Battle at Lake Changjin, The (2021)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle at Lake Changjin, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Huzhou, Zhejiang

Who's in your jar?

Bach Ly.

Wu Wanli, you bastard!

I will tell your father to give you a whip!

Liu Shaozi.

Liu Shaozi.

This is to hit me with my dad!

Ngo Van Ly,

come here.

Do you have a g*n?

I'm scared.

I'm pretty strong.

Does it ring any bells?

Let go of me!

Puppy, who are you?

Natural justice.







Natural justice...

Thien Ly is back!



Bach Ly... passed away.

Bach Ly.

Eat it.

Thien Ly, I also eat.

What are you doing?


In the army?

I am the Captain.

How many people do you command?

About 150.

You are a big man!

Yes, big deal.

I heard Tran Thien in the river say

the government grants us 0.39 acres of land.

In 1947...

when we fought in Mong Ngan district,

I see a house with a front yard and a back yard there

with flat gable roof and purlin.

The porch can hold 5 swallows' nests.

Our family has been floating on the river for many generations.

When I built a house there,

the villagers will surely see me in a new light.

Mom, this is my allowance.

If we start building on February 2 next year,

we can finish it by early winter.

When you come back next time, I can find

good wife for Wanli.

Are you going again?

Are you still going to w*r?

Mom, the w*r is over.

No more battles.

No more battles.

Show me your g*n.

Let us see it.

Don't point the g*n at anyone.

I told you not to point the g*n at anyone!

Orders from Army Corps Command!

Orders from Army Corps Command!

All attention!

Who is Ngo Thien Ly?



His leave is cancelled.

- To the mission tomorrow morning.

- Hear!

Natural justice.

Natural justice.

I'll be back in early spring.

- OK.

I will build a house when I come back.

I want to fight with you.

Baili said that he and I had fought enough for our family.

I don't need to join the army anymore.

Puppy, wait until I get home.

Go back now.

15/ 9/ 1950

Incheon, South Korea

As of July 7, this year,

General MacArthur, commander of the Marines,

declared w*r on North Korea.

With sweeping speed, the US Air Force...

carpet bombing the entire terrain of the enemy.

Victory is estimated in the span of several weeks.

This is AFNK.

Bringing the latest news from the front.

We are near the factory area southwest of Yalu River.

In position, target locked,

ready to drop.

Continue the mission.


Base control, this is Team Sword.

We're on the bombardment zone,

cross the Chinese border.

Objectives are clear, require action confirmation.


Sword Team.

Article 8 pieces to second place.

My job is to block their supply lines

by all necessary means.


Team Sword, clear.

An Dong China Border

Enemy plane!

Enemy plane!

Wolmido Islands, Incheon

Choose good photos for the press.

Is this part

of MacArthur's next presidential campaign?

Do you think he will become president after this w*r?

He tried twice.

Oliver P. Smith (Commander of the 1st Marines.)

Not an opportunity.

U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division.

31st Infantry Regiment. (Polar bears).

Look, the bear vomited.

How did you get on the train home?

If you want to be honorable, be discreet.

Don't embarrass the regiment.

You remember what our regiment did in Siberia, World w*r I?

And when we stopped the Japanese in the Philippines during World w*r 2?

My legacy, friend!

Don't worry, guys,

this place is not Normandy.

This is just a walk.

Sheriff 1 Marines hovering around reporters

and I'll show them what the real battle is.

Douglas MacArthur (General)

I will take back Seoul

and set up Korea!

And I assure you,

This is going to be a quick fight.

God bless, it will end on Thanksgiving.

General, establish the whole of Korea

does that mean American troops will cross the 38th Parallel?

If this is for the best for Korea and the world,

God will guide us!

Are you confident about this operation, General?

Do you underestimate Kim Il Sung?

He had Stalin and Mao backing him.

I never underestimate my enemies.

I have my track record.

Master 1 of the Outstanding Marine

and the most damned generals and soldiers

on the green earth of God.

I believe we will succeed.

Peng Dehuai

Deputy Commander of the People's Liberation Army of China.

Commander of the Northwest m*llitary Region.

I think we'll wrap this up well before Thanksgiving.

General, you can read my mind.

Edward M. Almond

(Commander of X Corps)

Beijing October 4, 1950

September 15 to 19,

More than 70,000 well-equipped American troops landed in Incheon.

Until September 28, Korean People's Army

retreat north of the 38th parallel.

The more serious problem is,

MacArthur visited Taiwan on July 31.

According to our report, the US 13th Air Force

will come and station in Taiwan.

This is America's biggest move

since the 7th Fleet began to lock down Taiwan

on June 26 this year.

This is a complete violation

statement of the US government

January 5 of this year.

On the 3rd of October, that is, yesterday,

1st Cavalry and 24

of the US Ground Forces are fully equipped

and ready to cross the 38th parallel at any time.

This completely crosses our lines.

Did you all hear?

If they cross the 38th Parallel,

Will they also cross the Yalu River?

In fact, stationed in Taiwan,

American troops have invaded our territory.

They are now gathering forces on the Korean Peninsula

and thr*aten our national security.

5/ 10/ 1950

3 am

Mao An Anh

Son of Mao Zedong

Uncle Peng.

An Anh,

... President sleep yet?

- Not yet.

I guess you'll be here

told me to wait for you at the door.

Chrysanthemum Perfume Library

Come in.

Several warships will be deployed

Join the US 7th Fleet.


Meanwhile, the US increased its m*llitary strength in Taiwan.

Peng, are you still awake?

What do you think about this situation?

I'd like to hear your thoughts first, Chairman.

This country was just established

and thousands of things waiting to be done.

If that's my current situation,

I really don't want this w*r.

But if for the future

and peaceful development

of our country in several decades or centuries,

We must fight this w*r.

Foreigners look down on us.


can only be obtained on the b*ttlefield.

I agree.

I support your decision to support Trieu.

I'm relieved.

Chairman, I'm thinking,

We should also have troops on the eastern front.

It can be located at Changbin Lake

to fight the American army.

Uncle Peng.

Uncle Peng.

Let me guess.

You know what I want to say?

Let me be your soldier, Commander Peng.

I have two brothers.

One is missing and still not found

in Shanghai, right?

Yes, in Shanghai.

The other is sick.

I am the only child

... maybe with your father now.

- Uncle Peng.

So you shouldn't go, son!

Hundreds of thousands of people's children

to the b*ttlefield with a call.

Why shouldn't I go?

Peng, let it go with you.

Right now, the most important thing

that is my western flank,

I Corps with 1st Cavalry Division and 24

will cross 38 and take Pyongyang.

American troops bombarded the 38th parallel

Mom, this is the Captain of Team 7 Fortune, 359-er.

We have reached our position.

Start bombing Target "Cast Iron".

Target pass time, estimated 1'.

In the meantime, the current plan

show me to the port city of Hungnam

and headed northwest to the Yalu River.

Remember I was separate from my forces at Truong Tan Lake.

American troops advance north

and crossed the 38th Parallel.

The Yalu River was right in front of them.

If we ignore them,

enemies at home and abroad will think that we are weak and gullible.

We are in the same boat.

Korean comrades ask me for help.


throw a punch now

to avoid a hundred punches in the future.

I declare

appointed Comrade Peng Duc Hoai

as Commander of the Chinese Volunteer Army

cum Political Commissar

command troops in this campaign abroad.

US Command - The tallest building in

Tokyo, Japan.

The Eastern Front's makeshift base

Gentlemen, my t*nk has crossed the 38th parallel

and my enemies have been overwhelmed.

To me, it seemed like victory was destined.

It's time to plan our next move.

General, the Air Force owns the airspace.

The 10th Army captured the port of Hungnam

and I am ready to proceed to the Yalu River.


Eastern Front of Mount Nangnim

Boss, has the president ordered us to proceed to Yalu?

Mr. Truman did not sign the order,

suggestion only.

What about China?

North Korean Western Front Command

, Pyongyang

They have deployed their soldiers

and they att*cked our army.

How should we respond to this preemptive warning

Walton H.Walker

(Commander of the 8th Army Corps)

and their actions?

General Walker, I command well-trained soldiers,

not farmers.

If we end this w*r,

We have to fight.

Taeyu-Dong Volunteer Command

, North Korea

Commander, I received a call

American motorized forces continued to

advance north at a rapid pace.

If it goes on like this,

The enemy will soon come to my doorstep.

Commander Peng, 1st Division Marine, US Marines

landed at Wonsan.

Dang Hoa

Deputy Commander of the Chinese Volunteer Army

Their chief, Major General Smith

are leading their 25,000 heavily armed soldiers

gathered from the eastern front toward Truong Tan Lake.

They want to form a pincer att*ck

with their forces on the western front

to completely occupy Korea.

Report to the President immediately.

I intend to concentrate our troops on the western front first.

against the American army.

At the same time, request the Central m*llitary Commission

send strategic troops to Korea now

and intercepted the enemy at Truong Tan Lake on the eastern front.

It's correct.

Send telegram to Commander Peng

explained as Kanggye and Changbin Lake

should be taken care of by

Song Shilun's 9th Army Corps.

3rd Field Army, 9th Army Corps of

the Chinese Volunteer Army

Their mission is to lure the enemy

and take the opportunity to destroy them.

How many Model 38 r*fles do we have?

What about Sten 99?

I have enough.

Take it all away.

Company captain, Vu Thung Dung fights with brothers.

- With whom?

- Soldiers of the a*tillery Battalion.

Sit still.

Speak loudly!

I can not hear anything.

He just couldn't.

Go down.

Vu Thung Dung!

Duong, what's going on?

- Battalion commander Duong said...

- Quiet!

Comrade Battalion Captain.

Battalion commander Duong said the battle of Thanh Guan town

causing too many casualties for the 7th Company.

No big deal when we win.

If it weren't for the a*tillery Battalion,

We can't even fight.

They should be credited for the victory.

Battalion Commander Duong, 7th Company we protect

8 out of 11 g*ns for your a*tillery Battalion.

We backed you up, didn't we?

What is he really doing?

What a great honor to end a battle with so many casualties!

- What did you say?

- Ngo Thien Ly!

What are you doing?


Chief, we're planning

to have a party with the a*tillery Battalion.

No kidding, the Commander is here.


Commander, I'm Ngo Thien Ly,

Captain of the 7th Company.

I have heard about you.

Hero of my 9th Army.

Your 7th Company is quite famous.

Everyone called him 7th Master att*ck Company.

Party Committee of the Army Corps

should have given you the flag,

but now have to wait until the w*r is over.


Strictly hello!

Song Shilun, Commander and Political Commissar of

the 9th Army Corps of the Chinese Volunteers



I met a boy

here today.

He insists that he is your Master

allow him to join the army.

The master asked him,

"Why do you want to join the army?"

he said,

My father said

Communist Party

and Chairman Mao

give land to our family.

But someone is here

to take their land.

Ta khng th chuyn xy ra.

That's left over.

I just liberated the whole country.

Before we have time to rest,

American empire

start a w*r with Korea

on our northern border.

They intend to breathe the breath of w*r

into our young China.

What should I do?

To hit!


Chairman Mao Commander Chu

order my 9th Army

go north,

resistance against the US, North Korea's aid,

protect our country!

Anti-American Academy of Korea!

Defend our Motherland!

Anti-American Academy of Korea!

Defend our Motherland!

Go Go go!

Our troops move towards the sun.

Standing on mother earth,

I am the hope everyone expects.

No one can sh**t me down.

Ngo Thien Ly!


- Bring the 7th company back.

- Yes!

He's the boy the Commander just mentioned.

He said he was Ngo Thien Ly's younger brother.

I will give it to you.


Go there!

How did I find this place?

I follow you secretly.

How do I meet the Master?

He must be a big man if he's in a car.

Did you stop the Master's car?

I want to join the army.

Do parents know?

Is not.

Get out of here!

The companies are in position!

Get m*llitary equipment!

1, 2, 3, 4!

Stuck in place!

141 soldiers must report to Company 3.

130 soldiers were present to receive the mission.

The rest are on their way.

258 soldiers had to report to the a*tillery Battalion.

221 soldiers were present to receive the mission.

157 soldiers must present

Commander Company 7.


My Thang Company 7 was present.

157 soldiers must present

Commander Company 7.

157 soldiers were present to receive the mission.

Lined up!


company captain,

I pee.

Excuse me before you speak.

If you glean, pee here.

Natural justice.

company captain,

I'm here right now!

Do not touch me.

Go away.

He was discharged from the army. Why did you come back?

Some people feel insecure without me.

What do you mean me?

I read the newspaper as soon as I get home.


I haven't finished the discharge procedure yet.

I cycled for 12 hours

to come back here.

You should give me a massage when we get on the train.


What are you doing?


Someone hold him!


Units on board!

Units on board!


Go on the boat!

Wu Wanli, come down here!

This way!


Over there.

Squad leader.

Hurry up.

Over there.


- Is everyone enough?

- Yes!

The 9th Army Corps will advance to the Sino-Korean Border

after training and receiving equipment in Shandong.

That new soldier will join the a*tillery Platoon.

Make a list and sign him up later.

We have no shortage of soldiers.

His name is Ngo Van Ly.

Please accept him.

We're about to go to w*r.

What do I have to teach it?

Teach it excess you taught me.

Teach him to survive.

I stayed with Platoon Captain Lei.

What do you look at?


Are you ashamed?

Why do you want to join the army?

So that my brother will respect me.

What did you say?

You're just tough enough

when your enemies take you seriously.

When will I receive the g*n?

You want a g*n?

Get one for yourself outside the school.

Isn't that so?



Binh Hoa, take this.

Your daughter?

Up 8.

4 + 4 = 7 with her.

Why are you carrying your medals?

- Are you afraid of losing them?

- If I leave these in Shanghai,

My family will miss me very much.

My wife cycled more than 100 miles to see me off.

She cried all the way.

She asked when I'll be back.

My parents didn't ask me to stay at all.

I promised them to come back in the spring

to build houses for them.

He's too serious. Stop teasing him.

Come on, little mouse.

Let me introduce everyone to you.

My name is Vu Thung Dung,

Platoon leader of 1st Platoon Company 7.

Enemies usually go before being att*cked.

When I att*ck, the enemy is ahead,

behind, and around me.


Don't take weapons.

He had to regain the respect he had lost by himself.

The person I will introduce next is

a*tillery Platoon Commander.

I am Lei.

Baili and Thien Ly

were all taught by him.


in 7th Company, he was the father.

He is Lei's father.

Call him Dad Loi.

I will fight again.

what are you thinking?

And you?

The fear of the b*ttlefield is recurring

what is written in the book

the fear he felt as a rookie.

It just feels redundant.

- Stop fighting if you can't win.

- Let me go!

I will k*ll him!

The person behind you is our sn*per, Binh Hoa.


Come back here!

Where are you?

Commander Company 7!

7th Company is not spared like this.

Did I take the wrong car?

I asked Vu Thung Dung to test his personality.

Natural justice.

They bullied me.

Bullying me?

Then keep fighting!

They outnumber me.

Every enemy the 7th Company encounters

several times more than me.

You can go tell the enemy

are they outnumbered me?

Now, we will have the admission ceremony for Comrade Ngo Van Ly.

Strictly hello!


- Vu Thung Dung.

- Yes!

He is a seasoned teammate.

Tell Ngo Van Ly

Captain Ngo Bach Ly has passed away.


Company captain Ngo Bach Ly actively att*cked the enemy

with a small group of soldiers in Hoai Hai.

After destroying the enemy bunkers, he d*ed

while holding his comrades in his arms.

What did 7th Company do after his death?

7 Main Company

destroy and capture

The enemy army is 6 times larger.

The enemy bunkers were

holding back our troops for more than five years

was defeated by 7th Company in half a day.

Our front line is behind the enemy's front line.

I can make many sacrifices, but for those sacrifices,

Army casualties were minimized.

We shouldn't brag about this.

The most important thing is to hold on.

I cannot be careless.

The American troops we will face

has the most advanced equipment in the world.

This battle will be extremely difficult.

But we must decide to win.

Do you understand, Wu Wanli?

Ngo Van Ly,

I'm the 677th soldier now

of the 7th Landlord Company.

You can say, "Where do you get so many extra people?

There are just over 100 here."

I count every soldier

since the founding of the 7th Company,

even the dead

or discharge after injury.

And now you're one of us.

I'm the 135th soldier

of the 7th Landlord Company,

My Thang.

Soldier 221,

Vu Thung Dung.

280th soldier,

Binh Hoa.

335th soldier,

Ha Truong Quy.

572th soldier,

Lee Chich Chinh.

657th soldier,

Liu Zhiyi.

533rd soldier,

Ba Long.

565th soldier,

Tuyen Cuong.

Soldier 162,

Ngo Thien Ly.

Soldier 161,

Ngo Bach Ly.

17th soldier,

Lei Tuyet Sinh.

What about you?

Let me tell you again.

Do not need.

She will remember when the time comes.

I just wish she would

I don't want anything from her.

Ngo Van Ly,

I'm afraid the seasoned veterans

won't accept me.

Let me tell you.

I'll just know if they accept me or not

when I'm away from school.

Cracked egg shell

easy to eat.

If I could break an egg from the inside,

I can be an eagle.

I announce:

because Comrade Ngo Van Ly violated discipline

and the distrust he has caused,

The original plan for the enlistment ceremony was cancelled.


I quit!

I never wanted you to join the army.


I go here!

Ngo Van Ly

Stand still!

Don't stop me!

Do you want to die?

Don't shake anymore!

I'll stand here and be punished

until morning.

Take this.

Your brother agreed.

Remember, don't point the g*n at yourself.

You will lie on my bed.

Let's go.

The captain told me to stand until morning.

It's not time yet.

You and your two brothers are both stubborn!



Very good.

Very good.

It's time to eat!

Hey, what are you doing?


Go away!

You haven't given me a*mo.

Where's the b*llet?

I'll take you when we get to North Korea.

Do not forget.

East Jie An Railway Station China Border

Chief Ga, where did you lose your hand?

- Cam Chau!

- Captain!

Stop it. Stop.

What do you want? Just say it.

I heard it was very cold across the river.

Are you wearing it all?

Why don't you change into cotton uniforms in Shenyang?

There is not enough.

Otherwise, we won't have to bother you.

Here are all the badges and insignia

for all officers and soldiers

of the 7th Landlord Company.

We collect them on order.

If you can stay two more days,

50,000 cotton uniforms will arrive.

Let me, let me.

The 7th Mainstream Company was ordered to deliver 20 radios to Korea

and wait for the command there.

We guarantee to get the job done!

Wu Wanli, look at this.

American plane!

It's an American plane!

A reconnaissance plane.

Go on the boat!

Thank you!

Cotton uniforms!

Get the cotton uniform!


- Get a cotton uniform!

- Let's go!


Cotton uniforms!

Let's go now!


7th Company, get on board!

Get on board now!

Hurry hurry!

Where is Ngo Van Ly?

Ngo Van Ly!

Where is Ngo Van Ly?


All present?

2nd Platoon is here!

3rd Platoon is here!

Captain, look!

Get the cotton uniform!


Cotton uniforms!


Don't come anymore!

That's dangerous!

Catch them!

Watch your feet!

Enough! Don't throw anymore.



Cotton uniforms!

Catch them!

Thank you!

Take care.


Thank you!

Thien Ly, I saw a dead b*mb.

If there is no radio transmitter,

I can't contact the central government

or frontline troops.

Like if we didn't have a map,

there is no way to wage w*r.

Commander Peng, additional m*llitary radio

was brought on board at Cat An.

The 9th Army Corps was supposed to escort

them to the volunteers.

- What about weak soldiers?

- They will arrive at the same time.

Yalu River Bridge on China-North Korea border

Why does the train stop?

See the road ahead.

Stay at the spot 30'!

30' rest. It's good now.

Comrades, time is precious!


Hurry up.

Who is that?

Dam Tu Vy, Battalion Commander 3rd Battalion.

He's from my Company.

He is the 160th soldier.

He enlisted at the same time as Baili.

Bach Ly?


He was once the agile man of our Company.

An undefeated hero.

Battalion commander, Chief would like to see you.

Platoon leader, are we there?

Yeah, I just crossed the Yalu River.


b*llet head.

Well that one.

I'll give them to you when we go to w*r.

Come on, run back with me.

They are all sn*pers.

Who is better, Binh Hoa or him?

Who is better, your brother or him?

Bullshit, I have two brothers.

Two against one.

What is this?

Can't talk to you.

I just spotted the troop train.

Wheelhouse, this is Summer 19.

We spotted a train carrying North Korean troops

stop in the valley.

Get inside now!

Units board and get equipment!

Companies get their gear and get off the ship!

Spread out and spread out in battalions!

Hiding and cutting through Mount Nangnim

then gather at Truong Tan Lake!

Get the radio first, the squire get off the train now!

How's your amm*nit*on?

I still have little GP left.

Drop them on the ship, k*ll that target.

Two 26s can return to the K-2.

Wanli, go get food!


Withdraw from the train!

Withdraw from the train!

Stop unloading! Withdraw!

Fast! Fast!

Dan, get some more!

Wanli, stop taking things, go!


Natural justice!

Carrying this much, how do you guys run?

Drop them!

Drop them now!

You want to be a target?

Range 185, altitude 350.

Prepare to fire.

Checking devices.

The commissar, our radio and our operatives are fine.


Enemy aircraft will crush this area.

There are few trees and no shelter nearby.

The most important thing is to find a place to hide first.

then continued marching into the night.

After crossing the river, seek refuge.

Hurry up, this is the only way we can go.

Guard, Team 1.

The rest of them rest.

Wanli, why do you keep so many spare cards?

The platoon leader said he'd give me the warhead

when we got to the b*ttlefield.

He's kidding you.

This sandbox is useless.


Why should I lie to you?


It's nothing yet. You haven't seen me throw stones.

Did the platoon leader bully you?

When I first joined the Company, he bullied me a lot.

Let me tell you,

His right ear is deaf from the expl*si*n.

I always curse him in that ear.

You try.


I hope he gets b*rned to death by a cigarette.


Platoon captain.

The captain is looking for you.

Wait for me here.


My error.

It's the left ear.

Do not be angry anymore.

What are you doing, thanks.

Of course.

Each platoon will proceed in a 466th battle formation.

Protect radios and ciphers between 2nd and 3rd platoons.


Which direction?

Right in front of us.

I don't have time! Hide!


Don't move

no I'm dead!

They come back.

Do they notice us?




I can't sh**t!

With an altitude of 30m and the north wind,

I can hit it.

- I believe you.

But the other will call for more fighters.

Damn Dutchman, call him.

I don't see anything moving down there.

I started worrying about my cannon freezing.


Did you see those bodies?

How about sh**ting?

10 dollars I feel better!


They fly sideways.

You owe me 10, Holland!

Damn it!

Half d*ke, make it 50!

How far have I gone?

I can't die here!

Come on, k*ll those bastards!

This man will k*ll you.


1st and 2nd Platoon, the one on the right.

3rd and 4th platoon, the one on the left.

Follow my orders!

Escort the radio and the mercenaries ahead!


Groundhog 2, Groundhog 4, this is the Groundhog commander.

Follow me.

Reconnaissance of the 7th Marines reported

troop density south of the 25th-north parallel.


This live beer!

Meat them!

I understand!

How's the radio and the squire?

8 is broken and 12 is still usable.

Fortunately, the weak soldiers were all unharmed.

Soldiers never leave g*ns on the ground.

What is this?

I can't talk to you.

Thien Ly, Truong Tieu Son is dead.

I will experience these residuals

very often in the future.

Where is his hometown?

Yimeng Mountain, Shandong Province,

Linyi City, Gu Town.

He is two months younger than me.

Let's go.

We may meet the enemy ahead.

Don't open it.

Ni Nangnim

Sir, I can't detect the radio working here.

No way!

With many Chinese soldiers marching,

they must communicate with each other.

I know they're down there.

This is the last cell that we have not considered.

Direction 1g. Fly lower to see.

Wing 2, he flew to the east of the valley.

Open door.

- Boss, it's very windy outside.

- Open door!

Lieutenant, I'm down!

No, boss!

It's dangerous!


Give me the camera.

Lieutenant, take me to the next section!


company captain,

There was g*nf*re on the other side of the mountain.

- Report to the Politician.

- Yes!

It seems that the surplus is our army.

That's right, our army.

They were att*cked by American troops.

The enemy is very strong.

If I don't help,

they won't last more than 20'.

The two men continued with the radio to Taeyu-dong.

Make sure you arrive on time.

Vu Thung Dung, Binh Hoa, and 1st Battalion stayed here with me.

Give me one of your a*tillery batteries.

I'll send the 3rd a*tillery battery with you.

Let me go to w*r.

This is the first time we have fought directly with the American army.

I should be here.

In addition, I taught myself English for 2 years.



Back! Back!


Support them!

- Where's my M20, damn it!

- sh**t!

Back! Back!


Take the high score and take down the mortar!


Quy Xuan Canh 6th Company, Regiment 172!

Ngo Thien Ly Company 7, 1st Storm Regiment.

Our mission is to blow up the American signal tower,

cut off communication between the US front line

and headquarters at Truong Tan Lake!

The enemy fire was too strong and we suffered heavy casualties!

Our breakthrough was defeated on the barn in front of the tower.

Platoon leader, Wu Wanli disappeared!

Tell them to stop ahead.


Everyone stop!

Does it lag behind?

- It lags behind!

- That son of a bitch!

Lei, listen.

There are reinforcements.

- What should I do?

- We can't let them pass.

Stop them right here.

Put radio escorts and squishy soldiers first.

Tanks have limited visibility.

I'll take the peaks.

Tanks can't reach us.

Mortars need concentrated fire

and take down their troop transport first.

Why do I come here?

Don't come up here!

- There's another guy, Take it down!

- Where?

At 2 o'clock, keep sh**ting!

Who told you to come up here?

Get in, now!

- Vu Thung Dung!

- Yes, boss!

- Go get the expl*si*n!

- Yes!

Ask the rest to defend and save the wounded!

Fast! Go there!

Diep, Kn*fe!

Platoon captain.

Hide away!


Ambush from the hill!



Find cover, find me where those mortars are!

Scat! Scat!

Withdraw! Withdraw!

Lure them up the hill!

Grenade! Fast!

To go!

Vu Thung Dung!

I'm fine!

Don't go over!

To go!

I will lure them!

- Hear my g*nf*re!

- Yes!

Watch out behind!

Politician, problem solved.

s*ab him!

Smash away!

s*ab him!

Vu Thung Dung!

Cover me, I chase it.


Come here!

Bend over and sit still!

Hurry up!


Bow low.


- Head to 9g, take them down!

- It's clear!

Team Captain!

You stay here and don't go out there.


Grenades here.

Count to five and throw it away.

Just sh**t!


1, 2, 3!



Vu, send your men to blow up the signal tower!

Vu Thung Dung!

Hey team 3, push to the embankment!

Push up, push up the embankment!

Scat! Scat!

Company chaos, ambush att*ck!

Increase 1-1 and 1-2

Go to the tower!

Go to die!

Go to die!

Damn it!

My cannon is stuck!

Team Captain!

Captain Ngo, two American tanks

and dozens of infantrymen heading this way!

Vu Thung Dung, the American t*nk that we captured

from the Battle of South Shandong,

Do you remember how to use it?

- Yes!

Damn, I can't see anything!

Me too, okay?


Hold tight!

I cannot stop it.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Come on out of here.









Damn, we have to get out of here!

To go! To go! To go!

It's dad's fault.

I hope our next generation

no longer have to live in w*r.

Why do you disobey orders?

How can I come here by myself?

I want to be with you.

Is that my reason?

Because you are my brother.

Are you hungry?

In the army, you have to obey orders.

Your teammates can die for your mistake

if you act on your own accord.

Do you understand?

Go write self-criticism.

What is self-examination?

Hagaruri American Airfield, Eastern Front

Hagaruri Headquarters,

Whirlybird 1, ht.

Move on, Whirlybird 1.

Where do you want us to land? Over.

Go to Pan 1, done.

Received, finished.



Sir, here's the report.

Sir, General Almond is here.


General Oliver Smith,

What the hell is that runway out there?

I'm building an airport.

Because it's essential if I'm in charge

for every life here.

A cup of coffee.

Fatal mistake in combat

without the will to win!

Look outside, General.

Our troops are trapped between the mountains of hell

and sub-zero temperatures.

And now, I have a report

about the Chinese army in Van Son.

Your command is to move forward!

This won't be a flash w*r

that MacArthur expected.

This fight follows the schedule!

And it's your job to keep it, Smith!

Regarding the mission,

I'm the leader of this task force,


Where's the coffee?

When it's all over,

You will have to face the consequences.

It's correct,

I will, Edward.

We will.

25/ 11

My men will be on the west line.

And if you don't come,

I will peel your scalp!

I will skin your scalp with my own hands!

A sugar cube, boss?

Binh Hoa, Truong Quy.

Near by.

Near by.

Are you guys hungry?


Endure the dike.

Our army.

I see that.

Commanding Officer, 7th att*ck Company has arrived

bring 12 radios

and 4 ciphers under orders, please check.

- Ly, put the weak muscles in first.

- Yes!

- Comrades, bring in the radio.

- Yes!

Guys, come with me.

- Save, take them on vacation.

- Yes.

Thank you, Commanding Officer.

- Ngo, please come with me.

- Thank you.

Let's go.

You're not dead.

What did you write?

Seen, Seen!

Comrades, let me read it to you.

Self-criticism of Comrade Ngo Van Ly.

No, no, it's an all-zero report.

I disobeyed Commander Lei.

I went to 0 my brother.

I'm 0. I won't do that again.


My little comrade is growing up.

Good attitude, but not signed does not count.

Sign it.

If you break the egg from the inside,

you might have a chance to lay more eggs.

Get out of here!

And you.

You're a f*cking kid,

Do you make fun of others?

Comrades and comrades Vu Thung Dung

was so scared that he peed his pants, the first time he went to w*r.

I did the laundry for him myself.

I can testify to that.

Everyone, change your torn clothes

or dirty clothes here.

Change into these clean clothes.

Thank you for your concern, comrade.

He's had a hard time.

Dachuan, choose three clean uniforms

and take out cotton to make a first aid bandage.

Share the rest with my comrades.

Prioritize wounded soldiers.

Obviously, priority is given to wounded soldiers.

Draw your little house again?

If I don't come back,

give this to my parents.

They cannot read.

Ask the teachers in the village to read to them.

This is taboo.

Change it. Brick it away.

You don't have that little triangle

on previous drawings.

What is it?

I buried Baili there.

Let me see.

This is beautiful. This is beautiful.

ng ch, n no cha?

We have more here if you want.


How many Americans must be k*lled to become a hero?

Just two?

Add a zero after it.

I have to k*ll 20 to be a hero?

You were a hero

if you were in battle.

Who is he?

Are you at my house or not?

Is not.

After all, he has no one in his home town of Yi Mong.

If you live with me, you can stay in Baili's room.

You can get married and have two kids

with his future wife.

It looked over at the pigsty.

I did not come.

It's good if it's a pigsty. Lei, if you raise pigs,

You can live well. Plus, there's food and shelter.

He will live a happy life.

Okay, I can go.

Politician, who is Captain Ngo?


Commander Ngo, he's looking for you.

Hello, Commander Ngo.

- I'm Assistant Save from Command.

- Hi.

- It's hard for you.

- It's my duty.

But your Company must be on its way.

We received a call from our superiors.

The eastern and western fronts will jointly launch an all-out offensive.

The superiors asked the 7th Company to arrive at the

1100 point in Sinhung-ni of Truong Tan Lake.

When do we go?

Attention, brothers.

5 minutes, we're on our way.

- Ready to go.

- Yes!

Hundreds of thousands of children of commoners

go to w*r with a summons.

Why can't I go?

Peng, let me have it

go with him.

The 9th Army approaches Changbin Lake

Commander of the 9th Army's Front Department

Chengfang-dong, Korea

Command from CHS, before we reach the specified point.

Strictly turn off the radio.

I sent cotton uniforms to combat units?

Not yet.

Without air supremacy, it is difficult to secure logistics.

In addition, our fleet was subjected to air raids.

We have to find every possible way

to send cotton uniforms to frontline units soon!

We cannot let our soldiers freeze to death on the b*ttlefield.

How many days will my rations last?

If we eat one potato every day, it will last

us to Sinhung-ni at most.

We should find a way to save some

for wounded soldiers.

Take these potatoes.

Take them.

23/ 11/ 1950

Don't push, wait your turn.

Get out of here.

Come on... I just want bacon.

Leave them out.

This is soft.

Plenty for Donald Duck to come home for Thanksgiving.

Instead, he submitted his

Christmas wish list.

I'm not looking forward to the mom this Thanksgiving.

I'm not looking forward to the mom this Thanksgiving.

That's the list,

But what I want is to go home.

Thien Ly, can I ask why when I was a baby I always bullied you?



Mom used to give me

delicious food to eat.

When I was born,

That's not for you anymore.

Binh Hoa, do you still want to tell the truth about Baili?

Keep it in your heart.

See, old man.

I, I have news from the Air Force.

My family cooks broccoli with cheese for Thanksgiving,

Do you want to come to our house to celebrate next year?

I will, buddy.

If we go home.



No sign of enemy, pilots reported signal interference

every time they fly over this area.


Yes Boss.

25/ 11/ 1950

I do not believe!

You must leave!

Dang Hoa!

Turn off the radio!


Turn off the radio!

Cao Thuy Tan!


Did you bring a map?


Let's go.

Enemy plane here!

- Withdraw now!

- Fast!

Enter the air defense bunker.

Hurry up!

- Boy.

- Fast!

Those behind, keep up!

Are coming!

Hurry up, keep up!

What's wrong?

Hurry hurry!

There is still a map on the wall.

We don't have that many maps to spare.

Take this!

Team 2, on duty.

Commander, I lost contact with Taeyu-dong.

Commander Peng, these things belong to the martyrs,

Assistant Save.

Deputy Commander Deng, we have no information on Assistant Liu.

Who is he?

What is his full name?

Dang Hoa.

The other day, November 27, 1950,

The 9th Army Corps will begin the general offensive at Truong Tan Lake.

They have...

Do they know what to do?


Clear me a new headquarters!


Currently... 38th, 39th and 40th Army Corps

gathered at Thanh Thon river.

He had to quickly complete the deployment in

the Ho Truong Tan w*r zone.

In two days, the east and west fronts will begin

total att*ck at the same time.

Song Shi Luan, remember.


Smash their mother!

The 20th Army will split up and surround the enemy

Koto-ri, Yudam-ni v Hagaru-ri.

Make sure 27th Army concentrates its fire

destroy American troops in Sinhung-ni.


After the 27th Army destroyed two large enemy strongholds,

destroy the airport in Hagaru-ri

and cut the enemy's air line.

Meanwhile, prevent the enemy from reinforcing the north.


Where is the 27th Army now?

They have reached the designated point.

The Commander of the 27th Corps to cover and stay strong

so that we can stop the enemy from running south

Where is the 26 o'clock corps?

According to the original plan,

they are 100km from Koto-ri.

Commander of the 26th Army Corps

immediately marched 50km towards Truong Tan Lake.


20th and 27th corps ready for battle

and act at the same time as the Western front.

Start of total att*ck

4:30 pm on the 27th!


What is the lowest temperature tonight?

- 40C.

We're not just fighting the Americans.

We are also fighting against God.

General, we have reports of division-sized Chinese attacking troops

in both Tokchon and Nyongwon.

That's more than G2 had estimated.

Four other aspects are also evident.

The whole front is under heavy att*ck, boss.

Where do they come from?

Did they fall from the g*dd*mn sky?

I don't know the boss, but the reports are pouring in.

Ho Truong Tan, Eastern Front

Go Go go!

Hey, way more lights in there!

9th Company of Volunteers

Did I get the order?

That guy

Raised his foot.

Hurry up!

Get the crates here!

Hurry up!

Get some more!

Right there!

Stack on you guys!

Come on, pick it up!

Hurry up!

No, I don't see any sign of the enemy.

Soldiers leave their mothers, this is not North Korea.

This is the North Pole.

7th Volunteer Army Company

Take me to hold it for a while.

What are they singing?

Don't fall asleep.

Wake up.

Merry Christmas.

What does it mean?

The American holiday takes place before the New Year.

Call it Christmas.

What is it?

To be truly happy.

After all, their life is not so much fun.

MacArthur also said they would

cross the Yalu River before the new year

so their soldiers can go home to rest.


Do they want to go home on vacation?

I'll give them a reason to go home.

Do you miss mom?

Thien Ly, when Baili d*ed,

were you with him?

He lost the lower half of his body

due to the expl*si*n.

I can't put his intestines back inside,

no matter how hard you try.

He said he was very cold.

He hugged him in his arms.

His lips


I can't hold

blood for him.

He asked me

Help him die early.

Natural justice,

Let me be with you.

If you have excess Baili, I can help you too.

26/ 11/ 1950

How's it going?

Tanks, Crawler Trucks,

and CHS.

From the direction of fast forward

of the US 31st Army Corps

We can predict the enemy's CHS

will be established around the high point of 1100.

They are known as Polar Bears.

They fought in Siberia during World w*r 1

and in the Pacific during World w*r 2.

This is their Tr*mp card.

I will show them

My fists are solid.

Why haven't I seen anything yet?

Do you think something happened?

Monks 59, 79 and 89 arrived at Yudam-ni on time.

Monks 80 and 81 took up positions at Sinhung-ni.

What is the speed of Smith corps?

3km per day.

They move at snail speed.

According to their marching routes and topography,

Smith's legion will probably be stretched.

Then we can divide their formation into several segments.

We must destroy Smith at Changbin Lake.

Let's wait.

Peak 1100 is right in front of me.

If we get there before dawn,

We can block the way of the American army.

Don't waste my time here.

- Report the units. Be ready.

- Yes.

Bring your gear and get ready to go.

All attention! Ready to hit the road.


I kept this just for you.

What do you want?

Why do you seem so upset?

Fighting the Polar Bear is an extremely difficult battle.

Can you leave Wanli to me?

You gave him to me.

Now I want to take him back.

What are you going to do?

He charged at the enemy tirelessly. Very helpful for me.

Take good care of him.

When the w*r ends, he will be my adopted son.

I hope it will take care of me in my old age.

This bastard, if he's your adopted son,

What should I call you?

Call me dad.

I'll break your old tooth.

Remember, as soon as the battle begins,

he followed his brother.

He's more sensitive and alert than a rabbit.

The b*ll*ts didn't hit him.

Don't be ostentatious.

I try to fight well in this w*r.

Those behind, speed up!

27/ 11/ 1950

Commander, Smith's legion hasn't arrived yet.

Don't wait any longer.

5' more to start the total att*ck.

Sinhung-ni, Ho Truong Tan


Have I been discovered?

Is not.

We're about to start our att*ck.




Enemy att*ck, Code Red!

Block the enemy's att*ck position.

Boss, they come from everywhere!

Dinner is served!

Load cannon!





Reload b*ll*ts!

Go Go go!

Need more a*mo!

Never ran out of spare a*mo before!

Reload b*ll*ts!

Would you choose it, Glover?

Yeah, I got it, I got it!

Okay, we have to go!

Prepare the second series!

They come!

You think we'll make it in time for dinner?

Shut up, Costello!

I'll be lucky if they don't roast my turkey for dinner.


Fast! Right here!

2 up front and 3 behind. Fast!

Hide! Hide now!

Aim for the central watchtower!


Ready, sh**t!

The way, where's your mortar?

Adjust up. Adjust up.

Adjust up.

Lei, great job!

Who called me?

I'm not.


Article t*nk guard CHS!

God, Sunny.

To go! Find the American flag!

Destroy their headquarters.


Sir, the Air Force is coming!

The enemy is approaching!

Urgent orders are required, boss!

Aim at them now!


Transfer b*ll*ts to them!

Hurry up!


Tanks come!

Go that way!

Find shelter!

Hurry up, hide!

To go!




Leave me alone!

What a try!

To go!

To go!

Don't fall asleep, my friend. Wait for me.

Dai Chuan! Dai Chuan!




Up there!

Spread out!

Spread out!


Rush forward!

To hit!


Spread out!






Climb up! Fast!

Boarding! Block them!

Daring fools are never heroes!


You must stay calm on the b*ttlefield!

I order a full withdrawal!


Units retreat!

Burn it all!

Out of here!

To go!

They retreat!

Block them!


Boss, the car is ready!

To go!



What are you doing?

Only 8 more left! I'm almost 20!

Several sh*ts had to be fired.

Some sh*ts may stop.

Units, move to position.

Wait for orders.

I repeat.

Wait for orders.

To go! To go! To go!

Units, into position.

Wait for orders.

I repeat.

Wait for orders.

Boss, Sinhung-ni called

Request reinforcement immediately.

They are withdrawing urgently.

Landman, give Sinhung-ni reinforcements. Scat!


Units assemble immediately and count the remaining numbers.

Company 2, Battalion 3 stayed to guard.

Watch out in all directions!

3rd Platoon and 6th Platoon, defend southwest.

Call him the Former Captain.

Former Captain.

Not him.

I didn't tell you?

I see, the undefeated hero.


How old are you?

Kid, did you see the enemy plane?

Open belly plane

and dropped bombs.

Then our troops wore yellow uniforms

fall from one person to another.

What do we call those brothers?

who was k*lled in the quest?

What do we call frozen people?

After marching for 6 days and nights

No food or sleep?

And those who rush 10m to the enemy

just to throw their grenades?

They were k*lled.

What should we call them?

There is no hero who never freezes,

leaving those who were never k*lled.

Soldiers live only for honor and glory.

Which one should I call you?

677th Soldier,

Ngo Van Ly.

"Ten thousand" means ten thousand.



American plane here!


American plane!

Find shelter!

God save me!

Spread out!

American b*mb!

Are you okay?

What is your name?

Boss, I'm the 280th soldier of 7th company, Binh Hoa.

Good FX!

Spread out!

Good FX!

They will b*mb us!

Good FX!

Spread out!

Clear vision, clear vision.

Ready to drop. Over.

Enemy plane! Spread out!

This guy will send you FX bombs back!


People say...

People say

Nghi Mong mountain is the best.


on Nghi Mong mountain.

Lift the car up.

That's hurt.

That's hurt.

Do not...

Do not...

Don't leave me alone here.

Why do you want to join the army?

Then Thien Ly will take me seriously.

What are you talking about?

You're just tough enough

when your enemies take you seriously.

Lei Sui Sheng.

It won't hurt anymore.

It won't hurt anymore.

You did well, Lei.

Give me.

When I went home last time,

Every time I go out, people nod and smile at me.

I don't know them,

but they recognized my uniform.

Before I left the house, my daughter asked me,

"Dad, why fight this w*r?"

If we don't fight this w*r,

My next generation will have to fight it.

I risk my life

to give them a peaceful life.

My mom keeps staring at me

Don't say a word

when I leave the house.

I know

She doesn't want me to go.

My wife said

when i come home next time,

I have to teach my daughter to do math.

I must win the w*r

and bring them home.

Hagaruri Airport The Great American Evacuation.

Sir, your helicopter is here. The boss can go at any time.

The 5th and 7th regiments have not arrived yet

and this will be an important evacuation route.

- All equipment is loaded on board now.

- OK, get ready.

He sent that helicopter to evacuate the wounded.

Those people are not out of danger yet!

Hey, get out! Cheers!

Out of here!

US Marines withdraw from Hagaruri towards Sumun Bridge,

on the way past the high point 1071.

3rd Division 58th Volunteer Army

Avoid many att*cks from US Marines.

Go now! Go away! Go away!

American plane here!

American plane here!



Yang Gan Tu, 3rd Platoon Commander



Battalion commander, we have repelled

the enemy att*ck once again.

Our captain said,

We must fight!


Who else?

Comrades, I have held the b*ttlefield 24g

and repel 7 waves of enemy att*cks.

Even if I reach the last one,

I never let the enemy pass under my feet!

Fight to the death to defend my front!

Fight to the death to defend my front!

I don't believe the quest can't be completed.

I do not believe in insurmountable difficulties.

I don't believe the enemy can't be defeated.

Duong Can Tu

Master 1 of the US Marines

Retreat towards the port of Hungnam

Boss must see this.

Let me see.

Fight against these super strong-willed people

I don't want to win.

105,000 US 10th Army troops have been evacuated from the

port of Hungnam. The 9th Army captured the port of Hungnam.

The Battle of Changbin Lake is a perfect example

annihilated an American reinforcement regiment

in the w*r against the American Academy of Korea,

make American troops on the eastern front

"The largest retreat in the history of the Marines."

Second battle of the w*r

to resist the Korean American aid,

The 9th Army achieved great results on the b*ttlefield

on the eastern front in the Battle of Truong Tan Lake.

While coordinating with our troops on the western front,

brave soldiers foiled the pretentious MacArthur's plan

to "end the w*r before Christmas" and

pushed the US-led "UN Command" from

the Yalu River to the other side of the 38th Parallel.

The battle that completely tilted the scale of the Korean w*r

and set the stage for the final victory of the Korean w*r of Resistance.

More than 197,000 Chinese heroically d*ed in the w*r.

More than 300,000 heroes including Duong Can Tu, Hoang Ke Quang,

Khau Thieu Van, etc., and nearly 6,000 people were honored.

The great spirit from the w*r endures through time!

The brave martyrs of the Volunteer Army

will never be forgotten!

Which unit can quickly reach

the Treadway bridge and cut off the enemy's retreat?

Company 7 of Jinan 1st Regiment.

Send them to the Treadway Bridge immediately and k*ll the US Marine.

Save them first.

Don't go through.

There are mines.

sh**t in the hole!

Grenade! Fall!

Bach Ly is my brother.

You are also my brother.

All soldiers of Company 7

are my brothers.

Destroy their command tower.

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