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Dirty w*r (2004)

Posted: 04/16/23 07:43
by bunniefuu
(car horns honking)

(distant sirens wailing)

(children chattering)


Foxtrot 5-7-1,

now entering

third level.


We've got one

on the ground.


Okay, you get her out.

We'll take this guy.


One, two, three, lift!

Got him?

Steve, have you

got him?





Steve, are you

choking there?

(Steve grunting)

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

I can't--

I can't breathe.


Hang on, Steve.

Hang on, I'm coming.

Keep your mask on,


Steve, keep your

mask on.

Don't take your

mask off, Steve.

Come on, Steve.


You're dead!

Your team's compromised.

Leave your casualties

and get your officers

to the surface.

(distant siren wailing)

(men chattering)

Come here.

Why is it taking

so long?

The mass

decontamination unit was

set up in the wrong place.

Also, these suits are

difficult to work in.

So it's taking longer

than anticipated

to recover

the casualties.

How many casualties

are you using?

60? How many people

work in these offices?

Two or three thousand.

So it's not exactly

realistic then.

It's manageable,


The press are waiting

downstairs, Minister.

Thank you.

(men chattering)

(radio chatter)

I need some

help here!

That's it.

We've got you, mate.


You're gonna be

okay, mate.


All right,

let's go.

Breathe easy.

That's it.


Gonna be okay.

Let's get showered

and out of these suits.


Turn around.

And again.

Lift your right arm,

please. Right arm.

Turn around.

Okay, good man.

Jenny, let's have

a look at you.

Oh, shit.

You're dead too.


You've got a tear.

Your suit's ripped.

Oh, get out, Jenny.

It's important that

these drills send out

a positive message.

1600 gas-tight suits,

7,000 modesty packs,

10 mobile mass

decontamination units.

The home secretary's concerned

that we do everything we can

to reassure the public.


It's always worth

reminding Londoners

how resilient

they are.

Well, I'll put that

in the report, won't I?


This was supposed to be easy.

I've got Steve on the way

to A&E.



We're only meant

to wear the suits

for 20 minutes.

It was 16 minutes

before we came to

the car park.

And Jen got a tear.

That's what this drill

is for, Murray--

to iron out these

little problems.


Male reporter:

Minister, Minister,

how do you respond

to accusations

of scare-mongering?


Unfortunately, we live

in difficult times

and must be prepared

for every eventuality.

We believe

these drills will reassure

the British people

that we are doing

all we can to protect them

against terrorism

and that London

is as prepared as

it possibly can be.

This is all part

of the government's


to be honest about

the threats we face

and to put

as much information

in the public domain

as we can.

Female news anchor:

The emergency services drill

was held in the capital today

to test new

anti-terrorism measures.

The new Minister for London,

Nicola Painswick,

reassured Londoners

that the drill

was not linked

to any specific


West Yorkshire police


that three men

were arrested yesterday

outside the US Air Force

monitoring station

at Menwith Hill.

The three men

are all being held

under the anti-terrorism act.

Scotland Yard

declined to comment

on whether the arrests

are part a larger operation.

It's been a busy morning.

Two Irish nationals

held at Dover,

a g*n found in their car.

Officers are on their way.

The US Intelligence

have passed on six names

of suspects they want

under surveillance.

And the three men

arrested at Menwith Hill

have been confirmed

as North African.

Commissioner, sir.

Thank you.

The local police

found notebooks

and video footage

of the perimeter security.

And we flagged up

two addresses for them

in London.

What do we know?

Well, they could be GSPC.

We're waiting for French

and Algerian intelligence

to get back to us.

And MoD want it

kept low-key.

Fine, you're dealing

with that one.

Incident room

is being set up.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

(people chattering)

(phones ringing)

Excuse me, I'm looking

for DS Drummer.

Just over there.


DS Drummer?

DC Habibullah.

Oh, great.

I can give you

five minutes.

You need

to get up to speed

on the briefing notes.

Now we're assuming

the suspects are using

false IDs.

We believe

they're North African,

possibly Algerian.

Also, they weren't

acting alone,

so our job is to uncover

any other cell members.

This is your desk here.

This is

propaganda material--

videos, letters,

documents recovered

from the B&B in Leeds

and the suspects'

registered addresses

in London.

You need to go through

all that lot.

Most of it's in Arabic.

What languages

have you got?

Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic.

Great, 'cause normally

I get stuck with

a civilian translator.

I'll need you with me

in interviews.

You can help me understand

what makes them tick.

How would I know?

I'm from Luton, Sarge.

You're better qualified

than I am, Detective.

Mike, can I have

a word?


DC Habibullah,

this is DI Brook.


Glad you're onboard.

Get yourself settled.

I'm in A&E.

No, no, I'm fine.

It's Steve.

Can you pop down?

Hi, Liz.


(woman over P.A.)

Dr. Hussein, please call


Thank you.

Well, hello.

Thank you.

How is he?

He'll live.

The drill

went well then?

I'm finished in half an hour.

We could go home together.


Och, well, I'd better

make sure Steve gets back

all right.

You know, if that

had been for real,

two of my crew

would be dead.


Deputy Assistant

Commissioner Ives,

you have

previously stated

that we must now

expect t*rrorists

to use crude

CBRN weapons

that could cause

mass devastation

to this city.

Could you explain

exactly what that means?

We're talking about such things

as a dirty b*mb,

which is simply low-grade

radioactive material

blown up

by a conventional b*mb,

in other words,

low-tech methods

for contaminating

large numbers of people

with deadly agents.


Thank you very much.


in a public statement

you said

that the government

is committed

to being honest

about the threats we face

and putting as much information

in the public domain

as possible.

Yes, that is correct.

I have in front of me

a recent report

from the Commons Science

and Technology Committee.

It accuses the government

of being embedded

in a culture of secrecy.

Forgive me, Minister,

but this seems to be

a direct contradiction

to your statement.

(door opens and closes)

The government completely

rejects the criticism

that it is being less open

than it need be.

We have an active

public information


We've sent a booklet

to every household in

the country with guidelines--


But are you confident

that the information

that you're giving

the public is adequate

to prepare them

for a t*rror1st attack?

Yes, of course.

Obviously there are times

when disclosure would not be

in the public interest.

I'm sorry,

but now I'm confused.

You're open

and transparent

except when it suits

the government

not to be.

Well, obviously

there has to be

a balance between truth

and reassurance.

Are you saying

that it's acceptable

to lie to the public

in order to reassure them?

I mean, what the public

could be told

and the need

for secrecy--

It's very interesting,

Minister, but this report

clearly states

that this lack of openness

has resulted in the public

being ill-informed

and insufficiently prepared

for a chemical, biological

or radiological

t*rror1st attack.

Deputy Assistant


as head of

the anti-t*rror1st branch,

do you feel

that adequate measures

are in place

to protect the public?

Obviously improvements

have been made

across all

emergency services,

but I'd warn

against complacency.

A great deal of work

still needs to be done.

Thank you

very much.


That's public record.

And I'm not going

on public record to say

we're fully prepared

when we're not.

We've allocated

330 million pounds

on Homeland Security.

That's a huge commitment

when the public's demanding

hospital beds.

What else do you

expect us to do?

In the States

they're spending

15 times more per head

than we are,

and even they don't

think that's enough.

Are you saying

all the work

we're doing,

all the plans,

new equipment,

count for nothing?

I'm saying we shouldn't

confuse activity

with achievement.

Out of a force of 30,000,

the Met have only

1500 officers

with protective suits

and two days' training.

We'd struggle

to deal with a large-scale

conventional attack.

If a CBRN w*apon

went off--

If it went off,

John, if.

Nicola, I've seen Al Qaeda's

plans for these weapons.

With the IRA, we knew 90%

of what they were up to,

and they still

got through.

With this lot, we're lucky

if we know 20%.

It's naive to hope

it won't happen.


How are you?


Okay, this is stamped,

marked from Istanbul.

All right.


Are you all right?

It's something I ate.

Yeah? You want to leave

that goulash alone.


For the other one.

The little one.

That's it.



(tires screech)

(car horn honks)



Come on, Mr. Rashid.

You know, this is

a very popular area.

There's a post office

close by.

Also the tubes are

five minutes away,


And there's a market

on Saturday.

Show me the cellar.

I'll need

all this cleared.

It'll cost you.

How much?

70 quid.

(children chattering)

We have accommodation

for the bride's family.


This isn't the IRA.

With this lot,

we don't know who they are,

we don't know where they are.

We have no inside informants

and they don't give warnings.

First thing

to understand

about Islamic

t*rror1st groups--

there's no

single cell.

Don't write it down.

Remember it.

The logistics cell--

these boys will be embedded

in the target country.

They're likely to be

British nationals,

so they'll stay


They won't associate

with other known extremists.

They might not even

attend mosque.


Found a house.


They raise cash

for their group

through petty crime

like credit card fraud.

They provide passports,

safe houses, equipment,


They gather

all the elements

that make an operation

in this country possible.

Now the three North Africans

at Menwith Hill

recently entered the country

under false IDs.

So they won't be part

of logistics cells.


They're obviously

checking out the base.

Sole purpose

of a reconnaissance cell

is to gather intelligence

on intended targets.

They're closer

to the planning

of an attack

and far more likely

to be foreign nationals.

But neither the logistics

nor the reconnaissance cell

would be

su1c1de bombers.

The attack cell--

these boys will be

battle-hardened veterans,

jihad nutters

who fought in Chechnya,

Bosnia, Kashmir.

Nutters, Sarge?

Fanatics, however you want

to describe them.

They're almost certain

to be foreign nationals.

They're only brought in

at the last stages.

And, as we know,

in any attack

there's likely to be

more than one attack cell.

Our problem is,

none of this lot

will know

who the other cells are

or have any detailed knowledge

about the overall operation.


they all have links

to one man.

(doorbell rings)


The agent isn't

the mastermind.

That person will be

thousands of miles away

in Pakistan,


(speaking foreign language)

The agent

is the manager.

He puts the cells


and executes

the plan.

(speaking foreign language)

He'll be white-collar,

well-traveled, highly educated

and have lived in the west

for several years.

He'll have

multiple identities

and impeccable cover.

Liverpool Street...

He could be a doctor,

a lawyer,

a university professor.

The point is,

he'll be invisible

and skilled

at hiding his tracks.

So far all we have

are three suspects,

a possible

reconnaissance cell.

If we're gonna get

the rest of them,

we have to chase

every person they've ever

been in contact with

here or abroad,

follow every paper trail.

Anything that strikes you,

however small, let me know.

Man: You don't listen to me.

(woman chattering)


You never listen.

(music playing)

(doorbell dings)

Thank you.



Can I get 20 JPS, please?

And a SIM card

for my mobile,

and a pay-as-you-go

top-up card, please.



Oh, piss off.

Come on, let's go.

Yes, I'll hold.

Home Secretary wondered

how you were settling in.

I'm still trying

to find my way around,

but fine.

You had a bit of a grilling

at the Defense Select Committee.

The chair got turned

rather hung up on the issue

of public information.

May I?

Of course.

I'll have to call you back.

It's an easy

issue to present

in black and white

if you're not making

the decisions.

Maybe the chair's right.

Maybe we're not

doing enough

to train and prepare

the public.

If a CBRN attack

happens, I'm worried

that we could end up

with mass panic

on our hands.

I've been at Whitehall

25 years.

There have been at least

80 t*rror1st att*cks

on the mainland.

Why assume

the British public

are suddenly gonna start

running around

like headless chickens?

We're talking about

su1c1de bombers now.

No warnings,

biological weapons,

dirty bombs.

If you start issuing

gas masks to everyone

using the tubes,

you really do risk

causing panic.

Al Qaeda wants us scared.

The more you fuel

public anxiety,

the more you play

into their hands.

I understand that.

Think of the economic


business withdrawing

from the capital,

the tourist industry hit.

We've already had local

authorities using Madrid

to demand extra funds.

We don't want

knee-jerk reactions

from the public as well.

What are you saying?

Don't you take the threat

of a CBRN attack seriously?

I'm saying

it's a difficult balance.

Overreaction can be

as dangerous as


As Minister of London,

it's your responsibility

to reassure the public

and business.

Everything is being done

to make London as prepared

as it possibly can be.

It's an issue that's easy

to get worked up about

from the back benches.

Never that simple

when you're minister.

(backup signal beeping)


(phone rings)

Mogul Prince takeaway.




Will you be there

after midnight?


(man over P.A.)

Train now arriving

at platform 4,



(P.A. system dings)

(woman announcing

over P.A.)

(knocks on door)

Why am I getting calls

from Customs?


They want to know

why one of my officers

is inquiring about

D&L Shipping.

It's one of

the names I came across

in the suspects' notebooks.

I ran them through

NCS database.

I told you

to let me know.

Sorry. You're right.

Did Customs tell you

what their interest is?

They believe

Turkish mafia

are using D&L

as a smuggling drop.

Shit, it would be


Any chance

they'd let us look

at their phone records

and their shipping


They're not gonna rush

to share information.

They're months into

a major investigation.

It's only paperwork.

You must know someone

that owes you a favor.

I'll talk to Brook.

I've run out

of favors.

(rings doorbell)

Salam alaikum.

(speaking foreign


Salam alaikum.



Have you everything

you need?

For now.

We need a large

lead sheet

to make a hatch--

just a precaution.

Right you are.

Come upstairs.

I'll introduce you properly

to your brothers.

Got any plans


Why? Have we heard

from Customs?

You must be joking.

Come on,

you can leave that.

Oh, check he hasn't

spiked it.

So, Sameena,

if they're not nutters,

what's it all about?

Are you being serious?

We can talk about football,

if you like.

What, do you mean

blowing themselves up,



All of it.

I mean, if your family

is k*lled right in

front of you in Chechnya,

it might crush your mind,

but why would

a third-generation kid

brought up in Bradford

want to join Al Qaeda?

Well, it doesn't matter

if you're brought up in

Bradford or in Saudi.

If you're Muslim, you're

part of a wider family.

What happens

in Chechnya,

Kashmir or Palestine

is happening to you.

It's a long way

from that

to strapping expl*sives

to yourself.

Yeah, but what

these boys see

makes them angry.

And extremist groups

exploit that anger.

They recruit men

from all over the world,

get them into training camps

and focus that anger.

It's brainwashing.

They hand them

a Kalashninkov,

convince them

it's their holy duty

to die in the defense

of Islam.

So now instead

of five martyrs,

hundreds step forward.

How do you feel

about that?

Pissed off.

These fanatics--

they're just a tiny minority.

And people think

we're all like that.

I take my faith


I care about what's

happening in the world.

But you don't see me

strapping expl*sives

to myself, do you?

So that's why

you joined the police?

No, I wasn't clever enough

to be a doctor.

(phones ringing)

(people chattering)


Phone records

and shipping manifests

from D&L Shipping,

courtesy of our friends

at Customs.

Good hunting.

Sameena, see you

in the morning.



Even before the terrible

events in Madrid,

London's emergency services

were being prepared

for a major

t*rror1st attack.

Under our "New Dimensions"


London Fire Brigade

have now been equipped

with extended life

breathing apparatus.

They have over 1600

gas-tight suits

and new

radiation dosing meters

in all engines.

Senior officers

are receiving


training in Texas.

And there are 10 mobile

mass decontamination units

established right across

the capitol.

The success

of the recent drill

is a clear demonstration

of how capable London's

emergency services are

in dealing with incidents

of major contamination.

Who's been

telling her this?

Of course,

we can't afford

to be complacent,

but London is now

better prepared

than it has

ever been.

Thank you

very much.


Minster, this is

Commander Paul Hardwick,

He's one of our

gold commanders

in charge of

GT control room.


Pleased to meet you, Minister.

Very interesting speech.

Minister, were you

at the same drill I was?

Sorry, you are?

I'm sorry.

I'm Murray Corrigan,

watch commander,

London Fire Service.

That drill was a farce,

wasn't it?

Have you ever worn

a GT suit?

You can't work in them.

They're unwieldy.

You boil.

What you're asking us to do

with this equipment

is totally unreal.

We've had a lot of problems

with our kits.

Clive Phelps,

London Ambulance Service.

Half our suits were defective.

We had to send them back.

When we put

the decon showers on,

the heads blew off.

I appreciate your concerns.

That's why we're

doing drills.

Well, that wasn't a drill.

It was a PR stunt--

controlled conditions,

police cadets as your


We're constantly

reviewing our plans.

Well, exactly.

They're your plans.

I have never been consulted.


I have never been invited

to any strategy meetings.

I haven't even seen

your new major incident


Well, I'm sure

you'll appreciate

that we have to limit

access to these plans

in the interests

of national security.

What a f*cking great

excuse for incompetence.


I'm very sorry,


I understand.

Change can be

very unsettling.

With respect, my officers

trained as firemen.

Now they're expected

to be the front line

in your w*r on terror.

They're putting

their lives at risk,

and none of us know

if your plans work.

Excuse me.



We have

the barrels.

Around the back.

What did he say?

Take it

around the back.

I used to

really look forward

to go to work.

They're perfectly happy

to spend billions on Iraq,

MI5, a sexy new

British FBI.

You'd think they could

spend a bit more on us.

Still, the rumor is

that the first officers in

are expendables.

Maybe that's why

they don't want to waste

their money.

If you really believe that,

perhaps you should get out.

But whatever

you decide to do,

I'll support you.


(man whistles)

Good morning.

So what happened?

Well, what have you


(Harper over P.A.)

Would Murray Corrigan

please report

to the station commander's

office now?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



I'm expecting

a call any minute

demanding I put you

on charges.

I'll be a watch commander

down, right?

We've already lost

two senior officers

this year.


I'm resigning anyway.

(man over P.A.)

Mobilize, mobilize.

Foxtrot 571,

Foxtrot 572.

(man continues



Three calls

to an address in Leeds,

nothing logged,

local are looking into it.

Seven calls to an address

in Kentish Town, flagged,

NCS already investigating.

We're talking to them.

One call to an address

in Neasden,

the Mogul Prince

takeaway, logged.

A Muslim neighbor called

the anti-t*rror1st hotline

complaining about

the two men that live

above the takeaway.

Might be something.

In a statement,

she describes them

as fanatics.

Do we know

who they are?

We're running checks.

I can send an officer over

to talk to her,

get more details.

You'll go.

She'll find it easier

talking to you.


Did you get

the number?


In your statement

you said that they were

moving barrels.

Anything else

makes you suspicious?

You described them as fanatics

to the anti-t*rror1st hotline.

I don't trust them.

Something in the way

they behave?

What did they say?

You understand?


We're rare.

But they're proud.


Rashid Dhar

and Imran Nazir,

both registered

at 66A Craven Lane,

both claiming

social security benefit,

both British nationals.

Neither has a record

and neither has been


with any extremist groups,

as far as we know.

Check with provincial forces,

see if there's anything else.

Any travel detail?

They've both had

multiple entry visas

for Pakistan and Saudi.

That doesn't necessarily

mean anything.

It could be family trips,

pilgrimage to Mecca.

Half my relatives

would be suspects

based on that.

You're the one asking

for intrusive surveillance.

There's other leads

we could be chasing.

Yes or no?

My instinct is

that the woman

is right about them.



He's got the steering wheel

in his ribs,

and I'm saying to him,

"There's no other way for me

to get you out of here, mate."

God, was he all right?

Oh, he'll be fine.

Anyways, there he is,

he's trapped in his car.

His phone's ringing.

He starts looking for it.

And he answers it.

And it's his girlfriend.

And she's in a restaurant

waiting for him.

They're supposed to be

having lunch or something.

And he says,

"No, look, love,

I'm trapped in the car.

I can't get out.

I've got a fireman

chopping me out of it."

She doesn't believe him,

goes off on one.

So he hands it

to me.

And she's absolutely


Now I've never had

anything like it

in my life.

What, with him,

for being late?

No, for crashing

the car.


It's her car.

Did she calm down?


Anyway, I saved him.

I saved his


I k*lled the car.

My hero.

So you're not

resigning then?

Well, what else

would I do?

Decorate the kitchen,

fix the guttering.

Oh, yeah.

Look, I'm sorry

I was so down.

It's okay.

I understand.

I work for

National Health.


Liz: Hi.

Man: Good evening.

Welcome, welcome.

(Indian music playing)

Salam alaikum, brother.

Wa-alaikum as-salam.

I hope you're well.

And I hope your family

is well.

I'm sorry,

I don't understand.

I want you gone

by Monday.

Why Monday?

You have done

your job well.

(man over radio)

Unknown leaving.

Repeat, unknown leaving.


Stay with original target.


This is where

he wipes his cup.

I'd say the stranger

is his superior.

You saw the way he behaved

when Dhar stood.

Have we done any DNA?

Forensics has the cup.

What are the chances

of getting an ID

from the photo?

It's with 5 and 6.

And it could

take up to 48 hours

before we hear back.


What do we know?

We found a reference

for D&L Shipping

in one of the North Africans'


A phone call

was logged from D&L

to Mogul Prince takeaway.

Dhar and Nazir

both work there.

An eyewitness saw them

unloading metal barrels

at night.

Customs believe

D&L is used by a lot

of foreign outfits.

Are we just looking at

a couple of petty crooks

smuggling IDs?


They're clearly devout

and disciplined.

We've identified

extremist literature

on their shelves.

They're careful

to cover their tracks.

All this suggests

that they've been trained.

Have we found

the logistics cell

for the North Africans?

No, I don't think so.

Why not?

These boys are Pakistani.

They operate through

different networks.

So you're saying

we could have stumbled

upon a logistics cell

for a completely separate


Yes, sir.


We'll have a better idea

when we know who he is.

If the lion wants

to suddenly come

and go, "Grr!"

do you think

the camel

or the lion would be

more stronger?

(speaking Arabic)



(man on TV)

There is deepening concern

around the world

about the rising

v*olence in Iraq.

Faced with continued


(men speaking

foreign language)

(radiation meter


These canisters all contain

radioactive material

in powder form.

These smaller ones

contain alpha sources.

This you can handle


It's only dangerous

if you get it on your skin

or you inhale it...


breathe it in.

Now you must wear

these masks

when you work

with it.

These larger ones

contain gamma radiation.

This is much more


In this concentration,

as soon as that lid

is open,

you've got 60 seconds.

After that,

it's going to make you

very, very sick.

Do you understand?



And the whole operation

shouldn't take more than

four minutes.



(watch beeps)

(watch beeps)

Sorry to drag you in.

How long is this gonna take?

I've got the boys downstairs.

There's a chance that

radioactive material

has been smuggled

into the country.

A body was found

in Bulgaria last Tuesday.

He's been identified

as Usman Selcuk,

a Turkish shipping agent

and a suspected smuggler.

Been exposed

to a fatal dose

of gamma radiation.

Now we know at least

50 different shipments

left his man's

depot in Sofia one week

prior to his death.

The shipments were destined

for 17 different countries.

The UK is among them.

Why are we worried?

We think we might

have found

a logistics cell

with links to the same

Turkish smuggling cartel.

His body was discovered

five days ago.

Why are we just getting

the information now?

The intel went to 5.

They didn't consider it

a priority.

Oh, God.

All right, thank you.

(phone beeps)

Get me DI Lane

and DS Drummer.

(device crackling)

Did you put

the lids back on?

The lids--

are they on?


(switch clicks)

(device beeps)

(device crackling)

(watch beeps)


(device crackling)

(watch beeps)


Close the hatch.

Close the hatch.

(device crackling rapidly)


5 have identified the man

who met with Rashid Dhar

as Ahmed Ibrahim Abassi.

He's a Jordanian

management consultant

registered as mature student

at London University,

living here in the UK

with his wife and child.

He's also lived in Cairo,

Hamburg and Paris.

Now his credentials

seem legitimate,

but we do know that

he accepted passports

from Dhar

and that he took the trouble

to wipe his fingerprints.

Do we know

where he is?

Only a previous address.

We're trying to get a current

one from the college.

We do have

another problem.

Surveillance team

on Dhar and Nazir

say they're packing up,

possibly destroying


Should we pick them up?

I'd prefer

to keep watching.

We're confident they're

not an attack cell,

so let's just see

where they take us.

How serious is

the radiation threat?

Well, we've no

direct evidence that

radioactive materials

are being smuggled

into this country.

Has anything come up

on the radiation detectors

in the ports?

No, but there's been

no intel.

They check 10%-20%

of the cargo.

Even if the dead Turk was

smuggling a gamma source,

there's no proven link

to him and Nazir and Dhar.

I mean, the material

could have gone to any

number of clients.

643 instances

of radiation trafficking

in the last six years,

and they're the ones

we know about.


And with no specific

intel suggesting

a dirty b*mb threat

to the UK.

Have we gone back

to 5 and 6?

Are they certain

about that?

Well, we are trawling

all intelligence noise,

just in case

they'd missed something.

I'm not happy

that Dhar and Nazir

are packing up.

I want their flat

turned over,

and D&L Shipping.

I'll square it with

Customs later.

Take CBRN teams.

And pick up Abassi,

before tomorrow,

if possible.

If we spook him

and lose him,

that's the risk

I'll have to take.

(man speaks Arabic)

(man speaks Arabic)

(men shouting)

Armed police!

Armed police!

(policemen continue


Lie down!

Lie down!

Stay there!

Look at the light!

Hands on your back.

Look at the light.

Stay there.

Now move!

Where's your mate now?

(police radio chatter)

Imran Nazir,

I'm arresting you

under the Terrorism Act.

Rashid Dhar,

I'm arresting you

on suspicion of

t*rror1st activities

under the--

Slow down.

I want to chat first.

Bag these separately,


No sign of those

barrels anywhere?

That's funny,

'cause we know

you picked them up.

What was in the barrels,


Where are they now?


We know you only started

packing yesterday.

Why the hurry?

What did Abassi

tell you to do?


(man announcing

over P.A.)

(alarm blaring)

(tires screech)

What was that?

What the f*ck was that?

(man over P.A.)

Mobilize, mobilize.

Foxtrot 571, Foxtrot 572.

There's a major incident...

(man over radio)

A large expl*si*n

in the vicinity

of Liverpool Street station.

Dispatch pump engines

to investigate.

Foxtrot 571 responding.

(alarm blaring)

(pager beeping)

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)


We've lost all the live feed

from camera...


What just happened, Paul?

There's a large expl*si*n,

Liverpool Street.

Could be gas,

plane down or a b*mb.

We're still trying

to contact city police

at Bishopsgate.

Got a visual, north end

of Bishopsgate, on 2.

(man over speaker)

Probable incendiary device.

Can confirm ground zero

is Liverpool Street.


Repeat, ground zero

is Liverpool Street.


Blue Lights can expect

mass casualties...

Has anyone checked

for contamination?

(car alarms ringing)

Foxtrot 571 to Control,

mobile to incident.

ETA approximately

two minutes.

Repeat, ETA two minutes.



Stop the engine, Ralph.

(devices beeping)

Get your

BA sets on now.

Foxtrot 571 to Control.

Dosing meters alarming.

Repeat, dosing meters


Radiation suspected,

reading 26 millisieverts.

Holding position.


(Control over radio)

Foxtrot 571 from Control.

Recalled, recalled.


Foxtrot 571 to Control.

We have suspected

mass casualties.

We have serious

fire hazards.

We need all services

at the site ASAP.

We have

a major incident.

Repeat, major incident.


Control to Foxtrot 571,

blast site radioactive.

Repeat, all units

recalled immediately.

Repeat, recalled.

Foxtrot 571.

Status two received.

Back up!


Keep moving, everyone.

Follow the engine.

Guys, we're being


We've got to

get out of here.


Sir, Fire Control report

that several units

approaching the site

are reporting high levels

of radiation.

Reports are

from multiple entry routes

surrounding incident--

North Bishopsgate,

London Wall, Houndsditch,

corner of Threadneedle

and Bishopsgate.


Get that helicopter back.

Tom, get onto

the b*mb squad, find out

what we're dealing with.

Is it just radiation

in this b*mb?

How bad is it?

I need dirty b*mb plans

on all terminals.

I need safe sites

for marshalling area.

No more emergency vehicles

are to enter the site.

Officers: Sir.

Any personnel

already committed

are contaminated.

They must withdraw

to a safe distance

and stay put till we know

where to set up decon.

The b*mb's definitely


We've got high levels

of radiation on site.

No, I don't know

what else...


Any fire officers

reach ground zero?


Tom, get me fire, ambulance,

military liaison here now.

Make sure number 10

is informed.

And see how long

it will take

government liaison

to get here.

Sarge, they want to know

where to withdraw to.


Tell them 400--

no, 500 meters.

And tell them to stay put

until further notice.

All units

are to withdraw

to 500 meters...

We need all potential

target locations cordoned

and cleared.

If it's su1c1de bombers,

we have to expect

secondary devices.

Sergeant, any way

I could look

at CCTV footage

of Liverpool Street

before the onset?

Hang on a minute.

We can't play that back

from here,

but I can patch you through

to the surveillance suite

on Water Street.


It's line 1,

the b*mb incident room.

Sir, ambulance want to know

what they should do

with casualties.

They should take

casualties to hospital and

take contamination with them.

If it's life or death,

it's the ambulance's call.

But they must liaise

with hospital A&Es.

Sir, what about

the casualties trapped

at ground zero?

We'll deal

with that later.

Yeah, go ahead.


Move along, please.

Just move along.

Move back.

Move away from the area.

Move away

from the area.

What's going on?

Move back, please.

What's going on?

Just get back.

Where to?

Just get back now, please.

Move away.

That way, sir.

That way.

Go with everybody else.

Keep moving, please.

Please keep moving.

(man over speaker)

All fire ground personnel

returning from incident

must go through


before entering

marshalling area.


Yeah? All right.

Thanks, Steve.


Murray Corrigan.



Watch commander.

Dosing meter reading.

43. You're clean.




I heard you guys got

a mobile that works.



Are you all right?

Let me help.

No way.

You have to leave

your car.


Go the other way.

Keep it moving.

No one here has been

able to confirm

that the b*mb

is radioactive.

But it's obvious here

that there is fear

of some form

of contamination.

As you can see behind me,

police are moving people

back from the area

as quickly as they can.

But we don't know

if this is merely

a precaution

or whether the blast

was in fact

some kind of dirty b*mb,

as you say.

Is this you,

you bastard?


We were unable

to get closer

than 400 yards

to the site of the blast.

But what's even

more alarming

is that emergency vehicles

are being held back...



Hold the line. Sir.


Liverpool Street

are holding all trains

on the line

outside the station.

They want to know

where to disembark

the passengers.

Tell them to hold.

No one should leave the area

without decontamination.

Tom, what's

the weekday population

of the square mile?

Over 300,000.

But if you include

the surrounding

residential areas,

closer to a million.

Get back to me on that

as soon as you can.

Are you sure?

This lady needs

a hospital.

Go to the front.

Can you help this lady?

You can't stay here.

You've got to move back.

I've got seriously

injured people, mate.

The instructions are

to leave the casualties

that can't move.

Well, do you want

to tell them that?

We're not going anywhere

till we get some

proper medical

assistance. Prat.


Help me!

Come on, follow me.

Keep moving.

(man over phone)

Okay, I've got an image outside

Liverpool Street station.



Tell me

what you're seeing.

(man over phone)

It's a white

transit van.

Two people

in the cab.

Can't see

the registration.

Whoa. Shit.


They were in the van

when it went up, sir.

Just checking another camera

to see if we can get

the number plate.

White van,

su1c1de bomber.

You need to check for

any suspect vehicles.

Under no circumstances

must an officer approach.



Okay, officers

on streets...

Yeah, I need a direct patch

to surveillance cameras

covering Canary Wharf...

...on high alert for

any suspect vehicles...

Isle of Dogs, Tower Bridge...


white vans,

parked white vans

with drivers.

(man over phone)

Confirmed two people

in the van

number plate X-ray, 334,

X-ray, Bravo, Romeo.

Houses of Parliament,

Parliament Square,

Oxford Street,

Central London,

Westminster Bridge.

X-ray, 334, X-ray,

Bravo, Romeo.



Put this number plate

through the ring of steel


It will give us

the face of the driver.

(man over phone)

Hang on, I've got

something else.

They swapped drivers.

There were three people

in the van.

They've switched drivers

inside the ring of steel.

(man over phone)

The original driver got out

on Bishopsgate.


We know this man.

I'm sending you a photo--

a man known as Ahmed Ibrahim


I'll need an all-ports now.

He's probably using

false ID.

Get onto DS Drummer.


You can go

if you want.

Where is Abassi?

What's he planning?

What's the next target?

Sarge, fire and ambulance

need to know

where to send their

mass decon units.

We've got to establish

hot and cold zones first.

Just give me a moment.

Sir, how the hell

are we gonna do this?

We're getting

wildly different readings

from all over the place.

Alan, Alan,

what does it say

in the procedure?


It says it's vital

to make fragmentation

distance assessment

to allow for eddies

and microclimate


What the f*ck

does that mean?

Mark, where is

the science officer?

Still struggling

to get in, sir.

Get him on the radio.

Alan, get onto

the met office,

find out which way

the wind's blowing.


Sir, fire are

getting reports

of numerous casualties

still trapped at ground zero.

(man over radio)

India 99 to Control.

We now have secondary fires

in surrounding buildings.

Maintaining safe distance.


(man over speaker)

All units must await

further instructions.

No vehicles are

to enter the site.

So what's the plan?

Why the hell are we

just standing here?

We're on hold,

but working on it.

We've got suits and

breathing apparatus.

We should be

back in there.

All units are recalled,


We still don't know exactly

what we're dealing with.

Well, we should

go there now.

There are people

alive in there, and

we've abandoned them.

And we don't do that.

(man over radio) yet unknown.

Man #2:

We can't give you an estimate

on the casualties.

We have no officers

on the ground.

We'll give you

an approximation

as soon as we can...

I can't reach Liz.

All units must await

further instruction.

All the networks

are down, mate.

I'm sure

she'll be fine.


All personnel

to report...

Let me stress right now, sir,

that for someone

who was not caught

at the blast,

who is away from the site

of the blast itself,

such a person is

at very little risk

to health...



Hold the line.

Sir, science officer says

they're getting

both alpha and gamma

radiation readings.

No one should be deployed

in the hot zone without

full CBRN protection.


People should cover their faces

with whatever they can.

They should cover

any cuts and abrasions.


Sir, St. Luke's

and Mile End hospitals

are being overwhelmed by

self-presenters coming out

of the hot zone.

The crowd is contaminated.

Hospitals requesting

police assistance

to hold them back.

Tell them

they'll have to wait.

Tom, can we spare

the manpower?

The inner cordon's

a kilometer diameter.

So for the outer cordon

we'll need over 1000 officers.

How many have you

actually got with suits?

500, mostly TSG.

Military liaison say

they can mobilize

a couple of hundred troops

within the hour.

That's the last resort.

I don't want a soldier

on a civilian cordon.

The most important thing

for anyone caught

inside the hot zone,

it's to be


before trying to go home

to their families.

Otherwise they risk

taking, of course,

the radioactive contamination

back to their families...


Contaminated people

are getting out.

Suits or not,

we have to contain this.

Listen up.

I want manned barriers

at 2000 meters.

Filter everyone in that area

into decon cordons.

Try to hold those lines.

No one to cross

until mass decon is set up.



They're afraid they might

have been contaminated,

exposed to radiation,

and they simply want help.

I'll be far more useful

down there.

They need to see

a government face

on the front line.


Most of the staff here

are insisting

they can only treat

the serious casualties.

They're actually

refusing entry

to the many minor injuries

caused by flying glass.

Someone has to

reassure them.

Basically there's a lack

of clear information...

The press are already

at the cordon.

...which, in turn,

as you can see, is fueling

an awful lot of anger.


Thank you, Jonathan.


We're just receiving



confirming that all

emergency vehicles

have been withdrawn from

what they're calling

ground zero.

(man over phone)

Confirm, van at Telecom Tower

has two people in cab.

The number plate

for Canary Wharf van

not registered.

The number plate's

a dead end, sir.

We're getting reports

for third suspect van

parked with driver,

Perksway between

Abbey Orchard Street

and St. Peter Street.

Perksway between

Abbey Orchard Street

and St. Peter Street.

Back of the DTI,


Back of the DTI,


(man over phone)

Coming onscreen now.

Okay, can you

tilt down?



Can you zoom in



Is that the best

we can get?

Can you get another

camera on it?

Sorry, Mr. Ives,

we really need you

to make a statement.


Lower angle.

That's the best

they've got, sir.

I want SO19 in place,

with riflemen where


Keep watching them,

but no one is to approach

those vans.

If they are

su1c1de bombers,

the slightest

thing spooks them

and they'll detonate.


What else

have they got planned?



How many devices

are there?

How many

devices are there?

Sarge, the tenancy


46 Churchill Avenue,

Willesden Green,

three months

paid in advance.

What's there, Rashid?

Take Phillips and

whoever's still here

from SO19.

Come with me.

(man on TV)

We are live now

from Scotland Yard,

where we're expecting

a statement

from the Deputy

Assistant Commissioner John Ives

on the anti-t*rror1st...

Phillips, come with me.

And you.

A large b*mb hidden in a van

was detonated

at 8:00 A.M. outside

Liverpool Street station.

We believe that the b*mb

might have been used

to disperse small amounts

of radioactive contamination.

Guys, guys, I need you.

Which is why

every necessary precaution

is being taken.

In the meantime,

we need the public

to stay calm

and to stay put.

If you're

already in your home,

stay in your home.

If you're in your office,

please remain there.

All Londoners

not in the vicinity

of the incident

should go in,

stay in and tune in.

(Ives over speakers)

There is no significant risk

to your health,

but it is vital

that you are decontaminated

before you go home.

Mass decontamination units...

(continues indistinct)

(backup signal beeps)

(distant siren wailing)

Sir, mass decon units

have been dispatched

to the cordons

at London Wall,

Commercial Road,

London Bridge,

Old Street.

Priority routes

are filtering

everyone still

inside the zone

to these four points.

Tom, how long

are we gonna have to

hold people there?

Uh, we've got

10 mass decon units

in London,

more en route

from the regions.

But assuming

fire and water

can get them up and running

in half an hour,

they're supposed to do

about 200 people an hour?

So how many people

are we talking about?

100,000, 200,000.

I don't know

how many people

are still in there.

That's 10-12 hours


Right, we'd better organize

food and drink.

You can't do that.

They mustn't put their

hands near their mouths--

no smoking, no eating,

no drinking.

They could ingest


Has anyone

told them that?

Well, haven't you?


Sir, we've got

a major problem.

Fires are burning

out of control

at ground zero.


We have no idea how bad

the situation

is at ground zero, so officers

must wear GT suits.

Man #2:

Suits don't give protection

against gamma.

That's what

the dosing meters are for.

Now we should expect

concentrated pockets

of gamma radiation

close to the blast site.

That means officers are gonna

have to check their meters

every minute.

And what's

the maximum dose?

Female officers

can't risk exposure

to radiation at all.

We can only ask

male officers

to volunteer to take

up to 100 millisieverts.

Anything above that's

at their own risk.

How do we get men in

from this distance

on that time scale?

Well, we could use engines

that are already contaminated

to drive relays.

Yeah, but it's gonna be hard

getting the engines close.

There's rubble everywhere.

They'd be lucky

to last longer

than 20 minutes

in those suits.

So the first officers in

are gonna need to know

the ground.

You and your men

have already received

half the maximum dose.

So the reliefs

better get in faster.


How many men do we have

available right now?

A couple of hundred

that we can ask to get

suited up.

Now the traffic's


The majority of the force

is struggling to get here.

If you want it,

you're first in.

You'd better talk

to your crew.

(men shouting)

Armed police!

Armed police!

(continue shouting)

(Ives over speakers)

Everyone should stay calm.

There is no significant

risk to your health,

but it is vital

that you are decontaminated

before you go home.

Pregnant women,


and any casualties

should report to the front.

It is in your best interest

to refrain

from eating,

drinking, smoking,

placing your hands

in your mouth

prior to


Everyone should

stay calm.

There is no significant

risk to your health,

but it is vital

that you are decontaminated

before you go home.

Good morning, Minister.

I've been asked to be your

liaison officer this morning.

Could you

bring me up to speed?

What's going on here?

Yes, we estimate

a crowd

of several thousand people

behind the cordon

in need of immediate



The process

now of setting up

the decontamination units--

literally a couple of minutes

before we're ready

to get the decon unit

open, on its way,

to bring people

through there ASAP.


The house is secure.

We have one casualty--

one suspect dead.

(man over radio)

Roger. Understood.

Ambulance en route.

Medical team

en route.

(device crackling)

This man is hot.

The whole house

is hot!

We've got to get out.

Clear the house!

We've got to get out now.

Clear the house.

Clear the house!

(man announcing

over speakers)

Murray, Murray,

when your dosing meter

gets to 100, you come out.

Do you understand?









(man over radio)

First unit...

We need a decontamination

team down here

before any one can go in

and check forensics.

Give me the radio.

Sir, this is

DC Habibullah.

I'm looking

at a rental agreement

for a white

transit van,

registration Oscar, Uniform,

5-3, Sierra, Foxtrot, Foxtrot.

Yeah. No, that's not

the van that detonated.

Sir, they've recovered

documents for a rented van.

White Ford transit,


Oscar, Uniform...

Oscar, Uniform...



Sierra, Foxtrot, Foxtrot.

Sierra, Foxtrot, Foxtrot.

That's not

the Canary Wharf van.

Does anyone have a visual

on the number plates

of suspect vehicles

at Westminster and

Telecom Tower?

(speaking Arabic)

Allahu akbar.

(starts engine)


(man over radio)

Van 1 on the move.

That's our van.

(man #2 over radio)

Go, go!

Man #1:

Local in shot,

target obscured.


Take it.

Man #1:

Do not approach vehicle.

Do not approach


Our target's down.

Our target's down.

Man #2:

Confirm target down.

No movement.

Repeat, no movement.

(man over speakers)

Please wait patiently.

Mass decontamination

has begun.

Everyone will go through

as soon as possible.

Your patience

is appreciated.


Don't cross the line.

Don't cross.

(man over speakers)

Please wait patiently.

Mass decontamination

has begun.

Everyone will go through

as soon as possible.

Your patience

is appreciated.

Please zip up.

Put your mask on.

Come through.



Stop, please.

Close your eyes.

(man over radio)

Foxtrot 571, this is

entry controller.

What's your status?



We have severe


civilians trapped.

We need

heavy lifting gear.



More units are en route.

What's your dosing meter



Hang on.

Repeat, 250.


You're over your limit.

You can take your crew

out now.



We can't pull out now.

We need more men.

(all shouting)

Surely we need another

mass decon unit here.

All the decon units

in London are committed,


Can't we get hold

of any more?

We have more en route

from other parts

of the country,

but we're not sure

when they'll get here.



(reporters clamoring)

I'll take every question

that you have for me.

We're getting some really

high radiation readings.

How high?

Very high.


Radiation has spread

east by northeast

with prevailing winds.

Alert, Mile End hospitals

and all medical units

in the area

be advised

radiation is spreading.

Do not let people leave

the hospital buildings.


Sarge, London Wall

cordon reports

radiation readings are

50 millisieverts.

They want

to relocate mass decon

to a safe distance.

No, negative.

Hold position.

Oh my comms, please.

Woman: Transfer.

Extra manpower is

on its way to assist.

Do not dismantle your decon

until you have their backup.

Whatever happens,

you must hold that

cordon line.

If the perpetrators

of this dreadful evil

think that they can


and intimidate us,

they are wrong.

Londoners have coped

with t*rror1st att*cks

many times before.

(sirens wailing)

We are doing

everything we can

to protect

and inform people--

Sorry to interrupt this.

I need to ask you to move.

Decon is being relocated.

You need to move.

(people shouting)


Keep back!

Keep back!

(man over speakers)

There will be

a short delay

while the mass

decontamination facility

is re-sited.

Please stay calm.

We will resume


as soon

as possible.

Your cooperation

is essential.

There will be

a short delay

while the mass

decontamination facility

is re-sited.

Please stay calm.

We will resume


Minister, radiation

levels are rising.

You must leave.

Please, minister.

(crowd chanting)

We must go!

We must go!

We must go! We must go!

We must go!

We must go!

Please remain calm.

Please stay back.

It's in your own



We must go!

We must go!

(man over speakers)

Decontamination will resume

as soon as possible.

Please remain calm.

(man over speakers)

Attention, all fire

ground personnel.

High levels of radiation

are suspected.

Immediate withdrawal.

I repeat, immediate


Murray, this is Harper.

Steve, check

your air supply.


Check your gauge.

Foxtrot 571

to entry controller.

(woman over radio)

Go ahead.


We're running out

of air.

We've got to

contain this.


Help me!


We need more men.

Where are my reliefs?

Murray, this is Harper.

There's a delay.

Marshalling area

is having to relocate.

We're pulling back.

We'll advise

on new location.

You have to

get out of there now.

(woman wailing)


Murray, are you receiving?

Murray, do you copy?


Situation understood.

Get out, Steve.

Get out.

I'll spot it.

(people chattering)

(thunder rumbling)

(rain pattering)

Are you ready

for this?

Ahmed Ibrahim Abassi,

also known as

Nabil Kasim,

also known as

Abu Azim,

born Hanif Abbash,

Amman, Jordan,

June 17th, 1971.

Pakistani ISI are

holding your wife.

Your son Abdullah,

as far as we know,

is in an orphanage.

Your son has no family

to claim him.

Do you care

what happens to him?

He's four years old.

You decided his fate.

You k*lled those people,

not Allah.

Slaughtering innocent

men, women and children

is not defending

the brotherhood.

It is a crime

against Islam.

And what happens now?

The West retaliates.

Thousands more Muslims

will die.

We expect

your retaliation.

It is what unites us

and divides you.

Hi, could you tell me

where the ICU unit is,


Yeah, down there.

Follow the corridor,

on your left.

Your husband has made

good progress.

You need to understand

there will be long-term


But good news is that

Murray should be able

to come home in the next

couple of weeks.

We'll make regular

outpatient's appointments,

but you should be alert

for any signs of melanoma--

tumors, skin lesions,

any unusual changes

to the skin.

I'm afraid

there may be problems

if you want

to have children.

We have consultants here.

If you like, you can

talk to them

and they'll explain

the risks involved.

Do you understand?

Female reporter:

The death toll as a direct

result of the city bombing

has been confirmed

at 375,

although some

medical experts warn

that there could be

thousands of long-term

cancer deaths

as a result of exposure

to radiation.

Male reporter:

Scientists from

the Atomic Energy Agency

have announced

that three and a half

square miles

of Central

and Eastern London

may have to remain sealed off

for as long as 30 years.

Male reporter #2:

Thousands of businesses

caught in the contamination zone

have been forced

to close.

Millions in pensions,

savings and trust funds

may never recover.

As London house prices

continue to plummet,

analysts warn

the the full cost

of the bombing

is impossible

to calculate.

Female reporter #2:

In the hunt for the ringleaders

of the dirty b*mb attack,

British police say

they have received

unprecedented cooperation

from all international

intelligence services.

Later in the program

we'll be talking

to the head of...

Female reporter #3:

The Prime Minister vowed

that the government

will not rest

until all the t*rrorists

who thr*aten the

civilized world

are brought to justice.

(music playing)