on? Where are we?

All right. You can get out now.

Stretch your legs
for five minutes.

It will take hours before
you reach the camp.

You know, Mac, all this, the
organisation, tunnelling,

Tom and Harry, kept me alive.

And even though we...

I've never been happier.

You know, Mac...

Eleven of your men are
being returned today.

- Oh, who?
- I do not have that information.


I am directed by a higher
authority to inform you that...

50 of your officers were
shot while escaping.


Their... personal effects
will be returned.

How many of them were wounded?

Here are the names... of the dead.

How many of the 50 were wounded?

None. They, the
higher authority...

only directs me to
inform you that...

that 50 men were...

I see.

Addison, John.

Alladale, Peter.

Bancroft, Edward.

Bartlett, Roger.

Cavendish, Dennis.

Eldridge, David.

Felton, William.

Fanshaw, Arthur.

- Right here?
- Yes sir. It's here.

Goodbye then.

- Thank you very much sir.
- You're welcome. Goodbye.

- Goodbye.
- Good luck.

I am your guide, señor.

For Spain?


- Glad to see you're all safe.
- Thank you, sir.

- How many have been brought back?
- You're the first.

- Do you know how many got away?
- Not yet.

What happened to Blythe?

He didn't make it, sir.

Roger was right about that.

I'm afraid Roger didn't
make it, either.

I've just posted the
list. They shot... 50.

The Gestapo m*rder*d them.

Fifty? MacDonald, Ashley-Pitt?

- Yes.
- Danny and Willie?

No, they're not on the list.

- Haynes?
- Yes. I'm sorry.

Roger's idea was
to get back at the

enemy the hardest way he could.

Mess up the works.

From what we've heard here, I
think he did exactly that.

Do you think it was
worth the price?

That depends on your
point of view, Hendley.

Yes, sir.


He is not to be saluted.
He's no longer in command.

The job just didn't work out, huh?

- You were lucky, Hilts.
- Lucky? Because I didn't...

How many?


It looks, after all, as if you
will see Berlin before I do.


Hey, Hilts.