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Robin Hood The Rebellion (2018)

Posted: 04/16/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
- Get in here before they come,

I can hear them.

I can hear them.

- Take my sword.

You must keep moving.

- Robin!



- What, what's happened?

- I'm fine, but...

- What have you done to my son?

You wouldn't listen would you?

- Who was searching?

Mary, fetch some water.

- Go.

- What happened?

- Robin's impatience has led to this!

- What, what's happened?

- He saved us!

- He put you in danger in

the first place, child!


Robin you are reckless!

- I was teaching them to hunt for food

when we were set upon

by the sheriff's men!

I did not put them in harm's way!

Do not assume the blame

always lies with me!

- You're scaring the children.

- He saved us.

- Quiet child, stop defending him!

That's, that's my son!

- John stop.

He needs you right now, be with him.

They all look to you, Robin.

- Will, please be on lookout.

The bravest warrior I've ever seen.

He'll live to fight another day.

- His scar in battle, I'm jealous.

- Come, let's give them space.

Perhaps teaching them so young is an

indulgence you can not yet afford.

- An indulgence?

They must learn how to

fend for themselves.

Our numbers increase by the day

and they've all become targets.

- Your feud with the sheriff should

not be everyone's feud.

- We weren't trespassing,

it was an open forest.

- What we're doing is dangerous.

We anger those that do not

share the same point of view.

- Those that anger at us for what we take

up too much to begin with.

- But they still anger.

And they want to reclaim

what was once theirs.

You cannot deny the truth in what I say.

John fears you cannot control yourself.

And that things will only get worse.

I fear what the future holds.

- We must take a stand

against the sheriff.

We must fight.

- I know.

But these people are not warriors, Robin.

You must have patience with them.

- A little bird tells

me you've been supplying

Robin Hood with grain.

Could this be true?

- No.

It's not.

It's not true.

- You're quite fond of mead, I hear.

Helps free up the tongue.

- You drunken fool!

- You never know who may be listening.

I'll ask again.





- Yes, yes!

- Yes it's true.

- Lead me to him

and I won't gut your wife.

- I don't know where he is!

- Huh.

- It's Mari.

- Mm.

- Lady Marian and some

children collect the grain.

- Robin Hood will stop you.

- I can't see him coming to rescue you.

Do you?

Let me tell you about my new taxes

so that you may continue to provide

for me and my people

without too many disruptions.

This is your crop.

These are mine.

And this is for you.

But if you don't tell me where I can

find the Lady Marian,

well then...

At least you can save

your children's lives.

Because if you don't tell me,

they're next.

- Mary described how

they fought yesterday.

How Robin saved them.

- She's brave.

But lucky too.

- When do I get to fight?

- Fetch some more pails Much.

- I tried.

- And you lost.

- I came to join your fight.

I'm sorry I was foolish.

- Go go!

- I fear, I fear I've led

the enemy right to you.

I thought I'd lost them in the marshes

as they entered the forest

but they must have picked up on my tracks.

You must tell Robin Hood

this place is no longer safe.


- How many?

- We have orders to keep you alive!

- Then you're at a disadvantage.

- There's no doubt in my

mind, he did save his life.

- He's a reckless thief

who will get us all k*lled.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing?

- I need Robin's help.

- Whatever it is, I can deal with it.

What's happened?

- I think it was the sheriff's men.

I was set upon.

It's not mine.

I ran as fast as I could to

get away from the carnage.

I k*lled one of them.

Should we get some help?

- No, no, no, no.

There's more chance of being spotted.

Come on lad, quickly, show me.

Come on!

- Stop this!

You we must keep alive,

but as for the boy, we

have no such instruction!

- I'm sorry Marian!

- How far?

- Who is this?

- You know my name.

- I think I see an outlaw.

- Turncoat.

- Where's Robin Hood?

- I couldn't get to him.

- Well let's have some fun

with his friend instead then.

Soon enough others will

come looking for him.

On your knees.

On your knees!

Look at me.

Look at me.

Do you see how easy it

is for us to find you?

Not too clever are you?

I know what I would do

if another man invaded my home.

- We're under attack!

- Take those that cannot

fight into the lower caves.

- It's done.

- Go with the others

- I can fight.

- Your brother needs you and

your father wouldn't approve.

Please Mary, go, go!

- Are you gonna take me

to Robin Hood or not?

- How could you?

Blood on your hands.

Think on that.

- Tracks.

- Well he can't think

very much of you, can he?

Where is he?

Even your own men are abandon you,

so what chance do any of you have?

The best thing that you could do

is lead me to Robin Hood now!

- Think.

- I am growing impatient!

So take the hideout.

Butcher the children.

Then their loyalty will falter.

And Robin Hood will be found soon enough.

- Stop!

- Robin!


I've been sent here to negotiate

the Lady Marian and the worm boy Much

are in our possession.

Now the terms of their release,

her hand in marriage

and your head on a spike.

- Will!

I thought you were one of us, Brom.

Are you loyal to the sheriff now?

- I wanted protection.

- Protection from what, outlaws?

- Yes.

- Like us?

The ones who cared for you?

- I chose the sheriff over you, Robin.

There's nothing you can do that scares me.

I have a newborn son.

I thought the stronghold

the only true safe haven,

I only did what I thought was right.

- Robin, no.

Please, Robin!

Robin, no, no!

- Will you help me?

For your son?

You've betrayed us, Brom,

but I'm gonna give you

the chance to make amends.

Start talking.

- Beyond those trees, their horses.

- How did they find us?

- I didn't tell them.

They knew exactly where to look.

They m*rder*d a farmer.

- Robin.

This has to stop.

Innocent people are dying!

- The forest can no

longer protect us, John.

Brom left 'cause he no longer felt safe.

And now the sheriff is

using our allies against us.

The time to fight back is now.

Our enemies have Marian and Much.

And I intend to get them back.

- We're outnumbered, it's impossible.

You'll die!

- I have to do something.

- You'll get yourself k*lled!

- If I go alone then that will be true.

Yesterday you learned that these men

don't care who they hurt.

Your own son, John.

And your daughter.

Your children are brave,

much like their father.

They're not as reckless as you believe.

- Is there no other way?

- The peace is shattered.

- It may make things worse.

- If we fail, that may be true.

I came home,

we came home to a land

plagued with injustice,

and I intend to confront that cause

and not hide from it in the trees.

The sheriff has forced our hand.

If we cannot protect the people we love

then what good are we?

- I am with you, Robin.


- I'm not a soldier like you two.

I'm just a simple farmer.

- Never seen a better

fighter than you, John.

- Whether we like it or

not, this is happening.

Now you may not like my methods

but I intend to take

the fight to the enemy.

This is not life.

- I want nothing more than

to protect my family, Robin,

you know that.

- Then take up arms.

Tell me.

What was the plan?

- We were to capture you or k*ll you

and then report back to the sheriff.

- And the report would

proclaim Robin Hood a coward.

He heard the terms and

decided to go into hiding.

- You've k*lled the sheriff's cousin.

He was to make the report.

- There were four men who rode out.

- Then four will return.

I'm coming with you.

- Darkness will be our ally.

Tell the others what's happened.

Go into hiding into the caves.

If we are not back by sunset tomorrow

then we're likely not back at all.

And then you need to find new shelter.

Be brave.

Remember your son, Brom.

- Open the gate!


Today's gate word.

- If this doesn't work, then what?

- Then we all die, John.

- Oh.

- Lead the way, Brom.

Stay close to the shadows.

- So now perhaps you'll see what happens

when people take things from me.

Robin Hood must watch while

others round him suffer and die.

If my cousin has done his job,

then they'll be here soon.

If he failed, we can't expect the savage

not to retaliate now, can we?

To mount a rescue attempt?

I will chop him up into pieces

and parade his disembodied

parts for all to see.

Here is what the man was made of.

- You are gutless.

- And you slum with the feral.

A woman of your stature

reduced to living with the animals,

giving up stone and noble

providence for debt.

I'm curious as to why you

would do such a thing.

For love, perhaps.

A stupid notion but one I can use.

You're not afraid, woman.

I think you underestimate my cruelty.

- I will rip you apart.

- Hmm.

Marry me.

Save the people, save

yourself, save this mongrel.

You see this is your weakness

and it is not physical.

Well come on.

Bring me bad.

When you become agreeable,

I'll take your hand in

marriage, but if you don't,

the first thing I will

take will be your hands.


If they move, hurt them.

- Report to the sheriff.

- In time, good sir.

Let us warm our hands by

the fire after a long ride.

- Weapons.

- Brom, do you know where

the prisoners are secured?

- I'm sorry, I don't.

Access to many parts of the

stronghold are forbidden.

- We'll have to find our own way, then.

- We cannot defend

ourselves without weapons.

- This is given to new soldiers.

A route to the only accessible armoury.

A weaponry within for practise only.

Not for the rigours of battle.

- It'll have to do.

Goodbye, Brom.

Take care.

- What now?

- Make haste.

The longer we linger

the greater the chance

of us being discovered.

- Robin, where are we?

- That doorway should lead to the armoury.

- Well?

- There's a big man guarding the door.

- He is a big man.


This is folly!

- What should we do, John?

Should we turn back?

Should I hand myself in?

Would either of those solve our problem?

- This is not brave, this is stupid!

- I tell you--

- Shh!

- I know there is truth

in what John would say.

What choice do we have?

There is no other way.

- You should do what you

think is right, Robin.

I will follow you.

- There is no turning back.

My good man.

We need access to the armoury.

I shall say it again, we

need access to the armoury.

Are you deaf or stupid or both?

- Only instruction from

the sheriff or his cousin

will have me open the gates.

You should know that.

- Then I shall go and fetch Guy.

The sheriff will be angry at the delay.

Robin Hood has infiltrated the stronghold.

We need those weapons now!

- Nice and subtle Robin, well done!

- Thank you.

- Robin!

- So, you're Robin Hood.

- John, little bit of help might be nice.

That's a shame he's not on our side.

Search him.

- There's no keys.

- What?

Got to be something.

How long has she been there?

The evening froth didn't agree with him.

He's delicate.

- Get that door open quick.

Are you not an expert thief?

- Give me your belt.

- Praise your all this is useless

unless Will is successful.

- We have yet to be discovered, John.


- Let me in!

- Turn around,

friend, before it's too late.

- Do you not recognise me?

- Should I?

- I'm Guy of Gisborne!

Throw down a torch and

I'll show you my face!

Now open the gate!

- Hurry up!

- Very helpful.

- Should we not search elsewhere?

- What can we do without weapons, John?

- We have but one broadsword between us.

We get weapons, we get Marian, we get out.

- A sword against an arrow

is not a good match from distance.

- What are you saying?

- Hurry up.


- Dead end.

Couldn't catch her in time.

- She will surely send word

of our arrival soon enough.


- John.

- Other routes?

- None that I saw.

- Get that door open or we're all dead.

- Much.


Wake up.

Come on.

We need to get out of this.

- There's no way out of this.

- There's always a way.

Come on, think!

- Sire, you're hurt, sire!

- Oh, out of my way!

You, with me.

Where's my cousin?

- I believe he's in his chamber, sire.

And not to be disturbed.

- Okay.

You go to my quarters,

you get me some clothes,

you meet me in my cousin's chamber, go.

- Yes sire.

- Give me the sword.

- It's our only means

of defending ourselves.

- But we'll get this door open.

Give me the sword.

- We're gonna die because the famous thief

couldn't unlock a door.

- We are not to be disturbed!

Did I not give explicit instructions?

- It's me, Guy!

I've got news of Robin Hood!

I was bettered in combat, cousin.

- I told you not to

underestimate the savages.

- My men are dead.

And they took our uniforms.

- So Robin Hood is here.

- Sire, sire!

- Let me guess.

- Three men sire are trying

to access the lower armoury.

Wearing our uni--

- Gather some men.

- Let me take care of this.

Let me correct my mistake.

- I'll fetch his whore

and then I'll make her

watch while I gut him.


If you're still here when I return,

I'll feed your eyes to the pigs.

- Much, come here!

Much, listen to me.

I know you're tired.

I know you're hurt, but this is it.

We will die here.

- I'm sorry Marian

you're only here with me.

- It's not your fault.

I know you're scared,

even Robin gets scared.

We all do.

Be brave.

And hit these chains as hard as you can,

give it everything you've got!

- Here they come.

- Done.

Get him!

- Where are my bowmen?

- Offering your services

to the sheriff now, Green?

- A man has to eat.

- Well the sheriff takes all our food.

We'll bolt the door.

- Well.

This is going well so far.

- I thought you were better than this!

- You two know each other?

- That's Green.

He's a good man.

Fearless in battle.

- Oh, oh that's Green.

Well it looks like he wants to k*ll us.


- Battering ram, now.

- Will.

- Guard, the boy is gone!

- I bear you no ill will, Robin.

I'm simply following orders.

- The man who gives you orders is a coward

who puts innocents in harms way.

- Heave!



- Stop!

Robin Hood.

- Oh, these wooden swords

will be great in battle.

- Better than nothing.

- If you would but surrender to my cousin

I am sure that he would see reason.

As would I.

You steal what is not yours to take.

- Isn't that the point of stealing?

- He's simple.

Even failed at dying.

- And now you're trespassing.

And there is no way out.

- How can this be?

Am I dreaming?

I'm looking at a dead man.

- Just another one of

your failures, Robin Hood.

My cousin wants to unite the people

and take Lady Marian's

hand in marriage whereas

I'd prefer to watch her beg for death.

Don't believe me?

Let me show you.

Green come here.

- Yes sir, sire.

- What?

- I would not underestimate Robin Hood.

I've fought alongside him many times.

- I know that these men respect you,

and that's useful to me.

Do as you're told.

Or I'll cut your pregnant wife's throat.

Don't forget why you're here.


Send word to my cousin.

Tell him I have Robin Hood cornered.

He's about to release

the whore, go quickly.

- Wait.

I'll go.

The air down here is foul.

- As you wish, sire.

- Is this a joke?

Find them.

Get the extra men if you have to.

- Robin Hood has been cornered.

Guy has him locked in the upper armoury.

- Well I guess that's something at least.

Get Brimstone.

He'll not fail me.

- Brimstone?

- I think we need a man that will

obey every command without question.

Whilst we're busy with Robin Hood,

I think we need someone

capable of taking care of

this little hiccup!

That useless woman won't get far.

Tell Brimstone if he kills the Lady Marian

he won't get any food for a week.

I want her alive.

- What?

- The sheriff has a request.

- Heave!

- It seems my threats

have fallen on deaf ears.

Oh I'm shot!


- Robin!

May God be with you if these

flames send you to him.

Now quench your swords to stay in hell.

- Burn you bastards, burn!


Now we just wait, we hold.

You can be the first one in to

identify the charred corpse.

- Little girl, don't be afraid.

Put the sword down, come with me.

The sheriff wants to see you.

That's enough now!

Come on, she's childish!

- Come on Much!

- Green has given us knowledge.

- Do you trust him?

- He's no friend of the sheriff's.

- Yet he fights his battles.

- Under duress, John.

He said quench your sword to stay in hell.

He wants us to survive.

- How?

- He's helped me made a narrow escape

when we were fighting on the same side.

This is our way out.

- Die, die!

- Go on!

- I'm sorry, Robin.

I should never have doubted you.

All this time.

I thought you craved the b*ttlefield

and were leading us into oblivion.

- That was never my intention, John.

- You two share a bond created only

by surviving the Crusades,

fighting a holy w*r.

I see these men.

Bent on k*lling for k*lling's sake.

This is all new to me.

Why should such a purpose exist?

Why such darkness?

- A tyrant has warped their belief.

And now we all must suffer.

Until he is stopped.

- If those who can fight, don't fight,

we really have lost, haven't we?

- Where's Marian?

Good question.

Something sharp?

- Ah, no no no no no no

no no no no don't cousin!

Please, please, please leave

this to me, this to me.

To me.

To me, Robin Hood is dead.

Burnt him alive.

- Would you stake your life on it?

Have you seen the corpse yet?

Should you present any

more false news to me,

I'll slit your throat myself.

Get those injuries seen to.

I don't want you bleeding

on me any longer.

- Arabella?

- What is it?

- It's Robin Hood.

- Keep dreaming.

Even he would not be

stupid enough to come here.

- If you were right and I were not here,

then she would be showing

the first signs of madness

and perhaps a scullion

could not even be trusted

with the smallest of knives.

- Ah ah ah.

- Let go!

- No need to run.

- Nothing but thieves, marauders!

Get off me, get off me!

- Calm yourself, woman!

- Can you help us?

- Don't trust them, Millicent.

Help, help!

- Keep your voice down.

- Sorry.

We need access to the dungeons.

- I can take you there.

- Can we trust anyone here, Robin?

- My friend has a point.

How do we know that we can trust you?

- Your men saved my family.

They gave them grain

when they were starving.

- Some say that I'm just a thief

who thought only for himself.

That only beggars and outlaws

benefit from our crimes

and our actions put all others in danger.

- I believe that they would be dead

were it not for you, Robin.

I'll take you via the west wing armoury

and direct you from there.

Should I be caught, the

sheriff will k*ll me.

- We will maintain that

you did this under duress.

Be not alarmed.

Lead the way.

- Nobody here.

Send word to the sheriff.

Robin Hood is still alive.

- Wait.

Come with me.

I need someone to tend

to this wound properly.

- Where are they?

- Did you not pass Lady Marian?

- Obviously not, you moron.

If Hood is alive he'll

be looking for the cells.

If we wait for them there

this will be over soon enough.

- Is there no peaceful

solution to this situation?

- I wish that were the case.

- We take from the sheriff

only what he takes from others.

- His only desire is power

and his actions are not

for the good of the people.

- But what about

the souls caught in the middle?

- They must fight.

- How did he die?

My David, he was with you this morning.

- Robin Hood stabbed him

in the back like a coward

and gutted him.

- No.

- Oh, really, shh, shh, shh.

I'm sorry about David.

Savages haven't pushed us out, no way.

There's no escape.

I'm resilient.

He was a good man.

- He was a good man.

- Obviously, if he'd been a better man

he'd still be alive.

And he'd still have a beating heart.

- Yes.

- Maybe what you need

is a man more like me.

- Much!

- Ah!

Stay where you are.

Shouldn't you be with my cousin by now?

- Loosen your grip or he'll suffocate.

- It's no more than the boy deserves.

Should have been drowned at birth.

- I will k*ll you.

- Your thief couldn't,

so what makes you think

that you could succeed

where he failed, hmm?

I k*lled him in the armoury.

- I don't believe you.

- An ill-fated rescue

attempt gone badly wrong.

Burnt to a cinder.


See my cousin, he likes to play games.

But he underestimates your will.

Will to survive.

He's shown you mercy.

Because of his misguided

desire to marry you.

But I won't make the same mistake.

- You and your cousin are cowards.

You send good men to die.

To fight battles while you bark orders.

Treating people like slaves.

- We should stay and fight!

- If Robin is here we need to find him!

Come on!

- Stop.

How well do you know this layout?

- The stronghold is built

on top of the old caverns

which now make up the dungeons and cells.

Water flowing through the

lowest chambers feeds the moat.

I used to explore as a child

but we were warned of the

dangers of loose rocks.

Main cells are that way, but

there are more routes here

so we must be careful.

- We'll cover this passageway.

- Better we stay together.

- No.

We may cover more ground this way.

We'll meet back here shortly.

Millicent with me.


Take this.

- I cannot fight.

- You are one of us now.

The rebellion takes

the fight to the enemy.

They will without a thought

k*ll anyone who stands by me.

So take up arms or be defenceless.

- I choose not to fight, Robin.

- The sheriff will show you no mercy.

- Robin.

- She was innocent!

- I did not put her in this position.

You did.

Get close.


Just in time.

- Will!




- Did you hear something?

- Maybe Robin's found her.

- Maybe not.

- Put down your weapons now.

Or you're both dead.

On your knees.

You're next.

- You think in your arrogance

you can invade my stronghold

and take all my best?

You're just a selfish thief.

I pity any who believe you

can think beyond yourself.

What can you do to save them, Robin?

- Ah ah ah ah ah.

- I guard the republic!

Your friends can't help you, Robin.

If Lady Marian doesn't agree to my terms,

I'll simply slit her throat.

Good riddance.

Take them.

We'll find out just how many

rebels choose to oppose me.

- You should have been there by now.

Come on, get a move on!


- That way, Much, come on.

- Okay Marian, let's go.

- I've just seen the outlaws.

I want you to go tell the steward

they're headed for the barbican.

Go, now!

- Die, Robin Hood.

The Lady Marian is ours.

And you, Robin Hood, have no way back.

- If you believe what you say,

if what you say is true about my friends,

then you have given me nothing to lose.

You are all blinded!

By greed and glory.

That's death.

- Coward.

- Robin Hood is dead.

It's just a matter of time

before your beloved Marian

and her rat boy are recaptured.

The rebellion is over.

- Sire, sire.

- Do tell.

- We found the Lady Marian.

They made it to the barbican.

- The barbican.

- Yes sire.

- Cousin.

- Cousin.

- No one is to touch

these two until I return.

Do I make myself clear?

Gather some other guards.

- Stop.

- What is it?

- Robin's here.

He'll be looking for us.

We can't go back the way we came.

God's head.

There's too many.

- I can't go any further, I need to rest.

- If we had a rope we could

climb down to the next level.

And go back from there.

We passed another doorway back there.

Wait here.

- Don't move.

You people have done enough.

- Please.

- Please what?

Please don't stop you?

- I mean you no harm.

- Then you should have

stayed in the dungeon

and met with your punishment.

- I just need this rope!

- It's not yours to take!

- Step out of my way.

Those within the stronghold walls

do not understand the rule of

fear and terror beyond them.

The sheriff is your enemy, not me.

- He simply tries to bring

order to the savagery,

chaos caused by people like you.

- People like me stand up to him.

Fight for what we believe in.

- He's a good man who provides

for all within these walls.

- You let him rule those you care for.

Send them to die for a

fight that's not their own.

- Are you willing to die for your fight?

- Yes.

- The sheriff's

men will be here any minute.

- Not a moment to lose, then.


- No hide and seek.

Just to be sure.

I've lost my patience.

We've captured your little band of rebels.

I'm not going to k*ll you.

I'm just going to humiliate you.

k*lling is easy.

I've k*lled your Robin Hood.

But now we're free to take the bonds

of holy matrimony without complication.

- Come on!

- What's down there?

Looking for your dignity?

We have business to attend to.

- Belief.

- Who goes there?

- This is belief.

- Show yourself.


- Correct, Robin Hood.

- How did you know it was me?

- The lord has chosen to take my sight,

but not my wits, Robin.

I overheard your quarrel with the brute.

I believe his exact words

were "Die, Robin Hood."

- Indeed they were.

- You see what these men do?

Serving what they believe?

Your belief became strength

in your darkest hour.

Believed that you had nothing

to lose and all was lost.

But you defeated the devil.

- He was not the devil, just a man.

- Not a man, Robin Hood.

Your fear is the devil's work.

Now you must show him

you do not fight for hate

or vengeance.

- I fight to survive.

- Fight now not just for

yourself, but for others

and a greater cause.

- My friends are all dead now, Friar.

- You don't know that, Robin.

And I suspect you don't believe it.

No one dare venture here.

I often come here to collect my thoughts.

It seems that a blind old friar

is nothing to bother about

so I roam free.

- You are not to be underestimated.

- That we have in common.

This is a very good place

for hiding things of value,

things that would be

wasted in the wrong hands,

including my best mead.

You will make better use of

this than I will, take it.


Picture the ones you love.

See them in your mind's eye,

and fight for them, fight for something

greater than yourself.

And you will be unstoppable.

- Thank you, Friar.

- Godspeed, godspeed.

I'll explain the way out.

When you ascend the ladder,

this is what you must do.

Our father, who art in

heaven, hallowed by thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those that

trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil,

for thine is the kingdom,

the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.


- What's happening?

- Robin Hood, the lower levels.

- Impossible.


You stay here, make sure

nobody touches them.

I have to be the one to tell my cousin,

I wanna see the look on his face

when he realises he's failed.

- Sire.

Robin Hood is cunning.

Should you encounter him on the way,

then considering your injuries

I should perhaps accompany you.

If only to see you

deliver the coup de gras

he so richly deserves.

- My good man.

- What?

- John!

- Come, we must find Marian.

I'm fine, by the way.

- There is a way to end this.

No one else has to die.

We can unite the people.

Robin Hood is dead.

I've done what I set out to do.

I've brought you here, I've trapped

and conquered my enemy.

And next, I'm going to hunt down and k*ll

every single one of your outlaws.

So I ask you again,

save the people.

Marry me.

- No.

- Cousin.

Robin Hood lives.

- Get off!

- Will you watch me k*ll him?

- How we gonna find her now?

- That's how.

- Where are they now, Hood?

Go and get the other

guards immediately, go now!

k*ll them all!

He's mine!


This is the end.

Do you think yourself immortal,

or blind?

Those archers will k*ll on command.

- They will release on

command but they may miss.

Their arm's already tired.

Their grip loose.

- The will to survive.

- Fire!

- Robin!

Watch out!

- Green.

Should I be pleased to see you this time?

Tell your men the sheriff is

dead, the rebellion is over.

They answer to you now.

- You survive once again, Robin.

- Thanks in part to you, old friend.

- You look a mess.

- Thanks.

- I told them

not to underestimate you.

- Well it seems they

didn't take your advice.

- What now?

- Well now we return to mourn

the loss of our young friend.

And to recover.

But we shall return.

We must give back all that

the sheriff has taken.

- The king will hear of this.

- As well he should.

I only answer to the true king.

Should he ever return.

- I'll send word if he does.

- Why Much?

- He fought and died

for what he believed in.

And we should be celebrating his life

and now dwelling on his death.

- To live on in our memory.

- Robin, there are still

many things to attend to.

Perhaps our work can wait.

- Let us rest until our

energy returns, do you mind?

Thank you.

- Don't thank me.

We would have left you there.