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Battle of Chernobyl, The (2006)

Posted: 04/16/23 09:06
by bunniefuu
Friday, April 25, 1986.

A beautiful spring day

for the 43,000 inhabitants
of Pripyat, in the Ukraine.

A day that will remain forever
engraved in their memory.

3 kilometers from the city-

the Vladimir llitch
Lenin nuclear power plant

where several thousand people
go to work each day

Tonight, the 176 employees of block 4

have been ordered to carry out a test

on a self-fueling system of the reactor.

Something that could save energy.

At 1: 23 a.m.,

the security systems are deactivated
and the experiment begins.

A series of detonations go off
in the core of the reactor.

While Pripyat sleeps peacefully

the floor of the plant begins to tremble.

The 1200 ton cover of the reactor
suddenly blasts into the air.

An ultra-powerful stream
of radioactive vapor

releases uranium and graphite

over hundreds of meters around the plant.

From the gaping hole,

a spray of fire charged with
radioactive particles in fusion

sh**t a thousand
meters into the sky.

There were a lot of colors

and they were really bright:
Orange, red, sky blue.

Colors like blood. A rainbow.

It was beautiful.

The most serious
nuclear accident in history

has just taken place.

During the night,

early in the morning.

I got the call around 5 AM.

I was told there'd been some accident
at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.

The first firemen on the scene

battle the fire without
the adequate protective gear.

They pour tons of water
this strange fire.

But nothing seems
capable of putting out.

They are all exposed
to lethal doses of radiation.

Two men die that night,

28 more will follow
in the next few months.

They are the first
victims of Chernobyl.

No one was prepared for such a crisis.

For the next seven months,

500,000 men wage hand to hand combat

with an invisible enemy.

A ruthless battle that has gone unsung

which claims thousands of unnamed

and now almost forgotten heroes

Yet, it is thanks to these men

that the worst was avoided:

A second expl*si*n,
ten times more powerful than Hiroshima,

which would have wiped out
half of Europe.

This was kept secret for twenty years
by Soviets and the West alike.

Many of these images
have never been seen before.

They were taken by journalists

who were also exposed to
nuclear contamination,

some whom later died.

Those images tell
the story of a hidden w*r

whose consequences
continue twenty years later

to worsen the toll of the disaster.

This is the true story
of the Battle of Chernobyl.

By early morning

the clouds are already being
contaminated by the radioactive column

rising one thousand
meters into the sky.

Igor Kostine is a photographer
with the news agency Novosti.

When a friend and helicopter pilot

phones him that morning
to offer to fly him over Chernobyl

all Kostine knows is that

something has happened
at the plant during the night.

He is the first journalist
to witness the gaping hole.

When we got close to block 4
and circled round it,

I had no idea of the risk.

When we flew over the block,

I opened the window of the helicopter.

I didn't realize then
what a big mistake that was.

The thin translucent smoke he sees

rising from the ruins
is in fact highly radioactive.

Kostine is one of the few
Chernobyl reporters

on the scene in the
earliest hours of the accident,

to had survived serious exposion
to radiation

When I opened the window,
I couldn't hear a thing.

The ruins of the reactor were below me.

I felt like I was floating in the space.

Like in a tomb.

A real dead silence.

I couldn't even hear
the helicopter anymore.

Nothing. A black hole.

A tomb and deathly silence.

This is the first picture
ever taken of the breach.

All my equipment jammed after a minute.

I couldn't understand
what was going on.

I thought my batteries were dead.

I only managed to take a dozen photos.

Once I returned to Kiev,

I processed my pictures

and I noticed the negatives were black

and the colors very poor.

I didn't know it yet,

but the photos had been
exposed to radioactivity.

At the core of the blown-out reactor,

and buried under 14 meters of rubble

the graphite surrounding
the nuclear fuel

burns and melts the uranium.

The radioactive fallout

is going be 100 times greater than the
combined power of the two atomic bombs

dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

At the Kremlin,
eight hours after the expl*si*n

Gorbachev only has scant
information on the situation.

The first information

consisted of 'accident' and 'fire'.

Not a word about an expl*si*n.

At first, I was told there
hadn't been an expl*si*n.

The consequences of such false
information were particularly dramatic.

Pripyat's 43,000 inhabitants
life goes on as usual.

They know nothing about the disaster
3 kilometers away.

The information we got
was that everything was sound,

including the reactor.

When I asked the
academician Alexandrov,

he told me
the reactor was absolutely safe.

It could even be set up on Red Square.

It wouldn't be any
different than a samovar.

Like putting cattle on Red Square..."

There are rumors in the town

of a fire at the plant
and deaths in the night

but no official information
is been released.

The white flashes on these images

are the results of
radioactivity on the film.

People in the streets
hardly blink an eye

at the masked soldiers
scattered throughout the city.

Colonel Grebeniouk leads the troops
in charge of controlling the situation.

There was a metallic taste in our mouths,

an acidity.

They say radiation has no taste.

It was only later we realized
it was the taste of radioactive iodine.

While children are still
out playing in the squares

Colonel Grebeniouk's men
spend the day

taking the first readings
of radioactivity in the city.

In those days,

radioactivity is measured
in units called roentgens.

Normal atmospheric level is about
12 millionths of a roentgen.

In Pripyat, by early afternoon,

readings are already over
200 thousandths of a roentgen

in other words, fifteen thousand
times higher than usual...

By the evening,

the level has shot up to
600,000 times above normal.

Boulevard Lenin, 200.

Boulevard Ukalna, 25O milliroentgens.

And that night, 7 roentgens.

My subordinates were starting to wonder:

Were the machines not working properly,

or were we being lying to us?

We didn't know that
the reactor was still burning

and radiation was still spreading.

This map is sealed in plastic

because it's still radioactive...

It's thought that a human being
can absorb up to 2 roentgens per year

without being affected.

But, the body
is lethally contaminated

if it receives over 400 roentgens.

During that first day,

the inhabitants absorb
over fifty times

what is considered
to be a harmless dose.

At such a pace,

they would have reached
lethal dosage in four days.

To understand what is going on,

the colonel sents a patrol

to take the first readings
at the base of the plant.

Their first readings
were recorded on this map:

2080 roentgens!

I was worried about my subordinates.

How could I send them in there?

At these astronomical levels

15 minutes is all takes
for a human being

to absorb a lethal dose of radiation.

At the nuclear institute,
the figures provoke a shock.

Such a level of radioactivity
has never been seen before.

Gorbatchev hurriedly
creates a governmental commission

made up of the country's
top experts in nuclear energy.

It is led by the academician Legassov,

a nuclear physicist
of international renown.

He immediately leaves for Chernobyl

at the head of
a scientific delegation.

We hoped they would be able to
evaluate the situation quickly,

but for the first couple days,

they weren't able to tell us anything.

It was a dramatic situation.

We'd be in session,

waiting for information.

We were demanding information,

but they weren't
able to tell us anything.

Twenty hours after the expl*si*n

The level of radioactivity
continues to climb.

By now windows and doors
should be sealed and iodines tablets

swallowed to counteract
the effects of radioactivity.

Yet no such orders have been given.

Despite rising tensions in the city

the population has still not been
informed of the situation

Yulia Martchenko
was only five at the time.

She lived in Pripyat with her family.

Her father worked at the plant.

My parents took me
to the day care center like usual.

Everything was absolutely normal.

My father already knew
there'd been an accident,

but no precautions had been taken yet.

30 hours after the expl*si*n,

the first security measures
are enforced.

More than 1000 buses have arrived

At 2pm the army announced
in the city is completely evacuated

I remember the teachers
at the kindergarten

gave us iodine pills.

Then parents came to pick up their kids.

Everyone was running around

but they weren't panicking.

We thought we were only gone
for three days.

To avoid any panic

the authorities concealed
the seriousness of the situation.

Inhabitants are given two hours

to gather their belongings and
assemble in front of their buildings.

They told us to get in the buses.

I remember perfectly well

having to choose which toys
I was want to take.

I had a lot of dolls
and wanted to bring them all,

but I couldn't.

We couldn't even
take any warm clothes.

People have to leave
everything they own,

their entire lives, behind.

They will never return.

One old man didn't want to go.

He stayed behind.

They found his body
a few weeks later.

People didn't really believe
what was happening.

They thought they were being lied to.

They remembered the German occupation
and said that in 1941,

there were bombs that fell.

But now there was nothing.

The elderly people didn't believe
in an invisible enemy

and there was no time to explain.

My soldiers and I
were simply carrying out orders.

In three and a half hours,

43,000 people are evacuated
tearfully but peacefully.

Buses carry Europe's first
atomic refugees.

They have been
exposed to doses of radiation

that will alter
the omposition of their blood,

and engender fatal cancers.

48 hours after the disaster,

the only people left in the ghost town

are military personnel and
members of the scientific delegation

head quartered at the Pripyat hotel.

As if unaware of the danger,

they eat, sleep and work right
on the premises.

These were upstanding people,

I couldn't believe they would do
something irresponsible or suicidal.

No, it meant they'd
underestimated the situation.

Our old criteria was no good anymore.

There'd been
nuclear accidents before,

in our country as well as in the US,

but that information
had been kept secret.

There'd never been
an accident of this scope.

They even thought the reactor
would be back in service by May or June.

clouds filled with radioactive particles

are being blown north by the wind.

Between 26 and 27 in April,

they drift over
one thousand kilometers above Russia,

then over Belorussia and the Baltics.

On the 28th, they hit Sweden

where the rise
of radioactivity is detected

near one of their
nuclear power plants.

Soon after,
TV news alerts the population.

Radioactive dust from Chernobyl
rains down on Stockholm.

Authorities send
a squadron of fighter planes

to take readings in the clouds.

The level of radioactivity suggest
there's been a major accident somewhere.

60 hours after the disaster,

still no official word has been
reported outside of the Soviet Union.

The Swedish Ministry of Energy
phoned me on Monday

and I was in my office in Vienna.

And she told me that they had
measured very increased radioactivity

near our power plant in Forsemark
in Eastern Sweden.

And they had concluded that
it must have come from abroard.

Did we know anything about it
was her question.

And we said that no, we did not,

but we already to contact

and others contacted the Pole,

they had normal nuclear power plant.

But if there was anything else
and it could happened that

we contacted the Russians of course.

What had happened?

An expl*si*n?

A radioactive cloud?

Serious contamination.

It was Sweden that alerted us.

3 days after the accident,

while Gorbachev is still
trying to gather data,

American and European spy satellites
turn to the Soviet Union

and discover the ruins of
the Ukranian plant.

The smoke wafting
from the gaping hole

shows up clearly in thermal vision.

In the evening of that
Monday the 28th,

we had a message from Mr Petrossian,

the head of the Atomic energy
commission in Russia,

in which he told us about the accident.

And at the same time,

the Russians released
the information to the world.

Obviously over at the Politburo,

we immediately decided
it was essential that

all facts be reported
to us from then on.

I called on the KGB.

I told them to follow everything
that was happening over there,

and to report the conversations
the scientists were having.

I told them to report
all of that information back.

To me personally.

It has taken over 48 hours to get
accurate information about the disaster.

Two days during which the
43,000 inhabitants of Pripyat

are exposed to contamination.

The crises continued to grown.

At the bottom of the destroied reactor,

1200 tons of white-hot magma
continue to burn at over 3000 degrees,

sending liters of radioactive gas
and dust into the atmosphere.

The whole of Europe
is at the mercy of the winds.

On the third day of the crisis,

General Antochkine and
his fleet of 80 helicopters

are sent from Moscow to fight
the blaze and put the fire out.

When he arrives

the general flies 200 meters
above the blown-out reactor.

Because of the fire,

the temperature at that height
was between 120-180oC.

Our DP(the instrument
for measuring radiation)

Only went up to 500 roentgens.

The needle was going crazy.

It was completely off the scale.

I think there was at least 1000
roentgens at a height of 200 meters.

Even at that altitude,

a half hour of
exposure could be lethal.

The strong current of radioactive
hot air streaming up from the reactor

makes it impossible to get closer.

They will have to improvise some way
of carrying out their mission.

Something needed to be done
as quickly as possible.

Put out the fire
and seal up the reactor

to be able to get close enough
to do other work.

It also needed to be closed up

to stop the radioactive dust
from spreading.

It was getting blown off by the wind.

We really needed to act fast.

A gigantic ballet begins.

Top pilots have been rushed back
from the Afghan front

to fly helicopters carrying soldiers

who toss 80 kilos sand bags
in to the blaze with their bare hands.

They hope to smother the fire

by filling the reactor
with tons of sand and boric acid,

which neutralizes radiation.

The first day: 110 sorties.

The next: 300.

The radiation level above the reactor

is over 3,500 roentgens,
almost 9 times the lethal dose.

Some of the pilots make up to
33 flights in a single day.

Each time they went,

they received 5 or 6 roentgens.

If they were slow, it was even more.

After throwing 6, 7, 8 bags,

they were drenched
in sweat from the heat.

After a few missions,

my soldiers would go wash up and eat.

After a while,
they'd start throwing up.

Since the crisis began,

radiation victims are being sent to
Moscow's hospital number 6.

It has the country's only service

which specialises in acute radiation
sickness and illnesses linked

to massive doses of radiation exposure.

The initial symptoms of
radiation sickness

- vomiting, nausea and diarrhea -

are followed by a latency period.

It's only later that much more
fatal symptoms appear,

such as deterioration of bone marrow

and horrible burns that
eat flesh down to the bone.

When they arrived at the clinic,

it was very hard,
psychologically speaking.

They came straight from the airport.

Almost all of them were young.

They arrived during the latency period.

They felt fine.

They were all dressed alike,
wearing the same pyjamas.

They were making jokes.

But we already knew that
a lot of them were going to die.

27 of them died quite quickly.

They'd all received
huge doses of radiation

and were suffering
from life-threatening burns.

For 15 years,

only the first victims will be
acknowledged by the authorities.

Thirty kilometres east of the plant,

the forest has been scorched

by the radioactive blast
from the expl*si*n.

But the disaster area
already stretches well beyond.

Since the expl*si*n,

radioactive particles
carried by the clouds

have been falling with the rain.

A"leopard-spot" pattern
of contamination

that affected the Ukraine
as well as Belorussia and Russia.

On the first of May, the wind shifts,

and areas of Kiev
are also contaminated,

as seen from this map drawn up

from the readings taken by
Colonel Grebeniouk's men.

The seriously contaminated areas
appear in red,

surrounded by areas where the
radiation level was normal.

But the population is still
kept in the dark.

There is only one report,

a tiny article on the bottom of
page three of the Pravda,

playing down the accident
and claiming the danger has passed.

The roof was caving in,

and there we were acting
as if nothing was happening.

By going ahead
with the May Day festivities,

it was like the country
refused to acknowledge the situation.

That was the second phase
in the huge Chernobyl disaster.

Six days after the accident,

despite radiation levels several
thousand times higher than normal,

authorities encourage people
to participate in May Day celebrations,

even in areas they know
to be seriously contaminated.

I watched the May Day in 1986
festivities with my own eyes.

I was there and I witnessed it,

the parade of death.

It was a parade of death.

Those were terrible deaths.

Disturbingly, all footage of May Day 1986

has now disappeared from the
Ukrainian national archives.

All that remains
are lgor Kostine's photos.

Cherbitsky, the first
secretary of the Ukraine,

also went to the festivities with
his family and his grandchildren.

It's true that, in theory,

that seemed very important to us,

to avoid any panic.

But had we known how much
radioactivity was already in the air...

How many were contaminated
during the festivities?

Not a single statistical study
has yet been published.


first Secretary of the
Ukraine Communist Party,

Later committed su1c1de...

One week after the expl*si*n,

the exodus continues.

The inhabitants of the
city of Chernobyl,

seven kilometers from the plant,
are evacuated.

So all the villages within a
thirty-kilometer radius around the plant.

130,000 people are moved,

many of whom have already been
dangerously contaminated.

A 300,000-hectare area straddling
the Ukraine and Belorussia

is abruptly evacuated and isolated
from the rest of the world.

A vast region uprooted,

an entire culture
ripped from its land,

a world wiped out

in a few days' time by an invisible enemy.

It was worse than a w*r.

Here, you couldn't see the enemy.

In a w*r, you see the cannons,

the machine g*ns, the tanks.

Here, you see nothing.

The radiation is everywhere.

It goes right through you.

It gets into you and you only
start feeling the effects later.

Sometimes years later.

It's terrifying...

Meanwhile, the radioactive cloud
continues to drift over Europe.

It floats over Bavaria
and Northern Italy.

Radioactive Cesium 137
and lodine 131

rain down on the south of
France and Corsica.

Crops and pastures
are seriously contaminated.

While French authorities
deny its presence,

the cloud reaches Great Britain
and spreads into Greece.

In Chernobyl the level of
radioactivity continues to climb.

6000 tons of sand and boric acid
have filled the hole.

But underneath this gigantic plug,

the white-hot magma
continues to smolder.

10 days after the disaster,

Gorbatchev personally
invites Hans Blix,

director of the powerful
International Atomic Energy Agency,

to visit the site.

He is the first expert

- and first Westerner -
to visit Chernobyl.

Well, we have seen
the sight from the air,

and we have seen that a little
smoke still coming up from the damage

They was a good deal of talk about
the risk of a second expl*si*n.

I remember that,
when we were in Moscow,

actually we had a friend,
a relative of one of my experts,

phone and said that
we have rumor that

second reactor might also explode.

At the bottom of the reactor,

195 tons of nuclear fuel
are still burning,

giving off incredible heat
that is gradually melting the sand.

On the surface of the plug,
cracks begin to appear.

Once we plugged up the hole,

the temperature started to rise.

We were afraid because it could
have caused another expl*si*n.

It was terrifying.

Scientists came to take readings.

They were very worried.

They were afraid the critical
temperature would be reached

and it would set off
a second expl*si*n.

That would have been
a terrible tragedy.

The cement slab
below the reactor core

is heating up
and in danger of cracking.

The magma is threatening
to seep through.

The water the firemen poured during
the first hours of the disaster

has pooled below the slab.

If the radioactive magma
makes contact with the water,

it could set off a second expl*si*n

even more devastating
than the first.

The country's top experts
are called into action.

Vassili Nesterenko was one of them.

At the time, he was working on

improving the Soviet Union's
intercontinental nuclear missiles.

If the heat managed to
crack the cement slab,

only 1400 kgs of the uranium
and graphite mixture

would have had to hit the water
to set off a new expl*si*n.

The ensuing chain reaction
could set off an expl*si*n

comparable to a gigantic atomic b*mb.

Our experts studied the possibility

and concluded that the expl*si*n

would have had a force
of 3 to 5 megatons.

Minsk, which is 320 km from Chernobyl,

would have been razed,

and Europe rendered uninhabitable.

We had to stop the process.

If it continued,

it would have been an
enormous disaster.

An enormous nuclear disaster.

This second expl*si*n

would have been accompanied
by a terrible shock wave

and a massive rise in radioactivity

that would have claimed thousands
of lives in a matter of hours.

Thank God it didn't happen.

There were trains with
over a thousand cars

in Minsk, Gomel and Kiev,

ready to evacuate the population.

The situation is critical.

In Moscow, the state commission
decrees two emergency measures.

First, send in a batallion of firemen

to drain the water
from under the reactor.

They will later
be declared national heroes,

but will suffer from radiation
sickness the rest of their lives.

Second: Seal the breach
more effectively

to bring the temperature down
once and for all.

In two days,
General Antochkin's men

will drop 2400 tons of
lead into the reactor.

When we started dumping lead in,

the temperature
went down right away.

It absorbed well and sealed
the hole as it melted,

so there was less radiation.

But some of this lead melts
when it hits the blaze

and vaporises into the atmosphere.

Twenty years later,

traces of it can be found in the
sick children of Chernobyl.

It's highly criticized today,

but given the situation,

there was no better solution.

And all the people

- military or civilians,
officers or not -

worked selflessly.

I participated in this first stage,

and I can tell you,

it had to be done.

It was heroism.

During this operation,

600 pilots are fatally
contaminated with radiation.

All of them will die.

But their efforts
only buy a few days.

Although it has been covered over,

the fire still isn't out.

Flying over in helicopters
isn't solving the problem.

They needed to get closer,
go down into the breach.

But how?

With the imminent threat of a
second expl*si*n still looming,

the makeshift measures continue.

The blueprints of the plant reveal

that the "active zone"
can be approached

through the cable and pipe tunnels
built out of thick cement.

A delegation of technicians
from the Kurtchatov Institute

venture into the labyrinth.

It is tough going.

Parts of the tunnels have
collapsed in the expl*si*n.

They pierce through the shell of
the 4th reactor with a blow-torch,

and stick their radioactivity
detectors and thermoters in,

along with cameras.

The result is terrifying.

The radiation levels
are astronomical,

and their worst fears are confirmed.

The white-hot magma
has cracked the cement slab

and seeped into the empty basin.

It is now threatening
to sink even further.

There was a five to ten percent
risk of expl*si*n.

We'd drained the water
from under the reactor,

but something absolutely
had to be done,

something had to be
put underneath the reactor

to keep the magma from seeping down,

something had to keep it
from falling in.

Nothing is stopping the magma
from seeping even deeper

into the sandy subsoil.

And beneath the reactor

lays a huge stretch aquifer

that supplies the entire
country with water.

What worried us the most

was that the entire mass
would sink down

and reach the ground water,

which then would pollute
the rivers Pripyat,

then Dniepre,


The Black Sea...

We absolutely needed to
come up with a solution!

A new operation is considered...

But it will entail
the loss of more lives.

On May 12, 1986,

17 days after the initial expl*si*n,

the miners of Toula,

one thousand kilometers
from Chernobyl,

receive a visit from the Kremlin

from the deputy Minister
of the Mining Industry.

The minister spoke to us
about the accident at Chernobyl.

He said they needed miners
from our region,

the Moscow basin.

He gave us 24 hours
to gather our belongings.

The next day,

we were bused from that very square
to the airport in Moscow.

On May 13,

our comrades were already
at work in Chernobyl.

Their mission:

To approach the reactor through
what is now the only possible path

- underground.

Our mission was this:

Dig a 150-meter tunnel

from the 3rd block to the 4th,

a tunnel 30 meters long.

Then dig a room

30 meters long and 30 meters wide

to hold a refrigeration device

for cooling down the reactor.

To limit their exposure to radiation,

the miners dig 12 meters down

before making their way
over to the burning reactor.

There, they build a room

2 meters high and 30 meters wide

where a complex cooling system of
liquid nitrogen will be set up.

In one month,

10,000 miners from Russia
and the mining regions of the Ukraine

are sent down into the tunnel.

They are between 20 to 30 years old.

Inside the tunnel,

which has no ventilation,

the temperature hits 50oC,

and radiaoactivity is at
a minimum of 1 roentgen per hour.

We worked without any protective gear.

The miners couldn't used masks,

because the filters would get damp
after a few minutes.

So everyone just took them off

and kept on working without them,

with our shirts off too.

We drank water out of open bottles,

which was really bad

because the radioactive particles

were ingested right into the body.

One of our comrades
swallowed a grain of sand

that was highly radioactive.

He died.

How can we know what each of us
breathed or ingested?

The hardest thing
was the lack of oxygen

and the incredible heat.

It was hot, hot, hot,

and we had to work really fast.

At a crazy pace.

Faster and faster.

That was the hardest. Go, go, go...

Battalions of 30 miners
relay each other every three hours,

24 hours a day.

In one month and four days,

they dig a 150-meter tunnel

a job that in a mine would have
normally taken three months.

The most dangerous places
weren't underground.

There wasn't as much
radiation below the reactor.

But as soon as we came up,
we had to run even faster.

at the mouth of the tunnel

is three hundred times higher.

Not a single miner
is spared from exposure.

Not once are they informed of the
real dangers they are facing.

Someone had to go and do it.

Us or someone else.

We did our duty.

Should we have done it?

It's too late to judge.

I don't regret anything.

The miners accomplish their mission,

but the cooling system is never
set up below the reactor.

The underground room
is finally filled with cement

to solidify the structure.

The official position is that
each miner received 30 to 60 roentgens,

but survivors claim they received
up to 5 times that amount.

It is estimated
that a fourth of these men

died before the age of 40.

2,500 lives lost

that don't appear
in any official statistic.

While the miners are still
digging below the reactor

Hans Blix with Soviet authorities

organises a press conference
in Moscow

Let me say that on behalf of the IAEA,

we have expressed profound regret

at the tragic accident.

The loss of life

and the damage which has been caused.

We have now agreed
with the Soviet authorities

to come to Vienna
for a post-accident analysis...

In front of 500 journalists
from all over the world,

he announces
an international conference

that will be held in Vienna

where the Soviets have agreed to
share all their data on the disaster.

The most important effect
of the press conference

was that the
Russian people felt that

we can believe these guys.

They were used to
having a government

that they did not
believe one word in,

and accident and
disasters were usually suppressed.

They didn't inform about them,

so what they heard about
this just kept them worried,

that it may be even worse.

It was - it was bad enough to be sure.

But they felt that these guys we trust,

So this was a victory for glasnost.

The Soviets agree to
cooperate fully with the West.

A historic change
that begins an era of openness,

which became known as Glasnost.

A political victory for Gorbatchev,
who sorely needs it.

Because in Chernobyl,

although the fire
is now being kept in check,

the breach and tons of
highly radioactive rubble

lie exposed to the elements.

It is of the utmost urgency
to cover the broken structure

and clean up the zone.

But for that,
more men will be needed

- many more men.

18 days after the disaster,

Gorbatchev finally addresses
the Soviet people.

The entire country was mobilized.

No bureaucratic formalities.

If someone had what we needed,
we took it.

No formalities.

We'd worry about the cost later.

We took whatever we needed,
it was a front-line situation.

General Nikolai Tarakanov
is sent to command the land troops.

In one year,

a hundred thousand
soldiers and officers

passed through Chernobyl.

They were all reservists.

They were summoned up by top
administration in their cities

and sent to the front.

Military personnel or civilians,

officers or simple soldiers,
all of them

are "liquidators",

a term invented
for the Battle of Chernobyl.

Their mission: Clean up

- liquidate - the radioactivity.

Igor Kostine was one of
five w*r reporters

authorized by the Kremlin
to cover the battle.

A first in a country
that kept everything hidden.

Three of his colleagues
are now dead.

There were no titles.

No ministers, generals or soldiers.

No one was saying,

"I'm a general, do what I say..."

Everyone was honestly doing
what they could.

And so they were be name

"the liquidation
of the Chernobyl accident"

was set in motion.

100,000 troops as well as
400,000 civilians,

workers, engineers, nurses,
doctors and scientists

from every Soviet republic
pass through Chernobyl.

The Soviet Union is waging
its last major battle.

Five hundred thousand people.

The troops in Chernobyl
were bigger than Napoleon's.

But our army got contaminated.

From the sky,

helicopters drop tons of a
sticky liquid dubbed "burba":

A coagulative mixture that plasters
the radioactive dust to the ground.


brigades of liquidators are put
in charge of cleaning up the zone

and, house by house, of removing
the layer of radioactive dust

that covers everything.

Special hunting squads were formed.

They patrolled the countryside
and forests with r*fles,

k*lling cats and dogs.

All the animals have to be k*lled,

because when they wandered
through highly contaminated zones,

their fur
soaked up the radioactivity.

They could
contaminate the liquidators.

"A man is living in this house.
Do not destroy..."

The last villages with people
still remaining in the zone

are evacuated.

The houses are knocked down
one by one and buried.

At night,
the trucks and the machines,

and the men,
are covered in radioactive dust.

We'd wash five or six times
in the shower.

We helped each other.

We used a hemp glove
and the roughest soap available.

We scrubbed away.

We put on new clothes.
Then we ate.

We ate really well there,

because you need to
keep your strength up

to fight the ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation seeks out
the weak spots in your body

- that's where it finds a way in
and knocks you out.

Around the plant,

a colossal operation
is set in motion.

It goes on 7 days a week
without a single day off.

300,000 cubic meters
of contaminated earth

are bulldozed into huge ditches
and covered over with cement.

This spot, around the 4th reactor,

is where the most dangerous
missions of the zone took place.

Eight weeks after the expl*si*n,

the liquidators tackle
the heart of the problem:

In order to neutralize
the toxic waste for the long-term

and prevent it
from spreading even more,

the entire blown-out reactor
has to be isolated.

Lev Bolchakov
was one of the engineers

who designed
the enormous structure

that would entirely cover
the fourth reactor.

A "sarcophagus"
of steel and concrete

170 meters long and 66 meters high.

It was a one-of-a-kind and
unique project

No one had ever built

such a structure
in a zone this radioactive.

You could only work
a few minutes at a time.

That had never been done before.

It is an enormous challenge:

How do you build
a monumental structure

in a place where humans can work
for only a few minutes,

or even just seconds, at a time?

This utterly new situation

will require more improvisation
from the liquidators

And put more lives at risk.

It has now been more than 12 weeks

since the initial blast
at Block number 4

of the Chernobyl
nuclear power plant.

To stop the deadly contamination,

the final attack is launched.

Radioactivity in this sector is so high

that only remote-controlled
machines can be sent in.

But people will have to get
the machines into position,

Workers can only stay a few minutes

without receiving
a fatal dose of radiation.

With each second,

their lives are
more and more threatened.

Here's one of the armored vehicles.

It looks primitive,

but we had to build them ourselves.

We lined the cabs entirely with lead

to protect our soldiers from
the radiation as best we could.

Each metallic
piece of the structure

is prefabricated,

sometimes hundreds
of kilometres away,

then brought one by one
onto the site for assembly.

An extraordinary jigsaw puzzle:

Beams 150 tons and 70 meters long.

Buttresses 45 meters high.

That's the DEMAC 4000.

Look at the size of this crane.

We couldn't work
very long on the site

and there was no room for error.

The slightest miscalculation

and it would have been impossible
to fit it all together.

Despite the extreme conditions,
work progresses.

100,000 cubic meters of cement
are used to make the structure.

But the discovery of a new problem
forces the work to a halt:

The roof of the plant

is covered in highly contaminated
pieces of graphite.

These pieces of graphite
enveloped uranium rods.

They've been blown from the
reactor during the expl*si*n.

One single piece gives off enough
radioactivity to k*ll a man

in less than one hour.

They absolutely have to
be gotten rid of

before construction continues.

Robots are sent onto the roof

to shove the lethal debris
over the edge.

60 meters below,

other robots gather it up
and burry it in ditches.

But after a few days,

the ambient radioactivity begins
to affect even the machines.

Their electronic circuitry
can't hold up.

They go berserk and break down.

One of them hurtles itself
into the breach.

On the roof, robotic machines
are no longer an option

Men will have to replace them.

Russian soldiers,

nicknamed "bio-robots"
for the occasion.

This battalion of young reservists

is preparing to go up onto the roof

of the third reactor
for the first time.

They're between 20 and 30 years old,

all of them reservists
called to the front

for the most dangerous
and deadly battle of Chernobyl.

No human has ever worked in zones
as radioactive as this.

General Nikolai Tarakanov
is in command of the operations.

And personally oversee every detail...

down to the hand-sewn lead suits

that every soldier is forced to make
the night before the attack.

On their front,
on their back, in their boots

- they were covered in lead.

A helmet,

a mask to protect against beta rays

and a special apron.

Double layers of
protection on the hands.

The whole uniform
weighed 26 to 30 kilos.

some people didn't want to go,

but they had to.

They were reservists.

They had to go.

For me, there was no question:

I had to go to my duty.

Who was going to do it for me?

Who was going to clean up this disaster

and stop the spread of
radioactivity all over the world?

Somebody had to do it.

Two and a half weeks of hell.

But hell only lasted 2-3 minutes
for each soldier,

or sometimes even just 40 seconds
when the level was too high.

We were careful to
calculate out the time

to save as many lives as possible.

When the siren blows, a crew of 8
soldiers rushes up on the roof

along with an officer.

Their mission is simple:

Shovel up the radioactive debris
as quickly as possible

and throw it off the roof.

According to General Tarakanov's

the level of radioactivity

estimated to be
7000 roentgens per hour

only allows bio-robots
45 seconds on the roof

only enough time
for a couple shovelfuls.

We were like ants:

Just as some were
finishing their task,

others would
immediately take their place.

Everyone did their job,

no matter how small it was,

and that's how, together,

we were able to fight
the radioactivity.

For ten days,

a new crew of bio-robots climbs
on the roof every ten minutes.

According to military personnel,

3,500 people participate
in the clean-up.

Some, like lgor Kostine
and Constantin Fedotov,

went up on the roof five times.

We'd pick up pieces
that were 1,500 roentgens.

After a day of work,
our hands would ache

and we couldn't make a fist.

The first time I went up on the roof,

I was struck
by the mystical feeling there.

It was like being
on another planet.

The whole thing was covered
in radioactive waste.

My hands were shaking.

I didn't know what world I was in,

and I started snapping photos.

If you look close,

you can see traces
of radiation on the film.

I was holding the camera like this,

and it was coming up from the ground,
like that.

Your eyes hurt and there was a
metal taste in your mouth,

those are the two things you felt.

And once you felt that,

you knew you'd gotten
more than your dose.

You couldn't feel
your teeth up there.

Your mouth was full of
this lead taste.

You went like this,

but you couldn't hear anything.

Everything was covered in lead.

Even today, twenty years later,

I can still taste
the lead in my mouth.

Thousands of them will discover
that this peculiar taste

means the invisible enemy
is attacking.

Because as the
bio-robots are sacrificing

their lives on the roof of the plant

the clean-up continues throughout
the 30-kilometer zone,

24 hours a day, rain or shine.

Where normally it would take
one man one hour to do a job,

here in Chernobyl,
it took sixty people.

When we came down off the roof,

it felt like our blood
had been sucked dry by vampires;

we were drained,
we couldn't move.

Some people would have nosebleeds.

The firemen were right there.

If someone's nose started bleeding,

they got sent to the hospital.

If we collapsed, we got sent home,

but we wanted to hold out.

But at the time,
we were young and strong.

Our health is shot,
we've lost everything

They wrote in my record

that we'd got 20.5 roentgens.

But what did that mean?

That number was several times
lower than the actual dose.

As reward,

each soldier received a
liquidator certificate from the army.

And a 100-rouble bonus

the equivalent today
of about 100 U.S. Dollars!

They had risked their lives.

But they have only reduced

the radiation level
on the roof by 35%.

When they sent all those
people up onto the roof,

no one knew exactly
the actual level of radiation.

Now we know it was between
10,000 and 12,000 roentgens per hour.

At that level of radioactivity,

people never should have been sent!

Seven months after the expl*si*n,

the zone has been cleaned up
and the sarcophagus completed.

500,000 people,
military and civilians,

have participated in the operation.

I told the commission that,

for having confronted
such levels of radioactivity,

having cleaned up all that graphite,

and having accomplished
such heroic tasks,

our soldiers needed something symbolic

like putting our flag.

Putting the flag up

was like putting
the flag on the Reichstag

when the Red Army conquered fascism.

For them,

the flag was a symbol of
their triumph over radioactivity.

Each team of liquidators

celebrates the end of the
operation in their own way.

Bocharov and his men

etch their names
onto the final metal piece

to go up on top of the sarcophagus.

Our sarcophagus is a Pantheon.
A tomb.

A mausoleum...

Our second mausoleum!

After that, we stopped building
nuclear power plants.

A bitter victory.

The country will never recover.

It cost us 18 billion roubles.

At that time,

a rouble was worth one dollar.

18 billion! That's huge!

And if you consider that,
shortly after,

the price of oil collapsed,

you can imagine
the trouble our country

and perestroika were up against.

The first snow has started
to stick on Chernobyl.

For authorities,

this proves
the sarcophagus is airtight.

At least for 30 years,
or so they predict.

The liquidators have gone home.

Reactors 1, 2 and 3
are back up and running.

The first battle of Chernobyl

has ended in a victory that
heralded the end of the USSR.

But for many,

it also marks the beginning of a w*r

that, 20 years later,
still hasn't ended...

Twenty years later,

Pripyat is still a ghost town.

Accompanied by lgor Kostine,

Yulia wanted to see the apartment

where she lived with her family

up until the fateful day
of their evacuation.

Contrary to what they'd been told

not a single inhabitant
was ever able to

come back to live
in the deserted buildings.

For lgor Kostine as well,

the visit stirs up painful memories.

He was fatally exposed to radiation

during the seven months
he spent covering the battle,

Since then,

he's had to be hospitalized
for over two months each year.

For the hundreds of thousands of
atomic refugees

as for the hundreds of thousands of
veterans from the Battle of Chernobyl

the fight against the invisible
enemy hasn't let up.

Everyone who went to Chernobyl

is still suffering from the
radioactivity their bodies absorbed.

In the months following the accident

the liquidators
flooded into hospitals

all over the Soviet Union.

Twenty years later,
those who are still alive

continue to frequent
hospital number 6.

They're all victims
of what specialists

have since named
"the Chernobyl syndrome."

We've all got a bunch of symptoms:

Heart, stomach, liver, kidneys,
nervous system.

Our whole bodies
were radically upset

by the metabolic changes
caused by radiation,

and chemical, exposure.

When the liquidators went back home,

they were exhausted

incapable of going back
to a normal life.

Twenty years later,

many of those who survived
are disabled and unable to work.

And the authorities appear to
be ignoring their plight

by cutting down their welfare money.

The veterans of the w*r
in Afghanistan are still alive,

while we are slowly wasting away.

I have written a poem about this:

Sadness fills me

Nostalgia and anguish

Like a b*llet in the temple

Nothing can ever stop.

The mother prays in secret to God

To spare his life...

These men
weren't even thirty

when they were sent
in to battle the atom.

Today, those that survive
are not even 50 years old,

but they struggle
like senior citizens.

According to the military,

of the 500,000 Chernobyl liquidators

twenty thousand have already died.

200,000 are officially disabled.

You don't know
how long you have to live,

or what disease
is going to k*ll you.

You don't know what effects
it will have on your children,

if you have any.

We know all that,

and we know the invisible enemy

is eating away
inside of us like a worm.

For us, the w*r continues,

and little by little

we're slipping away from this world.

Yet for two decades,

only 59 deaths had officially been
attributed to the Chernobyl disaster.

Not a single study
has been carried out

on the 130,000 refugees
from the zone.

Not a single statistic on the state
of the 500,000 liquidators.

No figures on the population that
continues to live around Chernobyl

and in the contaminated areas.

The real amount of radiation
these people were exposed to

has never been revealed to them.

A deputy of the Supreme Soviet

discovered the systematic cover-up
of the true consequences of Chernobyl

when the Soviet Empire dissolved in 1991.

Taking advantage of the anarchy
in the country

she managed to get her hands on
a copy of top secret documents:

600 pages of a report
to the Central Committee

written while the Battle of
Chernobyl was still raging.

When I read these documents,

I discovered everything
happened differently.

I realized just how huge the lie
the Party leaders told.

Decree no12 stated
that on May 12, 1986,

10,198 people had
already been hospitalized:

"345 showed signs of radio-lesions..."

Yet at the same time,

they were telling us
everything was fine,

that it was nothing serious,

and I realized
the scope of the lies.

According to Alla,

another passage
reveals that authorities

had arbitrarily changed the standards

multiplying by five

what was considered the acceptable
dose of radiation for the human body.

When they raised the standard,

suddenly people
were miraculously cured.

They were released from
the hospital and sent home.

It was criminal.

The tendency
to manipulate the numbers

was not unique to the Soviets.

In late August 1986

the first international conference
assessing Chernobyl

took place behind closed doors.

It was presided over by Hans Blix,

No journalists or outside observers
were admitted into the amphitheater.

The Russian delegation
was led by Legassov

the man who'd been in charge of
the governmental commission

during the Battle of Chernobyl.

When we put him in charge of

preparing the report for the IAEA,

we gave him the duty of
reporting everything.

He came up with
a very detailed report

that put them
all in a state of shock.

Legassov spoke for three hours.

His report concluded
that in the decades to come,

about 40,000 deaths from cancer
caused by Chernobyl

were to be expected.

The Western world refused flat out
to accept this estimate

which spurred a genuine
East-West negotiation.

These are theoretical calculations

based upon the Hiroshima model.

That says that if you have
so much radio-activity,

you know from Hiroshima,
that on the long term effect,

that so or so many
would die from it.

And if you increase by ten from it,

you assumed that will be ten.

That's the calculation

This is not exact, I think,
it is not empiric...

There again, the figures were
surprisingly flexible.

By the end of the conference,

people were no longer
talking about 40,000

but rather 4000 probable deaths.

Nearly twenty years later
in September 2005,

this figure became the official
death toll of the disaster.

The staunchest opponents to the
Soviets' policy of transparency

were the French
who went as far as to deny

that the radioactive cloud
passed over their country.

Twenty years later in France
and especially in Corsica

cases of thyroid cancer
of the same nature

and severity as those around
Chernobyl are being reported.

The most dangerous element that
came out of the Chernobyl reactor

wasn't cesium or plutonium, but lies.

The Lie of '86, that's what I call it.

A lie that was propagated
like the radioactivity

- throughout the whole country
and the entire world.

On April 27, 1988

the second anniversary
of the disaster.

Legassov who'd worked so hard
to unveil the entire truth

decided to put an end to his life.

Today, as perfect metaphors
of the institutionalized lie

the radioactive particles hurled from
the reactor in the expl*si*n

continue to poison the land.

Twenty years after the disaster

the area of Chernobyl
remains uninhabitable.

In five years,
the radionuclides sink

five centimeters
into the contaminated soil.

So twenty years later,

they're 20 cm under the ground.

They continue to
contaminate all the plants.

To clean it up,

we'd need to remove 20 cm of soil

and seal it underground
in burial sites.

And that's too big of a job to do.

It's impossible...

Today, eight million people live in
contaminated areas of Ukraine,

Russia and especially Belorussia.

For twenty years,

they've lived off the
radioactive food

that continues to contaminate them
little by little.

This issue,

raised in 1986 by the Soviet
delegation at the Vienna conference,

has been systematically ignored.

And yet, 1,152 children were operated
for thyroid cancer between 1986

and 2002 at the specialized center
in Minsk.

How many in other cities?

No global statistics
have yet been made public.

One doctor, Youri Bandajevski

has been studying
illnesses among the populations

in the contaminated areas
ever since the disaster.

When his findings
were published in 1996,

they were immediately condemned.

Arrested and officially sentenced

for "corruption", he spent
the next five years in jail.

In November 2005,
he was still under house arrest.

Look what happened

when the mother was contaminated
with cesium during pregnancy.

In one single family,

look how many deformations:

Hare-lips, missing eyes,
deformed skulls.

These embryos come from hamsters
that were fed only contaminated grass

from the region of Gomel.

The result: Entire litters
of deformed animals.

I was horrified by how many deformed
embryos developed in animals

that had eaten
cesium-contaminated food.

I obtained a horrible number
of deformations in two weeks.

Usually, when you encounter a
"monster", you describe it.

You're certainly familiar with

Peter the Great's Kunstkamera museum
in Saint-Petersburg.

Quite frankly, I myself could create
as many "monsters" as I wanted.

There's been no official study
of genetic mutations

stemming from Chernobyl.

Yet despite the thousands
of miscarriages

and abortions that took place
following the disaster.

There seem to be
hundred of children

who suffered the effect of radiation.

The deformations
we see among these children

are similar to those of
Bandajevski's hamsters.

In Belorussia,

300,000 children
are currently suffering

the consequences of contamination.

NGOs, like the
International Green Cross

founded by Gorbatchev

after he was sidelined
from the government in 1991,

have opened treatment and support
centers for victims of Chernobyl.

They also organize therapeutic camps

aiming to teach the new generations
in contaminated areas

how to live with radioactivity

like here, testing the
contamination of their food.

How many years
is this going to go on?

800 years? 800 years.

Until the
second Jesus Christ is born?

Until his return?

Yes, Chernobyl played
an important role for us all.

And of course, we must keep
searching and not skimp on means.

We must strengthen
international cooperation,

and create international
scientific centers

to find new sources of energy
which are safer.

That's the essential issue...

I wouldn't wish for anyone,

not my friends or my enemies,
to experience such a tragedy.

No one deserves to live through
what we did in Chernobyl.

We're all human beings
and no one deserves that.

In the heart of the zone

ten kilometers from
the nuclear power plant

and hidden in the forest,
lies Chernobyl 2.

Twenty years ago no one could
get near this huge military radar:

Moscow's hidden eye meant to
spot American missiles.

The fact it was put out of
service after the expl*si*n

tallies with what the Chernobyl
accident seemed to foreshadow.

Using weapons is a terrible thing,

and nuclear weapons are even worse.

Chernobyl was an accident
involving one single reactor

- a limited accident -

whose consequences are still with us.

We've had two bombs:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

There again, the consequences
are still being felt today.

Chernobyl showed us the true nature
of nuclear energy in human hands.

We'd calculated that
our most powerful m*ssile,

the SS-18,

as powerful as 100 Chernobyls.

The SS-18 was the warheads
the Americans feared the most,

And we had 2,700 of them.

And these were the missiles
we'd intended for the Americans.

2,700! Lmagine the destruction...

Mister Gorbatchev was probably
right in saying that

Chernobyl was the big illustration
of radioactivity let loose.

And in this sense,

suggested to people more vividly that

we ought to do away
with nuclear weapons.

A year and half after Chernobyl

Gorbatchev retired
all nuclear warheads

with a ranged 500 to 5000-km.

Ten years later

the Total Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
was ratified by the entire world,

with the exception of India.

Chernobyl marked
the beginning of disarmament

for the world's
greatest nuclear rivals.

Chernobyl convinced everyone.

Soviets and Americans alike

realized once and for all the
magnitude of the atomic volcanos

our countries were sitting upon.

Not just our two countries,
but the entire world.

The entire world!

Yet twenty years later

the Chernobyl disaster
and its lessons

seem to be fading from memory...

Meanwhile, beneath the aging
sarcophagus of reactor number 4

the poison remains deadly...

Since 2001

the three Chernobyl reactors
have been shut down once and for all.

But twenty years after the expl*si*n

a dosimeter flies off the chart
at the base of the sarcophagus.

High levels of radioactivity,

a hundred times normal, are still
contaminating the plant's surroundings.

The structure has been weakened
by rain and erosion.

Since its construction,

3000 liquidators
have been watching over it,

trying to ward off damage.

We built this sarcophagus
to last 30 years,

thinking that 30 years
after the expl*si*n,

we could build a new sarcophagus

without people having to run
because of high radiation levels.

Twenty years have gone by
and nothing's been done yet.

And it's urgent that it get replaced.

But the Ukraine
doesn't have anymore money.

Neither do we.

A new sarcophagus is underway.

But its construction is already
ten years behind schedule.

A structure 108 meters high

meant to entirely cover
the first sarcophagus.

It will costs: One billion dollars.

An international fund led by
Hans Blix has been set up.

We still have not
put the new sarcophagus on it

that will be ready
in a couple of years' time.

When that is done,

Allow they can do later on
to remove the masses of spent fuel,

the melted fuel
which is still there...

Twenty years after the expl*si*n,

the cooled magma
at the reactor's core

14 meters underground
is still a terrible threat.

And will remains
so for years to come.

I pray God the sarcophagus
never collapses.

That would be the worst thing
that could happen.

Because inside,
there are 100kg of plutonium.

One microgram is the lethal dose
for a human being.

That means there's enough plutonium
to poison a hundred million people.

The half-life of plutonium,
in other words

the time it takes for half of
the plutonium to disappear,

is 245,000 years.

It's something
we could thus consider eternal.

There are areas where
there will never be life again...

Despite this terrible warning

the nuclear disarmament
sparked by Chernobyl

is clearly coming into
question today.

If nuclear development for
civilian uses

is being put foryard
as a solution to the problems

of fossil fuels and global warming,

this landscape reminds us that

such an option
is not without consequences.

It requires the greatest caution...

and clear information
on the real risks it presents.

Chernobyl also reminds us

that if we must live with

radioactivity and
its unavoidable dangers

we also need to spare
future generations

from any risk of nuclear apocalypse.