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Battle of El Alamein, The (1969)

Posted: 04/16/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
June 1942. Rommel's advance
towards the Nile seemed unstoppable.

Italian and German advance units
were racing towards Alexandria.

Mussolini's order was clear:
the Bersagliers are to arrive there first!


Grab the trumpet, so we can
arrive in Alexandria with a fanfare!

But it's so bumpy.

So what? Just play!


A minefield, Captain. But there is
a different route. I'll take a look.

Just go.

We must try to
break through at all costs.

The Italians must be the first
to arrive in Alexandria.

Fine. We'll see to it.
Damn it!

The order: the Italian units must
be the first to get to Alexandria.

Without a*t*matic weapons?


For Savoy!


Forward, boys! Forward!

Damnit! Everyone's getting k*lled!

Into the trench! Into the trench!

It'll be a m*ssacre!
Give me the grenades!

- You take command!
- Yes, sir!

And nobody moves!

They have occupied the left post!

- Deploy the mortars!
- Yes, sir.

What should I report, Sergeant?

That they left us for dead,
including the Captain.

And that we can compete
with the Germans in the afterlife.

Because nobody will
get through like this.

Understood, Sergeant.

Hello. Hello. Hello.

Our attack has been repelled
with heavy losses.

Captain de Angelis is dead.

We have no strength for further actions.
Signed: Sergeant Borri.

In 10 days we have conducted
150 combat operations.

We have destroyed
30.000 tons of warships.

For every ton of fuel we gain,
they come up with ten.

The key to the African campaign
lies in the Mediterranean Sea.

Without fuel, Rommel's tanks will
turn into nothing but scrap metal.

It's a wonderful prospect.
Unfortunately, I won't be there.

Attention, guards! Present arms!

If you don't mind, gentlemen.

General Montgomery,
I don't have much to tell you.

That's better­.

But there is one thing that
I would like to explain to you.

Rommel is stuck before
our lines in El Alamein.

And when one does not move,
then it is as if he has lost.

He is running low on fuel
and his soldiers are tired.

Every new day makes us stronger,
while he becomes weaker.

I'm pleased to hear it, General.

But so far we have been
on the run, like rabbits,

hunted for 3.000 kilometers
by the German fox.

From now on it is us
who are the fox!

Excellent! With the fox stuck in a hole,
even a poor hunter can succeed.

Therefore I give you the command
and wish you a successful hunt.

Good luck, General.

Gentlemen, the new commander-in-chief
is waiting for you.

I would like to express...

Thank you, but I have lost.
Montgomery is going to be the winner.

They don't have many ideas in London.
But this one is clear.

The Generals who have lost
must step out of the way.

I have taken command of the 8th Army
and I will tell you how I see it.

No retreat operations planned.

All plans of my predecessor
are to be burned.

Inoperable vehicles are to
be pulled from the field.

None of us is going to
get out alive.

We remain here. Alive or dead,
until Rommel has surrendered.

That is all for now.

Tomorrow's meeting will be held
in my tent. It stinks in here.

He may be capable,
but he certainly is not modest.

He makes a storm
feel like a breeze.

My troops are barely able to hold the 60-km
line between El Alamein and El Quattara.

General Bastico, were you Rommel,
you would be inventing various tricks

and reducing the a*tillery barrage
rather than attacking.

With 2 additional divisions
and the necessary fuel

I would be able to circle El Quattara,
surprise the enemy and head towards Suez.

We are doing our best to supply you.

However, this month's losses
have exceeded 60 percent.

Our fleet is unable to sail without
the necessary fuel promised to us.

This is going to the final battle
for the oil of the Middle East.

Who wins here, wins the w*r.

And that's before the American
technical prowess strikes against us.

Western plutocracies mind
only their own gains.

They're never going to dare!
If we move out at once,

we shall crush the English.
This is what Führer is expecting!

I didn't ask you anything, Schwarz!

Never mind the rhetoric.
Speak of the facts.

New divisions have already been assigned
to join the 10th Army Group in the south.

Folgore is one of our best divisions
in terms of equipment and experience.

Of course, but more men are to be fed.

I need tanks, not paratroopers.

Doctor Horst!

You have been treating
Marshall Rommel, haven't you?

Hasn't he fallen on health recently?

We have all been failing in health.

I have asked a clear question
and I demand a clear answer.

Yes, he has a serious kidney inflammation
and is suffering from exhaustion.

For months he has been
sleeping two hours a day.

He was fulfilling his duty.

But he could use some time to rest.

I am going to write a report to
General Halder and you will sign it.


Who are you?

I'm looking for Lieutant Borri,
I'm his brother.

- He's from my company. It's down there.
- Thank you.

I oiled it last night, Sergeant.

And what if you did it an hour ago?
Orders are orders.

Fourth Company?

Who's in charge here?

Captain D'Urso, but he's in the headquarters.

Where do you think you are, boys?

Can you hear this thunder?
It's the cannons.

If the English attack you here,
you're dead.

What's going on here?

- Giorgio!
- Claudio!

How are you?
How is father?

Complaining all the time.
This runs in the family.

What did you tell my men?

I said that unless
they dig holes, they're dead.

They're going to start shelling.
The holes will protect them.

Certainly, but this is only
a temporary position.


Who gave you the order?

Lieutenant, a woman is going
to give birth in Rome.

This baby will be my son.

I'd like to see him one day.

Put down these shovels at once.

I'm in charge of these men, not you.

Come on, let's go talk.


He'll let us die here!

You may die, but I'm digging!

If I die, then I'll die on the ring.

If it hadn't been for this w*r,
I'd be a boxing champion!

And I'd be running a prison.

Why are you here?
Wasn't it better behind the bars?

They convinced me with poems.

Like the one about floating in the
endless blue, white flower over your head.

They told me: one parachute jump
and then one month off.

And this is what I got
instead of a champion's title!

This is ridiculous.

Have you lost your mind, Giorgio?
Why did you leave them like this?

- Watch your mouth!
- Look what you've done!

If they get k*lled,
it'll be your fault!

Look at them. They're soldiers.
But, first of all, they are men!

Mind your own business.
w*r is w*r!

w*r! This is all you go on about.

Haven't you had enough of
this conquest nonsense?

I don't understand. Father said
you were to stay as an instructor.

Yes, so that they all can
spit me in the face after the w*r!

So you're here to
let yourself get k*lled?

I was sent here,
but you volunteered?

I pity you, Claudio! It's because of
people like you that the world hates us.

Luckily, there isn't many of you left.

Lieutenant Borri,
why haven't the soldiers taken cover?

I did not find it necessary, Captain.

As it turns out, it was necessary.
Perhaps the w*r will make it clear it you.

In my company I need
living men and not dead heroes.

Who kills and allows men to
be k*lled is just a pathetic idiot.

Yes, sir.

This photograph was taken by
aerial reconnaissance two days ago.

This one - yesterday, four hours
after our a*tillery barrage.

Major, I suspect that the a*tillery
of your division is very inaccurate.

I observed the barrage myself.
I saw these fortifications explode.

They couldn't have rebuilt them so quickly.

And under fire.

Perform a reconnaissance mission.
Have the fire interrupted for 15 minutes.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Major, we have 15 minutes.

Sergeant, your men go from the right.

You go this way.
No sh**ting, unless necessary.

A dummy! They fooled us.


Just think of all the wasted amm*nit*on!

Everything is wooden, Major.

Here, but perhaps not everywhere.
How much time is left?

7, then comes the music.

- We didn't destroy them.
- Thank you. Soon they will be rebuilt.

Major, someone's coming.


Put it up, Franz.

My son wants a cannon.
Maybe this would do.

If only everyone was like you.

There is a no big difference between us.
They sent you here, and here you are.

And me.

Otto, stop goofing around.

Hands up!

Belts down!

Into the hole! Get moving!


The firing begins in a minute.
I will take care of the prisoners.

We cannot take prisoners. The Germans
will know we found out about their trick.

But if we let them go,
it will be even worse.

Very well...

What do you want to do?
They are prisoners. Unarmed.

Take command and begin the retreat.

This is an order! What are you waiting for?

No, Sergeant! This is m*rder!
We are soldiers, not murderers!

Put the g*n down!

I will not allow you to commit m*rder!

Let me hold him, Major.

Corporal! Müller!
Corporal! Müller!

Pick up the dog tags.

Then we'll bury the dead.


I found this.

- Where?
- Over there, in the sand.

An English p*stol. Issued.

It was done out of necessity.

Otherwise the enemy would have
realized that we knew of their plan.

The element of surprise
would have been lost.

Excellent. An opportunity not to be missed.

This will be a task for your Scots, General.

At your orders.

Tomorrow we will cross their false
defense line and ambush them in the rear.

Once they have nowhere to run,
we will carry out a frontal as*ault.

I hope that you do not mind
that we begin winning.

None of our men would carry such a w*apon.
It cannot have got here by itself.

Are you saying that our patrol
was not eliminated by a*tillery?

It is possible. No a*tillery shell
was found near the corpses.

And if there had been a bombardment,
then the men would have dispersed.

But they were huddled together.

The English have discovered our trick.

Bayerlein! Have the post
fully manned by tomorrow.

Use fresh units. Send the men
from the Folgore Division.

I repeat: nobody is to move
until I have given the order.

Sergeant, make sure nobody moves.
You have to look like mock-ups.

Don't move. You have to look like mock-ups.

Easy job for the Lieutenant.
He never looks like a soldier.

Don't move!

We stop. Stop!


Spectacular, but obviously fake.

Major, have them fire a few shells,
just as a precaution.

They are preparing a mortar attack.

Do not return fire without my order.



Hold on, don't move!


Captain! Captain!

Leave me alone! Go back to your post!

Pipers, the music! Let's go.


Don't fall down! Lean on the g*n!

What are you waiting for? He's dead!

Captain! Captain!


A General!

Three, with me!

Lieutenant, it's pointless.
Tell him to surrender!

If I needed advice, I would have
asked you. You, you and you, with me!

Now he's in charge. Go!

Get down, don't sh**t!

Stay here.

All he wants are medals.

Get down, Lieutenant!

Don't sh**t! I give up.

Fine. Let's go.

The Lieutenant doesn't care
if we get k*lled.

He'll get a medal, but at our expense!

- A revolver wound.
- He's gone...

He saved that fool of a Lieutenant.

Shut up. Carry him!
What are you waiting for?

- What is it?
- Excuse me for a moment.

Well, five pounds or no deal.

Where did you get this watch?

Good evening, Lieutenant.
Are you having fun? Me too.

This watch, where did you get it?

That's easy. It's a w*r trophy.

We are soldiers, not pirates.
Even w*r has its rules.

After three years you still
believe in this, Lieutenant?

What happened? You're so gloomy.

It's nothing. Say, are you
enjoying the performance?

- Less than you.
- So what are we doing here?

I am returning to the front.
Should I say something to Major Baker?

No, there is no need.

Major Ted Baker?

Yes, that's the one.

You seem sad. What is it?
Did I do something wrong?

Gary, major Ted Baker,
the officer you told me about.

- The one who had k*lled German prisoners?
- Yes, it's him.

Would anything change if I told you
that I am Evelyn Baker?

I am his daughter.

From the Führer's headquarters, urgent.

I suppose that you already
know what it says.

Read it. Read it.

To Field Marshall Rommel,
from the Führer's headquarters.

Complete revision of our strategy
requires your presence here.

During your absence,
which should last long enough

for you to recover, General Stumme
will assume command.

Signed: Adolf Hitler.

You have done very well, Schwarz.
You are satisfied.

Von Thoma, handle the transfer of command.

With or without me, the problems
are the same: tanks and gasoline.

If we want the Middle East oil
and to join our forces in the Caucasus.

then this w*r cannot be won in Russia only.

You must have been keeping an airplane
for me. Prepare for my departure.

Wake up. The machine g*n crew have
been waiting for a relief for half an hour.

We will be ready, in two minutes.

Yes, with you naked like this!

I'll go crazy.

I don't want to die of thirst.

Are you mad? If he catches you
stealing water, he'll sh**t you.

Who will he sh**t? On the ring you were
the lion, here you are just a sheep.

You don't understand. I want to go
back home. Only two fights before the title.

Left hook and they'll go down like pins!

And then I will party.

I spit sand, I piss sand.
He must be taking a bath. I'll try.

Did you know that the water is rationed?

It must be enough for the whole
company, until they deliver more.

I know you are a thief, but not
a thief of your comrades' lives.

And this water is life.



And now you will return what you stole
from your comrades, if not more!

Full battle dress! Hurry up!

I just couldn't, Lieutenant. We're going
to die here. It was just water.

- I gave you an order. Full dress!
- Yes, sir.

Bastard! Bastard!

Water! The water is coming!

- At last!
- Now take a bath!

- You made it!
- It took some time!

Have a drink!

Boys, there's something else.
When Sergeant Borri arrives, there is wine!

- Long live the Sergeant!
- I'll have a drink!

Let's divide it!

Slowly, slowly! One at a time!

Hey, Claudio!

Giorgio! How are you? What about him?

Stealing water. What are you doing here?

They sent me here with
these men and two cannons.

Excellent, what a coincidence.

Yes, so they sent me.
Someone had to go, right?

I need a babysitter?

No, of course not. I don't want
to babysit you. Rest easy, you command here.

Bring wine here, too!

Bastard! Bastard!

- It's too good!
- Thank you.

A drop of wine and
they all fall for you.

There is so much
in this wine for a soldier.

It reminds him of home, the wife,
the parties with friends.

Of life, the real one.

If you wish, I can tell him to stop.

No, he deserved it.

Everybody down!

Into the trench!

Arm! My arm!

Hurry up, get down!

Come here!
Down into the trench! Down!

Bastard. Bastard.


Who is it?

Captain Hubert, from the t*nk command.

I want to talk to Lieutenant Borri.


Wait, Captain.

Please, wait a moment.

Lieutenant. Lieutenant.

There's a German Captain
from the t*nk command.

The Germans, bothering us again.
Tell him to come in.

Come in.

- Lieutenant Borri?
- Yes, sir.

- Captain Hubert.
- At your orders.

We suspect that the English are
laying mines in front of our lines

under the guise of a*tillery bombardment.

This is possible.

We must carry out
a scouting mission to check it.

You and one of your men
will join our patrol.

Yes, Captain. I will go.
But my men are exhausted.

They haven't slept for 24 hours.

Lieutenant, I can manage
without the Italians.

But our General Stumme wants
the Italians and Germans to fight together.

Fine, I understand. I'll go.
It's all about the Axis.

During the mission
you are under my command.

Yes, of course.

I almost forgot. The Iron Cross
for capturing General Clifton.

Marshall Rommel wanted to give it
to you himself, but he couldn't make it.

Thank you.

Sergeant, take command
and watch the guards.

Yes, sir.

Please, Captain.

Poor Vitrotti kicked the bucket
but they gave him the medal.

Captain. Captain Hubert.

Anti-personnel mine. Stop the others.

That was our mine.
Someone stepped on it.

That can't have been one of ours
Fire a few rounds.

A German stepped on a landmine.
I don't know where, but we have to find him.

We had to find out if there are
mines. Now we know there are.

It is useless to search for a dead soldier.

Correct! The German logic.

Captain, can we return to the camp
on foot? We'll get there faster.

As you wish. Forward!


Yes, Lieutenant.

Let's go.

Giorgio! There he is.

Still alive. Help me.

- Run, Claudio!
- And you?

That's an order!

Stop! He's wounded, can't you see?

And you, drop the g*n.

Move, hurry!

Hands off me!
I can walk myself.

Stop! Who's there?

An Italian!

An Italian!

He's lost a lot of blood.
Quick! To the infirmary.

Hey, Italian.

Sleep, let me sleep.

If you want information from me,
it's not worth the effort.

I know nothing, I saw nothing
and I have no information.

I am a paratrooper, Lieutenant
Giorgio Borri of the Italian Army.

My number is: 2, 8,
4, 1, 4, 1. That is all.

Who do you think we are?
You think we t*rture prisoners?

You are English. That is enough.

Lieutenant, we have captured many of
your countrymen; they are not so pessimistic .

A cup of tea?

It would not violate your military honor
if we talked to each other.

Does your leg hurt a lot?
I can give you something to ease it.


Fine, I understand. Sergeant!

The wound may become infected
It must be treated.

Take him to the prison infirmary.
He requires treatment.

Yes, sir.



I wanted...

Thank you.

We had to amputate his leg.
But he pulled through.

What about that ltalian Sergeant?
He was wounded, too?

No, just extremely exhausted.



I am captain Hubert.
How are you? Feeling better?

Thank you, Captain. I feel better.

Thank you for what you have done.

What? What are you talking about?

The German soldier on the minefield.
Why did you risk your life save him?

I don't know. Maybe because
that's the way we are.


I'll never understand them.


Present arms!

- The Führer is expecting me.
- Yes, Marshall.


Field Marshall Rommel.

Welcome home, dear Rommel.
How are you? I heard about your health.

I'm not here to talk about myself, General.

The Führer cannot see you.

He is preoccupied with the Eastern front.
I am to discuss the difficulties with you.

Difficulties? The whole Afrika Korps
could be destroyed due to the blindness

of this commander. These are difficulties?

Are you accusing the Führer of blindness?

I am certain he is sufficiently informed.

The Führer knows everything.

You do understand the situation in Russia.
The African front is of secondary importance.

Allow us to retreat from El Alamein,
to easily defendable positions.

The Führer will not issue such an order.

The prestige of the German Army
cannot be shattered at the moment.

I understand. I understand everything.

Marshall, the Führer is greatly concerned
about the state of your health

He suggests that you undergo treatment.

He has arranged for your stay
in a clinic by the Wörthersee lake.

Go there. At last you
will be able to rest.

Yes, and it will be a long rest.

I saw a ditch on the
other side of the barbed wire.

They won't get us, even if
they teamed up the Devil.

If so, then what?
Will you go or not?

You know, Lieutenant.
They told us to go to w*r and sh**t.

So we went and we shot.

Now we're prisoners. For us
the w*r is over. Finished.

Here we have food and beer.
We couldn't care less now.

Ask the Germans if they
want to go back to that hell.

Fine. You can go whenever
you want to. I'm going.


I hope you'll make it. Good luck.

Thank you.

Wake up, lazybones. Get up, let's go!

Move it, move it!

On your feet.

Get moving.

Go on, quickly.

The sun, I must follow the sun.

Hey, stop!

Drop the g*n and get out!


I'm sorry, boys. You have to walk.

Are you crazy?

The English! There!

Where? You must've lost your mind.

They were there, I saw them.

There they are. Who's crazy now?

Don't sh**t!
I'm Lieutenant Giorgio Borri.

I'm Lieutenant Borri. Don't sh**t!

Damnit, he returned.

I can sh**t him by mistake.
You'll never get another chance.

You want to end up against
the wall? Lieutenant! Come on!

Such fools never die.

- Giorgio!
- Here I am, alive and well.

You escaped from them! But how?
You'll tell me later. You want to eat?

No, thank you.

The foot, it hurts? Lean.

No, it's just a scratch,
I can manage, I'll go by myself.

Boys, there's something for you.

Maybe there's tortellini!

Welcome back, Lieutenant!

Thank you, Sergeant.

- Excuse me.
- Go ahead.

Calm down, boys!

I will divide it.



- Meat.
- Give this to me. Help yourselves!

They're so happy to see me again.

Giorgio, you must've been absent when
there was a lecture on the Italian soldier.

My plan has been approved
by Montgomery himself.

This is a fake map of the minefields.

Professional and perfectly credible.

Who is going to take it
and wave under the enemy's nose?

I'm ready, Major.

I'm pleased to hear it.

But this is a very dangerous mission.
You might not come back.

You taught me that
there are no rules in w*r.

But each of us has his own.

However, it is my rule
to risk life for my country.

Beyond doubt, Lieutenant.

Well, you will lead a night-time patrol.

You are to provoke a fierce firefight.

Intense, to avoid any suspicion.

I will do it, sir.


I had misjudged you.
My opinion of you has changed.

Thank you.

People who eat like this
will not win the w*r.

And you know what? The Lieutenant
seems nicer now, doesn't he?

I'm thinking about the English.

There was one Lieutenant.

It seemed as if he was one of us.

And what did you think?

You think that if you badge says:

'May God k*ll the English'',

then he'll really k*ll them?

It's not about that.

I was simply convinced
that they hate us.

Of course they hate us.

But not the two of us
or any of our men.

They hate us as something,

this something they sh**t at.

And because they're here,
eaten up by the same flies,

they are like us.

What do you prefer:
English tobacco or oriental tobacco?

Give me some, I want to smoke.

Did you hear that?

What? I can't hear anything!

No wonder, after all these blows to
your head! It sounds like a jeep engine.

But Santa Claus travels only once a year.

Is there one left for me,
now that the British Queen is coming?

To arms, boys!

Son of a bitch!



Retreat! Quick!



You got him good!

Why? Why him?

The Lieutenant you told me about?


No gifts today.

Bury him.

No need to think about it.
Now he's just a dead enemy.


A map of the English minefields.

It appears to be. We'll have it
sent to the headquarters. Messenger.

Three passageways in the middle.

- Like a wedding invitation.
- Or to a funeral.

There is no need to question the map's
validity. It was examined by our experts.

The stakes are high.
I admit that I feel tempted to try.

You have to try, General Stumme!

The enemy are preparing to attack
while we are waiting. We must prevent it.

Führer would never allow
to pass up such an opportunity.

The Führer! Always the Führer...

He is our commander-in-chief, we owe him
the utmost obedience and subordination.

Excuse me.

The attack will take place through
these three free passageways.

What do you say, von Thoma?

You are in command.

Prepare the plan of operation.

Tonight the Engllsh are in
for a nasty surprise.

They have begun.

Graham's death was not in vain.

Open fire once the last t*nk
has entered the minefield.

Yes, sir.



Ready! First formation, fire!

I'm sure you will understand.

Marshall Rommel, we are acting
in the supreme interest of Germany.

Admiral Canaris, Germany
is not an abstract concept for me.

For me it means the German people..

I know. This is the reason I'm here.
I hate the fanatics. They are dangerous.

They are, Admiral.

When there are difficulties, people want
a strong leader to make them disappear.

Yes. But then the moment arrives
when they are no longer needed.



Madam, your husband is a great sailor.

The navigation was difficult
but we have arrived at the port.

Give us something to drink.

- What is it?
- This came from the headquarters.

Stumme launched an attack,
lost half of the tanks.

He's dead.

Hitler wants me to return to Africa.
Excuse me.

You still haven't recovered.

Prepare my belongings.

- As you wish, Erwin. Goodbye, Canaris.
- Madam.

I will try to salvage whatever I can.

But I agree with you.

We do not need him.

Yes, Corporal Hitler.

I have the same opinion of him.

- Like you.
- Good luck, Rommel.

Present arms!

Major Ted Baker!

You are to be promoted for
your achievements on the b*ttlefield.

For your brilliant operation,
which has resulted in significant

enemy losses in the most crucial moment.

El Alamein front, October 1942.

A magnificent spirit of initiative.
Congratulations, Colonel Baker.

- Order arms! At ease!
- At ease, men.

When I assumed command,
I promised you and myself

that we would destroy
the Axis forces in Africa.

The Germans no longer have tanks,
but they have many cannons.

We have to destroy them.
You will attack the enemy's rear lines.

The a*tillery barrage begins at 21:00.

May the God of w*r help us.

Good luck.

Arms on shoulders!

Present arms!


Are you so bored with life?
Can I have a look, too?

- A whore!
- Who did you think it was. The Duce?

Do we have to die here like fools?
Why isn't our a*tillery firing?

Half of our g*ns were destroyed by
the English. We must conserve amm*nit*on.

Hello? Hello?

Connection lost.

We'll all die here!
We have to get out of here!

Stop! Don't go out!

- We'll die like rats here!
- Ranucci's right!

Out! We must out!

Stop, there's no cover out there!
It'll be even worse!

- We'll all die!
- Quiet! Shut up!

- No!
- Get down!

- Here, play!
- But what?

Whatever you want, just play! Play!

- I don't want to die!
- Lie!

Don't move! Sing! You, too! Sing!

Louder! Louder!

Great, boys! Just do it! Sing!

Everyone, sing!
As loud as you can. Sing!

I'll tell you one thing,
this silence hurts my ears.

What a stupid world.

Stuck on this damn desert.

This is w*r, Lieutenant.


I have called the command,
they report heavy losses.

They want to know our situation.

Tell them we are counting the dead.

- And the boys are doing fine.
- Yes, sir.


Report from the last 24 hours.
An in-depth analysis of the situation.

Thank you, but I have no time to read it.
The English have att*cked the entire front?

Yes, their brigade has eliminated
the majority of our g*ns.

Was the a*tillery barrage equal everywhere?

No, it was at its strongest in an
area held by Folgore and Ramche divisions.

Most likely where Montgomery
is concentrated in order to break through.

He will attack our rear lines and
cut us off from any possibility of retreating.

It is too late to retreat.
It will take a day to reach Tobruk.

He won't give us so much time.

The Führer did not sent you here
to prepare a retreat.

Do not interrupt!

If Montgomery focuses on
the most destroyed sectors,

we have to defend them
with all our strength.

The Ramche and Folgote units
must therefore be sacrificed.

Armored division Ariete will
provide cover using all means possible.

With Montgomery overcoming their defences,
all our other units will be heading to Tobruk.

A risky plan. What if the enemy noticed...

They won't notice.

Notify the command of Ramche and Folgore
of the urgency to resist for 24 hours.

Other Italian units will suffer greatly.
They will not withstand it.

It is not me who
sent them to w*r ill-equipped.

Distribute my orders.

- Lieutenant Borri?
- Down there.


From the division command. Sign, please.

- Would you like some grappa?
- Thank you, but I'm driving.

What is it?

Nothing. You are going back
to Ariete. We are staying here.

Show me.

Gather your men and leave.
The two cannons remain here.

What are you hiding?

Sergeant Borri, you were
given an order. Get moving!

Don't be ridiculous!
What does it say?


To: 4th Company commander

All enemy att*cks must shall be
repelled to the last man

in the 24-hour period,
beginning on November 3, at 24:00.

All Bersaglieri units are to return
to their command centers.

Anti-t*nk weapons are to remain
with the defending units.

I'm not leaving you to die alone,
we're going to die together.

Don't be hero,
get your men and move!

- Listen.
- Listen to me and go!

Bersagliers, mount up!

Come on, piece of junk!

It won't start.

Get out!

Hurry, everyone out!

We are to retreat with our gear.
And this is ours.

Good luck!

Let's go.

"To all Eight Army units from the
general command". How much time left?

Over an hour.

"Officers and soldiers. We are
entering a decisive stage of the w*r.

I promised you to hunt down the fox
and this moment has finally arrived.

We have excellent equipemnt:
good tanks, good g*ns and enough amm*nit*on.

What we now need

is to join the battle
and bring it to an end.

To fight, to k*ll and to win.

Once we have done this, the enemy
will be defeated and driven out of Africa".



Got him!




Folgore, Arieta and Ranche have engaged
the enemy. Relative silence elsewhere.

Montgomery has begun.
If the southern front holds, we are safe.

Marshall, stop the retreat.
At Führer's orders! This has jus arrived.

In our present situation there is
no other option but to resist.

Do not surrender. Send everything
into battle, every g*n, every soldier.

Tell the troops: it is either
victory or death. Signed: Adolf Hitler.

Stop, the retreat has been cancelled!
At Führer's orders! Stop!

General Schwarz!

I'm in command. For Germany

these soldiers are worth more
than the words of one fool.

Hurry up! Come on! Go!

I can't anymore, Sergeant.

What is it? Pick him up. Help him!

Come on, boys.

Be brave.

My goodness, the beasts!

You opened safes - deal with this!


- I'll get him!
- Fire!

Go ahead, you scoundrel!

Loud up, convict. There's one more!

I'll get him with my bare hands.

He's gone.

It's ours! The tanks from Ariete!

Fleas against elephants. What can they do?

Down there, Lieutenant!

- The last two, Lieutenant!
- Load up!



Light up the bottles!

Out! If you don't,
you wish you were dead!



This is command of 2nd Ariete Division,
All our tanks have been destroyed.

The division no longer exists.
Over and out. Go!

My little son,
you won't get to know your father.

Ariete division destroyed,
enemy resistance continues.

The storm has reduced
the visibility for our armor.

We will see nothing shortly.
Our advantage will vanish.

- All units are to return to base.
- Yes, sir.

Another dead, carry him away.

It'll be the 131st.

I know what you're thinking.
That the Fourth Company doesn't exist.

What we had to do, we have done.

Yes, you have all deserved a medal.

Lieutenant, excuse me but screw them.
I just want to see my son.

We have to get home.

Before we all die.

Well, we can stay here
and let ourselves be captured.

Or we can escape and be captured tomorrow.

It's up to you now.
I don't want to give any orders.

- We were ordered to resist for 24 hours
- So that the Germans can pack their boots.

Their officers even made sure
to take spare socks!

And the Italians risk their necks!

- So what? Who cares?
- 24 hours have not passed yet.

For those of us returning on foot
this will last longer.

Much longer.

What are we going to do?
Throw stones at them?

There is more on the desert than the stones.

We have a few gas bottles
and a few sticks of dynamite.

And what about the mines?
There are thousands of them!

Well, that might work.

We could pick them up
and get out of here.

The tanks will go this way, we can
dig in and wait for them.

But it's just an idea.

So much for the idea.
To hell with this, let's do it!

Hell yes, at last! How many times
have I gone out there?

Many times.

We could all go out there together.

Take my hand.

Now you hit me where it hurts.

What are we waiting for?
Grab the shovels. Off we go!

There are two trucks from the
Ariete division. Tell the Captain.

Run-down trucks will be useless.
The English are there.

What about the others?

They were surrounded, they don't exist.
The English broke through the center.

I have to warn the men
in the stronghold. You, take charge!

- Yes, sir!
- Get off!

Quick, boys!
We have to catch the bus.

We are wasting amm*nit*on.
They aren't responding.

Have the tanks continue their advance.
Tell the a*tillery to stop.

Water, give me water.

Where's your Lieutenant?

On the minefields.

With those that are left.

Lie still. I will come back for you. Here.


Who else can see the sunset?


Sergeant, what are you doing here?

The frontline has collapsed. It's over.
You must inform the Lieutenant.

How come? This is the first trench.

Don't move. I'm going to try.

Damn you!

Filthy m*rder*r!

Giorgio! Giorgio!

- Giorgio.
- Get out of there!

Surrender! It's over!
It's all over!


- Claudio...
- Giorgio!

You shouldn't have come back.
Save yourself.

At least yourself.

But the others were saved.
And it's thanks to you.

Only thanks to you.

- Down, into the trench!
- Let me go!

Giorgio! No!

They are the last ones. We have taken
minor losses. Our hardware is safe.

One day people will be saying
how Rommel's true victory

was the retreat from El Alamein.

- What about the southern front?
- Destroyed, there is no hope.

That was not me, this is
what Corporal Hitler wanted.

Line up.

Quick, boys, in rows of three.

Two non-commissioned officers,
eight sergeants and soldiers.

Fourth Company! Forward, march!

Attention, left!