Pranaya Vilasam (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Pranaya Vilasam (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


"From a far-off land"

"Traversing on desert paths"

"In search of a stable"

"Three kings arrived"


"From a far-off land"

"Traversing on desert paths"

"In search of a stable"

"Three kings arrived"

- Hi.

"In the wide blue yonder,

a star shone brightly"

"In the wide blue yonder,

a star shone brightly"

"Angels sang praise

songs up in the sky"

"Angels sang praise

songs up in the sky"


"From a far-off land"

"Traversing on desert paths"

"In search of a stable"


You're still in touch

with Rehana, right?

I only reply to her messages.

It's nothing serious.

She asks 'How are you?',

I reply 'I'm good'.

'Happy Vishu'... 'Happy

Christmas'... - Then?

'Good morning'.

Why didn't you clear her chats

even after closing that chapter?

When I feel lonely...

But you aren't alone anymore.

So... clear chats!


Basil... Benny...

Hey, who's Bijimon?

Isn't it Bijimol?

Hey, shut up!

Take it.



My dear...

Even I don't send you

these many kissing smileys.

I understood one thing.

Never share everything with your

friends, no matter

how close they are.

We never know when they

will fall in love with you.

Wanna check who it is? Go ahead.

Hello mom...

Is it? When?

-I want chicken curry for dinner.


Sesame seeds.

I've got song practise today. And

I'll go to fetch Gireesh after that.

Let me know if you'll be late.

- Yes.

140 rupees.

Chechi, won't you come

for the meeting tomorrow?

No, I'll be going to the

temple for 'Bali' tomorrow.

Yes, you told me yesterday.

I forgot that.

Got anything to buy?

Yes, medicines for my mother.

Let's check there.

Hundred rupees.

A hundred for this small sardine?

Looks like Satheeshan is

ending his fast today.

Did he have Theyyam?

- Yes.

Why don't you choose one?

Fine, I'll do it myself.


You're only good at

giving blessings.

Hey, Anu Chechi...


Hold this.

It doesn't get better with

age like alcohol does.

Take this one.

Didn't you go to the office today?

Burnt my thigh on a hot coal.

So I took the day off.

Please don't tell your

husband you met me here.

I told him that I was on bed rest.

-I'll think about it.

-Please don't tell him.

-Let me see.




- What?

Please tell me the amount.

- 250 rupees.

Oh my! Local liquor!

I haven't seen another

boozehound like

Rajeev in my entire

college life.

What did you say? College life?

Aren't you the same guy who ran

a tea stall behind our college?

Hey, man!

You had spend more time at his tea

stall than in class room, right?

That's true.

Brother, your liver is

functioning well, right?


Tomorrow's future is in your hands.

We have successors.

Listen, Vanaja got divorced.

Isn't it easy for you now?

How come?

I'm not going to divorce my wife.

What happened? - Meera is coming.

Hope you don't have any problems.

That was a mistake.

Come here.

What are you doing here?

I do part-time photography.

Come on, man!

- Coming!


Thank you.

Where are you? Aren't you coming?

Sorry, I had an urgent meeting.

You did say that today

was convenient for you.

This is not fair.

-I'll call you later.

-She isn't coming?

Rajeev, why don't you sing

'Theeram Thedum Puzha'?


- I understood.

Alright, I'll sing the song.

Come on, bring the mike.

Stop it, man!

Have you been waiting for long?

What's that?

- What?

That's uncle's reunion.

There's a reunion at

our college next week.

Reunions are so exciting.

- Bullshit!

Simply showing off with sunglasses!

Ambady, take it.

It won't end easily, sister.

Both father and son

are very obstinate.

Sooraj wished to go to the A.

R. Rahman Institute,

but his

father sent him for MCA.

Don't they talk at all?

Their tone is still harsh.

Sooraj has given it a name.

What was it?

Yes! Toxic parenting.

-Anu Chechi...


Can you keep this in your fridge?

Our fridge is emitting smoke.

Aren't you calling

your husband today?

Yes, it's not yet time.

Hello Ramla...

How was the get-together?

Felt nostalgic?

Not at all. I just had two pegs.

It's Sooraj's.

Your clothes haven't dried.

What do you do here?

Always in front of the TV.

Never does a thing.

Don't change the channel.

Don't you have TV at home?

Can't you watch there?

My mother is cutting vegetables

in front of the TV, just like you.

Hold this.

If I change the channel, I'll

have to cut the vegetables.

'Dance Kerala Dance, Season 2,


So cool!

Isn't it?

Sooraj, if you break that glass,

you'll see my true colors.


- What?

How about some fish gravy?


You do Photography well.

Pour me one.

Pour it.

- 30 ml will do.



That's enough.

Look him.

He'll start now.

"My heart's..."

"...sandalwood doors"

"I'll open for you alone..."

An innocent girl who likes music.

By the time she crosses

the sandal door...

and reaches the nutmeg farm...

...she won't be able to

imagine a world without Sooraj.

Didn't you get rum?

-It's liquor. Pour only a little.

-I know.

He's drinking it as if it's tea.

"Someone beckons me with

bangle-adoring hands"

Up in the sky, where

the moon appears?

Can I sing the rest later?

They will finish the bottle now.

Isn't it customary to sing for your

fangirls every time you drink?

I didn't want to break it.

Hey no!

I stopped it the moment

you said you liked me.



- Bye.

Sooraj's ex-girlfriend Rehana?

Yes, man.

The night her husband

went back to the Gulf...

I sent her a 'Hi' on WhatsApp.

She immediately blocked me.

- Pour me one.

She thinks I'm Alexa.

I should sing when she

says, 'Please sing a song'.

Have one.

Come on, you'll feel better.

Aren't you eating?

I'll eat with Sooraj.


- Are you still busy?

I was tied up.

They asked me to coordinate

Mr. Benyaman's session at that time.

I really missed it.

Our entire g*ng was present.

Kadan Baby, Sai

Reshmi, Namboodiri...

I saw the photos on

Instagram and Facebook.

It was really nice.

Any events tomorrow?

- No, day after.

Where's your wife?

She's watching TV.

"Will Yamuna commit su1c1de when she

learns about Ananthan's infidelity?"

"Will Neeraj use a w*apon against

his father once he learns of this?"

"Watch 'Ponveena' from

Monday to Friday."

Is that Roger Federer?

Can you wait until

the advertisement?


I've said this many times.

Either before 7 or after 10.

Don't you know I watch

TV at this time?

How did your practise go?

I'm going to blast tomorrow.

Which one are you singing?

We're covering almost all

the music directors.

Can't you sing that poem too?

The one you taught me

when I was in 4th grade?

Didn't you get a prize for it?

This plate, right?



I need 500 rupees tomorrow.

Hey, come on! It's

for the entry fee.

I wonder into whose stomach

it's going to enter.


'This is MLA'a office,

please tell mw.'

Why is your phone

always busy these days?

My girl fans have increased.

What to do? I happened to

be a young, handsome singer.

There's a middle-aged man inside.

Say this to him.

I saw the middle-aged

man's performance.

In blue and white...



Where are you?

All set?

Why are there only hawks?

Contact event planners

if you need crows.

Global warming!

Why didn't your sister come?

Oh! Her daughter had a baby, right?

I forgot that.

Did you pray?

- Yes.

Please make it fast.

I have to go to college.



- Hi...

Singer, right?

- Yes.

What are you doing here?

I came with my family.

You know each other?

- We're collegemates.


So you really are famous?

Well, there are people

who love my songs.

-Are you going back today?

-I've nothing to do here.

I need to replant those plantains.

Replanting also isn't

going to help here.

Mathayi, there's no

use in calling me.

I won't sign it.

Fine, meet me in person.


Where are you going?

Can't you see that he's annoyed?

Please help me.

Can you tell him?

- Come on.

Are you busy today?

No, I'm free.

Shall we meet today?

Of course.



- Hello sir...

-This is Damodaran.

-Come in.

Take a seat.

How are you?

Sir, I've been running

with it for the

past week. I've submitted

the documents.

Please sanction it, sir.

- Satheeshan, do the needful.

Thanks a lot.

- Carry on.

Satheeshan, please wait.

Brother, you can go.

-Come, sit here.

-What happened, sir?

Sit down, man!

What's it?

Let's forget for some time

that I'm your superior officer.

We're drinking buddies now.

Go ahead, brother.

I want to ask you something.

It's confidential, like always.

Why are you talking as

if it's the first time?

I'm going. I've work.


As you are aware, I have been living

a reasonably good family life.

Yes, your wife Anu and son Sooraj.

- Don't interrupt me.



And I ran into my ex-girlfriend.

She's still single.


Is it wrong to stay

in touch with her?

Extramarital affair.

Don't say so.

This is a platonic relationship.

But still, it's an

extramarital affair. Immoral!

Hey, walk in my shoes and see.

It used to be deep love.

But I couldn't marry her.

So it's not lust.

-It's love.


Deep love.

As long as you behave properly...

it's not an issue.

You'll pick up some energy.

-You will feel young.


That's what!

It will help me break

out of my sluggishness.

We don't need another

reason to drink today.

Come home in the evening.

I've got Theyyam at

Suni's in two days.

I'll buy the booze while returning

from his place in the evening.

-Let's party.


It's not lust, isn't it?

Just love, right?

Go get me tea.

Deep love!

Look at him.

Move, man!

Are you all here for

the music competition?

Not everyone, ma'am. They five.

-Yes, we five.


-Registration is over there.

-Is it?

-Thank you, ma'am.

-Go and register.

-Take your box too.

-It's Cajon, man!

Why did we come here?

-To sing.

-Is it? Don't forget the song.

And also me.

You saw?

Isn't the guest list ready?

-What is your name?


-Music, right?


Wow! She's so damn pretty.


-She is older than us.

-So what?

-That's not a problem?



Books fall down...

Hair flies...

I didn't see.

Those hazy eyes are

searching for someone.


-I'll be right back.

You'll be right back?

Ma'am, can you take

this Paulo Coelho?


Are you from Music College?

-No, Payyanur College. MCA


So music is just a hobby?

No, music is my top priority.

What happened then?

Can't you pursue it as a career?

My father is not

interested in music.



-This raga.

-I know.

-You were nearby?

-I was over there.

Come on.

Is this a style statement? This cap?


It was raining.

I'll easily fall sick if I get wet.

That's why.

Rain or cover?

22 years!


23 years.

Twenty three years!

I can't believe I am walking

here with my ex-boyfriend.

That too, at this age!

I really don't know what

to call this feeling.


Please give it a good name.

You didn't say anything about Anu.

-She's my wife.

-I know that.

A typical wife!

Didn't you meet anyone after I left?

A few proposals had come.

I rejected them since I didn't

want to be a 'typical wife'.

But I did have a couple

of relationships.

What if I had married you?

I wouldn't have aged this much.

Sweet voice.

Come, let's go and see.

I've got some work. You carry on.


It's not good. You need to improve.

See, you made a mistake here.

-It was him.

-Come on! It was you.

This always happens.

Let me try.


-Thanks, ma'am.

Anyway, try to convince your dad.

Come on, let's go.

Have we met before?


Seems like we've met before.

Your face looks very familiar.


How about roast?

I had a meeting.

That's why the delay.

It's alright. I don't think anyone

is going to drink tea here today.

-Shall we go?

-That looks like a lot.

No, only two bedsheets are there.

My husband has sent

money for the scooter.

Electric scooter.

Today is the last day of

the football carnival.

There's match today.

Hold this.

We could go if Rajeev

Chettan would accompany us.

As if there will be time for it

after his drinking session.

No one ever gets this

mud chicken right.

We should be careful

while preparing it.

Or else we shouldn't take it up.

Isn't it, brother?


Marination is done.

Step onto the fire next.

Will there be chicken

masala in your kitchen?

Who's going to prepare

the mayonnaise?

I'm coming.


You don't have to say anything.

I understood everything.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

This isn't anything new.

After you left like

this one day a long

time ago, I'm only

seeing you now.

You felt bad?



I was reminded of the old things.

College... hostel... old issues...

Fine. What should I do now?

I'm ready for anything.



Come over. I'm at the festival hall.

Oh no! I'm at home.

And I'm drunk too.

Dont worry. I was just joking.

Do you remember

riding Vijayan's bike

to my hostel, all

sloshed to see me?



Come fast.

"The song crooned

by the night radio"

You look so pretty at night.

Not in the morning?

Yes, you are.

But at night, you look

even more lovely.

It might be because

of this background.

This ambiance... moonlight...

Bottle, right?

I didn't say all this for

your father's military liquor.

It came right from my heart.

Done with your dry day compliments?

Nothing else.



Shut up.

-Shall I go?


"Breeze beckons you from

the threshold gently"

Just a minute.

Come fast.

Give me the bottle.

-Got the snacks?

-It's ready. Get on.

Hey, bring it back.

-Open the door.

-Not here.


I also want to experience

the moonlight ambiance.


"I'm wrapped in your scent"

"Listen to me, will you?"

"Forget not, this is night"

You said you quit smoking.

Felt like smoking today.

I didn't expect you to come.

Two pegs can raise my ego.

What did you say at home?

Forgot to take a file.

Nice ambiance.

"Penning down my desires on a

parchment, I flung it at you"

"You opened the

windows to your heart"

Is that a sacred thread?

No, turned my belly chain into

an anklet when I outgrew it.

Why did you ask?

Still it's good.


Have you been to Rehana's terrace?

-Her house had no terrace.

-What if it had?

I swear, I haven't been there.


"Didn't you fetch me from

the college doorway?"

"The days you bloomed in my heart"

"The anklet adorning your

feet is of black thread"

"These desires sting

if you prod them"

New bridge... new block...

It looks so different.

When we asked them to replace the

broken roof tile in the classroom,

they told us to bring

it from our own houses.


What did you do?

You brought it from the professor's

house who made that comment.

No! No! No, Smriti.

Sooraj is a cheater.

Cheater #1.





One small peg.

You wont even get a drop.

It's not for me.

It's for her.

-I didn't feel anything.

-Is it?

There is not much to feel.

-Move... move aside.

-Get out, you cheater!

It was your smoking habit that

caused our first argument.

"Trees of love are blossoming"

"Step out and feast

your eyes on it"

"Breeze beckons you from

the threshold gently"

"Trees of love are blossoming"

"Step out and feast

your eyes on it"

"Breeze beckons you from

the threshold gently"


-Did you see my perfume?

-You must have lost it somewhere.

Lost it? It cost 1500 rupees.

'Did I keep in my cupboard?'

'I never find anything

that I kept in this house.'

Hope you know where all

this money is going.

Ramla is going to a

movie in the evening.

Can we also go?

Mom, did you see my sandals?

Your g*dd*mn sandals!


Come on, give something.

I haven't taken any money.

Don't say so. You can

transfer it online.

-My phone is in the car.

-We can go down and take it.

-Don't give us excuses.


Come here.

What happened, Sooraj?

I didn't ask you guys to beg.

Ask nicely, and take

whatever they give.

But you said earlier to take

money from everyone forcefully.

There are many poor students

in our college, right?

We shouldn't trouble them.

Yes, there are many poor students.

It's our fault.

-Go ahead.

-Come, let's ask the teachers.


For last Onam, you

ruthlessly collected

5000 rupees from your class...

...purchased flowers

for 500 rupees and

bought booze with the

remaining money.

Now you're saying punch dialogues.

I understood.

Only this much? Give 500 at least.

Arent you going?

Come on, go.


-They won't go that far, right?


Like you said that

day, I wasn't a mere

fangirl who fell

for your singing.

I really loved you.

Just saying it.

We both knew very well

that we wouldn't get along.

Everyone here thinks

that I dumped you.

There's talk that her

husband is abroad.

Wasn't it you who informed

him of Rehana's arrival?


-I guessed.

Cute couples.

It's true that I was

in love with you.

But that doesn't mean I will

name my child after you.

I have moved on from it.

Are you guys in love?


Carry on. Bye.

I'm sure she invited him home.

Why are you so chill?


It was after she fell for him

that she tried to understand him.

But I fell in love after

learning everything about him.

There's a difference.

Oh! Like that.

Sooraj Siraj! What

she said is right.

My name won't suit her kid.

What happened?

It had started well.

But got bowled out.

You should know how to play.

Listen...Don't allow her

to start a discussion.


If she asks our opinion,

say it's superb.

-How's this?


Hey, bill this too.

I'll transfer the money.

I've transferred 160 rupees.

I'll give you the rest later.


Come fast, man!

Is there any other flavor?

Dude! Come here.

Do you think I'm a flirt?

Not at all.

You aren't like him. You're sincere.

A sincere flirt.

Isn't it, man?

Come here.

Superman is there in this movie?

Rivals. They are here to jeer.

No, this is enough.

I've watched only till Iron Man 3.

Will I understand this one?

You've seen the old Spider-man,

right? That's enough.

Come on.


In the climax, Spider-man and

the heroine will part ways.

Is it a spoiler?


Hey, you sit here.

Have you seen before?


-No, this film.

-Do you know Tobey?


Not Thanos. Tobey.

Have these people seen all the

films in the Marvel universe?

Don't know.

Isn't it about a

spider biting a guy?


The last English film I

watched was Anaconda.

I watch almost everything.

This is my entertainment.

Why is everyone early today?

Sooraj needs the car tomorrow.

Okay... Okay....

-He is going on a trip.

-Let him go.

Its cinematography was not good.

-It was not as good as my frames.

-Hey, come and have tea.

-What happened to Marvel?

-Pass that.

Dude, let's buy 2 liters of liquor.

And we can spend the rest on food.

Will your father

pay for the petrol?

Don't insult my father.

If we don't fill it with petrol,

he'll siphon from my bike.

We can discuss the rest after tea.


Will he do so?

He still wears his shirt with

mould and claims it to be a design.


It's a linen shirt, right?

Isn't it?

Nice design.

Vijayan's daughter's

wedding is approaching.

-I'll recommend you to him.


-You know how to take photos, right?


I bought two powers.



Alright, who's going to drive?


They both.

-No, you drive.


Last time, I had to pay 8000

rupees as a fine to MVD.

-Don't you have a bike?


-You also have, right?


-Let's go on that.

-I'm allergic to wind.



-Don't you want dinner?


He'll add that also to his account.

What's with this attitude?

Just like his father.

Mom, tea!


Mom, can you turn on the motor?





What happened?

Why is her body cold?




Why are you checking her pulse?

Her BP might have dropped.

Take her!


Hurry up.

Go fast!


Hurry up!


"At a loss to shed tears"

"In a trice, at once"

"Crashes to the earth,

struck by an arrow"

"With butterflies

fluttering around the bosom"

Ramesh, this is her photo.

Won't it come in tomorrow's paper?

Try to include it in today's

evening paper too.

I've sent the details.

She could have told us if

she was feeling sick.

No use in saying that now.

Come with me.

We took her to the

hospital immediately.

Doctor said something.

I don't know.

-Brother, won't it get ready soon?


Raghavan, when's the funeral?

Evening, around 3.30 pm.

My Anu....

Her sister has come from Bombay.

"To accept you're gone forver"

"How long will it take us?"

"Worn out poor hearts

smoulder like a pyre"

"The blue yonder of the mind"

"Sprinkled with

happiness by vermillion"


My dear...

"At a loss to shed tears"

"In a trice, at once"

"Crashes to the earth,

struck by an arrow"

"With butterflies

fluttering around the bosom"

"The blue yonder of the mind"

"Sprinkled with

happiness by vermillion"

"Smothers in darkness"



No, I've got money.

Use it towards the expenses.

Anusree, Sreevilasam

House, Payyanur.

Died of a heart attack.

Funeral will be held

today at her residence.

Husband Rajeevan, Village Officer.

Son Sooraj.

Look at the photo.

Women normally don't

go near the pyre here.

It's okay.

Her son.

She used to be very headstrong.

She wanted things to go her way.

We were best friends.



She's from Anu Chechi's village.

She left there 14 years ago.

She's teaching at a

college in Ernakulam now.

Her name is Indu.

This rate is too high.

It's been 14 days.

Did anyone stop you

from removing it?

I'll be at my shop.

See you at the next funeral.

Don't be so confident.

Drive carefully.



See you.

No one else is there to look

after my daughter and the baby.

No problem.

All the rituals are done.


Rajeev, milk!

Son, bring the jug.


-Bring the milk jug.

It'd be there inside.

Have breakfast.

I'm late. Will eat from the canteen.

If you need money, take

it from my wallet.

My hands are dirty.


-Tell me.

-Where are you?

-Going for the match.

-I'm also coming.

-But you don't like football.

It's alright.

Okay, come to my room.

-Won't you buy the vegetables?


Anu Aunty, we won the tournament.

Come, let's go.

We had made a bet

with Anu aunty that

we'd win the

football tournament.

Bye, see you.

I'm thinking of looking for

some courses in Chennai.

That's where A R Rahman

Institute is, right?

No, it's not smooth.

You won't leave without

repairing this.

Excuse me?

Where's Rajeev's cabin?

Sir is very busy.

You can't meet him now.

What's your name?


I called you several times.

I was not feeling good.

I only started coming to

the office a week ago.

Feeling so low...

Yes. I can understand.

We're going to Thirunelli the day

after for the 41st day rites.

I want to do everything for her.

I hadn't been paying

attention to her lately.


Is it hot?

Are you returning today?

Today or tomorrow.





Can I say something?

I know what you're going to say.

"Brother, you're still young."

"How long can you live alone?"

"Meera is also single."

This is what you were

planning to tell me, right?



Go do your work.

Did you repair that chair?

I was doing it.

Has he gone mad?

What did I do?


What are you chewing?

If you spit it somewhere here,

I'll definitely smash your face in.

What? [In Hindi]

My foot!


Anu Chechi had so many sarees.

She has never worn

half of these sarees.

What should I do with them?

Discard the tattered ones.

Do whatever you want with the rest.

All these belong to her.

Her diaries and books.

Ramla, this remote is not working.

Must be the battery's issue.

Tap the remote and see.

Yes, come and see.

-What happened?

-Whos Vinod?

Don't tell me you're

not aware of it.

Where did he go?

I don't know.

What's that?

Let me see.

That's Anu Chechi's diary.


She had a relationship.

His name is Vinod.


She was in love.


"Hey, you aimlessly

wandering pest!"

"Is that love I see in your eyes?"

Didn't you pay the bill?

There is power everywhere else.

"Hey, you aimlessly

wandering pest!"


Why did you invite your

uncle to that girl's house?

We need someone to talk, right?

I won't come if he's there.

Who invited you?

-It's ringing.

-Who's it?

Don't know.

What's your problem?

Hello Sooraj!


Dad went out a while ago.

Was it to take the file?

Don't worry. He'll come back.

Don't know. He was tense.

Did you two fight or what?

Hey, change the channel.

Put some sports channel.


Animals are better.

They can be trusted.

You're drinking without me?



Let's go. You have to go

to Thirunelli tomorrow.

Sir, your bill.

I'll pay.

It has WiFi.

Get up, brother.

Come on.

Am I not standing straight?

Yes, but you were swinging earlier.


-Satheesh, Anu betrayed me.

-I'll be outside.


She has a lover.

That was in the past.

Who said so?

She's written about him.

She met him again, and he

apparently looked different.

Didn't you understand?

They have been meeting in secret.

What about your Meera?

Your deep love?

You still meet with her.

What do you call that?

-That's different.

-How come?

To be honest, I don't

know anything about Anu.

Neighbors know...

Milkman knows...

Vegetable seller knows...

In fact... even those

kids know about her.

Meera is the best

person to handle this.

You talk to her. Come on.

For what? To make a fool of myself?

-Please get in.

-She already thinks I'm a loser.


No one can ever forget

their first love.

There's nothing more

than first love.

Can you forget?

-I didn't have any relationships.

-Get lost.

-Let me have one more peg.

-Come here.

Get in. Whose first love

is the problem here?

Meera's or your wife's?


-Dear... 23 years!



-23 years!

We had shared a home for 23 years.

But I couldn't understand her.

I wonder what all she

has been keeping from me.

It wasn't her fault that you

couldn't understand her.

It was your mistake.

-Stop it.


What did you say?

That means you know.

Come... sit here.

Brother, don't repeat

the same thing.

I want to know what

exactly happened.

Sit here.

You sit here.

You were here?

You've got no clue about it, right?

Just like me!

What all was she doing?

Making food...

Washing clothes... watching TV...

But that was not the real Anu.

The real Anu was someone else.

You'll understand.

You'll understand everything.

-You'll understand everything.

-Lie down.

You see everything with suspicion.

What's your problem?

-You can say the rest later.

-Meera also left me.

Got overwhelmed when he found

out about it unexpectedly.

He'll be fine in the morning.

-What time are you leaving tomorrow?

-6 o'clock.

Six? Then you also go to bed.

You'll need to get up early.

I also wanted to come.

But I'm meeting a

prospective bride tomorrow.


Bye, Ramla.

Aren't you eating?

I'm not hungry.

I'll bring it. Don't skip dinner.


Where were you?

I called you several times.

Sorry, I didn't hear.

It was so chaotic here.

What happened?

Love exposed.

What? Ours?

Damn! Did he see our messages?

Not messages. Diary.

Dia... Do you keep a diary?

-Not mine.


My mom's old diary.

Dad got his hands on it.


Yes, that's what.

He got to know of her old

relationship and made a scene here.

Why are you laughing?

Are you living in a love palace?

Everyone is in love.

So your problem is genetic.

Yes. I'm not denying it.

Why did you call me?

Just a minute. I'll call you back.

What happened?

Your phone is not working?

Yours was an arranged

marriage, right?


So you had never been in

a relationship before?


What's your problem?

Tell me.

Relationship? I was in the military.

My head was occupied with

only wars and w*r strategies.

Mom, what about you?

Forget love. We were even scared

to look at people's faces.

You could have looked.

Why are you asking

about relationships?

Will I have to start arrangements

for your wedding soon?

Did you sleep?



Just thinking about

random things....

-What about you?

-Me too.

I'll wait outside.

Don't stress yourself

over yesterday's incident.

See you.

I'll call you.

I'll drive.


"Like a silhouette, you"

"In throbbing memories"

"Like soft light showers"

"Went out of my sight"

"Cresfallen, you

come and caress me"

"Like a flowery rejoinder"

"Far away in the heavens"

"O butterfly..."

"Untouched by you, I'll

wither like a melancholic petal"

Brother, two teas.

One without sugar.

Are you diabetic?

No. Aren't you diabetic?

Two teas with extra sugar.

How was the girl?

I liked her.

But she didn't seem interested.

What was it you drank yesterday?

Hang up.

Why did you take it?

To read... just curious.

It's not right to read

another person's diary.

Another person? It's my mom's diary.


-Let me tell you something.


There's a mom I knew.

But I know very well that it's a

different person in this diary.

It's the same for you as well.

I want to read it.

As you wish!

I know you don't need it.

Yes, life has to move on.

Even so...

I want to know what is in it.

That is why I'm reading it.

Longing to see someone...

Giving yourself to someone...

I can only understand

that kind of love.

I can only understand

that kind of love.


-Madhavikutty's words.

By the time I finished writing the

list of songs to be recorded...

it was time for the

'Morning Star' bus.

I hurried to the junction.

Anu! Come on.

Brother, get it ready

by this evening.

Did you give him the cassette?

Hope he doesn't copy

Michael Jackson's songs.

Remember how we had

to perform break

dance instead of tribal

dance last year?

How was the guy who

had come to see you?

Clean-shaven or beardy?

Not bad. I gave the nod.

Why the hurry? Try falling in love.

My parents didn't

even let me use

that notebook with

the actor's photo.

Ticket! Ticket!

Rajan brother, two tickets.

He's on leave. Where to?

Sir, didn't I tell you

to move from there?

There is enough space to

play cricket at the back.

Usually it's football.

It can change depending

on the situation.


Two tickets to college.

Students' ticket and no change!


-Got the ticket?


Got the ticket?

My balance.

I'll give it.

I won't run away with your money.

Any Pilathara passengers?

He's good. Handsome!


-Bring some water.

You can attend that call.

I know her.

I also know who she is to you.

What are you saying?

This isn't what you think.

I've met Meera ma'am before.

I saw the two of you at the theater.

Why didn't you tell

that to your mom?

For what?

She trusts you a lot.

You'd have convinced her easily.

Those occasional

conversations we have...

I didn't want that to stop.

-Have you seen him before?


That bus conductor.

Am I not supposed to ask?

Can't you guys sing

some romantic songs?

His g*dd*mn song!

The next song is dedicated to

Anusree from Kalasherry.

[singing romantic song]

Listen, what's your opinion

about 'love at first sight'?


Like in films... Falling in love

the moment you see someone...

Just like Shalini and Kunchako

Boban in Aniyathipravu.

This fish bone looks good, right?

-But what happens if you swallow it?


The bone would get stuck in

your throat, and you'd be doomed.

Boiled banana will do.

Eating a morsel of

rice will also help.

For what?

To get rid of the bone.


No matter how old we get...

It's a special feeling when you

see your ex-girlfriend after ages.

That's all.

There isn't anything beyond that.

She invited me to a

film, and I went.

I don't know if it

was right or wrong.

You'll understand that

if you have a girlfriend.


I know you have one.

Isn't it the girl we

met at the temple?

You understood?

I have seen these things a lot.

I have also been to temples.

Feeling nostalgic?

Enjoying the nostalgia

is a good thing.

What if this contains a

nostalgia that can be enjoyed?

It's interesting to read.

I don't think I can

enjoy that nostalgia.

You already read it, right?


I didn't have the

strength to read it fully.

That's okay. I'll read it for you.

It doesn't matter anyway.

Ticket! Ticket!

Please move.

Wait. He'll come once he

gives away the tickets.

To where?

Rajan brother, where were

you in the morning?

I had a housewarming.

-Hey, got the ticket?


Is he a 'cleaner'?

No, that's my son Vinod.

Brought him along to mend his ways.

Hope this works.

Stop sleeping and ring

the bell, cleaner!

We've reached the bus stop, man!

Vinod, we hardly get

to see you these days.

You think I ran away

from you, Vijeesh?

-Vinod, ring the bell.

-See you.

Get lost!


Colloquial name is 'Kili'(bird).

But mom...

Oh, man! These people

are such romantics.

With music playing

in the background...

Sandalwood bindi on the forehead...

They dangle by the back

door in a stylish manner.

Even superstars would

easily lose to them.

Our songs are nothing

in front of them.

Let's go.

Congratulations to District League

Football's top scorer, Vinod.

Top scorer?

It won't be him.

He's just a cleaner.

Oh no!

I'll bring it.

Yes, he's a player.



Are you throwing the ball at people?

He's conductor Rajan's son.

He told me.



-Come here.

-Watch out.

She will assist you with

your library membership.

Anu, please do the needful.

Indu, come here.

We need to correct

the Kerolsavam list.

Hey, only reading

will help you grow.

Don't simply get into unnecessary

brawls for the sake of the party.

This is not something

you usually say.

Shouldn't we then defend?

There are many other ways to defend.

Just because someone

threw black oil on

the poster, should

you break his leg?

It's my fault now!


Come on!


Crime thriller.



You weren't here?


I was at my aunt's.

That's where I did my studies.


PSC coaching.

I saw your name on the banner.

My main focus is football.

When I join the police, I'll

be able to play on their team.


Looks like you've

got an aim in life.

My father doesn't think much of me.

It's to prove it to him.


All the best.

Anu Chechi...

There are 520.

-The rest?

-I'll bring it tomorrow.

Lucky red seeds?

You're so cheesy!

What's the problem with that?


-Your name is Anu, right?


I had asked Sudhi.

I wanted to know why he

asked about me to Sudhi.

But I knew it wouldn't be easy

for him to give an answer now.

So I didn't want to

k*ll the fun of it.

One more.

Do you want?


I'll call you later.

The rest?

They both know they like each other.

But they don't say it.

Just like every other

couple, they bump

into each other at

various places.

Temple? Don't say they

bump into each other.

Lovers meet according

to timetables and plans.

What's the use of

saying this to you?

Your generation only

needs a phone number.

Are you on their side now?

It's just a fact.

So who said it first?

I love you?

[football commentary]

Hey! Pass...pass...

Here is Vinod's amazing

Rainbow flick.

-What's the score?

-It's a tie.

-How much time is left?

-2 minutes.

Pass.. Pass...

Hey, block Vijeesh!

Vinod, watch out for the ball.

Get lost, Vinod!

Vinod, don't let go of him.

Come here.

You call this a fight?

Nothing will match the wars

we used to wage at my college.

There was a technique

with the swords and choppers.

See, I still have the

scars on my hand.

So don't get too excited.

Continue reading.

You think you're an action hero?

It's normal to lose a game.

Getting into fights is the solution?

This is a different case.

We broke a guy's leg for pouring

black oil on the poster, right?

This was its payback.

It's to stay out of all this

that I came back from my aunt's.

But this won't end easily.

Listen, you go with Anu.

I'll accompany them.


Watch your step.

Where are your slippers?

I lost it in the fight.


I wanted to... say something to you.

Who else knows about us?


Does anyone else know about us?


I'll see you on the bus.

I'm going to Bekal Fort

with my cousins tomorrow.

"Caught a glimpse of

your adorable smile"

"Someone came behind

me like a rivulet"

"To envelope the

sidewalks in blooms"

"Kodagu mist showed

up here in Kannur"

"A fresh scent fills up my heart"

"Gently, someone shares it with me"

"As we entwine our fingers"

"We melt away, soaked in love"

"Caught a glimpse of

your adorable smile"

What excuse did you tell your dad?

Forgot to take my PSC hall ticket.

"To envelope the

sidewalks in blooms"

"Kodagu mist showed

up here in Kannur"

"In tree-lined streets, on

the banks of millet fields"

"Like two shadows merge"

"We become acquaintances"

"The sweet thoughts

that fill my talks"

"Like telling scores of tales"

"Like a silky sweet song"

"In complete darkness and dampness"

"You're the luminescence

that fills my lashes"

"Be it small or big"

"You are my world from now on"


Anu, where are you?

-Don't go.

-Please leave.

I beg you. Please leave.

"Waiting for my approval"

"You stood next to me"

"Why am I slowly melting?"

"Between our dewy damp eyes"

Show me that ball trick of yours.

It's simple.

"With passion, I listen to you"

"Will you beckon me with love?"

"Nothing is forbidden anymore"

"It's all about unconditional love"

"Caught a glimpse of

your adorable smile"

"Someone came behind

me like a rivulet"

Sir, do you expect us to stay quiet?

I know you're able to hit back.

This discussion is to avoid that.

I've been waiting to get my hands

on them since the poster issue.


Whos Vinod?

It's me. What happened?

Sir, it's because you

interfered. Or else...

-I know.

-There's no need for any discussion.

Look at his arrogance.

This will end only with a fight.

-Come on, you a


Anu, bring some more hot water.

What peace-talk was that?

So unmannerly.

Check if it's too hot.

I won't leave him.

That Vinod...

I'll get him...


Listen brother...

I told you about a proposal

for her last month, right?

That boy working in

the village office.

They are interested.

What should I tell them?

Do whatever you feel is right.

Family seems to be good.

They have some land in

the Pilathara area.

We decided to elope three

days after his police test.

Only Indu knows about it.

Vinod will come with

the car to the library.

I know this is wrong.


Eloped? Who?

-Mom and Vinod uncle.

-Vinod uncle?

No... Vinod.

Aren't you ashamed to call him that?

Mom and Vinod uncle!

He's older than me.


Did they elope?

Don't know.

She hasn't written the rest.

Just that they decided to elope.

Anyway, I'm sure about one thing.

Something huge happened.

What was there to happen?

The same old story.

Her mother threatens to commit

su1c1de if she goes with him.

And she cancels her plan.

Later, some idiot comes

and marries her.

Don't look. I'm the

idiot in this story.

What if they did elope?

And were brought back

after a few days?

Get inside. This is

an elephant zone.

Why is his hair different from mine?


I was saying you needed a haircut.

It's written that you've land

in Pilathara. Where's it?

That broker was exaggerating.

There isn't anything else in this.

Not even a hint.

Just some random verses.

All I want is to see

him one last time.

Only for today.

When I die, I want you to visit

my grave and place a rose on it.

That's my only wish.

So cheesy.

Grave it seems!

No. Looks like mom was very

upset when she wrote this.

When was it written?

December 12, 1997.

My wedding day.

That's December 13th, right?

Yes. I guess she wrote

it on wedding eve.



"Agonising from grief"

"As a burning ember"

"You become a dark memory

smothered by waves"

"In the night that spreads"

"The steps that falter"

"I search for your

memories, all alone"


"When will I be the shadow of

the agony that tore us apart?"


"When do I complete the

forgotten half-finished story"

Since it was an untimely

death, I checked her horoscope.

I don't see any problem. You don't

need to perform any other rites.


For the eternal peace of the soul...

If there are any

wishes that they

couldn't fulfil while

they were alive...

You can fulfil it for them.

-Is there anything?


There is. She had a wish.

If it's something that

can be done, please do it.

You'll receive blessings.

Thank you.

It's a good thing she didn't

have any specific wishes.

Didn't have?

We weren't aware of it.

Never tried to know.


What she wrote in the diary.


She wished to see him

one last time and

wanted him to keep a

rose on her grave.

It's normal for people to write such

stuff when they are madly in love.

I don't think so.

It felt sincere to me.

And that is the only

wish we know of hers.


-Let's find him.

And inform him of mom's death.

Do you have any idea

what you're saying?

That was her old love.

We couldn't do anything

for Mom when she was alive.

Not a single wish of hers.

Yes! I just remembered something .

Your mom had a wish.

She wanted both of us to go to

Pazhani and shave our heads.

Shall we go?


I'll go and find him

even if you don't come.

I'm not your friend Gireesh.

I'm your father.

So just do as I say.

Glad you're aware

that you're my father.

Have you ever listened to me?

Tried to understand me?

I've always obeyed you.

Have you ever tried

to know what I wanted?

You don't even talk properly.

Do you know that I wanted to

study at A R Rahman Institute?

And where did you send me?

Has anyone in that house

ever defied your wishes?

This is not a big deal.


these rituals are said

to be done for the

eternal peace of the

soul of the dead.

But I believe it's done for

the solace of the family.

If this will make

Sooraj feel better,

I don't think it's a bad idea.

It's not that.

-Listen to me...

-Can you let go of your ego?

Your same old tone.

I was never a good

boyfriend or husband.


-Tell me.

-What are you doing?

-I'm watching football.


What is the status of

your Chennai admission?

It's all set.

What else? Had lunch?

Stop acting cute and cut the call.

This is just not like you.

Dad, are you a 'Blasters' fan?

I'm allergic to football.

-g*dd*mn footballers!


When are we going to get there?

-What was the place?


Where in Kallassery?

I hope he's there. Otherwise,

this trip would be a waste.

What's your plan?

What will you do after meeting him?

Tell him we're Anu's

husband and son?

We don't know how he'll react.

Don't worry about that, Dad.

I've planned everything.


Wear your seatbelt.

The match will start

at the right time.

Hey, what's your plan?

Brother, we're from

the Village Office.

Tell me, sir.

Not me, that is the officer.

Hello sir...

Is there anyone named Vinod here?


It was from an old file.

He used to play

football for the club.

-No idea...

-I think he was in the police.

Sir, wasn't he a party member?

-Yes, he was active in the party.


One Mr. Vinod. Comrade Vinod.


-Naxalite Vinod?

-He became a Naxal?

Yes. He gave it up later.

Comrade Vinod, who used

to play football, right?

That's the person.

He passed away.


-He was an alcoholic.

He was a heavy drinker.

Died from liver failure.

-Can't believe he lived to 60.


Kallasserry... Kallasserry...

Hurry up.

There's no time.

His father, Rajan used

to be a bus conductor.

Oh, Cannon!

They are talking about

Rajan's son 'Cannon'.


-Yes, that's how we call him.

That's why we didn't

understand at first.

He lives nearby. He'll

be here shortly.

Two lime juices.

Go ahead.

There he is!


They are here for you.

Cancel the juice.

What's the matter, sir?

No need to address me as sir.

I'm from Payyanur College.

Tell me the matter, son.

Can we sit there and talk?

Why not? It's not a temple.

Is he a comedian?

Nothing, bro. He's

our college driver.


Sudhi! Keep the bundles over there.

Why are you late?

I got stuck in traffic.

There is some party event today.

I had gone to Mahe.

There is a wedding tomorrow.

Had to deliver some packages.

Well, I'm only into small works.

I quit bootlegging

and sand smuggling.

What do you mean by "small works"?

-Brother, we didn't come for that.


Do you remember Indu,

who used to live here?


I was never involved with women...

It would have been in

your late twenties.

You had a job on the bus back then.


Radha's daughter, Indu!

-You're Indu's?

-She's teaching at my college now.

She became a teacher?


She is shifting to Ernkaulam.

So we are organizing

a farewell for her.

We thought of making a

video that included

her favourite village

and its people.

That's good.

She often talks about you.

That's why we decided

to track you down.

I'm surprised that she

still remembers me.

Is he talking about

the right person?

-Was he in love with Indu?

-Shut up.


-We were talking about the video.

We're the perfect

people to wish her luck.

We need a video.

Give it to me.


-Don't worry, man.

I'll do it. I'm used to doing reels.

I always send him my videos.

Cannon, let's go to the library.

It will evoke memories for her.


How are you, teacher? Remember me?

I was the cleaner on

the Morning Star bus.

I'll show you the library

to refresh your memory.

But nothing is left of it now.

This must be a huge

surprise to you, right?

I was also surprised when I got

to know you're a teacher now.

I'm an autorickshaw driver.

You're getting messages

from someone named Meera.

It's okay. That is his friend.

Okay, I'll continue.

Do you remember the old times?

He speaks well. He always gives

speeches at our club events.

So what should I do?

There is an incident that

you can never forget.

That night...

The night of the elopement?

-What the hell are you saying?

-She knows about it.

You won't understand.

-Teacher, do you remember Sudhi?


Stand properly.

Is he video-calling her?

So thanks a lot for

remembering us and our village.

You forgot to mention Vidyadeepam.

Yes, I wish you the best wishes on

behalf of the Vidyadeepam Club too.



-More than enough.

That's done.

-This is the ground?


This is that ground.

We still hold matches here.

But I stopped playing.

I've got breathing trouble.


Didn't you mention an

elopement story earlier?

What's it about?

Are you here to interview me?

Just curious.

It's nothing.

I was simply trying to

make her nostalgic.

Were you in love with her?


It's not a secret.

Just a silly matter.

Let me hear.

-I won't tell you her name.

-Not needed.

Everyone here knows about it.

I had a relationship.

We almost eloped.

Indu had supported us.

What happened then?

I mean.. you said you

almost eloped...

I was involved in some

issues back then.

So we couldn't elope.


She got married to another person.

I got labelled as a

rowdy, and people

started calling me

for illicit jobs.

You never saw her after that?


I didn't even have time

to think about her.

That's all? Are there

any other memories?


Do you want to hear my thug stories?

With variety fights...

And my life prior to

purchasing the auto rickshaw.

Seems like you watch a lot of films.


Anu only saw him?

-Actually, we came here to...


We have the content for the video.

Let's go and meet the next person.

Come, let's go.

Bye then. It's difficult for me

to stop once I start talking.

-I got to go somewhere.

-Thanks a lot.



Hey... all this was

your plan, right?

I told you, right?

Why did we come here?

All I wanted was to

inform him of Mom's death.

Do you think it'd make

any difference to him?

Come on, block him.

The love story Mom wrote is

not the same as the one he told us.

You heard him, right?

He was more interested

in talking about

his fight stories than his love.

What are we to say to him?

There is no use in it.

Every love story has a value.

Mom's story ended in that diary.

Why is he not coming?

If it gets late, everyone

will come in search of us.

RJP-ADF clash at Kallassery, Kannur.

Both parties have

reported fatalities.

The deceased are Gokul

(27) and Prashobh (31).

Ambadimukku Vijeesh is

in critical condition.

The police are on the

lookout for suspects.

Be careful.


-Did you fill fuel?


-Heard that Vijeesh didn't make it.

What's the problem with Ajay?

Why did he hack Vijeesh?


Take this money.

It's police.

Anu came?

I don't know. She must have come.

They are coming.

-Is she alone?

-I don't know. Be quiet.

Coming? Are they coming?

Listen, we don't know

anything about it.

Hello sir...

-How are you, Vinod?


-What's going on?


-What's in your bag?

-I'm going somewhere.

Take it.

Check it.

-Whos that?

-My friend.

What's the issue between

you and Vijeesh?


He's dead.

-Come with us.

-Sir, I'm innocent.

Sir, I don't know anything.

Sir, I've got to go somewhere.

-Sir, I told you I'm innocent!

-This is for your safety.

Yours is the first

name on their list.

I don't know anything.

Sir, I don't know anything!

Sir, I've got to go somewhere.

Hey, move aside.

Catch him!

Anu, let's go.

Looks like there's some problem.

I don't think he will come.

He will come.

Catch him!

Vinod, stop there!

Vinod, this way.

-Sir, let go of me.

-Stay there.

Sir, please let me go.

Let them k*ll me.

Sir, I want to go.


Sir, I don't know anything.

Please, I want to go.

Let them k*ll me.

Get inside.

-Let's go.

-Sir, I'm not involved in it.

I want to go. Let them k*ll me.

People are not who

we think they are.

All I want is to see

him one last time.

Just today.

Only for today.

When I die, I want you to visit

my grave and place a rose on it.

That's my only wish.

This diary belongs to Anu and Vinod.

From Sooraj...
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