24x21 - Galvanax Rises

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x21 - Galvanax Rises

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars...

Earth's greatest Ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.


Ten years later, a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's morphin' time!

(narrator) They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

Ladies and gentle-monsters, welcome to the season finale

of "Galaxy Warriors"!

If you're joining us for the first time,

you've missed a lot.

Many monsters have failed to retrieve

the Rangers' Power Stars.

But now, two humans have invented a magnet

that attracts anything made of Ninja Steel.

Take those teenagers to the ship.

Yes, champ.

Galvanax now has every scrap of Ninja Steel

except the Rangers' Power Stars.

Can he get them and rule the universe?

Let the final showdown begin!

At long last, I'll destroy the Rangers!

So, you do have our ninja stars.

Not all of them, so thanks for bringing your Power Stars.

They'll be mine soon. I promise.

You shouldn't make promises you can't keep.

We won't let you touch them!


(all) Ninja Steel!

(all grunting)


And the battle begins!


(grunting continues)

Enough of this!

Give me the Ninja Steel magnet.

Their Power Stars will be mine!


(machine chirping)


What happened? I don't know.

(laughing) I'll tell you what happened.

I got your Power Stars.




♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

(laughing) Two Rangers down.

Who's next?

Ha! Yellow! (grunting)

Just three more.

Our Power Stars!


(Galvanax laughing)

Five down, just one more to go.

Where's the Red Ranger?


He's gonna use that magnet and take your Power Star.


Take them to the ship.

Don't worry, guys. I'm coming.

No! Oh, yes.

Your story is coming to a sad ending.


Ninja Blast!

No! You broke the magnet.

Now, I'll destroy you, just like I did your father.

This is the part where you beg for mercy.

Not gonna happen.


Brody, you need to get out of here.


It's the only other star we have.

It'll do.

Mega Morph Cycle Star, rev up!

Plasma Blast!


The Red Ranger only delays his doom.

His Power Star will be mine! (laughing)

(muffled grunts)

Tell me... how does it feel

to be beaten by Galvanax?

(muffled) I'll k*ll you!

What's that? Cat got your tongue, eh?

Hilarious! (laughing)

You're not so tough without your Power Stars,

are you?

(Victor) Our new giant magnet will pull in anything.

I'm so excited!

Once the mega-mag helps that weird fox woman

destroy Galvanax... We'll be heroes!

Just as famous as the Power Rangers


Is the mega-mag done?

Oh, yes.

Just charging up the capacitor, Madame Omnivus.

Odius, you numbskull.

Uh... can I get some more alien slop?

I'm starving.

You can have more slop...

after this giant Ninja Steel magnet

gets me the Power Stars!

So we can destroy Galvanax, right?


Him and the Power Rangers.

Back to work!

She's going to destroy the Rangers?

I never would have built the mega-mag

if I would have known it would hurt the Rangers.

We need to get out of here.

But how?

I think I have an idea, Monty.

You're a genius.

We'll dress up as Kudabots.

This isn't right.

We can't just run, Mick.

We have to turn around and fight.

They have our friends!

Galvanax has them on the Warrior Dome.

We can't get in there and they can't get off.

We can't just do nothing.

(watch chirping)

Redbot, you're okay.

I am, indeed!

Good news! The asteroid Mick discovered

that may contain more Ninja Steel

is now close enough to Earth that we could reach it

in the Astro Zord!

But we can't summon the Astro Zord

without its star.

Okay, uh... we may have run out of Ninja Steel.

But we could still make a new Astro Zord star

by melting this one down.

Epic! If we get that asteroid,

we'll have enough Ninja Steel to rebuild all of our weapons.


(Galvanax) More Ninja Steel!

How fascinating.

I'll get that asteroid later.

Now, it's time to finish this.

Hand over your Power Star. (laughing)

Not a chance.

Then I'll give you a choice.

Complete my collection of Power Stars...

or watch the Basherbots destroy my new prisoners.

(Brody) No! You can't do this!

Oh, but I can. (laughing)

If Galvanax gets all six Power Stars...

He could become invincible and rule the universe.

So, what's your choice, Red Ranger?

Ten years ago... my dad had to make a decision too.

That star came to me

so I could protect it from evil like you!


That star came to us

so we could protect it from evil like you!

Big words!

There's only one way I know of to do that.

Give me my dad's sword.

I must destroy my Power Star.


(all gasping, muffled shouting)







Mick! Where are you?!

(Galvanax grunts) What?!

They're both gone.

And the Ninja Nexus Prism appeared in their place.

Just like last time.

What? Three Red Ninja Power Stars?


Ah! Wait! Come back!

I want those stars!


(muffled grunting)


Is that two?

Brody... is that you?

Hey, brother.

I thought you were gone.

What just happened?

So did I.

The prism protected me.

But if you're still the Red Ranger...

Then who is that?

Mick! You're a Ranger!

That prism has more tricks up its sleeve than Preston.

What?! Two Red Rangers?

I'll destroy you both! (shouting)

What's happening?


Our Power Stars!

Who is that?

Hello, boys.


I can't believe you're here.

You're alive.


Impossible! He was destroyed!

I can't believe it, you were in there the whole time!

When I broke the Ninja Nexus Star

into six Power Stars,

the blast seriously injured me,

but the prism, captured my spirit,

healed me, kept me safe... until now.


Enough with the family reunion.

I'd rather have some family destruction!

Looks like we have to battle this creep one more time.

He should have learned a long time ago,

you don't ever mess with ninjas.

It's morphin' time.

(all) Power Stars, lock in!



(all) Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Let's finish him!


He's going down!

(growls) There's more than one way

to unlock the power on Ninja Steel!

(laughing) You foolish ninjas

never thought of this!

He melted them all and he's drinking them!

He's powering himself up. We have to strike now!

(together) Red, silver, white, Ninja Strike!

Steel slash!

Nice try. My turn.

(Rangers grunting)

The power of Ninja Steel flows through my veins.

Claws of Darkness!

(Rangers grunting)

I gotta stop him.

Brody! Wait!

Get away from my son!

We meet again! Yes.

And I'll enjoy destroying you again.

Not this time.


Nice catch!

Enough games. Cosmo!

Gigantify me!

It's the moment we've been waiting for all season!

Yes! Yes!


(laughing) You're time is up, Rangers.

How do we get off this ship?

Maybe... (moaning)

Maybe-- maybe we can find a bathroom first.

That alien slop has my stomach

tied up in knots.

There's no time! This way.

Galvanax is finally going to teach those Rangers a...

(crowd booing)

What? Excuse me!

We're in the middle of the grand finale!

What are you imbeciles doing?

(Victor) Um... uh...

(Monty) Oh, um...

(in robotic voice) Must assist Galvanax on Earth.

Ugh! Fine!

If it'll get rid of you!


Ohh... wait a second!

Kudabots can't talk!

(farting) Oh! Gross!

And they definitely can't fart!

It's Odius' human prisoners!

Get them! Ahhh!



(Cosmo Royale) That's disgusting!

(farting continues)

I think I'm going to faint! Oh!

(Victor) Good job, Monty!

Hit the button, Victor! Hit the button!

(sighs) There's no time to waste.

I need Galvanax's Ninja Steel.

Activate the mega-mag!


I crush you like...

What's going on?

Is that a magnet beam?

Oh no, it's another Ninja Steel magnet.

(grunting, shouting)

Hold onto your Power Stars!

It's hurting Galvanax! Look!

Ahh! No!

It's pulling all the Ninja Steel I drank!

Who dares betray me? I'll get you for this!

Galvanax, haven't you guessed yet?

Ripcon wasn't a traitor. It was me!

It was always me! (laughing)

Ah! Curse you, Odius!

(Rangers grunting)

I can't hold on! What's that?

Something's coming!

(Sarah) It's an asteroid!


What?! Nooo!

(Galvanax grunts)

Yes! The magnet attracted

the asteroid containing Ninja Steel!

(sighs, laughs)

Another traitor bites the dust.

It's your turn now, Rangers.

(all shouting)

(Galvanax laughing)

What do we do now?

I don't know, but we better think of something fast!

Like I was saying before,

I'm going to crush you like ants.

(Rangers gasp) The prism!

It's never spun that fast before.

It looks just like us when we do

our Ninja Star Morph Attack.

Maybe it'll join the attack with us!

One way to find out.

Epic! Let's do this!

(Brody) Ninja Nexus Morph!

What are they doing?

Final Attack!

(all shouting)



You can't hurt me! I'm invincible.

I'm the champion of "Galaxy Warriors"!

I'm the greatest of all time! Aah!

He's gone!

Yeah! That was epic!

We did it! It's over!

We did it! Goodbye, Galvanax.

Look! The prism!

The final blow against Galvanax

must have drained all its energy.

(Calvin) We never would have defeated Galvanax without it.

Can we fix it, Mick?

(Calvin) It looks weak, like it's dying.

I have no idea how.

Oh no! Look!

What's happening?

Our Power Stars...

(Calvin) No!

(Hayley) They turned to dust!

They're gone!

Without the power of the Nexus Prism,

Ninja Steel is too unstable to exist.

That means all our weapons and Zords are no more.

Don't be sad, Rangers.

I think the Nexus Prism came to Earth for a reason.

To find those who could defeat evil, and...

and it has fulfilled that purpose.

Yes... Galvanax is finally destroyed,

and his evil is gone from the universe.

Now... we can be a family again.


Beside the Rangers, you're the only humans

who have ever been near alien monsters.

Were you afraid?

Afraid? I'm Victor Vincent.

Those monsters were afraid of me.

How's that?

Well, Monty here ripped a huge--


And, uh... kept all those terrible monsters away.

A scent that keeps monsters away?

Wow... that's gotta be worth a fortune.

(both) Worth a fortune.

(Levi) He looked like a normal kid,

but in his chest were gears and wires.

He was a robot with all my memories.

Those monsters would have done anything

to get your Power Stars.

(Hayley) That's in the past now.

Let's start thinking about the future.

(watch chirping)

Uh... speaking of the future...

my space taxi has arrived to take me back

to the Ly Galaxy.

Really looking forward to seeing my parents again.

We're gonna miss you.

I'll miss you too. All you Rangers.

Um... ex-Rangers.

You will always be Rangers to me.


Now, uh, I want you to promise me

that you will always eat your safety goggles

and wear your grits.

(all laugh)

We'll think of you when we do.

(Sarah) Will you visit? Yeah.

Well, uh... Mick, out.

(Redbot) I will miss him.

Well, you two haven't forgotten our song, have you?

Are you kidding? They even taught it to us.

(chuckling) Is that right?

Shall we?

(singing) ♪ I'm with you ♪

♪ When you're far from home ♪

(together) ♪ Still with you ♪

♪ A family bond that can't break ♪

♪ I choose a star the light leads me home ♪

♪ To be with you ♪

♪ All together, we are one... ♪

The game is not over yet.

Not by a long shot. (laughing)

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