24x16 - Grave Robber

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x16 - Grave Robber

Post by bunniefuu »

When Galvanax, cruel champion
of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty
Power Stars...

Earth's greatest Ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.


Ten years later, a new
generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja
Power Stars.

It's morphin' time!

They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

(woman cackling)

(Levi singing)
♪ I'll be there
in moments that follow ♪

(all singing along)
♪ I'll be there, just tell it
to your heart ♪

♪ My love's everlasting ♪

♪ I'll be there
there's no more denying ♪

♪ I'll be there and never... ♪

Excuse me.

I'm donating these priceless
valuables to the school.

Oh! Wow!
Thank you very much.

Priceless, huh?

Well, you know, I just don't
think we're gonna need...



Wow, Grave Robber.
That looks cool.

You want it?
It's all yours.

Thanks, Principal Hastings.

Hey, guys, we got
the Halloween costumes!

(all gasp)


Hey, guys, look what I got.

Wow, a Halloween
board game.

Let's play it before
we go trick-or-treating.


Um... guys, I've never
really liked board games,

and that one seems
kinda lame.

Let's sing another song.

Oh, come on, Levi,
it'll be fun.

You play if you want.
It's not my thing.

All right, come on, guys.
Let's check it out.

Have fun.

You too.


Hey, babe, when are you
gonna put your costume on?

Oh, you're hilarious.

Tally-ho, Captain Brody.
What, what!

As you were, Major Unicorn.


Nice hat!

(both gasp)


Come on, let's play.

Okay, I guess
we start here.

Go along the path,
and finish here.

This is so creepy.

I totally love it.

"Place your piece
at the cemetery gates,

then turn the hourglass
to seal your fate."



Everybody ready?



Here we go!

Welcome, Rangers!

Looks like you're about
to play Grave Robber!



♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all
my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up
for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

You're about to play
my board game.

This isn't a game,
this is a trap!

Guys? Guys, I can't
get out of my seat.

Uh oh.
Me either.

Rangers, welcome to the Galaxy
Warriors' Halloween special!

You're trapped in my board game,
Grave Robber!

I don't think so.

Levi... Levi, come in.

I'm sorry, Rangers.
Calling for outside help

is strictly prohibited
during the game.

Your Ninjacoms won't work.

I suggest you roll the dice
and enter the cemetery,

where you'll battle
the ghosts of monsters

you've already destroyed!

We're not playing
your game, Cosmo!

Fine by me.
But when the hourglass is empty,

you'll be destroyed.

The only way to survive
is to make it

through the graveyard
before the sand runs out.

Which, of course, you won't!

My condolences.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We're not seriously
doing this, are we?

Cal, what other choice
do we have?

Hold on, we don't have
to play the game,

we can just stop
the hourglass.

The sand's pouring up?


Oh, Rangers.
So predictable.

You can't stop
my magic hourglass.

Magic hourglass?

Man, I gotta get me
one of those.

Guys, come on, each grave is
a monster we've already beaten.

It'll be no problem
to beat them again.

Hope you're right.


That's four.

Now, meet your foe!

I love traps!


If you beat him,
you'll roll again!

Guys, guys,
we're wasting time.

Touch the crystal ball
and let the battle begin!

Here we go.

Whoa, how did we get here?

And when did we morph?

Welcome to
Cosmo's trap, Rangers!

We're on the clock,

Then it's half past fight!



Man, these guys are tough.
They've got us surrounded.

Revenge is sweet.

We're ninjas.
Let's surprise them.

That gives me an idea.

What are you gonna do?

(all gasp)

Ninja Strike!
Steel Slash!

(Trapsaw groaning)

Whoo, ha-ha! Yes!

That did the trick.

You got lucky that time.

Roll the dice and see
what's in store for you next.

Six. Okay.

One, two, three,
four, five, six.

Ahh, surprise!

Not him again.

He hacked my cloning
technology, remember?

We'll be ready for him
this time.

Come on, guys.

Calvin, grab that toolbox.

I have a plan.

Okay, let's go.

We're in!
Where is he?

I don't see him.

Great, this will give us time
to turn this radio

into a frequencing jammer
to use on Hacktrack.

You wanna fight me,

you're gonna have
to catch me first.

That'll be a cinch.

Think so, huh?
We'll see!

One, two, three.

That hourglass is draining!

See ya!

We've gotta stop him fast!

One, two, three! See ya!

How are we gonna
follow him?

You guys help Sarah,
I'll chase him down

with new Ninja kite technique.

Got it.
See you soon.

Okay, Sarah,
tell me what you need.

First, a screwdriver.

This oughta work.

Element Star, lock in!

Ninja Forest Attack!

(Hacktrack grunting)

There you are, Hacktrack.
You're in for a flying surprise.

Who's that, a Ranger?

Arrow Blast!

Oh no!

Hold still!

That's it, it's ready.

Looks good.

Now, I need to catch up
with Brody.

Uh, do what he did.

Use your Element Star
to make a Ninja Kite.

Good thinking, Preston.

Go get him!

Element Star, ha!
Ninja Forest Attack!

Time to track that Hack.

Na, na, na! Can't catch me!

Hey, Sarah.
Let's finish him.

Watch this.


Oh no!

That doesn't feel good at all!

Stop it!

It's working!

I can't hack this
any more!


You two sure took care
of Hacktrack, again!

Oh! Don't celebrate yet!

Time is ticking away!

We better hurry.

Come on...

Okay, five.

One, two, three,
four, five.


If he catches you,

he'll use up valuable time!

He's right.

Slogre put the brakes
on us with his slow mist.

We have to avoid
that slow mist.

Where are those slowpokes?

They should be here by now!


Missed me!

Ninja Blaster, Whiplash!


Hyper Blast!


There's no way you're using
that slow mist on me!

You sure about that?

Ninja Element Star, lock in!

Ninja Fire Attack!

I've seen that before.
Double power!

It's too strong!

The slow mist!

(slowed voice)
He got us!

This is gonna be fun!



Ready to flip out?

Hey! Stop that!


Sorry, guys!

Ha ha!
Too slow!

You'll pay for this!

Now it's over!

Don't worry, guys.
I'll save you!


Hey, I was about
to destroy them!

Aha! You Rangers
lost that round!

Wait a second.
We didn't lose.

I was attacking.

This is my game
and I make the rules!

I say you lost!
And when you lose,

you get one of these--
a misfortune card.

It makes your next fight
much harder.

The next battle is a solo fight!

Tick-tock, Rangers.

There's no time to waste.

Four, not bad.

...two, three, four.


I'll take of Spinferno.

I'm afraid since Calvin
is the one who rolled the dice,

he'll be this round's
Grave Robber!


It's okay.
I got this.

Be careful, Cal.

Okay, I'm in some kind
of junkyard.

I don't see anything.

Look out!


You! Stop right there!

You flaming pile of garbage!

Hey, be nice!

I have a pretty gold ring
for you.

Nap time!

That's better.

Now, you'll spin
out of control.

Save the truck driver
or you lose!

There's a ring
for you too, Yellow!

Oh no! I gotta break
free of this ring!

Better work fast before
you and that truck driver

go over the cliff,
because then, you lose!


Hold on, Cal!

I'm doing my best!

Okay, Calvin,
you gotta get free,

otherwise this driver is toast!

Come on!


Got him!

Time to get out
of here, mister.

Ninja Forest Attack!

I'm right behind you.

Uh oh!
I missed the net, oh no!


(Cosmo laughing)
Oh, Calvin. Bad luck.

You saved the driver,
but not yourself.

That means...
a misfortune card!

Oh my!
Such bad news!

It's a gigantified round.

Prepare to go up against
a skull gator!


There will be another
evil surprise

once you're in there too.

Whatever it is,
we can handle it.

We have to trust
that we'll find a way.

Are you with me?


Here we go.

Now, where's the...

Skull gator!

All right, guys,
we've done this before.

Time to take him out.

Ninja Steel Megazord, combine!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

Let's destroy
this bag of bones.


No time to waste.

It's time for your
evil surprise, Rangers!

There's more to your
misfortune card.

This card allows me
to call one of your Zords

and turn it evil!

Sudden evil
Robo Rider Zord!

(crowd cheering)

Did he just say
Robo Rider?

That's Levi's Zord!

Maybe we could stop it
from being evil

if we had his Zord Star.

Not gonna happen.
Levi's not here.

(all grunting)

We can't destroy
the Robo Rider Zord!

Right now, it's either
that Zord or us.

(all grunting)

Robo Red, let's fend off
that Zord.

Take this.

Robo Red Zord, detach!

(all grunting)

We're gonna need a new Zord
to take Robo Red's place.

I know just the one!

Astro Zord Star, lock in!

Astro Ninja Steel Megazord,

Ninja Spin!

Nice shot!

Astro Ninja Steel Megazord,

Yes! Let's go.

We have to finish this!

Before we run out of time
and lose the game!

Cosmic Blast, final attack!

Whew, we finally took him out!

Ha ha!

Awesome, guys.


Stay alert, team!

We've still got an evil Zord
to deal with!

(all shouting)

(all shouting)

We're running out of time!
We've gotta stop Levi's Zord!

Don't worry,
we'll find a way.

Cal and I will help Brody.

Good luck!

Robo Red, watch out!

Whew, that was a close one...
Oh no!

Let's spice things up
with another skull gator!


That's not good.

We got your back, Brody!

If only we could contact Levi!



Having a spooky
time there, Levi?

I thought the others
were with you.

They were sitting
with me earlier,

but they went off to play
some old board game.

Didn't really interest me.

You didn't go with them?

Well, I don't really
like board games.

So, they did what
you like to do,

but then you wouldn't do
what they like to do

because you don't
like board games.

Is that right?

Well... sort of.

It sounds selfish
when you put it like that.

Oh... oh, sorry.

How else
would you put it?

Okay, okay.

I see what you're saying.

You're right.

I'll go see
what they're up to.

Have fun.


Oh, looks kinda dark.

Why's the door locked?

Come on, open up!

Guys, let me in!

Uh... guys?

Anyone here?

Whoa... what is all this stuff?


This is actually kind of cool.

Looks likes the Rangers
are going to lose the game

and be destroyed!



That was close!

The Rangers are caught
in this game?

They must have been tricked.



Oh, I've never been
happier to see you.

We got sucked
into the game.

And Cosmo has h*jacked
your Zord.

He's fighting against us!

Don't worry, guys.

I'm on it.
Bull Rider Zord Star, lock in!

You can't be here!
It's cheating!

Hold your horses.
I'm not cheating.

In fact, I'm not even
playing your game.

Activate Ninja Spin!

Oh no, he's right!
If he's not playing the game,

he doesn't have
to obey my rules.

Hurry up, skull gator.
Destroy them!

Oh no!

What the... Levi?

Don't worry, Brody.

The Robo Rider Zord
is back on our side.

Thanks, bro.

Great job!

All right, Levi!

Let's form a Megazord
and finish this!

Bull Rider Megazord, combine!
Ninja Spin!

Bull Rider Megazord, ready!

Ninja Master Mode, ready!

We're running out of time.
Let's make this quick.

All right,
now's our chance.

Ninja Master Blade, activate!

Bull Rider Megazord,
Rodeo Rapid Blast.

Final attack!


Show's over.
Ninjas win.

(all shouting)

You can't do that, Rangers!

The Gold Ranger
isn't playing the game.

Outside interference
is cheating!

And besides,
your time is almost up.

Is it?
Because I picked up

a little something
on the way in.

Oh! My hourglass!
Be careful with that!

It'd be a real shame
if something

happened to it, right?


That's a valuable
game piece!

It slipped.

Ninja Blast!

My game is over!


(all laughing and cheering)

Haha! Thanks, Levi!

(all sighing)

I've never been
so happy to stand up.

Thanks, Levi, you arrived
just in time.

Don't thank me.

I should have been
with you from the start.

And listen, I'm real sorry.
I spoiled your fun

by saying
this board game looked lame.

Hanging out with my friends
is what's fun,

no matter what we're doing.

I couldn't agree more.
But I do think

we should avoid
board games for a while.

(all laugh,
watch beeping)

Hey, guys, it's dark out.

Which means...


Now, that is something
we all love to do.



Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go!
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