24x19 - Abrakadanger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x19 - Abrakadanger

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion

of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars...

earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's morphin' time!

They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

This just appeared in my office.

Oh, Preston, this strange package came for you.

Thank you.

That is weird.

Hey, Prest.


Guys, check it out.

It's from Princess Viera, in the Lion Galaxy.

How'd it get here?

Attention, please.

It's been one year since the school tennis contest.

And in case you forgot,

I was amazing.

Oh! Ahh!

(grunts continue)

(scattered applause)

My opponent, on the other hand, wasn't.

Aah! Oh!


(nervous chuckle)

Whoa, what?

I had a bad day.

Ah, what a match.

They say it was the worst defeat

in school history.

So, who dares to face me this year?

Fine then.

I humbly accept this year's trophy...

right now.

I'll play you again.

You want that to happen again?

(chuckling) This time, I'm prepared.

Trust me, that won't happen again.

(students murmuring)

This year's tennis match will be today at lunchtime.

See you on the court.

See you on the court.


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go... Ninja Steel ♪♪

Hey, guys...

Viera sent us the Lion Fire ninja stars.

Whoa! (gasping)

What are these?!

Oh, cool.

Now we can use these when we need some extra firepower.

She sent you a wand.

Yeah, and...

an old spell book.

They came with an intergalactic message disk.

Greetings, Rangers.

Whoa, it's Princess Viera.

I return to you the ninja stars

which control the Lion Fire Zord and armor.

And I have a gift for Preston.

From the treasure room of the Lion Galaxy.

It's an ancient book of advanced magic spells

and the dragon wand that goes with it.

Preston, this magic is quite advanced.

To master it, you must start

at the beginning of the book and learn each spell in order.

No matter what, do not skip ahead.

I hope these are useful.

Farewell, Rangers.

I can't wait to try these out.

Hey, Preston, I have to warm up

for the match at noon.

I thought you were gonna help me practice.

I am, using Spell Number One

in my spell book... observe!

Eta... tivel!

Oh, nice magic, Preston.

See? We can practice together.

Hey, great backhand, Hayley.

After last year's match, I decided to make a comeback.

She's been practicing each day, every day.

Epic magic, Presto.

And that's only the first spell, levitation.

Spell Number Two: color changing.

Eh, Spell Three: turning things to fluid, boring.

Preston, come on... Pass, go on...

(gasping) Whoa!

Spell eight is invisibility!

(laughing) Try it!

Uh, Presto, didn't the Princess say

not to skip ahead?

Uh... don't worry about it.

I'll just try it on something small,

like, uh-- ooh.

Hah! A tennis ball.



El... bisivni!


El bisi-- whoa!

Whoa... oh... oh gosh...

Oh, no.

(Sarah) Hey-- Hey, look out!

(gasping) Preston?

What did you do to me?

Sorry, Hayley.

Oh, gosh... I'm invisible!

Oh, no.

Uh... don't worry, don't worry, I'll just

use the-- the undo spell, yes.

It's in here. It's in here somewhere.

It's... uh...

Yes, yes! Spell Number Ten!

The last spell... okay.

Sai-gum ad-nov!

Uh... sih-gum aud-nu...

oh... ov...

(Hayley) Preston, do something, the match starts soon.

I'm trying, it's just not working!

I've worked all year to beat Victor.

I have to show up for this match.

And you will, you will,

we just need to... cover you up.

With what? There's no time.

Uh, yeah, yeah, you can wear my hoodie.

Um, Nick, you must have something in the base

that she can wear-- anything.

Uh, yeah-- yeah, sure.

But it isn't for playing tennis.

I'll wear whatever you have.

I am not missing this match. Come on!

Aah-- aah!

Please welcome to the Warrior Dome

the most mighty of magical monsters,


Prepare to marvel at my magical mastery!

Become balloons!

Whaa-- would you look at that?

Ooh! (cackling)

My magical spells are more powerful

than anything the Blue Ranger can do.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hmmm, Abrakadanger's spells

could be just the trick to undo the Rangers.

(both cackling)

Welcome to the Summer Cove High School Championship

tennis contest!

Last year's winner, Victor Vincent--

(Monty) Yay, Victor!

--will play...

Hayley... Foster.


Hayley, you got this! Whoo!

(Victor) What is she wearing? Protective wear?

Oh, you'll need it today.

'Cause I'm bringing the heat.

(Monty) What a pro!

(Hayley gasping)

What? That racket was brand-new!


Hey, hey. You got it.

Thanks, Cal.


Man, you nearly took my head off.

Your head!

Huh? My head?

The mask! Oh, no!

Uh, um.


Um... Ta-da!

Yes, yes, it was me,

just another one of my delightful tricks. Yeah.

Preston-- Presto change-o!


You're trying to distract Victor with your magic.

It's against the rules. Wait, I--

Hayley is disqualified.

What? No.

(Monty) Yay, Victor!

Man, I am so... sorry.


Congratulations, Victor,

you've finally won your... th trophy.



What's going on?

Oh... oh.

Did you see that? What is this?

Oh, so you're-- you're not allowed

to use robotic super-smasher arms?

That's how you could hit so hard-- you cheated, too!

I... This grudge between the two of you

has got to end.

So, tomorrow, at lunchtime,

we will have a rematch.

The winner...

will get their name on this trophy,

but if anybody cheats...

they'll be suspended.

I can't believe this.

Hey, at least you get a rematch.

There's no point. I'll still be invisible.

Sorry, Presto.

I can't go to class in this ridiculous outfit.

I'll see you back at the base.


Preston, you've got to figure out that undo spell.

Yeah, I know.

You want spells?

You've come to the right place.

You want spells?

You've come to the right place.

I'm Abrakadanger, master magician!

Save it. Huh?

We've had enough magic for one day.

You can never have enough magic!

Bring it on!

(all) Ninja Blast!

Heeah! Back at ya!

Oh! Whoa!

You can't beat my magic.

We'll see about that!


Fly away!




Huh? Where am I?

Guys, he tossed me across the whole country.

What? ...okay.

Get back as soon as you can.

Wow! He has some incredibly strong magic.

Oh, I'm just getting started.

Wait a second, what am I thinking?

I'll just ride my zords back to Summer Cove!

Zord Star, lock in! Activate!

Ninja Spin!

Bull Rider Zords! Out of the shadows!


Ninja Master Mode, ready.

Okay, fellas, let's start the journey home.


I'm going to sweep you off your feet!


Get him, guys!


Leave my friend alone, you freak!

Who would've thought that Power Rangers

are this easy to brush off?

Don't flip out!




Time to call in the big g*ns!

Become toys!


I'll try a Magic Barrier spell!


You can't even do a Barrier Spell!


Now, you're all alone.

Hayley? Is that you?

Ha-ha! Yep, it's me.

All right!

(Hayley) Levitate his staff away!

Right-- eta tevil!

You won't find that for a while.

I'll save you guys.

Let's get out of here.

(Hayley) Right behind you.

Oh! Let's go.

No... I need my staff.

Once I have it back, you're all doomed!

(Hayley) Try the Undo Magic Spell again.

I'm sure you can do it if you try hard enough.

I mean, you are Presto Change-o!

I said cigam odnu!


See? It's just not working.

I can't seem to undo the spell on any of them.

You know, since we seem to have some time,

maybe I should learn how to play tennis.

(Hayley) What?

It's easy, right? Just...

Pow! Careful!

Ooh! Whoa.


No, Nick, it isn't easy.

Hayley practiced every day for a year.

He's right.

I had to work on my grip, my stance, my swing.

There's a lot of steps.

So, cutting corners would be a bad idea?




gee, that's-- that's exactly what I did.

With these spells.

I-- I was so impatient.

That's why I can't do the more complicated spells.


I'm sorry, Hayley, but don't worry.

I'm gonna start from Spell Number One

and learn them all.

One at a time.

Just like I was supposed to do.

That's a great idea, Preston.

Thanks, Mick, I can always count on you

to show me the right path.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I just wanna be good at tennis.


Okay, Spell Number One.

Levitation. I'm already pretty good at that.

Good, 'cause my rematch is at noon.

Eta... tivel!

(Hayley) Oh! Yes!

Roloc... egnahc.

Okay, Transformation.

Doof emosen!

Yes! These are pretty easy.

Already up to Spell Number Six.

Growing hair.


Hey, what's so funny?

I can make a magic barrier. I can do it.

Reirrab... ahh... ekam!

(Hayley) Whoa!

Yes! I did it!


Only Spell Ten to go.

The Undo Magic spell.

(Hayley) You've mastered every other spell in the book.

You can do it, Preston.


Cigam... odnu!



It worked!

Thank goodness.

No, thank Presto.

I couldn't've done it

if you hadn't taught me about hard work.

Thanks, Hayley.

(Redbot) Sufferin' circuits!

There's buzzcam activity in Oakhill Plaza.

That's gotta be Abrakadanger.

He must've gotten his staff back.

You ready, Presto? Totally.

Let's go.

Now that I've found my staff,

those toy Rangers are doomed-- what?

You broke my toy spell?

Yep, and you know what that means.

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars, lock in.


Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

I don't understand!

Only a master magician can undo my magic.

Hah, luckily, I worked hard and became one.

Prove it!


Only a master magician can undo my magic.

Hah, luckily, I worked hard and became one.

Prove it!

Become turtles!

Magic Barrier!

No! He deflected my spell!

(both) Blade Slash!

Ninja Blast!

Come on, Brody, let's take this guy out together.

Good idea.

Unleash your best magic on him!

Hah, that's the plan.

Follow my lead.

Sure thing. This is gonna be epic!

Magic Dragon!

Super Slash!

(both) Final Attack!

Whoa-- Whoa! Impossible!

Aah! Aah!

(screaming continues)




That attack was hot, Preston!

It worked! (cheering)



Time for our own magic trick.

Abrakadanger, alakabam!



(all) Whoa!

Catch me if you can, Rangers!

Zord Stars!

(all) Lock in!

(all) Activate!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Steel Zords! Out of the shadows!

Dragon formation! Combine!

Ninja Steel Megazord! Dragon Formation! Ready!

(all) Ninja Spin!

Ninja Master Mode, ready, let's do this!

Dragon Blast!

Let's see how well you fight

when you've been turned to stone.


(all groaning)

Oh, no! ... what's happening?

The Megazord can't move!

Take this!

Ugh-- we're sitting ducks.

What're we gonna do?

(Aiden) Howdy, Rangers,

don't worry, help is on the way!

Surprise! Yee-hah!

Let me take down this silly sorcerer!


Not you too!


Ninja Bull Zord Blast! (groaning)

Robo Rider Zord, disengage!

You're finished!

We'll see about that.

Let's do this!

Whoa-- too slow.

Whoa! Who's too slow now?

Well, that was a fluke, partner.


Oh, yeah! Yes.

Let's get that monster's staff.

Robo Rider Lasso!

No! This is mine! Get your own!

Think again! No! My staff!

(roaring) (cheering)

Levi broke the spell!

And we're back in the game.


Ninja Steel Megazord

Dragon Formation!

Dragon Lightning!

Aahh-- aah!

My turn! Bull Rider Megazord, combine!

Bull Rider Megazord, ready!

This isn't going to end well!

Hey, Rangers, care to join me?

Yeah! Here we come.

Let's go, guys.

Yee-hah! Rangers together.

Let's take out this wizarding weirdo.

Ninja Master Blade, activate!



(all) Bull Rider Megazord,

Rodeo Rapid Blast!

(all) Final attack!

Now you see me, now you don't...

Show's over. Ninjas win.


(boy) Go get 'em, tiger.

(second boy) You got this! Go, Hayley!

(boy) Come on, Hayley!

(Sarah) Go, Hayley!


(Monty) Can't spell "victory" without Victor.



Lucky serve.

(Monty) So close, Victor!


(boy) Nice one, Victor.

(second boy) Too easy!

Match point!



(boy) Good work, Hayley!

Game, set, and match-- Hayley wins!



Congratulations, Hayley, well-done.

Thank you. (cheers)

Yeah, atta girl!

And here you go.

Maybe Hayley can give you some lessons.


Oh, no-- you came in last!

Read it, Monty, it says second.

Hey, congratulations, Hayley.

All your hard work finally paid off.

So did yours, Preston, thank you.

Well, come on, let's go celebrate.

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